Clothes of the Eighties, UNITED COLORS OF BENNETON
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Type of clothing: COOL RUGBY SHIRTS
When it was popular: 1984-1987
Description: A lot like the coke rugby's only way more expensive
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about UNITED COLORS OF BENNETON from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Angie - January 07, 2009 - Report this comment
Actually I believe Benetton started the rugby craze and Coca-Cola copied it. Benetton owns a rugby team so it made sense for them. Not sure why everyone wore the Coca-Cola ones though; I thought they were kind of dumb. I had a green Benetton one; I saved up to buy it one summer. I remember wearing it when I first got it even though it was way too hot to wear in the summer. Thank goodness the Sizzler was air-conditioned. :)
sdianah - May 30, 2009 - Report this comment
I thought the United Colors of Benneton was so cool. Looking through their catalogs as a girl is where I developed a fondness for fairisle sweaters. The pictures with the multi-cultural themes were very chic and avant-garde. I could never afford any of the clothes, but do remember owning the perfume. It smelled more like cologne than perfume and came in a small green hexagonal glass bottle. The company came out with another scent called Tribu while I was in high school, but it really stunk!

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