Food of the Eighties, Dutch Mill Donuts
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These were very good donuts that came in a blue box with a picture of a windmill on them. Much better than Entenmann's, Hostess, or other boxed donuts. Haven't seen them since the early '90s. Loved the Glazed and Chocolate Glazed the most.
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The following are comments left about Dutch Mill Donuts from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

mjb42758 - July 18, 2007 - Report this comment
I used to love these donuts, esp. the plain ones. They were all-natural, unlike Entenmann's (whose ingredients require a PhD in chemsitry to understand). The only drawback was that they went stale quickly, so you had to eat them within a couple of days. Or maybe that was the advantage... :-)
Eileen - February 27, 2008 - Report this comment
I have been trying to find these donuts, they are a favorite of my entire family! I can't seem to find any information on the company, not sure if they went out of business.
Susan - April 08, 2008 - Report this comment
I think they went out of business around the end of the century. Bought out by Hostess, and then discontinued. I agree that they were wonderful cake donuts, I've never found any others that even approached them in deliciousness.
John Campbell - February 10, 2009 - Report this comment
Ed McDermott was one of the managers at Dutch Mill. He invented the "doughnut balls" with spinkles. He gave our school group a personal tour during a field trip. We then piged out on donut balls. AWESOME!! As far as the actual donuts are concerned, Dutch Mill made Entenmann's tast like dirt! And mjb42758 is correct! Their plain ones were top notch. And, "yes," you had to eat them fast since they used little to no artificial ingredients. To paraphrase Paul Simon: "Where have you gone Dutch Mill, our nation turns it's hungry hearts to you!" -Johnny C.
William Faucher - February 10, 2009 - Report this comment
Right on, Johnny C., In Houston we had Christy's, Krispy and Shipley's (say that three times fast)donuts along with Simply Splendid and they were essentially low grade horse feed compared to good 'ol Dutch Mill! I used to down 'em with a cold glass of Pantry Pride organe soda. -Bill Faucher (USTA Director)
jlm8319 - March 08, 2009 - Report this comment
OMG! Ed McDermott allowed me to take my class on a field trip to Dutch Mill! I no longer teach, but that was great. All the kids got doughnuts after the mini tour and we ate the on the way home. I was wondering why I haven't seem them around any more. Too bad, they were the best doughnuts and cakes. We miss you Dutch Mill and thanks again Mr. McDermott. jlm
Gary Shaffer - March 31, 2009 - Report this comment
They were sublime. Yes, the chocolate covered were great, and they made a whole wheat donut that was delicious - made you feel like you were eating a health food, so you could have an extra one.
Elena Olivares - April 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts was purchased in the early 90's by Tasty. They were my absolute favorite!
Adam Covington - April 13, 2009 - Report this comment
"Sublime" is 100% correct! And I think they were everyones favorite. As a kid back in the '80s I had it especially good. My Aunt worked at Dutch Mill and she would get to bring a box home once in a while! She always shared them with my sister and me. Great memories. It's funny the things you remember. This terrific woman has since passed on, but I'll never forget those good times. By the way, she did mention Ed McDermott often and called him the best mamager she'd ever known. Great people and great donuts! That was Dutch Mill.
PvR1960 - April 20, 2009 - Report this comment
Didn't know there was a "Dutch Mill Donut" fan club. But I'm not surprised at the intelligence of the folks on this page! Coffee and donut people are true conversationalists! Great page everyone! From what I came accross Dutch Mill was indeed sold to Tasty Cake; or someone of that nature. Don't know why. I beieve they grossed over $7 million their last year of operation and had an excellent management team. Not just Mr. McDermott, but the entire staff. Great management AND a hard work force! The owner was also a friendly sort, too. My dad was on the Chamber of Commerce and told me how nice a fellow he was, albeit a tad excentric. But here's my question ... WHY DID THEY SELL THIS COMPANY?! Indeed the best prepacked donut of all time! Susan's comment from April 8th 2008 is right on the money: "I've never found any others that even approach them in deliciousness." Where HAVE you gone Dutch Mill Donuts?! By the way, who is this clown from one of the previous entries that liked Pantry Pride orange soda?! That stuff was rat (fill in the blank). But I do remember Pantry Pride. I think they went the way of Two Guys (The department store). Anyone remember them? There was one in Wayne, New Jersey near the old Ice World Hockey Rink. They had that "Skeet ball game" or what every they called it. Like the ones "down the shore." Darn, am I getting old. But GREAT page everyone!!! Big Paulie
Andrew87450 - April 27, 2009 - Report this comment
WOW! Great site, indeed! mjb42758 from July 18th 2007 is right on the money, The Plain Dutch Mill Donuts were the absoulute best! Why remake the wheel when this donut beat everything else out there!? So sorry to see that this great bakery is no longer around. Very sad indeed. Just like Eileen from February 27, 2008, I've been looking for them, as well with obviously no success. They are/were the favorite of my family too, Eileen. As 'ol Bill Clinton would say, "I feel your pain." And what's this deal with Two Guys department store?! Haven't heard of them for a while either. I checked Wiki and didn't know there were actually over 100 Two Guys Department stores at one time. And does anyone know that Ice World in Totawa New Jersey is where Lou Duva got his start in promoting fights? AND PANRY PRIDE?! Haven't heard of them since circa 1975! GREAT SIGE EVERYONE!!! You really brought back some great memories! Consider me a regualar of this site from this point on. Andrew H.
karen "Sabo" - May 06, 2009 - Report this comment
i don't get it. are you guys like a chat room? i just wanted to find out what happened to my favorite donut.
Andrew87450 - May 11, 2009 - Report this comment
Don't ask me, Karen. I am just as new as you on this site. But I'm a Dutch Mill Donut fan and miss them very much. I guess we're all a little odd, but cool when it comes to this page. In fact, I even remember that "skeet-ball" game that "PmR Guy" talks about!
karen "Sabo" - May 13, 2009 - Report this comment
i get it. And the game is called skee-ball. there are over 70,000 of them on the jersey shore. p.s. miss you dutch mill (mydm)
Andrew87450 - May 14, 2009 - Report this comment
Thank you, Karen. And a "mydm" to you.
karen "Sabo" - May 15, 2009 - Report this comment
you're welcome, andrew. and right back at you with the (mydm)
PvR1960 - May 18, 2009 - Report this comment
Jeez you two, get a room. Or better yet just get married. You can tie the knot at the old Dutch Mill Donut Factory and have their old manager, Ed McDermott, perform the cerimony.
karen "Sabo" - May 21, 2009 - Report this comment
interesting! but before such a commitment two people should first meet. you know where "Bourbon BBQ" is on Goofle, andrew? just for kicks you want to meet me there saturday at noon? (mydm)
Andrew87450 - May 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm there
Doughboy1917 - June 05, 2009 - Report this comment
Today ... June 5th is "National Doughnut Day. No joke. It's always the first Friday of June. The day honors the Salvation Army "Lassies" from Would War I. Theses brave ladies went to the front lines where they served doughnuts to our fighting boys. They cooked these treats using the metal helmets as pots. How cool is that? This day brings back some great memories of Dutch Mill Donuts. They were absolutely the best store doughnuts ever! I wish they were still here so I could celebrate this day with a big 'ol box.
Archambeault Eagle - July 04, 2009 - Report this comment
4th of July and it's our annual baby back rib, clam bake and "keger" and guess what? My wife called me to the phone where my brother Mark informed me he couldn't find our favorite Dutch Mill Donuts anywhere. Guess he should have tried Pantry Pride. Brother Mark was in Oregon for the last ten years and it was always his job to bring these edible wonders to our fest. Upon viewing this sight I see they are no more. What a shame! Next thing they'll no longer have The Twilight Zone marathon on during The 4th of July weedend. Times, they are ah changing ... and not for the better. And I agree with that mjb42758 guy when it comes to the plains. They were my favorite, too. And all you other Dutch Mill nuts out there ... great comments! Looks as if we've even got some skee-ball fans and love birds on this sight. What's with Karen "Sabo" and Andrew87450? I will be back but first there's a keg of beer that needs drinking! I've got to drowned my sorrows ...
Nick - August 05, 2009 - Report this comment
I was just day dreaming about Dutch Mill Whole Wheat Donuts and wanted to find out where I could get some since I was planing a trip to the Jersey Shore. How sorry I am to find they no longer make them...Nothing else even comes close....The apple cider ones in Lancaster County are way to greasy, Dutch Mill's were light and still full of flavor....does anyone know if any other good companies in PA or NJ for great cake donuts (not the airy nothing kind)? Thanks!
carolyn - August 17, 2009 - Report this comment
I tried to track these down a few years ago and found out that the company was bought out by tastycake. I called tastycake and they said they have no plans to make the dutch mill donuts, sigh.....
Doughboy1917 - August 19, 2009 - Report this comment
Welcome to the site, Nick! There is a great doughnut place down the Jersey Shore. It's a little place north of Seaside Hieghts (about 15 minutes north) and they make them fresh. I forgot the name, but will be down there the last week of August and will find out. Carolyn has a great idea, too. We should all write, call or contact Tastycake by any means possible and let them know just how many people miss the old Dutchmill style cake doughnuts! How the heck is it nobody, and I mean NOBODY, comes close anymore?! Anyone else out there have any places for Nick that might come close to our old favorites?
One Adam 12 (Like my new handle?) - August 22, 2009 - Report this comment
Hey everyone! "Subline!" Just got back from the Jersey Shore and think I've got not "the," but "an" answer for (Nick from August 05, 2009!) I believe "Doughboy" is talking about the donut place on 35N in Lavallette. DARN, I forgot their name, but it's easy to find as it's in the heart of Lavallette. My sister called them "The Big Donut Logo Guys." I don't know if they beat "Dutch Mill," but they make theirs fresh. Get there early as they do run out. Ahh, who am I kidding ... no one beat Dutch Mill, but these guys (Darn I forgot their name) are VERY good! Also try Obco's Donuts Shop accross the bridge in Toms River. Had them once. Very good, but get there early, too. Peace out, One Adam 12
PvR1960 - August 23, 2009 - Report this comment
"Donuts Plus" is the name of this fine donut shop in Lavallette. At least that was their name for the last 25 years according to the owner. Before that, or at some time during the '70s, they were called Hank's Donuts. And Carolyn from August 17, 2009 had a great idea. Calling "Tastyfake" and asking them to make real donuts in the tradition of Dutch Mill is a terrific concept!
CapMayCap - August 26, 2009 - Report this comment
What about Cape May? Try {Donut Connection} on 10 Court House South Dennis. And Carolyn is on point! To bring back the best store bought donuts of all time call Taskycake! And where are those "love birds" from May of 2009? Darn great web page everyone!
Michael M. - August 31, 2009 - Report this comment
W.K. Sebastian - September 16, 2009 - Report this comment
The truly sad part is these remarkable treats represented more than just a box of doughnuts. Dutch Mill was one of the little things that made life just a little more worth living.
Jay M. Adams - September 24, 2009 - Report this comment
I've been thinking about and looking for these donuts for years. Back in the 80's I worked part time at Waldbaum's to put myself through college. I think I basically survived on these donuts! They were the best. It's pretty sad how the best items are the first to go when company's put profits ahead of quality. Every time I walk into an A&P or Waldbaums(hardly any left anymore) I take a look around for them. But alas - the previous contributors were correct; Tastykake purchased the company. I found a footnote in one of Tastykake's annual reports which indicated that the company discontinued the product in 2001. I think they made a huge error with this quality product. Who know's - some day maybe we'll see thier return!
e tyson - September 25, 2009 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill donuts.. I would go miles just to find the whole wheat and the chocolate. Please bring these out-of-this world donuts back.
Poe - September 29, 2009 - Report this comment
I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!! I was on that field trip to the Dutch Mill company! In regards to the (jlm8319) E-mail on this page dated March 08, 2009, may I give your name? I was one of your students! (I don't want to expose anyone's name without concent) but I WAS A STUDENT. I even remember the nice manager named Ed McDermott! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY TOOK OUR DONUTS OFF THE MARKET! What a bitter shame. They were the number one item in our house after that field trip. What a great memory and what a fantastic donut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K - October 06, 2009 - Report this comment
how can we get them to begin making these donuts again?!
Tommy P. - November 01, 2009 - Report this comment
This is the single most cool/bizare/surreal experience I've had since 1983. Dutchmill is no more, and I just found that out, but that's OK. I still thought these donuts were around and checked "the web." Last night was "trick-or-treat" and I was motavated to check up on Dutchmill becasue when I was a kid I got AN ENTIRE BOX of cinnamon donuts from a 425 pound dude by my house in Wayne because he swore off sweets. It was AWESOME!!! Unfortunately he got hit by a bus and killed once he got down to 218 pounds. Boy do I miss those donuts.
Winona Chaske - November 22, 2009 - Report this comment
It was that day in Dallas. November 22nd 1963 when our beloved President Kennedy was gunned down by a deranged individual. I was just a child, but my mother cried that day. Forty six years ago today. Yes, that's right. I believe it was one man! But what was "won" by the "one" that took Dutch Mill from our plates in the name of no "one."
Vince77 - November 24, 2009 - Report this comment
So did JFK like Dutch Mill Donuts? If so, I bet he went for the double chocolate. Heard he had quite the sweet tooth; liked the ladies, too. Oh God, I wish I had a time machine so I could get me just one box of the mixed Dutch Mill Donuts. But I'd do other stuff, as well.
Entenmann no more - December 01, 2009 - Report this comment
mjb42758 from July 18th 2007 is correct. It won't hurt to have a PhD in chemistry to read, let along understand, the stuff that goes into Entenmann donuts. "Thiamin Monotrate (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pyrophoshate, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate and my favorite ... Xanthan Gum." I'm not making that up! Xanthan Gum is an actual ingrediant! I know. I worked at Entenmann's when they were in New Jersey. I believe they've since moved to Harsham, PA. Oh what a tangled web we weave. Please someone, somewhere, somehow, bring back the best dontus ever made. Bring back Dutch Mill! And Winona from November 22 is right. It was one guy that whacked JFK. But then again, what's that got to do with donuts?!
big john d - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
these were the best. i can't believe they don't make them anymore.
Dj - December 08, 2009 - Report this comment
B&M - December 15, 2009 - Report this comment
Here's the deal. Four yolks, sugar, whole milk, heavey cream, whisky and nutmeg in a giant glass of joy. Then light the fireplace. And then a box of Dutch Mill doughnuts. THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas. The past will never die. And we know you're reading this. Peace out and keep hope alive.
Doughboy1917 - December 17, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm back after a break since August 19th. I believe "B&M" is describing the Christmas beverage known as "Eggnod." George Washington was a big fan of this drink and devised his own recipe consisting of rye whiskey, rum and sherry. Today folks use almost every sort of alcoholic beverage including Baileys Irish Cream, brandy and bourbon. But since the 1960's its common to serve this drink cold, and without alcohol. But any style would go great with a box of Dutch Mill Doughnuts!! How many realize this drink was most likely invented in East Anglia, England somewhere between late antiquity (235-284 A.D.)and the early Middle Ages/Dark Ages which, of course were around 500 A.D. During WWII, the East Anglia section of England was where the RAF and American Air Corps launched heavey bomber raids into Nazi occupied Europe. And trust me ... those brave boys enjoyed doughnuts as much as their WWI counterparts. They would have loved Dutch Mill!
Green Mountain Boyz Classof95;s#12 - December 29, 2009 - Report this comment
A friend, who we call "Townie", from Hanover, New Hapshire would "make" the best eggnog in the history of mankind. But then he finally told me it was from the store and was actually the brand Ronnybrook Farms! It was the New Year's before graduation from Dartmouth when he finally confessed. Load it up with Maker's Mark bourbon whisky and you've got the BEST New Year's drink and one that would certainly rival your drunkin granny's. His roomate from Oakland, New Jersey (not Oakland, CA) is the one that turned him on to that little trick. NJ-OakFace, as we still call him, also turned us on to Dutch Mill donuts. Back in the summer of '95 we went down to this little NJ town where they had the best Texas Hot Dogs in the world. If ever in Oakland, or the area, go to Falls View Hot Dogs!! It's a small hot dog chain that's out of this world! But back to the dontus. I heard a small group wants to buy the old recipe along with the trademark and begin making them again! Sounds great since they were indeed some of the best store bought donuts ever made. If they eat them in New Hapshire and Vermont, that's telling you something. Soryy, NJ-OakFace, but we've got better taste! This New Year's we'll be "making" our famous eggnog once again. My sister's friends, who just graduated Dartmouth , will be attending and they'll think we made it ourselves. Thick, frothy and explodes in your mouth, girls. It's not cheap and at $8 per bottle, it will cost ya, but it's worth every sip, ladies, and is truly good to the last drop.
1973isme - January 12, 2010 - Report this comment
can't believe there are so many fellow DUTCH MILL DONUT nuts! great web page! in fact, i've never seen one with better comments! is it true they're bringing back DUTCH MILL?
867-5309/Jenny - January 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Been going through this entire web site since I love the '80s and always love (HEART SYMBOL) talking to other children of one of the most eniuqe decades of the last century. For me these donuts were an important part. I'd aways treat myself to a Dutch Mill morsal once a week and only after a hard Jane Fonda workout. OK, maybe twice a week, but don't tell Jane! ha ha I still work out, but not longer to Ted Turner's ex-wife and my hair no longer looks like Farah's (Whose look-a-like contest I won in 1986 at the age of 16) but I miss those great dontus. Please bring them back. P.S. You guys every get together around Northern New Jersey? I'm also looking defend my Farah look-a-like contest tital! And I still fit perfectly into her red bathing suit from the famous poster.
Francine - January 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Let's all call TastyKake and get our donuts back on the market!!!! I LOVED Dutch Mill Glazed Donuts
Francine - January 26, 2010 - Report this comment
1-800-33-TASTY or 1-800-338-2789, Monday-Friday 8am to 12am EST, and Saturday 8am to 5pm EST.
Sussex County Chris - January 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Let's hear it for Francine!!! I just called Tasty and a woman answered with what I percieved to be a little bit of an attitdue. But after I articulated myself and informed her that almost everyone I knew LOVED Dutch Mill Donuts and I, for one, would buy them buy the case, she actually seemed pretty cool and said she'd pass on my message. Thanks for the phone number, Francine! Let's everyone call and bring these dontus back. And, yes, Francine, the Glazed Dontus were great! Then again, I never ate a bad Dutch Mill Donut. Now let's hit those phone line people!!! And come visit Suxxex County, NJ. It's winter and the slopes are rockin!
Armando Cum Laude - February 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I, too, consulted the fine folks of Tasty and was met with a contrived sense of disbelief on their end when I asked if the original Dutch Mill donut recipe(s) was of any interest to contemporary consumers. I've also consulted a past employee in management with Dutch Mill and was informed that Tasty was very concerned, at the time of the takeover, that the old recipes would be allowed to continue. Tasty did not want competition; particularly from a superior product. And alas, the rumor of Dutch Mill's incarnation has some relevance. This was voiced to me off the record. Could it be that quality store donuts may once again become part of our culture? This coming Saturday, February 6th, I will meet with an inside source and this individual will have an update for us.
M*A*S*H Fan - February 04, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm telling everyone I knew as a youth to get in on these Dutch Mill doughut chats! I know at least five family members including my brother in New Orleans that enjoyed Dutch Mill products and wish they came back. If we all do this, then we'll have a culinary army! Francine got the ball rolling. Now it's up to all of us to recruit as many Dutch Mill Doughnut Head as possible. By the way, does anyone remember their pound cakes?! They were good, too.
Get Smart with All in the Family - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey Bro, for those of you tuning in, my brother called me and i must respond to his "handle." If he's gonna be MASH, I'm gonna be Get Smart and "Archy Bunker." We always argued about sit comes and these are my two. All's good down in the Big Easy, bro. Peace out.
M*A*S*H Fan - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Get Smart with All in the Family - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Oh yeah ... Dutch Mill rules, bring back Dutch Mill, save the whales and all that crap
M*A*S*H Fan - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
That's better. Now stay off this page before you bore everyone with your top 5 sitcoms and all your dumb-ass honorable mentions.
Get Smart with All in the Family - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Top 5 Sitcoms of All time: The Honeymooners, The Odd Couple, All in The Family, MASH and Seinfeld. Honorable mentions are: Get Smart, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Taxi, Cheers and if you're feeling young and silly Gilligan's Island. That's sort of a joke, but that's the point. Gilligan's Island had some very funny and toung and cheek comeos and that show always left you with a smile on your face. AND THE BEST DONUT JOINT in New Orleans is Cafe du Monde on decatur Street. Try them out. And the best super market donut of all time? Dutch Mill without a flipping doubt!!!!
Armando Cum Laude - February 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Informatin has been attained from the acquaintance of one of Dutch Mill's old managers. This gentleman was a manager in the foods industry since the '60s and worked at numerous companies including Thomas' Enlish Muffins. In any case, the acquintance of this chap, a lady who wished to stay off the record, stated that there were, and still are, various contingents that would like to A) Attain the recipes for various Dutch Mill products and B) Produce and distribute these products in their original packaging. But here's the proverbial fly in the ointment. Tastykake has a major issue with this model. Not that it would be direct competition, in the overall sense, since Tastykake's products are mass production, low end products and Dutch Mill is/was a specialty, quality oriented, high end product. Despite Tastykake's inferior attributes, they dominate the consumer driven market for customers uniterested in superior ingredients and enhanced baking techniques. Therefore, one would assume there's no direct conflict of interest. HOWEVER, Tastykake's concern is that a small perecntage of their customer base, even 5 to 10 percent, would abandone their low end products once they discovered the supremacy of the Dutch Mill product. Bottom line ... Tastykake is looking out for the bottom line.
StanMan64 - February 09, 2010 - Report this comment
It's unfortunate that some chose to cast dispersions against Tastykake when the issue at hand is Dutch Mill donuts. I entered this webpage and was astonished at how many faithful, articulate and eloquent people chose to remember these fine donuts; and do so in such an academic manner. Let's not cast dispersions against a company whose only crime is the inability to remake products commensurate to the quality echelon set by Dutch Mill. What baking facility now a days possibly could?! You don't walk into a Hyundai dealer and ask for a Rolls Royce. Tastykake is a fine company as was Dutch Mill. Live and let live people.
Hogan - February 10, 2010 - Report this comment
"Can't we all just get along?!" Dutch Mill was the best. Now stop the bickering. I hope Dutch Mill is really coming back? The person from 1/26/10 had the best idea. Everyone call Tasty and tell them they'll make a fortune making quality donuts and the people will for once be able to sleep at night knowing the world is a better place. 1-800-33-TASTY or 1-800-338-2789
Hogan - February 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Just called and the P.R. Rep said people have been calling as of late asking that they bring back the Dutch Mill line of products! Let's do it people! Keep calling Tastykake at: 1-800-338-2789
Al D. - February 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Bring these babies back!
Mr. & Mrs. '80s Gold - February 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Greetings from the 2010 Olympics in Vacouver! My husband and I are here with our daughter whose best friend is supporting the Cross Country Ski Team from Norway. When you're dating one of their skiers, I guess you have to support the entire team. My husband and I were the biggest Dutch Mill Donut fans on the planet and wish they came back on the market. We also began dating in 1980 and our first "date" took place during the replay of the boys from the U.S.A. beating those dirty commies during that historic game. We already knew the result, but it was like we were there and it was live! But these Olympics are fun in their own way and when in Vancouver B.C., you have to hit "Honey Doughnuts & Goodies" in North Vancouver!! Try their "Rolly Polly Doughnuts!" *NOTICE THEY DON't KNOW HOW TO SPELL "Donut!" ha ha ha ha Their address is: 4373 Gallant Avenue in North Vancouver. What a great place and what a great Olympics! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Sarg.usmc - March 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I'd rather have a Dutch Mill donut in my mouth than an Olympic Medal around my neck
DonnaH - March 04, 2010 - Report this comment
So when's the big day for Dutch Mill to make its come back? Will they be incorportated? If so, I'd invest 10 Grand in this corporation. Why not? Build a better donut and the world will beat a path to your bakery! Besides, with "compition" such as Tastydake, how can they not succeed?! Dutch Mill was the hands down the best. No doubt.
New York State just over the Jersey Border - March 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Anyone remember Rodney Dangerfield from the movie Caddy Shack when he said, "Hey kid, tell the chef this food tastes like low-grade dog food!" That pretty much is the story regarding our friends at Tastykake. But actually that's wrong. No dog on earch should have to eat the crap those dumb asses pump out. Dutch Mill will rock the market when they come back, yo! Everyone I know lived off them in college and would empty the shelves of everything Dutch Mill! Now git-er-done you donuts heads!!
wuweiwarrior - March 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember being able to get these donuts in the supermarket up until 2001 here in NYC. Man they were GOOD! My favorite was the powdered Cinnamon though. I'd travel far and wide to track a box down if I was in the mood. Which was OFTEN. :-) I figured they were bought out or something. Cause they just suddenly disappeared. Too bad. What was great about them, is they were so fresh, their expiration date was like bread. Good for a week or so. Not like Enteman's cakes which have a REALLY long shelf life or Twinkies that would survive a nuclear holocaust. lol. Oh well. What can ya do? All good things must come to an end. :-(
Merrily - March 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I dream about Dutch Mill Donuts, especially the cinnamon powder and cinnamon suger ones.
deb-on-the-web - March 10, 2010 - Report this comment
my sister emailed me about a Dutch Mill website. she said she gained this knowledge from her husband who used to live off them; and yet the man ran marathons! i didn't believe her, but boy was she on point. wuweiwarrior and Merrily have it right about the powdered cinnamon. Dutch Mill's cinnamon, like all their products, were to die for. i thought it was only my small clique that still talked about Dutch Mill but now i see my friends and i are hardly alone. AWESOME!!!
M.I.T. class of Clasas of '90 - March 14, 2010 - Report this comment
So who is the Dartmouth clown listed 25 spots above? "Green Mountain Girl" is it. Well M.I.T. men are the real Dutch Mill consumers; or at least we were before the idiots took them off the market. But as an educated man, Let's celibrate "Pi Day" which is, of course, March 14th. For those of you at Dartmouth, the equation Pi begins: 3.14 ... Get it? ... March 14th. And that's also Einstein's birthday! And you know old Albert would never be cuaght dead at that dump in N.H. But since a donut is a circle, let's all reminisce about these great dontus. And we should bring them back unless, of course, a Dartmouth man gets involved. Then the plan is dead.
The warrior - March 15, 2010 - Report this comment
If their is a day to celibrate Pies why talk about it on the dontus chat? but I would love to eat Dutch mill again. My hole family would have them. But cherry and apple pie is good to.
Ivy Gendarmerie - March 17, 2010 - Report this comment
This last guy sounds like a Harvard man. That said, I could use a Dutch Mill donut more than ever. Perhaps one with green sprinkles today. Happy St. Patrick's Day one and all!
Dartmouth class of '94 - March 19, 2010 - Report this comment
It’s stirring to see the maturity level at M.I.T. is still commensurate to that of a school bus full of kindergarteners on nitrous oxide. I’d retort on behalf of my Dartmouth colleagues, but direct interaction with a communicationally deficient adolescent such as "M.I.T. '90" would is not becoming of anyone with an I.Q. higher than that of a warn bucket of piss. Besides, out of every Ivy League institution, of which M.I.T. is not a member, Dartmouth led the league in consumption of Dutch Mill donuts. But what I want to know is WHO is the individual (Jenny 867-5309) who won the Farah Fawcett look alike contest and can still fit in her bathing suit?! You still out there? If so, how ‘bout a donut and coffee on me. You pick the time and place. Of course it won’t be Dutch Mill, but we can reminisce about those great donuts, Charlie’s Angels and life before MTV.
Rubber Duckie - March 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill had a square box with eight donuts in all; comprised of four matching pairs. In other words, there were 2 cinnamon, 2 plain, 2 this and two that ... Anyone remember those or was it a sweet dream of mine? That product represented the best of all worlds. My first roommate in Vernon, New Jersey told me about this chat page and it's everything they said, and more! I, in turn, am gonna tell everyone about "inthe80s!" And I, too, think "Farah" girl rocks! Especially if she liked Dutch Mill!
!@#$% - March 23, 2010 - Report this comment
These guys were everywhere for a relitively small company. I remember Dutchmill being in little stores throughout Northern New Jersey and "Bodega's" in New York City. For my caucasian brothers & sisters, a "Bodega" is essentially a ghetto 7-11. I drove a truck for Coca-Cola througout college back in the mid '80s and always bought a box of these dontus as my favoirte snack. As far as sit-coms go, why you guys not mention "I love Lucy" and everyone's favorite Cuban Ricky Ricardo??!! What's up with that, yo?
PS3MaSteR - March 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Ricky Ricardo was the BomB! Him and Lucy are great to watch with a little smoke and Dutch Mill dontus. My moms turned me on to Lucky Show when I was a kid and me and my girl love them. Where can you get these Dutcm mill donuts? I didn't have them since like 5th grade.
Frank McCourt - March 24, 2010 - Report this comment
My dear Mr. "PS3MaSteR" Read the above comments and you will note that Dutch Mill has fallen victum to ... well ... "Fate." Unfortunate since they were a veritable institution in donut circles, of which I am a charter member. If someone is wise enough to bring them back and it's a corporate like structure, I'd drop a few bucks into a winning venture such as this.
PS3 Master - March 25, 2010 - Report this comment
So dutch Mil comin back or not??
Frank McCourt - March 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Read the damn posts that people have been leaving for the last three years! IT's ALL THERE!
Don't Stop Believin' - March 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Good stuff, people!~~Do you guys have an official meeting place for Dutch Mill fanatics?~~How 'bout Bourbon BBQ on Goffle Road?~~Talking about situation commiedies, and sillyness, how 'bout Mr. Ed?~~And not the Ed McDermott that worked at Dutch Mill.~~What was the other manager's name?~~My cousin had a neighbor that worked there as a manager and his name wasn't Ed.~~And he was an older guy.~~You know another great sitcom you guys didn't mention?~~"The Bob Newhart Show."~~But I agree that the aforementioned ones above are great.~~But "I love Lucy" is more of a chick show.~~Not that there's anything wrong with that.~~Didn't Dutch Mill have the BEST pound cakes, too?!~~The older manager told me and my cousin that the owner, who was a real eccentric character, had this VERY expensive liquid he added to the pound cakes!~~It wcame from a very tiny container, but made the pound cake, in his view, better.~~That's the kind of time and effort and good old American know-how the Dutch Mill gang put into their glorious products.~~I have no doubt these guys will make it back!!~~I'll meet at "Bourbon BBQ" and hang with you good people.~~Are you out there Farah?~~But seriously ~~ you guys ROCK!! WHAT A GREAT, GREAT, GREAT Web Page.~~~
867-5309/Jenny - March 27, 2010 - Report this comment
You guys GOT to be kidding!!! That was 1986!! But some days I wish I were 16 again! I did ask and Bourbon BBQ sounds good to me. I'm bringing my guy friend from the gym. Never know now-a-days. He said the best thing to eat there is The Full Rack of St. Louis Ribs! The address is 529 Goffle Road, I think? Around there. I'll be there Sunday for lunch and maybe next Saturday for all true Dutch Mill donut fans. I say we wear BABY BLUE like their donut boxes were. Let's get this club going! AND LET'S BRING BACK DUTCH MILL DONNUTS!!!!!!!!!!
Candace C. - March 28, 2010 - Report this comment
My sister turned me on to this page last week and I stand by her idea. I'm telling all my former roomates, current friends and every family member in the book to get Dutch Mill back on their feet. In the mean time a great idea is to call Tastykake and ask them if they know how "to build a better donut." Like that Francine person said ... call the Tastykake people and ask them to bring back the ledgend that is Dutch Mill! Their mumber is: 1 (800) 338-2789 Now lets melt those phone lines!!!
CollegiateKids - March 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Just spread the word to EVERYONE in my e-mail index; that's over 65 people and told them about this page! I know for a fact that we all loved Dutch Mill as kids! And I just called: 1-800-338-2789
Brfon - March 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Just called them, CK. WHAT JERKS!!! Tastcake is not only a crap product, but mean people! I've never missed Dutchmill more!
TFactor - March 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Didn't know it was Tastykake that done away with Dutch Mill. Learn something new every day. Hope Dutch Mill makes it back. They were the best.
John7576 - March 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Any old managers/employees have the recipes? We've got to bring Dutch Mill back!!
Saint Luke Luv Dutch Mill! - March 31, 2010 - Report this comment
Back in the 1980’s I was on a Church counsel with 8 other parishioners. It was a tough time for our congregation and the meetings often got heated. But there was one older lady who never said much. It was she that always brought snacks, beverages and good advice to our group. She didn’t speak much, but when she did it was always salient advice. We all miss her very much and I still pray for her. The donuts she brought were always Dutch Mill. It was only latter that I found out that she didn’t have much money and saved up to bring plenty of these delicious donuts to our counsel meetings. Sometimes I wish I could thank her just once more for everything she did for us.
Sad April Fool - April 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I know April Fools is supposed to be a day filled with humor, but with Tastykake in business and Dutch Mill in the bone yard, this is one sad day. I just found out about from my cousin in New Mexico and at least we can console one another.
sam 1970 - April 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I hate to admit it, but the Lady above who left the "St. Luke" messgae almost brought a tear to my eye. That's what made Dutch Mill so special. Nobody would ever reminisce about Tastykake.
DoItO - April 02, 2010 - Report this comment
One thing to do. Start making these babies again!
sweetjerseybrown - April 04, 2010 - Report this comment
when i was a kid my uncle from ocean county started giving me a box of dutch mill treats every easter. i came to this web page not knowing what to expect, but apparently there are people that love dutch mill stuff as much as me. this is great. please start making them again
WPLJ - April 04, 2010 - Report this comment
What I miss from the 1980's ... You guys remember WPLJ the radio station? They rocked and so does Dutch Mill. How we do miss those times!
Keenan^8^ - April 06, 2010 - Report this comment
As gatekeeper to our reunion class email list I sent out over 120 emails to my entire class. We were lucky enough to have an administration that let our cafeteria dole out Dutch Mill donuts and those sparkly donut holes! What is it they said ... "A Galaxy of Sprinkles" or something like that. Well get ready for the class of '86 to get on line!
1986Rules!!! - April 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Got your e-mail, K, and see you beat me to the punch. Yes I remember the dontus holes! I think it was a nickle a piece or three for 25 cents. How sad they're not around anymore
Boy George closetfan - April 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I thought "Keennan" was on the pipe, yo! Did you guys read this entire page?! This is crazy great!!! Can't believe this is for real. I thought we were the only ones that lived for Dutch Mill! I actually have a list of over 2,200 e-mails from our "cold call" file at work. I'm gonna sent out the word. Read the above e-mials. These guys are trying to bring Dutch Mill back!!!
MetzfanDavidWright - April 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey everyone, I'm no part of this class of 1986, but I like the way you guys think. At my summer job in late high school and college my entire office eat Dutch Mill. I'm gonna contact all those people and tell them to join the donut love train. That's 25-30 Dutch Mill "Fanz" in the house.
Odin and the Volva - April 08, 2010 - Report this comment
An old friend of mine was an epicedial snob the likes you wouldn’t believe. I once saw her buy a $175 jar of caviar and then complain it wasn’t the best she ever had. At one time she worked at Petrossian Gourmet Foods on West 13th Street in NYC and often severed deserts such as “Moelleux au Chocolate,” “Financier Tea Cakes” and Hors d’ Oeure Breads,” when I’d come over for a little desert of my own. But what shocked me the most, aside from her staggering appetite for my home made Knockwurst, was what she had on her kitchen table one morning. It was a box of Dutch Mill Cinnamon Donuts! I informed her that this was mere “peasant food” compared to her ordinary spread. But she finally admitted that these store bought cake donuts were her absolute favorite and the best thing she’s ever had in her mouth; besides Odin in carnate which, of course, is Moi.
Hera's revenge - April 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I think these prepubescent-double-entendres are becoming just a tad to evident to anyone with even a mild sensation of scrutiny. But then again there is a certain charm to male insecurity, particularly for those who adore Dutch Mill. Now let us focus on bringing these marvels of cookery back, shall we.
DaveK - April 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I think this "Heras" person (whatever that means) is a little to uptight. Take a chill pill, honey and relax. I'll even take ya out for some Dutch Mill when they reopen if you learn to kick back and get with the group. That said some of these people on this page are a little weird. Maybe you have a point. You with the class of '86?
Boycott the censor, Long live free speach! - April 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Boycott Hey Gang, Did you hear that the person running this sight is censoring Dutch Mill fans from expressing themselves. Let’s boycott till he has the guys to let Americans speak freely!!!
Woodstock'69 - April 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Are you sure about these allegations? I thought this was the coolest site on the web! Say it ain't so otherwise we'll have to create another '80s web page. And one for Dutch Mill! Let's all get along you guys like "donut love children."
RamJam - April 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I may be stuck in the 80's but this guy looks stuck in the 60's! Get with it. This site rules and so does Dutch Mill! Or at least they did. I would love it if they came back. They'd have a customer in life in me, my family and all my friends. I'd also take a box to work with me every friday like I did in the glory days of the 80's.
Dunkin' in Cali - April 15, 2010 - Report this comment
Grew up in central Jersey but now live north of L.A. You know there's not one Dunkin' Donuts in this entire state?!
Jon - April 16, 2010 - Report this comment
you all see the "hot tub movie" with joh cusak, is that his nane. it's about the 80s. should have had a box of dutch mill dontus in it. they sure did everything else in it. i love the 80s but i'm glad i'm here with the memories. but one thing they should bring back from the 1980s is dutch mill dontus. maybe obama can give some of that stimulus money toward something that will actually work, like bringing back a real dontut. silly as that sounds, it would make me happy. am i alone on this?
Monkey Love - April 18, 2010 - Report this comment
My wife and I saw Hot Tub Time Machine last night. Great '80s movie! I think I saw some Dutch Mill "powdered" donuts in it. Wink ... wink ... "white powered."
Cat - April 18, 2010 - Report this comment
I was just going through other sites on and found this one. You guys give the best comments BY FAR!! This is now my site of choice! And let's all do our part to bring these dontus back. Heck, I'd by stock if that's what it takes! Whe I was a kid, everyone's mom who had these on her counter table was an instant hit. Unfortunately now a days, they're all cheap and no taste store dontus. We need Dutch Mill to make a come back!
april high - April 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was THE BEST
Mr. Dutch miss u - April 21, 2010 - Report this comment
I had a neighbor back in the 70's and 80's who we called, Mr. Dutch and he ate Dutch Mill donuts. He'd always bring them over and we laughed about that, but I miss him very much now. Funny the things you miss. Does anyone have a picture of the old Dutch Mill donuts box? I'll never forget their box with the windmill and light blue and white coloring. Please tell me someone has a picture of their awesome product in its original packaging!!
Elmer - April 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Boooo! I didn't realize till I got an email from an old high school friend that these great dontus were gone:( I think I might have a picture of us as kids with an old box in the backgroud. :) Maybe.
Chocolate Glazed - April 22, 2010 - Report this comment
My father had a shipping company, and one of the products wa sDutch Mill, It was actually my father who introduced DM donuts to the isle of Manhattan, stores like Food Emporium, Gristede's, and many more... When I was younger I would go to the factory every Sunday for the pick up, and the owners would let me eat the donuts fresh off the line!!! I'm sure I was the first person under 5 years old to eat a donut hole!!! Nothing was better than their donute hot off the presses!!! Gone but not forgotten!!!
I don't know who you are "Mr. Chocolate Glazed" from April 22nd, 2010, but THANK YOU!! I lived in Manhattan back in the 1990s and Dutch Mill was my favorite treat! - April 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Chocolate Glazed's father is a great man for bringing Dutch Mill to Manhattan!!!
Side Out Volly Ball - April 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Now only if someone could bring them back PERIOD! Tastykake is a disgrace. We need a baking company that represents what Dutch Mill used to be. Sounds to me like the owners and Managers were wonderful people, but they stink for selling out. Perhaps they didn't realize how many folks loved their noble efforts. If you can hear me, please think about making a come back. YOU WERE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!!
Mr.RicHB - April 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't believe how many of you have such an incredible knowlege of Dutch Mill history! People like "Chocolate Glazed" are what makes this page so great. But it's the Dutch Mill donuts themselves that made history!
Mrs. Coffee - April 26, 2010 - Report this comment
My mom was a health nut during the '70s. Think Jane Fonda without the insane-radical-self righteous-spoiled rich girl-commie politics. Anyway, every morning she'd make a healthy breakfast before my sister, brother and I went off to school, but on Friday's she'd make a big pot of Mr. Coffee and we'd all get to choose our individual Dutch Mill donuts! It was really awesome, because she’d have the “multi box” and even Pound Cake and, later on, Donut Holes that had a “Galaxy” or something on them. I think this tradition went well into the 80s now that I think about it. It was a great tradition and one I do that with my kids now a days! Only, we use Dunkin' Donuts. They're good, as stated by "LA person above," but it would be great if there were quality super market donuts like the old days. Every Friday I think about mom my, my brother's and sisters, and, of course, Dutch Mill!
Q@A in Newton - April 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Did Dutch Mill invent, or were they one of the innovators of the "donut hole." What is it they said on the box, "A Galaxy of Sprinkles?" I know they were on the cutting edge with a lot of their items. Lord knows we could use quality products like theirs again.
Tim lives! - April 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't know who invented them, but here in Canada (Where we eat the MOST donuts per capita in the world) we call Donut Holes "Timbits." Tim Hortan, as every Canadian knows, was a hockey play who did 24 years in the NHL; mostly with the Maple Leafs. His chain, Tim Hortons, is the largest restaurant chain in Canada. Tim lost his life in a car accident in 1974.
Guy Lafleur - April 27, 2010 - Report this comment
I heard Tim bought the farm because he was trying to run over the CEO of Tastykake.
Mystery Man Comeback!!! - April 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Mystery Man Comeback!!! But first off, you Canadians are crazy great. I've been to Ottawa and Montreal and gotta love folks that live on Molson, donuts and Ice Hockey! Keep up the awesome, albeit crazy comments! But the real news is I ... or should I say "we" are gonna make one of the greatest announcements in Dutch Mill Donuts history on May 6th 2010! Can't you just die of anticipation?!
Jake the quick fake QB #12 - April 30, 2010 - Report this comment
uuhhh ... don't you just love a mystery. But when are we gonna get a real donut like Dutch Mill back in our super markets? I was think of Dutch Mill the other day after my friend told me about this page. Bring them back, please!
Franklin in Lakeland - May 03, 2010 - Report this comment
I've heard rumors now for 6 months that Dutch Mill is making a comeback! Let's hope the hype is for real. Darn do I miss these incredible treats.
Adam West - May 04, 2010 - Report this comment
To the donut cave, fatman. Yes, Robin they will be back.
BP - May 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Where do you people get this information? I mean really! I wish Dutch Mill came back as much as the next guy, but I'll believe it when I see it. In the mean time we'll just have to live with the fact that this rat poison garbage like Tastykake is what we have to walk past every time we go to the super market. What a travesty.
Mystery gal comeback! - May 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Is everyone ready?! We'll be back on May 6th. Get ready for the most shocking Dutch Mill dontus web update in three years!!! WOW is this gonna rock the house!!!
Husband and Wife MEET ON DUTCH MILL WEB PAGE - May 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm Karen "Sabo" and I married Andrew 87450 after we meet on THIS WEB PAGE!!!!!!!! No joke ... look at our first meetings going back one year ago. TOLD YOU THIS WOULD BE THE BIGGEST NEWS EVER TO HIT THIS WEB SITE!!!! AND ... there's more good stuff to come. In fact, we're gonna take a bold new step in helping to bring Dutch Mill BACK!!!! Thank you Charles R. Grosvernor Jr. for bring this great web page to the public and me and my husband. BUT THERE'S MORE TO COME!!!
"Mr. "'Sabo'" - May 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey Everybody, Please excuse my wife's exuberance. And her misspelling of Charles R. Grosvenor's name. But I, too, am happy to be back. We laid low for a while to settle into married life and let the initial Dutch Mill internet thing take a rest. But we do have very big news to announce to all of the fine people that love Dutch Mill as much as us. We will be announcing that news in a week, or so. BUT IT IS BIG!!! MYDM
Andrew & Karen - May 06, 2010 - Report this comment
We both had a nice glass of Champaign and toasted to our plan for Dutch Mill; and the fact that we met and subsequently got married after meeting on this site! This is our return everyone! Did you miss us?! Thank you again Charles R. Grosvenor Jr. and to everyone of our Dutch Mill surrogate friends. AND BIG NEWS IN ONE THE WAY!!!! And where is the old crowd from a year ago. There were some really interesting, intelligent and just plan fun people on this sight that haven't been on in a while. Come back you all.
Lotz-a-lov - May 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Congrats guys! Can't believe your good fortune. And can't wait to hear what you'll have to say about Dutch Mill. Definately the BEST web page I've ever been on. Dutch Mill must come back.
loriWain - May 07, 2010 - Report this comment
SO COOL!! Maybe I'll meet a nice guy on this page. Not that I'm looking for husband number 3. LOL Can't wait to hear the Andrew -n- Karen news about Dutch Mill!
Keenan^8^ - May 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Just when I thought this page couldn't get any cooler! Happy wedding you crazy kids! I just know we'll all be eating Dutch Mill again. TOO much majic for that not to happen!
Class of (#$) - May 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Thanks, Keenan! This page is the bomb! Dutch Mill brings back memories.
Metsof69 - May 07, 2010 - Report this comment
OK, great love story, but what's this big plan that's being alluded to? I lived on Dutch Mill and miss them as much, or more, than most and I'm interested in them going back into production. I know they'd make it big. In fact, my big butt will account for enough sales to keep them in dough for 5 years. But lets get out there and get a plan going. What do you say? Don't hold back! Give it to us!
Heisenberg - May 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I received information regarding this page from a friend, who in turn, received it from an additional friend. Talk about "pair production." Get it ... it's a take off from Werner Heisenberg's contribution to elementary particle physics! For those of you who get this, you’re welcome. And speaking of physics and chemistry, let's bring back into production the formula for the best donuts of all time: Dutch Mill.
Zen and the Art of Mortorcyle Maintenance - May 08, 2010 - Report this comment
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a book that reminded me of a college roommate that went insane. He loved donuts and especially Dutch Mill. For some reason I never ate one even when he once offered. I could never figure out why donuts and coffee were the lure to so many great minds. It’s so true. My wife told me about this web page after her friend from school e-mailed her about it. I can’t shake the feeling that my old roommate has friends out there that are speaking through Funny since this roommate took his own life in 2001. Well … not really funny, but you get the point. I never had a Dutch Mill donut, but became a fan all the same. I do hope they come back so I can eat a box in honor of an old friend. Rest in Peace my old genius buddy that has made it into the next world.
NO more Roethlisberger - May 09, 2010 - Report this comment
As a mom I wish I could wake up to a box of Dutch Mill glazed by my pillow on this Mother's Day. Grew up in Pittsburg, but went to college in New Jersey and moved back to western Pennsylvania where we take pride in our baked goods! Like my web name? Read the Sports Illustrated story on our former beloved QB and it made me sick. But this web page picked me up. LOVE the Love story regarding Karen and Andrew! All our best folks!! And please let us know what your plan is. If it involves helping Dutch Mill get back into the game, I'M in! My husband, too even thought he never actually had a Dutch Mill product. But he's heard all the stories.
FaithM3874 - May 10, 2010 - Report this comment
THey come back I party hardy! Thank, Dee-bug for the info and see u at the reunion. Still think about the old times.
Blackhawk11 - May 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Keep hearing about "this secret plan." Well bring it on. When? Where? How? If you really have a ways and means, then do it! Dutch Mill was far too special a product to joke around with. Keep the jokes and BS to BS products like Tastykake and not Dutch Mill. If you have a plan then TELL US!
GaryMM - May 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Must say I sort of agree with "Blackhawk" on this one. Tell us, please. Then again, I'm a sucker for a good love story. Keep on rockin' Karen & Andrew. But if you have a stratagy then make it public. I miss Dutch Mill too much for jokes.
High School Musical 34 - May 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't believe it's been this long, gang. Yes, I love Dutch Mil, but I miss my old classmates, too. When are we getting together? Darn were they good dontus, but I liked the pound cakes!
PalmPalm - May 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Great to see everyone's getting on the stick. Bring back these donuts and we're all happy!
Mellon - May 12, 2010 - Report this comment
we have faith in you guys, Karen & Andrew. All of you are fantastic for doing what you can. Let's bring back these great donuts. We can do it if we set our minds to it. I have so many great memories eating these great things with wonderful friends. What a great group. Keep it up everyone.
USC - May 12, 2010 - Report this comment
I agree! Get on board with the "donut couple" and everyone that wants to get these donuts back on the shelves of every store! Why do people hate and not want to work on a solution? I loved the glazed and plain. I also remember the pound cake. I think there were different kinds of pound cake, too. But all their stuff was good and one of a kind. I have hope they will come back. Bring back the whole team and lets see America's best donuts become what they used to be. I just know we'll be eating these Dutch Mill products again. Call it a premonition.
Blackhawk11 - May 12, 2010 - Report this comment
OK ... Andrew and Karen are a Godsend. Just one little problem ... WHAT'S THE PLAN???
Sabo on Champaign - May 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey Gang, it’s “Sabo & Andy.” Actually it’s just me tonight. Andrew is a bit upset about some of the negative comments. But for those of you that had nice comments, Thank you! It’s so nice that’s this page is anonymous for those who wish to keep their identities private. We do have a plan and it will be revealed on Sunday, May 16th. But first off, we don’t want you, the Dutch Mill audience to think we’re under the thought that this page revolves around us. We simply want to fight for what is our right: free speech and great donuts. You see these great donuts and other products are more than just bakery goods to Andy and me. We met and subsequently got married because of these treats. I will give one or two hints, however. Our plan entails a monetary pledge. Or, call it an investment into the Dutch Mill corporation. You’ll see the amount on Sunday on May 16th. It will be nice, too. One of us is a higher up at Pfizer and the other has a small law firm with a secretary. You’d be surprised at how much money there is in divorce. Well, that’s me! Does this sound nuts. I shouldn’t drink and type, but this is anonymous and I’m bit high right now. But please tune in on Sunday for our big plan. And please come back on board all you old timers! WE LOVE YOU ALL!!! “Sabo” on lots of Champaign alright. This is a gas. Like the song. "Jumping Jack flash is a gas, gas and you know." I'm gonna regreat this the next day. Or maybe not. You have to live for the moment sometimes people! God is love!
Man ray - May 15, 2010 - Report this comment
The only thing I really believe on sabo's disertation is when she say that she's really high. But as a dutch mill fan i'll believe anything to eat my favorit donuts again. Some one help us.
Every Cowboy needs a ... - May 15, 2010 - Report this comment
You people are nuts! But I love ya. And Dutch Mill was the best. But the question is ... will they rock again?!
Oregon Reborn - May 16, 2010 - Report this comment
Gee, I thought they'd be back on the store shelves by now. But thanks for trying guys. I guess I just miss Dutch Mill so much I'm willing to believe the rumors. But you never know. Is it true there were Dutch Mill pound cakes? Never had them and never heard of them. How long were they around? I moved to Portland in 1994; somewhere around the time Dutch Mill bit the dust. Those donuts, Jersey pizza and the shore are the only things I really miss about the Garden State.
Andrew & Karen - May 16, 2010 - Report this comment
Are you ready??!! And by the way, sorry about my Champaign riddled tirade the other day. Andrew sort of yelled at me and read me the old riot act. AND, he DOES NOT work at Pfizer. He wants to make that clear! Now on to the biz at hand. Since the good Lord has been good to us monetarily speaking we have what some would call disposable income. We are also not immune to the fact that we met because of this web page. And last and NOT LEAST, we are in love with Dutch Mill donuts only second to the love we have for one another. What we would be willing to do, happily, is invest $100,000 in Dutch Mill if they were to open again!!! This money would be invested by us, as stock holders. And you know what ... this isn't even a bad idea from a business point of view! How could this business fail? All we'd need is the old recipes and a few of the old managers and this business is a WINNER!! I mean, take a look at what's on the market now a days and this product can't fail. Our cards are on the table and we have said our piece. MYDM
Blackhawk11 - May 16, 2010 - Report this comment
OK ... I'm impressed
Dee-bug'sBFFL'86 - May 16, 2010 - Report this comment
Holy Schikies! This ship is whack, yo. Dee-bug you eye that pack/ I'm calling my peeps in Cleveland, yo. Hang tight and keep the peace! GREAT NEWZ
BP - May 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm starting to believe! You go guys, I'm with ya.
sam 1970 - May 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I got into this web page from my buddy "Sussex County Chris." He and I are ecstatic about this big move. We even called Tastykake and asked if they heard anything about Dutch Mil making a come back. The woman on the other end got totally pissed off! The old cow even started yelling at me. Damn are they insecure about Dutch Mill. The mere mention of their name caused this one sorry woman to soil herself. She was going off yelling, "I'm tired of people talking about those losers who couldn't even stay in business and were scared to compete with real companies like ours!" What a sad sack of dung! Funny beyond works. YOU GO DUTCH MILL!!!
4Love-in-CT - May 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I just got a call from an old high school friend from NJ. Didn't believe it until I went on this page. Never thought there were as individuals as crazy as me about Dutch Mill. One word: AWESOME!
Tea Party and donuts - May 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Rock on Karen and Andrew! I'm with ya and might even "invest" a little on my own. In fact, these guys go back into production, my purchases alone will pay for the first year's rent. GO TEA PARTY, GO!
Dartmouth class of '94 - May 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but $100,000 isn't that much in today's business world. Not impressed. Especially not overwhelmed by those ignorant as to real capital investment strategies. Maybe, if this were 1921, that amount might make some difference. But not in today’s world of legitimate business dealings. Better luck next time you nickel and diners.
Sal De. - May 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Never grew up without a box of Dutch Mill on the counter. And this was an Italian household where we knew how to cook and bake! Some small local bakeries make good donuts, but nobody did it like Dutch Mill on a large scale level. Can't see how they wouldn't make it in today's market.
Adam Smith - May 19, 2010 - Report this comment
As Adam Smith, the father of modern economics would attest, Dutch Mill has no future with, or without, these two sad sacks and their trifle of a "donation!" People won't pay extra and thus will eat the garbage churned out at rat holes such as Tastykake. What's good for their pocket books is all that matters as we eat first rate industrial waste. Don't waste time dealing in fantasy. Dutch Mill died and the economics of the situation are better off for it. It you crave quality, live a good life and go to heaven. It no longer has a place in the real world of business.
"Hole" lot of love in Newton - May 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Some people go through life looking to solve problems where other just like to do nothing and complain about those looking for answers. Keep up the good work Karen & Andrew and don't let these idiots let you down. We'll all sit down over some gormet coffee and a box or two of Dutch Mill donuts when they are back in production. Let's ignore this fools and keep on keeping on!
Pac "Dan" - May 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't believe there's a web site for Dutch Mill donuts!! I was running a Google search for Pac Man and came accross in the 1980s .com This is so cool! Seems like yesterday my buddies and me were eating Dutch Mill and playing Pac Man. Great times!
Gators Rule - May 22, 2010 - Report this comment
My cousin goes to Florida State and Nolan Fontana rules! Down with Dee Bug and Crew and bring those great doughnuts wit u! Sounds like the food is what i miss up in our old hang.
Dee-bug'sBFFL'86 - May 22, 2010 - Report this comment
No, gator, they don't got them anymore. That's what this page is doing. Nolan is GREAT. Do you think he'll go to the Major Leagues. Miss you and Florida. Tell all our old crew from "Knew Jersey" now in Gator Country that they got to patition for Dutch Mill to come back. But Nolan Fontana is a great guy and ball player. My nephew is 8 years old and wants to be Nolan when he grows up. Great baseball player, but better person. Does he have a girlfriend?
WallStreetBeat - May 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Give up on this pipe dream of bringing these forgotten donuts from Dutch Boy Donuts back. They're out of business and not all the losers in the world are gonna bring them back. Sure they were well made and better than Tastykake but it's not about who's the best tasting, it's about who can run the best business that makes the most money. It's all about the Benjamins, yo. Sorry Andy & Karen. You guys are like Dutch Mill ... total frauds. Just give up and play dead like the idiots that sold out because they couldn't take the competition. I don't know who owned Dutch Boy Donuts, but obviously they couldn't make it in the 21st century business world. In short, they couldn't hack it and we're better off for it. Rest in Peace Dutch Boy Donuts. You're losers and always were just like the sell outs that bailed on their loyal customers. Go back to Holland and stop pretending like you once were important.
Guillaume Apolinaiere - May 22, 2010 - Report this comment
To my chagrin it would appear there are discontents that would have us believe this valiant effort to revive the beloved Dutch Mill company is futile. Nothing could be more distant from the truth. These valiant warriors of the bakery are modern day heroes. Please keep up the effort Ms. Karen and Mr. Andrew. I often reminisce about my preferred donuts and am saddened by their premature termination In fact, if there were to be a corporate structure, I would see myself and my fellow Encole Polytechnique grads introduce our funds into this venture. Think positively and you shall become wise beyond your years. It was Henri Matisse who said, “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”
Akasi - May 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Guillaume bring up an interesting point ... and I certainly like the quote he references. But let us not forget the words of the Zen philosopher Basho when he wrote, "A flute with no holes is not a flute. And a doughnut with no hole is a danish."
Nebraska BB #1 in our hearts - May 24, 2010 - Report this comment
First off, Nebraska baseball rules!! Second, great quote from Caddy Shack. Correct? Chevy Chase said the one about that Basho Zen guy, right? And what's with the negative jerks making idiotic comments. If people are trying to help Dutch Mill get back on their feet, what’s the problem. Shut up and let productive people do their thing. Negative people by nature are unhappy people from my experience. So shut up! I've lived in the Corn Husker state for 11 years now and still miss Dutch Mill. But it would appear that even if I still lived in Ocean County, it wouldn't do any good since they sold out. Shame on them! NEBRASKA BASEBALL #1
Sinzibukwud - May 26, 2010 - Report this comment
How 'bout when Ty tells the Ted Knight character, "Don't sell yourself short, Judge, you're a tremendous slouch." Love Caddy Shack and Dutch Mill donuts. Also enjoy reading what the jerks have to say on this Dutch Mill web page. Sure they're miserable people, but amusing none the less. I also think there are some Tastykake higher ups that might be reading and commenting on this site under different names. A close friend new someone that worked at Tastykake and this web page REALLY got to some of their managers! I guess they have donut envy!
L.O.D. - May 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Weeeelllllll, we're got those that hate Dutch Mill. Let's bring these suckers back. Dutch Mill will dominate! I am sooooo stooooooked!
Blackhawk11 - May 27, 2010 - Report this comment
I was one of the critics when it came to Dutch Mill going back into business, but now I believe. I had a BBQ with my sister and her family last weekend and we actually talked about how much we all loved Dutch Mill products. Half my family lives on the east cost and the other half in Chicago where we also have great baked goods. My East Coast family and friends said they were going to tell everyone they know about this link. AND WHAT ABOUT MY BLACKHAWKS?! This will be our first Stanley Cup since 1961!!! Heck, that was 10 years before I was even born. Do you know how hard it is coming from a hockey crazy family that loves the Hawks? As a kid I lived in Long Island and New Jersey and couldn’t stand the Islanders and Devils fans. The Rangers were at least tolerable. And they, like the Blackhawks, are at least one of the original six. First game against the Flyers is this Saturday at 8:00 p.m. LET's GO HAWKS!!!!!
Juan DeLefuer - May 28, 2010 - Report this comment
French Canada loves hockey and is pulling for The Hawks. We also love our donuts! Glad to see so many fellow Canucks are on point. I know a big baker from Montreal that would like to create a Dutch Mill style donut. After living in Connecticut and visiting New Jersey and New York for years, I really want Dutch Mill to come back. When your mother is Puerto Rican and your father is French Canadian, you have a good sense of style and those guys had it. I'm here for them when they are back in biz.
Jason37489 - May 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Too funny; my old friend from VT told me about this page and it's more nuts than even he said. Rock on Dutch Mill and don't let the bastaards get you down! Once my old man kicks the bucket, I'll put a good amount of bucks into this venture you can bet ya.
Wright Worker Wexler - May 31, 2010 - Report this comment
These guys were indeed the best and any effort to bring these donuts back should be commended. It's also a shame there's not a donuts on the market that comes close to Dutch Mill in quality. I still dream about he Chocolate glazed and the cinnamon were remarkable. If/when they come back; I'll be the first on line at my neighborhood super market!
Mr. Summers - June 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Not from my sourse directly, but I heard there was a meeting at Tastykake about this site and the possible return of Dutch Mill!
David Raymond Fan Club - June 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Flyers WIN in O.T.!!! Philly is great, Dutch Mill is great and Broad Street Bullies are gonna win the Cup! Down with Chicago and no more Windy City idiots on this page!
PhillyDCL-02 - June 04, 2010 - Report this comment
GOt it goin noW! We're up 3 to one in and parting in the second intermission! My sister and husband are in the second row behind the LUC@OIL sign! Dutch Mill after the game!
Clouds&Sundance - June 06, 2010 - Report this comment
My brother and I grew up in North Jersey and lived down the road from a Walgreens. We are twins, but not fraternal; not that it matters. A cinnamon box of Dutch Mill Donuts was the first thing we bought together, along and with our own money. Our parents didn't mind, however, because we saved them one donut each! It wasn't easy. What great donuts!
Shumullio87 - June 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I don't think they can do it when it comes to re-maiking Dutch Mill. Too much cost and less pride in the work place in today's business world. I'd like to see Dutch Mill back in buiness, mind you, but who puts that much pride into donuts today.
DutchMillionaire - June 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Wow. I've never seen a bunch of people so into refined starch before. You would think "Dutch Mill Donuts" was code for Racquel Welch's snatch or something.
1961 For Real, yo! - June 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Funny you shoud say! Racquel, after all, was born in Chi-town and was one Hot-Momma in 1961 which was the last time "Da Hawkkkkkkks won the Stanley Cup! Sure she had/still has a hot bod, but she'd LOVE Dutch Mill!!!
Blackhawk11 - June 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't know what "snatch" or Racquel has to do with Dutch Mill, or the Cup, but THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WEEEE WON THE CUP!!! Long live "da hawks" and bring back Dutch Mill! P.S. ... Philly fans have a lot to be proud of
Blackhawk11 - June 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Since 1961 THAT IS; gOD BLESS IT won't be that long till we tast Dutch Mill!
Warden Norton - June 12, 2010 - Report this comment
This is so weird, the reference to Raquel Welch by the above entries. By the way guys ... her name is spelled "Raquel," but no matter. The other day my roommate and friends were talking about the movie The Shawshank Redemption and one of the posters in the protagonist’s cell. Andy's last poster, when he escaped, was of Raquel Welch from the 1966 movie "One Million Years B.C." WOW was she amazing. The movie was crap, but she was beautiful in the must exotic sense. And "YES" just to show I'm no prude, I'd eat that snatch in a second. Funny thing, too; it happens to be "white peach season" for the next couple of weeks and I just ate 5 peaches. Sorta of like Kramer in Seinfeld when it comes to the white peaches. Anyway, the three sweetest things I can think of right now are A) white peaches, B) Dutch Mill cinnamon and/or glazed donuts and, yes, C) young succulent Raquel from 1966 and her snatch! Notice I use the letter “C” for sweet Raquel. "What say you fuzzy-britches?"
867-5309/Jenny - June 12, 2010 - Report this comment
As a female I find some of these comments a tad offensive, however, if you're going to be rude, do so in an intelligent way. For example, "DutchMillionaire's" comment along with "1961 For Real, Yo" were so-so, but "Warden Norton" appears to be intelligent, highly so, and rude. That workks for girls like me with brains and The Farah look! We all love a little dirty talk. And when are we bringing back Dutch Mill?!
Melissa - June 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is not the only baker of quality donuts that ceased production since about 1995. I have never been able to find out if it was because of the trend toward healthier living, or to eliminate any competition to the current line of products. I know of one small wholesale baker that still produces similar donuts for supermarkets, delis, and bodegas. Koffee Kup Bakery, Inc. of Burlington, VT still makes a similar line of products than Dutch Mill made. Some are private labeled for grocery chains. They are available in parts of upstate NY, MA, CT, and VT.
Frank McCourt - June 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Thanks for the tip, Melissa! I visit friends up in VT at least twice a year (Woodstock & "The North East Kingdom") and didn't know about Koffee Kup, but will be looking for them. Just when I thoght I knew it all. Perhaps I should pay close attention to see if they are labeled for the particular groery store. In other news, heard more people are getting together to invest in the new Dutch Mill. GO CELTICS, BEAT L.A.!!!
Collegiate Cal12 - June 15, 2010 - Report this comment
Going up to New England for a summer vacation in two and a half weeks and will be sure to check up on Koffee Kup! My family and I miss Dutch Mill so much. But if someone on this page says these guys come close, we'll be sure to check 'em out. THANKS!
