Title : Only Rock and Roll! 1980-1984 Label : JCI, A Division of Essex Entertainment,Inc. by Warner Special Products Medium : CD TTime : 76:49 Notes : Just songwriting credits and label information Reviewer: R.T. Jackson Paid : $9 Rank : 2 out of 5 Track Listing -=-=-=-=-=-=- Title Artist -=-=- -=-=-=-=- Shake It Up The Cars Owner Of A Lonely Heart Yes Celebration Kool &The Gang Harden My Heart Quarterflash Bette Davis Eyes Kim Carnes Do You Really Want To Hurt Me Culture Club I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) Hall and Oates Gloria Laura Branigan Centerfold J. Geils Band Electric Avenue Eddy Grant Heartbreaker Pat Benatar Call Me Blondie I Can Dream About You Dan Hartman Funkytown Lipps, Inc. Take It On The Run REO Speedwagon The Glamorous Life Sheila E. Christopher Cross Ride Like The Wind Jump (For My Love) The Pointer Sisters Comments: This is one of the longest single record compilations I've ever bought. This particular CD is part of a set which spans four decades. The only word that comes to mind as I listen to it is "weak". We have good, decent songs like "Harden my Heart", and "I Can Dream About You" (one of my favorites) intertwined with pure crap like "Celebration", one of the songs that gives the Eighties a bad name, and the Hall and Oates. JCI apparently wanted to make an album covering all the bases (R & B, Pop, Dance, Rock, New Wave, et. al.); and ended up with seventy-five minutes of mediocrity.
Compilation Review Listings:
[Rock 80's]
[Time Life]
[Rolling Stone's]