Clothes of the Eighties, Slouch Sock
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Sex: Females
Type of clothing: Clothes
When it was popular: 1984 - 1989?
Description: All the girls wore slouch sock in a multitude of colors all at the same time! The socks were usually layered up your leg (of course over stretch pants) and the more socks you wore at the same time the better. The only trick... Getting your foot into your LA Gear High Tops... Complete with 3 or 4 sets of laces. :o)
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Erica - April 22, 2008 - Report this comment
OMG! The memories of grammar school with all of my friends and I with multiple colors of slouch socks on! We would wear up to 4 pair at a time, methodically stacking them to make sure each color is shown. If you were really cool you stacked them in different orders to showcase your real rebel sense of style!! lol I love it!

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