Here is a list of the 9 most succesful informercials, most of them aren't from
the eighties, but are presented here for interest purposes anyways. (Source:
Steve Dworman's Informercial Marketing Report).
- Jane Fonda: Fitness Trends for the Nineties (treadmill)
- Psychic Friends Network (1-900 line)
- Bruce Jenner: PowerWalk Plus (treadmill)
- Connie Selleca and John Tesh Growing in Love and Hidden Keys
- Jake Steinfeld: Body by Jake (hip and thigh exercise machine)
- Barbara De Angelis: Making Love Work
- Health Rider (fitness machine)
- Popeil Pasta Maker
- Anthony Robbins: Personal Power #4 (self-improvement)
Memorable Infomercials from the Eighties