Clothes of the Eighties, Bullet Belts
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Sex: Both
Type of clothing: Clothing
When it was popular: 82-86
Description: Originally, was a spent machine gun belt (the bullets clip together with metal pieces - so someone would gather the brass and the clips and reform the belt as it would be fed into a machine gun) worn around the waist, with the part where the bullets would be facing down. You could open same at any time by bending the belt against itself, causing the clip under the most stress to pop its shell casing out. Then they appeared with bullets attached, but the ammunition wasn't live. Eventually chrome versions of same were manufactured and sold. They were heavy, and pricey, but VERY much a part of early to mid 80s metal. Worn by Hellhammer, Celtic Front, and a host of others.
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The following are comments left about Bullet Belts from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

WAKE UP OR YOU WILL DIE!! - June 15, 2009 - Report this comment
Lets save our country, lets save the World!
Angie - August 30, 2015 - Report this comment
It makes me laugh to think of these belts back then. I loved the whole punk fashion movement. The really funny part is that my daughter is 17 and has one of these belts, wears the bandanas around her wrists and loves her Vans. She loves my old Airwalks and would die if she ever saw Vision Streetwear shoes and shirts.

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