Clothes of the Eighties, Donna
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Sex: Female
Type of clothing: Louis Vuitton or Gucci doctors bags (purses)
When it was popular: The 80's
Description: High school girls carried Louis Vuitton and Gucci purses shaped like doctors bags which usually contained a large can of Aqua Net hairspray to maintain the high 80's hair
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Donna from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Proud Aryan Woman - June 16, 2009 - Report this comment We must take our economy and land back from the Jew or the Jew will destroy us!
lovechild - August 09, 2009 - Report this comment
Donna? I am confused... we never said or had a Donna style or fashion trend where I grew up. There was no way you could get Vuitton OR Gucci in mid-town America. The trendy brands at the dept stores were Liz Claiborne, Chaus, BonJour, Gitano, Aigner, Ralph Lauren, etc... I don't feel the category "Donna" should be here. JMHO.

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