Doctor Demento - June 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I hope you guys aren't seriously saying these Koffee Kup things are in the same neighborhood as Dutch Mill!
AlexinCharge - June 18, 2010 - Report this comment
I don't think anyone is saying Koffee Kup is better than Dutch Mill. It's just that small companies are being "run off" by dirt-bags like Tasktykake whose products are "she-it." Not bad, but Dutch Mill was the best! Hopefully they will be again.
Kathy834754 - June 18, 2010 - Report this comment
This is not my name because the info I have is not going to go back to me. My "sister" was "associted" with someone at Tastykake and he was a higher up. Turns out he lied about being married, but that's another story. When she was with him (A Big Mistake On Her Part and one she should take some blame) but THIS GUY wrote negative things, ON THIS PAGE, about Dutch Mill and anyone that wants to see them get back into business!!! Jigs up! And if you do it again WE WILL MENTION YOUR NAME AND TELL EVERYONE AT THE COMPANY AND YOUR WIFE WHAT YOU DID!!! Your move now!
M*A*S*H Fan - June 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Holy Cow! My brother and I got together after not seeing each other in person for almost 13 months and came on this site to check and see if Dutch Mill was up and running again and get hit with this "Kathy" comment. HOLY *#&%! I wouldn't want to be this poor slob at Tasty!!!
Body&minds - June 19, 2010 - Report this comment
I believe there are snakes out there that work for the compitition. My brother has a painting business and someone wrote that they were incompotent painters on Angie's List and then we found out it was the compitition!! Bye bye to his car! BOOM! List the guys name at Tastykake, we'll find him.
John7576 - June 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Everyone's got to take a chill pill and relax! OK, so there are jerks out there and Tastykake sucks beyound works and Dutch Mill was the best, but let's no go down to their level! This was a class donuts, let's act with class and not go nuts, people!
1919 - June 19, 2010 - Report this comment
I agree. Have some class! I, for one, would invest in Dutch Mill if they came back in a corporate form, but some of you are in need of help. As for Tastykake, forget them. They are, and always be garbage. But that's their prolem. Ignore them and concentrate on the Dutch Mill rebirth!
Tony Soprano - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Now I've seen it all! Are we gonna hit someone over donuts?! Ah, what the hey, anything to bring Dutch Mill back!
the brothers kaz - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
My brother and I would always get our dad a box of dutch mill mixed donuts for father's day. This was for about six or seven years until we got older and then still got them once in a while as a joke. Great donuts. Wish they were still here.
SONY Reunion from 1978-98 - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
A bunch of old co-workers and I worked at SONY in NYC from the late 70s to the late 90s and would essentially make Fridays Dutch Donut Day! Of course those quality donut days ended somewhere around 1995. Miss them.
Tony - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
The best donut company of all time. Love to see them back.
GreenP:) - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
YES($#&T-7=thebase+ow They ARE the DonUts 2 Beat
Frank McCourt - June 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Wanted to thank members of this pate for some sage advice. Just got back from Vermont with the family and enjoyed the Koffee Kup dontus. Thanks, Milissa! Just when I thought New England couldn't get any nicer. That said, Dutch Mill is/was stil the best.
WorldCupSA2010 - June 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Let's go Uruguay and Germany. I've got family in both countries, don't ask why!!! Three exclamation points should be a hint; especially the Third “Riech” one! I guess after 1945, some folks had to "get out of town." What's up with this web page, anyway?! People here are either tremendously intelligent or absolutely nuts! I mean, some of you are on something and it's not donuts powder. Really ... get a handle on yourselves. Let's bring Dutch Mill back, but not at the cost of our collective sanity!
DB on It - June 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was too good for this plain of existance.
North Jerseyboyz from "Tiger Land" - June 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Grew up in north Jersey after moving to The Garden State from Detroit. Dutch Mill was one of the first things that made a positive impression on me. Gotta remember my sister and I were only kids, so a little thing like donuts makes all the difference; especially a great one like Dutch Mill. Let's Go Greece in the World Cup! As Greeks, of course we have dinners in NJ and Detroit. Actually, if anyone can get the old Dutch Mill donut recipes, I can try to make them in my dinners!! I have the equipment, just not the recipes! How ‘bout it everyone?!
Pablo E. - June 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Columbia is my team, but I don't know what to do. I had Dutch Mill and didn't know they went away. America is a great contry and I loved my time there. I also know Canada where donuts are big. I would help Dutch Mill.
Pop'ems - June 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Worked at Entenmann's for quite some time and knew the Dutch Mill gang by reprutation. Great bunch of folks over there and they made one heck of a donut. Too bad they're gona. Have to admit they made the best super market donuts ever.
Gladiator - June 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill shall rise from the ashes and destroy its adversaries that have betrayed the donut world. And we shall have our vengeance in this life, or the next. I am Gladiator.
RontilliW - June 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Sp tell me how Michael Jackson left us? He wsa too thin, eat some Dutch Mill, Michael.
Dr. Frued in? - June 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Just me, or do some people just tuning in need serious psychiatric help. It's a Dutch Mill fan page people! Put down the hallucinogenic substances and tell the world you miss Dutch Mill and leave it at that! Leave the insanity for you doctor. How the heck are we gonna get together and bring this company back if half our fans are mentally deranged? Is it just me, or am I missing something. Sure I need a Dutch Mil donut, but a stiff drink, too.
Red, White & Green - June 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Mexico will beat Argentina to go on and beat Germany! Mexican American's unite. We like Dutch Mill to! My sister lived in New Jersey since 1985 and I lived here since 2000. She told me these donuts were best and all her friends from shcool want them back.
John"Donut"Dough - June 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Is this a Dutch Mill page, or International sporting events page. Then again, glad to see we have a flair for world politics, or at the very least, world sproting events. That said, let's go USA. Opps, they're out of the World Cup, are they not. Oh yeah ... Looking forward to anyone, or anything, that can bring back Dutch Mill. And if it takes a corporation, I, for one, would be glad to invest. I know this company can make it in todays market. I really feel the consumer of today is willing to pay a little more for quality. I know I will.
EKK - June 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Not to sound like a pesimist, but I don't know how smart today's consumers are. Hopefully they/we could pay a little bit more for quality, but with companies like Tasktykake still in business, it makes me wonder. But one never knows, does one. Would I invest ... Yes, but how many of us are there?
meters OK - June 28, 2010 - Report this comment
what happened to those two married people that wanted to bring Dutch Mill back? Are they for real? I think there are many like us who dig quality.
Bump Me! - June 28, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm making "Bring Back Dutch Mill" bumper stickers. For those curious for one, or more, let me know on this page! For real, yo. God Bless the U.S.A.
Clerks - June 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Worked as a clerk for a little over two years while going to college at Glassboro. Oh excuse me, think it’s Rowan College now and then were achieved Royalty … Rowan University. To me it’s just Glassboro. Boy were there some easy chicks there is the 80s! The girls in state schools in New Jersey knew how to party back then. Stockton had some loose ones and we even went up to Kean College where a couple friends went that I grew up with around Seaside Heights and Toms River. I actually had two good friends that lived in Seaside year round! For those of you who don't know much about Seaside Heights, a year round resident is very rare. But regarding these two friends, one is dead … drugs; and the other is a full time cop! Talk about the Twilight Zone. And the one that’s a cop should have been dead back in 1986. Anyway, the little shop I worked in was in Ocean County and we had Dutch Mill. It's the only product in that damn shop I could eat and the customers who bought Dutch Mill were the only ones I could tolerate. And want to hear something great?! I think my boss, the owner, bought some of his products, including Dutch Mill “Hot!” Trucks used to pull up, the boss man would look around, take out a roll of bills, and run back into the shop with the products as if he just robbed a bank. My best friend from Toms River even told me that Dutch Mill wasn’t supposed to be here. How he knew that I wouldn’t know, but he usually was on point. As far as I knew, these donuts were “found” elsewhere and ended up with us. Good think, too, since these were the hottest products in the store in more ways than one. There was indeed something very special about Dutch Mill and something special about the put out desire to those sweet state college girls in NJ
Jay - July 01, 2010 - Report this comment
did you get your handle, "clerks" from the indie movie about those guys in a new jersey conveniece store? did they show dutch mill donuts in any scenes?
867-5309/Jenny - July 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Let me answer this ---- no, there were not, ufortunely, any Dutch Mill's show in the movie Clerks.
WorldCupSA2010 - July 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Go back to my message from June 21st. Germany and Uruguay are the two teams. Now both are in the FINAL FOUR! What a great tournament and what a great idea to bring Dutch Mill back to our stores. And don't forget, Germany and Uruguay are two countires that know how to enjoy desserts.
Uncle "Flippin'" Sam - July 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey "World Cup!" Maybe you could begin your message by saying something about our countries birthday! How 'bout it. Well I love this country and freedom ain't free buddy! God Bless America. And let's bring Dutch Mil back to the good 'ol U,S of A before sending it to South America and Nazi land!
Archambeault Eagle - July 04, 2010 - Report this comment
You want to go back in history?! First off, YES, happy birthday America!! We are indeed luck to live in this wonderful country. That said I'm going to exercise some freedom of speech. Go back to July 4th and see what I wrote about "they'll probably take away our Twilight Zone 4th of July marathon." Well ... they did!!! What B.S. big time! I actually remembered that I left a message on this great page last year and thought I'd come back to state my grievances since there are some smart folks on this site. I see there are also some whack-jobs. But that's freedom, so I don't mind. But I am very concerned in the direction this great nation of our is going. Look at that fool in the white house. Worse yet, no Twilight Zone marathon. And, of course, no Dutch Mill Donuts. Let’s work harder than ever to do something about this. Go “love birds!” Can’t believe those two got married. AWESOME! Gotta love Karen & Andrew. You guys go and I’ll go with it! And if it’s an investment to be made … I’m all in! Got to call my brother Mark about the bad news. Still making baby back ribs and a keg still needs dinking. But not a bottle of Jack will have to come into play. God Help us.
Oregon Mark - July 04, 2010 - Report this comment
This is "Archmbeault's" brother Mark everyone. First off, what's up with the dumb-ass name, bro?! I'm so Shiit-faced! We're sitting around, getting totally f-ed up around the picknik table and laughing at this site on Nancy's laptop. Joey and Kate are here along with all their co-workers at city hall. We've read every entry on this page and are cracking up totally and absolutely! I think Dutch Mill page just gained 7 new fans. Let's bring these back now! And change your gay name, bro! hah hah hahas
Kate - July 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey all, Mark just threw up behind the bushes!! We are all rolling. Just thought we'd give you some July 4th cheer. This is what it's all about. Fireworks coming now. Drunks with explosives. This will be fun. We're difinately fans of this Dutch Mill web cam. And I'd think about investing. I've never seen a site that comes close this this one. I've never had a Dutch Mill donut, but I'm told they were the best. I can't wait for them to open.
Homewine87 - July 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I have friends that suggested I start my own winery. I also bake. I loved Dutch Mill as a kid as they were the best store donuts ever made. I'm thinking of making these guys if someone wants to get me a recipe. And if you guys start your own Dutch Mill plant, I'd be happy to volunteer my time to help out since I've been retired since February of 2010.
hiepo93 - July 06, 2010 - Report this comment
New here. Only remember my older brother had them on his home work table. I still know the box. Will do research on this because my brother's girlfriend's brother worked there way back. This dude got to bring them home! I remember he cleaned out his basement and found a box that looked to be 100 years old. Very strange.
hiepo93 - July 06, 2010 - Report this comment
oh yeah. He gave me the box to show my brother and I still have it. Thinking of putting it on Ebay!
eilasor - July 07, 2010 - Report this comment
they used to have them all over the brons/now i have some accurate info winomore aroumd whinw
eilasor - July 07, 2010 - Report this comment
why no more whine no more/open up a dutch mill store/for the donuts you adore
sor - July 08, 2010 - Report this comment
so what im so nuts i go nuts four more donuts
Square Orange - July 08, 2010 - Report this comment
You guys see the movie "The Station Agent"? I lived up there in New Jersey. A little store sold Dutch Mill. That actor from that movie is a good acting little person. I'd like him to be a donut.
Pollock - July 08, 2010 - Report this comment
There should be published works in detail. Refering of course to the complete recipes and cooking techniques for all Dutch Mill products including the pound cakes. This would indeed help bring back the trend. I know how to cook with these tools, but could use help. An actual bakery of that size utilizes all the best equipment and that has much influence over the final product. I’ve already met a few faithful at “The Bourbon Restaurant” and they agree.
Chowhound - July 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Want some interesting insight on Dutch Mill and the best contemporary donuts shops in New York City. Go to Google and put in: "Dutch Mill Donuts Chowhound" There are some good/great donut shops in the city, but nothing like Seattle in my view
dho3TOWN - July 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't count them out. my son worked there and he NEVER will stop. Never told him how proud i "m"
SiBob - July 10, 2010 - Report this comment
The movie Clerks was the bomb. I knew this kid in high school that brought Dutch Mill's in to school for the cafeteria. He was cool and so were those donuts. The chick who looks like Farah seems really cool. Not many girls like the movie Clerks. Not going to say if I “knew” some of the actors, but went to school in Middletown Township. That’s where the Quick Stop store was in the movie. That was in Leonardo which is part of Middletown. Jason Mewes is a good guy and over his “little problem.” I’m gonna ask him about Dutch Mill when we hook up next. I heard his mom liked them. Jason is a great guy.
867-5309/Jenny - July 11, 2010 - Report this comment
You (SiBob] sound like you might have met Jason Mewes?! Not a groupie, but love the movie Clerks! You're the same guy as the one that signed in "Clerks," right? Would like to take you out for a donut and coffee.
Whole"n"1 - July 12, 2010 - Report this comment
My fat roommate at Montclair State once ate an entire 8 pack of Dutch Mill and then drank more beer than our other two roommates and I combined. Now that's college, baby! Like this Jenny chickpea. My buddy told me to read this entire page and the back stories are entertaining + Good luck "Farah." If it don't work out with Clerk boy give me a shot. That is, if you really look like Farah from circa 1976 and not 2008. I’ll help you feather back that hair with my own special hair jell.
78 - July 16, 2010 - Report this comment
They (DUTCH MILL) went down like butter; which was probably a main ingredient. Someone said before the Nation is more health conscious now as opposed to the '80s, but many of us still eat "non-health foods." Look at McDonald's.
Ely1 - July 18, 2010 - Report this comment
one word to decribe Dutch Mill: MMMMMMMMMMMM
Clerks - July 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Yeah ... "SiBob" is/was me. You serious?! Donuts & Coffee? Where? When? How do you know I'm not an ex-murderer?! More important, how do I know you really look like Farah (circa 1976)? And, "yes," I have met Jason, but who cares.
backtobeach - July 23, 2010 - Report this comment
they were at all the shops in my part of the vaction shore. won't be the same without them. not many good store donuts anymore. good snacks on the boardwalk, they still have, but back at the bugalo would need some more swimming fuel
Alphonse - July 24, 2010 - Report this comment
I only just turned five, but I remember my great-grandmother from "The Boot" eating nothing but Dutch Mill; the dontus and the pound cake. It was the only desert she would eat that was not home made. These guys were better than great. They made donuts, and the like, that nobody has since came close to duplicating. If they were to get back into operation, I would not even think about ever eating another donuts, pound cake or donut holes.
867-5309/Jenny - July 24, 2010 - Report this comment
If you're an axe murderer, don't much bother me. I've dated worse. And what do you look like? Then again, I can tell my type by the way a man types! Cute, huh? I look like Farah, too much so, with the '80s hair, face and bod. In fact, still fit in "her bathing suit." You know, the one that inspired more meat beating than any other poster in history. As far as where ... read the entire page. There's that one restaurant. You'll find it in this Dutch Mill History page and the average person is too stupid to read everything here, let alone comprehend it. As far as when ... soon as you can. But man up!
Clerks - July 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Truth time. First off, I really want to meet you at (Yes I know the place from reading this page) at whatever time. But just so you know I got out of rehap June 4th of 2009. I won't say it was heroin, but I won't say it wasn't. I'm not an uneducated nut case, just an idiot and actually a fairly intelligent one academically. IQ was measured at 148 and read almost every book ever written on American History. At least at last count 788. Oh yeah, I'm obsessive compulsive, too. That said, I was an F-up when it came to life. You're welcome to back out any time and thanks for the offer. See you next life and no hard feelings, Farah. P.S. Didn't care if you still fit into the circa 1976 bathing suite. And "yes" I was one of the many guys that jacked it to the famous poster. In any case, no hard feelings. Oh yeah, since it's truth time, I actually did care about the bathing suit. Pretty impressive.
Peak'ah'tix - July 26, 2010 - Report this comment
WHOA, Nelly!@#! WhatTF> I jux wanted to see if these according to bro are in the storz and you hit me with "H" a.k.a. boy; as in "not Bittch!!?? Who ruzdis site and tell me i'z dreamin' TOO FUNNY and Whoaaa I need me some dutchMill NOW
Man ray - July 27, 2010 - Report this comment
The "Clerks guy" actually seems fine. Peak ah tix however seems to be hitting the H But all maks sense. People on "the horse" need and crave sugar so what better fix, after the fix than Dutch Mill.
867-5309/Jenny - July 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Oh no, Mister! You're meeting me at (You know where) Damn, you are too honest, then again no such thing. I'm surprised and that's not easy to do. How 'bout this coming (The only day of the week named after Roman Mythology) at "Mezzogimo" time? Got that Mr. 148.
Clerks - July 28, 2010 - Report this comment
You're crazy, you know that? It's on; and I clearly understand the day and time. So could anyone else that did a little research, but then again we're dealing with a sub-average intelligent quotient these days. To tell you the truth, I don't think you and I are all that bright; everyone else is a moron. And when you say, "Mezzogino" I assume PM. This is nuts.
Tastykake (TBC INC) - July 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Tasty Baking Company is bring back Dutch Mill Donuts!!! We are going to test them in all Price Rites, I work for the company and you will see them very soon!
Doughboy1917 - July 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Interesting, since there has been no confirmation of this statement. I'll network more, but let's wait and see.
oil~5 - July 30, 2010 - Report this comment
If Dutch Mill DOES come back it will be the donut news of the century. But if this is a lie, it will soon be found out. Too many people connected to this web page have too many connections. Bottom line, someone will eventully bring back Dutch Mill. It's a winning recipe and and pure money maker.
JacksonTan - July 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I've got feelers out, but will have to see if Dutch Mill is, in fact, back; or at least on the way. What about the "Dating Game" taking place on this sight. Love is in the air, but let's also put Dutch Mill donuts back on the shelves.
Purplez - August 01, 2010 - Report this comment
SO if you like Dutch Mill and are looking for love, this is the web page for you! If these donuts are coming out soon, count me in!!
Denver - August 02, 2010 - Report this comment
i've heard Tasty was gonna release the Dutch Mill magic, but didn't believe it. Still don't, but we'll see.
Quellenfof - August 05, 2010 - Report this comment
It's the most upkept secret to hit the media main line web meister since DOS. The recipee for 7 different Dutch Mill donuts has already been passed on to several names thank to some of the women that worked at the old facility back in 1985. I've tried making them, but need more practice, but I have the recipes. They will come out, but, at first without the Dutch Mill name, but everyone who eats them will know they are Dutch Mill#
Cubs - August 06, 2010 - Report this comment
How did these guys get away? Don't think anyone could make them like they used to.
We so Raven - August 06, 2010 - Report this comment
My girlfriend and me (I'm a girl, but like guys) and Raven [girl0night0buddy] oh. We want a nice Dutxh Millz guy. We're bouth younger, but remember Dutch Mill as girls. we were both 8 when they ended and our moms were best friends and these were the only sweets we could eat. and each other. We're high right now and luv this site
Dartmouth Class of '94 - August 06, 2010 - Report this comment
What the #%*#! Farah girl won't meet me to hook up with a dope addict?! Now we got two whacked out girls on this page that look like they're on substances?! Boy could I use a good Dutch Mill donut right now. Oh yeah, they don't make them anymore! Ain't life grand! One of those weeks. By the way guys, I'm dating the hottest chick in New Hampshire and I know the Dutch Mill formulas! I can make them at will and will do so. And Farah don't get any! Maybe I'll hook up with the two crazy Bi-grills! Looks like everyone's hooking up on this web page. You missed out on the best, girl. Hope you're happy. By the way, I know where you meet. But you see me there with your H-boy, don't come by my table. Come under it, girl. No Dutch Mill for you. ah haha
Cannon Beach - August 08, 2010 - Report this comment
When ever I see a lighthouse out in Oregon I think of Dutch Mill donuts; which is weird since they used a windmill as their logo. You never forget your first and Dutch Mill was my very first favorit junk food. We've got some great donuts shops out here. Anyone want to know my favorit?
Six-Pac-attack - August 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Why would anyone possibly give a flying crap about you favoit stinkin' donuts shop in Bor-egon. Got f%^$ yourslef.
"Dutch":No kidding, that's my nickname! - August 10, 2010 - Report this comment
I see the jerk-off brigade is back in swing. Drink another six pack buddy and stay off our web page! I'd love to hear about a nice donut joint in Oregon. I went there back in 1985 when I was 11 and plan on going back this fall. And what happened to the Clerk guy and Farah?! You guys engaged yet?
"Sabo/Andrew" - August 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Like our new handle?! And you stole my thunder "Dutch." Unfortunately there are some less than scrupulous individuals and some enter this page under false pretence. For example, claiming to be employed by certain companies when they know full when they are not, in fact, employed by these companies. My husband has a way to find out about these folks. But we'll let them be unless we need in info. I also want to know about these new "love birds" and Andrew and I were once referred. And don't worry about Dutch Mill coming back. IT WILL HAPPEN!!! God Bless the pretenders@!
David - August 10, 2010 - Report this comment
It's amazing that these natural donuts, which were far superior to the artificial Entenmann's crap that you find in the stores, never had a huge following. They were bought out by Tasty Kake, who eventually dropped the brand. In this day of organic and all-natural eating, I'm surprised someone has not come out with a donut that doesn't need all of the artificial ingredients that Entenmann's uses in their horrible donuts.
TASTYKAKE TBC INC - August 11, 2010 - Report this comment
We have just tested them and yummy!!! They are going to be on the street starting in September.....Stay Tune
Blackhawlk11 - August 12, 2010 - Report this comment
YEESSSS!!! Can't wait!!! Bet Andrew & "Sabo" girl had something to do with it. Heard they got major bucks! But either way, Tastykake rules for brigging Dutch Mill back. And David is absolutely correct ... Entenmann's is crap on wheels!
Doughboy1917 - August 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I would love the idea of Dutch Mill rising from the ashes like a Phoenix, but, unfortunately, it is the opinion of this doughnut aficionado that it is an unfortunate hoax. If they were coming back, a real "TASKYKAKE TBC INC" person would not have said, "yummy!!!" Not even a Tastykake CEO would talk/write in that manner. The prankster tipped his hand and is, quite honestly, not all that intelligent. Also, he used a different "handle" on both e-mails. One said "Tastykake (TBC INC)" and the last one was printed: "TASTYKAKE TBC INC" Not a very good, or well thought out con, and obviously the work of a person with an adolescent-like mentality. Who said it ... we've got some extremely intelligent folks on this web page and some not so smart individuals. But the most exasperating thing is those who think of themselves as intelligent and are actually of average intelligence. Like Harvey Lawrence Pekar (10/8/1939 - 7/12/2010) said in one of his works: "Average ... average is dumb."
lordnilus - August 16, 2010 - Report this comment
must agree as "yummy!!!" is not how a company person would introduce a new product. more like some fool. besides ... taskydicks don't have the insight to bring back a real donut. corporate dix are not known for quality products, but the bottom line. but i have faith in the poeople like sabo&andrew and folks like doughboy above. i, too would invest with you guys
stream2dream - August 18, 2010 - Report this comment
These were the best by a mile.8 and I've got the tape! Dutch Mill was the best of times. I'm hear for you Ned
Kate&TY - August 20, 2010 - Report this comment
To those who are about to bake-we salute you. Dutch Mill made culinary history for the kind of donuts we could be proud of. Will they come back? Not by those idiots at TastyKake. But wisdom never dies, it just takes breaks. Hopefully a donut break____
Odds-on-Favorite - August 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't get me enough of those good time memories. My money's on these ba/d boys gettin' up on those super market shelves. Oh yeah, I hear that tarin ah comin' and whistle is ah blowing and I'm gonna get me some of that old time donut eatin' Oh momma I can taste um now, Johnny, o' Lordie can I'z tast um now
Sab/adw - August 21, 2010 - Report this comment
We confess Mr. Officer. We droped 4 tabls of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in our wine. Talk about improving a $330 bottle from the late '70s
"Sabo/Andrew" - August 22, 2010 - Report this comment
OOps there goes another prankster bug ... "OMG" as my 11 year old niece would say. Did someone we know say that. Great bumping into you Doughboy at "The Place." Talk about coincidence. Oh what A Nigh, late December back in '63. That was some wine. High society doing in like in the hippie days. We're got in person meets now. Now if we can find the "new" love-birds. Is that what they call them?
Tollifor6243 - August 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Cannon Beach said he/she knew some great dontus shops in Oregon. I'm going to school there next year and would love to know where they are. Someone in my family worked at Dutch Mill long ago and I heard what great donuts they are. Didn't know they had other products like pound cakes. Wish they were still around. I heard there was nothing like them.6243
BillyG - August 24, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm looking for the owner of Dutch Mill Donuts. His name is Jonh Standford If any one knows were his is please let me know....
Adam Covington - August 24, 2010 - Report this comment
I haven't been on the Dutch Mill page since April of 2009! Well, I actually came back as One Adam 12, but went back to my real name. Just got back on while fiddling around on the net and HOLY COW, BATMAN!!! Didn't know there were this many Dough-NUTS out there. I have off tomaorrow afternoon and I'm gonna read EVERY entry. That and War and Peace! I'll tell you this, BillyG, I think that WAS the owner. Nice guy my aunt said. So were the managers. In fact, great people all around. My aunt passed on, but I'll check with some other people about wehre the old owner is. He doesn't own you money, does he? ha ha Keep up the great logs everyone. In the mean time, you have a Hole lot of love from this donut nut. Get it ... "Hole" as in Donut Hole?! Ha ha ha
Dave Kingman - August 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill made donuts the way I used to hit them out of Wrigley Field. Cubs rule even though we probably won't win till 2037 in that World Series. Dutch Mill was the absolute best. But you know who makes a decent cake donut. I'm serious here ... Walmart!! For real, check them out. Better donuts than Tastykake at least.
Old School Donut-&Co. - August 24, 2010 - Report this comment
You are you BillyG and why, may we ask, are you looking for this person? Don't think you'll get his secrets. We have them.
T-0*honeydoo - August 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Lighten up, yo. Let BillyG speak his piece and ask a question and don't come off like Tony Soprano. And if someone "Steals" the Dutch Mill secret, MORE POWER TO THEM! I'd love to have that donuts back no matter who makes it. GIVE UP QUALITY BACK!!!
Latin - August 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Well stated. Just make Dutch Mill again anyone! Why can't anyone get it right anymore?
Elmer's Persepctive. - August 26, 2010 - Report this comment
These guys are on the hunt for the Dutch Mill recipe, that's for sure. Who owns it and can Sandford begin making them again. Can't believe nobody can make a product like Dutch Mill anymore. Actually, I can. Folks just don't try the way they used to.
nion - August 26, 2010 - Report this comment
The best donut ever made Dutch Mill is.
MargotMMW - August 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill goes back to 1983 when my dad, sister, cattie would have them on the breakfast table. OT for every meal. Didn't eat them in abundance with the sugar, but as a treat there was nothing better
'80sAllday - August 28, 2010 - Report this comment
To my frieds the 1980s came down to silly hair, hair bands and 8packs of Dutch Mill donuts. I read this entire page last night and couldn't believe the great stuff; and crazy stuff, too!! How crazy are some of you people?! But most of you are not just cool-- but "'80s Cool!" and that ROCKS!!! P.S. The movie Hot Tub Time Machine was very good. It's not easy to do the '80s and they did a good job. John Cusack, if that's how you spell it, came out of the 1980's, so he did it justice. Love you '80s and LOVE Dutch Mill. Oh yeah, they did have Pound Cakes, and they were GREAT!
No WAY! - August 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Just got that movie and are watching it tonight with three friends!!! Heard it was good, but if Dutch Mill fans are talking about it, WE KNOW IT IS!!!!!!!!! Dutch Mill is the best. The Eighties Will NEVER DIE!!!!!!! The guy the started this site IS THE MAN!!!! THANKS, BRO for giving us Eighties LOVERS a place to reminice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Pink - August 29, 2010 - Report this comment
I worked at Tastykake not to long ago (or maybe I still do.) The crap they throw together is so half baked (escuse the pun) there's no way they could make a quality donut the likes of which Dutch Mill made. I've seen Dutch Mill's operation back in 1986, 87 & 88 and liked their products. There's no possible way they could ever duplicate that here. Not that I'm still here. Maybe someone, some day, some time will make Dutch Mill donuts but it won't be that "S" hole Tastykake.
1877 - August 30, 2010 - Report this comment
It all comes down to Dutch Mill and the nobodies that claim to know
Kyle*time*2Rhyme - August 31, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill makes donuts, they taste so good. If I were a baker, I'd wish that I could, make one so delicious, if only I could. That would be heaven, away from dead wood.
THE HULK - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Mathew L. - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Is it possible we could drug test the people entering this web page? Then again, I think it's a foregone conclusion some of you would fail in flying colors. That said, "Yes" I like Dutch Mill, too, Mr. Hulk. AAAAARR!
Doughboy/"Sabs"&1Adam12 - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
How's that for a handle?! Yes the three of us met again at "The Place." Good point, new guy "Mathew L." but if we drug tested, we might lose some of our most entertaining members. WHERE ARE YOU "LOVE-BUGS II?" Hope not rehab. Meet us sometime. We might even "talk shop" with U, if you're not a plant. Then again, plants usually can't speak in a semi-intelligent manner. Also have an update on a new potential investor. If only "they" knew how much legitimate interest there is. And we know that you insiders know ‘exactable’ who "THEY" are.``As [Dubbie1\Lotollie said in 2/9/85 "THEY LIVE" the movie with Rowdy Roddy Piper is not what we're talking about. "They" is what they are. ________-----New entry - I hate when she does that. ======NEXT: Oh brother, what did I get myself into. Meet us if you want at this place.
Mathew L. - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Alright ... now what are YOU guys on?
Doughboy/sabber&1A-12 - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
amy - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
does anyone remember vegetable sticks from school cafeteria lunches? think of mozzarella sticks and add chopped veggies inside. they were breaded and fried. i've looked in grocery stores and can't find them.
Teddy - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Okay, amy, and that has to do with Dutch Mill how? Will Dutch Mill every come back? I don't know. Are they people on this web page under the influence of something poerful, Yes. Am I crazy, too, for talking to myself. No doubt. I think I'll fit in well. NOW GIVE US OUR DUTCH MILL DONUTS BACK!!! Oh yeah, they had great Pound Cake, too. Anyone remember them? I do-
Clap on ... Clap off - September 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Nothing more 80's than "The Clapper." Not getting the clap. Then again, it was the 80's. I heard that the old owner (Talk about Sanford & Son) was already approached and is considering bringing Dutch Mill back into production by a small group of individuals.
CM Punk - September 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Dad tought me two things -- Old Time Profesional Wrestling and top quality donuts. He hates the fact that I like CM Punk and eat the new dirty donuts. I'd love to try the new Dutch Mill that the new guys are putting together. My dad knows the small group that's bring them back. I also like Bab Backlund, Jimmy Superfly Snuka and Sgt. Slaughter.
T-Rex - September 02, 2010 - Report this comment
No beating Dutch Mill, but here's one that's gonna blow your mind, man. There is something better than Dutch Mill donuts!!! Do you wish to know? It's still made by Dutch Mill! Well, what can it be Lady Diana? Do you reall wish to know? It is, I'm happy to say Dutch Mill pound cakes! My brother didn't believe they made them. I said, "what's wrong with you, bro-hein? They're the best, their the best, nothing's gonna stand in your way because you're so very good. And you know what? I like Dutch Mill donuts, too. They rocked and hope they come back into production because they are so very tasty and good. I like them all and will eat them like candy. Donuts are great, but if you ever want a treat, try the pound cakes. Oh yeah, they are no more. However, if they come back, I will most definately try the pound cake.
October Sky(s) - September 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Got into the inside rumor mill by one who worked at our favorite donut manufacturing plant. They have had offers, but who and when is not the issue. They need/want only someone that's going to do it out of love. Dutch Mill was simply the single best store purchased donut of all time. And the above person is right ... they DID MAKE pound cake, and they were delicious!
WhiteSox - September 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Chi-town guys know the difference. When we lived in the east, then went back to chi-town, at least we have great bakeries. But Dutch Mill could still steal my heart.
Oscar - September 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Take all the store donuts in the world and they don't make one box of Dutch Mill. Now where do we go? Think about it, all I read is talk, but no action.
Mary Beth - September 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Too bad they aren't around right now at this second. I'd eat a whole box and I never do that. Remember that Coke commercial in around 1972 when they sang, "I'd like to give the world a coke ..." They should do one like that for Dutch Mill donuts and all their products. I remember the pound cakes, too. They were not cheap! At least for the time, but "Oh" so good in the tummy! Please bring Dutch Mill back!
Green Hype - September 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Nobody ever made a better donut and nobody ever will.
Raid - September 05, 2010 - Report this comment
if they'd come back i'd have to say we would take this market to the roof. nobody i know ever said a negative thing about dutch mill since the quality was so high.
Modona's song: "Holiday" - September 06, 2010 - Report this comment
1980s and not a SINGLE mention of Modona?! Oh, wait.. my sister said there is a music page to this overall websight.. but donuts first. Dutch Mill was Sooo 80s and was a great food for the cuberd. Now on to Modona. This jerk better have a music page .. oh, they do .. Wait .. here's my sister. UR such a geek! .. SHUT UP!
Modona's song: "Holiday" - September 06, 2010 - Report this comment
HOw lAME!! My sister is full of it!! This websight [ has a link to "Material Girl" BUT NOT MUSIC link for 80s music! Even my IT'S ME, my sister is right, LAME AS!!! But at least there's dutch millz stuff because they rule. I'm back, How can they not have an 80s music link?
RealRock - September 06, 2010 - Report this comment
They should have a eighties music link, but not for bimbos that act like they're 15 year old vally girls. What about AC/DC and bands that didn't suuck?! But if you girls are hot and like Dutch Mill donuts, that's cool and I'll take you on for a night, or two. For those about to rock, and eat Dutch Mill, we salute you! Zeplin, Hendrix, Pink Floyd rock!!! Modona was a no talent bimbo. But I'd eat Dutch Mill of her wearing nothing if she were lucky.
Tom - September 06, 2010 - Report this comment
One problem, bro. Those are rockers from the 1970's. Great bands, but not the 80's. What year did Dutch Mill first begin? I believe the Reagan years is when they did the most business. Darn, were they good.
JerkH20 - September 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Their were right. That Hot Tub movie about the 1990's was phat, yo. Bring some Dutch Mill in and "Let's get this party started quckly!"
JerkWaterii - September 07, 2010 - Report this comment
It was the 1980's. I'm whack, yo. But Dutch Mill is THE MAN!
Quiet Riot s - September 07, 2010 - Report this comment
COME ON FEEL THE NOISE . Girls ROCK you BOYS . We'll get WILD, WILD, WILD That's 80s rock, baby, but don't diss the 70s. Led Zep RULES. Duch Mill was as much a part of the 1980's as Hair Bands, Easy puss and hair spay on feathered hair. Bring them back. Espcially the easy puss.
Tackz - September 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Finally the voice of reason. You couldn't be more right Mr. Quiet Riot man
The Who - September 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Who is John Sanford?
Magnum Force - September 08, 2010 - Report this comment
You liike Dutch Mill? ... Well ... do ya punk? Well then go ahead ... BAKE MY DAY! Clink in his Dirty Harry movies would eat hot dogs and hamburgers and would have been A Big, BIG Dutch Mill donuts fan. And for anyone considering making them again, all I have to say is: Go ahead, make my day.
Two--no\yiper - September 08, 2010 - Report this comment
That movie was just on, and we watched it. A '70s classic. This Dutch Mill started in 1969, but not all sure. Clint is the man, don't make 'em like that anymore. Nor Dutch Mill.
Deacon3 - September 08, 2010 - Report this comment
My sister dated a dude that worked there back in the day. Last time I saw him, we still dump into each other at local joints, he told me all about the old days. Great place to work because they got to eat Dutch Mill in the snack room and even take a box home now and then. Great managers, too. Ed McDermott was one that came to mind. The owner was a cool, dude, too.
Marv's*in - September 08, 2010 - Report this comment
"YES!" Let's cut the malarky. These were the best donuts ever made. They will eventually come back in some why, shape or form. I only hope when they do come back, they're done right. Now leave me alone. I've got to get back to my job announcing the Knicks and then bighting girl on the back- YES!
EquineMineNJ75 - September 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Horse back riding on the Jersey Shore! Used to do it at a very special place along the shore line of NJ. Anyone with me here? Anyway, my horse BrownBean and I would pack a box of Dutch Mill chocolate, actually double chocolate, and eat them along the strand. She wouldn't eat any other donuts! That old girl had good taste!
Deb - September 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Thinking abut these Dutch Mill products {Pound Cake Included} brings a smile to my face. I had an older brother and two younger sisters and we used to fight over the Dutch Mill donuts and pound cake like there was no tomorrow.
Maple Vermont - September 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I had a college buddy that turned me onto this site. He's listed above as a Green Mountain boy, or something like that. Total head case, but a cool guy. These actually were a terrific donut. But I'll stick to maple pancakes with maple syrup from my home state. Then again I'd also like to pour some syrup over these Dutch Mill basarrds. But only when I'm high as a kite and the good smoke.
teddyn - September 10, 2010 - Report this comment
They should produce a "Home Dutch Mill Kit" they way they do with home made wines and beers. Of course it wouldn't be cheap, or one would have to be careful, but what a great idea. I'd pay a nice amount for something that could bring back the best donut of all time. FRESH MADE, too.
Excal - September 10, 2010 - Report this comment
That's actually a really great idea. Donuts fresh out of the pot are incredible. Dutch Mill fresh would be out of this world.
Fats*Min - September 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Great idea! Do you know how hot a donut frier gets. Do you want to do that around kids? Just wait for them to come out again and don't play games that should be left to the professionals. I love Dutch Mill more than anyone, but I'm not going to hurt myself making them. Does anyone have an update on when Dutch Mill is opening back up?
Blair - September 10, 2010 - Report this comment
It's been one of those days, folks. Can't beat um, eat um. Yes, home fried is a great idea and fools such as the fella above should religate themselves to silence. Dutch Mill RULES!
Up/Down - September 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was the donut, and YES pound cake for all types, classes and styles! BIRNG THEM BACK!
The BIgy - September 11, 2010 - Report this comment
This web site is the bomb, yo! They even have a page for the time share. We've got to bring back the ding which means the ring and when the phone pings, I'll order the Dutch Mill express.
Tazmania - September 11, 2010 - Report this comment
These guys will be back. I've heard from three different guys that are working on the skinny. Too good a donut to go away. In school, half the people in my class had these as their main junk food. Dutch Mill was everywhere growing up.
Goldman's Slacks - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Who's the character putting up flyers in super markets reading: "BRING DUTCH MILL BACK (We want quality donuts) I've seen them in two super markets in Oakland. Good one, I'll give you thank. Since most of you use a "code name," myslef included; fess up! In the one store, management, or someone keeps taking it down, but you keep putting it up. NICE!
frankie - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
It seems the entire years of 1976 - 1989 Dutch Mill was essentially part of our family's counter top. Can't believe they don't make ALL their products anymore. Simply the best!!
Amber - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
My sister and i have like 5 friends that used to LOVE with a capitol "L" these donuts. Dutch Mill was the best. We'd all by a box and split them up. Funny thing. We were all thin and ate what we wanted and never gained. Now I just think about donuts and I gain 5 pounds. How’d that happen? Come to think of it, good think they're not around anymore. LOL Plus, people on this webpage are right when they say those Tastykake guys are total crap on a stick. But that's sorta a good thing as well. Can't be tempted by sweets if they can't make them anymore. Also, who ever said that Dutch Mill made pound cakes is absolutely correct. When our friend Debbie finally "took a Twinkie" as we'd call it, we got her a single Twinkie to symbolize her acceptance. But that tasted like ... well, a Twinkie so my sister got her a Dutch Mill pound cake and we couldn't believe it said, "Dutch Mill" on the box. I'm POSSITIVE. Even have a picture of it. They guy thought he was playing her, but when she didn't go back out with her, he went nuts for her. It was a cinnamon pound cake, it think, and we still talk about that. Bet you boys out there can't come up with a better story than that!
N-Light~Chick - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
What kind of sluut are you and your friends?! Amber sounds like a sluut name. You 'accept one" and celibrate with a long dix like object with white cream. You just showed your whoore color. Go "take a twinkie" up you asss! Whoore!!! Yes, Dutch Mill is great, but don't make ungly comments that make all females look loose!
SA-Timmy - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
MEEEOOOOWWW and HISSSSSSSSSSS!!! CAT FIGHT, CAT FIGHT!!! Rip it off girls. And stay out of a good chat "N-Ligh-chick!" If this young lady wants to talk about her and her friends "accepting jonny cox" up their tight little twaats, let 'em! Dutch Mill here I come! This is the best donut in the world (and pound cake) and best web page in history.
Kninsy - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Grow up children! But at least you're Dutch Mill fans, or so it seems. But keep in mind, adults like Dutch Mill, too. And it will be us that brings them back, so bahave!
-T- - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill makes me think of the old days and great donuts. This web page makes me crap up till I vomit. Keep it up people. It takes all kinds and can't think of a better web site! Ya'll are TOO FUNNY!!!!
Loaps - September 12, 2010 - Report this comment
This is a fascinating web page, I'll give ya that. Dutch Mill was a super donut. BRING THEM BACK!
Jan Brady - September 13, 2010 - Report this comment
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, give me my share of the Dutch Mill pound cake or I'll break your nose with a football!
Jag - September 13, 2010 - Report this comment
You guys are too funny --- NOT! Ha ha ha I can play games just as much. But here's something that's not funny. The fact that Dutch Mill isn't back yet. I've listened to the rumor mill, now it's time for me to start one myself. Only mine is based in FACT. My uncle ran a bakery and used to eat Dutch Mill. Only donut he respected. He told me he'd back me in my own bakery and would offer to BUY THE DUTCH MILL RECIPEE!~ So PEE on all of you. PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
Kurt - September 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Jag is right! Someone do something. And if you do open this joint, with the Dutch Mill formula, Jag, please get on this web page and let everyone know!!! I'll drive up from Ocean County if you're up by the old Dutch Mill plant. Way to go, bro!
Montey - September 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I've got the best idea. Let's all meet somewhere and get in on a corporate deal or something. These donuts have to come back. I've never had a better product and by the looks of this page I can tell many more feel that way. Go to any food market and tell me one thing that comes close to Dutch Mill.
Coach - September 15, 2010 - Report this comment
It only takes one, baby!
A&K - September 15, 2010 - Report this comment
We've come out, and , for the record , let all true Dutch Mill fans know our place: Bourbon BBQ Hickory Steakhouse on 529 Goffle Road in Wyckoff. That's where we've met and continue to meet Dutch Mill fans and discuss issues involving today's donut trends and business doings. Wyckoff is also the center of the donuts world. We are also going to ask the town council to put up some sign of monument to the old place. Dutch Mill will be back
The Gov. - September 16, 2010 - Report this comment
That's actually a great restaurant. Glad to know Dutch Mill folks are there. I'll have to keep an eye out. Just another reason to go to Bourbon BBQ in Wycoff!
diej - September 16, 2010 - Report this comment
so what's it like a meeting to start dutch mill up again. fine, but show me the money and i'll think about it. all's i knows is you can't get a decent donuts at the super market anymore. this is a money machine if they come back, that much it true, but can everyone be relied upon?
Jeff - September 16, 2010 - Report this comment
OK, so too many sweets are not good for you. But a box of Dutch Mill is one exception. I wish they would come back. I'd buy one box a week and that's a fact, Jack!
C-townblues - September 16, 2010 - Report this comment
Didn't think there were so many of you into Dutch Mill. Is it possible they were as good as I thought! I guess I wasn't alone. My brother out in San Francisco told me they had a websight for Dutch Mill and I thought he was pulling my leg. Obvioulsy they do. I also like how you guys give advice on where other great donuts shops are. I'm going out to S.F. next week and my brother and I will chech in and tell you guys about the best places out there. In the mean time, keep the faith my Dutch Mill brother and sisters. They will come back if we will it
Da Bears Fan club of Princeton - September 17, 2010 - Report this comment
Moved to Chicago in 2005 after living in NJ all my life. Miss the Jersey Shore (the actual beach, not those brain-dead-uninteresting-fools on the TV show). Also miss some friends, the pizza and Dutch Mill donuts even thought they went out of business around the mid '90s. Chicago pizza is good stuff, Okay I guess, but not Jersey pizza made by real wops. We've got some nice baked good here in the windy city. Where’s a good place in S.F.? I'm going there in a month on business and plan on staying an extra 4 days to check out some wine joints in Napa and Sonoma.
Rock - September 17, 2010 - Report this comment
They say if you stay long enough at one place, that place becomes a part of you. That's how it is with Dutch Mill. I worked there for quite some time and that place became a part of me. I'd love to bring this back to the people. But I became scared and don't know what to do.
Coleman8376 - September 18, 2010 - Report this comment
If one is a true child of the Eighties, it's hard not to remember Dutch Mill. I've been in business a long time and have seen a lot, but never a business that touched so many people with their fine products courtesy of their wonderful staff. Just goes to show, good old American know how works. Great workers and great management will never go out of style.
Pound Cake Underground - September 18, 2010 - Report this comment
You "Doughnut Hole Heads" keep talking about Dutch Mill doughnuts this ... and Dutch Mill doughnut, but what about their Pound Cakes!!?? The Dutch Mill doughnuts are great, especially compared to what's on the market these days, but I want more info on their Pound Cakes! In a word: TOTALLY-AWESOME-OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD!!!
zzzzzzzzzz - September 18, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm gonna blow some minds collectively and indvidually. Dutch Mill made muffins.w
sweet defeazt - September 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Yeah, they're gone, but what memories. These donuts with hot coco was "the bomb!" Wish they were back, but can live with the memories. Just wish the kids today could experience these Dutch Mill treats that were as good as gold. They were teh best.
Gates - September 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't believe you crazey bastarrds!! And I thought I liked Dutch Mill. They turely were the best donuts in our solar system. And didn't they have Galazy Balls, or something like that. They were the donuts holes and the motto on the box was; A Galaxy of Sprinkles!
Indiana - September 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill had a lot of interesting products! Someone said they had muffins?! I do not rememver those, but I believe it. AND, I remember the "Galzy Balls," or whatever the heck they were called. Just a great company. Don't make 'um like that anymore.
Amsterdam - September 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Great donuts! Not cheap, but worth the price. Wish they were back!~
Pine "Baron" - September 20, 2010 - Report this comment
One word: AWESOME! Dutch Mill
Haze of Purple mems - September 20, 2010 - Report this comment
I and my brother-in LAW will pony up a meal at Bourbon BBQ if someone produces a picture of a box of Dutch Mill donuts! In fact, drinks at the local bar to follow. He and I were buddies before he married my sister. In fact, I introduced them, but that's for another day. Anyway, he and my sister would by a box of these and "smoke" some "cigarettes" almost every Friday night for 6 years! We wANT A PiX!!
LemonTWIST75 - September 21, 2010 - Report this comment
I've been to Bourbon BBQ probalby 30 times over the last two and a half years. Moved to Jersey from Reinbeck New York where I ate many Dutch Mill donuts. Don't know if I want to sit next to some of you, but others seem very cool. Peach and Peace.
Otis - September 21, 2010 - Report this comment
could come back, but if you ask me, companies aren't looking for quality. look at tastykake. Shiit sells and why spend money on quality. that's why i agree with the guy that wants to make them at home. home kits just like with beer. i'd buy one in a second and buy one for each of my family folks. except for my brother todd in wilmington, delaware. he's a total coock-suckiing-duetch-bag but maybe i'd put stricnine in his. total jackson off
Hactor Factor - September 22, 2010 - Report this comment
My dad's brother is friend's with Bill O'Rielly, yeah that one, and he said that Bill liked Dutch Mill in Long Island!!
latz - September 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was big not only in New Jersey, but Mahattan and parts of Long Island. Not surpised the King of 8 p.m. Talk News was a fan of the importal Dutch Mill. I even saw a box on Jery's counter top in the first season of Seinfeld! There wasn't a line about them but they were Dutch Mill
jason98 - September 23, 2010 - Report this comment
They can and will come back!
Covemptor - September 23, 2010 - Report this comment
I chill to my bill as long as I got me some Dutch Mill. But don't spill the well hill for it's not just the fill bill. We all need some Dutch Mill, fore that's what we have to till
Lemtie - September 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Chocolate Rovioli is something of an odd picture, but I'd like to know what takes place at these Dutch Mill meetings at Bourbon BBQ. Should I bring my check book? If so, count me out till there's a solid plan!
Jesus Felipe - September 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Love Dutch Mill
SMU - September 25, 2010 - Report this comment
College was time for fun, a little pink and Dutch Mill. If you take all those boxes that got me through the nights, you'd have a lot of boxes. The donuts were good too.
Link from Mod Squad - September 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Brothers like donuts, too. Pete and Julie would often bring a bunch of Dutch Mill pound cakes to work when we were working under cover. I'll tell them to act like a couple of love birds. Dutch Mill donuts were cool like me in my white outfit. Nobody was a cooler cop than the Mod Squad and nobody made a better donuts, or Pound Cake! I think they made muffins also!
Timwin - September 26, 2010 - Report this comment
CX was my dode for more Dutch Mill and if it could hit the mark we would all benifit from bigger goverment in which donuts would fuel the economy
Carl S. - September 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was my donuts of choice since 2nd grade and if they came back tomorrow, I'd eat them and make them a donuts of choice for my kid and wife. But obviously they're the choice of pot smokers! Did you guys ever read some of these entries?! Who's this Timwiner guy above and WHAT was he smoking?! I don't know if I'm jealous or about to run for the hills!!
Little LevitT - September 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill will come back if we will it.
Doug0O0Oo - September 27, 2010 - Report this comment
To be a part of bringing back the best store donuts of all time would be an honor; especially since these are a winner. There will always be upper money makers that have taste and want to taste the taste of Dutch Mill!
House My - September 27, 2010 - Report this comment
When you feel the heat, ti's cooking in the Dutch Mill oven, yo. These babies rocked and I want them back so bad I would make my own. what can everyone say when you feel, feel ... feel ... FEEL the heat. Like the Dirk Digler movie with Markie Mark. I wrote a song about Dutch Mill called Dutch Oven.
Alverez - September 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Best donut ever made
the gets - September 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Within one half hour i could drum up 8 friends that claim this is the best donut ever made. I see them coming back, but only if we do the baking.
TheCrew - September 29, 2010 - Report this comment
This would have to go down on history as the best donut of all time and with some assistance from the money boys, they could be back. But I would first try to make my own. Why doesn't the old owner get the recipe out to the people that made him rich all those years ago. Sure Tastykake's a bunch of dirt bags and their donuts are shiit on a stick and their families are scuum, but the Sanford guy should give something back, too. I'm gonna start putting it on him. I'd hope he had just a little gratitude to all those that helped his American dream come true. Shame on him for not coming through. His product, his workers, his managers were all a first rate crew; now it's his turn to give back to the people.
Ronald Reagan - September 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I ate Dutch Mill in the White House. I don't agree with Mr Obama's politics, but he's a good person and should have the freedom to eat Dutch Mill after a cigarette in the oval office.
Gret52 - September 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Didn't know the former president was a fan, but glad to see we've got major influence here at the Dutch Mill web page. I think a home kit is an interesting way to go. And it would be nice if some of the owners of the former Dutch Mill company thought a little more of their former customers. But there's no law that says someone must be nice. It seems having a little class is a rare thing now a days.
College T-shir of John Bulushi - October 01, 2010 - Report this comment
FOOD FIIIIGHT!! Great idea "Gret" but remember, I became a U.S. Senator after I took off at the end of Animal House. Besides, asking someone to go up against Tastykake is not fair. The owner probably wanted out and to put his recipees on line would be to get them upset. Not everyone is up for going up against a big company.
Cane - October 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Are you saying the Dutch Mill guys is a big puusy?
U;l - October 02, 2010 - Report this comment
This another fight? I think all this guy's saying is it's easy to be brave from a distance. but it would be nice if someone stood up and got Dutch Mill back to the people.
Desaray - October 02, 2010 - Report this comment
I heard they are coming back, but only in New Hampshire. Any truth or is this another example of the rumor mill runing without water if you know wehre I'm going.
StoufferDownHill - October 03, 2010 - Report this comment
I don't know why they're only be in N.H. Makes sense they'd be first introduced into their own markets which was obstensively N.J. and NYC! But let's hope somehow, somewhere they're coming back. And if it's indeed the Granit State, then look like me and my sister are taking a road trip. Get some skiing in (in a month, or so) and bring back the best donuts to our entire family and firnds. Hot Digatie Dog!!!
Quarter4UR-brain= - October 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Interesting thoughts espcially since there are a few good people making the Dutch Mill style donuts in New Hapshire (one with the original recipe) but for leagal reasons, can't sell them under the Dutch Mill name with the nifty baby blue box. For more info, talk to folks, in person, at Bourbon BBQ. And for the record, I, too, wish the old owner would "man up!" Good call "GRET52." Couldn't agree more!!
Ron Bloom 87 - October 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Someone please get the old recipe for the glazed and chocolate glazed and just put it on this page! Also the plain, and, of course, cinnamon is just plain with the spice. JUST DO THAT! What can the jerks do about that! It's up to us guys.
Sabo&Andy - October 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Sorry I haven't been around in a while every body! Great IDEA, Ron Blommer!! Usually I don't go for the "nut job stuff," but I like this one. Also noticed we have a lot of "unique" folks on as of late. Everybody start putting the recipes on line. Here's my better half: NOthing to say, but take care you twisted maniakes!!
White Columns and powder of Greece - October 04, 2010 - Report this comment
As The God of Doughnuts, I herby declare you mere mortals begin making these delectable treats for your fellow man. Now back to Mount Olympus to pound The Goddess of Pound Cakes.
Ned is dead, baby ... Ned's Dead - October 04, 2010 - Report this comment
sounds like the God of stupid! Get you're act together and be part of the team to bring Dutch Mill back. I went to Bourbon BBQ and wrote "Bring Back Dutch Mill" on the bathroom wall. Then again, maybe I've got a little stupid in me. ha ha ha ha
linda M - October 05, 2010 - Report this comment
If bringing back Dutch Mill means being stupid, then I don't want to be smart
Trixy - October 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I heard the little Dutch Boy from those paint commercials would jack it into the donut batter at their bakery.
Donna Sue - October 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Heck yeah, why do you think they tasted so good. My girlfriends and I ate them by the case. Practice makes perfect~
Frank O'Shea007 - October 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Didn't know Dutch Mill got you gals so excited as if we needed more reason to bring them back. But on the serious front, what's with this meeting place at that BBQ joint. Don't know if I want to hang with some of you, but others seem cool beyound words. This is indeed a perplexing query
edvoer - October 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Simply think of how to recreate the best store donuts of all time and let everyone know. Yes, we can should not only be the motto of Obama, but all Amercians who aren't affraid and say, "Yes we can," when it comes to great baking.
Beldar 1979 d.p - October 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I think it was fall of 1979 when I had my first Dutch Mill donuts. It was the box that had A)Plain B) Glazed C) Cinnamon D) Powdered Does anyone remember if I'm right. I called my brother in West Virginia and sister in Ohio and they don't remember. We all grew up in Jersey and LOVED Dutch Mill. They also had the best pound cakes. Got a chance to read some of the reviews and noticed that some of you guys want to "make you own" Dutch Mills! Sounds a little dangerous. As someone with a five and six year old I don't plan on showing raw dough into a very hot vat of grease, but if anyone get the old recipes going, PLEASE let us know on this sight. In fact, I think it would be great if who ever made these new donuts went to that Bourbon BBQ place every Saturday morning, or something, and sold them out of the back of your trunk. I'd be into that and gladly pay for a dozen or two. At first I thought that was a tad weird, but after reading about how nuts some of you guys are on this site, I think I wouldn't be the only one. WAIT, just went back on past entrees and found others that know about the pound cakes!! You guys are total and absolute donut-nuts. Others of you are just plain nuts. But what's with the hatred toward Tastykake?! Live and let live. My kids love Tastykake, but then again they never had Dutch Mill. Come to think of it, I guess that makes me a little mad, too. And DON'T "hate on" the guy who started Dutch Mill. That's just plain Bush-League. Some of you guys have to direct your anger into bringing these donuts back on not getting made at "The Father Of Baby Blues!!" Just made that up. And far as I'm concerned, Live on Donut Dude!!! And just one more think. Those of you that are TRUE and passionate about Dutch Mill, see you at Bourbon BBQ. I used to go there every two months, or so, but after reading this, I think I'll check it out on the weekends. I ride a Triumph motor cycle and always like to get out for a few hours on either Saturday or Sunday. I think it's really cool how some of your guys meet up. It's also a little weird, but then again, nothing wrong with that. As far as investing myself ... "Maybe," but it would have to be a solid game plan and I'd, of course, like to meet and get to know the folks running this new organization. I have my own business and could/would lend some advice about how to set up an actual working structure. My uncle and I used to build small facilities in which food products could be made. We're out of that business, and I've since just went into building housed, but the economy being what it is, I've been out of that business for the last 3 years. Good think I saved up and my family is the sort that doesn’t waste money so thank goodness we're OK, in that area. But MIGHT think about helping out and even break out the old construction equipment for stock shares. How's that for a mini bomb shell. Anyway guys, look for me at Bourbon BBQ. I've got a "limy green" Triumph and have a matching helmet. Whops, that actually sounded a little gay, but I'm a straight up dude, in more ways that one. Also, don't mean to be politically incorrect with the "gay" remark. I just turned 48 and in the 1970's in was Okay to say, "gay," or other stuff even in class, but now everything is off limits. But as long as we all communicate and don't bother each other. See you all at the "secret Dutch Mill meeting place."
TaylorMade long driver - October 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Dude ... what are you, the Tolstoy of Dutch Mill donut writers? Funny you guys are all into Bourbon BBQ. I was in there two Saturdays ago and over heard this woman around 35/40 with some guy and they were talking about this web page. It didn't make sense until I loged on and now I get it. Actually this is cool, but I agree with Tolstoy. A little odd, too. Then again, we're actually totally norman when compared to some things you hear taking place on the net.
s&a - October 07, 2010 - Report this comment
Sabo''s & Andy-do-little here === Always good to see new blood that's passionate and semi-normal with some brains. Will be looking for the funny looking "Lime-Burner." Mean that in a good way. Sats are good0-early nooner
Redrooster - October 08, 2010 - Report this comment
you guys and your darn codes, what is this, trainning day in 1970's USSR?! Who's gonna bring Dutch Mill back and when? That easy
Rip - October 09, 2010 - Report this comment
Gettin' out of it today, but still wish I had a box of DMD for my moring hangover. That and some Vickies. But, oh well, gotta do what you gotta do.
GameCocks - October 09, 2010 - Report this comment
From S.C., baby! We beat #1 and will be in a BIG Bowl game!!! Born in NJ and grew up on Dutch Mill, but live in Charlestown now! But miss Dutch Mill.
Heckson - October 10, 2010 - Report this comment
There are many ways to make doughnuts and I would suggest be careful regardless of what method you use. Do not try them at homw unless you really do your home work! I'd hate to see anyone get hurt. "Yes," it would be great to have Home Made Dutch Mill products, but not if you're going to get hurt.
Blackhawk11 - October 10, 2010 - Report this comment
Thanks, mom. And I promise not to run around the house with scissors either.
Dartmouth class of '94 - October 11, 2010 - Report this comment
I was thinking of opening a day care center and having the kids cook donuts as a hobby.
Iceman - October 11, 2010 - Report this comment
This stinks! Once week from today i'm gonna be back in NJ and I thought I'd get me a box of Dutch Mill. Been living in El Paso for two years and before then, Austin for 8 years. Seems 10 years ago they still had Dutch Mill. Or did i live the last 5 years in NJ without them. Or, maybe my dump-ask ex-wife's vegan diet stop me from noticing. I should have whack that witch over the head with a hot vat of donut greece. What a cow. Damn I hate her. Wish she were dead
Kiss "Detroit Rock City" - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
I never met your ex, but I'd like to see her dead, too. Top it off with some Dutch Mill pound cakes after we pound the grave.
DeniseF - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Was the cuunt really that bad. I grew up with 7 older brothers so I can say that. 14 siblings in total and 12 of us liked Dutch Mill. My oldest brother, Stan, liked entimann's and my second youngest sister ONLY ate Duncon doughnuts. But we donut doers have to work together. You need a real woman Iceman. And the band "Kiss" sucked. Fleetwood Mac, Boston and Pink Floyd were bands. What say you diickless wonders. Or are you too shocked to answer a tomboy and/or get it up?
Blackhawk11 - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
You really a chick?
DeniseF - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
You want to smell my tampon
Dartmouth class of '94 - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
#Number45cOLT - October 13, 2010 - Report this comment
After living in Houston (old neighborhood of the Colt 45s) I have contemplated shooting myself in the head after some of this dialogue. What's up with you people? Actually, some pretty good stuff. Just don't expect this on a web page for doughnuts. You guys should do Vaudeville. But if it helps bring Dutch Mill back, I'm all in.
Lixxxy - October 13, 2010 - Report this comment
Did you guys hear they might bring Dutch Mill back? I think it would be a great idea and would once again become a loyal customer. I liked the cinnamon, but they were all very good. What's going on with them being back in super markets?
Dartmouth class of '94 - October 13, 2010 - Report this comment
Yeah, great stuff guys ... Now when do I get to sniff this chicks tampon?
Doughboy1917 - October 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Yes, always relaxing to hearken back to ones days of wasted adolescent days, and better, yet, nights, in the back of that pale yellow and rusted Pinto my dad was goona make me buy, but them relented to the angels of his better nature to take part in low brow pedestrian humor; and you've been performing it so very well. But don’t forget those great nights with you know who. Now for some adult input, and I don't mean that as in x-rated, 'adult,' but rather in a manner which some of you as of late are not familiar. I mean as in mature, insightful and most of all serious in terms of addressing the prospect of bring back Dutch Mill donuts and other products. Pound cakes, too!! DOES THAT GET anyone attention, Sassier. *(Sorry folks_+) Inside joke. Since I am an aficionado of WWI and the armistice was sign on the seventh hour of the seventh day of the seventh day, I will release my news bulletin on 11/11/11. AND IT will Be BIG, oh so very big!!! YOU WILL LOVE IT BECAUSE IT IS WHAT EVEYONE WANTS!!!
Cinder Block - October 14, 2010 - Report this comment
When you say, "LOVE IT BECAUSE IT IS WHAT EVERYONE WANTS!!!" That is refering to you jumping off a high cliff, correct?
Doughboy1917 - October 14, 2010 - Report this comment
You're not the first one to ask me to jump off a cliff and undoubedly not the last. But I'd like to throw myself off for such a dump mistake. IT WAS THE 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month!!! So the B-I-G date for the announcement is: 11/11/11
San Diego Han - October 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Great ... now we can all sleep at night. Wouldn't want your "big annoucement" to get in the way of our rest. SO WHEN WILL YOU A-HOLES BRING BACK DUTCH MILL?! Is that so figgin' hard?
Silospher - October 15, 2010 - Report this comment
If the information is germain, then a littel time euqals no pian. But when the rain's all in vain, then we'll see you're name is Cane!
Edwin0. - October 15, 2010 - Report this comment
Finally someone on this web page is making some sense
Rodisn - October 15, 2010 - Report this comment
i looked back at this Doboy from 1917 and you want to know what? He's seems straight up, so if he says he has a plan, then I'll wait and see what's up with that! I believe there are some true people on this page and I'm all in so let's go to the date.
Howard - October 16, 2010 - Report this comment
I may be new to this page, but I'm no straner to BS. Show me some proof because Dutch Mill was too good a donut to play games around!
Tea Party and donuts - October 16, 2010 - Report this comment
So you're Howard ... what's your last name, "Stern?" GO to a little place call Bourbon BBQ down the road from where the old Dutch Mill factory was. You meet the real deal crowd
Garth - October 16, 2010 - Report this comment
What do you guys do, sit around and circle jerk each other? Just tell us you silly plan and maybe you'll get some more good people. Otherwis just lap up each other's seeman and leave this page those for real interested in bring back Dutch Mill. You darn fool, you. I petty the fool that messes with me!
