Food of the Eighties, Butonis Toaster Pizzas
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This was a round crust shell with pizza sauce and a little cheese inside. It may have actually been a product of the early seventies .
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The following are comments left about Butonis Toaster Pizzas from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

DonnaMarie - November 09, 2009 - Report this comment
This was my favorite thing as a teen. It was a pocket, round flour crust with pizza filling YUMMY ! All you did was pop it in the toaster and when it popped up, it was done. I remember the inside being cold sometimes so I would have to throw it back in the toaster.. Sooo Good !
chrissy - February 10, 2010 - Report this comment
i loved those!!!!! they were the best...Butoni bring them back!!
Charlie - February 22, 2010 - Report this comment
I too would poke my finger in the middle of them and re-toast them, and, most important, let them sit for a while before eating them or you'd burn the roof of your mouth! Buitoni Toaster Pizzas were the best!
Jack - April 11, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember these from the early 70's. They were GREAT! After my toaster finished with them I put them in the microwave so the center would get hot. I'd then let them "sit" awhile so I wouldn't burn the roof of my mouth (too badly). I forgot about them until the early 90's but by then Buitoni had discontinued them. I would love to see them available again but according to Buitoni they won't be. Darn shame, in my opinion.
joyce - June 25, 2010 - Report this comment
i loved them with a pizza-passion! from time to time I think about them again and wish they would magically re-appear in my store. after looking on-line (this is the first time that occured to me) I found there is a whole sub-culture of toaster pizza fans out there. Enough, you would think, for Buitoni to bring them back. I have experimented over the years with trying to replicate them, using fresh dough (no good- too much like a calzone) or Pita pocket bread (not bad, but not quite) Buitoni- BRING THEM BACK!!!
SCANDOG - October 24, 2010 - Report this comment
MAN, I LOVED THOSE TOASTER PIZZAS! THAT WAS ME AND MY DADS FAVORITE............BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
az - February 05, 2011 - Report this comment
i know butoni made them,but didn't jeno's make one called pop up pizza's
JENNY - February 07, 2011 - Report this comment
Margaret - April 28, 2011 - Report this comment
OMG They were the best, can't believe they took them off the market. Buitoni pleassssse bring them back, they were easy and quick and delicious. WHY DID YOU EVER TAKE THEM OFF THE MARKET ????
Jerry - May 15, 2011 - Report this comment
Loved those pizzas, lived on them. I look for them everytime I'm in a new grocery store. They should definately bring them back. I remember taking off one end with a fork then squeezing out the cheesy goodness through the hole and eating it then eating the shell. mmmmmm, so good.
Jerry - May 15, 2011 - Report this comment
Just found this on Facebook..go there and 'like' it!!!!/pages/Please-bring-back-Buitonis-Instant-Pizza/104408919646128
Linda - June 17, 2011 - Report this comment
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, and even thou I had some of the best pizza parlors in my neighborhood, the pop up pizzas were awesome to me. They are part of my childhood and I am very nostalgic for them. We should start a campaign to write to Buitoni to bring them back. Bring them back with the same recipe. Sometimes companies bring a product back and it taste nothing like the original. I don't eat hot pockets or anything like that. It was a unique product and was a treat for us when my siblings and I were kids. Bring them back!!!!!
isy - October 03, 2011 - Report this comment
omg! yes, I remember those, they were awesome!
bobby - October 15, 2011 - Report this comment
i live on them for years i am tinking on bring them back open my own bussiness and make them
Jack - October 29, 2011 - Report this comment
YES! Please bring them back! I loved them!
thomas - January 05, 2012 - Report this comment
they were the best i believe the box was red and white so wish they would bring them back would eat them at night before bed as a child
buddy - January 06, 2012 - Report this comment
I used to eat them by the box full and i miss them everyday,
Warren - February 26, 2012 - Report this comment
One of my all time favorites. Used to eat 3-4 boxes at a time. Please bring them back!!
sophia - September 28, 2012 - Report this comment
I used to eat them when I visited my Aunt Josie's house. They were delicious and yes, you usually had to put them back in the toaster, as the cheese wouldn't fully heat the first time. And I don't remember microwaves being popular at that time, so we couldn't use them to eat these. I wish they did come back, me watching the portions I eat, one of those were satifying enough not to indulge in too many pizza slices!
