Food of the Eighties, Astro-Pop
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4-inch, 3-colored, conical hard candy on a stick. Something like a small jousting lance. Sticky and will pull out your fillings if you bite down on it. May still be around today, I don't know.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Astro-Pop from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Cynthia - July 28, 2007 - Report this comment
They still make these, but now they are made upside down
Jo - October 27, 2007 - Report this comment
I was so excited when I realized I could still get astro pops. I was devastated to find they had started making them upside down. From what I have been told they did this due to safety concerns. Apparently the sharp point could hurt you if you weren't careful. DUHH. We all still survived though. Anyone hear about an astro pop related death?
Krissy Snow - March 14, 2008 - Report this comment
I love me some Astro Pops!!
Courtney - March 27, 2008 - Report this comment
This was my FAVORITE candy as a child, I got them only rarely due to the fact that they were only sold at the Toy-R-Us in the next town. I used to chew on the wax at the end of the pop.
kevin goetz - May 03, 2008 - Report this comment
They still make them, BUT they aren't the same old school red yellow green.
Michelle N. - May 19, 2008 - Report this comment
I am looking for stro pops for my 40th birthday party. where have you seen them? According to Spangler Candy some kid lacerated his throat with the tip so they sued the company and the company started making them upside down and unfortunately nobody wanted them anymore so they were d/c'd in 2006. If you can find them let me know and I will buy them from you. Thanks
James - June 04, 2008 - Report this comment
I poked the roof of my mouth a couple of times but hey I'm still here. Make 'em the right way!
Kirsten - June 08, 2008 - Report this comment
they have a place in Canada called sugar can get alot of retro candy there! the first time i saw the astro pops upside down i nearly cried! i figured there was some dumb kid that ruined it for the rest of us! :(
pnutbutterprincess82 - July 08, 2008 - Report this comment
these were good, but extremely hard, they used to cut my gums but if you let them melt in your back pack they were just fine, lol they could of been frozen and then put out who knows
mari - October 28, 2008 - Report this comment
My sister and I were cruising main in our white Chevette and we got rear-ended. The impact made me shove the Astro-Pop I was eating back in my mouth, scraping the roof of my mouth and my throat. I guess my parents never considered suing the candy company, though. Darn, I could be rich now!!
val - November 25, 2008 - Report this comment
they are hard to get but they now make them upside down so no accidents.
laura - January 06, 2009 - Report this comment
They were Discontinued by the maker of the candy The Spangler Candy Company in 2006...You can find the info on their web page! :(
Jeramie - February 11, 2009 - Report this comment
My brother and I loved to fight with astro pops. They were little sticky swords that you could lick until they were real sharp. Those fights almost always ended in tears. I sure do miss that candy.
val - April 29, 2009 - Report this comment
discontinued???? NO!!!!!!
Chris - May 08, 2009 - Report this comment
It's really true. Spangler stopped making them in 2004. My friends and I would walk up to the corner store and buy Astro pops all of the time. We loved them! I was online looking for a place to buy some because I haven't even seen them since I was kid. Then I found out they stopped making them. I am pretty sad now.
Rick - June 01, 2009 - Report this comment
I loved astro pops. I was in a shop in Ohio a few years ago and saw some for sale so I bought them(the upside down kind :( ). I still have three. I think I have the last 3 Astro pops. I cant find them anywhere else
Jeff - September 14, 2009 - Report this comment
I have been looking for Astro Pops for a couple of years as I've visited a number of different candy stores. I only today decided to take the time to confirm my fears - DISCONTINUED. With the proliferation of the Web and social media i think I may start a bring back the Astro Pop crusade (but only if they build them right side up). Cmon a sharp pointy candy is about as dangerous as lawn darts ;-).
HG - March 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Everyone that comes in here to read this should also take the time to click on this link & then click on feedback & leave the Spangler company a message saying you want AstroPops back...Pass it to every1 you know while your at only takes a minute & maybe with enough emails they will bring it back.
Ellia - March 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I have a question for Astro Pop fans: Let's say the pop was re-introduced. What flavors would you like to see? What sizes? What would you pay for them at retail? Give me all the input you can.
Ricki - April 05, 2010 - Report this comment
For Ellia ~ The original green, red and yellow... so, so good!
Michelle - May 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Please, please bring them back in time for my wedding!! I want them in my candy bar!!!!
Michelle - May 11, 2010 - Report this comment
And again for Ellia, I agree with Ricki, the original!! Tastes so yummy!!
PirplePashn - May 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Jo expressed my feelings oh so well...
Janiko - July 26, 2010 - Report this comment
They are bringing them back in the fall of 2010 but upside down. But they are coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda - August 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Never run with one of these in your mouth!
Adria S - August 27, 2010 - Report this comment
The original multi-flavor, hard candy lollipop in the shape of a space rocket is being relaunched! Available for shipment in summer of 2011.
SZA - August 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Yes, but it will be upside-down, to prevent today's stupid kids from stabbing themselves in the mouth.
EART - October 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Amanda you said that they are coming back! Do you know who will be bringing them back and where I can order them from?
Astrogirl - October 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Astro PopĀ®, LLC announced the acquisition of the worldwide rights for Astro PopsĀ®, one of the most popular candy suckers of all time, from Spangler Candy of Bryan, Ohio at the 2010 Sweet and Snacks Expo here today. I called the company and they hoped to have them available by December. Spangler threw out all the equipment and they are having trouble recreating the wrappers. Seems an odd problem....but they are on their way
david klein - December 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Astro Pop.....YES YES YES my son Bert remembers them from Tomorrowland at Disneyland
EG - November 27, 2011 - Report this comment
Candy candes can be sucked into sharp little daggers too. I have hurt my mouth and tongue more on candy canes that I ever did from an astro pop.
6tring - May 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Graveyards are full of kids that stabbed themselves with Astropop!
Beau - May 31, 2012 - Report this comment
LOL! I remember those dangerous candies! The ends were RAZOR SHARP! It's kind of strange to know that I grew up right before the entire Western world became "sanitized for our protection".
Amber - September 17, 2012 - Report this comment
Anyone who is looking for these still, you can buy them at Dylan's Candy Bar in NYC...You can order online!
Annie - January 04, 2014 - Report this comment
If you happen to live in Calgary, you can always drive to Banff, which is approximately an hour away, and they sell Astropops in all the candy stores available at Banff. Much cheaper.
Charlie - January 05, 2014 - Report this comment
Darn, I don't happen to live in Calgary :(
Craig - May 05, 2014 - Report this comment
The originals were awesome! My incident was I bit down so hard on it and I couldn't open my mouth until 2 teeth came out (1 upper and one lower back). Hopefully they were just loose baby teeth. LOL
tony m - October 02, 2014 - Report this comment
I bought 2 of these at the bulk barn in Burlington, Ontario less than a year ago. They were the original colours and flavours and they were pointy on the correct end (not upside down). I hadn't had one in 25 years, tasted as I remembers and sharper than hell. They were like $2.49/each...I last remembered them being like 20 cents.
States - April 11, 2019 - Report this comment
Just bought some at Hollywood Candy in Omaha, NE! They are the right shape and colors as the original. Flavor is spot on! 2.99 each
Wolf - November 24, 2021 - Report this comment
LOL These pops were dangerous. You could really mold the tip into a long sharp point. I wonder if any kids ever got hurt with them. I'm guessing yes. haha

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