Kate 5790 - October 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I think ol Garth here has been spending a little too much time circle jerkng by himself. If you don'have a better plan for bringing Dutch Mill back, please don't bother those who are working on something important. I'm going to Bourton BBQ today, but I'm not telling what time!
A.N. - October 17, 2010 - Report this comment
Great ... now anyone stalking you will have to wait around all day! Then again, if one had a box of the old Dutch Mill, time would pass quicker. So since they are no more, you won't have to worry about me being one of them.
Nobel 1I) - October 17, 2010 - Report this comment
Best donuts I ever purchased at a super market. Don't know why they don't have anything like this available in chain stores anymore, but I have a theory. Dutch Mill was a small, family owned firm, with local managers and workers that put pride into their product. The big companies make a decent product, but the entire emphasis is on the bottom line and not quality. The days of quality first are over. Too bad, which is why I, for one, don't see Dutch Mill ever coming back. Sorry, but who is going to start a business these days with the Dutch Mill philosophy of the 1980s.
Enis Cabell - October 17, 2010 - Report this comment
Hate to agree with a downer, but it's a good point. Companies now a days either don't have the drive or are just too hard line business to put in maximum effort. But Dutch Mill will forever live on this great web site. God Bless the momories and keepers of this page. Props also to Charles R. Grosvenor Jr. We owe that great man many thanks.
Carl - October 17, 2010 - Report this comment
What are you, running for office? Just figure out a way to bring them back. We're not splitting the atom here, folks. It's a stupic donut for heaven's sake!!
Utah"iz"4Lovers - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Ski Utah and eat Dutch Mill. Been in Morman Country for 8 and a half years and left because there was no longer anything to live for in New Jersey with the demise of Dutch Mill comapnay. Slight exageration, but you get the point. Do you guys know that Utah gives the most money to the needy in the entire country? It's ture. Great people out here.
Thompson GUN - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Yeah, 4 gay lovers! I spend a week in Utah one day. Mormans suck and the food is shiit. But I'll tell you this ... the people are wonderful and the woman hot, but they don't put out. And you're right about Dutch Mill makin people get out of New Jersey.
Walter - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
I always wanted to try creating my own donuts and you guys have inspired me! If mine come out half as good as Dutch Mill, they will be 10 times better than Tastykake!
Karen "Sabs" and Andy (Yes, another new handle) - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Way to go, Walter. Just doing something on your own can motivate everyone. We're proud of you! Keep up the good work. And true believers know where to find us.
Walter - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Thanks, Karen, but I don't need you or your unsolicited, dumb-asss condescension. Screw you and your self indulgent opinions. As far as where I can find you, hopefully up your mother's buthole, so pis-off. I'll make my donuts and you can take part in your "do nothing meetings!" So back off, you're not the kind of me or anyone else on this page.
Dartmouth class of '94 - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
You said it Walter! Besides, I bet she wouldn't even let us smell her tampon!
DeniseF - October 18, 2010 - Report this comment
What's wrong with my tampon?
Fountain City, IN - October 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is missed by those that grew up around those good eats. I wish they came back and set up stores in Indiana. Go HOOSIERS!
latz - October 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Yeah I'm sure that's the first place they're going to set up operations. Long Island was big into Dutch Mill and BillyO is the man. No Spin Zone when it comes to trying to sell us second rate donuts such as TastyFake
I am Sam - October 19, 2010 - Report this comment
I am Sam. I like Dutch Mill. I think you are all nice people. Please help me eat Dutch Mill. I can't find them and my mommie said you nice folks will bring them back.
Alishia - October 19, 2010 - Report this comment
This Donut can change the world. Dutch Mill IS the best because it lives in our hearts!
Josh Hamilton - October 20, 2010 - Report this comment
I hit two homeruns last night to beat the Yankees. But I stil want my Dutch Mill donuts and pound cake. I pounded the ball and now I want a treat.
#15~1976 - October 20, 2010 - Report this comment
You're Hamilton like I'm Thurman Munson. Yanks will come back. Took my two girls to the game last night and my oldest one cried. She's only 8 and she luv da Yanks. I cried, too, but over the price of beer and soda! We'll come back, though. Josh Hamilton is a great story, but da yanks are not done. Didn't know there were sports fans on the Dutch Mill page. Might go to this Bourbon BBQ place this weekend. Heard from my driver at work it's very good. Don't know what you guys are up to, but if it entails bringing Dutch Mill back, I'm in.
KAREN - October 20, 2010 - Report this comment
DeniseF - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Looks like it's someone's "time of the mounth."
KarenS - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
It's spelled 'month,' sweetheart.
DeniseF - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Actually, it's a combination of "month," and "Mouth" is what I was saying. Inside joke for women that are so hot they can get guys to eat them out even during that time of MOUNTH! Get it ... using one's 'mouth' that time of month?! Sounds like you could use a good 'eating!' you wanta be whoore
Dartmouth class of '94 - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't take this the wrong way, DeniseF, but will you marry me!!??? You are the single most cool chick in the entire state of New Jersey. Then again, since most of you girls are useless bags of slutt meat, that's not saying much.
Rodney King - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't we Dutch Mill donuts lovers just all get along?
Berniew - October 22, 2010 - Report this comment
When Rodney King is the voice of reason, the bus for crazey town has left the station. But he's right. If we all want the same thing [Dutch Mill Back] can't we get along? These were great donuts and pound cakes, but I'm having my doubts about some of you good people.
kate's 't'mate - October 22, 2010 - Report this comment
great point guys. I'm on here to find out what's going on and these dumb-bumbs are turning this into a 2nd grade class room. When some of you are ready to talk donuts, let's talk them. Dutch Mill is too serious a thing to talk about to be this silly.
DeniseF - October 22, 2010 - Report this comment
What the heck, but we gotta fuuck first. Meet me at their s-hole this Saturday at high noon. You're buying. Don't e-mail back though. Let's just meet and get off this stupid web page where losers gather!
KeepOnTruckin' - October 22, 2010 - Report this comment
1970's were the time of free love and then we'd eat Dutch Mill. Remember my cousin would smoke those cigs with a peach sign on the filter. We'd get Whacky Pacs and then just pretend we'd be sleeping and mess around. Good time with Dutch Mill in the sack.
Karen - October 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to stay away from Bourbon BBQ for lunch. This stink of street trash lile you two would only make me sick. And stay away from our page!
867-5309/Jenny - October 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Hang in there, Karen; we're with you!
karen - October 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Johovvaq - October 24, 2010 - Report this comment
How bout less soap opera and more about this 'big plan' you phonies keep talking about. I'm gettin' hungry and all the bullship is just getting in the way please, ma'am
Jason99 - October 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Uf \\ U spend you duds half the time on making donuts as you do with silly stuff, we'd have a Dutch Mill plant the size of the new World Trade Center
Fan McRib - October 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't wait for the McRib to come back for its 6-week cameo. I wish they did that for Dutch Mill stuff!
LasyTex - October 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Got to get these back on the market!
Kiep - October 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Great donuts and not inexpensive. But I'm one of those sorts that will pay a little more for quality. Today it's all cheap, eat and creep to the bathroom. Dutch Mill*
867-5309/Jenny - October 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Too much. Don't know where to start. "Clerk" and I moved in together!
Mark - October 28, 2010 - Report this comment
These donuts were so good, my brother and i put our money together to buy a box for my mom & dad for Christmas. They thought that was so great and we still talk about it.
Halloween 2010 - October 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Did Dutch Mill ever do special Holloween donuts? I seem to think they did. Dreamscape or what because this is driving me nuts. I know they were very creative with products doing things like "Galaxy Balls," with multi colored sprinkles. Did they do orange and black sprinkles? Please let me know.
Artieir - October 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Some dude up above in the reads said he got a box of Dutch Mii for holloween. Talk about the anit-Jason if you know what I mean!
Carl - October 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill used to have a comercial I remember when I was 5 years old that my brother and i would say and it drove my mom nuts. Time to make the donuts. It was this little fat man with a mustash and he'd be made because they got up early when other donut guys stayed in bed. Classic!
u2bono - October 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I the name of love ... one donut in the name of love
karen - October 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I'd like to say I'm happy, "Jenny*" but I don't know. Andrew moved out a few weeks ago. It hit me really hard. We had something really special, or at least I thought. We both are very successful in many ways, but partied very hard, too. Don't know what happened, or maybe I do. But we still both love Dutch Mill. Dutch Mill Dutch Mill you brought us together and we wanted to bring it back. This Clerk-man is a pill man? Don't mean to be mean, but be careful Jenny8. The number 8 when you hit shift is the star * key so I'll call you Jenny*, or jennyStar. Damn i had and am on my third3rd bottle of wine. good wine. don't listen to me Jenny8. You star you. If it's love go for it.
PabloEsco - October 30, 2010 - Report this comment
In Columbia our cash crop is more expensive, but the suger on Dutch Mill is better for the eating and won't get one in the shallow groud. I like soccer and running, but Dutch Mill had their own empire. An empire i would like to see come back.
James009 - October 31, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't see what Columbia has to do with Dutch Mill donuts. They, the product, is no longer in production. I wish it was.
FOOTBALL & - November 01, 2010 - Report this comment
We've got to bring these back. In the late seventies and early eighties my dad and two older bros would watch NFL Football and ate Dutch Mill.
Hildebrandt - November 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Something's gotta give here. When are they coming back?!
Giant Stud john - November 01, 2010 - Report this comment
It all goes back to the early 80's, well actually '85 & '86 rocked with the chicarionos in those back seat banditromps. Dutch Mill was there as getting to the hole was everything. Rock on Dutch Mill when I turn and think of those days.
Elizabeth Amy D. - November 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't think for one second that you are along 'Stud John.' I've gone to school with a cadre of girl that pigs out on these and left the sweet dough swimming is porcelain bowls between study hall and English class. They will be back and it won't effect my weight one bit
Election2010 - November 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Big election night and I'm voting for Dutch Mill!Q
Clyde - November 02, 2010 - Report this comment
1978 was I think the year I had my first Dutch Mill. When did you have your first?
Sheryl - November 02, 2010 - Report this comment
I had no idea they weren't in business anymore. Didn't realize it was that long ago that I had them. My fave were the powdered sugar ones. When you first bought em, OMG they were so soft and deelicious I could eat half the box. Were they in Pennsylvania? (I was in NJ)
Ken S. - November 03, 2010 - Report this comment
I believe these guys were in Wycolf, New Jersey, or something like that. They were the best and I, too, could eat half a box. And that's after I ate my first box!
May - November 08, 2010 - Report this comment
Can't get them anymore guys!
Dutch - November 16, 2010 - Report this comment
Well my friends, I cannot believe all the interest in my old Dutch Mill Donuts. I founded Dutch Mill Donuts in 1979 and we had a good run until 1995, when I sold the company to Tasty Baking Company, for various reasons I can explain later. Then I ran it for Tasty for four more years, then had to leave because they made me change the formula, etc. In any event I am deeply deeply honored that all you folks remember my donuts, and I would be glad to answer any questions. Like yes Ed Mc Dermott was my plant manager, and yes I made a TV commercial with a cow that looked funny at the prospect of us using powdered milk, and stuff like that. God bless you all. John Sandfort, President, Dutch Mill Baking Company, Inc. "Dutch"
Kate - November 24, 2010 - Report this comment
HolyCowBells! as my old roomie would say! My two friends asked me why nobody could log on to this page for the last two weeks. I tried and then tried to "hack" my way on. Looks like our Bakery God 'Dutch' fixed the problem. There was definitely something messed up. Me and two other's could NOT log one. Thanks, Dutch. You are Legend!!!
Lemon Slice Girl/Turk187 - November 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Still going on with the games! My brother from Oregon tried to put a message on the Dutch Mill page three time in the last week! I say we start our own Dutch Mill Web Page. In the mean time, I'm talking to a boyfriend that knows how to stop hackers. I think it's Taskykake, or someone affiliated with them playing games and censoring this page!!!!!
Dutch - December 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I think we need to play fair with Tastykake. I didn't read all the entries above, but the site manager doesn't want us to dis them and niether do I. When I sold Dutch Mill to Tasty in 1995, and worked for them for four years, there were a bunch of great people there, and they were a great corporate citizen of Philadelphia. I'm not playing a party line here - I have no vested interest there - they really were good folks.
John7576 - December 01, 2010 - Report this comment
If our God, Dutch, says don't dis Tastykake, then I, for one, won't do it. Did anyone ever see the Planet of the Apes movie when the mutant humans take their platic masks off and say, "I reveal myself to my God." That shoud be us. We follow you Dutch. For you are our hero beyond words. No more bad things about those other guys!
Doughboy1917 - December 01, 2010 - Report this comment
We should listen to this man that is the source of all quality doughnuts. No more negative; fore it is only through a possitive journey that we win this war. Just like when we prevailed in WWI with our beloved Doughboys!
Notziski - December 03, 2010 - Report this comment
i'd listen to advice thta does nothing but promote the measure for bringing this product into the hands of consumers so we can eat dutch mills always
DonutsHole - December 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I, too, had many problems getting onto this sight and was/AM mad at those Tastykake people. But if our Almighty hero says, "Don't be mean, then this donut-nut will no be. Let us work together for our hero. My life would not have been the same without Dutch Mill
*Barb*Star* - December 09, 2010 - Report this comment
It's Christmas and Dutch Mill has never been missed this much! Does anyone remember their special Christmas donuts?
Giligan'sIsland - December 11, 2010 - Report this comment
castaways we all are from an era of donuts eating which captures the taste buds, hearts and imaginations of culinary experters in the field of baked goods. We lOVE U Dutch!!!!!!!!!!
Railman - December 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I am railin' for Dutch Mill
Can Do - December 16, 2010 - Report this comment
When Can Do from the donut hole comes into your life, understand that there is no strife and we're all in this ride for life. I love Dutch Mill and it coming back into our lives in the form of "DUTCH" is a blessing from donuts heaven!
Jex3498 - December 17, 2010 - Report this comment
Didn't know they were gone until my old college roommate from Seaside Heights called me out of the blue last Saturday night. He and me would smoke "cigars" and watch the original Star Trek with DeForest Kelly and James Dooan and we'd break loose for a box of either plain, or cinnamon or chocolate, or glazed, or ANYTHING Dutch Mill. Good old days. Didn't talk to this buddy since like 1991 and then he calls and Dutch Mill came back into my mind like a title wave of goodness! I think we have pictures, but they could be used for black mail! LOL Boy were they some fun times. We'd even have the girls from right across the hall come over. They liked them, too. I guess in some ways you can't go home again. I close my eyes and I can still see that baby blue box with the windmill. Absolutely AWEsome.
keneth(&) - December 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill and the man whose life gave them life hsould be in all ofhte hall's of fame for fodd.
UtzIz Deeead (Say like Scent of a whoman Pacino- - December 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't eat Utz and be a putz! Dutch Mill was where I got my thrill!~and I ain't talkin' stawberry Hill or watching Benny Hill. "Dutch" is the man that made the girls take the pill. WE LOVE U, DUTCH!
New Year to Show OUR LOVE - January 01, 2011 - Report this comment
Happy New Year's to everyone that not only loves Dutch Mill, but all of the 80's memories! And thank you to Mr. Grosvenor Jr. for providing us with such a wonderful web page!
Thumper - January 04, 2011 - Report this comment
January is the year of the donut!
R-Truth - January 05, 2011 - Report this comment
And 2011 is the month of Dutch Mill donuts
God Bless America and Free Speach - January 07, 2011 - Report this comment
Don't take this the wrong way, and I'm not gonna go into a long speak, but I and 6 other people I know are no longer going on this web page because of the sensorship issue. If people start a web site and are gonna only put notes on that they pre-approve as if this were the CCCP, then they are not getting mine, or the input from at least five other people that I know of. By the limited responces over the last month, I can see I'm not hte only one that feels that way. Too bad since we really wanted to talk about how great Dutch Mill donuts are and how we can bring then back. It also would have been nice to have talked to "Dutch," but there are more important things. For example: Free Speach and the right to say things for the record without some dictator playing God with other peoples words. God Bless and it was fun while it lasted. P.S. DUTCH MILL RULES AND ALWAYS WILL!
Doughboy 1917 - January 11, 2011 - Report this comment
today is 1/11/11 and you know what? Dutch Mill is forever #1 Short simple and to the point is my goodbye to a web page that like Dutch Mill was number one. Let us remember our brave boys that fought, and died, for the Nation in WWI
david - January 17, 2011 - Report this comment
i just happen to have saved a box of each kind when i found out about the closing ..they look kinda weird but ...
Gondorf - January 18, 2011 - Report this comment
You've GOT to put those pictures of the old boxes on the web, David! I've been having arguments with my sister about what they looked like. Was it a windmill or lighthouse with beams of lights coming out?
Dutch - January 22, 2011 - Report this comment
Hello again. Sorry some of you are leaving. The original Dutch Mill box was based on a Dutch Delft vase my mother had. It is that typical light and dark blue of Delft. And the picture of the windmill on the box came from that vase. I still have it. Over the years the box got simpler, but always retained its Dutch Delft roots. Delft blue got it's unique colors during WWII when the folks in Holland couldn't get the colors. The delft "ink" goes on black, but once the delft piece is fired in the kiln, it turns those awesome blue colors. I always thought that was an analogy of life -- you come out of the hard parts more beautiful.
Bear - January 22, 2011 - Report this comment
The worst thing would be if TasteeKake brought back Dutch Mill but made them just like every other brand in the grocery store -- full of fake ingredients and tasting like chemical sawdust. That would be a sad thing. The ones I remember best are chocolate glazed -- plain glazed -- the elusive whole wheat -- and the seasonal apple cider. Always bought from a corner bodega in Manhattan; they would always be on those silver racks near the counter. (Don't remember ever seeing them at D'agastinos or other grocery store.) Package of Dutch Mill, a Newsday, and the NY Times. Sheer happiness.
SeaSidePride - January 25, 2011 - Report this comment
We're not leaving you, Dutch. At least this donut head isn't! And I have friends that love Dutch Mill and you just as much. PLEASE put a picture of one of your boxes on this web home!! Better yet, PLEASE make a come back! Americans love a come back story!!
Oaks09 - January 26, 2011 - Report this comment
As long as "Dutch" is on this page, it shows that we have a chance to have our "bakeryHeaven" back! And "Bear" had it right. My sister lived in Manhattan in 1991-94 and I'd visit and even stay a weekend when she'd go to Vermont with her boyfriend. A high school kid from Oakland, New Jersey alone in the big city! It's the stuff books and movies are made of. I even met a couple "Mrs. Robinsons" if you know what I mean. But drying off my privates and going to those "Bodega" things the next morning was like being back home, but with the perks. I'd get the Times, before they turned commie and The New York Post and, "yes" the box of Dutch Mill! It was awesome and I like how "Bear" talks about the elusive whole wheat! Great input everyone. My brother in Portland was one of the jerks that said he wasn't coming back on this sit but I'm gonna tell him to stop acting like a big bugger.
Man ray - January 29, 2011 - Report this comment
i came on this page many months ago and agree with Oaks09. If Dutch is gonna give it his all, we need to be here for him so he'll be here for us when we want our donuts back
ThomasDoubter - February 01, 2011 - Report this comment
Keep hearing about these big time folks that were 'in' at Dutch Mill, but ya'll have to know its farce. For example, not one of them will put an old picture of a Dutch Mill box on this page, because they never worked there, and as a result don't have that pretty light blue box. Total Scam perpetrated by total frauds—
DaveK - February 03, 2011 - Report this comment
Thomas theDoubt has a good point. You look at the other pages like Shasta Soda, Doritos (Sour Cream & Onions) by Frito Lay and that soda dring: Big Red, and they ALL HAVE PICTURES! Dutch is a fraud! The person playing "him" will come up with an excuse, but bottom line, he's not real and the real guy could get a picture of the old box! Too bad, this web page lost me, too.
keenan^8^ - February 04, 2011 - Report this comment
You're an idiot. "ThomasDoubter" and "DaveK" can go eat worms. Moreover why should "Dutch" or anyone for that matter answer to you?! It's him, alright- Read (if you know how)the details of his explanations. Nobody esle would know those things. And check the record as far as me being on this web page from back in May of last year. Yes, they shouldn't censor; and I've had friends leave this web page for that very idea, but Charles R. Grosvenor Jr. and Dutch deserve better than your cow manure when it comes to you "neg man" attitude! WE LOVE YOU DUTCH and please consider coming back. In not, that's OK. You've done enough and don't listen to idiots.
Cone*of*Silence - February 05, 2011 - Report this comment
I'm new here am I, but still have a voice and ate Dutch Mill. I agree that we should be a little nicer and maybe Durtch would start making the best donuts of all time again
Lonly in High Point - February 05, 2011 - Report this comment
You guys ever come up to High Point Mountain in NJ? We'd get Dutch Mill up here. Why are you guys going at it with each other? Let's work together. My brother's ex-girlfriend's step mom worked in Dutch Mill back in 1984 and 1985 around that time. "Dutch" was the owner! He's real and he should bring them back. I also know that he's needs up to keep telling him how wonderful Dutch Mill is! I know if they came back, it would flood the market. Please Dutch, don't listen to the haters. Please come back and give the people the best donuts of all time!
catKionrns - February 05, 2011 - Report this comment
You can't sit here and tell me that
Green Bay #13! - February 07, 2011 - Report this comment
Lived in Green Bay for 8 years and LOVE The Packers! Then came back to Jersey and no Dutch Mill:( But way to go Green Bay. 13th championship and four Super Bowl Title. I'm a packer backer
Torus - February 07, 2011 - Report this comment
It wasn't Dutch who said he had old boxes of Dutch Mill donuts. It was "david". Dutch is the real deal. Please recall that it was Dutch who contacted the owner of this website to get it reopened. He has been kind enough to respond to our questions regarding the design on the box, but never claimed to have photos of the boxes.
Win Twins - February 07, 2011 - Report this comment
The fact some of us don't pay Dutch the respect he deserves is proof there are still people out there that don't know any better. What's wrong with your poeople?! WE LOVE YOU DUTCH! Please don't leave us and please think about bringing your treats back to us!
kewr9442 - February 08, 2011 - Report this comment
Don't think they won't come back with someone like Durch
Crim - February 10, 2011 - Report this comment
the guy david is obviosly a lair. Nobody has any old boxes.
Mr. Cub EB - February 10, 2011 - Report this comment
No kidding that guy's a liar. Nobody has the old boxes because if they did, they'd be Ernie Banks! "Let's play 2"
John7576 - February 11, 2011 - Report this comment
Check the record going back to June 19, 2010! I've been on this web page since then, so listen up ... You guys stop all the squable and let's get these guys back into operation. I don't care about the boxes, who has them, who doesn't, who might ... Let's get Dutch to bring the real deals BACK! I've been on this web page since June 19, 2010.
D A - February 11, 2011 - Report this comment
That's impressive, you mean you actually made a log entry before mr. john7576 That means you really must be something. Go fuuck yourself and leave this page to real deals who want to call out the phonies like idiots life "david" who dosen't have any pictures of any Dutch Mill boxes. Mother's with leg's that are always open for anyone's coock always lie like his mother's openess.
Jasnon833 - February 11, 2011 - Report this comment
we see the jerks are back on line. why to go you fowl mouths. we finally have some good people on here and you have to mess it up. of course ther\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
v - February 14, 2011 - Report this comment
happy valentines day to all those who want sweets like dutch mill that are the best donuts of all time. let's get them back and let's eat like we did in the '80s. it's up to all of us to get these great donuts back into production. there's a market and a hungry group that wants dutch mill like they didn't before. more so. let's please bring them back
Orange Men 86 - February 14, 2011 - Report this comment
Good-bye from my Dutch Mill fan club. The sensors are back any won't let the people talk. Why tell our stories if we're can't tell our experiences without a SENSOR BOYCOTT THIS PAGE IF YOU BELIEVE IN FREE SPEACH AND FREEDOM
"See"Sides - May 18, 2011 - Report this comment
My buds and I would spend a hour a day going through till they started sensoring thoughts they did not enjoy. WHY build a web page for the people to speak their minds and then monitor, change and sensor what they think? Too bad, too. This used to be a great site. And that so called "Dutch" was a fraud. If he was real, he'd put a picture of an old box on this page. SENSOR ... YOU BET WE WILL. Freedom of speach must never die and too many liars, fakes and frauds on this web site. God Bless Dutch Mill. Too bad they no longer have a reliable web page.
Dutch - June 19, 2011 - Report this comment
Wow sorry I've been away so long (since February); well let me try to upload this picture... If it works, I'll scan in more. I still have a small collection of boxes. No, it wouldn't paste. How do I get a picture on this site? Somebody tell me. And yes I am inded Dutch. To: Lonely in High Point - tell me something about your brother's ex girlfriend's step mom who worked at Dutch Mill - maybe I remember her name. To Win Twins - thanks for the support. To you skeptics, ask me any question about Dutch Mill. Try to stump me. Anyway, I'll check in more often. As to making dutch Mill again, well, I'm getting older, but my son is dying to get into food production... best, Dutch
Dutch - June 19, 2011 - Report this comment
OK I found the upload link and sent a picture of a six pack display I took in, I think it was, the Ramsey, NJ Shop Rite. It was probably 1997 because Tasty owned Dutch Mill by then and they had me change to all 6 packs. I'll scan more in if you guys want. -- Dutch
Gray's Apple - July 06, 2011 - Report this comment
Cool! Yes, this has to be Dutch! I was in Chicago when he logged in. Sorry I missed it. And please let's see those pictures. I've got one of my friend eating a cinnomin donuts, but it looks as if it could be any donut. Rock on Dutch. We Love You!!!
Parts Unknown1985 - July 07, 2011 - Report this comment
jury's out- but i'm in ... for now. Dutch is TOO important to take for granted. in the words of Arnold .... 'I'll be back'
Mr. Cub EB - July 12, 2011 - Report this comment
It's okay to hope. As Andy from Shawshank said, "Hope's a good thing, perhaps the best of things." But old Dutch does not have a photo and will not provide one on this web page. And as Led Zep would say:"And it makes me wonder ..." If only Dutch was real. No photo — no reality.
Bart"Lee"PantryPride - July 28, 2011 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was a great donut. But this soap opera is getting silly. If there are pictures, would like to see them. I knew several people that worked at Dutch Mill; just put it that way.
R Truth``~~ - August 11, 2011 - Report this comment
Dutch is a fake. The real owner passed away August 18, 2011. And he never would have put a picture on this web site. He was ashamed of his donuts. The fact is, there is not Dutch and nobody will put a photo of a Dutch Mill box on any web page.
Mr.Ken - August 19, 2011 - Report this comment
Wow! We really have some doughnut fans here and I too loved Dutch Mill whole wheat or cinnamon. My secret was when they were getting stale, just pop them in the toaster and they would fall apart and were tastier. I found a place where they come close in CapeCod, a town called Eastham in Mass. The Hole in One bakery. Awesome or as Bostonians say: "Wicked Good". Look for commercial bakeries on the internet in PA. Or Mass. And you'll find comparable (but not Dutch Mill) quality doughnuts.
The Cape "Crew-sader" of Cod - October 04, 2011 - Report this comment
Eastham is home to a number of sites that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Eastham Center Historic District, located near Town Hall, is the site of Eastham Windmill, the oldest windmill on Cape Cod. Another registered historic place, Nauset Light, is located on the grounds of the Cape Cod National Seashore. The Edward Penniman House and barn, a retired whaling captain's home, is located near Fort Hill. AND Mr. Ken is right when he says The Hole in One Bakery makes GREAT treats!! Great post, Ken. But nobody makes 'em like old Dutch Mill. What a great place. Also, for those of you in New Jersey, there were some great donut joints down by the Jersey Shore. Cinnamon was the donut of choice around Lavelette/South of Sea Side. I think the place was called "Hank's Donuts." But I don't think they are around anymore. My first girl friend who was great at oral conversations knew two people that worked at Dutch Mill. One was an older woman and the other was a manager named Ed. They also said that guy who owened Dutch Mill was a great boss. I'm sorry he passed away. If only they brought back a donut that came close to the quality of Dutch Mill.
Sweet*Yesterdays* - November 03, 2011 - Report this comment
So sorry to hear John Sandfort A.K.A. "Dutch" passed away. Althoug I never met him, I will miss his famous donuts and wish his family the best. Rest in Peace.
Dutch - November 30, 2011 - Report this comment
Wow, sorry to learn I died... I'm very much alive. OK I'll try again to upload a picture... If it works, I can prove to you I am me. I'll put up on the site whatever yoou ask. Let me try again... (Hey I'm 62 - gimme a break.)
Dutch - November 30, 2011 - Report this comment
OK I tried uploading again and when I hit submit I just got a white screen. I had two pictures I just took from my collection of boxes. Any ideas?
Dutch - November 30, 2011 - Report this comment
OK I emailed this fellow Church who apparently manages this blog about the upload problem. Let's see if he can help. I will check back more often. - Dutch.
Dutch - November 30, 2011 - Report this comment
I meant his name is Chuck.
Dutch - December 02, 2011 - Report this comment
Chuck said he'd help. I emailed him the pictures. nothing yet.
Dutch - December 14, 2011 - Report this comment
well Chuck never got the pictures on (thanks anyway chuck.) So I started a Mediafire account. You can download a Dutch Mill Donut package pictures at or another at If you want more pictures I will add them or other information to the site. Dutch lives! Gratefully!
Tebow Fan 1973 - January 09, 2012 - Report this comment
Wow ... is the real Dutch Mill guy really out there?! We've got to get pictures AND some of the best donuts of all time back!
Mr. Ken - January 10, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey Dutch could you possibly start another business making those wonderful donuts? I went to Canada on business and a bakery makes bay nuts. Part bagel part donut.
Mr. Ben; and NOT from "Dover!" LOL - January 11, 2012 - Report this comment
Great question, "Mr. Ken!" Anything to get Dutch back into the best bakery in the history of the planet! We miss you, Dutch. And don't listen to "the haters." Small people always make small remarks. I'm going to Facebook this page to all my friends; most of whom were BIG Dutch Mills fans. Then again, unlike some of the "intellectuals" on this page; my friends have taste, class and an overall sense of appreciation for the finer things in life; None of which are tastier than DUTCH MILL DONUTS!
Stanford*Y*776 - January 14, 2012 - Report this comment
My *&9 FACEBOOKED me that Dutch was ALIVE*U "IT'S ALIVE ..." YTR He's THE MAN__)( But ARE his doughnuts coming back???????????
gary in space - January 14, 2012 - Report this comment
okay that's what the Dutch handle was about. yeah =YTR i get it. and please tell me when the show's on. i, 2, will put it on my FB= but make sure they geth the crew together. we already lost so many people because of sensorship. don't need that act again. and, Y-E-S+ it's all about getting this donuts back on the shelves. let's GO 49ers. i'm Jewish, so i don't like the whole Tebow thing, so let's go New England. who is "Tebow Fan 1973?" Down with religious talk; espcially New Testiment. should not be allowed
utg - January 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill had very hot ovens. Be nice to throw some of these people in them if you know what I mean. Let's go Denver. What's this page have to do with religion?! Fun talk and bringing DUTCH MILL back!
Green Bay#13! - January 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Get it now. Some joker sent this page to me and 1,237 other people. First off, LETS GO PACKERS. Beat those NY Littlmen. BUT, still don't believe this is the real Dutch. IF so and you guys get a picture of the old box, I'll go to my brother who "tella0\e-mails and send this page to over 18,000 high market readers. But Dutch is a fake. Otherwise we'd have a picture on this page. But, of course, we wish Dutch Mill would come back. I heard the poor Dutch Mill guys took his own life. But then again, they only start rumors like that if the person is famous, so either way, I guess the old Dutch Mill guys achieved some sense of fame. Just wish his donuts lived on. So if Dutch IS real, I'll put this page on warp-drive. But too bad we're being put-on.
SOLL-x - January 16, 2012 - Report this comment
So, what ... is this Dutch Mill guy an anti semite
Man ray - January 16, 2012 - Report this comment
Let's stop this nonsense right now! Dutch was as good a person as you could imagine. If we lost him, we owe him more than what we're doing on this page. Said it before, I said it again. Let's bring back Dutch Mill! And that's a nice thing you would do "Green Bay#13!" but 18,000 is not a lot for spam e-mails. Sorry about your Pakers even though I like the NY Giants.
Dutch - January 16, 2012 - Report this comment
OK, again, the rumors of my demise are exaggerated. Also that talk of ovens is disgusting. And again, I can't put pictures on this web site because even the site manager Chuck couldn't help make it work. So here is the link to a picture I put up: and here's another picture on mediafire: I can put more pictures up if you want, but have to go dig up the packaging, take a picture, download, upload, etc so let me know. Meanwhile, I am not planning on going back into the donut business, I am sorry to say. It just got too hard - sales were actually declining as the target market (people who liked healthy foods) turned away from high fat products in the mid 90's. Sorry to disillusion some of you - I was disillusioned as well. Everything has a cycle. (Go Giants.)
Summer of '69 - January 17, 2012 - Report this comment
Peach, love, Rock & Roll and donuts, i say ... don't hate, but create. Thanks for the twitter. You're right, Muay, this is a cool page
Peter, Paul & Mary/mArY - January 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Mary, without Peter and Paul; but they were old boyfriends. So cool that the great Dutch said, "Go Giants!" He was good luck since those boys from NY won. Had two friends that worked at the great Dutch Mill back in the mid '80's. They both told me how Dutch was a "Chick-Magnet." Don't like that term, but it's accurate. Little Know fact. Mr. Sanford new Cindy Crawford before she and her mole were big. Knew for a fact that she had a crush on him, but he was too much of a gentalman. But you guys didn't have that inside info. Was a great looking man, and a total gentalmen.
OzzSPAM(:^ - January 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey Green Bay#13!: Are you forreal about 18,000 spam e-mails you can send out? THAT'S NOTHING. Not very impressed. My partner and I can send that out in 12 minutes. Also, funny that Dutch hates the remark about overs; which is uncalled for, but has no problem about "gary in space" hating Tim Tebow simply because of his religion. Digusting remarks about the New Testimate and Chistianity ... guess that doesn't bother Dutch on bit.
Fizzbeen - January 25, 2012 - Report this comment
Didn't know Dutch Mill was an anit-Christian site! Too bad and shame of the former owner. But they were the best donuts ever. Also, sorry we lost him; prejudice notwithstanding.
Green Bay#13! - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
Yo Ozz Spam, Not trying to be obnoxious, but you're way wrong. My demographic for the 18,000 mass e-mails only consist of households making over $250,000 a year AND in the try state area of New Jersey, New York (including all five Burroughs) and Connecticut! YES, I could have more on that list, many more, but why??? Does it help if some 17-year-old-Occupy-Wall-Street moron from San Francisco gets info about Dutch Mill Donuts?? This list of 18,000 is very valuable because it hits the people that matter. The people that not just grew up with Dutch Mill, but have the power to put it back on the map. BUT, I think the rumors of John Sanford A.K.A. (DUTCH) no longer existing among the living are true. Also, I knew people who met him and he wasn't anit-Christian, or anti any other religion. Didn't know about Cindy Crawford, but my sister told me two young ladies that looked like Super Models plus had big crushes on him. He’d meet a lot of people in his work both professionally and socially and the ladies loved him. Dutch was a legend, that much is true. May he rest in peace. Went to those web-pages and NOTHING with the old Dutch Mill logo on them. Very poor joke making fun of the dead. Bad karma on that person.
Kenny Banya - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is gold, Jerry. Gold!~
GatesOFbiLL - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
You guys are idiots. Do it this way: Go to "Google." Then ... put in: "Dutch Mill Donuts Mediafire." A photo of a Dutch Mill 'Holiday' box will come up. -Bill 'not the real' Gates---but close compared to you morons
Tony's Crew - January 27, 2012 - Report this comment
There are pictures of Dutch Mil donuts on the "in-tra-net" as Tony Soprano would call it. Go New Jersey, Go Giants! But there's no reason they shouldn't be on this web-page. Such a great page, but not high tech. Dutch Mill needs a new blog.
Wayne/in/1973 - January 28, 2012 - Report this comment
New Jersey/Wayne resident since early spring 1973. Great town with lots of great bakeries, but Dutch Mill was a great store donut. Collected baseball cards from 1973 and asked my mom to buy Dutch Mill. Thanks for the great memories.
Dutch - February 06, 2012 - Report this comment
Geez some of you guys are tough, Fizz... I don't want to be defensive here but hey, my wife is an Episcopal priest. I love Jesus too. Now, as to the rumors about Cindy Crawford, I must have slept through that dream - never happened. Hey Peter, Paul & Mary/mArY who were your friends that worked at Dutch Mill? give me their names and I will tell you what they did! C'mon guys gimme some test questions. That will prove to all of us (including me?) that I still live! Thanks for the kind words to you other guys, Wayne/in/1973, GatesOFbill,KennyBanya, GreenBay#13. And a special shouot out to Summer of '69; hey long before I made donuts, I was there in '69, and a proud attendee of Woodstock 1. Back to donuts, remember: "We cut no corners to make well rounded donuts."
L.T. Linebacker09hg - February 09, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch cheered the GIANTS and we won! He and his donuts are a class act; all the way. And you haters keep your jive in check. Dutch is a great man.
7fh4e7y - February 10, 2012 - Report this comment
Yeah*&that's my haddle going back to DOS. Eat Dutch Mill going through college and had a sister that dated a man that worked there. the donuts and the owner are the real deal. back off and bring these babies back. Old school New Jersey and used to go downt the shore in nj.
sluggerOFyester GOOD YEAR 1958 - February 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Here's a question only 'The Real Dutch,' could help with --- Dutch Mill, whom I loved, had these Dunkin Donut style munchkins with multi colored spinkles on them. DEE-licious! I think the moto was: "A Galaxy of Sprinkins." Did you guys get that idea from Hostess, or did you come up with that idea and moto all by yourself, Dutch? P.S. Would be great to see another Dutch Mill donut back in our super markets. But, if the customer won't pay for quality, I guess the manufacturers hands are tied. Thank for all the great tasty memories, Dutch, and be well.
Dutch - March 02, 2012 - Report this comment
OK, thanks sluggerOFyester GOOD YEAR 1958, 7fh4e7y,and L.T. Linebacker09hg. Here goes; Just reading the box from my collection: "Send your taste buds into orbit with Dutch Mill Shootin' Stars - With a Galaxy of Sprinkles Inside and Out.... --for a treat that's out of this world!" See box at: other box at: We were making donut holes and got this cool digital scale for filling the boxes. We got a sprinkle applicator at an auction, after our plant manager Ed McD. thought up the sprinkle idea. I think he thought up the Galaxy theme too. Hey we never copied Hostess, but Entenmann's copied us - converting to an 8-pack, similar flavors etc. PS: so after I sold to Tasty, I rented the plant to a gymnasium for handicapped children, called - Shooting Stars Gymnastics. Total coincidence. Now the plant is again vacant and I am trying to rent to - a donut maker! If he comes in, maybe we can resurrect something.... Tasty owned the Dutch Mill name, but I know the formulas...
New School Dough"Nut" - March 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Holy Cow Train! This guy is the real Dutch! No doubt. I talked to three different Facebook pals that swore this guy was a front. We Love U Dutch!! Anything to bring back the Dutch Mill donuts of the past. But if it can't be done, thanks for the memories! You ROCK, bro!
Nancy C. - March 06, 2012 - Report this comment
My duaghter and i were driving back from her "High School Musical" song recital and she asked me what life was like when i was in high school. I told her my friends and i would get together, practice songs from "Greece" and "Oaklahoma" and snack on Dutch Mill Shootin' Stars! Thanks, "New School" for telling us where to see the old pictures. Mr. Dutch was and King of donuts!
nORMAN - March 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Single best web-page I've been on for the last two years. Loved Dutch Mill and the '80s.
Dutch - March 16, 2012 - Report this comment
Thanks New School. Nancy C., I sing too - mostly tenor in the church choir but a lot of acoustic rock - Beatles and Stones, etc. C'mon, somebody ask me a hard question about Dutch Mill.
Hie*88 - March 18, 2012 - Report this comment
DangBoy9thisDutchisTheRealDeal---GarentEE, i come up with one that 'might' stump him.
Torus - March 24, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch, can you give us the complete list of all the varieties and flavors of donuts that Dutch Mill made?
KenInATee8 - April 02, 2012 - Report this comment
Good 1 T-man *^ I and i was gonna ask something like that. I saz it was around 16 different varieties. And ... i will cum up with an even harder one for the Dutch Man! You are da best d9man. Y is it nobody makes 'em like you any more?!!
Mannequin1986/1987 - April 08, 2012 - Report this comment
Oh yeah, Dutch Mill was the best by a ton and dem some. You know they want us back ... or we will attack ... and Taskty Cake dont' want that. These guys were as big a part of the 80's as Roanald Reagan, Miami Vice, MTV, the beginning of ESPN and big hair on hot chicks as anything out there!!!
Dawn*D*LickUs09 - April 20, 2012 - Report this comment
OMG8 My girlfriend and BFF from Easter Christian had the biggest cruch on D-u-t-c-h back in the ... well 000 don't want to say how long. But when I told her I liked Dutch Mill white powder dontus she said, and picked up a Twinkie, squezed the cream out, put some in her mouth, and said, "I wish this were Dutch's Cream!" We were bad girls, but LOVED Dutchie's donuts. Well obviously my girlfriend liked Dutch even better. He was gorgious for an older guy. (*^^%
Lil'Crispy - April 28, 2012 - Report this comment
Dear Dutch, First off, sorry there are so many nuts on this page. Many smart, good people, but others with obvious issues. TWO QUESTIONS. A) Did you ever think about starting your own Dutch Mill page. This sight is ok, I guess, but maybe a page that has more high tech graphics, and overall tech skills. Be great to see all the old photos. B) Is there a chance you might ever reveal the old recipees??? I believe you when you say TaskyCake does not use your old formula. In fact, I'd hate to think how that hack company makes their donuts. Crapp, I'm guessing is a key ingredient. Thanks, Dutch, for everthing your did. On a scale of 1 to 10, your donuts were a solid TEN. Sad part is no other donuts is even a six.
Izick - May 02, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Millz was the best. I miss them. Please bring dem back
AbbeyCoRoad - May 05, 2012 - Report this comment
I heard the owner of the famous Dutch Mill passed away. If you listen carefully to the Beatles album you hear it spoken, "I buried Dutch."
The'80sLegend1965(From New Jersey 'W') - May 07, 2012 - Report this comment
Heard Dutch Mill Donuts is coming back, but with only 4 different styles till they get back on their feet. And, "Mr Dutch" is not dead. Just a hoax like with Paul "McCart" in the Beatles. Legends never die. They just fade away.
Dutch - May 09, 2012 - Report this comment
You guys are funny. YOU! AbbeyCoRoad I heard that on the album too - but I heard "John, make donuts..." Sorry I haven't been here for a while. Dawn*D*LickUs09 where were you girls when I needed you? Anyway Torus, here goes: Plain, Sugared, Cinnamon, Glazed, Chocolate Glazed,and Whole Wheat 8 packs, later changed to 6 packs by Tasty; Chocolate Covered, Chocolate Covered and Chocolate 6 packs (preferred by 19 out of 20 samplers overn Ent--mann's in blind taste tests), Donut Holes in Sugared, Glazed, Chocolate Covered and sprinkles called Shootin Stars. Oh yea Variety Packs originally 8 pack then 6 pack. And "Pieces" - broken donuts we sold at Paramus Thrift. Also muffins - Cranberry Orange, Butter Pecan, Chocolate Chip, Corn, Raisin Bran. Pound Cake, Marble Pound Cake, Angel Cake, Chocolate Angel Cake. Cookies: Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Sugar, Oat Crispies. I think that's it.
Torus - May 11, 2012 - Report this comment
Yes, I am indeed in the company of The Ledgend. And I don't mean John Holms. You are the man, Dutch. I worship before you and the Altar of baked goods.
The Come Back Kid 1975 - May 11, 2012 - Report this comment
Holy Cow! This page is THE REAL DEAL!!! Don't want to give my real name yet, but now, "I'm a Beliver!" as the Monkey'S would say. But, like That Dutch dude, I'm a Beatles fan. Can't believe this is for real!
CJ - May 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Somebody,PLEASE re-create Dutch Mill Donuts!!!!
Earnie Banks - May 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Let's play two; and then eat two Dutch Mill Donuts. I'm with ya, CJ. But, in truth, can anyone but the master really re-create Dutch Mill. But then again, I'm asking, too.
Ty - May 16, 2012 - Report this comment
The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote: A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish.
New School 1980s - May 16, 2012 - Report this comment
And a world without Dutch Mill is like Heaven without Angels. If you Dutchers bring back just 1, make it Chocolate Angel Cake. Nobody comes close to anything you guys made!
C.H. Investiment67 - May 16, 2012 - Report this comment
XXX Some of my people have had our doubts. After all, there is so very much badness on the internet. But, Mr. Dutch, our saving grace in the world of bakery has proven himself. Do you uneducated, uniformed minds know your movie history? DUTCH IS REAL. Do you recall Beneath The Planet of the Apes the mutants when they worships an atomic bomb? They took off their masks and showed their vein faces. THEY Found their GOD and were willing to live the moment. We are a very large contingent with the real DUTCH: Caspay, Negro: I reveal my Inmost Self unto my God. Albina, Fat man: Unto my God. Congregation: [singing] Unto my God! Archambeault Eagle - July 04, 2010 Doughboy1917 - August 14, 2010 These old school souls are, and might be willing to come back to Dutch Mill. BUT, stop the non-sense. No more uneducated fools and pranksters. After all, Dutch is real. And, like the mutants. We must reveal ourselves before the Altar of baked good, and reveal Our Inmost Selves unto Our God.
Token - May 18, 2012 - Report this comment
Those Ape Movies were in the 1970s. But then they did define the 1980s, too. Just like Dutch Mill
Young Blood uy68 - May 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Yo gang at cheers-- didn't know you guys were out there. As a "yoot" I bearly remember Mill Donuts on the b-tab. Don't remember eating any. But I bet dey were good very. Came on this page when I went on this general web page. But love the chats. You guys are the coolest! Will be back and miss my bro who died in desert Storm. Remember he'd eat these things. Damn I miss them. But love you guys and wish they would come back. All of them. This is really weird. Remeber that box with the babyblue lighhouse and the beams coming out. Thing the donuts were plain, chocalate and white. still can't drink coffe, but you guys made it real, yo. it's funny the things you remember. It's so cool you guys are keeping this box alive. Went on the page where you could see the actuall boxes. Didn't think anyone cared. Didn't think it was anything to anyone else. And you people have the funniest story's! Maybe me feel like I was back in 1`985 with my bro. Thanks guys and stop the hate! You are all so very cool. Made me cry and that don't happen much.
Blueberry Love Child - May 22, 2012 - Report this comment
OMG, just went to my dad's this past weekend and we watched the entire Planet of the Apes series from the 80's. Loved those crazey guys with the messed up faces. I will also reveal myself to my God; who is The Dutch Man. Didn't have Dutch Millers, but my dad said they were the all time best donuts!
H8I-)(cool&Sign - May 24, 2012 - Report this comment
You guys rock the dough. Bring 'em back so cool
1976Reds - May 24, 2012 - Report this comment
Oldest team in baseball as professionals and Dutch Mill is the cream of the crop when it comes to baked goods. Where have these guys gone? Grew up in NJ, but now live in CinRedCountry. Going to a game on Friday, May 27th, 2012. GO REDS and put Pete in The Hall.
Kate - May 28, 2012 - Report this comment
My stepfather won our hearts with Dutchmill double chocolate donuts twenty years ago. They were the first sweets ever allowed in our home. I was thinking about them today as my boyfriend was winning my kids over with cheesy fries. So sad Dutchmill is no more.
Doughboy1917 - May 30, 2012 - Report this comment
Welcome to the site, Kate. Great story! That's what people such as those Taskyclerks don't understand ... Dutch Mill was more than a baked good. It's the stuff memories are made out of. But, I do have a slight issue with some on this page. Some clown named "C.H. Investimen67" from the date: May 16; said I, meaning Doughboy1917, "may be willing to come back." I DON'T KNOW THIS PERSON! Please don't speak for me. Yes, I know that my Dutch Mill posts have gotten great reviews, and people have looked to me for leadership, but don't misrepresent the Doughboy from 1917. If, you know Archambeault Eagle, I can't say. But I do not know you, sir, or ma'am! I stayed away from this site for some time, for very personal reasons, but I have decided to come back; and, on my own terms. It would appear as if there is a new generation of Dutch Mill fans. Great news. This was not just the best donut, but the best baked good of all time. And, believe me, I know my history. Last point ... I, the Doughboy from 1917, have decided that Dutch is for real! And as much as I have contempt for this joker by the name of C.H. Investimen67, I would also reveal true self to Dutch. And by the way Mr. Dutch. Would you please ask folks on this page not to misrepresent themselves. It dihonors me, you, and most important, the best baked goods of all time.
Aimee - May 30, 2012 - Report this comment
Great pasion everyone. That's what it's about. Was wondering if Dutch Mill Donuts was ever coming back, and now we know where to check. Wish they would.
paul - May 30, 2012 - Report this comment
Let's take a breather for one sec. We have to come together, because this BS is endless. Dutch Mill is dead, Dutch is gone and we will never have the best donut in the world back. Deal with it people. Sure they were the best, but let it live in our dreams. But even more important, let's get along and talk about the gooe times. And, as far as this "Dutch" person. You let us go and no other company has the skills to do your donuts and that's our fault. We didn't do our part to support your product so let us die in peace. You WERE the man but you gave up and Tasty-jerks don't have the skill, desire or desire to do a good donut. So let it rest. And to paraphrase that jerk who quoted Planet of the Apes: Damn you ... Damn you all to hell.
Doughboy1917 - June 01, 2012 - Report this comment
TODAY IS NATIONAL DONUT DAY! No joke. It's the first Friday of June. In fact, go back to my post on June 5, 2009. Says it all. Dunkin Donuts and Crispy Cream are giving away free donuts today. Just wish Dutch Mill was, too. That would mean the best doughnuts ever were back. Did you ever give away free donuts on this day, Dutch, to honor the men and women of WWI? And how about the Salvation Army and all their wonderful work. Also, Dutch, I have some questions for you. If you're man enough to take them on!
Sue - June 01, 2012 - Report this comment
My grandmother on my father's side was in the Salvation Army. I did not know that Doughboy. Great fact. And I'll try to find a free donut today; but still wish it was Dutch Miller
XwStationary - June 01, 2012 - Report this comment
They will B back
ONESt - June 01, 2012 - Report this comment
Think about the first time I had these. Can't believe that Dutch guy got he color from the Dutch when they fought for Germary for world wars two. Don't like that cause, but still a cool story, kind of. But great donuts. Maybe the best there ever was. Bring them back.
Dutch - June 01, 2012 - Report this comment
Happy Donut Day folks. Nobody misses Dutch Mill more than I do. Thanks for all the kind words, Torus, CJ, Come Back Kid, New School, Blueberry, Kate. Hey Pail, sorry I let you down; it was sell or fold. Hey ONE St., the Dutch were against Germany not for 'em. But hey that was long ago. They're both good folks now. You guys make me want to bring the donuts back. All I need is a few $ million.... OK Doughboy1917, you got questions? I got answers! Bring 'em on - gimme your best shot! Seriously, you guys make me proud. Love, Dutch.
Topps 1975 - June 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch is THE MAN. Some ubran myths from the old days of 1970's & 1980's. A) Bubble Yum gun was made with spider eggs. B) If you mix Pop Rocks with soda, your stomach will explode. C) Dutch Mill had up to a dozen smoking hot college co-eds licking each box shut. I'm almost possitive that can't be true, but, like all myths, could there be a little eliment of truth to it? Yours with love, props & respect. -Topps 1975
Tim - June 06, 2012 - Report this comment
These guys were the best donuts ever. No doubt. Glad to see I'm hardly alone.
Brian7 - June 08, 2012 - Report this comment
I know nobody else comes close, but what donuts does Dutch think is hte best. If any? I haven't found one, but keep hoping.
Laser Jim Beam - June 12, 2012 - Report this comment
I eat them wit Bourbon and Ale. Two weeks from now is the 26th of June!
C.H.Investment67 - June 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Great to see an old school buddy, Doughboy1917, is back. Now where's Archambeault Eagle? And what's up "Laser Jim?" What's so great about June 26? Is that Dutch's birthday or someone elses that we love. And don't forget gang ... When we talk about Dutch, we must start and/or end our posts with: "I reveal my Inmost Self Unto my God."
Dutch - June 16, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey let's not get carried away '67, even though I appreciate good hyperbole as well as the next guy. Are you class of 67 by any chance? I am (high school.) There, that will drive off a few donut lovers ("Jees, this guy's old.") Well I didn't ask to get this old, and I still feel thirty most of the time. And yes, those hot college co-eds did exist - in my mind!
Bon timmy - June 18, 2012 - Report this comment
these donuts were the best all time
Doughboy1917 - June 22, 2012 - Report this comment
Watch yourself with "67," Dutch. He claimed he knew, and/or was friends with me. Alas he was not. I"m H.S.Class of 77' myself and I know what you mmean about feeling 30. And, no, we're not that old. Not when you keep a spiritual heart, mind and soul. Body helps, too, which is why I still march like the troops in WW!. As far as you're concerned "67." I like ya, kid. You're got moxie. Keep it up, but for the record, I don't know you. Watch the movie, "The Sting" with Pau Newman and Robert Redford, 1973, to get the context behind the line," You've got moxie.
Laser Jim Beam - June 26, 2012 - Report this comment
I'll tell you C.H. man. I got a new car today! I'm thinking about painting it the colors of the old Dutch Mill Donut box! Great story, Dutch about how you picked those colors. And stupid people don't get who that color represents. THE GOOD GUYS, not the bad guys, bro.
dgo38 - June 26, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was the treat of a lifetime. Had them first, was it 1`975? Is that when they first came out Mr. Ditch? Cool that the owner who never quite is part of da page. I thinks it was 1975. I eat them, listened to Disco and did the duck.
Bornocilli - June 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch is King!
bornocilli II - June 29, 2012 - Report this comment
... and the actors we sing
HardySummerof1986 - July 02, 2012 - Report this comment
Yes, they should be back. Didn't know till my sister's boyfriend told me we can't have our "summer tradition donuts" anymore. What does that mean? We used to have big "smoking" parties back in 1985, 1986, and pig out on Double Chocolate and even all the other brands. Loved the pound cakes, too.
Archambeault Eagle - July 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Archambeault Eage is BACK! I was gone for a very long time, but two thinkgs brought me back. But first, I don't know you either, Mr. "C.H.Investement67." WHO ARE YOU, AND DON'T say you know me; or imply that notion. Doughboy1917 may claim a Dutch Mill friendship, but not you; at least not at this time. But you have revieled yourself by saying to Dutch: "I revaeal my inmost self to my God." In this case, it's Mr. John Sandford, and that is cool. He has always known, like us, his doughnuts were the best, but does not make a point of it. Compaired to TasktyCake and those other frauds, he is a big man. BUT HERE IS WHAT BROUGHT ME BACK: A) John "Dutch" Sandford has proven, in my humble opinion, to be the real deal. God Bless him, and us, for that. You, sir, are a person hero to me and countless Americans. B) The TWILIGHT ZONE marathone is BACK on this 4th of July. Words can tell us how wonderful that is. So here is my questin for all of you, including, and especially you, Dutch. How much do you love The Twilight Zone? Please tell us you love it so very much. And, yes, today my brother is in from Oregon and we still have another keg that needs drinking. We should all do what we can to bring back Dutch Mill. Now only if we can turn around America. Happy birthday U.S.A.
LordStrikingThunder - July 04, 2012 - Report this comment
I'm thrilled this thread was started on Dutch Mill Donuts, and as you can tell, many others are as well. Their glazed donuts were incredible - slightly crispy on the outside, soft and cake-like in the inside.
PowerOfDoughNUTZ - July 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey everyone, GREAT web-page. Never seen a sight that had so many cool names! "LordStrikingThunder" and "ArchairEagle" take the cake. And, "Yes," L-S-T, the Dutch Mill Glazed were incredible, and, in my humble opinion under talked about on these sight. But, that's my only critique. And, "Yes" A+Eagle, "Happy Birthday America!" And, thanks for telling us about The Twilight Zone marathone. Checked the upcoming shows and at 8 p.m. "Will the real martian please stand up" is on. Actually, there are a bunch of great ones on. At 8:30 p.m. check out the one about "Maple Street." Rod Serling's ending speach of that episode is pure poetry mixed with wisdom and a stern warning. Hey, you guys are a smart and creative bunch. Just trying to keep up. AND LOVE THE NAMES YOU PEOPLE PICK. Best web page I've ever been on because it's so passionate, smart, wierd and funny. It would be so cool to meet all of you ... well, most of you over some coffee and, of course, Dutch Mill donuts. I'm going for the glazed! But there's really no bad choice when picking Dutch Mill.
Silver & Gold 648 - July 05, 2012 - Report this comment
Got a tweet about 'The Zone' & great donuts. Couldn't believe it, but this is something special
Dutch - July 07, 2012 - Report this comment
Hello from Dutch. Hey Laser if you want the Dutch Mill colors I can tell you that on the PMS color chart used for printing the boxes they were 280C and 278C. I think the dark blue was 280. I loved those colors. and white was the third color! We used it for reverse lettering, popping through, as much as the dark blue for lettering. I had a '75 Camaro, my first new car, painted almost the light blue. OK my wife talked me into it. It was a little gay for my taste as a car color. But it was a nice car. Now as to the comment from HardySummerof1986 about smoking and eating double chocolate, I ain't saying nothin' but you can imagine how we came up with them. PS the first Dutch Mill Donut hit the market around 1980. Before that they were Garden State Farms. Well cheers all!
The "Love" of 'The Haight' - July 07, 2012 - Report this comment
Check this out first before I get back to y\we\\ about where this old hippie is coming from. Got one of those "Tweet" things. Yes, I've sold out. Graduated Wayne Hills High School in 1969. Actually went to 'The Wood' in Summer of '69. After droping out of "Bill on the Hill" and then Montclair State, I went out to S.F. Dropped a lot of 'you know what,' smoked the good stuff and made love like a monkey, I came back to Wayne, N.J. in the late 70's. I got to realize that what I was running from was right infront of me all along. The early 80's came along and while some said the '60s were dead, my friends in Wayne let me know they were always there' in our hearts and collective souls. The '60s were considered "Shiit" at that time with MTV, Miami Vice and Wall Street, but my old friends from N in the J, New Jersey, Wayne, wouldn't let them die. NO COKE, but good smokes and Then we partied. And YES, Dutch Mill came into play! OHh yeah, those were the best. Now I'm back in S.F. and life is good, I guess, but it took my old gang back in Wayne and Dutch Mill to give my the best memories. Can't believe how old I am and that I actually got a tweet, and am responding to a tweet, but my partner and I love you guys. Actually had my first day off in 15 days and read every post on this fabulous site. Dutch and all of you are real. Even if it's a collective product of our own imaginations. Am I a hippie, or what? Check this out you young pups: Haight-Ashbury is a district of San Francisco, California, named for the intersection of Haight and Ashbury streets. It is also called The Haight and The Upper Haight.[2]
OIK*& - July 08, 2012 - Report this comment
wTf?! What's with this tweet?
Charlew - July 09, 2012 - Report this comment
May we all have the4 proverbial "sit0down?" READ the entire page before you comment! Dutch Mill was, and will always be the absolute best. READ why, and why they can't come back. It's because WE let them down. Quality is not longer a part of store bought donuts. Get used to it people. Very sad, but at least there are those that understand.
Bobby(HEART_89 - July 13, 2012 - Report this comment
Heard Dutch had to go out of business on Friday the 13th. That's today, but this was in 1995. Threw in the towle cause it couldn't sell and he didn't go the extra mile. But that other dude is right. We let ourselves down and now we pay.
C.H.Investment67 - July 13, 2012 - Report this comment
YES! You guys came around. I'm new, but you get it. So many of us. The C.H. Man is gonna start Facebooking and Tweeting. I LOVE U ALL. And don't "Hate" on Dutch. WQ Havve 2 Bring it Back. Wise 8Potato9 Chips like. I'm high on life and the stuff that made us eat tons of Dutch Mill
Sweet Cherry 16-1988 - July 13, 2012 - Report this comment
Lost my Cherry back in '88 and wished it was Dutch. The peeps are right as rain. He had the hearts of many young girls. But, what I want to know after this wet tweet is what was Dutch boy's favorit donut? And don't be a pusssy and say, "all of them!" That would be so soft, and the girls know that's not you. Just pick one. Just wish that one was me. You were so hot, but bet you're still a hot older guy. I loved putting those things in my mouth.
Keep it '60s - July 14, 2012 - Report this comment
ok folks, let's keep it clean. however, we do enjy the frisky stuff. but seriously, not so over the top. got a question for dutch ... if he can handle it ... 'what was the indredient you added to the pound cakes. it was a lot of money, relitive to the amount, but it made it happen. came in a small jar and your peeps thought you were crazy to use it. also, you had an old manager from a big baking company working for you back in, circa, 1986. WHO was that. personally, i'm sure you're the real deal, but you asked for the "test."
Easy Iris - July 21, 2012 - Report this comment
Heard they're bringing back Dutch's Mills in Ocean County, New Jersey, but only in that county. I'd go there, but then again- I'm here!
michael p. around 1972 - July 28, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill has to do a commemorative donut box for the XXX Olympic Games and commemorate the 1972 Games which were so very historic. Now that would be cool! Thanks for bringing them back. Can't wait for them to be in my kitchen!
S - July 28, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey dumb hole()Dey aren't doing themdem anymore& and get git wit it. i'z wiz dey were back. hardtimz
Michael Phelps English Papers call him THE BEST - July 31, 2012 - Report this comment
Ture story: Michaels parents used to tell him in a Baltimore swiming pool that if he did swiming well, he'd get a Dutch Mill donut; cinimon and plain. Had an "ex" in the city and she told me first hand.
JEI*^ - July 31, 2012 - Report this comment
i have to say that I loved Dutch Mills' so much from my moms and even dad even thought he never said he liked them but eat them one night when he didn't know i waz looking. best of all time and a travesty they are not here anymore. please cum on this page if they ever come back
sue - August 01, 2012 - Report this comment
They're BACk, just bought a six-pack of plains in Seashide Hights in the local bodaga!
New York Hork4 - August 02, 2012 - Report this comment
Get Dutch Mill back in Manhattan! Used to buy them back in 1994 when I lived with some nice Hebrew girl on 88th Street. Loved to eat both of them.
Beth - August 02, 2012 - Report this comment
get it
Greg - August 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Miiz wax the bsst store bought donuts iz ever had. And my sister and me had them watching the WWF ane Friday Nigh vieios. Remeber tha?
The Big Lowboski - August 09, 2012 - Report this comment
Just bring them back, baby!
Jennie - August 11, 2012 - Report this comment
As a quenticential child of the eighties, I can tell you first hand, these donuts were a big part of our lives. Don't think they're back, I checked, but if they were, I'd be a part of a new history. Thank you everyone for wishing they were. I love you all and keep the eighties alive!
Raw Deal Comando - August 15, 2012 - Report this comment
If Arnold Schartzanager took over the new Dutch Mill with Mr. Sandford they'd have to hold a press conference so when someone askes what's going on with the best store bought donut comapny in history, Arnold could say: "We're Back."
Dutch - August 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Wow, or OMG (that stands for oh my gosh, in case you are over 40 like me)I love all your stuff. To The "Love" of 'The Haight', I too was at The Wood - that's the first Woodstock, when Jimmy played during the rain. And when they had to shut down the mics, we beat on soda cans the rhythm of the moment.... Sweet Cherry 16-1988, you still get under my skin. Keep it '60s, in answer to your question, I am forgetting some of the names of my managers, but Ed McDermott was my long standing manager. Before him I had Walt Allen's dad. Walt did maintenance. You may be thinking of him. Yes, he had come from Drakes. Must be him. I also had Vic Frumont, who runs another company now. Lots of good people. And the ingredient in the small jar in the pound cakes? I think that must have been the Virginia Dare two fold pure vanilla. Or maybe it was the lemon zest. Arg, those pound cakes were hard to make - very rich and sometimes they would fall.... As to the other comments about Dutch Mill coming back - if it were true - YOU ALL WOULD BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! Love, Dutch
Steve - August 17, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Rocks, Dutch Mill Rocks & The '80s Live Forever!!! And Woodstock was only made all the cooler because of our donut hero!
jei6 - August 21, 2012 - Report this comment
bring 'dem back
New School Cool 95 - August 22, 2012 - Report this comment
Got a Tweet from my bro, and turned me on to this site. Can't believe this old man donut guy went to W@@dSood?! My dad, who I lost back in 95 went and he told me the stories. He made money after being a Hippie, but didn't think there were any more out there. He'd get me Dutch's donuts after a good baseball practice (Double Chocolate) and he'd eat the plains, and it was the single best memory I have. Don't matter if they don't come back or not. The Spirit LIVES!
