Clothes of the Eighties, Gold's Gym Clothing
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Sex: Both
Type of clothing: Clothing
When it was popular: 198?
Description: Mainly sweatshirts w/ logo in any color (bright mango, aqua, even pink were popular) especially with the neck cut out. Seen esp. on jock/bodybuilder types with sweats pushed up to knees.
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MUDDYRUNNERGIRL - August 12, 2012 - Report this comment
A-HAHAHA... I don't recall this particular fashion fad, but recently when going thru my mother in law's attic, we came across an old box of my husband's clothes from the late 80s when he was in college. Among the items was a Gold's Gym sweatshirt from State College, PA (Penn State). It was mildly dry rotted and a men's size XL. My husband was going to trash it but his mother rescued it, saying it was still 'good'. Nothing is more sadly hobo looking than a 75 yr old woman in a rotted Golds Gym sweatshirt lol-

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