Clothes of the Eighties, Kaepas sneaker
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Sex: Female
Type of clothing: Shoes
When it was popular: 198?
Description: With snap-in color changing logos
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Kaepas sneaker from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Alicia - November 27, 2007 - Report this comment
LOVED these sneakers!!! Sure wish they would come back. Remember my first pair I was so happy!! They were white and the sides if I remember right had like 2 places to insert the plastic triangles. The triangle inserts came in many different colors. These we so comfy and cool!!!!
Jenna - October 22, 2008 - Report this comment
this is the brand of my cheerleading shoes! hahaha
val - November 25, 2008 - Report this comment
had the tan and pink one in the pic
Angela - January 17, 2009 - Report this comment
The *original* Kaepa sneakers had 2 sets of laces. I had them in white leather with a navy blue Kaepas symbol on the side. The changeable logo ones came much later, probably very late 80's.
DW - July 16, 2009 - Report this comment are correct. The original Kaepas were unisex and had 2 sets of laces on each shoe. Way cool!
kari - August 12, 2009 - Report this comment
does anyone know where to buy those old double laced sneakers?
Carla - October 14, 2009 - Report this comment
what year was the photo taken?
Peter - November 11, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember the original double-laced white leather Kaepas came in both Mens and Womens. Here is a link to another website desperately searching for Kaepa's.
jen - March 10, 2011 - Report this comment
im looking for a pair as well but no luck yet but still trying till i find one.
June - July 17, 2011 - Report this comment
I want them, too. I think it was just a Texas thing. I grew up in Del Rio and Kaepas were IT. We put different colored laces in them. I was looking for them because I'm writing about them in my memoirs, but here in California none of my friends remember them at all.
Dave - August 11, 2011 - Report this comment
Wow, I just found this page through a google search because my son made a comment about my Kaepas. I have them on. Best I can remember I bought them in about 82. They could now qualify for an ugly shoe contest. I have the originals on that were in the video here.
Paula - August 12, 2012 - Report this comment
I'm the -Pa in Kaepa. The Kae- is for my sister Kaela. Kaepas were made in mens' and womens' styles and early models were tennis shoes and jogging shoes. They were huge in Texas, but also caught on some in neighboring states as well as Japan. The two-lace, split vamp shoes were invented when my dad, Tom Adams, was playing tennis and his shoelace broke. Rather than tie the lace to itself, he laced the (happened-to-be) equal halves of the broken lace on the upper and lower parts of the foot. Feeling greater comfort, he took the risk of cutting the only sports shoes he had down the side to make the split vamp. Thus it all began. He left the company in 1986 and it pretty much ended its growth. Now cheer and vollyball shoes, only. Ever the inventor, dad has launched a new shoe company for expectant mothers called New Life Shoes. Has a website. Inventors and Entrepreneurs never quit! P.S. The original logo was the "swirl K." Then the new marketing company suggested the pop out triangles. I still like the original logo!
Paula - August 12, 2012 - Report this comment
By the way, I will really enjoy sharing your comments with my dad! He is something special, and will certainly be pleased to know people remember the old Kaepas.
Harvey - September 05, 2012 - Report this comment
There back! Just ordered a set today!
Carlos pena. - September 27, 2012 - Report this comment
Kaepas were one of the hottest shoes in the 80's. I grew up in Wharton tx. And in the 6tn grade my whole school was wearing them. Being the only unisex shoe at that time made them very special. I thank Tom Adams for making my 6th grade year one of the coolest years of school thanks to the kaepa shoe he invented. And yes I remember the swirl k who could forget that. If anybody knows were to order these or has some for sell please let me know.
Jhn - October 10, 2012 - Report this comment
They're back. Go to!
A Aguilar - January 11, 2013 - Report this comment
Any chance the 80's Men's hightops would be coming back? I know the die hard Kaepa fans would pay premium price for them. I'm first in line. I want my white with gray triangle inserts.