The look like the nowm943 - September 11, 2012 - Report this comment
Just got turned on to this page. E Un be lievable! @Why don't we have donuts like this anymore?
Katz - September 20, 2012 - Report this comment
The donuts were Great; but so is everyone on this page for keeping the memories alive. New School is right on the money: The spirit does live
October Baseball 73 - October 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Got to admit, nothing like October baseball and a fresh box of Dutch Mill. Doing both of them right now. Grew up in St. Louis and also lived in Oakland, New Jersey. There I learned the art of Dutch Mill. Let's Go Cards!
KIZZ LIZE 1978 - October 16, 2012 - Report this comment
I agree with Katz when he says that he agrees with New School Cool 95; The Spirit does LIZE just like KISS ruled in the '70s
Catholic Girl 1986 - October 21, 2012 - Report this comment
Met "Dutch" back in the late 80's when my friend that went to Easten Christian. Different Churches but it was still real. Had a cruch on him then and still do. Tell the truth, didn't like his donuts, but he was, and still is, a stud. Didn't know how to say it, but wish we could meet again.
Liz567 - October 25, 2012 - Report this comment
dutch mill ain't coming back. Aren't man enough
SaBrina - October 25, 2012 - Report this comment
Just got a Tweet from this page. What's UP? My first boyfriend worked at Dutch Mill! Didn't know they were gone. Work out 7 days a week and don't eat snacks because I yack every night to keep my a** in business but would like to try these treats. HEY, girl's got to have some fun. AND, my girlfriend from high school had a cruch of that dutch guy and his workers. HEY, I'd throw-up on those Dutch Mill donuts things. But seriously, this web page is SO cool. Is Dutch Boy single? This page is SO COOL!
Great View 69 - November 01, 2012 - Report this comment
Who Tweeted me? Whoever, how'd you know I liked Dutches Mill?! Thought I was the oly one! You guys and gals are great. Any single women out there? I know you are, cause I totally love their comments and revealings. Bring back Dutches Mill and the cutties.
Andrea 7 - November 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Is Duch ok? Just one of many that loved you and your great treats. God Bless you and all the other people of New Jersey. Live in Texas now after being born in NJ. Been here since 1998 and have a man and little one. Boy But still think of you Dutchie. But now we should all pray for you. Be safe and even if you can't do your best to bring your treats back, loved the pound cakes and dreamed you pound me the same way with the swirl, we hope you're ok. Pray for all's of Dutch's people because he is from New Jersey and Texas should do a better job
stan h - November 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Yes, many tweets. Somebody's running a campaign and I'v for Mitt. But how'd they know I remembered these Dutch Donuts? That's what I want to know. This guy must have been John Holmes on Viagra based on these latest ads. But I just loved his cinnamin and plains. Too bad they're gone. Now stop tweeting me.
ju8 - November 09, 2012 - Report this comment
Don't really appreciate the tweets talking about Dutch telling us how great Obama is. Keep politics out of this. Don't need to know Dutch believes Obama is the greatest thing since powdered donuts. Shame of you for kicking us when we're down. Don't feel the same about this company anymore
Donut Man Sam 09 - November 12, 2012 - Report this comment
don't really care about politics although all the spending is going to hurt this country. Do care about the hot chicks on this page and the Dutch Mill Donuts which the THE BEST!
NO more Roethisberger - November 15, 2012 - Report this comment
I'm an oldie on this donut page. Don't believe me? Check May 9, 2012! And, once again, Big Ben is out. And Dutch Mill is still out. Too bad about Andrew and Ben. I'm gonna start tweeting about this page, too. And, guess what ... me and the husband are 'splizville.' Won't miss the bastardd. And, I'm still hot and have 'the bod.' How'd you like a Cogar, Dutch. Have seen you pix and you're the man. Eat this whole! ha ha Had to say it, this page is nutz!
batman70 - November 17, 2012 - Report this comment
Just found this site after talking to parents about dutchmill donuts and you will be extremely happy to knowthat arnold bread will be distributing dutchmill donuts again starting in may of 2013. I cant wait.this is no joke.
kay d - December 05, 2012 - Report this comment
OMG, Batman7-0!! This made my Christmas. Best news I heard all year
Stan - December 07, 2012 - Report this comment
Talk about an early Christmas gift! Great news indeed. When Dutch Mill is back on in stores, I'm the first one there. This totally makes up for Pearl Harbor.
Robert "Sarg" - December 10, 2012 - Report this comment
No, Stan. I, Robert, will be the first there. One of Dutch Mill's bigget fans. Thank you to Mr. Dutch for doing the right think for the pople. But don't much care for the joke about Pearl Harbor. My son served in Pearl Harbor so to me, that's not funny.
Stan - December 11, 2012 - Report this comment
What are you, Sarg, 110 years old; or is that the joke. Good one. But seriously people ... let's tell the world the great news. I'm Tweeting everyone. And when you Tweet, ask the person coming one here, who sent them. Dutch Mill coming back is the biggest "" story of the last 5 years. Heck, it's the biggest donut story in the last 50! American History will remember this May 2013.
Ravi Sharkar fan1971 - December 12, 2012 - Report this comment
Got the tweet, Stan! However, don't know you ... how'd you know I like/love Dutch Mills? This is a day I will never forget ... for better and worse. Pople Benedict sent his first tweet and I got my very first ... and it was Dutch Mill! Love both Benedict XVI and Dutch Mill, but heard Dutch and his wife don't think much of Catholics. But still love his donuts. Today is also 12/12/12. How cool is that?! The day, month and year won't match again until January 1, 2101. Think about it ... 1/1/1. Hope our donuts come back by then. Although, I now hear they will be back in 4 months. Still can't believe it. And, some sad news ... Ravi Sharkar died. He's the sitar guy that influened George Harrison. Very cool, dude. Ravi Sharkar also played opening day at Woodstock. Know Dutch remembers that, or was he too stoned like the rest of us. Ha ha ha Thanks, Dutch, and won't hate on you for dissing Republicans, Catholics and others. That's what's great about being a conservative rocker. We judge people, events and organizations by quality and not by what they are, but who they are. Ravi Sharkar got it and so do we. By the way ... Ravi Sharkar was shocked when Jimi Hendrix set his guitar on fire. In India instraments are considered tools of the Gods. I think even Dutch would undertand that.
Ravi Sharkar fan1971 - December 12, 2012 - Report this comment
Whooops ... the spirit of Ravi Sharkar said it's the saying "By what they are and not who they are." Thank you Dutch for bringing these babies back! God Bless you all and Merry Christmas and Hanaka! Dutch Mill was blessed by a Rabi and that's cool for our Jewish brothers and sisisters' Hey, I'm gonna tweet all these messages out!
ted - December 12, 2012 - Report this comment
GREAT NEWS -- Gust got The Pope's Tweet -- It read: "So glad to hear Dutch Mill donuts are coming back! Love to all. Yours truly, The Pope & Friends at The Vat."
Dartmouth class of '94 - December 13, 2012 - Report this comment
This is the news of the year and this Ivy Boy is ready to party like it's 1999! Will tweet those on my end. Also, this news should bring some of the old timers back. Go back to October of 2010. You'll see who I am. Now more old schoolers chime in.
Led Zep09 - December 14, 2012 - Report this comment
That's for the update boys & girls. I'll get the word out on this end. Thank you and can't wait
Lisa - December 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Today is a day to cry
HG71 - December 16, 2012 - Report this comment
Please, yes, pray for those poor people. You are talking about that terrbile crime. Right, Lisa? The world needs good people more than ever.
No more Roethisberger - December 17, 2012 - Report this comment
Tried watching the game last night to take my mind off that horrible event in Newtown Conn. Let us all pray for those little Angels. And God Bless all the good people.
CapeMayCap - December 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Kind and thoughtfull words from some nice folks. Yes, it's me, CapeMayCap and I loged into this page 8/26/09. YES, that is correct; over three years ago. Made tons of calls to Tastycake and it looks my my hard work payed off. Others helped, too I'm sure. Pease and love to all and God Bless all going through so very hard times.
Ray Mc - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
Holy Cow! As The Scooter Phil Rizzuto would say. I am not alone in missing Dutch Mill. Are they really coming back? So cool. But then again the next day is: December 21, 2012, the end of the world. OH No! But if we make it, you bet I'll be jumping into a tub of Dutch Mill donuts. Thanks so much for whoever is bringing them back.
Cliff - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
What's the deal. I thought the Dutch owner guy died. Is someone else really going to make his donuts?
Dr. Donut 1970 - December 21, 2012 - Report this comment
By said 1970, I practically had a PhD in donutology so don't question this man. Great, they're bringing them back, Dutch Mill that is. But, and I only say this because of my extensive knowlege of this particular topic. Make sure you, Dutch Mill, hire back the same management team and much of the old staff. Here is why ... obviously the same recipe will be used. But so what in terms of production. For example, everyone has their favorite breakfast joint to eat at. But, every notice some places can mess up the "simple" orders. Not everyone makes the same meal the same way. Don't mess this up Dutch Mill!
Heather - December 22, 2012 - Report this comment
With all respect, "Dr. Donut," just who in the heck do you think you are? Please keep your ignorant and obnoxious views to yourself. There are those on this that view Dutch as a God. Men want to be him and women want to be with him. Be grateful this icon is bringing his donuts back!
Kunta - December 22, 2012 - Report this comment
Who's Dutch? He like their maskot like The Geico Lizard?
seaside1985phukouba - December 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Debbie Does detriot - December 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Yes, that's a joke name. BUt for real, please tell me these guys are coming back. Best donuts in the world and I have so many great stories. PLEASAE be for real. And, for the rocord, I think It stincks that so many of you chose to be rude. Dutch Mill was the best and these low brow comments only serve to bring this brand down.. If you want to do that BUTY TASTEECAKE. My GOD do they SUCK! Is that all we have to buy?!?!?!
Jake's rommie - December 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Now I get the text, jakie. goes back to WPC circa '86 and getting high. best ever
Dr. Donut 1970 - December 24, 2012 - Report this comment
This message is direct to that "Heather person" from December 22, 2012. But, first off, Happy Holiday's to all the true Dutch Mill followers. As far as your query, "Heather," you ask: "Who do I think I am?" I'm an American and a vet!
Cliff - December 24, 2012 - Report this comment
Dude, you're an animal doctor?
Dr. Donut 1970 - December 24, 2012 - Report this comment
Nam, I was in Vietnam!
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - December 24, 2012 - Report this comment
Merry Christmas to all; for I am drunk off my a** on eggnog!! And, I'm back! I'm old school. Go back on this page to December 29, 2009! What's with you new guys/gals? All the fighting. Like back in my day, I guess. Can you believe I'm back Dutch? Thank you for bring Dutch Mill back! May God Bless you and your family and all my firnds on this wonderful web page. My back to some big time drinking!
Big Steve & Debbie - December 25, 2012 - Report this comment
Merry Christmas all! Just got word of the grand re-opening. Best Holliday gift ever! And thanks for the tip Green Mountain Man. We're starting our party at 12 Noon sharp.
Maple Leaf Garym - December 26, 2012 - Report this comment
Boxing Day here in Canada! Love to you all in the U.S.A. Guess what city I live in. Clue ... Go Sens. Friends used to bring up cigarettes and Dutch Mill. That was, of course, in the 80's. I'd say 1983, 84, 85 & 86. What great times. Had no idea they took such a long break, but happy to hear they're soon back; regardless of the fact it didn't even know they were gone. Haven't seen that old New Jersey crowd since 1986. Not talking down to you guys, but Canada has some of the best donuts of all time. We love them. You guys rock, too, though. And, by this page, we can see you have passion for donuts as well. Who is this Dutch person and is he alive or dead. I'm gonna have a big coffee with cream, munch of two or three donuts and read this entire page. You guys are too funny.
Heather - December 27, 2012 - Report this comment
12TieCrew - December 27, 2012 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is back! Dutch Mill is Back! This is what we make the ball drop in Times Square!! I'll beat all you bastards to the store he sec they get stocked!!
Maple Leaf Garym - December 28, 2012 - Report this comment
Yes, Heather, it's the beautiful city of Ottawa. And what's with the "?!" Do you live here? If so, what's your favorit donut shop?
Dutch - December 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Hello my friends. Sorry it's been a while - holidays and all. I wish I could concur the rumors of Dutch Mill Donuts returning to the market but I have no knowledge of it. It's not from me. Tasty has the rights to the name. They could remarket them but it would not be the same formula, process, or employees. But I'm not running down Tasty - they were OK to me. I'm going to check it out though. Thanks for all the positive comments, including the stimulating ideas from Catholic girl, SaBrina and No more Roethesberger. Hey I never endorsed any political candidate nor ran down Catholics. I'll tell you this though; Ravi Shankar was cool, and so is his daughter Nora Jones. Well let's see what '13 brings. God bless you all. Happy New Year!
Heather - December 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Dear 'Maple Man," if that does not sound too forward. First off, why's people giveing Dutch a hard time. Total B.S., if you want a girl's opinion. The reason I said the ?! thing is because my sister dated, and is still frieds with a guy that played for Ottawa. Just think it's a weird corisadence dontus thing, if that makes any sense. Sorry to bable, but just like this site and think it's a shame that people are not being nice. Sorry if this sounds weird. Won't be back.
Lou - December 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Why'd you send me a text, sid? What donuts?
"Maple Man" - December 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Like the name, Heather. Did this dude play for the Sens?! Noticed I used your "?!" And, yes, it's bull S that they hate on the man, Dutch. But, DID this guy play for Ottawa?! Whoops, there I go again with they ?!
CapeMayCap - December 31, 2012 - Report this comment
God Bless you, Dutch. And, have a great '13! Too bad it's not your formula, process and people. We know you're too much of a gentleman to put down another company, but ask any person with class, cuture and culinary skills and they'll tell you Takty is pig food at best. That said, we all love you and pray for the day the real Dutch Mill is back in the stores and in our hearts.
Dr. Donut 1970 - December 31, 2012 - Report this comment
You see, this is what I'm talking about. My buddies did not die head down in the muck in Nam so we could settle for a cut rate version of Dutch Mill. Dutch deserves better and so do we.
Heather - December 31, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey, "Maple" dude ... what's going one with the real Dutch Mill. Looks liike it's not going to be the real brand. :( But hope some day we'll be like :) Not, my sis's friend did not play for those Sens guys. It was a minor league, or something like that, team. Thhink they were The 69ers, or something. Bet it's cold up there right now.
Suesan - December 31, 2012 - Report this comment
Did you just say this team was called 'The 69ers,' Heather? And, it's too very bad these will probably end up not being the real Dutch Mills. But then again, who could ever make them the same?
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - January 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Happy New Year in 2013. Good news ... we're coming back. Bad news, and you all know how I dislike bad news, that said ... the bad news is Tastycake don't know a donut hole from an a**holr. Sure they don't have the intellect, passion, or wherewithall to do anything close to a quality donut, but at least they're trying. Bless their little hearts. And, have mercy on anyone that believes they're a real bakery.
Maple Man - January 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Don't mean to correct, Heather, but you mean "The Ottawa 67's. They're the junior hockey team here. But it's all good. Wish I could bring back the old Dutch Mill for you; if that don't sound to forward. Like the hockey position. Sorry, dumb jcke. When did you first have Dutch Mill; I mean what year? I"m 35 yrstd old.
Fast Eddie - January 02, 2013 - Report this comment
She did say, "69ers," didn't she! What was on Heather's mind? Oh yeah, bring back the real Dutch Mills!
Wayne S. - January 02, 2013 - Report this comment
Worked in the baked goods industry and can tell you first hand that Dutch is right. The formula, process and employees including the right management team are what makes the donut. Not the box; although Dutch Mill had the coolest looking box of all time. Wish we could get them back, but at least we can say we once had the best.
Suesan - January 03, 2013 - Report this comment
I'll tell you what was on Heather's mind, Fast Eddie. Someone was hungry and not just for a donut! LOL Anyone gonna ask me why I spell my name like that. Just kidding, Heather. I'd make the same slip. LOVE and miss Dutch Mill. Who's Dutch exactly?
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - January 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey Suesan, love the spelling. But I respectfully disagree. Heather could have been hungry for a donut ... assuming Dutch came out with a cream-filled.
Rob - January 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Hello to all and thanks GM for the info on this page. Didn't understand what you were saying, but this is a real fan club. Glad to see I'm not the only one missing the Dutch Mill famous donuts. Glad to see they're coming back.
Rob - January 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Oh, shoot! Just took the last hour reading this page and now more confused than ever. Are the real one's still coming out? Dutch Mill was the legend.
Heather - January 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Don't appreciate the incedibly rude, disucting and immature comments. You all need your mouths cleaned out with soap and a good spanking. Grow up or get out! Notice Maple Man and others grew up so why don't you?! I lady never gives her age, but I graduated H.S. in 1995 so I guess that makes us about the same. Did you play hockey, Maple, because I was a rather good figure skater.
Laker Girl '88 - January 05, 2013 - Report this comment
God I rember these. The best and miss them.
MAPLW MAN - January 05, 2013 - Report this comment
First off, I totally repect the fighure ice thing, Heather. But, first off I have something to say to those that have little to no class. Stop it and STOP IT NOW! Heather has come on here as a lady and does not have to read this SHI(T)! I am a hockey player and will not tolerate this talk. Those that keep it up should stop. Sorry, Heather, but I had to speak my piece. Why don't people just talk about donuts. And, Heather, we have some great donut "joints" up here at the Great White North. What to bet what my favoorit is? Would like to talk.
Heather - January 06, 2013 - Report this comment
Thanks, maple dude. At least there's one gentleman out there besides mr. Dutch
Rutgers '89 - January 06, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey, Dutch. Get some pictures of your old boxes on here, bro. It's a shame this is the best page in the U.S.A. and we can't even see the old box. Then again, Tastycake could mess up a wet dream so it stands to reason that they, or you, can't even do that. Not a big fan, bro. You sold us out and left an inferior comapny in control. Didn't you even think about us?
12TieCrew - January 07, 2013 - Report this comment
You bastard leave Dutch alone!
Ravi Sharkar fan1971 - January 07, 2013 - Report this comment
To throw rocks at Dutch is to only trow rocks at ourselves. For is it he who took these heavenly treats from us, or is it us who did not support a devine culinary market. For we my assign blame, make mean comments and show anger. But, I, for one make the choice to look inward. For tht is where all the answers must be found.
Maple Man - January 08, 2013 - Report this comment
You are most welcome, Heather. And perhaps we could all learn something from Mr. Sharkar. If Dutch llikes this guy, he must be a bood sort. What's you favorit donut place where you are now, Heather? I know of several great donuts places in Ottawa.
The Duke - January 09, 2013 - Report this comment
The absolute best all-time donut ever made in the History of Mankind past, present, future.
Heather - January 10, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey Maple, kind of hard to say. This demolition of Dutch Mill left a big void. I'm basically an old fashion gal whol likes it simple, like Dunin' Donuts. They do have GREAT coffee, the best, and OK donuts even thought the staff is sort of weird if you know what I'm saying. Used to like Royal Bagel & Deli in Montclair, New Jersey, but they'd get your breakfast orders wrong and got too rude. Gencarelli's Bakery in Wayne is OK if you get catch the staff when they're not on their cell phones. To tell the truth, Maple Dude, there is really nothing here that special after Dutch Mill went belly up. Rather sad. But that said I only eat dontus once in a while. Still skate a lot for a hobby and exercize.
SayBon3 - January 10, 2013 - Report this comment
Maple Man - January 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey, Heather ... my last post did not go though ... I think. did you get it?
Dr. Donut 1970 - January 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Tried to put my post on, too. They didn't put it on here! This is NOT why my buddies died face down in the muck in Nam!
Heather - January 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Trid to get back to you, 'Maple.' but MY last thing did not get by. If they try to stop us, just meet me at a rink in Ottawa at a "69ers" game. My peeps told me who the current manager is! Can't belive our tweets are being shut out.
Maple - January 14, 2013 - Report this comment
YES! Absolutely! Hopefully they still let us get on this page, if not, the HE(double-hockey-stick) to them! But still love(ed) Dutch Mill. And to send a last donut/doughnut message on this sensorship site, let me tell you, and answer your question about donut places up here at The Deaver Trail Capital. Tim Hortons is our version of Dunkin' Donuts. In fact, we have more Tim Hortons in Canada than McDonalds. Tim was a hockey player, too. Great and consistant coffee and doughnut. We also have Hong Company on Colonel and Cafe Tache by Alexanre. But a very special place is relatively new. They are a gourment donut place called Suzy Q Doughnuts. They make fancy $2 to $3 doughnuts that are worth every cent. The most popular is a Maple Bacon one with real bacon bits on the outside and bacon fat mixed with the dough. I bet even Dutch never thought of that. And, they have a Blue Vanilla Bean Glazed Topped with Fruit Loops. Once again, I think even Dutch would be impressed. Anyway, Heather, I know what you mean. But, I'm at Suzy Q's a lot, too! And, don't mean to sound like a super expert, but I know my donuts, like many of us up here, and Dtuch Mill was the best store bought donut ever made. This is awesome, Heather.
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - January 14, 2013 - Report this comment
What's with the hooking up you two! And, yes, thi, web page did have a big issue with censorship going back about a year ago. Too bad since we lost a lot of good Dutch Mill fans. Don't know if Dutch himself had/has a role or the owners, but it's real shame.
Kevin - January 17, 2013 - Report this comment
The only thing we can do is hope at this point. I believe there's always a chance but we must ask ourselves. Does this country still want a quality store bought donut, or the cheap, low grade Tastycake style. It's on us.
J. Long - January 21, 2013 - Report this comment
Does anyone know if they give Dutch Mill donut making classes os a sort? You know, like classes on how to make one's own micro beer and even fine wines?
Heather - January 22, 2013 - Report this comment
Maple, this is not mine, but I can get access through my friend's brother. Don't want to use my personal because of all the perv, but I Can get all messages from this: And, once there, I can give you my personal, if you like. Dutch Mill will come back and look at all the good things that can come of it on the side like you, me and the other great donuts and ice
Jim - January 23, 2013 - Report this comment
Best donuts because you had a well prepared process which did not compromise qaulity in terms of ingredients, personel, and procedure. The first person on this page back in 2007, mjb42758, said it best. You didnt need a PhD in chemistry to understand what was on the box. So simple it was complex in Dutch Mill's purity.
Roger - January 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Good point, Jim, and many of you who decide to use this site as an donut information tool, as opposed to dating site. But what Dutch Mill should have done was come out with their own brand of coffee. If they used the time and effort in that product, similar to their love of donuts; it would have been a hit. At least in my house.
Jennie - January 28, 2013 - Report this comment
As a quenticential child of the eighties, I told you this "coming back" routine was a hoax. But at least we have the memories. And, yes Roger is right. Dutch Mill coffee would have been a true delight. Espcially a cinnomon flavor. But you're wrong about the dating aspect, Roger.
Maple Man - January 28, 2013 - Report this comment
We know there are those that want to keep this a pure donut page, but Heather and I thought it was also alright to tale socially. Sorry if we offended anyone, but, if anyone is interested, we might have an interesting update. Besides, this is Dutch's web page, so it's up to him to make the call. Also, when Heather put her associate's e-mail up here the pranksters stood out like a sore thump after getting whached by a cold puck. And not nice, the person that made the comment about a girl's body part tasting like a fresh, and warm, Dutch Mill donut.
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - January 28, 2013 - Report this comment
You mean the e-mail about sweet, warm, little holes that are fun to eat? Yeah ... that was mine. And I think Dutch knows what I'm talking about. Your donuts were the best, my man!
Mark - January 30, 2013 - Report this comment
If they can't bring back Dutch Mill, maybe we should send out a patition? And, the coffee idea sounds pretty great, Jennie and Roger. But I don't know about the cinninin flaor. Then again, everyone has their own taste. But Dutch Mill donut shops, like Dunkin' Donuts would be awesome. Any chance you could pull that off Mr. Dutch?
Lenny - January 31, 2013 - Report this comment
Still think we're getting Dutch's Donuts back. Why the questions. Everyone wants them, right? Please tell us what's going to happen.
Don Kommit - January 31, 2013 - Report this comment
Any chance they'll make a special donut today for Jackie Robinson's 94th Birthday? One thing about this company, they were high end, quality and did the right thing. Happy Birthday Mr. Robinson #42 for the Brooklyn Dogers. And I think it's great about the Maple Man and his girl Heather. Hi you two, and i'd love details. Thank you all and everyone who loves Dutch Mill. And please do special donuts to commenorate historic events. That and the coffee idea would work.
Dr. Donut 1970 - February 01, 2013 - Report this comment
I'll tell you what commemorative donut should be made! Make one for The Donut Dollies! These young ladies were young like us, just kids, and came over, during Tet. '68 of all times to give us comfort, friendship and good will. Not to mention donuts. Yes, Jackie Robinson was, and is, an icon. What he did for America, and African Americans, can not be forgotton. BUT, so many of us, including my black troops in arms were, and still are forgotton. So please Dutch, if you bring back a commemortive donut, please do so for The Red Cross Donut Dollies. Or, maybe use your donut influence to bring The Red Cross Donut Dollies to Iraq where our brave boys & girls don't have this fine organization. And by the way, do you know that Donkin' Donuts is now going to Veit Nam; seriously, they will open a store outside of Ho Chi Minh City. And, Nam already has the Starbucks. So why not Dutch Mill. And Heather person, I know you're a little hot head, and you tend to speak out of turn, but my biddies died face down in the muck in Nam, so you and your Candian friend could have the freedom to meet and greet on this fine web page. Please Dutch, stick up for our vets, and Fredom. So I wish you all well. God Bless you all, and God Bless America.
Richard - February 04, 2013 - Report this comment
That's something Dr. Donut! We should have paid more repect to you people. Man dad was in Nam, but he never talks about it. Sorry. Why are you "Dr. Donut 1970" if you don't mind me asking. And what's the worst thing you saw over there, if you don't mind me asking, again. And, if Dutch Mills ever come back, I'd be honored, honored, sir, to buy you a box!
Mike - February 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Just found out Dutch Mill might be coming back from an e-mail. And, by the looks of things, I'm not the only one.
Cathy & Beth - February 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Thanks for the update boys! My BFF and me were talking about the box. It was baby blue with a windmill. Can you guys put a picture of the old box on here. Best thing ever, and lov the donuts
Adam84 - February 06, 2013 - Report this comment
Just bring them back. Just bring them back.
Christie - February 08, 2013 - Report this comment
It was a true toss-up between the cinnimon & plain. But they were all good. Did they also have poundcakes I seem to remember or was that someone else. They also had mini star balls my roomate used to eat. Baically anything these guys made was the best baked goods on the shelves.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - February 11, 2013 - Report this comment
Guess who ... guess who ... And thank you Mr. Don Commit for your interest; thought there would be others, too. You, too Dutch since we're amoung your biggest fans and met on your page. Lot's to talk about, but first, sorry we got off to a bad start, Mr. Dr. Donut from the 1970s. Your sacrfice and those of your friends in the muck is something we should never forget. We are truly sorry we didn't show the repect we should have. On the gossip front, Heather did come up to our capital city! We went to all the great donut/doughnut astablishments up here in Ottawa. WOULD LIKE TO PUT A PICTURE OF US ON THIS PAGE HANGING AT SUZY Q's DOUGHNUTS!!! Please let us show a picture of us and ANYONE, well ... most people on this page are invited up, espcially you Dutch!!! We even want to get a picture of you in our favorit shop. And our picture is of us eating a donut with bacon grease!!! Love you all and will have updates on our fun and more pictures if you guys want to see them. Oh yeah, found out that Luther Vandross, who we know Dutch is a fan of, inveted the Bacon Cheesburger served on a glazed donut. Anyway, Dutch is being talked about very much up here and we look forward to talking to you all again in one month. But please let us put a picture of us on here!
Starburst88 - February 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill goes back to the days where donuts in a box, from a store were made for people with good taste, looking for quality. I miss them.
Dr. Donut 1970 - February 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Thank you for your question, but mostly for your respect, Richard. And, all is well with Heather & The Maple Man of Otawa. I, too, losse my cool, but Nam has taught me to mellow out witht the grass I picked up over there. Wanted to open a donut shop when I got back from my tours in 1970. Wanted to call it "Dr. Donuts," and open it with a young woman I had in Nam; she was one of the donut girls that gave good comfort. Didn't work out however. Went thought many emotional hardships and had to go to meetings. I mean "meetings." There were other vets there inclduing vets from World War II and even two from World War II. Have to remember this was 1971, 1972 and 1973. Didn't go for a while and then began the trip back in the early 1980's, I guess about 1883. One old vet brought Dutch Mill donuts. It's fair to say they helped save my life as I was going thoght a really bad time. Enen got back witht the young woman in Nam that gave great comfort because my brothers and the sheer joy of Dutch Mill. Thank you, Sir Dutch! Worst thing I saw in Nam was when a young man I thought was a good person went into a small hut we believed to be Charley Country. He said, "I'm gonna stomp a gooks brains out," and when I walked out to check out an order I heard a bad sound. Went back in and there was an open skull with a palm white matter around it. He did it. That still wakes me up a night, as does the smell of that gas crap they poured on Charely and killed my fiends many years later. Thank you for all who fought and those that try to help. Thank you Dutch for being at those meetings. Yours donuts are something I equate with healing. And, I'm sorry if I ever go off the rocket. My life didn't work out the way I planned, but many have helped that never met. Like Dutch and his majic donuts.
Bryce - February 14, 2013 - Report this comment
My brother told me they were coming back last week because he and me ate them when we were in the 80's and they were the best we had and none wee better. Thank's for the e=mail and keep me up to date. Will tell Larry to tell them too bro
fawn girl 78 - February 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey Dutch, how cool are your fans. Awesom Dr. Donut. We love you and Dutch Mill. Happy Valentine's Day to Dutch. Yes, one of many High School Girls to have a crush on the big guys back in the '80s. Was only 15, but know he liked the girls, too. Never got that kiss. Loved your donut holes, but what about mine handsone? LOL and many XXX and OOO's Very wet right now.
Etownfunkyg - February 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Heard dey comin' back in May of this year with the old owner & managers! No joke!
Betty (Rymes with 'Hill') - February 18, 2013 - Report this comment
My name is Betty (Last Name Rymes With Hill) and I love Dutch Mill. LUV DUTCH MILL LUV DUTCH MILL LUV DUTCH MILL And I'll skip the pill to get a thrill with Mr. Dutch Mill.
New School Cool 95 - February 18, 2013 - Report this comment
I'm here again. I was on here before. Great Tweet Dr. Donut 70's. You are awesome and glad Dutch Mill helped save your life. Mr, too but in a different way. THat's why we need them back. And why Tastycake and other don't even come close and unfortunaetly never will. Even Dutch can appreciate what you guys did in Viet Nam even though I heard he didn't repect the effrot. But he did his part witht he best donuts ever made. And the girls do love him so.
Cubs Fan SInce '72 - February 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Thanks for the tweet, Billy! Yes, I remember Dutch Mill and "yessa" this is a cool page. Thanks for sharing as we say in AA. Cubs are looking good in Arizona. First time here since 1989 and it's better the second time around. Will check back in on opening day. You guys coming to Wrigley this year?
Belt Buckle Blues - February 19, 2013 - Report this comment
Is Dutch Mill really coming out with their own coffee brand?
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - February 20, 2013 - Report this comment
Great post Dr. Donut 1970! I know I joke around, but my dad, too, is a Vet of that underappreciated effort in South East Asia. God Bless you "Dr. Donut!" While some were getting high and burning draft cards you were putting it all on the line. And as for you Heather and Canadian boy, yes, I'd like to see pictures, the nuddie ones! HEY NOW you to little horn dogs. Hey Dutch, check this out. Dunkin' Donuts is going after Obama care. Know you're not gutsy enough to stand up to the Dems, but at least you guys took care of your donut making people. Don't take my jokes too hard, brother John. You know we love you and espcially your donuts. And why do people keep talking about Dutch Mill making coffee? Would you, and did you, ever think about coming out with your own brand? Cinnimon would be nice, but I'm a plain man, meself. And fawn girl 78 ... are you for real. And, what do you look like. I'm basically a stud.
The original FROM: 2009 - February 20, 2013 - Report this comment
Can't believe how far this little Dutch Mill page grew from back in the hey day. Does anyone care to guess who I am. Haven't been on here for years, but thought I'd come back. Glad, and so very excited there are so many great fans of Dutch Mill. Although I'd like to see some cleaner language and more respect to Mr. Sanford A.K.A. Dutch. And also stop bashing lesser comapnies such as Tastycake. We know they don't make a quality donut and their management isn't close to that of Dutch Mill. So why do we have to keep making a point of it. Live and let them live. Just let's bring back the best donuts of all time.
Hellen from K - February 20, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey Dutch, Could you please put some of your boxes on here. Also loved the pound cakes. Would like to see them along wit the box with the shooting stars. You had so many great ideas! No wonder everyone loves you.
Jo - February 21, 2013 - Report this comment
It would be cool to bring Dutch Mill back into the fray. It would be cool to see pix of Heather & Maples Guy. Could you put them on Web People? This page needs color and cool pix would really jazz it up.
Richard - February 21, 2013 - Report this comment
Thanks Dr. Donut 1970's Man! It's an honor to know you appreciate my words. I'm serious about buying you a box of donuts, to! I want to ask The Dutch to please put pictuees of his old boxes on here and also let us see pictures of that couple from Canada. Not really interested in seeing them, but would very much like pictures of those funky Canadian donuts that are blue and are made with bacon grease. That's just crazy. What do you think of donuts such as that, The Dutch? And, if you brought back your Dutch Mill Brand, Cinnamon espcially, and plain for The Nam guys, would you also make coffee with your logo and same commitment to quality? Please don't let us down.
Waldo - February 21, 2013 - Report this comment
It has all come full circle
ide731 - February 22, 2013 - Report this comment
Came to Starbucks and couldn't stop thinking about Dutch Mill. Don't think the coffee thing will happen, but if it did, you know it would be the best. I do miss Dutch Mill so very much.
The original from; 2009 - February 23, 2013 - Report this comment
Yes! Pictures is what we need, Richard and all you other upstarts. This page is so great, but we can do more. Love to see those two newly daters and to see a Candian donut would be cool. What do you think, Dutch. And what's with the rumor you were no longer with us. And why do all the girls go nuts over you. What's you secret?
ELO - February 24, 2013 - Report this comment
Sounds like the e-mails I got were from a real source. Keep my in the loops guys. Glad to hear Dutch Mill is on the return.
Cali McGraw - February 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Dated a dude from NJ when I lived outside of LA. Eat Dutch Millers donuts. It's a shame they are out of vogue since they were so sweet and had great memories. We saw Midnight Run with Robert DeNiro in Times Square, New York City. It was so fun because we brought Dutch Millers with us. Still remember the light blue box with windmills.
Green Mountian Boyz Class of 95;#12 - February 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey original person from 2009. What do we get if we guess who you are?! Put something on the line. Figure you're one of 7 different old timers. As far AS WHY IS DUTCH SO POPULAR WITH THE GIRLS >>> Talked to some folks and word on the street is he's hung like a Shetland Pony, has the endurance of a marathon runner and has more moves after midnight than than the producers of Boogy Nights ever could have imagined. He's basically John Holmes reincarnated with the looks of Marky Mark and Paul Newman. Dutch not only makes 'em cry for mercey, but bet for more. Long live Dutch, his special powers with the ladies and his legacy of Dutch Mill. And Heather and Maplehead have to put pictures on if they are doing it with pictures of Dutch on the wall. Lava lamps, too.
Cactus Joe - February 27, 2013 - Report this comment
Now I get it! After the e-mails and reminders, I see what the fuss is about. Dutch Mill is not only sacred to my heart I discover Mic. Funny stuff, too. Now let's all work together to bring back these awesome and great treats. And keep this Dutch guy away from my girlfriend! LOL
Sox - February 27, 2013 - Report this comment
Watching a Red Sox pre-season game and remembered going to Cape Cod with a box full of Dutch Mill. Good times with good friends and the best donuts on this side of Heaven
Sox - February 27, 2013 - Report this comment
Oh yes- Let us know if they try to get old Dutch Mill up and running again. I'd get in on a good investment. Gotta invest dough to make dough and in this case the product is dough. Going to Sarasota, Florida next morning to check out my beloved Sox so I'm in a silly and happy mood. Keep up the good vibes all
Sexual Chocolate - February 28, 2013 - Report this comment
I believe the childres are the future, treat 'em right and all will come about. Dutch Mill is here to stay and let us not fall apart. *Sing this to the tune and it totally words.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathres - February 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey everyone, Thanks for all the great input and funny and even silly stuff. Yes, we're talking to you Green Funny Mountain Man. We thank you for your support and love for Dutch Mill, but we need more. Maple Dude and I are gonna be talking a little break from here. We can then come back six months, or a year down the road, and say we are "now" the old timers. To tell the truth, we are a little let down we are not allowd to put our pictures on this page from the great donut shops in Canada. We even have one that says, "Bring Back Dutch Mill," in two different donuts shops in Ottawa. This page does not appear to given the respect it derserves. Also don't like being cencored. Please help us with that Dutch and please put pictures of your donuts on even if Maple Dude and me can't have our pictures on here. We, also, would like to invest if it ever came down to that. Goodbye for a while, maybe a rather long while. We love you Dutch and all you other great Dutch Mill fans from North America.
yut0399 - February 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Don't think it will ever happen. Too much politics and too many SHI* donuts like Tastycake that don't give a shi* about the people. So sad, but ture. GOD we, the people miss real doughnuts!
Keneth - March 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Could someone please give the stright dope on Dutch Mill coming back, or not!? There are conflicting reprots and some seem to suggest they will be back in March of 2013. In other words ...NOW. The very leaset we deserve is the truth even if it's not what we want to hear.
TURK 182 - March 02, 2013 - Report this comment
No more letters will due if we can't get the public to insist that being back in business will take Dutch Mill to the level that will host our donuts again with all the joy that comes from a fine product. I lived in Russia and came here after seeing a great America movie with Robert Urich that inspired me and the first donuts I had enjoy were the Dutch's Mill that I miss so much.
Steve - March 03, 2013 - Report this comment
Didn't know they were back! So cool and can't wait to buy them in big boxes. Thnakz.
The Last Sobastian of 643 - March 03, 2013 - Report this comment
Seen all the highlights and read all the scipts, but Mr. Dutch Mill, John Snadford, A.K.A. Dutch passed away on a cold November night in 2009. This is all one big joke and we will never have Dutch Mill again. AND, these idiots form Canida will not be missed. Too many fakes, phoneie and frauds that don't do anything. It's all in the past, so pay respect for our leader who is no longer with us. And, yes, we do want to know who "Old School," is. As long as you're not a quaitte like those idiots from Toronto. Get a grip people, there is no more Dutch Mill and our founder is in the ground. Fakes are taking over and there are no real dooughnuts left and life is in the ground with John and all his spirit. And if those jerk people from Candian Lnad come back, we will have issues. And let it be written who the "Old school" individual is. We need something to put these big views to reast. Got to the markdt and look at what low-life products like Taktycade are putting on the shelves and this is what life is now. Total slime and made by people that have no heart, talent or the least bit of ingegrity. Get a grip and get a life because life is about S-=hit like Tastycake and low life compnaies that don't produce anything worth eating. Some said and I'm in bed with life so just stop the dumb stuff and live with what you did to yourselves. And, we will not miss idiots from the "Fake White North" who eat at pretenious donut shops that creat 'Blue' dummy donuts and try to be real. I've been to the donut mountai and when Dutch passed it all died with us. Yes, he was a man that we all wanted to know, but he's gone and we have to go to the next level. But when we don't have any options we have to do it on the next plain. So let us be sane and keep it on a train that God this is so much insane. Don't come back if you're not from here and you're not a real Dutch Mill fan! Our hero is gone, in the dirt, but I still dream, like all of you about his return in the next life. That is the real justice. we will all live again in the Kingdom Of God and we will enjoy all the earthy events we enjoyed here, but in the next life. Jesus if Lord and the dead Dutch would agree.
Lenny - March 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Dudes, what's up with the time line and getting Dutch Mill up and running? We have many voices, but let's work on helping with the info bebos. The best from the past are not just a blast that has passed, but a coming alas.
Cathy - March 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Nobody knows how much a person can miss Dutch Mill unless they actually lived with this brand and grew up with it as a part of your life. And, they had INCREDIBLE Pound Cake also! I think they had like two different styles, too. I so wish Dutch Mill was still here.
Jen's den - March 04, 2013 - Report this comment
The heck wit the guys with their "man rooms/caves!" I'm in Jen's den and my man, and he's a lot of man is upstairs watching the world baseball classic, or whatever you guys do. But, those things saying, I want Dutch Mills back also and I will do anything except not doing the chocolate dirty! And don't say bad things on here. As my mom says, good things happen to good people and bad thoughts only create bad results.
Jon - March 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Got a great Tweet and will be here more often if it all comes down to getting it on and getting it on good. These donuts were the personification of greatness and any coffee they make will be in my cuberd.
Roger B - March 06, 2013 - Report this comment
This is a time to respect the past and let it be. Dutch passed away quietly in his home, surrounded by many loved ones, in October of last year. My he rest in peace and never be forgotten by those who will always rememer his delicious tasty treats as a part of yesterday. Fore it seems like Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. So Let it Be
Sue in NJ - March 06, 2013 - Report this comment
OMG, these were the absolute best "power rings," ever made! My girlfriend in high school and me used to call Dutch Mill donuts "Power Rings."
jody - March 07, 2013 - Report this comment
When they come back in New York City they will have to build a line out of money to keep me away. Don't know if everyone accross America knows this, but Manhattan was Dutch Mill central!
DoubleXXfromLex - March 07, 2013 - Report this comment
These could sell for big bucks on the black market since the age of quality store bought donuts has long passed. And thank all for the other out of state and even county donut stories. When I travel, which is a lot, the first thing I look for is a quality bakery that sells great donuts. Wish Dutch Mill had indidual stores like Dunkin' Donuts; who are, by the way, a great outfit. Have to start checking out jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Anita - March 07, 2013 - Report this comment
I love those Dutch Mill chocolate covered donut holes - anyone have a recipe?
Anita - March 07, 2013 - Report this comment
I would be willing to pay for the original Dutch Mill recipe for chocolate covered donuts. contact
Green Mountain Boy- Just using that name now since I'm an original, yo people - March 08, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey Anita ... Just ask Dutch, and don't listen to the idiot that said Dutch, Sir Donut, is no longer among the living. He is alive and well. He WILL give it out. And when he does, I'll make it before you. Welcome to the club, but look out ... we've got some weirdos on here. And that's just me.
Simon - March 08, 2013 - Report this comment
Great post! We'd all love to make our own. Nothing like the great momories of our past; but to bring them back would be just as good. Dutch Mill was the single best donut I ever had. We deserve to have them back.
David - March 10, 2013 - Report this comment
YES!Q Could someone put the old Dutch Mill recipes up here so we could start eating real food again?! Peace and Love, Peace and Love, Peace and Love!!!
Elk's Club Favoit - March 11, 2013 - Report this comment
Big snack at my Elk's. We always have a try out in the morning, or for special Saturday/Sunday of Holiday meetings; espcially around Chistmas. Sad to see them go. And the old guys who remember the days of the real bakeries even loved them. These donuts were something special.
Drew McGraw - March 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Girl's night out was all about ending the party with a box of good 'ol Dutch Mill. Thanks everyone for bringing back some GREAT memories from 1986, 1987 and, well, just the '80s in general. You all rock! And why did Kurt Colbain have to come along and kill all the fun. '80s Rock, rocked!
Brit - March 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Keep sending The Tweets. And, D.R. is going to win the WBC! U.S.A. and Japsn are looking good, like, P.Rs> but I want The real islanders! And, of course we will keep rooting for Dutch Mill.
Ride93274 - March 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Here's the dpe, Dutch Mills can't come back because of Union issues that are keeping them down. Nobody talks the truth because they don't know it and i will catch it for telling it.
otix - March 12, 2013 - Report this comment
They come back, I eat them.
Stan - March 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Someone told me Dutch Mill is back!! Where???
Ziah - March 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill has been on my training table since 1985. So many times we see and hear the "experts" tell us what NOT to eat, how much to eat and even have New York City mayor "Doom-berg" regulate how much we eat. Rediculous! I'm 5'2" 124 pounds of solid mucscle and always have one treat a day. So sad it's not Dutch Mill anymore.
Adrian - March 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Thank you, Ziah for telling us something that our mother's knew, but modern day "educated" sociaty forgot. Moderation is the key and just because something has trans-fats, does not mean it it bad per se. Why live if we can't have fun and why make donuts, or donut holes if we can't buy Dutch Mill. I'll glad they're back and I plan on getting an entire box and having one per day. OK, so that's 30 extra minutes at the gym. I'll still look good and be happy, too.
Old School (Soon to be revealed) - March 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Been looking, but still not found them. Could someone please keep us up to steed, sort of, say. Thanks all and keep up the great posts.
CONEHEAD - March 17, 2013 - Report this comment
I am Bledar ... I am from the plant Remulack ... I enjoy Dutch Mill doughnuts in mass quantities ... I shall enjoy them ...
Johnny Breakfast - March 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was the best donut that ever came in a box. Hearing they went under was devistating, but knowing Mr. Strutherfor is trying to bring them back is a relief. Remember that commercial? "Oh what a relief it is." I miss the 1970's and all the good times. The clothes were cool also.
Pat - March 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember Dutch Mill Pound Cake? These were incredible! Had an arguement with a frind from high school that these were real. Dutch Mill donuts are great, too; but The Dutch Mill Pound Cake was to die for.
Eda-kil-joy - March 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Been a viewer for a very long time, and not as in ":Love (\ You ^# KI00=0 Long Time." That said, I get upset when there is so much bad press about what we're gonna do to bring back OUR donuts and Dutch Mill are the best. Sorry to come off breaking bad but I miss Dutch Mill and nothing else comes in the old ball yard, as my Daddy said.
R - March 18, 2013 - Report this comment
You guys are f-ing NUTZ!!!!!!!! Got a weird email from my college rommie, who was NUTs to begin with, and he told me there were other dutchmillz crazies out there. You're So right, Dizzy! Only if we could go back. sorry I haven't gotten back for so long but the brain cells we killed in Bartlett 407 have not grown back. Thanks so much, it's been TOO long. You have my email, obviously, get back to me.
Jane - March 19, 2013 - Report this comment
No word on when Dutch Mill is coming back? They said in a blog that it's this month!
chuck - March 20, 2013 - Report this comment
Great day for baseball and a great day for Dutch Mill. Had my first day as a coach at William Paterson University and heard from my old buddy that Dutch Mill IS cuming back. Coffee would be great with these if these guys would make their own.
Britny - March 22, 2013 - Report this comment
Whoops you guys did it again, you've broken my heart, I'm not that innocent ... when it comes to Dutch Mill and snacks. Bring them back!
Dr. Donut 1970 - March 22, 2013 - Report this comment
Great input troops, but I don't know for sure we're coming back at all. No news on my end. But that's because I'm honest. And a Vet! Stay ture all. And who are Old School? We need the old War Horses back.
Sanford & Son - March 24, 2013 - Report this comment
Love Fred Sanford (Redd Foxx) from the Classic '70's sitcom, Sanford & Son. So how does this tie into this page. Well, when, it does happen and Dutch Mill come back, I want to see them rolling down the supermarket isles. When I see that big blue beautiful bounty of glory, I'm going to do a "Fred Sanford," and scream, with my hand on my chest: "LOOK OUT, ELIZABETH, HERE COMES THE BIG ONE!"
Green Mountain Boy - March 25, 2013 - Report this comment
TOO FUNNY! Who put the Fred Sandford quote up here? Yeah, I'd have the same reaction. Red Foxx really died of a heart attach, too. How funny is that. And, yes, I'd actually like to know who "old school" is, too. And, have no news here about Dutch Mill being back in supermarket outlets.
Carl - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill didn't change, you did. Come one, Vern, what would you think of you when you were a kid? When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up and be John Lenon. And if you ask if you give a rat's asss what these kids think of you, I say, Yes I do.
Hot Deb - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
Could somebody tell me how I came upon this page?! Just read the first ten postie thing and actually many others, but I'm in love. Miss them very much, but at least I have you guys.
Hellen - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
bring them back please.
ew740 - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
Didn't know they were out of the "Dorien Grey" picture for about 2 years. Which is sad since I used to B a big fan. Guess the eighties aren't that big any more and everyone is eating 'gay' food and doing tread mill stuff. Even Bruce Willis used to do Tales of the Dark Side as a bad guy, but still ate donuts, espcially Dutch Mill. Saw him eat them at Montclair State. He went there and was a fan. I'm a fan also and would like to see them back. 1985
Edwin might be "old school" - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
I just might come in and tell who I really am. If you other old school people come in and say who you are and really commit to bringing Dutch Mill back.
Former "Tasty" Employee - March 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Used to work at that place and can tell you first hand, eveyone knew Dutch Mill was a far better product. Just keep the jokes down around management however. Would drive them crazy.
Big Tim - March 29, 2013 - Report this comment
WOW! Knew their donuts sucked, but appears they're mean itdiots also. Nothing like Dutch Mill. Hope the rumors are true about their return to the big time league.
Donna - March 29, 2013 - Report this comment
Thanks for the update. Did you guys get Tweets like me. My highschool friends send me something about Dutch Mill coming back and I thought it was a total joke. We were so dump back then, thought we were so smart, and cool, but just silly insecure kids like in the movie The Breakfast Club. We should all get together and see that. I'll rent the movie, you guys bring the Dutch Mill. I love the plains with hot CoCo with CiCi
Bryce - March 29, 2013 - Report this comment
this is getting to the point we need our own dutch mill web page and all of us can all unite and fight the plight- and fight the good fight - and leave back the night - got the tweets and had the day off - read every posting and realize we are all one - so why are we done - i'll love to have a bum - and summers in the (fill in the blank) - and stop tweeting me unless we are back - cause i'm going to have a heart attach - and of course i'll be back - because dutch mill we eventaully come back - my real name is still in tact -
anita - March 29, 2013 - Report this comment
Bryce, I like your style. this Dutch Mills donut site is one of my favorites. It's great to see how many people remember those quality baked goods. It's funny that we can put people in outer space and on the moon , but we can't make a good donut or pound cake. Actually, it's not funny. But I'm going to laugh anyway.
Bryce - March 29, 2013 - Report this comment
anita, as some good frinds, that happen to be African American Baptists would say, "Amen, sister ... Amen!" The word has been spoken ... the word has been spoken. And, I actually mean that for real! No lie, word of truth, sister. Swear to the All Mighty. And I don't mess with that, girl!!!
The Big Lebowski - March 30, 2013 - Report this comment
Dude, here. You guys ever try Dutch Mill with a White Russian? And, don't call mr "Mr. Lebowski," it's "The Dude."
Louis Loe 84 - March 30, 2013 - Report this comment
What the "H" is the original Dutch guy no more?! Somebody told me he's dead, but another told me he is still amoung the living. WHAT'S GOING ON?!!!!!!!!!!
EASTER2013:) - March 31, 2013 - Report this comment
What a great day for Dutch Mill to announce a comeback. Or, at least to know if our patriarch is back. Used to always have Dutch Mill for breakfast before Easter services and even had some delvivered by the Easter Bunny for my neighbors little girl. What great memories. Now, got to get ready for Church. Everyone say a prayer for the folks who gave us Dutch Mill. God Bless and be grateful. Our Savior has Risen!!!
Kevin - April 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Anyone have a firm update as to when Dutch Mill's are coming back into stores?
Vironica - April 01, 2013 - Report this comment
The head guy passed away, right?
dead ball era - April 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Got a letter that said Dutch Mill would be back in July of 2015. You guys know if they will be around before then. And will they be in New Jersey in the same stores as 30 years ago today?
Chuck - April 02, 2013 - Report this comment
Back in 1986, I got my thrill, not on Blueberry Hill, but, rather, Dutch Mill!
ti - April 03, 2013 - Report this comment
Are they back, and if so, where?
Tommy Collins 07 - April 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Just know these guys were such a big part of my childhood in New Jersey. Simply the best store purchased donut of all time and a quality piece of baked goods. See lots of you talking about if/when they'll come back, but be certain about this ... Whoever makes them again better pay attention to the way they were made in the past. One thing I've learned over the year is, if you're gonna do something, do it right.
Vickie - April 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Got a tweet that they're back in Northern New Jersey, but I haven't seen them anywhere! Don't yank my chain, yak
Mark - April 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Best of times always included Dutch Mill donuts. Too bad nobody can make anything ever close to this stuff. Tried calling them, but no more number. Think they really did go out of business. The box was really coo also.
Deep In The Gap 746 - April 05, 2013 - Report this comment
THere is nothing wrong with a good Dutch Mill donut for breakfast. One can still hit the ball deep and love like a man on passion. Dutch Mill was the greatest like Ali.
Cincinnati 76 - April 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Had those bad boys out here! Bring them back for Pete, Joe & Johnny!
kathy - April 07, 2013 - Report this comment
Did anyone ever hear of Dutch Mill Single Packs. My girlfriend tolk me Dutch Mill had these, but I'll pretty sure she meant Entamens, which weren't in the same ballpark as Dutch Mill.
Elli - April 09, 2013 - Report this comment
See me and give me Dutch Mill or I'll take the spill!
Brian - April 10, 2013 - Report this comment
What are you talking about Elli? Never heard of Dutch Mill Single Packs, kathy. You are probably thinking about Entenmann's. I actually like them, but nothing comes anywhere near the old Dutch Mill Brand. I doubt they're coming back. Companies don't really invest in quality anymore. It's how much can you make using the least expensive ingredience while quality control is no longer a thought.
Lace the Mace 8347 - April 10, 2013 - Report this comment
Did anyone know that Dutch Mill was featured in two, not just one, movie box office smash? Not as a main theme, but as a backgroud item. You could see the baby blue box while big stars were having it out. So Cool.
hei39 - April 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Nobody has an "update?" For sure?! You have got to be kidding me. Dutch is really dead, if not in life, but spirit. I'm done as is real donuts. What has become of us?!
Bo - April 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Were so sorry to hear about the passing of Mr. Dutch. He made a great doughnut and was probalby a even greater man. I was born in London, lived in THe States for 12 years where my mother took me after my dad passed and believed I felt at "home" when I had a realy doughnut that tasted like my home country. Sleep well the man I always wanted to thank.
kdu7e-0;uj - April 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Open Gagtan dutch mill stylej. Got on hear to hearr orf dutches milz bgcause i got on utube an of from Japan
MMac - April 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Someone think about putting a real update on here!? When, where, how we coming back, and is Mr. Dutch in the next life?
Green Mountain Boy - April 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Had two really good buddies from Boston, one roomate, the other a fellow letterman. Prayers and love with you bros! Your city and its people are stong. All the best.
Dr. Donut 1970 - April 19, 2013 - Report this comment
To: Mr. Green Mountain Boy, Simply a footnote to this entire crazy bombers in Boston. Heard one of the guys went to Dartmouth. Sorry to hear your fine institution helped a bad person like this. This is not why my buddies gave their lives and died fase down in the muck. They died for America!
Mel Ott - April 21, 2013 - Report this comment
If they do come back, they should sell them at ball games. Hot Dogs are yummy, but these days, people want choices.
Green Mountain Boy - April 21, 2013 - Report this comment
Actually Mr. Nam1970, that nut case went to U Mass at Dartmouth, but I major tragidy all the same and I can feel you utter frustraion. I was one of the few people at Dartmouth back in the 90's that believed in gun rights. And I know you, too, would have protected yourself and other if he came at you. What's the worlk coming to? Funny post, Mel Ott! But I'll stick to hot dogs and beer at my Sox games. Also, I know what you mean, MMac. It seems nobody want to keep us up to date on what's going on. If anything. I may be taking a break from here, too.
Old School - April 27, 2013 - Report this comment
Double thinking about coming out. This page is not what it used to be. But, this used to be the absolute best all time. Hears to the old days
Kitty Kincade '70s girl because of my dad - May 02, 2013 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember the four pack box? It was sqaure and had two of each donut? I think it was two plain, which were great, two powder, two glazed in two cinnamin. I brought one of these to 5th grade my last week of school before summer vacation and I was the 'big girl on campus' for the next 10 years. So wonderful.
Charles >L.} - May 07, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was as big a part of the 80's as Micheal Jackson, MTV, Video Games, Crazy Hair and Ronald Reagan! Those memories don't die easy. Long live the good times.
Sox - May 11, 2013 - Report this comment
Some great ballgames on today. SF vs. Altlanta. But my questin now is what happened to this great Dutch Mill page? Where's all the energy, excitement and enthusiasum? Let's go people!
Spring time for Tasty - May 26, 2013 - Report this comment
What it comes down to is Dutch has passed on and there is no more passion for this page, or these donuts of yesteryear. Doubt things will ever be the same. tasty won, Dutch is dead, and the good guys lost.
Francine - May 26, 2013 - Report this comment
I haven't been on here in years! Have we made any progress? I still long for Dutch Mill Glazed Donuts. You guys are the best. Lets have a revolution! I am not giving up on this. ;)
Alvis from lke - June 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Went down to Stockton for school back in '85 and had a roomate that was a "Bennie," because he lived up in the Wayne area. He'd always bring Dutch Mill down to school. We'd all thought it was a North Jersey thing. But great donuts. Great old times. His sister Jesica was down there for a Thursday party, get a little tipsy and performed oral on me. The finish was awesome. Next morning, around 11 a.m. she reached her arm down to the floor and took, never forget this, one bite of a cinnimon donut layed there for 4 or 5 minutes and left without saying a word. My roommate thought I used her, but I called her next week for another party and didn't hear back. But the donut image is legend.
Rogers Hornsby - June 17, 2013 - Report this comment
There is sadness over how this page and the spirit of Dutch Mill has passed. Rest in peace Dutch. Sorry and live well in the next life. Loved your donuts and all the memories.
Mary Beth - July 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was the all time best! Miss them so much. It semms like only yesterday they were on my table, but then again, seems like a hundred years ago. These guys were so good, I dream about them.
denton - August 13, 2013 - Report this comment
How can anyone who tried Dutch Mill not say they are the second to none of the donut world? Mr. Dutch and all his donut people gave us something special in the 80s and something I will never forget. You guys were the Legends of Dough. Thank you very much.
Louis - September 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Naturally the objective of any business model is to turn a profit; that after all is America. However, in today's donut market something is clearly missing. Dutch Mill, by all accounts, made money for a long time; and the '80's were especially good. But for anyone that ever consumed one of these edible wonders, it's clear they did something donut makers don't do now a days. Dutch Mill put unconditional pride into a product that represented the veritable hallmark of quality. Everything from the box, which was design genius, to the ingredients which were poetry in motion when mixed to perfection.
TheMysterian - September 19, 2013 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill made the best packaged donuts ever! My personal favorites were The powdered cinnamon, and the chocolate iced (white/yellow cake). It took great willpower to only eat one or two. They were truly delicious. I just discovered this cite, but am hot on the trail of the former owner. I will let you know if I reach him.
TheMysterian - September 19, 2013 - Report this comment
site, not cite. I'm half asleep LOL
ray - October 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Hey "Mysterian," how can you be "on the trail of the former owner?" What do you have, a Quija Board? The former owner's no longer with us. But, he left us all with great memories.
mike b - October 08, 2013 - Report this comment
Ironically my family ran an advertising agency in nj during the 80s and dutchmill was a mom was the graphic artist and I was on one of the boxes. A penciled picture of a boy with a bowl cut...anyway was searching for a pic and found this page. I also went to highschool with dutchmill owners son neil...hey neil if ya stumble here.
Halloween - October 31, 2013 - Report this comment
() () ( - - --
Dr. Sam Loomis - October 31, 2013 - Report this comment
Don't you get it?! That cryptic message was from Michael. He's back, God help us. I've looked into Michael Myers' eyes when he killed his sister and he is pure evil. Halloween messages are all from Michael. Donald Pleasence was only make believe, Michael is real! It was the box of Dutch Mill donuts in the background when he held the knife. Both worlds are here.
Hunt, M. - November 19, 2013 - Report this comment
This is a very sad time for anyone that remembers when a box of donuts from the super market did not means low-quality-garbage. Dutch Mill was to store sold donuts what The Getteysburg Address was to presidential speeches. How's we go from Lincoln to Obama and from Dutch Mill to Tastycake?! But what's sad it how I heard "Mr. Dutch" before he passed was intimidated from making any more entries on this page. So sad our hero had to back down to a phony corporate bully and leave this life afraid. He will be missed, and should be forever loved for what he did for this country in terms of very-high-end quality donuts. But, it's sad he left us afraid and intimidated. But we love you anyway, Dutch. My you rest well in bakery cloud covered skies.
The Professor - November 20, 2013 - Report this comment
I'm pretty sure 99% of the comments on this page were left by a single person with a naty split personality disorder.
Lisa - November 27, 2013 - Report this comment
Its the night before Thanksgiving in NYC and I just finished an empty handed search for Dutch Mill Apple Cider donuts to bring to my parents for breakfast tomorrow, I remember loving them as a kid and thought the nostalgia would be fun. Looked in Fairway, Westside Market and Pioneer on the upper west side, the manager at the latter store said they were no longer in business. What a disappointment! I distinctly remember the blue box with the cellophane window..guess I should have bought them more often?
Jay - December 18, 2013 - Report this comment
As the middle child to an older sister and bratty little brother, I had to fight for my life to get just a piece of a Dutch Mill donut! Just kidding Robert, but you'd always take my Dutch Mill. Funny, in the four-pac boxes the plain would always be the last one left, but looking back, I think they were the best.
madison - January 21, 2014 - Report this comment
cold days, snow and donuts always seemed to be a perfect threesome back when I was a girl. my little boy has a snow-day today and it would have been nice to do for him what my mom did for me on these days-- make some hot coco and open a box of dutch mills. nice to know there are other people that have remembered what it's like to open these old boxes
Tom - February 12, 2014 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was great. Would buy them again if I could.
Shannon486 - March 12, 2014 - Report this comment
These donuts were also around during the 1970's and not just the 80's, were they not. I remember because my brother and I were dropped off at elementary school at the same time in the same car and that was the 1970's! We'd fight over the last Dutch Mills and our mom would split it down the middle. Classic!
Summer J - April 22, 2014 - Report this comment
Yes, seem to remember Dutch Mill's came out around 1975; or, at least I seem to remember them around the time I started collecting Topps Baseball Cards. Which was around 1975. THE BEST DONUTS EVER!
Gail - May 16, 2014 - Report this comment
To whomever put the Dutch Mill picture up at the top of this page- Thank You! Made my day on this Friday, May 16th. Now if only a donut fairy could swoosh her magic wand and make them real.
Katie Belle - June 06, 2014 - Report this comment
Hi Neil, my cousin went to Eastern Christian High School and knew you and some friends. She and I are sad to hear about the passing of your dad. You guys were all class acts and made great donuts! :) Sorry you guys went out of business. :( Please give my best to your family and thanks for the memories. We're getting together this weekend and will no doubt have a 'Cosmo' for you and dad. Any chance you'd want to hang?
Taylor by Jose - July 28, 2014 - Report this comment
Kinks and Horey for this wonderful new found page and who'd like a picture of my Uncle that worked in the New York Yankees club house in at about the years 1981, 1983 & 1983? My uncle was head of visitors uniforms and helped the Yanks with any minor task and was very trusted. He was sort of friends especially with Oscar Gamble. Oscar Gamble lived in Little Ferry, New Jersey and my uncle, who Oscar nicknamed Jose, lived a little about ten miles away in Jersey. My Uncle would often pick Oscar Gamble up and take him to Yankee Stadium which Oscar called The Big Ballpark in the Bronx. But get this, I looked up the Dutch Mill page because I have a picture of my uncle and Oscar with a Dutch Mill Donuts box. Do you guys want it for this page? Please tell me how to send it. Oscar, I mean, Mr. Gamble would always stop with my Uncle to get some treats before home gamers. Gum and Dutch Mill donuts were his favorit. The picture shows him with a box. The press loved Oscar, Mr. Gamble because he had the best personality despite being a small town boy from Montgomery, Alabama. Oscar was some kind of guy and not changed by the money like many of today's atheletes feets. Think with autograph show and appearences he'd make around half million a year. But he always had money for Dutch Mill Donuts.
