Cereal of the Eighties, Cocoa Wheat
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Hot ceral that was brown and you mixed it with water or milk and added butter or honey.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Cocoa Wheat from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Shauna - September 25, 2008 - Report this comment
Cocoa Wheats are so rich and creamy and chocolaty. They are made useing water and sugar but if you substitute the water with chocolate milk, it becomes an even more delightful dish. I make it all the time and the aroma from cooking it fills my house with the scent of brownies bakeing. Love it today as much as I did growing up in the 80's. And now my son can experiense this wounderful treat too!
Montann - February 05, 2009 - Report this comment
I find Cocoa Wheat very hard to find so buy Cream of Wheat and add liquid chocolate, like Nestle's, and it is the same thing. With 5 kids I used to make it and dish it out in individual bowls w/spoons which took forever to eat. Now, we just mix sugar and milk w/it in the pan and pour in tall glasses and drink it - same taste, less mess.
jessica - April 18, 2010 - Report this comment
i miss cocoa wheat! can't find any where....it would be the PERFECT pre work out snack!!!

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