Title : Pretty In Pink Label : A&M Records Medium : CD TTime : 39:27 Notes : Song &Artists listing with some movie stills on rear cover Reviewer: Charles R. Grosvenor Jr. Paid : $10 Rank : 3 out of 5. Track Listing -=-=-=-=-=-=- Title Artist(s) -=-=- -=-=-=-=- If You Leave Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Left Of Center Suzanne Vega Featuring Joe Jackson Get To Know Ya Jesse Johnson Do Wot You Do INXS Pretty In Pink The Psychedlic Furs Shell Shock New Order Round, Round Belouis Some Wouldn't It Be Good Danny Hutton Hitters Bring On The Dancing Horses Echo &The Bunnymen Please Please Please Let Me Get What.. The Smiths Comments: Ah yes, one of the quintesential 80's movies, the soundtrack has a lot of big names peforming a lot of lesser known songs. The two biggies of course being "If You Leave" and "Pretty In Pink." If you like any of the other artists on this disc, then you'll probably enjoy this soundtrack.
Compilation Review Listings:
[Rock 80's]
[Time Life]
[Rolling Stone's]