Donut Man E.M. - July 29, 2014 - Report this comment
WOW, my son just found this site and I was astonished Dutch Mill wasn't only and still is a big part of my life but also all of you. Not only was it a GREAT/FUN place to work but I met my lovely wife there in '87 and now have a tremendous family due to that encounter at DM. I met my best friend Walt of some 31 years there whom over the years has surpassed me as a golfer.... but he is in FL. so he has an advantage there. My house is Dutch Mill Blue (280 C I believe on Dutch's PMS color chart....freak :),) and my old car was blue. Still have the old DM mugs in use and and other items as well. Haven't talked to Dutch in 15 years or so but regarding his demise not buying it yet... but there was that time back in '86 when Walt and I laid down 10 ft of skid marks from the forklift then next to the forks drew a white chalk outline of a body and stratigically placed a pair of glasses (Dutch wore glasses back then) a briefcase and loose papers all of which was roped off by yellow police tape. Maybe that was Dutch's demise???...... BUT he did walk into the warehouse several minutes later with a funny/inquisitive/puzzled look on his face trying to determine if in fact it was him who met his maker and he was simply a ghostly spirit. He pinched himself and walked away so I guess he convinced himself all was well. Like I said, a great place work with plenty of great people and plenty of great funny stories.....except for the "HAUNTED" one's.... they were just creepy along with the next tennent having a "Shooting Star's" dance company....again just creepy. MISS the factory,MISS the stories, MISS the DONUTS but mostly MISS the PEOPLE. Oh, "Dutch" forgot the Honey Almond, Strwberry, lemon and Orange donuts as well as the blueberry donut holes that smelled up the entire aisle in Shop Rite.
Donut Man E.M. - July 29, 2014 - Report this comment
Oh yea, HANK's Donuts in Lavallette were pretty good back in the day.
Sandy from Sandy Hook - August 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Great to see the memories are kept alive everyone! I ACTUALLY remember Hank's Donuts in Lavallette. I grew up in Sandy Hook, and my name is Sandy. Don't start, I've heard all the jokes. But my Dutch Mill stories go back to childhood when I thought they came from Holland. I also thought the windmill on the box was of our own Sandy Hook Lighthouse, which happens to be the oldest working lighthouse in the U.S.A. Also heard a story as a kid that a big owner of Dutch Mill would go to our own Gunnison Beach. Clothing optional, but with some of those folks, clothing should be mandatory! Great donuts. I also remember them in New York City when I visited my girlfriend from high school. She lived on the upper east side. It seemed all the stores in NYC sold Dutch Mill. Boy, do I miss them so very much.
Obie - September 02, 2014 - Report this comment
Can you guys put back a survey list or patrician to get these donuts back in the stores?
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - September 15, 2014 - Report this comment
WE're BACK!!! Have not been on this page since February of 2013; over a year-and-a-half! Couldn't help but read some great posts and fell back in love with this page. Although I'd rather have a love affair with the real thing. Maple Man and I have to check out that beach, Sandy from the Hook. But who is this Donut Man EM?! This dude sounds like the real deal. And Donut Man is right about Lemon Dutch Mills. My love, Maple Man, also said their most likely was a Strawberry Dutch Mill as well and the others. Boy this dude knows his stuff. Makes us wonder why the so called Dutch can't remember his own donuts. And can we, once again, get some fans like us to post pictures?! We want to show you donuts fans all the donut shops we visited. And would love more pictures of the old Dutch Mill Factory. IT'S GREAT to be back. Where are all our old friends? I'm going through our old e-mails and will contact several of the old Dutch Mill friends we've made over the years. You guys used to drive us nuts with silly stuff, but in retrospect, that's part of what made this page fun. And this last guy right above named, "Obie" is right ... Let's get a "partrician" together! ha ha ha It's also weird, so very weird that Shooting Star's Dance came to the building where they made Shooting Star Donuts by Dutch Mill. That's creepy to the max. But nice to know at least we know what happened to Dutch. He got hit while at work. ha ha ha LOVE YOU ALL!
Doughboy1917 - September 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Hello old friends. Don't know if I want some of those other people back. They took a great page and made it lowbrow in a day and age that's main stream. Watched Derek Jeter last night in his last game as a Yankee. How can an aficionado of WWI not like a team called Yankees? "The Yanks are coming" as they sang back then. Miss these great treats and dream about them often. Be well Heather and "Maple." God Bless everyone with a good heart. I just can't come back despite some incredible posts as of late. I actually remember the Blueberry Donut Holes and the way they smelled! Once again, God Bless you all.
Donut Man EM - September 27, 2014 - Report this comment
Answering Kathy's/Brian/Eli's question, YES we did make some Single Packs.....Not so many and only for for a short period of time, thinking late 80's early 90's time frame. Started at DM in '83 as a supervisor,production manager, plant manager and finally General Manager after Dutch left in '99 but I guess "Tour Guide" as well from the earliest comments on this page by Johnny C and Bill Faucher....If both are legit from harness racing fame I'm a big fan of both.. Had the pleasure to stay after Dutch left in '99 but also the sadness on Oct. 15, 2001 when Tasty pulled the plug. Rough 6 weeks with 9/11 and all. Had the sad task of closing the plant, informing the "family employees" and dismantling the equipment. Not a sadder picture in my mind than that empty building as I walked out for the last time. I guess I went down with the ship....
Jonathan - October 06, 2014 - Report this comment
Don't claim to be the expert on donuts or Dutch Mill, but it is clear to me nobody then or now comes close to Dutch Mill's overall quality. Therefore, we won't somebody, or rather, why can't somebody now a days make a donut that comes anywhere close to the ball park of Dutch Mill in terms of fantastic taste?
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - October 10, 2014 - Report this comment
So very happy, almost as if that happiness can rival our inner sorrow. Thank you Doughboy 1917 for hearing the calling and coming back. Now where are all you other guys?! Maple and I sent out over a dozen e-mails and texts. Come back people come back. Good point Jonathan, nobody does it better than Dutch Mill, or ever will. Are you new or a new name in now form. And may God Bless you Sir Donut Man EM. I cried when I had a tall glass of red wine and read your sad post. Walking out of that miracle factory with nothing in it must have been both surreal and overwhelming. Maple and I respect one "Going down with the ship." In fact, we finished our Merlot and listed in Dido's song "White Flag," and thought of that moment. Please listen to it Donut Man EM. Everyone listen to that song and think about that sad good by.
DutchMillFanGirl - October 10, 2014 - Report this comment
Our family discovered Dutch Mill Ball Donuts while visiting friends in Sullivan County NY in the 1970's, I think. Years of Bliss! We all loved them. Years of sadness since they've been gone. Can someone sell the recipe, or recreate it? VTCountryStore sells apple cider donuts, and they are better than store bought, but they are not Dutch Mill. Will the Tasty Cakes phone number still work? Maybe we could all try calling again? Thanks for this fan site.
Doughboy1917 - October 13, 2014 - Report this comment
This took place 96 years ago today: The History Place - World War I .... October 13, 1918 - The Germans engage in a general retreat along a 60-mile portion of the Western Front in France stretching ...
Doughboy1917 - October 13, 2014 - Report this comment
Let us not forget The Lassies from WWI for helping our young boys in the grand fight. Miss Heather of the Maple helped bring back what she called "hearing the calling and coming back." I am writing a book on the history of Eggnog and wish a new and bold Dutch Mill would produce an Eggnog Flavor. Blueberry donut holes brought a great smell to the aisles and made men out of boys. I will SOS the few friends I have about this comeback... But let us not allow the low-brow to dome back and downgrade this page. That's what the rest of this cite is for, but not this page. Cider donuts are wonderful, but Dutch Mill is legend.
Donut Man EM - October 13, 2014 - Report this comment
Love the history Doughboy1917..........If only the "Dragon's Teeth" in the Siegfried Line were used to chomp on Dutch Mill Donuts and the Mustard Gas Cannisters spewed that pungent Blueberry aroma and instead of rockets Shootin Stars were launched perhaps alot of lives could have been saved and the added publicity would have saved DM as well. Told my friend Walt about this page (between him and his father are as big a part of DM that I am) and he'd love for DM to make a comeback. Got some terrific recipes of pound cakes, muffins and cookies if anyone is interested...wink, wink. You'll just have to make a 250 lb batch so invite some friends. :)
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - October 22, 2014 - Report this comment
Great thoughts guys, but a little over my head with the wars, dragon teeth and gassed with mustard and gravy. What Dragon teeth, that like Harry Potter or something. But I'd love to cook up about 250 pounds of pound cakes! Little sad many old friends and even foes have not come back. And Doughboy1917, please understand we can even have the "funny people" back, too. I know folks like you and Donut Man EM obviously have class and intellect, but even the weird one's can help our overall cause. I mean, "come on man," even you can admit the "donuts" out there now a not second, but third rate. How do you feel when you see a box of Tasty Cakes instead of Dutch Mills? It's OK to be angry.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heather: God Bless Ottawa! - October 23, 2014 - Report this comment
Please all say a prayer for our brave city of Ottawa and this sad time. Found out only minutes after yesterday's post and have been in tears ever since. And to be political, wake up Canada and U.S.A. and protect our borders!
Donut Man EM - October 24, 2014 - Report this comment
White Flag over my door Mr & Mrs Maples....To Quote WC " We will never surrender.....whatever the cost may be" And I fear the cost grows year by year. For future reference and possible future dining room small talk "Dragon's Teeth" were 3 ft high concrete pyramid looking structures that were lined up several feet apart and many rows deep over many, many miles to thwart allied tank advantages. If only that diligent preparation and foresight were used today.... Anyway try 1. 10.5 lbs BREAD FLOUR 2. 17.50 lbs CAKE FLOUR 3. 20.50 lbs BUTTER (Blend then add) 4. 29.15 lbs GRAN. SUGAR 5. 0.65 lbs BAKING POWDER 6. 0.10 lbs SALT 7. 10.30 lbs MILK 8. 0.90 lbs VANILLA 7. 0.05 lbs ORANGE EXTRACT 9. 0.05 lbs ALMOND EXTRACT (Blend again then add) 10. 17.90 lbs WHOLE EGGS and finally 4.75 lbs MILK. You could probably scale down accordingly but ENJOY TASTING THE PAST!!!!
Doughboy1917 - October 27, 2014 - Report this comment
Sir Winston shall not be forgotten. And please Mr/Mrs Maples, listen to the wise Donut Man EM; A.K.A. "General EM." He's correct regarding the "Dragon's Teeth," which were indeed pyramidal fortifications made of constructed reinforced concrete. In other words, they tasted like TastyCake products then and now! See, I can learn to take a shot when we must! Did you know Donut Man EM that Switzerland still uses dragon's teeth to this day?! They nicknamed them "Toblerone Lines," after the chocolate bars. Naturally, the Swiss are ahead of us once again. And what good are any type of defense line when our enemies are welcomed with open arms within our precious boarders in this day and age. And sorry dear Mr/Mrs Maples regarding the cowardly attack on your National War Memorial in Canada. I've seen that memorial in Ottawa back in the 1990's. Do you know it was built for the Canadians that fought in WWI? Because of Canada's relationship with England, you honorable Maple Leafs mobilized some 620,000 fighting boys from 1914-18. 67,000 were killed and over 250,000 wounded. Our American Yanks, "Doughboys" sent some 1,000,000 from 1917-18. If not for both our sides, the Brits did not have a chance. The U.S.A. had over 200,000 of our boys wounded and close to 53,000 gave their lives to our cause. And God Bless Canada's Billy Bishop for his 72 victories. The great Baron had 80 and was a man of honor, as well. I shall mobilize my forces and attempt the above recipe General EM has so generously posted. We shall fight in the kitchens, we shall fight in the grocery store aisles, we shall defend our Dutch Mill traditions, whatever the coast may be.
Arthur17 - October 28, 2014 - Report this comment
Glad to see I'm not the only one looking into Dutch Mills of the 1980's. Crazy how passionate you followers get. But I guess this is something from our past that's worth remembering. Hey, and I'm on, too.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - October 30, 2014 - Report this comment
I believe "Mapes" & I just received a Doctorate in "Donutology" as well as history from individuals infinitely smarter than us. Thank you doughman1917 for you kind thoughts regarding Mapes home town. And he said the memorial is for all of Canada's wars, but started for world war one. And thank you donutmanEM for a recipe we'll be bathing in tonight! Actually wish we could. Can't believe we're talking to the man that made the magic, donutmanEM! You guys totally rule and give grace to the old Dutch Mill and donut lovers everywhere. Have a very happy Halloween! Obviously we'd all love bags filled with Dutch Mill, but in our dreams. White Flag Dreams and as the late KC said: Keep you feet on the ground, but keep reaching for the stars ... "Shooting Stars" that is! LOL
Allison C. - November 04, 2014 - Report this comment
Thanks for the tweet, Heather. Yes I remember you, high school and these blue donuts. Tell your hubby I said hey and we do all have to meet up. Thanks for the picture, you to are adorable!
DonutMan EM - November 07, 2014 - Report this comment
Great comeback month for the Dutch Mill page with 12 entries compared to an average of 1 for quite some time. Speaking of filling the bags Mrs. Maple; in the early 90's (Don't tell Dutch) I started giving every child a full box of DM donuts for Halloween which in the first year totaled about 30 kids for the night. Over the next 10 years that total ballooned to well over 200 trick or treaters per night. My kids told me they heard at school they were even carpooling kids from over the Hudson River for our beloved DM Donuts..... Just like this page has done; every Halloween keenly reminds me of the passion and devotion we all had/have for Dutch Mill Donuts. Time maybe fleeting but memories are not, as long as we have memories then nothing or nobody is never truly gone.
Doughboy1917 - November 11, 2014 - Report this comment
World War I (major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect). This is a special day indeed. Your act of kindness to those 200 trick or treaters was indeed a gracious act, Sir DonutManEM. If there was a Medal of Honor for all time Trck or Treat givers, you, sir, would have the hardware squarely around your neck.
Flyin Ryan - November 18, 2014 - Report this comment
Thanks for the tweets. Yes, very good memories of Dutch Mill in those unmistakable boxes. Don't make them like they used to.
Alexandria - November 20, 2014 - Report this comment
Entenmenn's and that story will stay with me, sissy. You have permission to tell it here. But, I'm still not sure Dutch's Mill had chocolate donuts with chocolate covering. DID THEY? In not, your story is bogus, girl! This was last year of college. KNow you remember that.
Kody - November 25, 2014 - Report this comment
Was gonna say take me off list, but now get.
Kody - November 25, 2014 - Report this comment
Whoops, So now that I'm here, how do I help bring them back? NO doubt they sell since there aren't any good ones left.
H * - December 01, 2014 - Report this comment
It was 19 years ago today according to my journal tat I was in Vermont. And all the great donuts and baking they had still did not compare to Dutch Mill.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - December 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Way to go guys! Awesome job in getting the old donut ball rolling. LOL This is definitely a comeback in my book. We once had a big following, but I think it just got too sad for many to come to the realization the powers that be could not bring back the best donuts of all time. But as LL Cool Jay would say, "Don't call it a come back!"
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - December 11, 2014 - Report this comment
Yes, Alex, Dutch Mill had chocolate donuts with chocolate icing; and they were the best! Double Chocolate Supreme I think they called them big time. I think they should have made vanilla with white icing. Is that even possible? That would have went big time rush. What say you DonutMAN? I think even you guys aren't that bold. As Price would say, "Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold." That even would outdo the stars that shoot. Oh yes, I do miss my Dutch Mill And tell the real story of Entiman's, Sissy! How are they still around? Then again, why does Tastycake still pump out garbage? Only Dutch Mill will live like it does. Who here has ever went to Canada like my hubby. Maple Leaf's LOVE Donuts. One of their many assets. And why won't they allow us to show our pictures of Donut Shops in Ontario? Have you been there WW2 Guy and Donut Man? And what about Dutch. Then again, think he was some joker and not real. How can one die if they never truly lived? Boy would I love a Dutch Mill donut from yesteryear, any donut, with my coffee. I love when Hanibal, in the movie by the same name, is wheeling "the bad FBI boss" into the kitchen, after he made him eat his own brain, and he waves his hand saying ... coffee
Walter - December 12, 2014 - Report this comment
This is great that the recipe is put on! Have not been here since 10/18/2010! Now if only I can get pots and stirring equipment so large I could fill a small Mexican family inside! DonutjobEM thinks we're all pros! You are making me rethink my next shopping trip to Fortunoff's. SERIOUSLY, can somebody put a YOUTUBE video of making Dutch Mill in smaller batches? Just start with the plain donut and that would also mean cinnamon since that's just putting cinnamon on the outside. Or, is there something more to it, Heather & Maple? Only this donut and this page can inspire something that is a living dream. Thank you all of you; and I mean that from deep within my heart.
Walter - December 12, 2014 - Report this comment
Sorry Maple/Heather persons. No disrespect, but it's EMDonutman that says he actually made these donuts. That means you could make a YOUTUBE video of actually making them, correct? Is it just me, or would everyone like to see that?! Can't believe you guys are still on here and keeping it real. LOVE/The/Donut and Only Dutch Mills represented pure perfection
DonutMan EM - December 12, 2014 - Report this comment
Great to have you backer Walter....Just found this site 6 months ago or so...wish I was on in the hay day of 60 entries a month including Dutch (that was him Mr. & Mrs. Maples....) but it's never to late to add to this DM following. YES, been thru Ontario plenty of times on our yearly treks from the Hudson Valley to Detroit. Tim Hortons are as common as the common cold up there. Vanilla donuts with white chocolate was an easy thing and I could have thrown in a chocolate drizzle topping for good measure Mrs & Mr. Maples....could have used you in R&D. Dutch Mill Trivia Time: We ran 35 "cuts" of 11 donuts a minute which is 385 delicious DM donuts a minute..23,100 an hour..or 346,500 in a 15 hour work day ....or 2,079,000 in our 6 day work week ...or almost 110 Million Donuts a Year!!!
LaSi - December 16, 2014 - Report this comment
This site seems lame now.I've never heard of Dutch Mill doughnuts and I think Karen/Andrew and weird MapleHeather people are the same couple.Pretty pornographic comments for a site dedicated to doughnuts. Most of you can't even spell doughnuts.
Wisechips - December 16, 2014 - Report this comment
It was fourth grade when I first fell in love with Wise potato chips. Was looking for them when I found you guys. Remember Dutch Mill very well. Oh for the days when we could eat what we wish and still have a slim waist line. You guys do rock, like lady said!
George The Animal Steele - December 16, 2014 - Report this comment
This is the post about WWF, actually now the WWE ice cream bars that I was looking for as well as Wise Potato Chips. This post is also important ANDREW - April 26, 2009 - Report this comment 1.FAT FROG & WWF ICE CREAM BARS 2. A ICE CREAM WITH GUM CANT NOT REMBER THAT THE ONLY 3 ICE CREAMS I WHOULD GET OFF THE TRUCK NO CONE OR CUPS . SOMETIME DAD WOULD BUY A LOT OFF THE TURCK AND WE WOULD HAVE 1 A NIGHT BUT THAT WAS BACK IN THE DAYS .WISH I CAN TURN BACK TIME. This is what makes this page and all the pages on this site so wonderful. It brings back the glory days, not to be confused with glory holes. But seriously, Dutch Mill, Wise Potato Chips (which are not so plentiful west Philly,) and weird snakes such as WWF/WWE ice cream bars are what makes this an international web site.
Udall - December 18, 2014 - Report this comment
Yesterday my wife and I met our son in school for something called a Mingle-Jingle. It was quite enjoyable, actually. They sang and "breakfast was milk or juice with "donuts." For some reason it made me think of Dutch Mill. That and all the damn e-mails I'm getting! Actually glad I got them though. But my point is, one does not know how good Dutch Millls was till you have one of today's imitation donuts. Just mot the same. Could someone explain why Dutch Mills is not only gone, but why there are no more quality donuts on the market. Seriously, nobody has given an explanation as to why there are no longer not just great, but even moderately decent donuts left on supermarket shelves. And I'm not one of these people living in Fantasy Island {Talk About An 80's Reference}that believes Dutch Mills will come back anytime soon. However, why are there no longer quality "power rings" at the market???
Doughboy1917 - December 18, 2014 - Report this comment
Been gone because of family issues. Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a great coming New Year in 2015! Especially our brave Vets and those serving in our Armed Forces. And this new guy, at least I think he's new, is right. Whatever happened to top of the line super market donuts? But just think of how great the donuts were back when they were made in army helmets. I'll be back with more comments by next week.
Pathmark Patrick - December 23, 2014 - Report this comment
Got more texts than I'll ever need. And, just to keep it real, as kids say now, I'll pass on the word. Didn't know it was so long since Dutch Mill bit the bakery dust. By the looks of this page, it was back in the 1980's. Yes, I remember!
DonutMan EM - December 23, 2014 - Report this comment
From the entire DM family who made our beloved Donuts to all our terrific and loyal fans....Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2015.
Gehringer - December 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Thank you all and to all a big old fashioned thank you for bringing these treats to life again. Seems like yesterday I'd bring home a box of Dutch Mill and the room would come to life with sugary dreams.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - December 26, 2014 - Report this comment
You guys been hitting the page hard! Great! We're up here for Boxing Day. Will detail latter, but wish you'd let us post pictures! Got some great ones. Much bigger post to come TK in publishing
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - December 26, 2014 - Report this comment
By the way, Thanks Donut Man EM! A Merry Christmas to you 2! And sorry about Dutch. God Bless him and his memory
HM - December 29, 2014 - Report this comment
The only donut that made the cut in terms of high quality in a box.
Boy Gary - December 30, 2014 - Report this comment
Hey everyone of you donut hole heads, myself included. Run a "Google" search on "Dutch Mill Donuts," and you will see a picture display of a folding box that has yet to be folded. Very cool. But just wish it could be filled. Thanks, bro for sending the new link to this page. Let's bring in the new year with a pledge to reunite Dutch Mill Donuts in 2015. Between my brother, sister and half my buddies from the mid to late 1980's I think we alone could pay for the conveyor belts.
Milo - January 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Arthur, my friend near Baltimore, would have me bring him a box of plains and we'd eat them. He liked whiskey which he would eat before or after this special donut.
DouglasL9902 - January 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Heard these guys are coming back in May. Any truth to that or just another rumor? Wish this was true. You guys still go to that hot dog joint down the road from where they made Dutch's Mill? That's where I heard two guys, guess around 40 to 45 years old talking about the come back. Should have asked them, but didn't for some reason.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - January 06, 2015 - Report this comment
Hey Doug guy 9902 ... Are you talking about the place named "Bourbon BBQ Hickory Smokehouse" on Goffle Road? There were several joints that Maples and I went to where people wrote "Dutch Mill Slogans" on the bathroom walls. Men's room that is. However, I, Heather wrote something on the woman's room wall! Have to go there to see what it is! As far as Dutch Mill coming back, have not heard anything. Would have to ask The Donut Man EM. Looks like he actually ran the place where as the actual Dutch did, well, don't really know what he did or if he even existed. And if he did, looks like "Tastless" Cake ran he off in a cowardly defeat. The poor old sod really let us all down, looks like. But at least we've got some real men in the world like The Donut Man and my Mapes. Why do you think I've always got a smile on my face?! Hey Now as Howard Stern would say. Oh yeah, can Mapes and I finally put pictures on here from Ottowa?! We've got a bunch by donuts joints. And here in Ottawa, and Canada in general, we've got the best in the world along with New Jersey. Why is that? God Bless you all!
DonutMan EM - January 07, 2015 - Report this comment
The Doug guy is talking about The Goffle Grill...a mere stone's throw from the plant. The DOG ALL THE WAY was their specialty including Chili et al. No, unfortunately nothing on my end regarding a comeback of DM :(.
Ryan Michael - January 08, 2015 - Report this comment
Holy Cow! Just was checking to see if these guys are still around. Got a weird span mail regarding Dutch Mill and thought it was a joke. Guess you jokers are for real. But wish you were still around.
Cath72 - January 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Thinking of Dutch Mill while riding around one of my old haunts down the shore.
Kyle %teven - January 15, 2015 - Report this comment
You guys take the Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Turnpike? Say a "Bring Back Dutch Mill Donuts" on each overpass! The one was put there at the exit by Cane College.
HG0645 - January 21, 2015 - Report this comment
ooh, la la, Sasoon was one big line from the 80's. What a fun decade and what a great time to be a young adult and act like a kid. Glad to see I'm not the only one that got a chain e-mail. Have not, however, seen any writing on any bypass bridges. But have a question for the experts and those pretending to be so. WHY did Dutch Mill donut products have such a distinctive smell? Other donuts did not taste nearly as good, I get that, and agree! BUT Dutch Mill Product Donuts smelled like nothing else. Very distinctive. Unique in that way. Sometimes I think I miss the smell as much as the actual Dutch Mill Product Donut. But why did they smell like nothing else?
DonutMan EM - January 21, 2015 - Report this comment
HG0645, thanks for the inquiry. Besides Dutch Mill using real milk and only the best ingredients- NUTMEG I think was the main driver in that unique taste and smell.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - January 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Great comments DonutMan E.M. and HG0645!!! Dutch Mill Donuts, no "Products" HG did have the best smell in the game. By the way, HG. Are you Howard (last name begins with a g)? I sent an e-mail to my college roommates boyfriend, now husband.
Angelina - January 25, 2015 - Report this comment
I think about these doughnuts all the time. There was/is nothing like them. Just delicious. I had my first Dutch Mill doughnut in Paterson, NJ, '88 or '89. Bring back Dutch Mill doughnuts!
HG0645 - January 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Dear Maples People, No idea what you're talking about. I got an e-mail from Donald, a friend from a collecting club. But you guys seem cool and know you're donuts. In fact, it seems this page has quite a lot of real Dutch Mill PRODUCTS fans. ha ha Maples. Had my fist Dutch Mill around 1984 or 1985. Kept eating them till the bitter end. Bring them back!!
Hot Tub Time Machine 1986 - January 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Anyone of you 80's gang see this movie. Should have had Dutch Mill as part of the hot tub exploits. Got sentimental after my boy told me there was an 80's page. Very cool and miss this great decade.
i9r - February 01, 2015 - Report this comment
come back we love these donuts
Ivan de awesome - February 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Sixteen years is how long it's been since Dutch Mill was in stores, I think. Thank's Kate for the update and tweet. Dutch Mill should be a comeback story.
Doughboy1917 - February 04, 2015 - Report this comment
We have fought too hard for too long both on the battlefields and chatting roompages. I put the war machine in my hands by sending letters to old friends about spreading the work about the greatness of Dutch Mill. My VFW Pals would eat these all the time and they all will tell the boys. We even are using modern modes of communication like this page. My pas Johnny even made stickers to put on restroom walls. We shall spread the word.
LaSi - February 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Just eat TopPot Hand-Forged Doughnuts!
Hera is back - February 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Been a long time, but I heard from my cuz two weeks ago about her longing for dutch mill. Nothing like them for sure. One of a kind donut.
Bob M - February 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Silly to comment on a bakery product from the 1980's but after reading this page or a least much of it I now remember how great Dutch's were. Toni and friends much thankx for turning me on to ' It's funny what you miss from your youth. If my comment would help in any small way- Bring Dutch's Back
DHI - February 17, 2015 - Report this comment
Anyone from around the Tom's River area? How about up by North Jersey by the "north west area?" Lived in both and Wayne, and then in even the Boston area as a kid. All I can say that on days like this with Big Time Rush Snow, we could all use hot chocolate and tons of Dutch Mill Donuts! Got excited and then sad when I read DonutEM's list of all the donuts. Did not know there were that many. Not the same now with so many products of a donut nature on the list, but none come close to Dutch Mill. Talk about a one of a kind. Just to know, what can I do to bring Dutch Mill back into action? Seriously, you guys have another page for people to whom to write?
Dave - February 25, 2015 - Report this comment
These guys made donuts that were a cut about the crap out there now. The question is, will the customer demand a better donut or just stick with the garbage that now resides in the modern day store.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - February 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Way to go, Doughboy1917 and all you other new people! This page is the best thing on the internet having to do with food, donuts and the 1980's. Even some of the other pages are alright, but Dutch Mill definitely carries the load. Mapes and I are also doing our part. We just sent out over 7,200 chain e-mails he and I "borrowed" from our works, Don't know about the stickers on bathroom walls thing, Doughboy, but Mapes LOVES it. Must be a guy thing. One more things guys. HOW CAN MAPES AND I PUT PICTURES ON HERE?! You totally rock, too, DonutManEM! Looks like you are the real deal. Glad to see someone from the old Dutch Mill Plant has the stones to come on. Looks like Mr. Dutch really did pass on. Either that or he's drooling in some nursing home in New Jersey and needs his diapers changed four times a day. Poor old fool. We want to put pictures on of us in Canada's capitol and the great donut shops up there. Let's get this party stared right!
Gordy849 - February 26, 2015 - Report this comment
What?! Never had them, but now you silly email makes sense. Good luck on you vision quest.
DonutMan EM - February 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Gordy you poor chap.....Never Had Them!!! Your taste buds are proverbial virgins. I'll pray someday you can experience the true delight of our beloved DM Donuts and then join this legion of devoted dunkers in quest of that long lost DM donut.
Larz7 - March 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Got it! Yes remember and remember well. You go H!
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers! - March 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Hey EM, "poor" Gordy sure is a sad case. Weird how somebody comes on to say they never had them. But maybe that's who needs them the most. Dave brings up a great question, "Will people now a days pay for better donuts." We will, but this is no longer the 80s. Obama killing the economy and lower overall standards are sure making an impact. But what do I know. And by the way, What's up Larz?! Proud to say you gave a message after Mapes sent you an e-mail. Mapes says, "We could he heroes, but just for one day!" He said you'd get that from hockey.
LaSi - March 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Now you're blaming Obama for the downfall of a doughnut company? Why don't you try TopPot or VooDoo or even Tim Horton's if you're Canadian? Quit being so mean and go to a real place, drink some good coffee, and quit complaining Maple boy!
WPC jazz - March 08, 2015 - Report this comment
I remember my year's at William Patterson College in the early eighties and would head to Foodtown once a week to purchase a box of the best natural boxed doughnuts in the world. Why would anyone purchase the chemical crap that passes for doughnuts today. Just read the labels of what these companies put in their products, and then pedal to a gullible public. Time to bring back quality, wholesome ingredients in doughnut baking just like the old Dutch Mill Doughnut Baking Company used to do.
Maple "boy" - March 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Eh,LaSi ... Where I come from, and based on the man I was on the ice 15 years ago I'd say, "You wantta go, eh?!" That means take the gloves off and get a five minute major in "the sin bin." My girl and me forgot more about donuts in the last hour than you've known all your life. Don't mess with Canada, Heather, hockey, our politics and especially donut knowledge! And I don't care about your silly Obama! NOBODY messes with The Mapes!!!
Heather THE WOMAN - March 11, 2015 - Report this comment
YOU GO, MAPES! Nobody could take you on when on the ice and nobody will mess with MY boy here. And Obama is a big reason we don't have quality donuts; or at least why we will have a harder time bringing them back. Use the little brains you have LaSi (Or is it "LaSilly"). When a man kills the economy we can't produce as much products and one of the first things people cut back on is high-end luxury products. AND THAT'S DUTCH MILL you dumb dumb! Mapes RULES --- LaSi drools. I love my guy, and I'd like to hit you with a pie. But not my cherry pie, that's for Mapes! P.S. Great post WPC jazz. Always nice when somebody smart and cool follows someone that's a big fool!
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - March 11, 2015 - Report this comment
We love each other and "almost" all of you. But even the fools make life more interesting. Mapes and I even differ a little when it comes to politics, but once again, that's what makes life interesting. Doughboy1917, DonutManEM, the old Dutch when he was with us, and even Green Mountain Boyz Classof95;s#12 are what made and still make this page. Then again, that's BS, because it's all of you. The aforementioned are must a few of the stars. Like Shooting Stars. We miss Dutch Mill. That said Canada takes donuts seriously and will always honor the donut. But as a Yank myself, I love what the good old U.S.A. did for donuts. DUTCH MILL speaks for itself. LOVE you baby, but you and I will always disagree on some issues like that Canada health care and the dummy in the oval office now. But what we disagree on makes things hotter when the dough hits the hot oil! HEY NOW as the XM Radio guy says. Mapes has something to say. See why I don't argue with my girl. She takes politics to heart. But my heart just belongs to her. I'd rather have a Molson, eat a donut and watch Canada's sport. OK, now it's me again. What Mapes is saying is, we are all different, but all the same on this page. Except for "LaSilly," you are just an ignoramous as my father used to say.
bunny catcher 984 - March 12, 2015 - Report this comment
got a rumor dutch mill is cuming back into operation within 9 months. don't want to see this fall through. you guys with me
EffYew - March 13, 2015 - Report this comment
You two are rude!
Hansy - March 17, 2015 - Report this comment
To make a real pitcher toward this reunion we need all hands on deck. If you send me emails, please back it up with stock of what it takes to make this operation a reopen for certain.
FawnHall76 - March 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Seems everyone wants to put in their opinion about these great donuts. I've been missing them for years, but have yet to speak my piece. For one thing, it's great to have so many interesting personalities. For another, it's great we seem to be making some real strides towards bringing these guys back. I spent all of last night reading this whole page! Printed it out at work and read it that evening. Apparently their are some jokers, but also some very bright people out there. So what's the update on a "reopen" as Hansy said. To tell the truth, it's sometimes hard to tell who is sincere and who is not in life.
Warehous3 - March 27, 2015 - Report this comment
This is insane. I can't believe there's a site like this. I dream about these things. I used to take the powdered sugar ones slice them down the middle and fry both sides in a bit of butter when I was super young child. I remember these like it was yesterday. I would do anything to get em back. Has anyone thought of starting up a kickstarter?
Share this - March 27, 2015 - Report this comment
There's a kickstarter to place a large order for these!! Share on Facebook, Twitter, anywhere you can let's bring em back
DonutMan EM - April 03, 2015 - Report this comment
It was 28 years to the day..April 3 1987 that my wonderful wife decided to fill out an application for her mom at Dutch Mill and hence walked into my life. After some convincing I got her to apply as well and the rest as they say "is DM history" That wonderful company as always and will always be a pinnacle in my life giving me both wonderful memories and a tremendous family. I owe so much to DUTCH MILL.
Chris Wrestling - April 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Thanks guys! Yes, Remember Dutch Mill well. Best donut in the history of man kind. Buy them in a second if they were back in the game.
Lisa Herman - April 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Great posts to all true believers! WareHous3 had the single best idea in the history of donut recipes! I'm going on kickstart, too. And DoougnutzEM made me cry with the beautiful love story. I received an e-mail two weeks ago about this page and didn't think this great group of people actually existed. Kickstart Dutch Mill back into my tummy!!!
Michael C - April 13, 2015 - Report this comment
You guys ever see The God Father movies from 1972 & 1974? They have oranges in many scenes. They should have had Dutch Mill Donuts in some, too. Know how to bring back Dutch Mill. "We'll make 'um an offer they can't refuse."
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - April 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Amen brothers and sisters! Too much to say and so much to write I need to sit down and think. Love you all and LOVE Dutch Mill!!!!
Doughboy1917 - April 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Yesterday was Hitler's birthday. The real "Hitler" was the one that took down Dutch Mill. Here's to all our boys that fought in the War To End All Wars. Movies will be coming out about our doughboys in two years.
Evans25-p - April 22, 2015 - Report this comment
Way to go with the rally monkey. That Hitler was one bad dude, but so was the destroyer of Dutch's. BEST DONUTS OF ALL TIME, FOOLS!
SDChargerFan78 - April 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Not lived in good timing NJ in over 9 years, but still miss Dutch Mills even though I they went belly-up before I left. Never understood why they didn't go to the west, or as my friends say, "the left coast."
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - April 29, 2015 - Report this comment
Mapes can't believe this, but I'm at a loss for the proverbial words. Our love is because of this page and all the love that has come from here has made my life so much better. I love you Mapes, love you Dutch Mill and love everyone who ever put a donut to this lips.
EffYew - April 29, 2015 - Report this comment
Not Again!
Jan - April 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Thanks for all the updates. Thought these follows went by the way side. I used to like the long boxes, but they got rid of them at the end. But great donuts.
Howard Stern Fan (since 1982 W "NNNN" B C - May 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Loved Dutch Mill my hole life. Thinking back to the early 1980s when my glory morning was listing to Howard and Robin and eating at least two or three Dutch Mill Donuts. Great time and great memories. Well, since then I still listen to Howard and Robing and BaBa Booey, Fred and the gang, but no more Dutch Mill.
duck - May 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Would you stop spamming me
LemonboyBV - May 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Ahh, now he get's it ladies and gentlemen. Yes, remember the doughnuts from this place.
Queenie - May 06, 2015 - Report this comment
I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE IS A DUTCH MILL FAN CLUB! HA! I loved those donuts, they were so delicious! I moved to Ridgewood, NJ in '82 and we discovered them in Kilroys in GR. Wow. The best donuts ever, really. The apple cider, the cinnamon, they were terrific. No other commercial donut compared. Wait, no other donut compared, from anywhere! Always had a blue box on the counter. I miss all the old-time good products.
Mad Dog Russo from way back - May 12, 2015 - Report this comment
"I'll tellin' ya, Mike! These guys are the best. Or, were." Was just listening to Mad Dog on TV and remembered how on work runs my friend Alex and I would listen to Mike and The Mad Dog and eat and split a box of Dutch Mill's after lunch! Good Times!
Tod - May 12, 2015 - Report this comment
My bud up in north jersey told me about this page. didn't believe it was true. way to go you crazy nuts. count me in for the revolution
R Reed - May 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Like my Uncle Jeff said in his day in The Marines: "Ooh Rah!"
Steve - May 17, 2015 - Report this comment
This is how you get the best donut in the world back. Used to think I was an outcast, me and my brother, but obviously we're not alone. Think this is the way to the Promise Land filled with thousands of little baby blue boxes with a kind windmill on them.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - May 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Hey all, so glad we're getting hits from our e-mails! You are all so awesome. By the way, still waiting for a picture link so we can show pictures of our top donut shops up in the Great White North. And here's a big update for our donut experts. Mapes and I found a "rip off" operation that copied Dutch Mill and is using Entenmann's packaging. OK, well remember when an irving company copied Dutch Mill's light blue box and put an inferior donut in it? Well that's what a company from Chester, New Jersey is doing with pound cakes; of which Dutch Mill's were the best. Or as Mapes would say, "The Best, Jerry, The Best." Anywho, A company called "The Buttery Bakery," is using a second rate Dutch Mill pound cake and putting it in an imitation Entenmann's box. It looks much like Entenmann's, but without the name. They did to Entenmann's what the irvings did to Dutch Mill back in the 1980's. Anyone know these guys in Chester, New Jersey. Do they have anything to do with TaskyCake? By the way, my friend from high school knows someone that used to work at Tastycake and this page is driving them crazy. A new worker, before my friend's associate quit got in trouble for joking around about Dutch Mill's page and the quality of their donuts! NO JOKE! Management at that second rate operation can't stand this cite!!! Poor saps ... not only do they know their product stinks, but they can't sleep at night knowing the people have spoken when it come to real donuts and baked goods. By the way ... how many different pound cake did Dutch Mill make? I thought it was three
DonutMan EM - May 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Correct Mrs. Mapes...We had a Plain, Marbled and Struesel variety. Liked the employee story- but even back in the day a VP of Tasty even whispered to me that Dutch Mill made better donuts "but don't tell anyone" it's a secret or something dah. DM FUN FACT: Dutch Mill Plain Donuts when placed in Barneget Bay near Lavellette amazingly grew to 4 times their size and resembled alien pods. Quite the sight but oh what I would give to have those donuts back for consumption now.
21 - May 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Guess I got brought in. Interesting page. Guess I'll be back. Barely remember Dutches Mill since I was only seven when they went away, but I remember the box on mom's breakfast table. But what up with them turning into alien pods?! Now that would have sold me as a kid. Hope you guys are successful bringing them back into biz.
Amercin Dream EU - May 23, 2015 - Report this comment
Great page everyone! Got a tip about the best donut page ever and thought it was a joke. After all, who'd write about a baked good. Then again, this page obviously brings back a lot of memories. Great to see people miss the 80s as much as I do and love and remember this legendary donut. I'll be back; as another 80s legend once said.
King Lear on beer - May 24, 2015 - Report this comment
My Kingdom, my Kingdom for a Dutch Mill!
Frank - May 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Age comes to us all, and the demise of Dutch Mill is a reflection of the ages. People want cheap, half a**ed, poor quality baked goods with no soul. Tastycake and their "peers" are a sad sign of the times. But, alas, I feel there will be a new age where quality makes a comeback. Every see Field of Dreams? "People will come, Ray. People will most definitely come."
Flag Honorer - June 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts was the best donut company in the super market. Bring them back.
Steve - June 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Hey ladies and gentlemen, I am now a regular! Only been here since May 17 of this year but read the whole page. You guys are the best. Used to think I was alone, me and my brother, but you guys are as nuts as us. Or should I say "Doughy." Get it? Rock-On-Dutch-Mill!!! Think this is the way to the Promise Land filled with thousands of little baby blue boxes with a kind windmill on them.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - June 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Welcome to the club, Steve! So how'd you like the drama of this whole site? We are an eclectic group, are we not. Some weird, some crazy, some awesome and some just a waste of space. But you sound cool. Mapes and I welcome you. So do all the cool people. Just think, you can be one of the people to bring this product back to life. And don't forget to tell everyone to get on this page and spread the good word. Mapes and I are doing another e-mail send out to anyone we feel is a brother or sister of the dough. Like how you said, "Doughy." By the way, Mapes wanted me to tell you all to root for the Chicago Blackhawks even though he likes The Maple Leafs for the most part. But he wants The Hawks because they are one of "the original six." Whatever that is.
DonutMan EM - June 05, 2015 - Report this comment
HAPPY National DONUT DAY to the greatest followers of an iconic product in the world. Our beloved donuts are missed but not forgotten.
Doughboy1917 - June 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Gosh darn it, I thought I'd be the first soldier to tell the troops about National Donut Day! But glad we have new and enlightened folks to help this old foot soldier out. I've been doing this since June 1, 2012, Private Donut Man; and even before! God Bless you all and R.I.P. Mr. Dutch. Rest in peace, friend.
Doughboy1917 - June 06, 2015 - Report this comment
It was 71 years ago today, June 6, 1944 that our boys in uniform invaded the shores of Europe. It was called D-Day. They don't make men like that anymore, nor donuts like Dutch Mill.
Richfield - June 07, 2015 - Report this comment
They do still make men like that, men who put others before themselves, so please quit using this site to be so rude and disrespectful. And there are also plenty of awesome doughnuts out there if you look for them.
Steve - June 08, 2015 - Report this comment
You rock Mr. Doughboy from 1917! I may be new, but I know class when I see it. Don't make 'um like that, is right! Wish they brought back Dutch Mills, but let's keep trying.
Jon - June 08, 2015 - Report this comment
Thanks for the text Mark. You were right. Great donuts, better people.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - June 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Glad you got the text, Jon. And please don't say "Mark." My hubby goes by "Mapes," here! Got to be undercover, which is where we are right now! Hey Now! You are the man Doughboy1917. And you said it so well, Steve. With men like you, DoughnutManE.M. and many more, this page is the best thing going. Just wish many of the old school peeps came back. Even the silly ones; actually, especially them. Also, don't forget Dutch Mill made the best pound cakes in the world. Don't think it was Dutch's idea. Heard he had little to due with the creative end. Also, read he was sort of anti-Catholic. "Mapes" and I go to, as he says, "Canadian Church," but still weird for people to be anti this, or anti that. Just lets all get along. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Todd M - June 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Who in the world thought we'd be here today without Dutch Mills. If they don't put these babies back on the supermarket shelves, could they at least make an edible donut? Who's with me? Actually, think a lot of you.
Stanley - June 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts were the one donut is miss. I'd would cut them in half, fry a pan with real butter and fry them till a little crispy. Unbelievable. Tell the truth, none of you donut experts heard of that.
Riggs - June 15, 2015 - Report this comment
Who has the longest streak on Dutch Mill?
Steve - June 17, 2015 - Report this comment
What do you mean "longest STreak," Riggs? And great idea, Stan, with the plan, regarding your recipe. Dutch Mills in a pan sound wonderful. Hopefully we'll all get that chance someday. And I'm with you, Todd M. LEt's get them back on shelves. Are you guys really from Canada Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers? What do you think of the Black Hawks? Did you see the African American man in Chicago that said, "The Hawks are so awesome even black people love hockey?" And what up with DonutmanEM and UFO donuts??!! That is the wildest think I ever heard. This wonderful cite started almost eight years ago with mjb42758 - July 18, 2007 Does anyone know where he went? What about all those other wild people? Some were just plain crazy. But yet they were fun.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - June 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Great post, Steve! "Mapes" hockey resume would take up pages of info. Besides he doesn't like to brag. He was the Dutch Mill donut of hockey players and know lots of skilled players. But speaking of The Black Hawks, we were happy for them and their fans. Mapes always goes for "an original six team" when his guys aren't in it. And yes, we saw the "how awesome are the hawks guy." For those of you that want a hockey laugh, google: "How awesome are the Black Hawks." We too would like to do a "Stan thing." And we got your reference to the UFO donuts by the big man, DonutManEM. He is definitely the real deal. Don't know what happened to the original guy mjb4258. Be nice to hear from him/her. And, we would really like some of the crazy people back from the old days. To tell the truth, they really pissed me and Mapes off, but now we really miss them. Hey, donutmanEM, if, or when you guys start up again, you should market a UFO Donut that is really fat and/or UFO shaped. And have a UFO flying around the famous Dutch Mill Windmill. Hey, maybe that's what happened to Mr. Dutch. Maybe he's not really dead, but held, by his own will, by Space Men.
Riggs - June 20, 2015 - Report this comment
O sorry. Think I smoked my "dad's pipe" with some interesting tobacco. Didn't say it right. What I meant was when did Dutch Mill start and when'd they end? What years? I thought it was 1978 till 2002.
DonutMan EM - June 22, 2015 - Report this comment
Riggs..... The Dutch Mill "Brand" started in 1980 I believe from an earlier "Dutch" post, prior to that they were called "Garden State Farms" and sold in the Garden State Farms C-Stores owned and founded by Dutch's father (Pete Sandfort). I remember their Garden State Farms Butter Brickle Ice Cream was to die for......they had great private label quality. After GS Farms went bankrupt in the late 70's the Sandforts liquidated everything but the donut brand and at that time created the Dutch Mill brand name....from the ashes rose a phoenix I guess. I joined Dutch Mill in '83 and stayed to the bitter end when TastyKake boys pulled the plug on Oct. 17, 2001... between 9/11 and 10/17 a rough 5 weeks indeed.
Steve - June 22, 2015 - Report this comment
Great history lesson Mr. Donut guy! Forget the UFO donuts. Just bring back the real Dutch's Mill. And I'm sorry to all that had to go through the tuff times of losing Dutch Mill. I, for one, miss them dearly. But you people are cool and help me miss them less. Well, nothing can make up for the lost taste.
St. Jude's peep7 - June 24, 2015 - Report this comment
Let's all pray it all works out
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - June 28, 2015 - Report this comment
History never tasted so good; and ended up with such sweet sorrow. Too bad we can't do it all over again. But Mapes and I still believe in a come back. Canada never quits on donuts.
dancer - June 30, 2015 - Report this comment
i got a weird e-mail about dutch mill. remember them but don't really remember how many their were. This is a cool web page. There are also many other types of food on here. Wish they all would come back.
dancer II - June 30, 2015 - Report this comment
holy crap on a stick, bat man! went back and read a couple posts and looked at the picture up above! These were the best donuts ever to hit a super market wall! forgot all about them, but now that i know they are gone i miss them more than my first love
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - July 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Hey Heather, you mention in your note put here on 10/10/2014 that you would "go down with the ship." How about you go down with Maple-'stick' It's been too long. But when you live in a world without Dutch Mill, time has little meaning. And what's with all these upstarts? New people are abound.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - July 04, 2015 - Report this comment
OMG!!!! WHERE THE HELL OF YOU BEEN YOU FREAK?! What's it been, like two and a half years?! This is insane. Mapes said you're the only SOB that can talk like that. AND WE LOVE IT! By the way, That Twilight Zoning thing is on. You guys always used to talk about that on the 4th of July. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Also you crazy Green bugger Mountain Man and most of all Dutch Mill and all the greats that worked there. Still can't believe you came back Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95 you big number 12
Steve - July 07, 2015 - Report this comment
Cool comeback! Read the past history of you guys and very cool. Getting to kknow why this page is making internet history. Just wish we could all sit down for some Dutch Mill Donuts. If you guys would let me.
Gar0ot - July 10, 2015 - Report this comment
TO all that sent these emails to me, thanks. Don't know how you knew. You are the best. Think I could make an internet living just reading your page. inthe80s home page is to donuts what jelly is to peanut butter. Gravitous!
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - July 10, 2015 - Report this comment
JeeWIz Mrs. HorneyHeather! How big a fan are you?! I'm just a man, like any other man ... you see on Mount Olympus! ha ha But seriously, I just put my pants on one leg at a time. But what leg would you like to see? My third leg?! HA HA!! Be happy you have Maple, he's got to be a real man to have a cool chick like you for a squeeze! Been gone for a while but you guys brought me back. Went on for a just the heck and found out there are just too many cool people on here that are new. Some old, too. Good to see DooughtheBoy from 1917 back and DonutManEM seems for real! Hope he knows how much his donuts meant to so many. They got me through some tough times pouring over some big text books. I'd be so tired I'd like the powder off the books. Crumbs, too. Oh boy, I can still taste the best donuts ever to cum out of a conveyor belt. But you people are keeping the dream alive. Sorry Dutch is in that big bakery in the sky. And I, too, will start telling more people about The Dutch Mill web page. I know I joke, and I always will, but these donuts were too good to go out of business. The masses are stupid, week and have no taste. These donuts were too good for prime time. A treat so esoteric and wonderful, only the gifted to realize their wonder. Now make love to Heather Maple "syrup" and give her donut hole some glazing! HA HA HA HA HA
Wonder Woman - July 12, 2015 - Report this comment
To my sista from another mista, YES!
The "Maple" Man - July 13, 2015 - Report this comment
You are without doubt, one first rate nut job Green Mountain boob. Your lucky I like you. Otherwise I'd shove a hockey skate up your chocolate donut hole.
Tommy Sullivan - July 13, 2015 - Report this comment
To much is being made of second rate donuts. Don't even acknowledge them with a response. We all know Dutch Mill was, is and always will be the best. I have a feeling they will be back only because there is justice and good taste shall prevail. Amen and God Bless. xo
Steve - July 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Just keeps getting better and better. Great donuts followed by great chat. Still want to be part of the gang if you let me.
Clark - July 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill in a word: "Iconic"
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 A.K.A. "The Boodmeister" - July 17, 2015 - Report this comment
Good one Maple boy! April 21, 2013 was my last stop before my hiatus, but I'm back for the jive of you guys. And get with it, Steve! Yes, you are now part of the gang you sad sack! Get with it. And Maple head, give a good one for Heather for me, bro. Love live Dutch Mill and all the holes it's opened!
Steve - July 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Yeah, Guess I am! You boomeisters and heyseedheads! Hey there! And just to show my metal, I'm contacting everyone I know. We're talking my friend and all my email contacts and more. I'm going whole hog without going wholehog, if you know what I mean.
Vin Diesel - July 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Thanks Larry. Yes, Monday morning and I could so use a Dutch Mill powder and a cup of Joe. I've got the Joe/coffee, but where's the Dutch Mill. They had at least 5/6 flavors that were the individual best in their field. -Post by D.M. (big Vin Diesel fan)
Mystery "S" - July 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Larry?! Who's Larry?! No Larry here! But glad the Dutch Mill dough ball is rolling. Get it, instead of "the ball rolling," it's "Dough Ball" rolling. Glad to have you aboard. But what's up with Vin Diesel. He can't act, yo! He makes John Wayne look like Larence Oliver from a method acting point of view. You are the man for coming on here. Tell more people about this page and let's get Dutch Mill Donuts Corp. back in business.
terry - July 24, 2015 - Report this comment
See Dutch Mill in my sleep. In all the years they were gone, why didn't anyone come close. It's sick to see some of the imitation "donuts" on super market isles. Dutch Mill was the best of the best.
O.S. - July 25, 2015 - Report this comment
Ever have a Cherry Flavor? Never remember a cherry donut of any kind, but that's my only critique of Dutch's Mill. Great donut; too bad they are out of business.
"Get Out The Vote '16!" Donnie23 - July 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Don't forget to elect a competent leader in 2016! For the last 12 years we've elected politicians who have raised our debt and created a welfare generation. What happened to the 1980's with men like Reagan, and donuts like Dutch Mill?! Ha ha ha, I bet you were wondering if/when this would be a plug for Dutch Mill. You asked me on here, friend, so you get what you get. How many others out there are going for responsible leader in our next election?
R. Hull - July 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Yes, it get it now. This was a great boxed donut. Do what I can to bring them back, but only one guy. By the way, loved the box with the cool windmill.
DonutMan EM - July 27, 2015 - Report this comment
No Cherry O.S.,...... but we did have Strawberry, Blueberry, Apple Cider, Lemon and Orange to cover that end on flavors.
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - July 29, 2015 - Report this comment
Something serious for a second. Know I like joking with you good folks, especially with you Maple Girl and Maple man, but these were my donuts of choice. Did not know they had Stawberry, blueberry. Pretty sure I remember the lemon, orange and apple cider. Especially the apple cider. But let's get back to the basics. The plains were the all time best. Followed by the cinnamon and then other standard flavors. Powder was great, too. Does it seem many people don't like powder now-ah-days, Mr. DonutEM dude? Seriously, was that a more popular style back in the 80's. Now when I go to a donuts shop, the poor powders are the last ones left. Are they out of style now. Know you aren't in the business anymore, but you are something of the resident expert in my book. And I'd like to apologize for anyone I offended if my posting were to cutting edge. I just found out there is a sickness and I'd like to settle things. I really do love Dutch Mill and miss them very much. Sorry to be so serious, but it's good to leave people with no hard feelings.
DonutMan EM - July 29, 2015 - Report this comment
Green Mt Boyz.... The Sugared by far was my favorite, even after 18 years of smelling,tasting and living donuts there was still nothing better than a warm new born powdered donut rolling out of the sugaring drum.....if I could only have Fed Ex Air some of those little gems up to you sitting in that corner booth @ Molly's on Main Street you would have known the memory I still have to this day. Checked some sales stats from 1997 and the top 5 sellers were; 1. PLAIN - 391,769 units 2. GLAZED - 257,238 units 3. VARIETY PACK- 208,327 units 4. CINNAMON - 194,290 units 5. SUGARED - 187,314 units. The sugared did outsell our Chocolate Covered which by the way did handily beat Entemann's Choc. Covered in a taste test taken by Entemann's buyers.
Kody - July 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Yo Pat, It's been a while, but I'm back in pink. Still not back, but I'll help like a belt. You guys should write a book.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - July 30, 2015 - Report this comment
What's wrong with you Green Mountain kiddo? Are you seriously OK? Hope it's one of you crazy jokes. Great info on the plain, glazed v-packs and cinnamon donuts DMEM! Interest how sugared are you favs. Then again, no wrong choice with Dutch Mill. Me and Mapes are doing well. Hope you all else are, too. LOVE and great donut eating to all.
Donnie32o.o. - July 31, 2015 - Report this comment
Still remember the little baby blue boxes with the baked gold inside. At least let's get a company to make donuts somewhat close to what Dutch Mill was back in the day. But, if you asked me, these guys aren't coming back. Now they live, only in ours dreams.
Steve - July 31, 2015 - Report this comment
I'm getting the ball rolling. Or should I say ... the round donut rolling. But then again, all donuts are round. Then again, there's jelly. Dutch Mill NEVER made a jelly donut. Or did they? I think not. Welcome all of my friend of the donut persuasion. And are you well, Green Mountain? Hope you are-
Nat - August 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Went to a ball game and someone outside was selling deep fried donuts. And by that I mean after they were made to begin with. Imagine that with Dutch Mill's. My older sister would bring these home every now and then and always gave me the last one.
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - August 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Thank you all for the well-wishes! Hard for me to be serious, but THANKS! Even you Maple girlie; ha ha. Won't talk about my condition, but when this old donut eater passes on, I'll say my final "goodbye." Thank you for your grand knowledge of powdered donuts Donut Expert EM. And like the reference to that beloved eatery on Main Street in Hanover, but I'm not a Dartmouth man. Had my share of dates with young ladies form Dartmouth, but then again I made my tour of the Ivy League Co-Eds. Ah to be eating Dutch Mill donuts back in the day with a nice desert. Have some other Ivy Knowledge for you. What about the "suicide nets" at Cornell, or the Statue of Three Lies at Harvard. Bet you don't know them without Google. Or, perhaps you do. It's been said on this beloved page that Donut and Coffee people have well above average IQ/s. Dutch Mill NEVER made a jelly donut, Steve. Even I know that. But fact-check with the experts if you don't believe me. If they did, it would have been the best.
DonutMan EM - August 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Great to hear from you Green MBz and do hope all the best for you and Godspeed with good health. Niece went to Cornell and know all about the "Chasm" and it's ghastly daughter went to PENN and they seem to have something going on with rooftops. Strange kids with so much going for them get lost so easily......Correct GMBz, no jelly.
Steve - August 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Intense, gentlemen, intense. But great info! You are the Godfather of the donut world, Donut ManME. And you're right, GMBZ ... If Dutch Mill did have a jelly, it would have been top-gun.
Steve - August 04, 2015 - Report this comment
And while'll we're on point. Let's all send this page info to ALL our friends! This is a great cause to bring back Dutch's Donuts and besides. The best conversation web-page ever!
Jackie - August 06, 2015 - Report this comment
Smooth is the word that comes to mind when recalling DutchMill Doughnuts. Miss them very much and wish they were once again available.
Roy6 - August 06, 2015 - Report this comment
Great donut!
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - August 07, 2015 - Report this comment
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers, are gonna take on the challenge. Mapes and I are in the process of sending out another 12,500 e-mails to folks interested in fine sweets! Don't ask us where we get these contacts. All aboard the Dutch Mill Express!
R.I.P. Uncle Ray [Your lovking niece, Jammie] - August 08, 2015 - Report this comment
So funny I received this email regarding the famous Dutch Mills Donuts. This brings back so many memories, the best of which does not- believe it or not- have to do with my first hand experience of eating this delight. My Uncle Ray would join us down the Jersey Shore back in the 70s and 80s, He's sit always in the best seat in the house and often eat. Uncle Ray was around 330 to 340 solid pounds. I know it's hard to believe, but the man could move well and was as sexy as a man could possibly be at that weight. One day my brothers and I bought him a pair of those underware that read, ""Home of the whopper"" on the front. Instead of ""getting the joke"" Uncle Ray just walked around in them and even take the garbage out once in them with people around! People just starred as if they say a dinosaur in real life. I mean it was a sight that make one question the bounds of reality. I still remember like it was yesterday him sitting on the ""Archie Bunker Chair"" in the Bungalo with his legs crossed watching a Yankee game with a box of Dutch Mills Donuts. He'd have those underware on like they were just any other pair of attire like a bathing suit or something. I remember he's be eating the donuts and be reading the box. Like there was some kind of novel by Hemmingway on it or something. What the hell is he reading we'd ask each other. Phil Rizzuto the weird Yankee anouncher would yell ""Holy Crap"" or whatever his catch phrase was, Uncle Ray would look up a second, and then he'd go back to reading that stupid box. All while wearing those ""Home of the Whopper" underware. I just sent a copy of this email to my brothers and can't wait to see if they remember this. Then again, how could anyone forget something like that. Boy do I miss Uncle Ray. RIP Sweet Price. You gave more joy and great stories than anyone three men put together. Which, incidently, was how big you were figuratively and literally.
Hulking Love3798 - August 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Had a Hostess donut a few minutes ago. Think it was supposed to be a glazed. But it tasted like a wax figure of Liberace took a crap. Tasktycake sucks too. Boy do we need Dutch Mill.
Lee Mac - August 09, 2015 - Report this comment
So weird I would get some spam from someone halking Dutch Donuts. Was actually thinking about these for the first time, in a long time, when I went to my local ShopRite. I think ShopRite is going under, too. So many classics are going away. Actually miss Dutch Donuts. So much better than anything out there now.
Bousaw - August 10, 2015 - Report this comment
The only decent donut one can purchase in the last 15 years appears to be in a bakery. Dutch Mill was bakery in a box.
Lance's ice world 1981/82 - August 10, 2015 - Report this comment
What if we just brought these guys back on a trial level. They were the #1 donut of the 1980's; my favorate decade! Regan, Miami Vice & wilded haired girlies!
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - August 07, 2015 - August 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Today is Tuesday, August 11, 2015 and Mapes and I are going hiking on The Appalachian Trail, or The A.T. for the next month. Parts of the trail down by Tennessee and then around New Jersey. Just wanted to say we'll be gone till September 11-12, 2015. Just wanted to say, GREAT STORY Uncle Ray Person! And you other folks are well welcomed here as well. Great stuff everyone! Be well and keep thinking about Dutch Mill.
Sue P. - August 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Is this not the donut with the windmill? Blue box and great donuts. Boy, it feels like so many years ago. Just another think from the 80's that's no longer here.
Hap - August 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Eat 7 dutch millz in one sitting when I was a Freshman in college. If I did that now I'd be an fat pig. Miss those days and this fine donut. Thanks for the update on Benji. No problem sending me this text Sammy. hope this helps with your mission.
Beth - August 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Moved to St. Paul in 1988 and didn't even know Dutch Mill was gone-good-bye. But now that I know there is a sadness. To turn back time.
El DeBarge Forever ru4 - August 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Two things this home girl remembers about the 80's... Dutch Mill snacking and dancing to "Rhythm of the Night" Anyone dare get more 80's than that?! Oh yeah, legons and Calvin Klein wine coolers!
EffYew - August 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Glad the Maypo's are gone for a while as I need a break from their Dutch Mill rudeness and Email spam. Meanest on the site and RUDE as all hell.
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - August 13, 2015 - Report this comment
How true; the R.I.P. Uncle Ray [Your lovking niece, Jammie] was a true classic in the annals of the 80s web page! You guys are right about that. Hey Heatehr & Mapes, try going to Mount Le Conte in Tennessee if your hiking the A.T. in that area. It's just off the A.T. and is a 15 mile round trip hike with an elevation of 6,593 feet. You can also get a room at the top of the mountain. Knowing you two, one can only imagine what goes on up in "them thar hills." New Jersey has some great portions on the Appalation Trail as well. OOps, spelled that wrong. Oh well. Anyway, I used to hike the A.T. with some girlies back in the 90's. Get way to loosen the ladies up sort of say. And the A.T. in Sussex County has a great view from a short off shoot of the A.T. called Pinwheels Vista! YOU HAVE TO SEE THAT. Then again, I know Mapes will be getting a great view. Long live the memory of Dutch Mill!
Roland - August 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Office party food all the way.
Allison F. dob'69 - August 15, 2015 - Report this comment
I remember the '80s like yesterday. I was coming into my own like a wantabe Modona and hair that rivaled Bon Jovi and the like. Dutch Mill was a real girls treat. But strong enough for a man. Who out there would get that reference. Now a days I bring home the bacon, and fry it up in the pan. And never, NEVER, let you forget you're a man. That one is more '70s, but you get my drift. LONG LIVE THE '80s!!!
BarNabyJonesWasASexGod - August 16, 2015 - Report this comment
Way..NoWay☆IgotChuDOB1969meetoo!But Madonna not Modona and Charlie was 70's! GoOnGetOffMyCloudAndBeatIt!♡♡Yoo!
A.J. West - August 17, 2015 - Report this comment
Cool facts regarding nineteen eighties ^ seventies trivia! My bro, the Jackle, told me about a donut page where facts from the day ruled. He remembers these doughnuts better than I, but I did eat them too. But really love these cool facts from great decades.
Green Mountain Boyz Class of 95;#12 - August 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Great fact-checking on the part of Barnaby "Jonesing" if you ask this cowpoke. That's what makes this page so great. Beautiful Minds filled with knowledge. Think "The Maypos" as some call them might have gotten it, too. The DonutGeniusE.M. probably too along with that crazy Viet Nam guy from 1970; just kidding, that guy rules. But don't be too hard on Allison F. dob'69. She have some great input and went for the gusto! I've sent out another series of e-mails to an entire list of folks. Wonder how our "Maypos" are doing on their Appalachian Trail expedition? Seems they really aren't getting back till whenever. And do we really have an El Debarge fan?! Here's some donut trivia ... Dunkin' Donuts once had a plain donut that WAS NOT a perfect circle. It had a "added" point of shape on it. WHAT WAS IT YOU BRAIN E ACTS? And for the record, it was NOT better by a long shot that the great Dutch Mill. And how do people on here still get that name wrong?!
American Made G.O.P. 1980s RULE! - August 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Can't believe there's an 80s page! Not just this cite but many others. Dutch Mills were great. Can't believe they are gone. But memories, great one, never die. Or, at least die hard. Get rid of the fakes and frauds like Obama and Bill Clinton's fate wife and bring back real leaders as well as real donuts. How far our great country has fallen. But, like the lady in the 80s lets not say, "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Let's get up people! I say Dutch and DonnutmanME for President and VP in 2016! After reading this entire page, now I know what all the fuss is about! ROCK ON 80s AND LIVE ONCE AGAIN!
