Cereal of the Eighties, Raisins Rice And Rye
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This cereal was actually from very early in the decade (80-81)...its commercial featured 3 men whom a friend jokingly described as "Snap, Crackle and Pop's Irish uncles" who spoke in rhyme w/a heavy brogue and prepared to board a ship, only to be distracted by the cereal, finally deciding to leave their ship behind as they enjoy it.
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Sarah - June 18, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember the theme song for Raisins, Rice and Rye: "People of raisin persuasion, Kellogg's Raisin's Rice and Rye is made for you!"
absoluteregi - June 19, 2008 - Report this comment
My grandmother bought Raisin Rice & Rye in the 80's. It was good stuff.
DirtFarmer - July 29, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember part of their verse: Guy 1: "This deserves investigation, this intriguing combination. This cereal called Raisins, Rice..." Guy 2: "and Rye!" I would love to see that commercial again.
Jimcat - September 08, 2008 - Report this comment
Holy @#$%, this has to have been the most obscure cereal ever, but trust the Internet to find some people who remember it! I remember the commercial with the ship. At the end they said, "And now 'tis time to bid our faithful ship bye, bye, bye... and get back to Raisins," Guy 2: "Rice," Guy 3: "And Rye!" I thought their accents were Scottish, not Irish, but my memory could be faded.
Chuck - September 09, 2008 - Report this comment
Def an obscurity...however, as a vintage TV afficionado, I managed to find this spot among my holdings. Showed it to some friends a coupla years ago, and it cracked them up...we now frequently exclaim "bye, bye, bye!" like they do in the ad, whenever leaving a place! LOL
hobomilk - September 20, 2008 - Report this comment
B'Gosh B'Gome B'Gorha, this could be our folly, a cereal called Raisins Rice & Rye.
Judd Nelson's Nostrils - September 26, 2008 - Report this comment
This couldnt sound any more disgusting unless it was named "Raisins, rice, rye, and oysters".
J! - January 25, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember these! They were surprisingly good, for a "healthy" cereal! LOL
Toucan Ham - February 16, 2009 - Report this comment
By gosh, by gum, by golly, this could be our folly a cereal called Raisins, Rice, and Rye. This deserves investigation this intriguing combination a cereal with Raisins, Rice, and Rye. On this occasion quite auspicious, I proclaim it quite delicious. And here we waive our good ship bye bye bye. "Bye bye bye!" And now back to Raisins, Rice, and Rye!
Paul - March 31, 2009 - Report this comment
This was absolutely my favorite cereal. I think it lasted only a year or so it seemed. I would buy a case of it if it ever came back. What I liked about it was that it wasn't too sweet. Does anyone know a cereal that tastes close to it?
Garth - May 13, 2009 - Report this comment
This was my co favorite cereal. I was very unhappy went it stopped.
Bob - May 18, 2009 - Report this comment
Cool! Others remember, too... I remembered it as, "By gosh, by gum, begorrah, let's poor a little more-a, that mysterious cereal called raisins," "Rice!" "And rye!" One of the guys was Colonel Crittendon from Hogan's Heroes, too.
Chuck - July 03, 2009 - Report this comment
So the mystery is solved...since Bernard "Col. Crittendon" Fox is Welsh, his 2 friends must have been, as well!
PA Mom - July 10, 2009 - Report this comment
Put me down for a case if they ever bring this one back. I miss it!
greatnorthwestguy@GMAIL.COM - July 26, 2009 - Report this comment
i want 2 cases
Alfred - October 29, 2009 - Report this comment
I too remember this commercial fondly. Found it on Youtube, just search for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HnUSJfL870
John - August 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I have been a "Cereal Killer" all my life, now 57. "Raisins, Rice, and Rye" still ocationally pops into my thoughts. I still miss my old friend. PS: I think the word "Rye" in the cereal name is what doomed the product. Rye just does sound very good.
Relston - November 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Absolutely the best cereal Kellogg's ever made. So good in fact I would eat at anytime, morning, noon or night. Here's hoping for a comeback. Hard to find a decent cereal these days. I want half a dozen cases.
marc - March 10, 2014 - Report this comment
Best cereal I can remember period. I too would like a half dozen cases. Why do marketing buffoons keep phasing out delicious products?
charlotte - March 30, 2016 - Report this comment
i just want to know why we have to remember it,,we NEED TO BE EATING IT!! but no,,,,where did it go?
david - May 14, 2017 - Report this comment
The best cereal I ever ate back then up to now.
Erna - October 15, 2017 - Report this comment
I remember this stuff. I was a little kid and hated it. Sorry. I stuck with good old raisin bran.
Paul - January 29, 2019 - Report this comment
I wrote a poem about this cereal back in 1980: As each spoonful that you savor Inundates you with its flavor, You will choke and gag and sigh As you eat Raisins Rice and Rye. You will suffer at your leisure As your heart rings with a seizure; Out in anguish you will cry While eating Raisins Rice and Rye. So let us hasten, let us tarry, Let us eat, drink and be merry, For tomorrow we will shrivel up and die -- "Bye bye bye!" -- From eating all that Raisins Rice and Rye. All in fun, of course. I loved the stuff. I even sent away to Battle Creek for the Raisins Rice and Rye frisbee. I still have it someplace!
dave - June 28, 2020 - Report this comment

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