Nate H. - June 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Paula, I met your dad Tom Adams in San Antonio, Texas, when I was just 10 years old. He was a guest speaker at a "gifted" student summer camp that I attended. He was there to teach us about entrepreneurship. He told a story of how he did the same thing with shoes for either you or Kaela when one of your shoes blew the laces. Great story. He taught me to look for a need and then fulfill it. I still haven't gotten that part down yet.
Stan G. - July 14, 2013 - Report this comment
I had a set of Kaepa's back in 1985 or 86 that had a red "swirl K" logo and OU on the back for Oklahoma University. I can't remember what store I bought those from, but I have never seen anything like them nor any other school affiliated theme since. I would love to find another pair like them.
Dale C - April 22, 2014 - Report this comment
The original Kaepa Double lace shoes are available again. This website has them for $60 with free shipping. Other sites sell them for $79.99. I bought 2 pair and will never go without them again. kaepadoublelaces -dot- com
Jeff Sweeney - July 24, 2014 - Report this comment
Paula tell your Dad the SWIRL K is where it's at! In fact I would make it slightly bigger and a little more bolder. on sizes 10 and up. It's going to take off again. I promise It's a good shoe! I live in Montgomery, Al. they look for trends to follow watch and see.
kelly c - July 31, 2014 - Report this comment
Just found the kaepa prisms for sale on cheerleading site, they have the pop out color triangles. Love it
Cheri - May 29, 2015 - Report this comment
I can't believe I found original Kaepa's for sale! Ordering right now and can't wait to get them!!! :-) I bought my original pair when I lived in Norman, OK. I'm in NC now. Thanks to your Dad, Paula! It's been 30 years and I still haven't found a pair of shoes I liked as well as my Kaepas!
Cheri - June 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Got 'em! Love 'em! Don't want to take them off!!!
pacobro - December 09, 2015 - Report this comment
I got mines 2 weeks ago
Charlene - June 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Hi Paula, I was a podiatrist in Ohio when I volunteered for the USAF and was sent to Barksdale Airforce Base in Shreveport LA 1983 and that's where I came to see another shoe I loved and never had seen before. The story I would like to tell your Dad was of a young teenager with Friedrick's Ataxia who could only walk and very poorly if the could lean against a wall his foot would not fit into regular tennis shoes and I was able to make an insert and modify the outside of the Kaepa originals so that he was able for the first time be able to walk without walls or even a cane. I will never forget him or the smile we put on his face. Would like to get more information on your father's other shoes do you have information on the new Fit x2 company
Mike - November 11, 2016 - Report this comment
I was surprised to find these were still being manufactured. Super Cool! When I was in the Air Force, 1981-1984 stationed in San Antonio, Tx, I bought a new set of Double Laced White Kaepa's every 3/4 months either when I wore them out or I needed a fresh white pair. Not only were they great for playing ball, they were also the choice for dressing casual with blue jeans.
Renee - August 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey Paula! I am so glad that I found this - I was at Ed White and in your brother Mike's graduation class (we got transferred before we ended up at TR). For years, I have remembered going to school with someone who's dad "invented" shoes, and I thought it was Mike and Kaepas but so many years later I was wondering if I had just been told a story by someone, or that I might have misremembered or made it up! My daughter plays volleyball now and someone recommended Kaepas to her and the memory suddenly clicked, but I couldn't find anything online to confirm it until I ran across this page! Ha! I hope all of you and your family are doing well!!
Rick - August 10, 2021 - Report this comment
Grew up in SA and half of Judson wore these in the early 80s (Class of 82). Been trying to get a pair ever since I left in 84 for the USAF.
John - December 22, 2023 - Report this comment
Still have the original box, wish I still had the shoes. Says purchased at Bealls for $44.95, probably '82/'83. I still remember they were the best fitting shoes I ever had, so comfortable. Never realized it was mostly a Texas thing, interesting.
Brenda - April 10, 2024 - Report this comment
I had bought a pair in like 2013 and I was wanting to purchase another pair now I can't find where I purchased them at online. But they need to just bring them back they were and are the most comfortable shoe I've ever wore n I've gotten so many compliments on them when I wear them and people asking where they can buy a pair.. the manufacturer is missing out on so much money

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