Jeff - August 19, 2015 - Report this comment
No doubt they had the best donuts for the entire decade of the 1980's. That said, not many know they had the best pound cake of all time! Donut holes, too.
Bam Bam - August 19, 2015 - Report this comment
Looks like Johnny is going home with a Dutch Mill treat in his mouth. Yes, I remember when the neighbor stole our Dutch Mill donuts. Shout out to my big brother in Virginia now who asked if I remember.
Ledbottom 009 - August 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Someday we could see a rebirth of a high, very high quality, packaged doughnut such as Dutch Mill. However, with taste buds continuing to decline because of the extremely low-quality products out there it might not happen; or will it. Thanks to you nice folks, we will see a rebirth of packaged baked goods. I know.
Peaches - August 20, 2015 - Report this comment
It's what you said and more. lots more. With these guys Dutch's should still be in business.
Jose V - August 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Kid brother was told by the neighbor's boyfriend these donuts were made in a dutch oven. Get it. But they were so good my mom bought them even though they were more than the crap donuts like Entinmans and Taskingcakes. Bottom line, they gave the brest jokes and taste.
Al Big Brain - August 22, 2015 - Report this comment
Cool,awesome and overall kick-ass page! Had an idea, but it's past it's prime. Or rather chance, Dutch Mill Co should have had a Donut eating contest! Just like Nathans, but with donuts. Tell the truth. How cool would that have been. Await comments, please.
Green Moutain Boyz of 95;#12 - August 23, 2015 - Report this comment
Think the critics are right; take out the Mapos and this page really comes alive! Just kidding you hiking fools. First off LONG LIVE DUTCH MILL!!! Second) Right on American Made GOP dude! However, keep in mind Dutch is in Donut Heaven and DonutManEM (not letter other way around) is probably too smart and practical to even enter the scumbucket called politics. If those guys worked a successful business it means they actually did something work whiled. This piece of garbage we have now in the White House never, and I mean NEVER actually worked a real job. That said, a dead Dutch and a part-time Dutch Mill worker would have done, and still would, do a MUCH better job that the disgrace we have now. Him and "Hair-plug-Joe" from the ship-hole state of his. Third) Dutch Mill did have great pound cake, although I forgot if it was three or four different kinds. Fourth)The Big Brain named is right! And I hate admitting when someone else is right. Dutch Mill should have had a donut eating contest. But then again, you're probably a fat-f*buck, Big Brain, so maybe you were just looking to promote yourself. Stay well Heather and Mapes and don't eat too much bark down there. Especially between the tree legs.
Uncle Flyod - August 23, 2015 - Report this comment
Truth greatness in a box! No other donut ever did it better.
Leif - August 24, 2015 - Report this comment
My brother and I used to laugh at their dumb saying. It was like, "Better to be a pound wise than a pound foolish," or something like that. Didn't make sense, but their donuts were first rate. I miss them.
adam - August 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Don't know who sent this to me. If you're a friend, let me know. Remember DutchMillz from my days in North Jersey. Didn't know it's a cult thing. They were good, though.
Little Buddy - August 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Oh yes! These Dutch Mill donuts were a big part of my childhood. They had so many flavors and each one was special. My sister and I always liked each one. We wanted to write them and ask if they would create a multi-colored sprinkle donut but eventually came out with a muli-munchkin style. I think we helped with that. I think they even had a whole wheat donut. Or am I imagining that?
Jennifer - August 28, 2015 - Report this comment
It's been so long since I had one of these donuts I think I barely knew how to drive. Those were the days. If they do come back, let me know. You nice people are obviously making people think about it. I like the chocolate, but they were all great. Actually, chocolate on chocolate and white dough. GREAT!
Dr. Donut 1970 - August 28, 2015 - Report this comment
It's been a while, quite some time, but I'd like to give my best to "The Troops" that have come forward to Dutch Mill. And let us not forget our real troops overseas and here in The U. S. of A. And how about those three Americans that saved a terror attack in France?! Even today, we Yanks are saving our French brothers.
Jofa - August 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Anyone still have an old Dutch Mill box? I bet they're collector's items now. I think my record was five donuts in one sitting and more than a box in a day! They were fantastic donuts!
DonutManEM - August 31, 2015 - Report this comment
What a month with over 40 entries! Where's Doughboy 1917 when you need him... I'm sure he would have referenced "The Charge of The Light Brigade" or some other historical military comparison..... let's just hope we have better results. IT'S great to see this page of DONUT critiques swell it's ranks and make a statement. And Yes Little Buddy, we did make a great Whole Wheat donut that was even endorsed back in the 70's by some famous health nut....Dr. Fredericks something or other... Hope to hear from you Doughboy 1917, it's been awhile....thinking the "Mapes" are near the end of their stroll and hope to hear about the exursion. Hope all is WELL Green Mountain Boys, be good.
MetzfanDavidWright - September 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Hello all my long lost friends! I think I set the record for longest absence. The last time this donut-nut was here was over 5 years ago! That's right, or should I say "Wright," it was April 7, 2010. I'd like to think I had a small hand in this pages becoming the biggest thing on the net since But I still miss the greatest donuts in the world. Can't believe how this little donut page has taken off. Actually, part of me can. This is a special donut and special fans.
Denverie - September 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Bring them back and I will eat more donuts than 19 men put together
Simon - September 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Put me back in the eighties and I'll be one happy camper. So many good times, great music, well ... fun music, great summers at The Shore, wine coolers, Hulk Hogan & Friends, Prime-Time Soaps like Dynasty, Dallas and the like, crazy hair, Miami Vice, cell phones as big as bricks and Dutch Mill Donuts in The Andy Warhall-Style boxes. By the way, whomever designed that box was a Enstien like smart and creative.
Clark's Intestines - September 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts was the snack that made New Jersey famous. As a young man, on the make, in NYC, I'd see them in "Bodagas." Anyone know what they are? Bet not. There was a place where I had a little honey on around West 80's and there was a small food market on the fist floor that had Dutch Mill. Believe me, after a night with her, one needed a little get up and go!
Jewell - September 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Best doughnut of The 1980s. Like so many other things from that time we lost them. Loved all those shows too Simon! And Clark Intestins is GROSS!
TeddyB* - September 04, 2015 - Report this comment
This totally cracks me up. How could my soul snack passion have so many fellow donut nuts?! So very awesome. These guys were the Kings of the donut world.
Green Mountian Boyz; of 95;#12 - September 06, 2015 - Report this comment
Has been a great month; and great year for the best page in history! And, you are correct, sir (DonutDudeEM). We need Doughboy1917 back. Besides me, he is the best logger on this page. Just kidding. There are about a half dozen regulars that are Kind/Queen of this page. I miss "The Maypos" too. Hope they don't fall off a cliff on the AP (As the insiders call it). This applies to everyone. Go on The Appalation Trail in New Jersey and look for Pinwheels Vista. A view you won't believe is in New Jersey. Even better than Vermont and New Hampshire if you can believe that. Come back safe "Maypos." Where in tarnation did you come from MetzfanDavid"Wrong" It's been too long. Cool entry Simon. Those are true hits from the 80s. Bodagas are convenience stores that are in NYC and run by Latin folks. Although I don't think many had the good sense to buy Dutch Mill. COME BACK DOUGHBOY1917. And keep coming back everyone else. I'm gonna send out many more e-mails. We need this page to grow like Hulk's muscles on THE JUICE back in 1986! Oh yeah, Good point "Jofa" Dude. Dutch Mill boxes should be collector's items. But beware of scams. I found out people are trying to con money out of Dutch Mill fans. Input all? Nobody can reproduce a real Dutch Mill donut. In particular, special needs people at that crap donut Co. Monekies can't perform nuclear physics and that's what it's like for Tastycake to remake Dutch Mill. I'm surpised they all don't show up at work at the same time in a short yellow school bus. Anyone have an opinion on who wins the Ivy League in college football. Someone also wanted to have a Dutch Mill eating contest. When they come back, I'd like to get in it. As Dirk Diggler says, "I'm gonna keep getting better. And so should all of us." Or, it was something like that in his first award speech. Watch that everyone and you'll see. And go to Pinwheels vista.
Bissonette - September 06, 2015 - Report this comment
This is crazy! I came on here after my brother and I got together for the big weekend. We ate Dutch Mill products by the case. They also had pound cake. Anyway, we ran a Google search and found a gold mine. We no longer feel stupid for looking these guys up. Obviously we're not alone.
Joe - September 06, 2015 - Report this comment
Got this crazy email and swore it had to be a joke. Now I see you people and know it for sure. But hey I'm with you for your donut cause. You guys are nuts, but at least there's a movement. I actually need a donut now.
Billy - September 07, 2015 - Report this comment
Gosh these guys are old school. Remember them well. Think we'd always get a back for "down the shore." Had different flavors and they were all good.
Amy W. - September 08, 2015 - Report this comment
Does anyone know why this donut has become a cult classic? I was with my girlfriend at a Starbucks in Montclair and two people were talking about them in line.
Leaha9302 - September 08, 2015 - Report this comment
These guys were "SIN-Saytional!" Best donut of my generation.
Spitz'72 - September 10, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill donuts were in every food-stuff-store I recall during the 19-80s. In fact, it appeared the line between "quality-store" and "low-grade-store" depended on whether they had Dutch Mill products. If you walked into Bill's and he had a stack of Dutch Mill, you knew it was an upgrade establishment.
We're back! - September 13, 2015 - Report this comment
The "Maypos" as Green Mountain Girl phrased us are back! Great stories about the AP are on the way. You guys really took this page up a notch in our absence! Way to go gang.
Roy - September 15, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill had a reputation of being the best donuts in the super market.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - September 16, 2015 - Report this comment
I've heard it before, but I'll say it now. What, do Mapes and I have "The Midas Touch" in reverse? It's like everything we touch turns to crap! ONE PERSON!? We've been back a week and no longer are you minons longing on two/three times a day or 50 times a month! Just kidding, we love you all. We burned enough calories to eat one box of Dutch Mills three times a day. And that was just hiking! ha ha ha What a trip. Also, we did not get to hit the trail you talked about in Tennessee, just so you know Green Mountain Girl. But, we got your note just before we left and asked about it. Everyone down in The Big T said it was a great hike. But we stuck to the AP. Also we already knew about Pinwheels Vista! But we went again and toasted you with a C-Note bottle of Champaign! True Story. We'd break big on toasts. And, if you Google Pinwheels Visa you might even see an old video of yours truly. Gee, just I've got you all guessing. That's a kike we've taken many times before. I'm surprised a geek like you knows about it. Just kidding! It's a "secret" that only twice a year AP part times hikers know about so it's actually semi common knowledge. We have bee "off the grid" for some time obviously, but will start sending more emails out for our favorit donut company. DonutStudEM brings up a good point. Where are you Doughboy1917? Our Donut Nation turns it's lonely and hungry eyes to you. Still say the email from R.I.P. Uncle Ray [Your lovking niece, Jammie] is one of the best all time from a none regular on this page. Please come back and bring your friends with you. You sound awesome. Thanks again for the tip about hiking Green Mountain Girl. The Maypos are now signing off. Can you believe we use your saying for us, Green Mountain Girl?
EffYew - September 16, 2015 - Report this comment
The "Maypo's" was from me back on August 12..not from Green Mountain Girl who is actually Green Mountain Boyz..DUH! Not only are you two rude but kinda STOOPID as you can't spell. Reread your post..full of typos..MAYPO'S!
LLCoolJudy-from Cal - September 16, 2015 - Report this comment
Thanks, Karen. It was good times like with you that I'll always remember. Good luck on your donut mission.
Zen - September 22, 2015 - Report this comment
The big mystery to me is how these guys went off the market anyhow. The Mercedes of donuts in a world of Pintos. No longer eat donuts from the grocery store. For some reason nobody can make 'em like Dutch Mill.
Cowgirl793 - September 24, 2015 - Report this comment
Dear Donut-nuts, hope to join the effort. Hope my post is still up a few hours from now. Couldn't get on the past couple of days and before that my post was taken down! But for however short this is up there, we LOVE U DUTCH MILL! Call me soon, we've got to hang.
Green Mountain Boyz;of '95;#12 - September 26, 2015 - Report this comment
Hey new fish ... love the cowgirl name. But what I don't like is something is rotten in the State of Denmark. I, too, had trouble posting in the last week to 10 days! Think we got hacked!
Stegen&Kris - September 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Good much thanks for sharing a great page. We'll like to see them back. Remind us when dad took us to Jet games! I remember once in particular we brought a box of Dutch Mill. Went great with tailgate party and soda.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - September 28, 2015 - Report this comment
Didn't know you guys were having problems getting on here. That happened a few years back, but Mapes and I have been good thus far. Tell you this, the good folks running this web page are doing a great job! Without doubt, the best web page in cyber space! And not just Dutch Mill, but there are some other good ones. But we obviously love Dutch Mill.
Kate - September 28, 2015 - Report this comment
Is this really what it's all about? OK, think about it.
dk8 - September 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Payed to eat these. My nephew new a kid who worked at Dutch Mill in the early 80s. All who worked there could eat a couple Dutch Mills for lunch or break. He said they'd even have a box or two in the break room.
The "duck" of death - October 02, 2015 - Report this comment
It's, it's "Duke." "Duck" I says. Was watching this scene from what movie when I got the text regarding this page. These guys did put out the best store/prepacked doughnuts of the 20th century. Love this page guys. In fact, these guys have many 80's pages. Know what I'm doing this evening.
DonutMan EM - October 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Actually watched "Valley Girl" circa 1983 with Nicolas Cage and Deborah Foreman late last night. With all the "Tubular" "Totally" and "Tripindicular" talk it really brought me back to that loved era when I wore a younger man's clothes and of course was filled our beloved donuts. Grew up in Wayne NJ "Mapes" but never heard of the Pinwheel Vista, with my wife and I getting into hiking I will definately look it up. "The Ice Caverns" @ Sam's Point near Pine Bush in the catskills is a neat hike as well...Showing my age with the "neat" reference I guess.
RayM - October 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Best donuts of the 1980's along with other cool elements of the decade of cool. Wish these guys could come back, but at least not they live in my memories. "Wayne?" That's Willobrook Mall and Little League Champs.
Frisch - October 13, 2015 - Report this comment
Ever think about selling a "do it yourself" Dutch's Mill kit of some kind. Consider it an advance Easy Bake Oven. Just thinking out loud. These guys at Dutch's were the gold standard of dough. Speaking of "Wayne." Wasn't there an old department store called "Two Guy's" around there?
Donut Eating Lives Matter - October 14, 2015 - Report this comment
You guys see Da Dems last night? What BS! All lives matter, especially donut eaters.
Doug - October 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Once thought the times would never end. Now, no more youth, crazy friends and Dutch Mill. But you know what. You nuts keep me going. Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Everybody's choices are half chance. So are yours.
Marshaun - October 17, 2015 - Report this comment
Bro, I've been here the whole time
Rocky - October 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Comebacks are what it's all about~ If I were running things, I'd bring these guys back quicker than a left hook!
Pussy Cat Swallow Tail - October 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill donuts was the one donut that everyone I knew agreed upon. Dutch Mill was not only a great tasting donut but a good looking product. Think about what I said. These guys used the concept of presentation the same way Coke did with their red and white bottle/can. Their windmill and special colour blue should be in the advertising hall of fame. Notice, I spelled "color," like the bloody limies!
EffYew - October 22, 2015 - Report this comment
No..they ripped off Van DeKamp Bakery's special colour of blue and windmill's. The Bakeries were even in windmill shaped buildings and had Dutch girl costumes for their sales clerks.
Two Penny - October 24, 2015 - Report this comment
Hot Cross Buns ... Hot Cross Buns ... One a Penny, two a Penny ... Hot Cross Buns
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers! - October 25, 2015 - Report this comment
Cool DonutMan EM! At least it's not "DonutMan BM as in 'butt-movement.' ha ha ha At least that's what happens when you eat Tastycake imitation donuts. So glad you and our twisty friend, Green Mountain Man are loving the Pinwheel Vista hike. And thanks for calling us "Mapes." You DonutMan EM and Mountain Crotch gave us the name we now use in volley ball! Mapes and I play a little when he flies us out to Cali and call ourselves the Maypos or Mapes! You guys are the best! And don't forget to think of us when you climb Pinwheels Vista!
Bill - October 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Could not have come on here at a better time. Two old friends from New Jersey told me the little old blue box was a big think on the net. Thought they were joking. Trending right here. Funny how a little think like a good donut can bring back not only the ol taste buds but great summer memories. Not that these guys weren't good year round. Steve, Terry and those twin sisters on a makeshift sailboat on Packanack Lake went a long way. One of you guys wrote about how the plain turned into UFO's. I actually fed some to the ducks and noticed that one that got away did the same! How funny!
DonutMan EM - October 28, 2015 - Report this comment
Yessss.....Yesss Bill, the Pods, the alien Pods! Great to hear they morphed in Packanack Lake as well as Barnaget Bay.......Wish I had several thousand tons of those jewels to drop on those Gouls, Goblins and Warlocks down @ Tasty.....sorry, still getting over the 14th anniversary (Oct. 15, 2001)when that cement company shut us down. Great to have you aboard Bill, grew up in Wayne Valley so know Packanack lake well. Love the idea Frisch of a home made kit of DM donuts. Actually thinking of calling up our old supplier and whipping some historic beauties at home just to see how close I can get them....if it's a good match maybe I'll set up a DM reunion fryoff for all you very special people on this page....this page truly warms my heart and is a constant reminder of the time and food of the Gods we all loved. Doughboy1917????, Be Well GMBoyz. Hiked Letchworth by Genesee Mapes and loved it...looking @ the Vista soon.
Adam - October 31, 2015 - Report this comment
Silly to think of but Dutch Mill made my Halloween many years ago. Some nut gave out whole boxes of donuts. Told my son about it and he did not believe me. I barely remember it myself but see they did exist. Thank you to that kind person
GMBoyz - November 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Thanks for the plug DonutHeadEM! And I'm the one that came up with the Pinwheels Vista idea Maypos! You guys all ROCK! Hey Adam Ant ... DonutHeadEM WAS THE ONE THAT GAVE OUR THE HALLOWEEN DONUTS!!! Think Doughboy1917 might have passed on. Think the old boy was a WWI vet. That would put him close to 120 years old. God Bless that guy and his awesome posts. You are all The Man. And, of course sweet Heather, The Woman! P.S. Like my new tag, from now on, I'm just GMBoyz!
DonutMan EM - November 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Adam, GMBoyz is right about giving out the full box.....I was that nut. I'm assuming you lived in northern Dutchess county area then and yes that was a "Dutch Mill" colored blue house you got it from. Hope Doughboy 1917 is still around and his 21 gun salute and Taps is still on hold.
Outdoor Living - November 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Steak and eggs was my breakfast of choice until Dutch Mill came to town. Honestly, I still eat well, but miss Dutch Mill. Give them out for Halloween?
Sox - November 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Schneikies! Has this page picked up in the last two and one half years! I came on here May 11, 2013 talking about Atlanta and San Fran. But what about this World Series. As a National League guy I usually go toward the National League. But those KC Royal men really hit it out of the park. Just like Dutch Mill!
coltonj - November 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Bring Dutch Mill to New Jersey for the first time since the late 1990's in flying colors!
Doughboy1917 - November 11, 2015 - Report this comment
We are coming to the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month; which is, of course, November. I implore everyone in earshot to at least go to Wiki and read up on The Great War, The War to End All Wars, or as it's often called, World War I. This event and the following war, World War II, showed what true valor is! By the way, we miss you very much Dutch Mill. What our boys in the trenches would have done for just one sweet box. Sounds as if there were some real Patriots working there as well. But anyway, why is society becoming so weak, whiny, lazy, self-centered and ignorant. I watch Fox News and see these young people complaining and protesting because life does not always go their way. We've thought this children that their feelings, and their feelings alone are the most important thing in the world. They think they have it so hard when everything is handed to them. Shame on them. Read about sacrifice, valor and what the human spirit is really about when our Nation went to War and made the world a better place. Is it alright to say The United States is a great Country? You bet it is! Our boys went to war, our women worked in factories and many, many young men lost their lives to give these nerdowells a free ride. There's a reason these men from the past are called "The Greatest Generation." My God Bless them. We honor you on this day. We Pray your sacrifice will never be forgotten. And, maybe, just maybe we'll make it as a Nation when these young people begin to learn there is no free lunch. Hard work never killed anyone, and it's considered an honor to put others before yourself. Sir Donut Man EM spoke of the Charge of the Light Brigade. By the way, hope you have been well Sir Donut and may God Bless you and your family. Thank you other fine people for mentioning this old humble soldier as well. But anyway, please everyone also read Lord Tennyson's Poem titled "The Charge of the Light Brigade. These men entered battle knowing they would lose. Knowing full well many weren't coming back. That battle in 1854 and the battles in the coming World Wars showed how our brothers, The Brits, fought like lions. But, as famously said, "It's a shame they are commanded by jack as*es." But our Doughboys are what I'm honoring today. PLEASE, one and all. Read about life in the trenches when even a day of no fighting was a living hell on earth. Honor today, and every other day, the human spirit epitomized by their valor, sacrifice and courage. These were common men that did uncommon things. Where has their spirit gone. What has the youth of today on college campuses done to their spirit. God Bless our Vets, God Bless the loved ones lost and God Bless America. And you young people who believe complaining is the road to success and achievement takes place in a protest line instead of long hours at a real job; we'll pray for you to see the light. Lord knows you need our prays and much, much more. That you all. This may be the final post of this old soldier. No, Sir Donut Man EM. They have not giving me the 21 gun salutes yet. But I doubt I'll be here for Armistice Day come 2016. My granddaughter helped me type this. I'm to old and too tired. But wanted to say goodbye to my number one (1) donut computer page. I miss these delightful donuts. And our doughboys loved donuts so.
DonutMan EM - November 11, 2015 - Report this comment
It was an absolute JOY to see your post Doughboy 1917....After reading that literature you may be old and tired Doughboy but your Spirit and Fire in the belly exceeds most I fear. Watched a documentary last night about survivors from Iwo Jima and you said it Doughboy- I don't know I could have even done what they had to endure during that battle...."Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue" with those lads and I'm not sure that same vigor can be accomplished today to the same scale.....Unless of course with victory our beloved doughnuts would be reinstated to the victor and by reading this page I'd venture to say our legion of dunkers would prevail. Let's look to plant that Dutch Mill Flag in the face of that Cement company like our gallant boys did on Mt. Suriachi those 70 years ago.
mack32 - November 13, 2015 - Report this comment
Sure miss these donuts
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of The Heathers - November 13, 2015 - Report this comment
Alright, you guys are getting so esoteric and deep with my white butt. Gotta regroup and talk to Maypo man and figure out what to write. It's been said before, but donut & coffee people are very smart. It sucks I can't keep up, but will try. Mapes can't figure it out either. Gonna go down.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of The Heathers - November 14, 2015 - Report this comment
Today we stand with our French brothers and sisters! The Maypos are praying for all of them. Mapes is of French Canadian heritage, so this is especially hard for him. He needs a good Dutch Mill kiss right now. Thanks Donutboy1917 for your incredible words. You are a great man. And great quote from you DonutMan of the EM School of Baking. "Uncommon Valor was a Common Viture" in the events of that time. LET'S BRING AMERICA BACK, along with Dutch Mill.
ThreeSeals - November 17, 2015 - Report this comment
Watch these Dutch's come back by next year! I got these by the box back when Bon Jovi rocked in the eighties! White Castle used to say, "Buyem by the stack." But that's what we really did with Dutch's!
Green Mjo Man A.K.A. Green Mountain Boy (ZZZZZ) - November 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Dang, you guys got so deep. I'm not able to continue the jest anymore. Support our vet, our brave and fight the fight. Doughboy1917 said it best. Bring back Dutch Mill and bring back America. That's my most honest post ever. Now take off your outfit Heather! Sorry, can only be serous for so long! But, I am, bring back Dutch Mill and save America. And keep hiking up to Pinwheels Vista.
Don Komit - December 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Used to get these at a Salvation Army gathering when I was not doing well. Suppose these nice people donated them. Someone's mom stood up and said she was "grateful to my two boys." Please give to the Salvation Army.
Raymondb - December 02, 2015 - Report this comment
You've got to be fooking kidding me!! How many people got here before me!! Just punched into old Google and I hit the mother fooking jackpot!! Got of the coming weekend and the next two days. I'm gonna sit down and read every fooking one!!
DonutMan EM - December 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Sit back and Grab a case of cold ones RaymondB it's great and entertaining reading, some great regulars even had the old owner on for a while. Don't feel bad at the late entry - I ran the place and was there 20 years and still didn't know about this page until a year and a half ago.... Hit the Pinwheel Vistas GMBoyzz/Mapes and left a Dutch Mill calling card in the log book. Great views-great walk. Try to hike Sam's Point/Ice Caverns in Pine Bush area, unbelieveable view of the lower Hudson Valley and with a pair of binoculars even the NYC skyline and on a clear day even the silty smoke from that Cement Company in Philadelphia burning and churning out those Krimpets and Kandykakes.
SSID - December 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Dury for Dutch Mill! I had them all the time.
Dana - December 10, 2015 - Report this comment
Been in politics a long time and have never seen more BS than I've seen this page. This wonderful food called Dutch Mill got me and my fellow college girts though law school and now they're gone?! Shame on all of you. Talk, talk and more talk followed by shameless sex talk. You are all week@
DonutMan EM - December 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Politics and age....that explains it....a mixture to brew bitterness and wrinkles.
The Coke Cola Kid - December 13, 2015 - Report this comment
These guys should have become the best there ever was. But the people can make mistakes. Did they have a good ad-man? Should have gotten Don Draper from Mad Men.
Greg - December 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Got an email but didn't know this was real. Odd that this thing from the past is still alive even after it died. Keep Christ in Christmas
Cardinal Sam L - December 22, 2015 - Report this comment
Jeez, is this a wonderful web lay out! Don't know who sent me the tip, but I'm glad you did you. I say an e-mail with the header, "Dutch Mill Donuts, remember them?" and I thought it was a time warp. So sorry to hear they are gone. I mean, I knew they had to be since I haven't seen them since, like, I don't know, around the year 2000. But it looks like I'm not the only one that misses them. You guys seem to talk about other things besides donuts. It's like the Michael Savage radio show where he talk politics, but also heath issues, humor and musical history. Talk care all and let me know when Dutch Mill is available again
DonutMan EM - December 23, 2015 - Report this comment
To the entire legion of Dunkers that populate this terrific and very special page....Merry Christmas and a Happy/Healthy New Year!!! Let's continue the donut quest in 2016 lead by our very special own Doughboy1917.
R Man - December 27, 2015 - Report this comment
Christmas without Dutch Mill was like Christmas without Rain Deer.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers - December 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are going to have a great New Year! Mapes and I wanted to tell you all how much we love you all and how much we love Dutch Mill! Let's give, love and treasure each other for years to come. Love, The Maypos
Philly Fan 73-74 - January 02, 2016 - Report this comment
Won back to back Cups, eh, and loved Dutch Mill. Actually lived in New Jersey, Cherry Hill, but we got some down here, Go Flyers!!!
Lilly - January 08, 2016 - Report this comment
To whom it may concern. Thanks for the memories! Wish Dutch's was back, too. ** I dink and I think and love the picture up top. Reminds me of when I was a little girl
Mr. Roboto ' - January 13, 2016 - Report this comment
Thank you very mucho, Mr. Dutch-Mill-O. And when the machines take over, they will bring back the Dutch of the Mill empire of old. My fiends and I lived in these babies for about three and one half years. That's when our core group got together at Bill on the Hill and stayed together. Partied, got it on and ate Dutch's gold in a box
Iron Side - January 14, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was the top donut firm of the 80's & 90's in the North New Jersey area. They were everywhere and ruled the seas. This is old Iron Sides.
Hartnett's Point - January 26, 2016 - Report this comment
This is not real, for we lived for the zeal, of that tasty meal, that was more than real. Dutch Mill is surreal, and my wife let me peal. For when they come back. I'll die of a heart attack. Now top that Bob!
Roy h - February 08, 2016 - Report this comment
Come on, Roy, is what I heard my mom yell when I got to the plate. Dad, too, would yell and scream. They were cheers. I'd try, sometimes get a big hit and then we'd go to the automobile and we'd have a dutch mill fest. Should have sold them at the big bames!
KoHo - February 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Only one stick in hockey and only one donut in Donut-Biz We gots to pull together and get these guys "back on the ice" Actually hot buns were my thang with the girl-thangs back in da eighties and ditching mills were a taste I still dream about in the new life
J Smith - March 06, 2016 - Report this comment
I guess that the way dutch mill donuts were made did not fit the mass production process of Tastykake but they saw an opportunity to lessen the competition. Plenty of references to them on the web e.g.
DonutMan EM - March 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Thanks for the comment J're partially right on buying us to lessen competition but the main reason was they wanted to peddle their survival food in the NY area. Tasty has never succeeded in the NYC area and still don't to this day and they were hoping to ride the Dutch Mill Quality Brand to introduce their Tasty Slabs in a market with little or no sales. And of course when they failed they didn't need DM anymore. Funny story, after purchasing us Tasty hired a professional customer preference outfit to conduct a rather extensive marketing test. This was a test conducted with Entemenn's buyers only and after a blind tasting of 5 different brands of donuts well over 70% choose DM.... even trouncing their own Entemenn's brand. The best part was after the test the participants were asked to compare the following baking companies to a car manufacturer.....Here is the responses and the answers > Entemenn's - A Cadillac / Dutch Mill - A Buick / Drake's - A Chevy / Hostess - A Ford / Tastykake - A Yugo :) ...... and for those of us who lived in the 80's that is the worst possible comparison imaginable. Well with the upper Tasty & DM Management viewing from behind a one way mirror the sight of the Tasty CEO blowing his lid was quite entertaing..... he resembled a Saturn Five booster rocket exhibiting one explosion after another.....perhaps he didn't want to hear that but it was fully realized after several years of failing to convert the NY area to buy anything from that Philadelphia Cement Company. ........ ...... LET'S GO PEOPLE we're slowing down with only 2 entries the last month.....What this page needs is MORE COW BELLS!!!!
Taco - March 12, 2016 - Report this comment
Let's bring these guys back
Morphy - April 06, 2016 - Report this comment
I miss this guys, I really do. Dutch Mill put the best donut into a box of all time. This and that seems to be said, but I'll be there when they come back.
Green Mountain Boyz; of '95 #12 - April 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Oh crap, you're right, DonutDudeEM, the troops are-ah-falling! Where are you perople?! Come to think of it, where was I. Guess this page, like life, goes through ebs and flows. Did I write that correctly, does that even make sense? That comparision regarding our beloved Dutch Mill vs. Entemenn's, Drake's, Hostess and Tastycake made my day DonutDude!! Funny, sad, yet TRUE! But I would say Dutch Mill was more like a classic 1968, 1969 or 1970 Camaro, Muscle Car in the sense they were a classic that would never die, while providing power, grace and a sweetness that people still dream about. Yes, Entemenn's a Cadillac, but then again, Cadillacs are also overrated, showy, ostentacious and relay more on status that actual performance. Drake's are sort of a mid-to-late 1970s Chevy since they "work" but nothing fancy. Hostess has some good stuff, but then again, we're talking late 70's American car style in the sense that they "work" for ya, but it's just a matter of time till someone forgets, or would like to forget they ever existed. And Tastycake?? You are right on about them, DonutDude! They are the quinticential "Yugo." Nothing else has to be said. Just a big pile of shi(t) that is an ugly on the outside as it is horible on the inside. Wish I was there, with Heather the Maple Girl in a skimpy outfit, wataching Tastykake's idiot manager blow his head like a Saturn Five booster, boy! And I love the "Philadelphia Cement Company" comparision, DonutDude!!! But, actually, it sort of not cool. It's actually an insult to cement companies that would like to made donuts! Donut Dude speaks the truth: MORE COW BELLS!!! I have a fever, and the only cure is more cowbells
Green Mountain Boyz; of '95 #12 - April 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Used to laugh at the over enjoyment and promotion of this page, but now I'm in; all in. I'm going to contact a dozen old friends, school mates and "word of the street" people and tell them to get on baord! You all do the same. Have a feeling Tha Maypo's as I humbly called you guys are soon to be back; I can feel it in my stiff bone. Other will be back, too. Come on, folks. "Cum on feel the noise!" as Quite Riot said when I first went off to college and became a Dutch Mill fan. Miss you, too, Doughboy1917. Let's all come back!
DonutMan EM - April 11, 2016 - Report this comment
Correct again GM Boyz.......My truly sincere and heartfelt apologizes to all those terrific Cement Companies that built such things as the Empire State Building, Twin Towers/Freedom Tower and my favorite the Chrysler Building.... to compare Tasty (which on its best day is only good for severe colon blockage) was just dead wrong.
Erin - April 18, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill, chocolate glazed- best ever! All natural! Used to be a weekend treat and then every day throughout my 1987 pregnancy! Was frustrated when I could not find them anymore.
Tori - April 19, 2016 - Report this comment
Hey you donut men. Thanks for the update, Greenie! Yes, I tell more people. These donuts were fine, indeedie, and you fellas have some great thoughts.
Sal C - April 23, 2016 - Report this comment
You guys have no ideas how much I miss these guys. Or maybe you do.
D. Steele - April 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Bring back Dutch Mill! Thanks to everyone that ever shared one of these delicious treat with me and ate them from the heart. I wish I could go back, even for a day, to enjoy the company and taste of yesteryear. 1986 was when I met my first major boyfriend and he bought me wine coolers and Dutch Mill. What a man!
Saul Good - May 09, 2016 - Report this comment
You guys like the show, "Better Call Saul?" My friends know the creators of this wonderful show. I asked him to ask Vince Gilligan if they could put a box of Dutch Mills on a table when Saul is having a meeting with a potential client. The show is set in the year 2002. Maybe it can be an older box
DonutMan EM - May 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Saul Good ---- Love the show, if you can get a definite answer from them that they will put in the scene I can fold up an old box I have and put.....I'm biting my tongue.....some Entemann's donuts in it so it looks like an actual DM box. We stopped making them late 2001 so the show will have a great time dated prop.... also it would be quite the nastalgic shocker to all our beloved DM Donut Dunkers (and Tastykake too) to see them on TV. Keep me posted.
Carol - June 02, 2016 - Report this comment
These donuts were the best over made. Love the 1980s and love Dutch Mill!
Redbone - June 30, 2016 - Report this comment
Oh Ley Oh Ley, Dutch Mill Donuts got me through many ah days of homework in college. Loved them so much and miss them more than I ever knew.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of The Heathers - July 04, 2016 - Report this comment
Hey Everyone, We'reeeee Baaaaack!!! It's been a long time, and Mapes and I had to regroup but "The Mapos" are back, Thanks again DonutMan EM for the nickname! We spend the weekend thinking about old times and watching what many Dutch Mill fans love, "The Twilight Zone." What a great show. Will you all please come back and say something today?! I have a feeling at least two to three people will come back today! Love you all and LOVE Dutch Mill!!! And where have you gone Archebrautl Eagle, or whatever your haddle was? You were so cool.
EffYew - July 05, 2016 - Report this comment
Oh no the Maypo's are back and I say "oh no" because they are RUDE! Pretty dumb too cuz they should know that I gave them the moniker "MAYPO'S" on August 12,2015..NOT DonutMan EM..but that's ok..they probably don't know what "moniker" means. Good luck Maypo' need it!
Melvin's Reveng - July 08, 2016 - Report this comment
Got you e-mail guys, and whatever I can do to help. Must confess, but never had Dutch Mill. But as a donut snob I wish I could, as Cheer would say, "Turn Back Time!" Love you guy and we should hang.
Jax&Whites - July 12, 2016 - Report this comment
This is so wonderful and then some! Yes, I remembers Dutch's Donuts! They were so great!
Jackie - July 26, 2016 - Report this comment
This page is incredible! Didn't know there were such awesome people out there. This donut product rocked the 80'S. Will be back. So glad you cool people are out there!
Green Mountain Boyz; of '95 #12 - July 27, 2016 - Report this comment
Jeez it's been such a long timme; like the song says, "It's been such a long time ..." Who knows that lyric? Missed you good peep like DonutHead EM & our lovely Mapos. Also miss the other old timers. We come up with the best names. But the name I want up on our super market shelves is: DUTCH MILL DONUTS! We have got to come back. Sorry I left you all for a short time. But, I'm back and will send out a couple thousand cold e-mails. Hopefully, I won't be as incompetent as Crocked Hillary when it comes to my e-mails! Let's go Dutch Mill and America. Let's get back to work and stop hating the country we love!
DonutMan EM - July 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Long drought GM Boyz....out drinking with the leader of the Green Moutain Boyz Ethan Allen? Those were the days for Love of Country and sacrafice for of. "Don't Tread on Me" was a rally cry where nowadays "Take care of Me" is the the plea of the entitled.....Starting to sound like DOUGHBOY 1917 who is earnestly missed on this page, pray he's still with us. GETTING to your Name That Tune question GM Boyz.....Certainlt not LONG LONG TIME by Linda Ronstadt nor TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME by Supertramp (my fav) or even IT'S BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME by Bing Crosby/Louis Armstrong so that leaves us with the top 2 contenders.... 1. Boston's FOREPLAY - IT's Been Such a Long time...I think I should be going. or 2. England Dan and John Ford Coley's - It's Been Such a Long Time...I Really do Miss Your Smile. I'll go with the correct answer being #2 England DAN and John Ford Coley.....GM Boyz?
Hobbs - July 31, 2016 - Report this comment
You dirty dog, Greenboy! Yeah, I remember! Been a long time and miss the good times. Let them roll.
This Disco King - August 03, 2016 - Report this comment
Dance, dance, dance ... Dance, dance, dance ... Eat that donut ... eat that donut (*&^#@ Dutch Mill was great, Gary. Miss the good times*(^
Cari - August 03, 2016 - Report this comment
Can't say I get it completely, but it's a cool box! Wish I could have had these. That's one thing I miss about the 70s & 80s. The packaging was so artful. The guy who designed the Dutch's Mill box was a true genius
"lil sis Class of 1989 - August 05, 2016 - Report this comment
You peep r 2 nutz! Bring back the box in blue. will pass on to the crazy crew
Ian - August 07, 2016 - Report this comment
Nuff said, brother. Bring back the donuts that made cramming FAMOUS." Think back of da old days and still smile. We've got to get together up in the White Mountains and talk about old times and embellish the stories that made New England's boys famous. Still think about those times!
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of The Heathers - August 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Good golly oh mighty, GreenMountain girl, you really brought them all back. You're a better girl than I! ha ha ha Mapes and I are going to perform a massive solicitation campaign, too. We'll go the wall for Dutch Mill. Good to have you back. And DonutHeadEM is right, we have to hear again from Doughboy1917. He rocks. Hope he's still doing well. The Mapos have spoken. Thanks for the great attention GreenMountain Girland DonutheadEM along with the great names you give to all the faithful. Now, onto the major add campaign. Maple Girl and I will do our part!!
Hubbell star guy gazer28 - August 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Looks like we're looking for the feast from our glorious past- I'm in- Especially if it's free Dutch's for all- Give me a text some time- Like to talk old times- and make new ones-
Aggie - August 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was a big product in my house and dorm room. Best donut in a box and best times eating donuts with good friends.
Steven Y - August 10, 2016 - Report this comment
This donut in the baby blue box was amazing. Not like the shhit out there today like TastCake or whatever they call it. Seems everything today in the super market is garbage. Would not even call it real food
Kat - August 11, 2016 - Report this comment
Know it's weird, but got a call from my nephew. He said he got a call from a friend and where that info came from I don't know. My aunt worked at Dutch Mill for many years. She supported my dad who worked hard in the 50's and 60's and then went to the bottle. Anyway, Dutch Mill shaved her live and mine since I lived with her. If there's anything I can do to help bring these special people back let me know. My husband won lots in a suit an I miss what things were like in the 70s and 80s. And, sorry to hear about Dutch's passing. He was a good man.
Stepen - August 12, 2016 - Report this comment
Treat like these are worth taking about. I will gladly pass on the message to all my friends. Which, since Dartmouth is now at around two. Awww, who am I kidding, one at best. Liked the double chocolate. But they were all legend.
Fusion Stawberry 7 - August 12, 2016 - Report this comment
Good donuts.
I gots the Mott's - August 15, 2016 - Report this comment
Hey DUde, I know you remember when I was so stoned out of my mind, we watched Night Line followed by The Odd Couple and I put a can of Mott's on four Dutch Mills Donuts and eat it over the course of the night! Good times.
Carl - August 16, 2016 - Report this comment
Landis and I once ate three boxes on a hiking trip on the AP in New Hampshire back in circa July/August 1996. Remember 'cause it took place with Choo Choo and Caleb.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of The Heathers - August 16, 2016 - Report this comment
Damn, GreenMountainGirl, did you step it up, or what!! You gots tons of fans to come aboard. Only two of the recent update are from my people. You finely honed butthole, you! I'm gonna step it up with Mapes. We're even making stickers to put on bathroom wall, public one, all around northern New Jersey. Also, like the hiking reference Big Carl! Will put some in and around camp sites as well. Mapes and I are in love and not just with each other but Dutch Mill. We've also got to get more pictures on here. A picture of the real Dutch would be great if it's OK Oky Dokie with his family since he passed on. We are totally gonna promote and keep up with GreenMountainGirl's fine effort! Love you all like DonutHeadEM and miss you Doughboy1917. But, I have A feeling we'll hear from you soon, sir. And, what about all you cool cats from back in the old days?
DonutMan EM - August 17, 2016 - Report this comment
GMBoyz you are the Legendary BRUCE DICKINSON - "The Producer".....You needed More Cowbell - You asked for More Cowbell - And You got More Cowbell....and we thank ya.
Hormel - August 17, 2016 - Report this comment
Worked at Hormel when they public went: "Cram your spam." Was DutchMill a union outfit. They sure had great donuts. Someone brought up TastyCake. What crap is that.
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of The Heathers - August 18, 2016 - Report this comment
You ARE the cowbell, GMboy! You put me and Mapes to shame. We'll try to step it up, too! 235 more e-mails go out from us today and Thursday and Friday
Sissor Girl - August 19, 2016 - Report this comment
Love you Heather, I'm with you. Donuts were always a fine treat for we ladies who liked the ladies! Wish you and DutchDonuts make the comebaker.
The Clark - August 20, 2016 - Report this comment
We're with you Greener! We shared the girls and the donuts back in the day. It's all about that hole!
Simple934 - August 20, 2016 - Report this comment
My wife just put on the oven and I thought I smelled Dutching Delights. You brought so many of these boxes up to school. We should bring back those good times, but I don't think the wife would like it(
Charles D; as in Dickons - August 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill WAS the legend back then, but times change. Welcome to the world of continual streaming of commercial garbage, soft porn, melted minds and a populous that sees a Hillary Clinton as presidential timber. This day and age is garbage in terms of human intellect and logic. Dutch Mill is from another time, my sweet GreenBoy. Don't talk about the past to a generation that created lies like Black Lives Matter, George Sorros, Liberal Lies and baked goods that are mass produced crap. People rag on the 80's with our MTV, Ronald Reagan, Wall Street trike down good old fashioned pride in the U.S.A. I say to this generation of Clinton, Obama, a Left Wing Nut Job Media and all the other lazy, worthless freeloaders and say, we pray for you. YOU NEED IT! God Bless the 80's, Dutch Mill and a Nation and World that made Reagan proud.
Green Mountain Boyz; of '92; #12 - August 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Aw stop it you guys like MapleHeads and DonutManEM. I'm just a guy that puts his pants on one leg at a time. The only difference is when I do, I make Gold Records and bring back multimillion dollar quality dontus! ha ha ha I've got a fever ... and the only cure is more Dutch Mill. By the time I'm done with you guys, you'll all be wearing gold plated diapers and eating Dutch Mill with the class of '95!
Charles D; as in Dickos - August 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Like my post a-hole?! I even used your stupid semi Collin and spelled "Dickens" like you did in our Senior Year paper and you got stoned and ate everything in the room! Tel them about he back story.
Topps card 1975 - August 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Jut to mess with 'yall, I sent this webpage to over another 5,600 idiots like you! These donuts were nothing special except for you old fools!
DonutMan EM - August 22, 2016 - Report this comment
...."Gold Plated Diapers" GM Boyz? ...."What does that mean?" Great dictation Dickens
Panama Pete - August 22, 2016 - Report this comment
You bring 'em back I'll buy 'em
Birdy - August 22, 2016 - Report this comment
See it comes down to DutchMillz or nothing. Can anyone tell me if they'd bring me a box in the joint because I'd kill for these babies. Miss these Dutchies but I miss the company that I kept when I had them all day I say today.
Dickson - August 23, 2016 - Report this comment
Sam and I were in school with this so called legend. OK, so he was, and still is, but I'm not eating your donuts, bro, till you take me out for drinks. As I recall I bought the last round back in mid 90's New England and you said you'd get me back. So when?!
Ivy I - August 23, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of The Heathers - August 24, 2016 - Report this comment
Great post "Ivy 1" and yes, I'm being somewhat sarcastic. Then again, that says it all: "Dutch Mill." You're obviously a person a few words. Then again, some people only know a few. ha ha Anywho, I just did my part with Maple Boy. We sent out a massive mailing. Trying to keep up with Green Mountain Mega Man A.K.A. Bruce Dinkinson. Good one DonutManEM! Also, where's our awesome DoughBoy1917? Let's all do our part for the end of the summer blowout! Great posts everyone and let's get this 80's party rockin' like it's never been rocked before!
DropeDeadJealous - August 24, 2016 - Report this comment
Hey Heather! You are my girl! Miss you so much. Let's do our thing. Good luck to your Dutch Mission.
Orange Men Power! - August 25, 2016 - Report this comment
You Ivy League dorks could never keep up with the boys & girls of Orange-Town! So eat your hearts out, while we eat everything else including your women and Dutch Mills! Up yours Green Mountain Fool! Ha ha ha ha Tops that, you B-hole!
M. Horner - August 25, 2016 - Report this comment
Great Donuts Everyone! For me the 'ol timing stomach pleasing Dutch Donut was the price of glory. Why aren't they around, I say?
CindyW - August 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Think I get it now, you donut fans. Put me down for a vote. Then again, with other elections, voting is not what it used to be.
Magnum Force - September 08, 2010 - August 26, 2016 - Report this comment
It's been a while for this old cowboy. Yes, that's me. Would have been back sooner, but some zipperhead tried to steal my Grand Tarino. But now I'm trying to get him a job in construction. What to put more filthy Tasktycakes on my supermarket shelves. "Go ahead, make my day!!" That's right, Clint's back, you punks!
The Drake - August 27, 2016 - Report this comment
Let's make a deal, if you remember when we watched that show on acid. I came on here and never e-mail me again about you darn donuts!
GMboy - August 28, 2016 - Report this comment
No comment, DrakeFace
No Country for this Old Man - August 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Nothing like the old days. I'm not even 45, but I feel old when I hear about the old times. Bring back this awesome donut.
Michael & Cari - August 29, 2016 - Report this comment
Greets from your old pas from down under. Well, actually back up till fall. What's gone on here in my old homeland since we left back in 1999? Miss this place not as much as we'd though. Bring Dutch Mill down under. We love our sweets and quality baked goods. We'll put another Dutch's on the Barbie For Ya!
BarbLUVron - August 30, 2016 - Report this comment
Today is Dutch Mill Awareness day for me? Thanks for the email, booby. Now get us a box
GMBoy - August 30, 2016 - Report this comment
Hey MapleHeads, is (Michael & Cari) your contact? Great post and hope they get the Dutch Mill Bug going on down in the land of down under! Also, can't believe Magnum Forse Dude is back! That is beyond incredible. Please keep coming back on and "Making Our Day." I'm sorry more people aren't coming on here. I'm trying to get a dozen a day. Sent out thousands of e-mails, but only a few a day. That's OK though. Because come the first day of September I'm dropping the E Bomb! Have a method to send out around 420,000 thousand updates to folks who are known to buy baked goods. Yes, folks ... "Reek havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!" Or the taste buds of flavor.
golfnut - August 31, 2016 - Report this comment
Was it Dutch Mill or Dutch Mill Bakery? Remember this one I think. How you got to me, will never know. So what's up with these guys?
DonutMan EM - August 31, 2016 - Report this comment
WOW!!!! "GM Boyz & The Mapes" truly got the word out - 43 entries in August. If "Doughboy 1917" sees this response he would state it was as if the famous Norman Lindsey WWI Australian recruitment poster "THE TRUMPET CALLS" just got plastered all over the cyber bathroom wall....(by no means is that an insinuation that's where DM fans hang out it was merely a figure of speech...if we were TRULY talking about bathroom walls we would also have to mention all the Tasty products that are produced within said walls--but I digress.) --- TO GM Boyz & The Mapes: The Cerimonial Dutch Mill Bugle is here by presented to you on behalf of all the remaining Dutch Mill employees for your comittment on blowing the Dutch Mill Call To Arms and rallying the troops. Here Here!
Dom - September 01, 2016 - Report this comment
Said Dutch Mill is a great product from the 70s that I remember. They should bring them back from now.
Steven B. - September 01, 2016 - Report this comment
Thinking of DutchMill makes me want one now. But, I don't think that's gonna happen. I'm going to ask the $64,000 question. A) Does anyone know where that phrase came from? B) The question is, people, what donut comes closest to DutchMill out of anything out there? Can't belive nobody has every asked that.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers - September 01, 2016 - Report this comment
No, GM Girl, I don't know the Down Under person! Thanks DonutHeadEM for your kind words. And welcome back Dirty Harry! This page is exploding like Maple Man after he doesn't see me for a month. ha ha Yes, Donut Dude EM, I, too, miss the famous Doughboy 1917. But, I just know he'll be back. I'm guessing by September mid. I just know. I know really. Maple Man loves you war quotes. Canadians fought hard in the first war, he said. I will warn, Steven B for asking that question. Whatever donut you say "comes close" you'll catch heck, "not hell" bad word. You'll catch heck cause Maple man and Donut Head EM won't say anything cums close!!! Sorry I'm being crazy, but got home from work and had a whole bottle of cabwine and another half glass and don't work tomorrow. Maples is gonna be made and can give action. Dammn I'm gone out of my head now
Dial A Joke - September 02, 2016 - Report this comment
Remember the Dial A Joke back them when you'd call up and here jokes on the phone? Love Dutch Mill.
Tucker - September 02, 2016 - Report this comment
Think of a world without Donut? Then again, it could happen. Bring Dutch Mill back to our town. My childhood was filled with these and birds.
Whitehead - September 02, 2016 - Report this comment
Since this company is no longer here, someone said what's the alternative. I say go with Dunkin' plain. THAT'S RIGHT! That is NOT a bad donut. No other store bought donut is even edible. Remember when they, Dunkin' Donuts plain had a little "Ring" bump on them?
Joe8392 - September 02, 2016 - Report this comment
Keep sending me DonutSpam and I'll keep spamming back with 60s music. Funny thing is I do remember these silly donuts. Miss the box! Good donut with a typical 80s "cool art" box. That was creativity at it's best. Funny how such a small little crappy donut shop could hire a top of the line artist and creative Madison Avenue ad firm. Crap ... now that I think of it, those donuts were amazing!
lercon - September 02, 2016 - Report this comment
What year did I first have a taste of dutch mills? why do you ask? Funny emails. good doughnuts, but funny things going afoot. put me down for a six pack of powder. but really liked the cininin. I guess around 1983
Aaron - September 03, 2016 - Report this comment
We my family bought these but not for years. Must have been the time of around 1991 when we got them last. Hard to believe its been that long.
Billy Jean - September 04, 2016 - Report this comment
Wondering if we can find out what happened to all these great stores and items from my beloved 1980 times and see where they are now.
Jack & Diane - September 04, 2016 - Report this comment
WHO THE HELL SENT US THIS? YES, we remember these donuts! Please put more pictures on and tell us where to sign a petition to get them back to South Jersey!
JUTR - September 04, 2016 - Report this comment
Who sent this? Why is this so important?
The Journyman - September 04, 2016 - Report this comment
Seeing all of this energy for such an old product makes me miss the old days even more. You guys ever watch that "ALl 80s MTV Thing" that's on sometimes on either Saturday or Sunday? And, where are the places we can buy some of the items from the 80s? They should have an 80s food show.
Jedt 232 - September 04, 2016 - Report this comment
Smell like a Dutch Mill comeback. Been going to the store for years looking at a replacement, but in this day in cheap baked goods, no such thing.
Issac - September 05, 2016 - Report this comment
Never got a message before about a donut. Keep 'em coming. It's great getting a fun/silly text with no selfish agenda. Count me in on the Dutch Mill Comeback Train.
Robert W - September 05, 2016 - Report this comment
With sadness I go on record stating these were the best donuts ever to hit a super market shelf. And, with the grace of God, they shall return.
O's Baltimore! - September 06, 2016 - Report this comment
Go Birds Go! Thanks for the donuts update, whoever you are
addams 4 - September 06, 2016 - Report this comment
Together we can get something going. But first let's take our Country back. Right now we're one big donut hole! Notice how I spell "hole" as in we're becoming a zero. Dutch's was the best by the way.
WaltTHEcook - September 08, 2016 - Report this comment
As someone that "cooks" let me tell you this. You will never come close to my recipe. Let's do it. I'm in.
Douglas - September 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Why not bring back a real donut. My aunt called them "cake donuts." Don't know if that was her term or what the company called them. Either way, these rocked the block.
Ned - September 09, 2016 - Report this comment
Talk is cheap, but action is golden. Or, might we say powdery! Anyone else love the powder?
Kenny & Jeff - September 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Speaking for my old roomie and myself, glad to hear from an old friend. Don't remember your famous Dutch Mill's so much, but glad to see you're got a passion old buddy!
Mark "U" - September 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill making a cum-back? Loved them as much as my other hobby.
Trackenburg - September 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Sitting at my food closet just made me think of those old treats. Dutch Donuts came in so many flavors, too. I can think of a half dozen off hand. Bring them back, but only if you want me to put on 50 pounds in less than a year. Lord were they GOOD.
Mr. & Mrs. Maple of the Heathers - September 11, 2016 - Report this comment
Great job everyone! And you, Sir Blue Oyster Cult Producer are doing a youperson's job! GreenMoutain Boy has become a GreenMountain MAN! ha ha!! And, I'm sure DonutBigManEM is on the grouth chart, too. We will, at least Maple Man and I, hope our Doughboy 1917 makes a comeback. GREAT QUESTIONS from Douglas and Ned! I can answer this one: "Yes, Dutch Mill Plain Donuts were called cake donuts. Right DonutHeadEM? But, don't know if Dutch Mill had powder from the first to end day. Think that was just a phase. LIke their poor pound cake which shold have made it big. BUT HERE is the real theme for today. Everyone come on and wish America the best on this September 11th Day. I was at an ice rink when I heard and cried. Mapes was upset, too, even though he's a Maple Leaf Patriot. I cried then and now. But what a great country we have. GOD BLESS AMERICA! I just know we're going to get at least a dozen more Dutch Mill fans on here to Bless this great land on this day. And, have a feeling Doughboy1917 will come back, too. SO LET's GO PEOPLE and get on here today and tell us all how much you love America and miss those we lost 15 years ago today.
JOSEPH B - September 12, 2016 - Report this comment
For Heaven's sake bring back these donuts! That way we've got real choices when we shop and BoBo can stop sending me texts. Yes, that's what we called him: "BoBo."
DonutMan EM - September 13, 2016 - Report this comment
I guess your GM BoBoyz from now on GM Boyz.
Commish The - September 14, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts is wrath baking. That is, it's mad good and get the competition mad cause they're so good.
Dunkin' GoNuts - September 16, 2016 - Report this comment
Loved Dunkin' for years, hey, they have a good product, but miss the legends of the super market shelves. The crap on the shelves now is nothing like Dutch Mill!@
GM BoBoyz - September 16, 2016 - Report this comment
When you're handed a nickname, take it like a man, I say! That said, you're a giant douchebag, Joey B, for revealing that info you ingrate! Who carried you back then you jagoff!? ha ha ha. Sorry I missed you tribute MapleGirl and MapoMan. And let's all rock on from DonutHeadEM to the great Doughboy1917. Hey, let's get some of you really old timers on here, too. Some great posts from two/three and even 4 to 5 years ago. Where'd all you once great ones go? Oh yeah, Dutch Mill Rules and long R.I.P. their late owner. "Dutch" the man may be dead, but his legend lives on. I'm going to a ball game this weekend! A MLB game. Boycotting all NFL games. No need to support those who hate this great county of ours. Who needs them? - September 17, 2016 - Report this comment
Websites like these are what we're missing. Never had Dutch Donuts, but you people are actually doing something special. GoDaddy
Arnie's ARMY - September 19, 2016 - Report this comment
My dad loved Arnold Palmer and Dutch Mill. Thanks for sending me your link and wish you well.
Charley - September 20, 2016 - Report this comment
When is doubt, eat a donut. My choice was Dutch Mill, but there are still some good ones out there. Just no longer in the supermarkets.
Kevin WBK - September 20, 2016 - Report this comment
Still love the taste of a good donut. Dutch did it best. Sorry to hear he lost his battle with cancer. When did he pass? I heard it was July of 2015, or was it the first day of August?
Julius - September 22, 2016 - Report this comment
What a day it was back in the 80's when mom brought home the goods. And in this case we're talking Dutch Mill Donuts. They had at least a dozen flavors but my sister and I liked the double chocolate while mom would eat a good old fashioned plain with her coffee
Kyle M - September 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Since around the 5th grade maybe 4th we'd get Dutch Mill but couldn't have it for breakfast. It was a very special treat as it cost more than other products. And for good reason. They were the best.
Arnie'ARMY - September 26, 2016 - Report this comment
We lost Arnold Palmer yesterday. So sad, but being close to the family, we knew it was near. God Bless this wonderful man and great spokes person for the game of golf. He was one of a kind. Will cry today with a half lemonade and ice tea drink. Sadly I can't share that moment with my dad or Dutch Mill or Uncle Arnold. But, I know they are both in a better place; dad and Arnold that is.
Johnson - October 02, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill and Me would be the title of my guilty pleasure book of the 1980's
Howard - October 12, 2016 - Report this comment
I like dutch mill
GM BoBoyz - October 16, 2016 - Report this comment
Where have all you people gone? Did you all join "Mr. Dutch" in the great beyond? And are you for real "Arnie's ARMY?" How'd you know the Legend was in bad shape? You did, sadly, call that one. My Uncle Ed loved Mr. Palmer. Don't make 'em like that anymore. Dutch Mill is missed, but nothing like that glorious man. Now come back, people! Where are you Mapos, too. Guess you can't take the crazy nick-names EM-Donut-Head gave us. Can't take the heat, get out of the Dutch Mill kitchen! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha And especially come back Doughboy1917. So many great ones we seem to be losing.
DonutMan EM - October 17, 2016 - Report this comment
I second GM BoBoyz sentiments on Arny - a class act all around.....not too much of that nowadays. Watching some old clips on Bing Crosby,Bob Hope, George Burns,Carol Burnett etc. seemed like an endless list of public/show biz/athletic figures inadvertantly teaching good behavior and character to the youth...Who do we have now!!! DoughBoy 1917 & Tom Hanks come to mind but the endless parade of poor role models seems endless across all industries and society as a whole... One once said - "Character is defined as what someone does WHEN nobody is looking" Well not quite sure of Brad Pitt, Miley Cyrus, Madonna,Hillary,The TastyKake Board, Ray Price et al.... But I do know Arnie would be doing things to make mankind proud.. Rest in Peace AP.
Garth of W - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Great page. What's up wit da comeback? Thanks Reg
DonutMan EM - November 11, 2016 - Report this comment
"We are coming to the 11th Hour, of the 11th Day, of the 11th Month" A classic DoughBoy 1917 quote from his 11/11/15 post....Scroll back it's a must read.. His devotion to the Vets,this Country and recognition to the soldiers of the Great War that ended all Wars is truly awe inspiring and humbling. Pray the DoughBoy is still among us for surly all could learn (especially the youth) from him and realize how hard and at what cost freedom is obtained and consequently maintained and how special it is to cheerish and not take for granted. This is a day to honor all that are and have fought for us so we can live in this Great Country.
Gloria for Doughboy1917 - November 11, 2016 - Report this comment
Hello everyone and so glad that "Grandpa" has so many loyal followers. He kept talking about this day and his grandkids brought him his favorite: a donut and black coffee. Well, we need to put cream in it now, but still. We always have a special time since our beloved Grandfather's father was a WWI VET!! And our grandfather severed in the Korean War. Grandpa can't type, and has trouble remembering, so he has me, his daughter conduct business for him. Will make sure to go on here more. Know all about the great celebration for 11/11/11. And, Grandpa wanted to say how happy he is to have a 'real man' in the White House. Not a perfect man, but better than the Phony Clown we have now and Crook that wanted to continue the journey "back to the commies," as he'd say. Also was happy listening to his talk radio this week and talked about how "The Eddies" saved the world again. The Savage Nation, with Michael Savage, refers to these men. "Eddies" are the "common" everyday men that do their jobs and don't look for praise. They are the forgotten who made this country what it is. They are there when the country calls them and they spring into action. That's who saved this election, said Grandpa. Men are no longer men, according to him; and he's right! His loves his county, the simple things in life and those "Eddies" like his father who made this Nation the best place on earth. God Bless Dutch Mill and all you real Americans! WE LOVE YOU ALL!
Ofernet - November 27, 2016 - Report this comment
SO glad we's not the only ones to love these donut hoels. Got to many bad memories of bad donuts. Thanks Scott for telling us about the hope.
Shake and Bake - November 29, 2016 - Report this comment
Holly Snikies! Didn't know there were so many fans of the Seventies on here! Keep on Truckin'! Loved Dutch Mills and wish they were back. These guys were the best. Such a cool page.
Dutch - November 30, 2016 - Report this comment
Good Morning my fellow Americans, my precious Dutch Mill Donut lovers. The stories of my demise are greatly exaggerated. I'm still alive and kickin'. I proudly tell you that I'm the guy who founded Dutch Mill Donuts, and I'm still alive and well living in New Jersey with my wife. Our four kids are all grown; we have seven grandchildren. Sorry I haven't been on this site in a while. I'm consulting for businesses including bakeries now. The Dutch Mill days were great days. I loved the eighties. And, well, I loved the sixties and seventies too. My favorite time of all though is right now, because this present moment is where life happens; enjoy every day my friends. Cheers. John Sandfort
Dutch - November 30, 2016 - Report this comment
OMG DonutMan EM - it's you - Dutch Mill's plant manager for 18 years! I'm going to try your old phone number... Let's talk. This is amazing! You and I made every single Dutch Mill donut together - you in the plant and me in the office and on the road...
Lemont - December 04, 2016 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was the good donut that made me take in all the good time from yesterday. They are better than anything out there today. We have more tech stuff today by far, but food goods have went down hill.
GM BoBoyz - December 07, 2016 - Report this comment
Holy Crap-on-a-Stick, Batman!! This is incredible. First, and foremost, Sorry, Sweet Gloria, The Honorable Doughboy1917 is not in the best of health. Please give him our most profound greetings and honors. And, is this, Dutch, correspondence for real?! I thought he passed on to that great donut shop in the sky. And, where are the Mapos?! So much so soon. Now with Dutch (If it's for real) and DonutHead EM this following has no limits. I, the Great GM BoBoy will begin a Christmas Mailing and not stop till mid-2017. God Bless you all; especially Doughboy1917 and Sir Dutch of Donutville, if this is for real.
K-Town - December 08, 2016 - Report this comment
Bring back lots of eighties stuff starting w dutch mill and whacky packs. Remember them boys? Girls, too. My cousin's friend wanted Bank Aid from me. That was one of the hardest to get.
Son of Bam - December 11, 2016 - Report this comment
Bam Bam Bigalo was a wrestler in the WWF back in the 80s. Anybody care to guess what his fav donut was? Well, I don't know, but mine was Dutch's
Hyuym Silverburg - December 13, 2016 - Report this comment
Yes, that's my real name, and I actually went to Dartmouth! Only jew there! ha ha Actually, there were quite a few of us and we all loved BoBo also known as BM Boy. Real bu-t-t hole of a guy! ha ha Kidding ... we love you boy. Thanks for turning us jews onto Dutch Mills. They are actually Kosher! No joke. Somebody back me up on that. Great donut. Merry Christmas my gentile friends and great New Year!
Flow - December 15, 2016 - Report this comment
For real? Yes, I like them, but why the hype? They coming back? Hope you're well. Miss
Newton the Lizard - December 20, 2016 - Report this comment
Yes, I named him "Newton" and it just stuck. He didn't eat that cinnamon dutch doughnut but he liked leaves.
Karen - December 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Sweet taste of Dutch Mill is what I need back!
