Clothes of the Eighties, Bondage Trousers
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Sex: Male/Female
Type of clothing: Plaid Pants With Zippers Sewn Out Of Order
When it was popular: 1985 To Today
Description: Plaid pants with zippers sewn out of order and sort of suspenders hanging down from the back. Worn by alot of 80's punk bands and still today by Rancid and The Casualties and alot of REAL punk bands.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Bondage Trousers from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Ashley Atrocity - November 07, 2007 - Report this comment
As far as I'm concerned, bondage pants NEVER went out of style. I'm 21 and I've been rocking these bad boys for 9 years and LOVE THEM!! All of my friends and my fiance wear them except not the plaid so much anymore. Now black is the color of choice and they're not so tight and I have a few pairs that are actually vinyl.
rae - February 19, 2008 - Report this comment
yeah a few of my friends wear them still
Gidget - March 07, 2008 - Report this comment
My friend has the shoe version of those.
Alex - June 17, 2008 - Report this comment
I love these pants, unfortunately they are incredible expensive
kika - October 10, 2008 - Report this comment
i wish i had those pants i would b the only 1 with them at my school !! thatd be so cool
Dean - July 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I didn't understand what these were when I first heard about them being worn in London in 1977. I was completely innocent of S&M wear and had no idea that's where they came from, and the punk ones Vivienne Westwood made at the time certainly didn't look sexy to me. Punk gear like bondage trousers was completely at odds with the natural, earth-tone styles popular for most of the 70s but it was the inspiration for most 80s styles. Even in the 80s, though, you didn't see bondage pants except on punks. I saw my first pair for real in the early 80s on a punk-ish friend and couldn't figure them out. Why the bum flap? Now I know why the bum flap because I've since learned about S&M styles, but back then, it just didn't make sense. And people said the hobbling bondage straps were some sort of statement again societal strictures, but really they were part of the bondage element of Bondage and Discipline S&M stuff and Westwood probably didn't care about society at all.
Jan Griffiths - April 03, 2012 - Report this comment
These can still be had at Hot Topic even today.
hozomeen - December 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Im horrified at the pretentiousness of the bondage pants of today, NO FUNCTION, and poorly made. First of all these pants were not something you bought YOU MADE THEM, old man plaid pants from your grandmas thrift-store you sewn to fit (no NOT BAGGIE) acquired the d rings and straps from mountain gear stores or your sisters duffle bags. I would see them at daljeets or NaNa's for sale and they were functional but not nearly as sturdy as DIY Bondage pants, and secondly yes as Dean mentioned they were fetish clothing functitional in BDSM, and that is why they were worn fuctional fetish fashion, along way from the large majority of hot topic cheese today.

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