nicole - November 18, 2012 - Report this comment
I wrote Buitoni an email about bringing the toaster pizzas back. I think everyone should write them an email and maybe the will bring them back!
yankees - March 29, 2013 - Report this comment
love thm pizzas love,love,love
Reggie Jackson Fan - March 31, 2013 - Report this comment
Yes, yankees, I loved them, too. Yes, I think the "Discription Person" at the very top of this page and Jack from April 11, 2010 are correct! I, too, believe these treats were around in the early 1970's. A very big deal since not many folks had mircowaves. Therefore, Toaster Pizzas were the pre-curser to the "modern day" mircrowave foods that have hot stuff inside! And there person who just posted two days ago under "yankees" should check out the Reggie Candy Bar" page. And, like, nicole, I too, will write Buitoni. Sophia also brings up a good that you had to often had to reheat them in the toaster. But you know what ... they were so good, that only made the experience of eating them more fun!
DAN - December 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Charlie - December 30, 2013 - Report this comment
Definitely more of a 70's food
Debbie - May 28, 2014 - Report this comment
I loved these too!! So unique...some salt...heaven!! Ate them all through the 1970's and 1980's. I have looked for them for years (now living in the south) and have asked supermarket managers to order them, now I know why they couldn't find them!I didn't know they stopped making them! I wish they would bring them back also.
Kathy - October 01, 2014 - Report this comment
I loved these. Ate them after school while watching dark Shadows.
Tammy - November 13, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember this pizza I hope that they can bring it back because the pizza sauce is one of it kind and it taste so much better then any pizza out there so please your pizza is the best m I hope u bring it back thank you
Donna - June 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Toaster pizza was the absolute best!!!! PLEASE BRING THEM BACK!!!
DON - July 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Loved those pizzas and I can't believe that But on wouldn't consider bringing them back. This world loves these types of products and we love this ONE . PLEASE bring them back, try it out to see how they sell. GOLDMINE FOR SURE. Next to Spaceexv Food Sticksx y his is what I remember from that era.
DONNA - July 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Cris - August 07, 2015 - Report this comment
I thought I was alone! These were my "after school snack" growing up. They were delish. I wish they were still available.
Joe doesit - September 12, 2015 - Report this comment
I remember these well, they had a unique taste & style,they'd sell today !
Kimberly - September 13, 2015 - Report this comment
I LOVED them! I wish they still made them. I'd buy a bunch of boxes!
Anthony - October 23, 2015 - Report this comment
My mother worked at ShopRite in NY. She would bring them home and I would ATTACK them! My cousins and I had the cooking down to perfection. Toaster...pop... poke a hole in the center and toaster again. I would split them in half at the seam and have two treats. Lava hot on the edges and slightly frozen in the center... PERFECTION. I want them back too!
Richard - January 04, 2016 - Report this comment
I absolutely love this toaster pizza I remember my mother used to buy it like six boxes at a time and between me my brothers that my sister they would be gone in a day they were the best ever I'm 51 now and I still remember how good they taste and if I could find a way to get them I would buy them by the case again they are the best and I want them back!!!!!!
Alan - January 05, 2016 - Report this comment
This was one of my favorite snacks when I got home from school from around 1967-1970. I wish they would bring it back. Like others said, the middle was often longer to heat up and the rest could get so hot one could burn their tongue. However, that didn't stop me.
Kim Balsamo - April 04, 2016 - Report this comment
I wanted my kids to grow up on such a great pizza!! Why can't you bring them back??
Crystal - September 22, 2016 - Report this comment
I miss them sooo much! My mother would buy boxes of them and I swear me and my brothers would eat them all in like two days my mother used to get so pissed! I wish they would bring them back they were the best no other frozen pizza ever tasted that good again!
Janine - November 03, 2016 - Report this comment
This was my all time favorite. I couldn't wait to come home from school to pop an Instant Pizza into the toaster. It was the perfect snack food and you didn't need Mom's help. It was simple and delicious - There were always 2 boxes in our freezer. Hot Pockets don't come close to a Buitoni's Instant Pizza. Please bring them back. Please bring them back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob Jr. - January 29, 2017 - Report this comment
OMG, These were great! I could eat a whole box in one sitting. Please bring them back ....