Leaf34 - December 23, 2016 - Report this comment
since this is request, I will go on record saying this is a fine donut with punch. Yes, I'll help bring this brand back, if you fine sir, help bring back my stamina. You remember how I went. Bull Dog in sack town. You got it!
Merelken - December 24, 2016 - Report this comment
Please see our tribute to Dutch Doughnuts on the YouTube video. Go to YouTube and put in: Dutch Doughnuts and it's by Merelken De Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers - December 25, 2016 - Report this comment
Merry Christmas Everybody! And, just 24 Hours from Boxing Day, too! Just wanted to touch base. Got mad about something, but today is not the day to express that. Is that really THE Dutch Man. Talk about a Christmas Miracle! Love Dutch Mill and hope to make then again. The Mapos are wishing you all GREAT CHEER!!!
Gail N - December 25, 2016 - Report this comment
Creepy getting spam mail on doughnut from annonamous sourses, but then realized it was goofy goggles. Bring me a box and we're even! have a great Christmas all and Happy Chanuka!
Mr. & Mrs. Maples of the Heathers - December 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Happy Boxing Day everyone! Long live Dutch Mill, or rather ... Love Live Dutch! Is he really among the living, or is someone playing a sick joke?! Now, let's bring back the legend, and as Mapes just joked in the background, we're not talking about John Holms! ha ha ha
Te-Amo since 77' - December 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Hey boys & girls, tis is the Te-Amo boy who has been smoking cigs since the year 1977 in the Year of Our Lord. Used to chase them with Dutch Mill donuts, chocolate, of course. They had the best double chocolate. And, I'm still here.
Matt Hotzma - December 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Great donut and I think they had pound cake, too. But, my mom didn't buy them as much.
DonutMan EM - December 29, 2016 - Report this comment
Strike up Irving Berlin with Puttin On The Ritz.....between the return of the Honorable DoughBoy 1917 filling in for the late Gene Wilder and the recently reincarnated DUTCH they really tap danced quite the show for this page in November..... let's just hope Igor didn't drop Hans Delbruck's brain and used Aby-something-or-others...this page does have standards - sorry John. Great to have Dutch back at the helm and what better than a reincarnated Dutch to reincarnate Dutch Mill...... John, I was at the Process Expo in Vegas last month and saw a Belshaw Cutter exactly like ours--brought back plenty of could be yours for a price ya know Dutch:).... Hope your family is well and welcome back. To everyone of the Dutch Mill Legion of Dunkers - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Rabit - December 30, 2016 - Report this comment
Yum, Yum in my tum
Sandy - December 31, 2016 - Report this comment
Let's see what this company and others like it will do for the LGBT Community in the year 2017! I know Dutching Mills has great baked good, but let's see them take a stand!
Simpson - December 31, 2016 - Report this comment
How many of these emails are you going to send me, brother man? But, it's all cool. I will do all I can to bring back the boys in the baking room. Let's be all Dutch Mill fanatics. Love them, too.
Dutch - January 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Happy New Year DonutMan EM. All the best to you and your family, who must be - grown up! Happy New Year to all Dutch Mill lovers. Thank you for this site, which brings pride to my heart. Hey Ed, I'm consulting for a bakery now opening a donut shop so I've been talking with Belshaw myself. Feels good. God bless you all, and that means all, including LGBT, and any other way people live and let live.
Mary M - January 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Everybody should stop and thank these great people for all the joy they spread through their baked works of art! You guys were the best. It's like the song: Simply The Best!
Cherry & The Sting - January 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey boys & girls from our little crap town that's too pathetic for a Springstien song. We had our fun. "Box 'em up." This donut WAS the 1980's. That and good times down the shore with good friends.
R-mon - January 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Sucks is what other are such as Tastykate, which is garbage on a stick. "Bad News Bears" for them this coming year. Dutch Mill RUELS!!!!
Cam Newton club - January 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Dab on those guys! Dutch Mill should open a plant in NC
Abraham - January 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Four score and four decades ago, our Father's set forth, on this earth, a plan to create a more perfect doughnut. People will little remember, or note, the crap that is Tasktkake. But they will not, nor should not, forget the sacrifices make by those who brought us Dutch Mill. And, forever remember and respect the donut of the people, made by the people, for the people.
Wood is here! - January 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Since there is no Dutch Mill, I'll sing the blues over a box of Dunkin' Donut plains. Actually, they're not even close. Nothing comes close to these fools.
Darlind - January 08, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey, what's all the talk? How's it hanging, man? No time, no hear. I've got the time, if you have the beer. Oh yeah, donuts.
The Cin City Kid - January 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey guys, it's you old pally from Cincinnati. Bet you didn't think I'd get your crazy texts. All an excuse to see my fast ball again. How long has it been since our days in New England? You nuts, I luv ya!
Cindy - January 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Double Chocolate were classic Dutch Mill
Aaron - January 15, 2017 - Report this comment
These are my favorite days watching basketball and other sports while eating doughnuts. Unfortunately, we don't have Dutch Mill anymore. Do you men and women of the dough see a day when we can once again have back our tasty treats?
Black Beatles - January 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Got the winter time blues, yo. Need Dutch Mill, n That girl is a real (&$)
Banquet Henry - January 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Time has come for me to speak my piece. Yeah, I love these doughnuts and wish they were back. You guys have a following and I respect that. Ever think about a commercial and talk about these doughnuts? Think about it, it would get people talking. Put just a brief commercial on TV like the song said: As Seen On TV
Fred - January 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill will come back in my view. They created not just a donut, but a cultural icon. If it were up to me we'd bring them back now. Go to the super market now, and there's not a single pre packaged donut that is edible.
Davis - January 27, 2017 - Report this comment
It was 20 years ago today, St. Pepper went on to say, Give me Dutch Mill or you will pay. It's St. Pepper's lonely hearts donut band. Band on the run
GM BoBoyz - January 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey you fools! Where did all these comments cum from? Did you Mapos get some people or is this page just hot? You guys ROCK!
GM BoBoyz - January 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Who was it again that gave me the nickname "BoBoyz" again? Was that you Mapo Girl, or one of you other players? Seriously, this page is rockin' and for once I, your humble Green Mountain Legend, can't take all the credit for you losers. They call me "The Legend" like Johnny Holms! ha ha ha This is great. We even have the Real Legend John Standord back! This is Greatness personified. No let's get it going people. I'm taking it to another level. Lets get even more sexual healing going on like Marvin Gay. These Dutch Mill Fan Club People will bring it back to the glory days. I am so drunk right now!!!
Digital Undergroud Agent 0069 - January 31, 2017 - Report this comment
You freaks are making them crazy! My friend whom I shall not name worked at a donut company whom I also won't name. But they are mentioned here quite often. Their donuts are #hit and don't compare to Dutch Millz. In fact, they don't compare all that well to dog crap. Anyway, this friend tell me that this company and their cakes that are most tasty and going absolutely NUTZ!!! Their bosses have banned the words "Dutch Mill" and anyone of the lackies that eccors the words is written up. No joke is Dutch Mill in their green eyes. All "little people" acknowledge their brand of foods are not 2nd rate, but 3rd to 4th rate. One employee wrote "Dutch Mill Lives" on a bathroom wall and they went Crazy like you wouldn't believe. They offered 3 paid days off to whomever would turn in the culprit. They are such blood sucking, low rent, hack job, and bafoonish assclowns. They can't stand Dutch Mill and are jealous beyond words. They have no class and have no talent. Go to the hotdog place down the road, you know the one, and write your thoughts on that bathroom wall. I did and they even took that off! How funny!
DonutMan - February 01, 2017 - Report this comment
No need to confirm GM BoBoyz.....just assumed you were always drunk. :)
GM BoBoyz - February 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, DonutHead, I'm drunk, but only half crazy! Some of these people are more than three cans short of a six pack if you know what I mean. Who are these people. Whoops, gotta go, it's Miller Time!
Drumund - February 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Donuts are the fuel of life. And life is what Dutch's did for my existence. How's that for a text back?!
GM BoBoyz - February 03, 2017 - Report this comment
That's my boy!! Drumund is mine! I got my guy on here. Now where did you other naggers come from? Where are you Maypos. Baby come back, you can blame it all on me. That's a 70's song I love
GM BoBoyz - February 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Yeah, I'm gone. That's it for me for about many months. Get the feeling I'm trash and not the thing. Piling on is over.
Kyle S. - February 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey GM-B Hole, They're all correct. You are s stupid friggin drunk. I agree with the boys above like DonutsMan; You are a worthless drunk! Hey Cow!
GM Boy - February 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Geez, guys, I was just doing a satire on The Mapos and didn't mean I was really mad! Let's settle down with the name calling. If you mock me for having a few drinks let's REALLY dial it back. Watching the Super Bowl today and actually want Brandy and they Patties because they stand up for President Trump. But after everything I've done for this page, I thought I'd get a little more respect. Probably will take some time off. Where are you Mapos when I need you? Think you and the Old WWI vet are my only friends left. I think I'm really gone. Thanks for nothing you disloyal jerks! Yeah I drink and have fun but you have no right to judge me when I've really tried to help bring back this great Dutch Mill donut. As Richard Milhouse Nixon once said, "You won't have me to kick around anymore." Good bye you ungrateful jerks
DonutMan EM - February 06, 2017 - Report this comment
C'mon GM BoBoyz, your a legend on this page (aka BRUCE DICKINSON) a part of our famous double play combination Tinkers to Evers to Chance--- also known as The Maypos to GM BoBoyz to The DoughBoy 1917!! Out of respect to "The Legend" I'm officially changing my name to "DonutHead EM" which is a GM BoBoyz namesake classic... Need ya back GM BoBoyz and the "Maypos" too!!
The Maypos - February 10, 2017 - Report this comment
WHAT THE 'F'? Crazy things going on here. Love all you guys. I'm going on a mailing spree to get tons more people on board! Come back BoBoy!!! Like the song from the 70's: "Baby come back, you can blame it all on me ..." Love 70's song and making love in donut dough. Come back GM Boy and I'll give you some! Hey there! "
The Maypos - February 10, 2017 - Report this comment
BTW sorry we're such Aholes!
WIllis - February 17, 2017 - Report this comment
No telling how long Dutch Mill will take to give it back to the people.
Abe's Gettysburg Address - February 20, 2017 - Report this comment
Love these donuts!~
Dutch - February 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Peace donut lovers. DonutMan EM it was great talking to you the other day. Your old number still works. Hey I'm trying to upload to this site some more pictures but having trouble. Got the pic down to 375k but still won't go. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Dutch
Dud No More - March 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Used to call me, "Bud The Stud." Once was a big donut eater, but gave it up after Dutch Mill went belly up. They were the best in the west. Actually, the east, which rimes with Yeast!
DonutHead EM - March 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Sick of looking at those Cinder Blocks in Entemann's Pound Cake boxes so I'm taking home from work the Dutch Mill recipe book "The Bible" and whipping up a smaller batch of pound cakes....we used butter, milk etc. - nothing but the best. I'll buy a gallon of milk, loosen my belt, put on a Ranger game and taste what used to be 80's heaven.
Dutch - March 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Go for it EM. I remember the recipe came from an old Swedish recipe, and called for 18 minutes of blending. Remember how much trouble we had when they wouldn't rise right, because they were all natural and subject to, who knows what, weather changes perhaps. And they looked small compared to Entenmann's which were all blown up with emulsifiers... But oh what a taste... they were the best.
Sam The Butcher - April 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Remember so loving these donuts! Had a butcher shop, and yes, my name is "Sam." Sam I am. Wanted to order these Dutch's, but didn't know if they'd let a small time guy like me or Sam from The Brady Bunch. Either way, Dutch's were great!
Jugs - April 17, 2017 - Report this comment
This page really to bring them back?
Brockmire - April 21, 2017 - Report this comment
I love Dutch Mill so much I once had a big league ballplayer hit one so hard it went flying into the caverns of my wife's big fat cheating vagi........(CUT)
Dutch - April 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Hi Sam. Thanks for the kind words. We distributed through Arnold Bread drivers. Si if they went to your deli you could get our donuts. But if they didn't serve you, we couldn't make them. It was frustrating. Overall they were great, these independent owner operator Arnold distributors, but we could only push them so far... Overall, while it was frustrating at times, I am still grateful to each and every one of them.
GM Boboy - April 27, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey all good people, I'm back if you'll have me. I'm back with a new logo and a new attitude. That's interesting, Sir Dutch, about how the Arnold men helped make you The Legend. Where have you gone Mapos and the humble custodian for Sir Doughboy? I'm taking some time to gather up my marbles and will send out my biggest mailer to date. Spam will bring back the dough!
DonutHead EM - May 01, 2017 - Report this comment
"Bruce Dickinson" left to breath some of that clean, crisp, healthy Green Mountain Vermont air to clear his head and has returned to produce another Gold Record. A much missed GM Boboy has returned to ignite this page like no other can(although the Mapes are set a good fire too). Great to have you back GM Boboy -- but where are The Mapes!!
Simon Does 76 - May 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Was instructed to put forth our old college try by my old friend. Just call me one of the GREEN MOUNTAIN MEN. They don't know what they stated. May I suggest the start date? May 16th, 2017 to July 4, 2017. I've got three men on board, my old pal. That's for all the action you helped me get back in the 80's to early 90's and all the great DUTCH treats you brought up to get my though those hard mornings.
SnakeAB - May 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Let me know the launch time as I'm in
GMBoBoy - May 08, 2017 - Report this comment
Great men! Make the "Launch Date" May 16th of this Year Of Our Lord, 2017. Heard it said before on this sight, but it's like the scene in that second rate movie, Independence Day where the Alien Dudes are using technology to set up the attack. There's a countdown of sorts. Got 5 other peeps beside you guys. Keep it on the down low on this page till "Check Mate." Where are you Mapos and Cool Doughboy Family? We're got Donut Head EM and the Real Deal Dutch. Let's do this people.
Ron - May 09, 2017 - Report this comment
Yeah, no probalamo. Oh crap, did I supposed to confirm?
The Mapo Girl! - May 11, 2017 - Report this comment
OM-Goodness! This so made my day! Came on here to see if what the heck was going on, if anything, like, and Here was the cumback of BoBoy! And DonutEM and The Dutch are here, 2! I almost cried. Broke up with Mapo man. Here accused me of leaving posts I did not leave. Broke my heart, but I'd like to still be a part. Will definitely be a part of the cumback! ha ha ha. I don't know what to say. This so made my year! And, let's bring back that proud American that fought in American wars and 1. I can't believe this. Don't know what to say. Just love life right now. Love Dutch Mill and BoBoy and all of you!
Royal - May 13, 2017 - Report this comment
Good golly, oh Molly. Looks like we got ourselves a convoy. Who knows that line and what year. Even before your silly Dutch Doughnuts. Which, by the way, I, too, will fight for. Or should I say, "for whom I will fight," You sorry asss English Minor Dicck
GMBoBoy - May 13, 2017 - Report this comment
First off, "F-you, Royal!" Ha ha. BUT, can't believe YOU are back Mapo Girl!!! Sorry about Mapo Man. My boys and I will kick his sorry butt and then all bring back Dutch Mill together. NEVER trust Canadians. They invested crap health care, use Monopoly money for currency and believe citizens can't use their own minds and instincts to protect themselves with firearms. Oh yeah ... their donuts are totally overrated. Can't believe you're "Free," now since I just got into a serious relationship! ha ha, not that you would every have me, as awesome as I am. Let's see if DonutManBM (As is b-movement) can come up wither another name for you since "Mapo" is a Canada thing and we now hate Canada. Have gotten 18 more enthusiasts to join our cause. I'll get more than you, Heather! Launch time is May 16, 2017, SnakeAB, at High Noon. That's 12:00 PM you people!
Amero Girl? - May 13, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, should not us "Mapo Girl" anymore even though it was the great creation of one of this sights heroes, Donut"Head"EM. We'll come up with something. And, NO, don't want to date you either BoBoy, or should I say, BlowBoy! Now let's see, you get more people than me to start a new movement on May 16th. NO WAY.
Sidney - May 13, 2017 - Report this comment
We should start a classic comeback alright.
Glen - May 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Is this really happening? OK, I'm "In like Flynn." Bed you younger people, and even some "seasoned" folks don't know how and when that saying came about. Let's see if GM BoBO knows it. Like you're new name, bro!
GMBoBoy - May 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Yeah Heather, leave it up to DonutMan(BM) as in butt-movement) what you're new name should be. And don't blame you for not dating me. You couldn't handle it! But seriously, let's get this party started right, as Flavor Favor used to say in the 80's. And ... F you Glen! Love you, bro! Thanks for helping. Let's go SnakeAB, I know your on board as well, brother.
The Girl wiht no name yet - May 15, 2017 - Report this comment
What's my new name for the big kick off?
SnakeAB - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
"D Day" everyone. As in "Dutch Mill Day!"
BMBoBoy - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Hang in there Sweet Heather of the Mapes. It will come to us. I know that one Glen. But I'll let the proles take it from here. Let's go people, it comeback time!
D7Pats - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
I can feel it baking in the early light. Oh yeah. Dutch Mill come to us!
GMBoBoy - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Know many of my people are still getting in motion for the big rush. Probably same with Heather. Know where the phrase "In like Flynn," came from. Let's see if someone else can get it Glen. Let's Rush for Dutch Mill Donuts
James - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Wish we could have Dutch Mill for our road trip:)
Kate's Fate - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Easy boys, the girls are back in town, the girls are back in town. My friend's a sleepy head, but I'm here at work at "Inetech," if you know what I mean. We ACTUALLY have donuts this morning! WEEE But, I'm here for Dutch Donuts right now.
Dutch Boy From Oakland - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
How many little stores in Oakland, New Jersey sold Dutch Mill back in The 80's? Did Pathmark on that hill sell them, because my mom bough them and I don' remember where she got them.
Sultan - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
How many bites does it take to finish a Dutch Mill eight pack? My brother and I actually did this back in 1986! Forgot the number, but he ate four, as did I and we added them together. Talk about a science experiment that went right. That's what made Dutch Mill so special. They brought out passion. Could you imagine someone doing that with TastyFake? Of course not. Dutch Mill was the best donut of all time
Reagan - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
How many people wrote in when Dutch Mill got kicked out by Tasty's? I would have, but I was only eight. By the way, my dad named me after our 44th President. How cool is that?
The Internet Artist Formally Know as Mapo Girl - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
How's my new name? Let's Go Mets, as my late dad used to say back in 1969. Wasn't around then, but he was so happy when the Metropolitans won. Let's Go Dutch Mill! That song, "Me and my baby doing 69."
Felix - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Don't know where you're all going, but I promised a friend I'd help her. Good Luck!
The Internet Artist Formally Known as Mapo Girl - May 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Thanks Felix! I'll call you later tonight over a glass of Merlot. Sorry girls, Felix is married to my bother! ha ha I bet you'd like to meat him GMBoBo! ha ha I'm so silly right now. I got my friend to Go Dutch Mill.
Cenya - May 17, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is baking speak for "Love."
GMBoBoy - May 17, 2017 - Report this comment
Nobody picked up when I left my name as, BM. As in butt-movement. Glad all, well, almost all are with us. Way to go Heather. LOVE you're new name. Very Price, or should we say, the Artist Formally Know As ... Glad to see I actually have friends that are as crazy as I!
PikeJo - May 17, 2017 - Report this comment
Was there a time when Dutch Mill was up and running and business was in the blue. These was the best donut I've ever bought in a super market. Why can't they make them like this anymore?
Levi - May 17, 2017 - Report this comment
I did it with my first dutch mill in a freezer
rob7 - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Jackie Robinson did for baseball what Dutch's Mill did for donuts. They were both underdogs that were put down by the establishment and would go down in history as great ones.
Heather A.K.A. The Internet Artist Formally Known as Mapo Girl - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
The Mapo Girl did it again! Got more people and will beat BJBoy like a rented Mule!
SnakeAB - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Here's a question, and not a silly one: Did Dutch Mill ever have a "Donut Stick?" You know, the long dough things that they sometimes would twirl. Anyway, I like the "Cin" and powder. But plain rocked, too. Ahh, who am I kidding. Everyone was awesome. My boy brought them up from New Jersey and they got me though college.
DonutHead EM - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Much to the chagrin of "Heather AKA...." for whom I'm sure would have enjoyed them Dutch Mill did not make a "Donut Stick" or any other kind of pastry paraphernalia..... gezzzz... ANOTHER GREAT JOB by our beloved DM page pirate tiers Captain Jack Rackham (GM BoBoyz) and his partner in crime Anne Bonny (Heather AKA...) for whom both in a spirits and wine induced state swash buckled their talents to inspire all us scallywags to load up this page with the treasures of DM memories. Well Done Mattie's and fly that Jolly Roger of discontent with pride. Arrrgh.
BaseballCardShark3-2 - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
What's up my old bro, from you bud with the rro. Don't think I remember every detail, but thank for the kindness
BaseballCardShark3-2 - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Oh yeah, you must leave your goods at the door. If you're in for poker with us. Anti is 5 and limits are 10-20. Just like ol times, but ten times the chips! You big PUss! And, you can't use donuts for anti.
Chuck - May 18, 2017 - Report this comment
HOly Bolitnacouch, harry! UR Rite, there is emotion here. I'm here for GMB, my homie. NOT that other girl from Canada. THE MEN WILL WIN.
Jace - May 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill has been a part of my breakfast table all through college and grad. Black coffle, three Dutch Mill Donuts and a burning cigarette is the only way to train for a big event.
Bary Melrose, Mr. Hockey - May 19, 2017 - Report this comment
In Canada we like hockey, eh. We like donuts. We like Dutch Mill. Fighting should be part of hockey because we can police our own.
Dearest K - May 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, and who knew it would come to this. What a strange way to rekindle. Dutch Mill is the dough of love
Heather AKA - May 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Thanks for the kind and well written words of a complimentary nature Sir DonutHead of the EM! You are wise and witty beyond words Kind Sir.. Will talk more of your greatness and the greatness of your doughy masterpieces. HOWEVER, all hands of teck matties as that scallywag MAPO ASSS just came on here. HE IS "Bary Melrose, Mr. Hockey." GET OFF JERK FACE! Please come to my aide fellow Dutch Mill Heads. Even you perveboy GM. I HATE MAPO MAN as much as I LOVE DUTCH MILL!
ElfofShelf - May 20, 2017 - Report this comment
Bring me Dutch Mill for The Festival of Lights and Chrit's Birthday!
BMBoBoy - May 20, 2017 - Report this comment
Way to go BonutHead"BM"! Once again, the man is a poet and satirist in the finest tradition! I am Captain Jack Reacham and Heather is my watta be wench who knows how to control all her beloved pirates! Speaking of which, are you for real Heather?? AKA Anne Bonny? Is that jerk of a Canadian really "BarryMelrose?" If so, let us know, we'll circle the wagons. Then again, is this another one of your jokes???
Southern Kie - May 20, 2017 - Report this comment
What's up you donut hounds? Let's get it down here and make it happen, captain!
Mic - May 21, 2017 - Report this comment
It's all on us to do the right thing.
Obsession1973-1978 - May 21, 2017 - Report this comment
To be a part of Dutch Mill history is as important to me as being a good person in a mixed up world. So many great friends have come together to make a valid point. PLEASE let us all get along and realize we are all on the same page.
James Comey - May 21, 2017 - Report this comment
I love Dutch Mill ... oh, wait, no ... I hate Dutch Mill. No, I mean I love Dutch Mill. I mean I love Dutch Mill. No, no, sorry, I hate Dutch Mill. My mistake. I meant to say I love Dutch Mill. Oh crap, I'm just gonna pretend I actually have convictions and a moral compass and come up with another answer. Or, I'll just wear the same color suit as the curtains at the Dutch Mill company so Dutch and EM don't notice me and I don't actually have to man up and do what's right.
GMBoBoy - May 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Something tells me that might not be the real James Comey. Then again, Comey is a deceitful moron so who knows. ha ha ha So what's up Heather?! Is the "Mapo Man" thing for real. You have us backing you up. Also, I'm getting more fans on here. I really expected more friends, but they will come through. Watching MLB channel and getting into shape for he coming week.
HarleyGirl69 - May 22, 2017 - Report this comment
You get'em girl! You and your sweet donut hole rules! Girl Power!!
Heather Anne Bonny The Girl Pirate - May 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Oh, you bet it's on, Bowl Movement Boy from The Green Mountains of Vermont! I told Mapo Butt two things: A) Apologize to all our feature players B) NEVER come on here again. Or, it's on like Donkey Kong! And thanks my girl, HarleyGirl69. I've got friends in sexy places. And, I've got an Army here.
SnakeAB - May 22, 2017 - Report this comment
This is the single nuttiest donut page I ever went on. James Comey is hilarious. And, yes, I think it's the real James Comey. Know I know why you go on here, bro. We get to relive our college days up in New England visa vi delicious Dutch Mill Donuts and talk to women that are almost as crazy as the ones with whom we attended college. Oh those crazy co-eds. Sorry, girls, know you don't like the term "co-eds" anymore. Then again, you seen too real to care about B.S. in the form of P.C. GO JAMES COMEY, you insane 6 foot 9 fool of a man. Eat some Dutch Mill, call some crazy co-ed from your school days and stop being a show boat a-hole!
Saucy Susan - May 22, 2017 - Report this comment
King's Donuts was a place I went to out here but still miss the Mill of the Dutch as my little sister called them. They were good.
Lavininson - May 23, 2017 - Report this comment
To say something bad about these donuts is so wrong and not right. Dutch Mill dominated the 80's and helped make it.
Geeves - May 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts!
Barry Melrose of Canada - May 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Looks liked you got rid of Mapo Man, Heather. You and the cowards, who censor like the Nazis did a great job. You, Heather, are no coward. You are a woman among women. Whoops, said something nice about women. Watch that get censorship treated as well! ha ha ha Let me now try to please the cowards The Nazis, the low lives of society and say something bad. MAPO MAN RUELS!!!! Will never apologize to you jerks!
GMBoBoy - May 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Could somebody please beat some manners into the idiot from the Not-So-Great White North! Dutch Mill Rules! Canada Stinks!
SnakeAB - May 23, 2017 - Report this comment
What in tarnation do Nazis and censorship have to do with donuts? Did I miss something?
Devlin's Law - May 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Thinking of Dutch Mill makes me wish for something special. Not just the sweet taste of America's most popular doughnut, but sweeter times when America was more pure. Bring back The 80's!
Landon - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill used to be sold next to my old house when I lived in New Jersey. They were really good and always a big deal since they were the only donuts my sister would eat. They always seemed to sell them in little deli like joints.
Heather Anne Bonny The Girl Pirate - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Thanks GMBoBo Boy! You and the others can be part of my girl pirate crew with a jolly roger that's doing peepee on that Maple flag of whimps. Love my Dutch Mill brother and sisters!
Hot Danny - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
I love the 80s and all the good times because of this great decade. Heck, bring it all back along with these baby blue donuts
Snyder - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Look on the internet and there are pictures of those old Miller Dutch boxes! Those guys had the best boxes. For a small donut firm, I can't believe Dutch's got such a top design person. Very Andy Whorhal-esque. I barely remember these as a kid, but once I say the boxes, I KNEW what you were talking about, Gary!
GMBoBoy - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
You keep fighting the good fight, Heather of the Bonne Anne's! We love you, girl. And WTF are you talking about Snyder The Spider? "Miller's Dutch?!" What are you on crack?! You mean "Dutch Mill," right?! You guys leave me without words. Hey, let's take this champagne of a campaign to another level. My duddy has a computer bank with tons of e-mails. Let's go into that.
DonutHead EM - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
BLIMEY!! .... Boom About Captain Jack, Anne Bonny and her sidekick Mary Read (AKA HarleyGirl69)..we've been Hornswoggled by that Rapscallion 'Barry M" Running a Rig on us, a real Picaroon or Bilge Rat to be sure. We should Give no Quarter and offer No Parley, feed him Tastykakes and send him to be Measured Fer Yer Chains...... then to Jack Ketch to Dance the Hempen Jig and Ahoy- Off to Davy Jones Locker...... Alas Hearties, Furl the sails, Don the Long Clothes put away the Cat-o-NineTails and Blunderbuss and let's head ashore with Anne Bonny, Mary Read and a Barrel of Good Plundered Grog and Doubloons and Crack Jennys Tea Cup fur sure....
DonutHead EM - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
I got your back Heather AKA Anne may need a 2nd Edition Pirate Dictionary for the above my sea faring Lass.
John T - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is in the house, and what a crazy and fun house it is on this lovely day in May of 2017. Feels like it's back in college alright. I'll have to read more, as I'm at something of a loss; but a good one.
Rob Lambert - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts go back to May, 1971, in Buchanan, New York. What? No YouTube TV commercials?
Connie Mac - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Yeah, how come no YouTube Commercials? James Buchanan got shot, right? That president who went down in Buffalo, right? Anyway, I'd like to see Dutch Mill come back to both plants in Buchanan and New Jersey. And do Dutch Mill products really go back to 1971? And why are there so many crazy pirates on this page. Arrrrgg!
Lou - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
We should start a movement with mailers to all of North Jersey CC. With one big push we can make it a real good deal!
GM BoBo Boy - May 24, 2017 - Report this comment
"Mailers?" Hey Lou, 1982 called, they want their promotional strategy back. LOL But seriously, there's no such thing as a bad idea when it comes to Dutch Mill promos. And what the F you guys mean by 1971 and Buchanan, NY?! You guys high or something?
Rock Me Mike (MTV) - May 25, 2017 - Report this comment
To think it was only a few years ago we had The 1980s, Dutch Mill and a great economy. Hopefully The Trump Train brings back all three.
Parker - May 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Let's cut the B.S. and all the tall tails. This was just a very fine donut. End of story.
Newton - May 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Could somebody tell us when we can see Dutch back on super market shelves?
James Comey - May 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Is that you, John Wayne, is this me? Yes, it is the real J.C. and you plebes will never be able to prove it. Another thing ... have you ever wondered where all the descent has come from within the folds of this Dutch Mill web page. Yup, you guessed it, it is The Russians. It was their entire plan all along to bring down Dutch Mill and create a web page where fans of this famous donut would go at each others throats. It' The Russians, it always has been The Russians and The Russians will take over ever donut industry in the U.S.A. Well, not Tastycake. Even Russia has some standards.
Bat"Person" - May 26, 2017 - Report this comment
What's up to all my PC friends. Notice it's not nice to say "Batman" or Batgirl." Dutch Mill is beyond such reproduce. And reproduce they shall. Let's get them back.
Lavamader - May 26, 2017 - Report this comment
Remember me guys??? Yes, I'm back and didn't you think it would never happen!
Betty - May 26, 2017 - Report this comment
The best Dutch Mill had to be something nobody talks about. They had two different pound cakes. I think they did. They were like the fresh wop bakeries, but they were from the store.
GM Bo Bo Boy - May 27, 2017 - Report this comment
GM Bo Bo Boy wants to say welcome Mr. James Comey and thank you for revealing the real reason things go wrong in not only the world of donuts, but life. It's ALWAYS the Russians! ha ha ha Is this your friend, Heather Anne Bonny? Great addition, girl. Or, is it that Donut Headed Buccaneer Sir Butt Movement EM? Either way, you guys make this page. Thanks also to MY friends that have joined on. Ah, who am I kidding, it's Bo Bo that makes this page go round. I am granted myself the MVP of this page for the month of May 2017. Way to go me!! Oh yeah, love the pirate talk.
Sister'O Mine - May 27, 2017 - Report this comment
Oh ho we luv y so, and if we bring back dutch mill the people will scream for more dough
Tim - May 27, 2017 - Report this comment
Probably the time to bring back the best memories of Dutch Mill's would be around summer since BBQ's are in big demand and that's the perfect summer picnic desert.
sysmore - May 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Too many people joke about Dutch's Donuts but not enough do anything about it.
Heather Anne Bonny of The Pirate Girl Line of People that are Proud and happy - May 28, 2017 - Report this comment
I officially have the best Dutch Mill of all time. No, BoBoBoyTheLittleBoyBlunder, I do not know James Comey, real or fake. Just thought it was one of your weird friends. Cool guy. I like where this page is going. And what's with some people like sysmore getting all uppity? This is a fun page where we honor Dutch Mil and have fun. Too many people joke? Too many people are going to have heart attacks because they're miserable. But, that said I agree with James Comey, The Russians are and must be behind all things bad when they don't go our snowflake way. Let's get it on! Yes, I've had big bottles of good wine. Weeeeeeeeeeeee P.S. Ottowa lost and I'm so glad because they suck and so does MapoJerk
BoBoBoy - May 29, 2017 - Report this comment
Let's all take time out to salute the men that fought and died for this great Nation. This country of ours deserves the best effort we have to honor those better than us. God Bless The United States.
Ranoldo - May 29, 2017 - Report this comment
Love these doughnuts! Bing them back to Pathmark. Wait, was that where I bought them? I forgot where I got them and I lived in New Jersey.
ABBA - May 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Sent an SOS out for dutch mill
Heather Anne Bonny of The Pirate Girl Line of People that are Proud and happy - May 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Well said GMBoy! We should all remember all those who sacrificed so we could live such a good life. Wish our old friend The Honorable Doughboy would come back. Or his trusted helper. Either way, God Bless them.
SnakeAB - May 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Cool, very classy that you all would honor the good people that died for our freedom. You are all definitely very and quite silly, but there is depth deep down. And, for the record, this is one of the few times I'm going to be serious.
DonutHead EM - May 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Great to hear the heartfelt thoughts concerning our fallen hero's...a class act here that would surely warm DoughBoys heart.... Watched 6 old time WWII movies yesterday with "Midway" leading the pack. Great movie that depicts the naval battle that turned tide in the Pacific theatre. Though a GREAT victory for the US Navy still some pointed moments where sacrifice was front and center for any "snowflake" to see - including Torpedo Squadron 8 from the USS Hornet which was the first to attack the massive Japanese 4 carrier armada. Torpedo Squadron 8 led by Commander John C. Waldron consisting of 15 obsolete Douglas TBD Devastators and despite losing it's fighter & bomber escort still gallantly attacked the fleet. All 15 were lost with little Japanese damage - but that sacrifice and devotion shown multiplied by a thousand throughout the US fleet proved to be to much for the Imperial Navy..... Previously made the comment "for any snowflake to see" but in hindsight - I'm sure NONE were watching. God Bless our Fallen Heroes and God Bless America.
Sadie - May 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Interesting page to say the least. Was asked by a friend to show support to this legendary piece of baking history pages past. Turns out it's everything you said it was Muffin.
Aldo - May 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Nice job to all! Dutch Mill is the class act of the web
Lyle M. #7 - May 31, 2017 - Report this comment
Remember the old soft ball days, pal? It was actually drinking like a fish and attempting to play ball; well, soft ball, how gay. But the donuts for hangovers make it worth it.
GM Boy - May 31, 2017 - Report this comment
Great posts everyone! Like, The Legend Donut Head Sir EM, I, too, watched Midway! What a great film about great individuals that fought as a team. And you are correct, sir, SnowFlakes need not apply! Let's Go Dutch Mill! Of course I remember the softball drinking games, Lyle. Then again, maybe I don't remember much if you know what I mean. ha ha ha ha
Don Bailer - May 31, 2017 - Report this comment
Big hits and big donuts are what it's about. These Dutch Mill donuts of the 1970's were the best donut product I've ever put in my fat black mouth.
Charley - June 01, 2017 - Report this comment
For years Dutch Mill was the top of the charts. The reason why was they were the best.
Ranoldo - June 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Did Pathmark sell Dutch Mill. What super market was I thinking about. Small stores did
DonutHead EM - June 01, 2017 - Report this comment
SHIMVER ME TIMBERS!!! We found our Sea Legs and are Weighing Anchor to the month of May with a Booty in the Coffer of 92 ENTRIES!!! Crack open the Hogshead of Nelson's Folly and toast those two Hearties - Calico Jack Rackham (GM BoBoyz) and Anne Bonny (Heather AKA Anne Bonny et al)who single handily threw our Coxswain to Davy Jones Locker and Brought A Spring Upon Her Cable and steered our Beloved Brigantine to a Bounty of Riches on The American Main. A Task far harder than any Cannon Shot or Anchor - perhaps NOT a TastyKake though- So let's tip our Cutlass's and Splice the Main Brace with Nelsons Folly and Toast those two Buccaneer Carousers for a job Well Done......Think I've became a Drivelswigger so it may be time to Weigh Anchor to this Lexicon and join you blokes in the 21st century.....Ranoldo - Dutch Mill was sold in Pathmark and most all supermarkets in the tri-state area.
Sam Lemmon - June 02, 2017 - Report this comment
This has to be he wako of of pages, but will admit it take this sort of rankor to get the things in motion. Dutch Mill is worthy of the big way of doing things. Way to go.
Kite - June 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Let's do it, and get it done, so we can eat donuts like a warm bun. I had Dutch Mill, but it seems like so long ago.
Heather Bonne Anne of the Pirate Girl Lore - June 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Oh boy, Shimver me girl timbers as me, Sweet Heather attempting "Pirate Speak" vs. The Donut King would be like a mentally challenged chimpanzee trying to beat Albert Einstein in a Quantum Physics competition. Love you all and love Dutch Mill and the Girl Pirate way of life.
Dirth - June 05, 2017 - Report this comment
U B Rite about D.m. DonUtz. Modern day comebaCK
Sam Lemmon - June 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Talk about strange, out of the pages of Night Gallery. An aquiantance heard that Dutch Mill is running commercials for a new product. Thing is, he was out of the country when he say this commercial!
William F. 09 - June 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Someone said Pathmark had Dutch Mill. Did they also have other products by Dutch's? I seem to think my mom got cakes from them because we always went to Pathmark and I pushed the cart for her with my little brother.
SnakeAB - June 07, 2017 - Report this comment
No way is Dutch Mill coming out, or IS OUT with a new product. Are you smoking Dutch Mill lawn clippings, Lemmon Head?
Sam Lemmon - June 07, 2017 - Report this comment
Don't like being called a liar. Why don't you see for yourself. Go to YouTube, if you know how to type, that is, and put this in: "Dutch Mill Summer 'Fridge' TV Commercial. They just came out with "Dutch Mill Fruitsticks." That's a fact. And, would be nice if everyone on this page took a lesson on maturity.
GM Bo Bo Boy - June 08, 2017 - Report this comment
OK, let's take it down a notch! YES, there IS a commercial about "Dutch Mill" BUT it IS NOT OUR Dutch Mill! You're right and you're wrong. Who would have thunk it ... Maple Girl, Me and most others on here are the voice of reason! Oh yeah, but not GM Donut Man! ha ha Just kidding Donut King!
LL Cool J The Jr. - June 10, 2017 - Report this comment
Don't call it a comeback, Dutch Mill has been here for years
The yanker from Yonkers - June 12, 2017 - Report this comment
Bring back Dutch Mill to Yonkers. I was the guy that would yell at games: "Come on Derik, do it for Yonkers!"
Walt - June 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Used to eat these with Yahoo Chocolate Milk. Anyone else do that?
Dutch - June 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Our trademark covered baked goods at retail only. People could use the name for other products, especially if sold in different outlets. Tasty owned the name after me, and buried it in their files. I thought I thought up the name but it turned out there was a Dutch Mill Donuts already, so I bought the name originally from a little shop in Westchester, Blue Ribbon Donuts, Basil and Rose Elias. Paid $1,000 to get the name. Bless them. I just knew it was the right name. A few years ago somebody saw the name and logo just like ours - in Singapore. I'm sorry my child, my Dutch Mill, I had to let you go. I'm sorry to all of you. But people had stopped buying them - that was when our health oriented customers decided that fat was bad for them. Sales were sinking I'm sorry to admit. Anyway to all things there is a season. Maybe now it is the season again for Dutch Mill, but not for me. My springtime and my summer are turning to late fall, and my leaves are changing.
Heather The Pirate Girl - June 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Wow, Sir Dutch of the high seas of donut powder is a poet! Very well said sweet, sir. I, and all you loyal subjects are at your command.
DonutHead EM - June 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Geezzzz John...what a downer. To Quote ODDBALL from Kelly's Heroes (1970) "Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out there? Why don't you say something Righteous and hopeful for a change?........... John don't be sorry for creating something that changed my life for sure but also gave all of us our Dutch Mill family on this page. I believe as long as we have memories nothing is truly gone and will continue to live on. Besides John, Winter has a ton of beauty and life in it and so does DUTCH MILL and so do the great people on this page.
Erinico - June 20, 2017 - Report this comment
Creating a kingdom of memories is what it's all about. The dough is king. Cotton king, but now it's dough. Or, was dough. Or, will be again, maybe. Thanks for turning me onto this, Gary! Sorry I came on board so late. Duddy.
GM Man - June 21, 2017 - Report this comment
You are all So Awesome! Kelly's Heroes?! I think I watched that with my dad. Will get it on "VCR Tape" from my local video store, Donut Head EM! Actually, now it's just a button away. You are the woman, Pirate Girl Heather. Too bad you only go out with losers! ha ha ha ha BUT, the man of the hour, the week, the year and more is Sir Dutch! You are our leader and mentor of all things good. We love you Mr. Dutch!
Pirate Girl {Who HATES all things Mapo} - June 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey everyone ... it was a good run alright. Like to get another marathon going, but can't do it alone. What do you say 'gang at Cheers' ... do you want to get another going? And, at what date?
Dutch - June 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Thank you DonutHead EM. Thank you Heather. Thank you Erinico. And thank you GM Man. I needed that. There are an ocean of good memories at Dutch Mill. Like the customer complaint I answered and the lady wanted to fix me up with her daughter, or Ed, your management style (I don't get mad, I get even.) Or the time we found Daisy baking a ham in the cake oven, or how about the best time of all Ed - when you met your future wife at Dutch Mill! The characters - Mildred, Frank, Julio, Walt, Bonny, what a family. They were great days. And now look at us - a new family, still loving Dutch Mill! Bless you all.
Cosel - July 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Think more people eat Dutch Mill with style than all the big boys put together. That's my thought and I'm not alone.
Shephire - July 01, 2017 - Report this comment
OMG!!! This is what you said, Paul!!! YES, I WILL help!
GM Boy (Has become a Man) - July 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Thank you, Sir Dutch, the Spirit that is all things holy in the land of baked goods. You, Sir, and your faithful ward, EM Donut Head, AKA The Boy Wonder, to your Batman, have kept our world safe from Anti-Quality propaganda. And, Sweet Heather, the Pirate Queen, is our Batgirl, tight outfit and all. Let us defeat The Joker, Riddler, The Penquin and all our foes who seeks to destroy the truth of this legendary baking company called Dutch Mill Donuts!
GM Man - July 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey Heather The Pirate Queen and you other Super Heroes of the land of donuts ... YES, Let's Get Another one going! A marathon that is, people! And, let's make it for the 4th of July! What do you say?
SnakeAB - July 02, 2017 - Report this comment
What the heck, I'll go for one more round. And when are we drinking again "GM Boy?!" Do these poor fools even know what you were like in college?
Heather Anne Bonny of The Pirate Girl Line of People that are Proud and happy - July 03, 2017 - Report this comment
OMG! Thanks for taking my idea. Will spend much of this afternoon getting as many as I can. Weeee, I'm a leader!
Snyder - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
I stand by my statement, Dutch Mill had pretty blue boxes. Madison Avenue at it's best.
Royal - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Once again, you boys & girls trying to start of convoy. CW McCaw it was. Before your silly doughnuts. But good luck and watch out for that suicide jokey
Harley Race - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Gove was what they called me before I became "The Race." Take off on an old joke. But I loved Dutch Mill. These new school health jerks are sicker than sick.
Amercian Dream EU - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, I'm into it. Obviously as I'm here again. These really are great donuts and you folks are Ok by me.
The Butcher - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Like the man said in the movie "Gangs of New York," This is a night for America!
Heather - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
You're right, GM Man, it's great to have Sircis Dutch and the Donut Man EM help lead our cause. And you other guys and gals are so great! I'll still trying to get our Happy Birthday USA thing going. This 'ol girl wants to do better
Jose - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is better than Hot Grill. My cousin worked there and rode a motorcycle. He was cool and as a kid he took me to the Texas Chilly place. I'm in Texas now. What was that place. But he'd bring me and my little brother boxes of Dutch Mill. Love that so much.
Marty Appel - July 05, 2017 - Report this comment
This may not be the best effort but it is mine.
Heather A.K.A. The Internet Artist Formally Known as Mapo Girl - July 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Whoopie, Marty, don't knock us out too badly with the incredible writing and passion. Tried to get more people on The 4th, but will continue to get more for the coming days.
Dearest K - July 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Once again our hearts touch. Love you Heather. Keep on with your cause and let's save more cats & dogs
Geeves - July 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts!
Tom the builder - July 07, 2017 - Report this comment
So great this is what you said it is. There is so much sadness yet happiness here. We are all products of what was once a better time.
Dutch - July 09, 2017 - Report this comment
Hi all. In answer to Snyder, no, Dutch Mill's design didn't come from Madison Avenue. It came from a Dutch Delft vase my mother left for me, when she died, when I was 14. Delft is a kind of china or tiles that has two blue colors - the same blue colors we used on the boxes. The Dutch Mill windmill was directly from the vase, as sketched by some Dutch artisan many years ago. My wife and I figured it out over the kitchen table, and a local graphic artist who worked out of his house did the paste-ups (as they did in those pre-computer days.) It was a labor of love, our love, and that artist in Holland's love and that graphic artist in Teaneck's love, and Donut Man EM's love, and maybe that's why it worked.
Germatic Schiemer - July 09, 2017 - Report this comment
Just came on for a friend, but didn't know how cool this whole thing was. Will be back just to catch up on the comments. Miss hanging with the old gang.
Mr. York - July 12, 2017 - Report this comment
Once again you did not lead me down a misinformed path, Mr. North East Kindom. This is, without doubt, kind Sir, one spankingly stimulating page. All my best to the humble squires of Dutch's World.
Ty Cobb - July 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was me, Ty Cobb, often misunderstood, but never duplicated in it's perfection. And, me, Ty Cobb, wanted the black players to play in the Big League Baseball world. Reay the book by Charles Lawson.
GM Mountain Man - July 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey, If Heather can change her name, so can this stud of a man. What's up with Ty Cobb? Will look over your opinion, but in the Tommy Lee Jones movie, Cobb seemed like a jerk. But, what's that got to do with donuts? Then again, all is open here. Including my love for sweet Heather. What do you say sweet thing?
Under cover brother - July 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Truth, yo. Know somebody who works at the crap-plant named Tastycake and they say your guys have them in a "titter." They can't stand this sign and if they talk about it in front of management, it raises heck!! They know, at least the workers, that Tastycake is basically low-grade-cow-feed!! My friend had to work there after being let go from a failing business and could not stop laughing at how low life they are.
DonutHead EM - July 20, 2017 - Report this comment
It's not our 80's Midnight Fantasy -> Undercover Angel - but her brother.....a second fiddle for sure..... But great work "brother" on gathering intel from that low grade cow/horse feed producer in Philly and how DM remains a thorn in their side for all these years.......... Not sure but "Ty Cobb" sounds a lot like that "Rapscallion" Barry M. that "Bilge Rat" that tormented our beloved Heather/Anne Bonney for quite some time. Seems a perfect place for that "Picaroon" Barry M is in TastyKakes Galley brewing a hideous concoction of Bilgewater, Cackle-Fruit and Burgoo into such a vile Loblolly that every Hearty "or Tastykake Customer for that matter" will keel over, Kiss the Gunners Daughter and Heave Ho last nights Grub into Davy Jones Locker......But Hear-Ye all on how great it is that our Brethren includes Dutch who seems to be a reg on this here page.....but do sorely miss the Great One -Doughboy 1917...pray he's still among us and through his honorable family grace us with his guidance, wit and wisdom...
Bryant - July 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Heard McDonald's was thinking of using a side dish for their list of snacks and wanted a Dutch Mill donuts like snack. Where they being considered for desert?
big cat - July 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Love the stuff of peeerrrrr fection. My cat ate Dunkin Donuts, but would have like these more
Little Larry - August 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Does anyone know of how to get donuts close to Dutch Mill? Those guys were the best and it's a shame nobody else come close. I miss them.
DonutHead EM - August 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Little Larry- the BEST way to have a donut close to a Dutch Mill Donut is rather simple.....First - go down to your local supermarket to the baked goods aisle and hunt for those TastyKake 12 count donuts. Secondly - proceed to the cashier and purchased said donuts and take them home. Thirdly - prior to going bed open up the box of TastyKake donuts and fill the air with that pungent aroma. Fourthly - upon inhaling that ghastly stench promptly smash, stomp, mutilate and if practical burn the unearthly remains for permanent removal from the environment and eliminate any possibility of human contact. Then fifth and finally - open a half dozen bottles of Jack Daniels (share with no one) and drink like tomorrow's an uncertainty till sleep becomes your new world. Then while in a deep Jack induced coma- dream like it was 1987 and promptly return to that supermarket mentioned earlier and magically that vile Tastykake box would now be that heavenly Blue Dutch Mill Box - purchase and shove a fistful of those delightful gems down your throat......Larry; that's how you can taste a donut like Dutch Mill again.
GM Boy - August 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Way to go, DonutMan!!! As they say in "The 70's Show: BURN!" TastyKake is indeed crap in a box. But, like was said before, should not insult crap like that. Burn!!!
Dutch - August 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Jeez EM, you gave away the whole secret! I'm gonna make me some Dutch Mill Oatmeal Cookies, and a little Quervo on the side. Have a good weekend all.
GM Boy - August 06, 2017 - Report this comment
DANG! I'm out of my element. As Hawkeye and BJ said in MASH .... "Gentelmen, we are amongst masters." For you newbess, that the episode where Cornell Potter's old WW1 friend pretends he has a heart attack and fools them all. BUT, the real joke is on all those who eat that crap that is TakyKake. Or, whatever they call that cow crud.
Joe Roxsde - August 09, 2017 - Report this comment
Simple put, I'll put Dutch Mill in my mouth. Those other guys aren't food as I understand the definition. -Hanabal Lector
Doughboy1917 & his grandaughter - August 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Something happened today that bought "dad" back and me; as simple as I might be. "Doughboy" is my grandfather and I've been his caretaker for the last three years; since June of 2014. He was a Korean War vet and a man among men. He talked as of late how he hated the TV show MASH and how it made he and his men look like war mongers and fools. BUT, I've bee writing down his thoughts for my off spring and you know what? HE IS RIGHT about propaganda and all the BS. He loves America and he only has a short time to go. AND, he said North Korea would "bite us in the ass" some day. And look what is going on! He loved American, donuts, Dutch Mill and fighting a good fights. He said there are "Too many whips" n the world today. I've always hated him, but now realize he is right. Where have all the cowboys gone? Why are men today "Jabama Boys" with no guts. I have come so far. He raised my on America, old values and Dutch Mill donuts. I'm here for him and America. And if anyone has a problem with that, too bad.
DonutHead EM - August 22, 2017 - Report this comment
What a Day......The Eclipse and The DoughBoy1917 make an appearance!!! Many thanks to "granddaughter" or "Mini-Donut" for your years of caretaking of our beloved mentor DoughBoy, you are truly a very special person indeed..... But the DoughBoy continues to enlighten with his wisdom and is SPOT on with his Propaganda-BS-PC views and their effect on America's young. With our education system and of course the Media being the major Propagandist's it's no wonder the youth think what they think and do what they do. Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda for the Nazi party would be proud.....check out some of his quotes such as "A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth" .....does Russian-Trump collusion ring a bell there? Or perhaps even a better quote pertaining to todays frenzy to topple statues of famous Americans....Quoting Goebbels >> "We Shall Reach Our Goal, When We Have The Power To Laugh as We Destroy, as We Smash, whatever Was Sacred To Us as Tradition, as Education, and as Human Affection".... Quite fitting in today's America..... and the DoughBoy see's all, knows all..... God Bless DoughBoy 1917 and his honorable caretaker "Mini-Donut"
GM Boy - August 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Holy Eclipse, Batman! This is a once in a lifetime event, Sir Donut Head. Well, actually The Honorable Doughboy has been here before and there will be another Eclipse in 2014, but still. And, "right on" my man when it comes to America today. Goebbels would be proud. The "Baby Nazis" of today colleges are an insult to all things good, such as America, Apple Pie, Vets like Doughboy1917, his caretaker Mini-Donut (great name by the way) and yes, Dutch Mill Donuts. This is a great week. I'm "getting on the horn" as Archie Bunker would say, and getting another rally going. This is awesome!!!
Dutch - August 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Well said, Mini, EM and GM. MacArthur was right. So was this from the Art of War: let the generals in the field fight the war. You can't let the politicians fight it from back home. EM those quotes are very insightful. A lie said 1,000 times becomes the truth. And so many channels to hear them on...
Wonder Boy - September 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Friend told me a storm of grand news is coming. Well, I'm here and on board.
Stweart J - September 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Great donuts that my friend and I miss very much. There are things about the 1980's I dream about from the friend, girls and even smells of the night when I ran around a neighborhood filled with energy. What was that plant, or weed that smelled so good. Boy do I miss Dutch Mill and everything that went along with this incredible donut
White Mountain NH - September 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey foodies, This is an old friend from NH, A.K.A. The Granit State. Will leave clues and typos to see who picks them up. Guess who I am and who my contact is here. YES, I am for the resurgence of Dutch Mill Donuts. And, we will have another grant 80s web page surge. By the way, whoever runs this webpage deserves a big boost. We are all one.
Pirate Heather is BACK - September 11, 2017 - Report this comment
I'm back boys and I no longer want silliness or Green Mountain jerks making overtures toward me. Please knock it off. Also, important is remembering this day and the moment nuts attacks our country. I will be in when it comes to a new campaign with Dutch Mill. I propose we go from this week to the last day of the World Series. My dad played pro ball with the Expos organization so I have a soft spot for the great American past time. Just like Maple Man has a soft spot between his legs.
Wonder Boy - September 13, 2017 - Report this comment
I''m a newbee, but what the hey, I''n in. So what next?
GM Boy whe takes pain like a MAN - September 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Whoa! Looks like the Pirate's Plaything woke up on the wrong side of the web. But, like the Expos reference. a roommate back in college liked the Expos; he also liked crazy women, so Heather the Pirate's Toy would have come into play. However, let's take about a real man. All respects to Doughboy1917! And, I will bring folks back to our noble cause. In fact, I'll bring more people to our new campaign (saying that word is an idiot term, but I'll sue it) than all you foolish sorts put together! I say we begin today and go through the World Series. That is my idea and don't need some girl to set the pace. Donald Trump and I "grab" opportunities by the sort hairs. I'll be getting my list together. Call me the Schindler of donuts. My list will advance like an army dressed in field gray and black though Poland! Dutch Mill is the ultimate weapon of quality baked goods and the master product in the race for dessert supremacy.
Marty Appel - September 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Please forgive my "friend" GM Teenage High School Humor Boy. Love you bro, but you are nuts! Funny as all heck but nuts. Then again, nobody will get your references anyway. The world is all ignorant and "Smart Phone" fools.
Marty Appel - September 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Holy crap, Batman, looked what I stepped in. Forgot to say, I'm going to help with the Dutch Mill mission! And, you are too funny for this Century, GM BoBo Boy! ha ha ah ah
The Land of Boz - September 14, 2017 - Report this comment
The only thing I now about Dutch Mi'z is they were great eating. My baby brother called them "Dutch Mi-iz" or however you'd spell a 5-year-olds funny talk
Magnum Force - September 14, 2017 - Report this comment
I'm back after a year gone. Zipperheads from Gran Tarino would like Dutch's too. TastyKake is garbage from the worst dump in the world. Miss the LSD daze, opps days.
Wonder Boy - September 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Someone let me know next time! Love Dutch Mill!
One Groovy Chick - September 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Funny how insecure men like to take credit for The Pirate Goddess idea! Yes, I'm in bed with Sweet Heather, figuratively speaking of course. It's her idea to fund this next effort and you little boys fell so nicely into line. Sorry, GM Bo Bo Baby. You want Heather and she wants nothing to do with you. You'd eat a Dutch Mill donut out of her *$)#@% if you had the chance, but no deal. Yes, we all love Dutch Mill and we all want Heather. But nothing for you little funny fools. ha ha all the way to the store, because my girl is no Wh908
Boney - September 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Two things I'd like, first bring back Dutch Mill. Second, have subscribers to this page develop a maturity level beyond that of a 4th grader.
GM Boy - September 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Dearest K - September 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is a donut for the ages. Heather is the most special person I'd met in the last 20 years. Mess with her and you mess with me!
Big Will - September 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Endless shrimp at Red Lobster is Ok fine. But give me endless Dutch Mills and I'll go hog wild into my grave with a big smile. Big Will has spoken.
Frederick - September 17, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill = Good Times. And we're not talkin- the show from 1977
Paul Norton - September 17, 2017 - Report this comment
For three years, my first rental was in Wayne where I lived on Dutch Mill, pizza (of course the good stuff) and Wheaties. That was 1984, 1985 & 1986 and 1987 till around September of said year. Tried to eat fruit and salad, too. Jersey Tomatoes rule! All are still there, but the Dutch Mill multi packs. I got the ones with plain (they were amazing) chocolate, powder and brown sugar/cin. Or, did the four packs come in other combos. I think there were several combinations. Or did I put my own combinations together? I basically bought them all. V&J Pizza (doubt anyone else knows that old place) had not just pizza, but other great stuff. Dutch Mill had not just donuts, but other baked good. Once again, not everyone knows that. I miss somethings about those old days. Now you know what they are.
GM BO BO BIG BOY - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Thank you Paul Nortons for a great, classy and humble post! It's great to see, in light of all the child like behavior, that there is still some class out there. Between you, Doughboy & caretaker and all the Dutch Mill men of honor, that class still exists. Won't mention names, like Heather The Pirate's Toy, but immature, simple minded little girls are doing more harm than good when it comes to Dutch Mill! It's sad that a little Pirate Toy like that wants me so badly, but can't have me. But, enough about Heather's idiocy. Let's talk Dutch Mill and the new champagne of campaign which was my brain child. Let's do this! And, my following and I will permit Heather The Pirate's Toy to participate. But, remember, you must know your place. And, get yourself a Trump Man to be satisfied. They had an article in one of those girlie "Cosmo Rags" about how women who love Hillary are going out with Trump voters and they've never been more satisfied. Guess it helps if you get a man and not a feminine little snowflake. Now let's get some votes you Dutch Mill People!
Charles - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Just want to mention my support for Dutch Mill
Stew $ - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Had me a Dunkin' Donut yesterday. It was not the same of Dutch Donuts. Think they should bring them back. I agree with Scott on this one. Make a list of signatures and bring them to the owners.
Davdidson C - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Does anyone know that Dutch Mill was the number one donut of choice in Ivy League Schools? Read something like that in my school paper around 1985. But in the article they had a hand done piece of artwork with a dark blue box. Dutch Mill was light blue
Dearest K - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
We just got together and all state Dutch Mill is THE BEST!
Calvin 48 - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Too bad we don't have them anymore. You fans of the dough really have something going on however. I was tipped of on this web page and think it's great what you're all doing-
Pineapple Victory E - September 18, 2017 - Report this comment
This page has become something more than just a forum on Dutch Mills, which I heard from reliable sources is a fine product. It has become satire, comedy and contemporary issues all in one. This is great coffee shop talk. So pour yourself one, sit down with friends and phony foes and just have a good time. What a great page!
Stamerson - September 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Wish we'd be back then with the food stuffs. These were golden ages for all sorts of things. Loved the 80s. Anyone else miss them like me?
Weston - September 19, 2017 - Report this comment
NO MORE BAD DONUTS! Bring back the Boss.
Clown IT - September 20, 2017 - Report this comment
The joke is on. ALl the oTher DoNuts are dOnE
Heather The Pirate Queen - September 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, boys, and little children, I've got the ball rolling and busting them along the way. Cool chicks like me not only aren't bothered by President Trump, but voted for him. He can grab my kitty cat anytime! But, losers like GM Bo Bo Bi boy may not! Let's get Dutch Mill back in the press.
CinyCarmichael - September 21, 2017 - Report this comment
What the hey is this all about? So many wild posts and tricky slang. Dutch Mills must have been legendary.
Dearest K - September 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Way to go Heather! You rule, girl! Put them in their place. Go Dutch Mill!
DonutHead EM - September 22, 2017 - Report this comment
A bit pleasantly surprised Heather Pirate by your Trump comments but you do indeed continue to surprise and prove why your an Beloved Mainstay on this page and are indeed a very Cool Chick. But try to take it easy on our Brother GM Bo Boy........Like I preached to my 2 teenage daughters with one of my "Nature's Truths of Life" -- ALL Men are Scum....Try to Pick the Least Scumiest -- Though GM Boy is rough around the edges he seems to be an OK Joe and a great guy to hang with and grateful he's an Honored Centurion on this page.... I ditto GM Boy on Paul Nortons post and if your talking bout the V&J Pizza on Hinchman and the Hamburg Turnpike next to the old Jerry Lewis Cinema (not the Rt. 23 V&J) you are indeed spot on for they had a Sicilian Pizza which was the Dutch Mill of the Pizza World for which I lived on and since their demise never found an equal.
Lonzo - September 22, 2017 - Report this comment
How about those dogs in Mexico helping the people be saved. Give those dogs some Dutch Mill donuts.
Taveling Man 34we - September 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Thinking of Dutch Mill makes me think of days gone by, me and my guys and the woman I miss with the very sweet kiss. Let's get it on to the next phase if that's what you wish to hear. Now get me a beer.
Nate Z - September 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Tell the old fellows I'm in only because it was put on me by the best of you. Dutch Mill could be the best donut I ever had. Of course those were the days when I didn't put on weight and I could eat them by the box. Now, I'll get fat looking at one. Too bad I can't. No others out there are real donuts.
Mathew The Jew - September 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Jews could eat Dutch Mill; not joke. Only donut that passed the test. Gentiles don't know what we're talking about. Yes, GM Man loves his Jew friends. And thanks everyone for sticking up for my brother from a gentile mother.
Samantha - September 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Yeah, real mature. Dutch Mill is a great donut. Wish we'd get more adults on here. Then again, it does make for an interesting read. Funny things, I guess.
Terrence - September 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Baseball is my sport. This NFL thing is getting me sick. Donuts out there now are sick, too. Dutch Mill and baseball. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Daniel!
The Don - September 25, 2017 - Report this comment
We've got to all get on the same page for something really big.
GM "Boo Boo" on MBL Man - September 26, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey, It's GM Boy. Thanks everyone, Donut Head especially for backing the big man from New England. Important stuff here. I used to watch the NFL, but stopped a few years ago because I like football and HATE B.S./P.C. politics. Thought MLB was a bastion of pure Americana but heard a MLB player kneed during our National Anthem. I called MLB headquarters in stupid New York City and told them I would never again see a Red Sox game if MLB players started this sitting down B.S. The number is: (212) 931-7800 Call and make your voice heard! God Bless America, Dutch Mill and what we believe is the true spirit of our National pastime, baseball.
Aaron Santers - September 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Gosh, this page will take one by storm. I like Dutch Mills Donuts, or did when they were around, but really enjoy all the banter. And just to show I'm aboard, I'll even did what I can about all these jerky football players.
Heather The Pirate QUEEN - September 29, 2017 - Report this comment
Can't believe I'm going to say this, but actually agree with GM Bo Bo Little Boy. And I will call, no joke. But, Aaron had it right. It's those football people that are not paying respect to Our Flag. P.S. GO DUTCH MILL and it's founders EM and Dutchie.
Walter i - September 29, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill, Dutch Mill, Dutch Mill
GM Man KING! - September 29, 2017 - Report this comment
I KNOW FOOTBALL HAS ALL THE MORONS! I'm talking about Major League Baseball. They had some piece of human crap disrespect, too. Let's keep baseball pure. That said thanks for making your opinion known. Did you really call? And I even called the Oakland A's. Their number is: 510 563-2313 And, EM Donut Head and Sir Dutch do RULE. And thanks for your input "Walter i" I couldn't have said it better myself. P.S. "F" the NFL!
Tom - October 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Heck, yeah, I'm there.
Alec - October 02, 2017 - Report this comment
To me this donut will always represent good eating. There are only a few donuts I can stomach and this was one of them. It was a fine product.
Green H - October 02, 2017 - Report this comment
How many Dutch Mill people love this Nation called U.S.A.? I'd gather a lot since they always put patriotic stuff on here. Dutch Mill is America's treat. Let's all see how much love we have
Heather Pirate awesome chick - October 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Sorry, it was a baseball person, too. I actually called! Dutch Mill is awesome! Let's all get along and work together. I think it's great we have debates and friendly feuds but it's ever better when we work together. Just look at can happen in the world like Las Vegas. So sad.
Jerary - October 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Why did you guys go till the World Series? Why is this going on now? I like Dutch Mill, but get confused.
