Clothes of the Eighties, Bi-Level Haircut
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Sex: Hair
Type of clothing: Both
When it was popular: 1983
Description: A hairstyle worn by both men and women, with neat, short fronts, cut above the ears (at first steeply angled by ears; later more horizontally cut above the ears), and an abrupt drop-off behind the ears from about 4 inches to two feet long or longer all of the way across the back. Back was also frequently permed in either sex--a part of the androgyny movement of the early 80s.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Bi-Level Haircut from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Terri - December 15, 2007 - Report this comment
This cut is also known as the "mullet"... However, I didn't even know the term "mullet" until about a decade ago. Back in the day, we always refered to that style as "Bi-level".
hippie dippie - February 03, 2009 - Report this comment
When I read the description the first thing I thougt of was MULLET! My son can't believe that he used to have a mullet and asks "how could you do that to me". DUH, you wanted it son!
The_80s_Rock - November 09, 2009 - Report this comment
A mullet is generally shaven close above the ear. In written description, the bi-level "sounds" like a mullet, but there is absolutely no shaving in this style. It is sizzor cut around (countouring) the ear...See Adam Sandler Wedding Singer for a classic example.
Jan Griffiths - February 13, 2010 - Report this comment
My ex had a bi-level of sorts; he had his hair cut short except for a 4 inch wide "tail" in the back. That tail was about two feet long.
Dean - June 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Where I lived in the early 80s, girls called these bi-levels and boys called them "short-on-top-long-in-back" (said very fast). This was the most popular hairstyle for men and women after the wings and layers went out in my Dallas suburb. It was kind of a way for men to transition into the shorter hairstyles that came back in in the 80s. The term mullet was being used for it in the UK by the mid-80s and caught on in the US in the 90s.
Stine - November 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Sorry guys.. but a mullet is a mullet. A bi-level was an asymmetrical cut. Mullets were short on top long in back. Bi-levels were short on ONE side and longer on the other.
Lisa Koffler - February 10, 2011 - Report this comment
Having the sides "chopped off" took a whole year to grow out!
Djay - September 18, 2011 - Report this comment
a Bi Level is short layered on top and long in the back. Refered to as Bi- Level or Parachute Cutin the 80'sw The Mullet is short on top and back cut strait across over the ears no sideburns. shaved retired hair stylist. Regionally they had different names.
Kat9 - June 17, 2016 - Report this comment
A BI-level came out in the SEVENIES when I was a hair stylist. Short to about the ear lobe and just about collar length. It was NOT layered!!!! Mostly what is being shown IS the mullet.
Alan - February 11, 2017 - Report this comment
A Bi-Level was basically a Dorothy Hamill Wedge Cut until the back of the ears, where it was what was left of the Bob or longer hair. It was for the girls who wanted to have the beauty of showing off their whole face and also show off their cute ears which may have been freshly double-pierced as that was just all becoming popular in about '76/'77. Bi-Levels were very popular until about '83 when they became more permed & layered and were typically cut around the ears instead of horizontally across at mid-ear. Bi-levels were not layered, just some beveling at the shorter front/sides. Mullets were gross and had short layers on top and really only looked appropriate on guys.
Marci Bates - January 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Bi-levels are MUCH SHORTER in the back than mullets. They were cool, acceptable and never made fun of, unlike mullets.

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