Debbie - April 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Nothing has ever come close to the deliciousness of those treats. Please bring them back!!!
Madge Wieland - May 07, 2017 - Report this comment
They actually were not bad and what they had was the fact that they heated-up in the toaster in about 2 minutes ! They were a good fast snack or easy lunch. I enjoyed them as a child in the 1960's, long before microwaves !
Joey - November 01, 2017 - Report this comment
These were awesome! I especially remember eating these as a snack on weekends while watching things on TV like ABC's Wide World of Sports and NBC's Saturday Baseball Game of the Week. I was always too impatient as a kid to heat these up properly in the toaster on low or "Light", so I'd invariably crank it up to "Dark" (or maybe it was "Darkest")and end up burning them around the edges while they still be partially frozen in the center. I can count the number of times I burned the roof of my mouth and my tongue on these things. I loved them!
Tom - February 11, 2018 - Report this comment
I miss them they were the best I wish they would bring them back
Cheryl - August 20, 2019 - Report this comment
Please bring them back. That pizza was amazing.
Ray B - October 11, 2019 - Report this comment
These little round Pizzas were made by Buitoni and the closest taste I found to them was a pizza puff. I just crave Toasterions.
Lisa - March 29, 2020 - Report this comment
Omg!! My best friend and I LOVED these and pretty much ate them EVERYDAY! Great after school snack, always burned our tongues and the roofs of our mouths because we just couldn’t wait long enough for them to cool off! I always thought they were by Thomas’ (the english muffin company.). In fact, both my mom who used to buy them and my best friend both say they were made by Thomas’ Maybe they were made by many manufacturers. But please bring those back! Just another reason I wish more than anything to go back to those good old days. We had it so good then!!
John C - April 13, 2020 - Report this comment
used to eat them every Friday for lunch. Im sorry there are many generations that won't experience how good those toaster piazza were. its a shame the company won't bring them back. Shame on Buitoni !!
Jack - March 13, 2021 - Report this comment
WOW! I cannot believe it has been almost eleven years since I posted here (April 11, 2010). It also has been almost a year since the last post here by John C. It is really sad Buitoni will not bring them back but I guess they believe it will not sell good enough for them to make money on them.
Roseann - June 27, 2021 - Report this comment
best damn snack food ever I've been waiting for them to come back for 30 years please I would love to have them again
Charlie - March 19, 2022 - Report this comment
Sophia, did you ever eat anything else at Aunt Josie's house? Like maybe Aunt Josie???
Jack - May 22, 2022 - Report this comment
I can't believe it's been a little more than 12 years since I posted here. Every once in a while I look here to see what is happening and hoping to find some good news regarding Butonis Toaster Pizza.
Jack - June 14, 2022 - Report this comment
What I meant to say in my previous post is it's been more that 12 years since I FIRST posted here.
Teresa - January 15, 2023 - Report this comment
Butoni, Do you see all these comments? I am with all these people! please bring them back!!!!!
Kim - January 30, 2023 - Report this comment
Please bring these back...These were a great snack!
Jim - October 23, 2023 - Report this comment
There is a reason why these were discontinued. They were GROSS! They came out of the toaster still frozen on the inside and the crust burnt. Very little cheese. Mostly pizza sauce. People who say they liked these are just nostalgic for them.
Jack - January 23, 2024 - Report this comment
Jim, your comment from Octover 23, 2023, in my opinion, is ridiculous. I'm one of the people who said I like them. You don't know me and I venture to say you don't know most if any of the other people here who say they like them. You don't speak for me and you don't make assumptions about what I do like and what I don't like.
Mr. Greg & The Cookies - January 25, 2024 - Report this comment
Jim, you do not know me, either, sir! And Jack is correct; your comment from October 23, 2023 is way off base. You do not speak for me either and you should never make assumptions about what my friends and I enjoy in our months. I am like Kim; Please bring these back.
donna - March 23, 2025 - Report this comment
anyone know where to find the original recipe? these were my favorites!

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