Lemar - October 05, 2017 - Report this comment
We'll see how long these other imposters can last in a place in our heads where Dutch Mill is ubiquitous
Dutch - October 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Cool Autumn mornings remind me of picking up fresh apple cider in the Hudson Valley from Pennings Orchards early in the morning in 5 gallon jugs, hoping they don't leak in my Jeep, and bringing them to the plant to make Dutch Mill Cider Donuts. Fresh cider along with applesauce and natural apple flavor sure made for good eatin' donuts, right EM?
Henny John - October 07, 2017 - Report this comment
Still think the NFL stinks and won't watch. Will eat Dutch's Donut each and every morning.
Pineapple Victory E - October 08, 2017 - Report this comment
The process by means of which you, General Dutch, created your and Sir EM's Dutch Mill Cider Donuts is beyond compliments. I remember them well. I shall consider journeying up to Hudson Valley to pay pilgrimage to this Pennngs Orchards. "A Penning" for your thoughts all. Let's keep this page positive, spiritual and full of great coffee talk. God Bless this Nation and Dutch Mill.
Heather Pirate Queen - October 08, 2017 - Report this comment
So cool what Dutch and Pineapple Vicotry E said. I'm sorry if I ever went negative. There are so many positive people here and sometimes I drop the ball. Most of all, sorry to you GM Man! You and I got into something all to negative. Wish I could sit down and have Dutch Mill and coco with all of you. And also, I've been not doing my part. I'm getting more people on here and even today. Dutch Mill deserves more than what I've giving them. So I will put my Dutch Mill money where my mouth is. Hey, I might as well use my mouth for something clean! ha ha See GM Boy, I beat you to the punch. I've been though a lot and positive thinking is what we need; what I need. And where did you come from Pineapple Head? Are you one of GM Boy's boys?
GM Little boy - October 08, 2017 - Report this comment
I actually went on here because I had nothing else to do. Date fell though and I was working on my journal; as gay as that sounds. You are right Heather, let's get along. The words of "Sir Dutch" inspired me. But, I should have been a better man all along.
Mary - October 08, 2017 - Report this comment
You know who I am, Heather, and that's good. or all good. But I won't go along with it. Maybe you know more than me, but we have to stick together.
Heather - October 08, 2017 - Report this comment
That's FINE, but please respect my choice.
77 in Heaven - October 08, 2017 - Report this comment
Just came here for a friend and don't know what to say. Otherwise, I hope we get along. These donuts were very good. Some fine posts.
DonutHead EM - October 09, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch....Don't forget the Applesauce as well as the Cider we added to create a fabulous donut....once in a while I buy apple cider donut nowadays and are always tragically disappointed... a constant reminder that taste buds NEVER forget....- Unless of course your a TastyKake consumer then your Taste buds have long ago been declared braindead.
You got the peaches AKA Def Legard fans - October 10, 2017 - Report this comment
These donuts were indeed home made, but in a factory. Wish companies still did that.
EffYuw - October 11, 2017 - Report this comment
Just gotta say you guys guys bring in references like Mengele and T-Rump? What's wrong with you? This is supposed to be a page for foods of the glorious 1980's! Maypo's and weird dm...all rude persons...I came up with Maypo's moniker for the two most rudist people some pirate chick? Whaaaa? AllUAll so rude on here!
Dutch - October 11, 2017 - Report this comment
Applesauce! Of course, EM. I try other apple cider donuts too. Need rum and cider to wash 'em down. Hey, it's time for Halloween colored Shootin' Star Donut Holes - your invention.
GM Boy - October 11, 2017 - Report this comment
Just reading about DutheadHead"BM'S" creations and Sir Dutch's Halloween spirt is more delicious than anything on the food market shelves. Shouldn't put TastyKake on the list since, technically, they aren't food. I'd say compost but that would be an insult to cow&$(#!
Allen D. - October 11, 2017 - Report this comment
Certainly seems the Dutch Mill crowd knows what is was doing when it came to making quality doughnuts and other fine items. Think, love this Dutch Mill thing of glory.
Roger 83 - October 12, 2017 - Report this comment
This is a great group of people doing something very special. I'm with you all. Well, all but GM Bo Bo. He was, and I assume is a total goof! Love ya, bro!
77 in Heaven - October 12, 2017 - Report this comment
That's it! YES! I'm in love with Dutch Mill. I'd eat it with a fox!
Beastball1975 - October 12, 2017 - Report this comment
I was only a part time customer in the sense my mom would get these as a special treat. Seem to remember even then that Dutch Mill was something special.
Pineapple Victory E - October 12, 2017 - Report this comment
This Pineapple Vic is has no official affiliation with any person on this page. I am an individual with only positive intentions. Like you said, Miss Pirate Lady, there is too much tragedy to make light of our precious few hours. May you all be happy.
Roger 83 - October 12, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey Bo Bo, who are all these people? Dutch Mill has a cult thing going! I for one, don't like Cool Aide so I'm sticking around. Do you remember I had that TIME Magazine cover on my wall, in our dorm, regarding Jonestown and the mass murders? We were so bent back then. Then again, you still are!
Scotty - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
I've completely got the power for this doughnut, Captain!
Pirate Heather in the flow - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
OK, GM pusssy boy, this is for you. Was so glad when the Nationals lost to The Cubs in baseball because "Mapo Man" as you and Donut Man EM called him, rooted for them. They used to be in Canada an now they ore in D.C. AND THEY LOST! Got anyone but the Nats and anyone against Dutch Mill. ANd, I've had a couple glasses of wine ... so, why don't you call me? Oh, yeah, you don't have my number, and I won't give it one here.
Heather the Pirate want-a-be - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
Hanging out with my college girl, and shy said discard.
Samantha - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
I'm with my girl, but wish we'd take it up a notch and I'm there with a gallon of ice cream for you, my girl. Lesbian thing? You boys wish! It was cool however how the boys of DM went up to Vermont to get their maple syrup or whatever. I'm just a jealous snatch licker. Ohps, shouldn't say that!
GM Boy - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
What the "F!" I mean seriously, WTF! I came on here because I wanted to say hello to my friends, after I thought I cleaned up my act and I get this? Sorry, but when GM Boy is the voice of reason, and I know you know what I'm talking about bowl movement boy EM, the bus for crazy town have left the station! I'm out of here.
Samantha - October 14, 2017 - Report this comment
I'm sorry, or at least that's what Pirate lover told me, but this is who I am. I just got read the riot act and I will not be back. After love I got throw out. Too much for you whimps.
Pineapple Vitory E - October 14, 2017 - Report this comment
From my humble point of view, we're all entitled to speak out piece and we all have the right to our own life choices. That said, I'm old fashioned and believe some subjects are off topic. In short, Dutch Mill is my all time happiest donut of all time. And, they had other products, too. Can anyone name them? Clue, if you had "one pound" English money you could purchase some "cake."
Heather is put in girl pirate suspension - October 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Wish to tell everyone how sorry I am and how bad I feel about last night. Got heavy into the wine with someone that I had a complex relationship with. I've officially suspended myself for three months from this and any other social web page. So sorry again.
Bryher - October 14, 2017 - Report this comment
Give me Dutch Mill, or give me death
O'Conner - October 15, 2017 - Report this comment
My two cents is for dutch mill and that's all I will say. And, sorry boo boo, but I like the tension. It's what you used to be.
Count Chocula 3i8 - October 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Go on YouTube and look at the Dutch Mill Company making a comeback! No Joke! Go to YouTube and put in: Dutch Mill "Idol"
Count Chocula 3i8 - October 15, 2017 - Report this comment
No comments, didn't think so!
James C. - October 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Too much passion is a good thing, I believe. Dutch's Mill can really get our goats going. I miss them very much.
Fabian - October 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Ready to get this thing going on my end. I was a big Dutch Mill fan.
GM Boy - October 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey Heather, Please come back. WE all make mistakes. I've made some Whoppers in my time. By the way, always liked Burger King. But for the truth, YOU came up with the baseball playoff stampede that resulted in all these great tweets. Is anyone else with me? Get Pirate Girl BACK!
Domingo - October 19, 2017 - Report this comment
My cousin from The D.R knew someone who worked at Dutch Mill back in the 1980s. Good company and he got to brink home some donuts for my family. He had a motorcycle. You guys know him?
DonutHead EM - October 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Where was Darren when SAMANTHA Stevens wiggled that little nose and "Bewitched" our Dutch Mill mainstays.....Where she wiggled it WILL NOT be part of this discussion.... Like my Wife says Pirate Heather "No Worries, I'll make Lamb" Never figured out how that makes sense but it always seems to put a smile on my face....I guess making lamb reduced stress.....But I digress... Any how Pirate Girl "Anne Bonny" remember this ship fly's the Jolly Roger of discontent so don't fret, tilt back a hogshead of Nelson's Folly and come back aboard and join the rest of us scallywags..
Clark the bar - October 20, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, I was the fat kid who ate Clark Bars, and got made fun of it over again much. But, this page is something special. Have been on many and this one is totally crazy and in the best way. I'll be back.
Taz - October 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Gpt am 3 s;j
Stick Iky - October 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Thousand of day loops ago it was the eighties and I remember this decade well. Dutch Mill was an intrigle part for me and Susan.
Billy - October 22, 2017 - Report this comment
How many times do we have to tell the people how great Dutch Mills is?! I'd say many. Thanks for letter me know, Keven. We'd have to do something about all the bad ones out there.
GM Boy - October 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Great post DonutHead-er! And, you sir, are right! Pirate Girl Heather must come back. The recent operation to get many on here during the MLB Playoff's is you're idea, girl! I faked it but you're real. Let's all get along till the World Series is over. Trump is getting a tax cut though so we're starting to look again like the 80's! Come back, Heather.
Howard - October 24, 2017 - Report this comment
I'd like to put my two cents in here: DUTCH MILL RULES!
Iving 893 - October 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Why'd you ask me, if you already know the answer? Yes, it was good eating.
Pirate Girl is BACK with "The Jolly Roger!" - October 24, 2017 - Report this comment
THANK YOU DONUTMAN AND GM MAN! First game of the World Series tonight and I'll be watching think of a great game and you complex men! Oh, I'm gonna cry, but am so happy. I might even make lamb. But chicken and bacon instead. LOVE YOU ALL!
GM Little Boy - October 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Holy poop, Batman, look what I stepped on. Came on here to see if Heather came back and she is. "I'm a glotton for mutton!" Let's go!
Pineapple Victory E - October 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Inspired by the great stuff on here as of late. Will watch that Dodger versus Colt 45 stuff. Ha ha, doubt anyone knows that one. Love how the Donut Brothers are telling stories about how they used to create these donuts. Let's all keep up this positivness. And, less not your heart be troubled. Clayton will win tonight
DonutHead EM - October 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Great to see the "Blue Ribbon Pineapple" on so much and you are correct sir with "The Colt 45's" but testing your knowledge were they named after the Beer, the Gun or how many Tastykakes it took to kill a colt.
Billy - October 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Thanks again, Karen! This page is out of control awesome! Dutch Mill is an institution.
David P. - October 26, 2017 - Report this comment
this is really cool and want to wish or all of us that more people come on and have a good time. I'd like to know if there could be more tastings
Diana - October 26, 2017 - Report this comment
I had my first apartment in Montclair, but didn't like it so much because people were stuck up. But, they did have a store that sold Dutch Mill Donuts. They also had pound cake! I went to England during college and tried to act fancy by smoking Dunn Hills Cigarettes and eating English pound cake. But Dutch Mill's was better! England sucks.
DonutHead EM - October 26, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey "Pineapple Chunks".... did you know that the LA Dodgers name originated from the ability of the Brooklyn residents to "Dodge" the trolley cars. Also that the Brooklyn Dodger Blue and New York Giants Orange colors ended up combining to give the NY Mets their colors when they filled the gap in '62 after the Dodgers and Giants left for the left coast..
GM Boy - October 26, 2017 - Report this comment
Interesting baseball tidbits DonutHead! But, I'm mad at you for you query regarding how many Taskycraps it would take to kill a house. Giving a poor pony even one piece of TaskyGarbage would be considered animal abuse in my book. AND giving a poor animal 45 would no doubt be a war crime. They should use Taskykakes to get information out of ISIS members. And, "Pineapple Chunks" does seem like a cool new addition. God Bless Baseball, Dutch Mill and America! And, as far as Hillary is concerned ... "Lock her Up!"
DonutHead EM - October 27, 2017 - Report this comment
Don't be mad GM Boys for it was a trick question....the correct answer was the Colt 45 Revolver for everyone should know the mere whiff of a Tasty-crud will destroy your blood chemistry and send you into shock.
Roger 83 - October 27, 2017 - Report this comment
Roger 83 says, "You guys are peeking!" Dutch Mill is Legend!
Pineapple Hunks of Love - October 27, 2017 - Report this comment
Love the nickname, DonutHead! I am Pineapple Chunks from now on. Funny part is I always loved pineapples, thus the name. But that goes back to a F1 racer. Long story. Knew the "Trolly Dodgers: got their name from Brooklyn, but did not know The Metropolitans were a color combo of the Old Dodgers and the Giants from the Polo Grounds. Great trivia. Hate when people cheat on there great contests. Oh yeah, watching the World Series for you fools. Actually a great contest!
Heather the Pirate survior - October 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Watching the World Series and thinking of great internet buddies. Love you all so much! Dutch Mill is the best.
Heather the awesome pirate Beauty - October 28, 2017 - Report this comment
And who is this Pinapple Chunks? Is he one of yours GM Girl or Donut Head? You guys come up with the best names. Like when you called my idiotic ex Mapo Man. Boy do I so not miss him. Anyway, Pineapple Chunks is all aces to me. Dutch Mill is the best.
Les Moore - October 28, 2017 - Report this comment
My name is "Les Moore." I died of four shots from a 44. No Less, no more. And I still miss Dutch Mill.
GM Boy - October 29, 2017 - Report this comment
No, Heather, Sir Pineapple Chunk is not one of mine. Wish I did own him, though, as he seems pretty cool. Great info DonutHead regarding the Mets uniforms. And, no offense taken regarding giving poor animals baked poison. Tastykake is, I mean, Tasty-crud is, amphibian worn fecal matter, and that's being kind. Here's a great baseball update ... THE JERK in the Major Leagues, who took a knee during our National Anthem, just got arrested!! No Joke! As Donald Trump would say: "SAD"
Roger 83 - October 29, 2017 - Report this comment
Great World Series, by the way! How has this stellar Dutch Mill page turn into "This week in Baseball." Actually, don't answer that. This page is GREAT. Did that fool from the Oakland A's really get arrested?
Heather The Pirate QUEEN - October 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey everyone, just wanted to say that it's so cool everyone come aboard for a super Dutch Mill drive for this fall during this baseball thing. I stayed up and watched a super game, but went to sleep during something of it. And, you're right RogerTheRabit, we ARE peaking!
DonutHead EM - October 30, 2017 - Report this comment
THANKS Les Moore - One of the greatest Epitaphs ever written on a Tombstone...this particular one resides on BOOT HILL and reads " Here Lies Lester Moore Four Slugs from a .44 No Les No More. Great play on words and thanks for the input Les.
Jack Lalane - October 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Worked out today and believe I will continue doing so. After all, I helped created the workout phase. And, it's OK to have a Dutch Mill Donut or two. BUT, look out for those other guys. They'll kill ya!
Pineapple Chucnks - October 30, 2017 - Report this comment
Yes, Heather Pirate Woman and GM Boy, I am actually my own person. This baseball series is quite special. Thanks Roger and Mr. DonutHead for the amazing Boot Hill quote. Looks as if we have a literary crowd on here. Culture and history shall never die. Just like a nice hot cup of Joe and a fine donut. Dutch Mill made many happy. Love the trivia!
Les Moore - October 30, 2017 - Report this comment
"There once was a 'kake' named 'Tasty.' I ate it because I was hasty. I threw up my guys, I fell down a hill, boy I wish I had me a Dutch Mill."
GM Boy - October 31, 2017 - Report this comment
Great one, Les Moore! That cracked me up! If Dutch Mill were to have an official Poet Laureate, you have the job! What do you say everyone? Should we give Mr. Moore this important role? Oddly enough eating Tasty-crud could put one's name on a tombstone. I think the same stuff they use to kill rate is Tastykakes primary ingredient.
Heather the "favor" giver to Piartes - October 31, 2017 - Report this comment
What can I say, I want me a rugged pirate who is dirty! ha ha Great idea GM Little Baby Boy. I vote Lester Moore is Dutch Mill's Poet Laureate. Great poem.
Heather the "favor" giver to Pirates - October 31, 2017 - Report this comment
I am so happy this October Bliz took off. We must have had close to three dozen posts this month alone. If you dress up like dirty pirate today on Halloween, you can come over today GM Boy!
Pineapple Chunks - October 31, 2017 - Report this comment
We have something going on. I travel to New York City by bus and it takes well over an hour each way. I printed out the entire history of Dutch Mill and read it over the last two days. This is quite a cite to say the least. One interesting point. Mr. Donuthead himself used to give out entire boxes of Dutch Mill Donuts. Aparently he was the owner and was able to give the best gift of all. Wait, I think that Dutch Guy was actually the owner. Either way, how great would it have been to be a kid and get a big box of donuts? That's something these kids, now adults, are telling their kids about. Who is watching the big MLB game tonight. I know I am. The LA Dodgers are playing another National League team from Houston called The Astros. I actually have a Colt 45's hat. Be nice if the New York/Brooklyn Dodgers/Giants were playing in the WS And by the way, I'll cast my vote for the Moore fellow when it come to the Dutch Mill Poet Lauyette.
Savyon - October 31, 2017 - Report this comment
Legally, Dutch mill could trademark themselves as the all time best
Heather, just plane me - October 31, 2017 - Report this comment
Watching the game with my dad. He has lung cancer and likes baseball. He said Verlander has is gong on. He would not like my behavior and I don't mean to go over the line. Dutch Mill! Love you all.
Heather Pirate's Treasure - November 01, 2017 - Report this comment
So those Houston boys lost last night. My dad said they will win tonight. Thank everyone for making this October so special. It's pretty much still October in the sense the Baseball Series is on, but after this, we can all go on sabbatical. Let's make Les Moore official before we all take a break. Love you.
DonutHead EM - November 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Pirate Heather more like 80 posts for the month...a record I believe..great job Anne and Jack..and in regards to GM Boys, Pirate Girl, even though I never met him I feel he always looks likes dirty pirate so I think any day to meet would be fine with him....GM Boyz? ..just trying to help ya big guy. REGARDING LES MOORE I think it's official Les by listening to our hearties YOU'RE IN.... But the name needs to be a bit tweaked...think Pineapple Chunks called him Roger in reference to Roger Moore (aka James Bond) I'm sort of leaning towards Les Nessman from KRP fame. I suggest letting Pineapple Chunks drop the anchor on name for he's the Newbie Scallywag on board this seafaring ship.
Jowbit - November 01, 2017 - Report this comment
told you I'd come on. think I'm getting the drift.
GM Boy - November 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Well, Pirate Girl, you sweet Heather. Your dear old dad was right as rain. The Houston Astros won! Don't know if you're serious about a meet up. I'll tell you what, you think about it and we'll let fate take over. You know that hot dog place that's talked about sometimes on this page. Only real fans will know it. I could eat there on some Saturdays around lunch. I sometimes wear a Cincinnati Reds baseball cap. But not always. It could happen, maybe it won't. But, at least we have the consent of Sir DonutHead himself. And I agree, Les Moore might perhaps be something else. But let us leave that to the person who represent gigantic chunks of pineapple love. I'll going to Florida on business/please and will be gone a couple weeks. Might even go to an island. Just call me Gilligan.
Terry b - November 02, 2017 - Report this comment
This has to be the best tribute for donuts I've seen. Remember these guys so well. Can taste them now.
Heather The Pirate Love - November 03, 2017 - Report this comment
Went through the pages. You are correct, only a few Dutch Mill serious fans would know. And that's good. I may stop in on a Saturday for lunch, but please know this is not easy so it might be months from now or even six months. Thank you for saying my dad was right. He really knows his baseball and is happy for the people of Houston. I will be back around spring training. Love Dutch Mill
The B Factor - November 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Donuts are power rings. Never forget it.
Pineapple Chunks - November 10, 2017 - Report this comment
What are we, not supposed to come on the page anymore? Well, I still love Dutch Mill and I'm my own man, people! Thanks DonutHead for letting me name our new poet. I'd gladly rubber stamp Les Nessman as his Poet Lauret(SP?) name since I loved WKRP in Cincinnati. And, besides that I visit The Queen City quite often on business and pleasure. Well, I go lots of places, but that's another story. Come on people, let's got one here. And, look forward to Les Nessman's next smash hit. And where have GM Boy and Pirate Heather gone? Then again, I'd rather not hear details.
DonutHead EM - November 10, 2017 - Report this comment
"Chunks" has spoken for this Horse Stealing , Cattle Rustling Scurvy Crew and Les Nessman it is forthwith.............Alright Les Nessman..... it's go time....Pull out that comb part your hair - Adjust those broken black rimmed glasses held together with white tape - whip that pencil out of your pocket holder - Straighten your bow-tie - Lock your bedroom door so mother won't bother you and PEN a yarn for the ages for which both Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock would be proud......So drink up some Postem chew on some Celery Sticks and go at it my young friend.... "Chunks" - Believe GM Boyz said he'll be gone a fortnight marooned on some island with some wench and grog....for Calico Jack he is!
GM Boy - November 11, 2017 - Report this comment
OK, it's truth time. Have not gone to that hot dog place. Just couldn't put my money where my mouth was. That said, wish I could put my mouth on some Dutch Mill. I, too, want some Les poems. I'm so lame! I'm not what I represented.
GM Boy - November 11, 2017 - Report this comment
More importantly, God Bless Our Vets!!!
Gorilla - November 12, 2017 - Report this comment
Gorilla say me like Dutch Mill. Eat them before every home game.
DonutHead EM - November 13, 2017 - Report this comment
Missed by a couple days "The 11th Hour of The 11th Day of The 11th Month" journel honoring of our vets by our beloved "DOUGHBOY 1917" Hoping he or "Mini Donut" can again enlighten us with his wisdom. Go back to DoughBoys November 11th 2015's a must read!!
Poet Johnny Fever - November 15, 2017 - Report this comment
"When I think back to Dutch Mill, my heart burns like an ember. When I recall Tastykake, I'd like to slap them with my member. Dutch Mill will always live on, we shall be sure to remember. Fore like Churchill said, we shall never surrender."
DonutHead EM - November 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Great one Johnny Fever from hit the trifecta in my book with the 3 necessities that are a must in my book.... 1. DUTCH MILL accolades or remembrances. 2. "Dog Pile on the Rabbit" ...Not on "BUGS" but on that Filthy Stenchy Smokey Silty Low Grade Horse Feed Producer TastyCrud in Philly....and.... 3. HISTORY...Love History to be at least if not taught in our schools taught on this fantastic web page.....DoughBoy 1917 would love the Churchill reference in our long Dutch Mill uphill battle we fight..."Whatever the Cost May Be"
Heather the War God like Woman - November 18, 2017 - Report this comment
Dang, have you boys taken it to another level. I, too, could not go to the hot dog place. Well, I actually wen there once, but didn't look for anything. Point A) I would like to meet you GM Turd, but can't do it yet; thank you for not rushing me. B) DonutHead DM is right. That Doough Boy man and the minni girl is great! SO GREAT. I read that and it made me cry. C) Here is my humble contribution ... "Once more to the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall with our English dead In peace there's nothing SO becomes a man (OR WOMAN) As Modest stillness and humility. BUT when blast of was blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger!" P.S. Love this Jonny fever dude. Great poet.
Romey - November 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Great stuff of here, sports! Love Dutch Mill. Should have something like it in the stores.
Pineapple Chucnks - November 28, 2017 - Report this comment
What a great reference to our beloved Doughboy from his quote on November 11, 2015. We need more men such as this! Let's make our baked goods and America what it used to be.
GM Boy - December 05, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey Gang, Know it's down time this time of year in terms of taking time out for web pages, but still, just wanted to say "Hello and good cheer" to my friends here. One real question for DonutHead and Sir Standord ... What were your Christmas creations at Dutch Mill during this time of year? Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Happy New Year! And, Mozeltof to my Jewish friends. We are all brothers in the eye of our creator.
Joiy - December 11, 2017 - Report this comment
I eat donuts and am still in great shape. One thing I tell people is it's not always what you eat but how much. Two Dutch Mills a day is OK
Vukovich - December 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Played a lot of ball in my day and would always have Dutch Mill as a great snack! To many people talk health crap but don't realize it's what you burn off, not just what you take in. And, I eat a lot of green vegetables and eggs.
Poet Johnny Fever - December 22, 2017 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill ... Jingle Bell ... Christmas is upon us, let us all be still, while we feel the Holiday chill. But there's warmth within, for those with little sin. Steamy goodness from Dutch's bakery, wiping crumbs from my chinny, chin, chin. Dutch Mill was like an Angel, Heaven in a baby blue box. But beware the Grinch with his culinary hate. Fore his snack of choice is the dreaded Tastykake.
Dutch - December 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy New Year to all you Dutch Mill rememberers, and all you people who celebrate such good values. It does my heart good to think we at Dutch Mill brought happiness to so many who still remember to this day. God bless, Dutch.
Faith - December 25, 2017 - Report this comment
Couldn't imagine coming on a web page and realizing there is goodness and happiness. Too much hate on the web. You nice people have made this day of Our Christ most extra special. God Bless you all.
GM Boy - December 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Was watching TCM about a minute ago and say a piece called, "Tale of a Trotter." Don't look for it on YouTube, it won't be there. Once must be an aficionado of Film Noir and/or TCM. It was about a baby horse named "Sponky" that went from barely walking to winning at Yonkers Raceway in 1956 in The Year of Our Lord. There were actually 40,000 people in the seats back then. The stakes were for $100,000 dollars! What a race and what a horse. Hey, Heather girl ... are you into Film Noir and TCM? Oh yeah, it was a race for trotters. Even though I mostly bet on pacers and girls named Heather. Actually went to "our" hotdog joint twice this months. Didn't see a gorgeous figure skater, so I figured the only thing I gained was hotdog weight. ha ha ha
Ralston h - January 03, 2018 - Report this comment
My New Year's resolution ... eat more donuts! Bring back Dutch Mill, they were the bomb, as we'd say years back.
bdm - January 08, 2018 - Report this comment
this should be the best page I'd seen since around 2009. how many people are behind this revolution? did garnet
Heather, The Former Pirate Girl of 2017 - January 11, 2018 - Report this comment
Hey Guys and Dolls ... Think I'll just go with Heather in this new year. I went once to our hotdog place, GM Dude, but wore an undercover outfit, or what. Put on an old pair of glasses and old coast and went with my Aunt so it didn't look like I was on the prowl. MEOW! Funny you talk about that TCC Station with the black and white old movies because my Aunt loves that. It's all she watches and Fox News, too. Have a Q for all of you. Just bought a box of Entenmann's Rich Frosted donuts. They have a think layer of chocolate, wax taste (but good). The inside is a vanilla cake kind of stuff. ANYWAY, these seem better than the ones they made 20 to 32 years ago? They are crisp and the inside is moist. Did Entenmann People step it up? I think they did. In other words, this is a better donut than they made back in the 80's even thought I was not that old then. I'm asking more of my older friends. What about you GM Boy, Dr. Dutch and Sir Donut Head BM; as in butt movement! ha ha ha. But, seriously, did the Entenmann people improve this kind of donut. AND, for the record, it's still nothing compared to Dutch Mill. We have to bring back the Dutch Mill boys.
EltonPaige - January 31, 2018 - Report this comment
I've given up on getting anything like a store donut. Those days of Dutch donuts is gone. They were part of the eighties.
Criton - February 05, 2018 - Report this comment
This was the way to go with donuts. Only the best.
Nathan - February 16, 2018 - Report this comment
These were good donuts
Dutch - February 20, 2018 - Report this comment
Hi Heather, you former Pirate Girl. I was curious when you said Ent's. chocolate donuts got better so out I went, paid retail for donuts... I know I'm prejudiced but I didn't think they've changed. Maybe you were really hungry that day! Anyway the chocolate coating still seemed waxy. The chocolate cake inside was still light in flavor. And the vanilla cake inside those was still a bit citrus flavored to cover up the mono and diglyceride and polysorbate 60 additives... So it made me remember a consumer survey we ran one time - a "mall intercept" where you ask people in the mall if they want to take a taste test. It's supposedly objective. In any event, 19 out of 20 people surveyed preferred the taste of Dutch Mill over Ent's. Hmm, I wonder why they outsold us 100 to 1... I think its the value of brand building and advertising. It proves you can fool some of the people all the time, but, dear readers, YOU have NEVER been fooled by fluffy advertising of mundane commercial products. Thank You all, Dutch Mill Donut lovers!!!
Mark VII - February 28, 2018 - Report this comment
Hope we see more donuts like Dutch Millz. They had better taste than anyone else.
Roberto - March 07, 2018 - Report this comment
Do you kind Souls think anyone will come out with a Dutch Mill kind of donut we can ever buy again? I don't like negative though, but the donuts you see now in the super markets are not very good. Thank you. -Roberto
DONUTHEAD EM - April 11, 2018 - Report this comment
"There are strange things done in the midnight sun, by the men who moil for gold: The Artic trails have their secret tales That would make your blood run cold; The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, But the queerest they ever did see Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge I Cremated Sam McGee. For the treachery he had done was to Josh everyone And feed them Kakes from vile Tasty. For this wanting act for eyes to stare surly I heed no despair, By promoting our will for our beloved Dutch Mill, Shall never be deemed to hasty. Thanks to the great Poet Robert Service for his input.....
Jeremy - April 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch's Donuts were the biggest thing to buy in my supermarket when I was around 12 to 19 years old. I wish they were still on the shelves.
GM Boy A.K.A. Heather's Boy Toy! - May 06, 2018 - Report this comment
I'm back like Jack! Where is everyone? DONUTHEAD is here, and Dutch make a comeback. Now let's get the old crew together! You did it once, Heather. Now let GM MAN get down with the plan. You like baseball, right?
Robert W - May 15, 2018 - Report this comment
Hey dude, got you note! Great to hear from you. I first I thought you were an idiot, then again thought that the first time I met you in the 80s. But, now that you mention it, this sounds pretty cool. We're got to hang. You got some real poets on here!
GM Boy - May 17, 2018 - Report this comment
Thanks, Bob. Just want to get it going again. Dutch & Donut Head are the MEN. Miss Heather, but that's another deal. We'll do it on our own, but will admit I miss our other friends. Oh, yeah, the NHL game last night was weird with the Las Vegas Show. Not my daddy's NHL hockey, but still cool. Now LET's get this party started again! Where are you Heather?
The daugher of a fallen man - May 26, 2018 - Report this comment
I've been on here before. My father was a Vet and knew many young boys that gave their lives for this Nation. Tomorrow is Memorial Day. THINK ABOUT THAT! My father is now more. His young brothers, who he lost many years ago, are no more. Do you know what I did today and why I came back? I watched a movie with Greggory Peck called "Twelve O'clock High." Watch that movie. Watch "Grand Torino!" READ about what men like this DID! My dad loved donuts and the simple things in life. BUT, he loved this Nation of ours and was willing to give all to The United States of America! Thank you all for being the one and only web thing that actually has intelligent comments and seems to Love This Nation. Oh yeah …. just one more thing. This Sunday, it's OK to have BBQ's, a little beer and good times. BUT, please, and I mean PLEASE just take one minute to remember WHY were are in the Land where we have these Freedoms and Luxuries. Just wish I could have told Granddad when I was a teenager and thinking he was some uptight old man that didn't now what life was really about. Boy was I wrong. I miss you brave warrior and will be with you some day … if I'm lucky! God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I, Heather - May 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes, now I am I, Heather in the same title as "I, Tonya!" This is so AWESOME, baby! DONUTHEAK EM has taken this up to another level. He, who must have been a total stud in his younger days, along with The King Dutch Mill Donut Man That Started it all are all so awesome. And you, GM STUD MAN! You have not lost faith, Faith No More.
I, Heather - May 30, 2018 - Report this comment
This is SO COOL! I was so amted up I forgot what I really wanted to say. Actually, I said much, but wanted to say something special about tonight!! NHL Hockey is on and I want the Vegas Golden Knights to win. My former, "boy toy" Maypo Butt-hole would have gone for a Canada team like the "Iron Bird." Well, I'll give them the bird. let's go VGK's!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, great poem DONUT NUT! HA HA HA. you guys are so cool. And, I'm getting more friends to bring this page back. Let's go all of you. Espcially GM Limp dicck. ha ha ha
DONUTHEAD EM - May 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Shot Down... I, Heather.....Shot Down. I feel like Snoopy after being shot down by the Red Baron in a muddy Belgium field....Like an Old Wash Rag in a Denny's with no dish soap after a Biker convention....."WAS" I say...."WAS" a Stud!!! Really Heather.. I feel I must grab a Cold Rheingold from the ice box, put on my Mr. GreenJeans suspenders, warm up with my favorite shawl, ease into my worn out rocking chair with my spittoon nearby, chew some spittin tobaccy and watch reruns of The Red Skeleton Show. BRUTAL Heather BRUTAL. .......Anyway Great to have the Dynamic Duo back in action to K-A-P-O-W this page and what a heart warming read by "The Daughter of a Hero" who found a home on this page as well as in our hearts..
The daughter of a fallen man - June 01, 2018 - Report this comment
Today is National Donut Day! Let's all smile, love and have a donut. And of course remember those who gave up all joys in this life for a Free Nation. Remember … Freedom is not free. By the way, you are all very neat people
Odin45 - June 06, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill must have been the keenest donut to be brought to the market in the eighties! Just one example of why this was a great decade!
GM Man - June 08, 2018 - Report this comment
Hey all ... Yes, Donut Head must have been Da Man in his time! As I am now! Ha ha ha. Sorry the Golden Knights lost, I, Heather! I was going for them, too. Awesome "The daughter of a fallen man." Hey, I, Heather ... why not bring this page back for a Summer Run. Summer Hit with Chico and the Man's son. Nobody will get that one. As Flav Fave would say, "Let's get this party started right!" P.S. Can't believe I forgot National Donut Day.
Grover - June 13, 2018 - Report this comment
Let me tell you this, Mean Jean. The Grovster will there for anything you need. Pack up some donuts, me, and I'll eat these babies all day.
I, Heather - June 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh, so are we one the same page, GM Man Child?! I say we hit it again. Sucks the Vegas Golden Knights lost. But then again, at least a team from Canada did not win. The Iron Birds turned into the Iron Turds. Just like a man I knew. But enough of that, let's get more one here. I will have at least two friends by Friday. But a Man Child that's a Green Mountain cry baby can't get that many. Or how about a Stud that made donuts that has a donut for a head? How about any of you want-a-be Tonya Harding Stud-ets?! By the way, you all have to see the movie, I, Tonya! It's awesome. But, I could never land "The Triple." Not even close.
Slick Ric - June 15, 2018 - Report this comment
ok, in
The Left Hand - June 16, 2018 - Report this comment
This is hard to say, but I will be a part of this whole terrible thing. Funny part is I WAS a total and absolute Dutch Mill Donut fan. I ate the S-it out of them. And, you turned me on, Chris! Could not have gotten through college without them. Well, probably, but not with a smile and a thin gut. I'm here for you, bro
Martin S - June 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Heard Dutch Mills never really went under, but moved to a smaller location in Buchanan, NY. They, according to business journals, came into existence on May 12, 1971
GM Man Child - June 21, 2018 - Report this comment
No, Martin "Don't call me Steve" S. Don't believe that is the case. If so DONUTHEAD or one of our other dough eating beautiful minds would have told us. Say the movie "I, Tonya." Know now why you are "I, Heather." Just makes me what to "meat" you in person! I'm the Jeff Goluli to your Tonya, baby! ha ha Just kidding, I don't slap my women around. They slap me around ... AND I LIKE IT! Yes, Little Girl Tonya with the home made fur coat of rabbit. Let's get this going big time. I'm in. And, I really, truly doubt that is Dutch Mill in James Buchanan New York. Unfortunately that is a myth.
Tjren - June 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Go Dutch Mill,Go Dutch Mill GO!!!
J-CUP - June 23, 2018 - Report this comment
This is eowy. Sorryk, but DOS is in the house
I, Heather - June 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Sorry everyone, but I had no idea my peeps would go so nerdy on everyone. Believe it or not they're dong the right thing. Please help me, but I miss dating idiots like GM A-Hole. P.S. DONUTEHEAD WAS A STUD IN THE DAY; or so I assume. Sorry all, but I'm really drunk. And I so miss Dutch Mill! What's Dutch's phone number?
Delong - June 27, 2018 - Report this comment
Why hand this girl out to dry?! Get it going boys & girls. Because, after all, like the eighties say, Girls just want to have fun!
Eddie the diver - June 29, 2018 - Report this comment
Roebling in Cincy - July 01, 2018 - Report this comment
What's all this talk about a comeback? Now that here, yo, the comeback is an "inback!" Dutch Mill was, is and always will be the best dang doughnut of all time. As Ali the boxer from the 1970s would say, "Of All Time!"
Pinapple Victory E - July 02, 2018 - Report this comment
As stated before, I am not an insider for the Official Dutch Mill Fan Club; (ODMFC). I am a lone wolf that just loves these donuts. I am also a fan of The Pirate Girl, but apparently she has become "The I Tonya"
Domingo - July 02, 2018 - Report this comment
Got you note Cool Man Puke! Ha ha That's an inside joke. A certain Mountain Boy in college drank too much, threw up and then casually was sleeping in his ... "mess"
GM Boy - July 02, 2018 - Report this comment
That person's name in school was 'Cool Hand Luke.' Not that I don't know that person. That name was a take off of the famous movie, Cool Hand Luke. Good to see 'I, Tonya' making her move again. Then again, like to picture her 'moving.' I AM a GM A-Hole. And, love how DONUTHEAD was a stud in his day according to you 'I, Tonya!' And what's up Pineapple Head Loser D? You don't want to be in our "Fan Club?!" How dare you say that. Only issue is I didn't know we had a fan club. P.S. Saw the I, Tonya movie because of you Pirate Wench. I'd love to see you in a homemade rabbit skin jacket! Nobody knows where that reference came from unless you say the film. GREAT MOVIE! And, the soundtrack was probably the best soundtrack I can remember! Seriously, what movie had a better soundtrack that the movie I, Tonya?
"lil sis Class of 1989 - July 02, 2018 - Report this comment
Last time, definite last time
Wonder Boy - July 03, 2018 - Report this comment
The Storm is back! What Dutch Mill fan club? Count me in. Never heard of The ODMFC but I bet it's cool as ship! Ship in a storm!
Obsession 1973-1978 - July 03, 2018 - Report this comment
This was said back in May of this year and it must be stated on this day. We must all get along. Dutch Mill should be a doughnut that brings people together. I was a big fan of Dutch's!
I, Heather - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
This is so great! You are all coming back! I did this, me, Pirate Girl, Heather The Pirate Girl! I Rule! Love you all and Dutch Mill. You are all major Studs like DonutHead and even GM Butt Boy well maybe not the GM Puss Boy! ha Happy 4th of July everyone. What are you all doing today?
Pinapple Victory E - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
You are nice people for the most part and I loved Dutch Mill very much. However, Ms. Heather, and I know you are a neat young lady, but please don't include me as one of the followers. I am a lone wolf. The movie coming out this September named Alpha
Delong - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
I, Heather - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Ha ha Green Mountain Boy slept in his own vomit! Ha ha ha No wonder I have a little crush. You should try to "meat" me at that hot dog place. But neither of us will say the day so it's fate. I go often on Saturdays. Will write something on the girl's room wall because you are a little fil
Baseball1975 - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Before I was telling everyone I was only a part time customer in the sense that my mom would buy Dutch Mills as a special treat. I'm watching the Boston Red Sox at The Washington Nationals today. They have Red, White and Blue special socks and arm holders things. This is a great day I think to spend the 4th. Thanks for all our great vets and men who made America Great! God Bless you all! Oh no, Bryce Harper is only batting .218. He should pick that up. And he got struck out with a change up by a left handed pitcher.
Lemmon Cream - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Take Dutch Mill to the bank! They'll be back.
Diana - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes, these donuts by Dutch Mill were great. But let's not forget the pound cake creation. Dutch Mill had the best pound cake. I'm the one that lived in Montclair and only liked that they had a store that sold Dutch Mill. Their pound cake was better that the English pound cake. Yes, I went to England and smoked Dun Hill cigarettes to look cool. I was the think to do back then. But, Dutch Mill pound cake is still something that will never go out of style. Miss hanging with you, Heather! I'll get more people on here for you. And, as that DonutNut guy called him, Mapo man is a fool.
Howard - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill used to say, Doesn't make sense saving pennies if you make not sense of your donuts. What ever the motto of Dutch Mill was they were the best
kyle4839 - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
These guys were number one in overall doughnut sales in the North Jersey for over 10 years according to my Uncle who worked as a big shot for Pathmark. This category was four gourmet doughnuts cake style I believe.
Jerry - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Investing is important, be a wildcatter and take chances. I'd invest in baking if I knew the product was a winner. Dutch Mill was the gold standard. Win!
Domingo - July 05, 2018 - Report this comment
This is for real and Dutch Mill is not forgotten. Proud to be part. Dutch Mill is great.
Jack Lalane - July 05, 2018 - Report this comment
Worked out on Tuesday, and had off yesterday. That being the 4th of July. But, will work out today! It's OK to have a few Dutch Mill donuts, but remember, one must also work out.
Babe - July 05, 2018 - Report this comment
What a day to come aboard. Just went to my favorite super market. They had sushi I enjoy along with weird looking pea/rice bar items. Also got two different kinds of cherries, plumbs, white peaches and seaweed. Also, Gorilla Cereal. But alas, no Dutch Mill donuts. In fact, I did not get any donuts since there is no substitute for Dutch Mill:( But, I am happy for the memoires :)
Scott H 1980 - July 05, 2018 - Report this comment
Don't tell me these are out of style. For all whom remember these donuts of Dutch Mill, they shall never die
N.W.A. - July 05, 2018 - Report this comment
Straight outta Compton, and Dutch Mill be the donut I be rompin!
Nate - July 06, 2018 - Report this comment
Love these dutch mills. now if only I could eat them again. does anyone make anything like this in the current market?
Roger 83 - July 06, 2018 - Report this comment
Once again, you guys, some, have turned this page into a baseball themed page. And, that's cool with The Rog. And is that really the real NWA rapband, or whatever they are called. Don't shoot me guys, take my donuts! Well, unless they are Dutch Mill, I'll die for those babies~!
The 5th hole par 5 - July 06, 2018 - Report this comment
It's all about that doughnut whole! Dutch Mill will live.
kyle4839 - July 06, 2018 - Report this comment
Can't believe where this is going. It's bigger than me and thank you BoBo for bringing us in!
Saturday Nite Special - July 09, 2018 - Report this comment
Let's hit the airwaves for Dutch Mill!
GM Boy in white satin - July 09, 2018 - Report this comment
Great posts to all! Was listening to Knights in What Satin and thought about how Pirate Girl, Also Know As "I, Heather," used to use all this interesting handles. Got three things to say: A) Way to go I, Heather! You did what you said. You Da Gal! B) Love you Sir Pineapple Chucks of Love, but where in heck did you get "The Official Dutch Mill Fan Club," A.K.A. ODMFC? If there were such a thing I would be in it. Actually, I might have been a co-founder. C) Is that really you "N.W.A." Didn't know Dutch Mill sent their backed goods all the way out to Compton, Los Angeles? You guys are so cool for supporting this great donut. I will be getting my homeboys together to get more posts. Can't let Pirate Girl do it all. And, I will be trying to 'meat' you!
Karen - July 10, 2018 - Report this comment
To all who rock, we salute you. Dutch Mill
Les Moore - July 11, 2018 - Report this comment
There once was a cake named tasty. I ate one because I was hasty. I threw up my guts, I fell down a hill, boy I wish I had me a Dutch Mill. -Les Moore
Roberto - July 11, 2018 - Report this comment
Anyone know the closest thing to Dutch Mill in The Super Market? Last time I asked this good things took place. The Great DONUTHEAD left a Robert Service style poem. Hey, Les Moore is like me ... he ends his notes with his name. -Roberto
GM Boy - July 11, 2018 - Report this comment
OK, are you ready for some Dutch Mill Ball?! My fuucks are in a row now and my boyz & be-acht-iz are getting ready for a major Blitz cuming in two to three days. But, first off, you used that poem before Sir Les. However, it is worth repeating so no prob-lame-o. And Mr. Roberto, as in Clemente. THERE IS NOTHING CLOSE TO DUTCH MILL. Now fly your plane back to PR land and don't crash in the ocean again! ha ha ha. And, Pirate Girl. Is Roberto your boy? Get it ... Clemente played for the Pirates! Boy is the GM BOY GOOOO! By the way, I'm starting a fan club called "The Official Dutch Mill Fan Club." Also called ODMFC. Anyone want to join? Just kidding, Pineapple Chunks of Love started that rumor.
DonutHead EM - July 11, 2018 - Report this comment
Had both the Honor and Thrill of attending the welcoming of the new 1200 Plebes (Cadets)to the West Point Military Academy this past Saturday. A Grand ceremony of Great speeches, awesome singers and of course the West Point Military Band whom together put on a heart warming Patriotic-Love of Country tribute which unfortunately is a relic nowadays. Then the spectacle was capped off by a terrific fireworks display over the Hudson that thrilled the 5,000 attendees to no end. Such a Display forthwith the Green Mountain Dude promises to equal and heretofore "Aye-Aye" I Heather AKA Anne Bonny already has. This page and Dutch Mill are blessed to have these two Scallywags steering our ship....true Coxswain are both of you...... GO ARMY (Dutch Mill) -- SINK NAVY (Tasty)
Kitty - July 11, 2018 - Report this comment
So much great stuff going on here. Would appear Dutch's Mill is America's Doughnut
Jack The Box - July 13, 2018 - Report this comment
Why were foods so much better in the 80's? Just seems places like Burger King and even McDonalds had a better taste. And no donuts out there like Dutch Mill!
GM an American! - July 13, 2018 - Report this comment
Just wanted to say, so awesome, so VERY AWESOME, DonutHead EM, has kin that are in the School of War, just as U.S. Grant, Mr. General Lee and even "General" Custer. Hey George, should not have broken up your troops, yo. But even Crazy Horse called you the bravest man he ever knew. And that's coming from a fellow warrior. For real … I, simple, silly, immature GM Boy had said many a silly things on this page; all in good sport. But, Sir Donut Man, West Point is something sacred. That is NO JOKE. Would you all do this simple man, a man with many mistakes, a favor? Could you all go to YouTube and put in: "Toby Keith, American Soldier." If you watch that video and not end up with a tears in your eyes, you are no friend of mine. No, you are something I have nothing in common with. God Bless America, and all those who gave their lives for this Land and Our Freedom.
Ayden - July 14, 2018 - Report this comment
THis page is so great. and dutch mill is so wonderful
The Show - July 15, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is The MLB of doughnuts
Mark 93 - July 15, 2018 - Report this comment
This is/was a great donut. Why do some spell our word like silly engish people. It's DONUT!
Howard - July 16, 2018 - Report this comment
No need to be penny wise if your spending English Pounds on low standard. That's how they got into pound cakes Dutch Mill is
Karen - July 16, 2018 - Report this comment
To those about to eat Dutch Mill --- We Salute You
Roberto - July 16, 2018 - Report this comment
Great line, GM boy and your appreciation to the USA is much appreciated. But, you also say some silly things. Did you say I should crash a plane?! I will chalk it up to a bad joke. And you are most likely right about nothing being like Dutch Mill anymore. Taskty Cakes, or whatever they are seem to be fake donuts/treats. They are not total garbage as some of you suggest, just a third rate snack food that does not come close to The Dutchman's Donuts. -Roberto
SPB - July 17, 2018 - Report this comment
Were Dutch Mill donuts like Krispy Creme glazed, or were they cake donuts?
I♡the80's - July 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Who gives a rat's a**! You all suck! This is supposed to be a forum for all the beautiful and glorious foods of the 1980's and you have turned it into weirdness! Too many ads for pills and financial help!
Jack My Box - July 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Wha? Really?
I, Heather - July 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Right on DonutStud & Green Mountain Manchild! You guys rock as to all you donut studs and studetts! God Bless America and Dutch Mill! I watched The All Star Game, but went to sleep before it ended. I'm lame. And to you SPB, I think I speak for many here when I say I'm a Dutch Mill expert. Dutch Mill made great cake donuts. Just check starting with the post from April 08, 2008. This page has announced Dutch Mill as the great cake donut of all time for the last 10 years! And, Dutch Mill had many other flavors, but I'll leave that to the experts. Went to the hot dog place Green Mountain Girl, but wore a disguise. Don't want people to know me, especially you.
I, Heather - July 18, 2018 - Report this comment
You are all so cool! Way to go Donut Stud and Green Mountain Want a be Man! LOL God Bless America is right! Hey SPB, Dutch Mill was famous for being a great cake donut. This page has been talking about that since April 8, 2018 with Susan so it's been over 10 years. Went to the hot dog place Green Mountain Man Child, but I wore a disguise. Didn't want you to see me but I was "On The Look Out!" Oh yeah, SPB, Dutch Mill is much more than only a cake donut. But I'll let the experts tell you.
SPB - July 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Thanks, I, Heather! I wasn't sure if their only donuts were cake donuts or a variety, but I know they used to make cakes and other baked goods, too. I'm not one for cake donuts, but maybe that's because I've never had a good one. Dutch Mill was defunct before I was old enough to differntiate between any particular food, so, unfortunately, I never got to try them. I love the 80s and I love donuts, so I'm very curious about this company and would love for them to go back into business so I can finally try the much-coveted Dutch Mill donuts.
Bobby Hill - July 18, 2018 - Report this comment
DonutMan/DonutHead EM, is the recipe you gave above for the donuts? In another post, you said that nutmeg was in the donuts, but nutmeg isn't in the recipe (if it's for the donuts).
Roger 83 - July 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Roger 83 will say it, "You are all right, when you say Dutch Mill is King." Someone asked me why they are so great. Bobby Hill, the son of Hank Hill, believes their is nutmeg in the donuts. I can't honestly say. Nutmeg is a great spice. Nutmeg is a sign of classy cooking/baking!
GM Man Child of Love, Baby! - July 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Hey there to all. So sorry you weren't around for Dutch Mill SPB dude, or dude-girl. They were the best! But, like I, Heather said, there were many different Dutch Mill donuts & even pound cakes. Hey "I, Heather," former Pirate Wench, what do you mean you "wore a disguise?" I have no idea what you look like so HOW WOULD A DISGUISE WORK?! LOL And nice to see Hank Hill's kid, Bobby, is now on board. I know Bobby likes to eat so that's great.
Billy - July 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Karen is great. This page has always been out of control awesome! Dutch Mill will always be an institution.
Turd Ferguson - July 20, 2018 - Report this comment
You think you're all pretty smart, like Alex Trebeck, with you dago mustache and greasy hair. Dutch Mill had sweet holes. And that's what they said about your mother Trebeck!
Ike - July 21, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill + my mouth = a good time
Carlton - July 21, 2018 - Report this comment
Think I had my first Dutch Donut around 1978. Does that sound right. They came in a pretty baby blue box with a lighthouse or something on it. Very good donut, indeed.
Matilda - July 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes, Dutch Mill, oh so sweet Dutch Mill was like an Opera. It touches you, stays with you and brings happiness in the past, present and future
Roberto - July 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh yes, I get it now. A joke and not offense. You are alright with me. Think it's funny people joke around with each other here. Dutch Mill really comes across to other cultures and people. People like Matilda are very nice and like Dutch Mill Donuts & Treats. Yours, -Roberto
DonutHead EM - July 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Thanks for the call out GM Boyz on Kin at West Point - Though my nephew did go there and even played on the Army Football team several years ago this event I attended was free and open to the public to which they have many events during the summer...believe more fireworks labor's at the amphitheater at the bend in the Hudson. In fact that same bend from West Point across the Hudson to Constitution Island that Captain Thomas Machin was ordered to construct a 500 yard iron link chain to thwart any British ships from sailing north to Albany. Finally in 1778 after his last load of TastyKake Donuts were linked together the chain was complete........GREAT to have you on Bobby Hill and love you read back in time on this page, it is a great answer your question the recipe I gave was for our DM Chocolate Chip cookies (great also) only DUTCH has the donut recipe. Nutmeg was in our donuts which fell under "Spices" on our ingredient legend.
Toby - July 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Woke up dreaming about dutch millz
Agnew - July 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Even somebody like me would love to give Dutch's a shot a the new mark. We all love this and should paper down what is a great donut
Donald Trump - July 25, 2018 - Report this comment
A big, beautiful donut company once called Dutch Mill was not only a pillar of baked goods at its absolute finest, but a symbol of what this country used to be, and will be again. Bring back Dutch Mill and make super market donuts great again!
BED - July 25, 2018 - Report this comment
I may not agree with your politics or your demeanor, Donald, but I agree with you on one thing – Dutch Mill needs to come back! This could be the one thing that brings this country together again.
GM Boy - July 25, 2018 - Report this comment
Holy Cow! So great that the President himself came on this Dutch Mill page! And, "The Donald" is even bringing people together. Many great Americans, such as "BED" my not like The Prez, but just look how Dutch Mill can bring people together. Personally, I'm a Trump fan, but one can still see he eats a lot of donuts! ha ha Not that I should talk. AND so glad Sir DonutHead appreciated my speech about my grand respect for all at West Point. Just one think, however, Sir DonutHead. Please don't say TastyKake was used by Captain Thomas Machin to construct that 500 yard iron link chain to stop the Brits back in the day. Since TastyKake is a toxic substance that would constitute chemical weapons usage which this great Nation is totally against. Now if one is a third world dictator, which no regard for common law and decency, then, by all means, utilize TastyKake for your weapons of mass destruction! LOL Where have you gone "I, Heather?" Miss you ... NOT! ha ha ha And, thanks to all my buds that have come on here during this great month of July of 2018. Love you all. P.S. Dutch Mill can bring everyone together. Now that's the power of the donut!
Dave P. - July 25, 2018 - Report this comment
Would like to see donut tastings like with wine tastings in Napa Valley and Sonoma County in Cali. Good times keep coming on this page.
Men of Iron - July 26, 2018 - Report this comment
We must unite, don't fight. Dutch Mill is our fav
Poet Johnny Feaver - July 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Donuts for all, large and small, Dutch Mill of course, is the call. TastyKake won't be there, and for that we won't despair, fore their odor is like a fart in the air. So many legends, have been on this page. Patriots of West Point, clowns from the mountains, and ice queens whose lovers are Mapos, not legends. We love you all, oh, so much, especially you, oh sweet Dutch. Fore if not for you, we'd have nothing to chew. At least not quality that made us feel we hit the lottery.
Marvin - July 26, 2018 - Report this comment
My friends call me the commercial guy. Love the 70's. You want a thrill from the past. These memories will run over you so thick, you'll have to wave them off with a bat. Go to: Old Commercials #1 (The 70's)
R. Warrior - July 26, 2018 - Report this comment
The brothers of Doom are all about Dutch Mill and all that comes with it. May the Legion live on!
I, Heather - July 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Thank you to all- you r all so awesome. Just had to ask, not you GM girlie-man, but everyone else … how did this page begin? Whomever began this entire 80's nostalgia thing, God Bless you! You are a big part of this. In fact, you began this whole thing. Who are you and why did you begins this? P.S. ask some have said, GM Boy is a girlie man! There's your LOL!
GM Boy - July 28, 2018 - Report this comment
Good poem Johnny Fever The Beaver. GM Boy began this page sweet Heater The Feather, don't you know that. DonutHead BM is the total man. We need more Americans. Hey, that GDP went up to 4.1%. That's Trump, baby.
John - July 29, 2018 - Report this comment
Great donut
You craxy lobo - July 30, 2018 - Report this comment
South has some good stuff but when I was hooke3d on ths north, we had many donuts. They called me you crzy lobo
Wilhelm - July 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Did Dutch Mill ever honor the German baking tradition with a German Style Tort? I bet they would have done well. Pennsylvania Dutch are really of German Decent. Thought the immortal Dutch might honor his past. And if so, no doubt he would have done it better than any other bakery!
GM Boy - July 30, 2018 - Report this comment
German baked goods at Dutch Mill. That actually doesn't sound all that nuts. Now lobo crazy dude, you, sir are out there. Hey "I, Heather," is this month's run coming to an end? You stated this one, girl, you call it.
I, Heather. The Pirate Girl of Love - July 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Thank you GM Boy for giving this Pirate Girl of Lust & Love some credit! I, and this is Pirate Girl speaking, say we take a break till The Fall classic as my dad called it. That means the World Series. Funny poem Fever "love her and leave her." I might get a hot dog but nobody will see me. Already wrote something on the bathroom wall in the woman's room at that place. Watch this page and wish it well.
I, Heather, The Pirate Girl of Love - July 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Listened to somebody and actually watched some YouTube stuff dealing with old TV Commercials. Went to one called, 58 TV Commercials from 1977. And, even though I was only seven, I remember some of them! Must remember, I have an incredible memory and an extremely smart. Why was there never a Dutch Mill Donut Commercial? Why not a commercial on GM Girlie Man and how to make him not so much of a fool? ha ha ha
Halo - July 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Great to be finally invited. But I'll still make my own call regarding The Dutch of Donuts. They were Dutch Mill and I knew then well
Pineapple Victory E - August 01, 2018 - Report this comment
This sounds as if it's a broken record. How many know that term? Then again, if one is a Dutch Mill Aficionado that it's simple, when a record skips and plays the same beat. Once again, I am here alone because I appreciate the glory of solitude.
Bryher - August 03, 2018 - Report this comment
I'll take Dutch Mill before death. But death before TastyKake. Boy are they crap on a stick
Baseball1975 - August 06, 2018 - Report this comment
This page is something special. It reminds me of when my mom would buy special treats for my brother and me. And I appreciate you all. But I'm sort of with Pineapple Victory when that person suggests this page is for everyone and one not need to be in a special fan club. I love donuts, Dutch Mill, America, apple pie and baseball. I played in 1975! That's the year Bad News Bears with Walter Matthau was being filmed in Lost Angeles. What a great movie. And sorry to act up and perhaps be perceived as being a little rebellious with my statement about how one need not be in an official fan club to enjoy this page and talk about Dutch Mill. I just wanted to say I back Pineapple on this one. These donuts named Dutch Mill are something special.
Susan W. - August 07, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh, the apple cider donuts in the fall! They were sooo good. Nice, honest cake donuts with a thin glaze - CLASSIC! And so much better than Entennman's.
Henny John - August 08, 2018 - Report this comment
The NFL is coming up but will not watch. Still love Dutch Mill. YES, do remember the Apple Cider Donuts. They were amazing. Can't believe people still remember Dutch Mill after the last 15 years. Actually, I can.
Viking - August 10, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes, to all who love Dutch Mill. Bring them back!
Boyle - August 13, 2018 - Report this comment
Anyone who does not love Dutch Mill is nothing more than a fidlin' ben in my view
Lorenz - August 13, 2018 - Report this comment
So cool it could be if one could get Black Powder Coffee and a donut close to Dutch Mill in the same coffee shop. One goes to Starbucks, and it's so lame. Overpriced and stuck up are they. Just five me great coffee and great donuts.
otto - August 20, 2018 - Report this comment
Who thinks Dutch Mill should be back
Errol - August 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Boating was always a passion and as a creature of habit there were three things I took with my booty. The first, booty:) The second, a full bar. The third ... you guessed it, Dutch Mill!
Jace - August 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Football & donuts is how I roll. Don't watch the National Felons League anymore, but there's some great college, and of course, high school. We'd bring Dutch Mills to my son's game and they even donated to a fund raiser we had.
HillToper - September 02, 2018 - Report this comment
Great donuts and grate to take home. Bring some to my part of town. This company was the best of the eithies. I miss them so much
Lorenz - September 05, 2018 - Report this comment
Make Black Powder Coffee into a coffee shop and sell Dutch Mill donuts! What kind of winner is that?!
Pineapple Victory E - September 10, 2018 - Report this comment
It is so nice to just come on every now and then and give my thoughts. Dutch Mill was a special treat in a special time in Our Nation's History. Had a great weekend. No "National Felons League" football. Also, will NOT being buying anything with that commie Nike symbol on it. Anyone with me?
Iceage - September 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Wow I thought of these donuts early this past week (I haven't had them since the early 90's), but I adored these donuts and hoped that they were still available. So I am disappointed as are all all of you. BRING BACK DUTCH MILL DONUTS!!!!!
The Love Machine - September 20, 2018 - Report this comment
We must all hail Dutch Mill and get together for a grand cause. That cause will work to bring them back in circulation. Once we gain power over the far left shiphole company of TasktyKake, we shall bring back a real donut. AAAHHH, I'm just a love machine, and I don't get it up for just anyone
Pineapple Victory E - September 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Some rather odd comments, but to be expected in this day and age of sensationalism. Know some on here are big Army Football fans. Those brave men almost beat a big team which was Oklahoma. Nice to see we all still are fighting for Dutch Mill. Anyone with me?
Sabti - September 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Can't believe there are people that like these doughnuts as I do. This is so great!
DonutHead EM - September 27, 2018 - Report this comment
Hey I Heather think you missed the Dutch Mill Commercial (early 90's I think)starring "Dutch" and a Cow.....think the Cow got higher billing :)..... Think we're all together Pineapple Chunks on both your inquiries. As far as "The Love Machine's" odd comments I'll leave it to GM Boyz to handle him....or should I say take of him...... and I don't mean it that way "I Heather".
GM Boy - October 01, 2018 - Report this comment
GM BoBo Boy is BACK, BABY!!! How did you jerks actually get to do this page without me? And, looks like I have a job right off the bat. Let us see ... The Love E.D. Machine. Never heard of him. But if he needs help with his E.D. he might wish to try that funny blue pill. Speaking of getting excited, where is my girl, I Heather. Are we doing the MLB playoff run?! The playoffs start Tuesday which is 24 hours away. Let's do it baby! But, I bet I Heather is probably too busy looking up The Love Machine to get back to The Dutch Mill Page. But look out, I Heather, you Pirate Wench, he most likely has E.D. which is why he needs that pretty blue pill. HEY, Make Dutch Mill Donuts with Viagra in each donut. That way, us old guys get such it down and work off the calories. The Astros will be playing the Brooklyn/LA Trolly Dodgers and it will go seven games.
HillToper - October 02, 2018 - Report this comment
You are right. This is a super page. Miss this company and best of the eithies
Jack Lalane - October 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Worked out again and have been doing so a lot. Gotta get into shape. Gold & Baseball are relatively low on the hierarchy of sports in terms of cardio, but still respect baseball. It's OK to eat a Dutch Mill, or two, but look out for TasktyFake. That's garbage and it will kill ya!
GM Boy - October 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Are you people friggin' kidding me?! It's into MBL Playoff Baseball and nobody but some fitness nut from the 1970's is on here? And, by the way, "Jack Lalane" as he calls himself drank more beer that 10 Kavanaughs put together when he was in college. SIDE NOTE: Confirm that Honorable Man! The "Doctor" woman who was a big time drunken *hor in the 80's is a nut job. But, I digress. Where are you people? What are you "I Heather?" Where are all you Baseball/Dutch Mill awesome people? Please come back and show them how much we love our Dutch Mill!
GM Boy - October 06, 2018 - Report this comment
OK? What's the deal you fools?! It's baseball playoff time in MLB and nothing? Where are you "I, Heather" and all you other posers? Get on here and do so quickly!
DonutHead EM - October 08, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes GM Boyz, it's the playoffs!!! Let's Go Mets, Let's Go Mets......What?....They didn't? Oh yea they stink, stank, stunk almost as much the TastyCruds Krampets.... Let's go Donut lovers it's time to circle the wagons and hail Dutch Mill and not leave GM Boys and myself hanging like we're part of the 7th Cavalry. C'mon Troopers Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.
Baseball1975 - October 08, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill & Baseball, teammates 4 Life
Allen D. - October 09, 2018 - Report this comment
Doughnut such as Dutch are the best. Think, live & love
Larry - October 09, 2018 - Report this comment
Good thing these donuts aren't around anymore, I think people would kill for them. Hey, my nephew likes this modern day dumb movie called the Hunger Games; they should do that, but with Dutch Mill!
Roger 83 - October 10, 2018 - Report this comment
Love ya, bro. But you b nutz! Dutch Mill should be under your Christmas Tree. When's your big group?
Malibu Ken - October 10, 2018 - Report this comment
Let's see if it can become what it once was. I'm a donut man and wish these bad boys would come back. I'd eat them till I'd vomit and then eat that
Garcia - October 11, 2018 - Report this comment
Simply the best
Unknown SuperHero - October 12, 2018 - Report this comment
Coming to aide in this offensive. But, like Polo, not other sports for the simpletons. Love the doughnuts for breakfast.
The O'Jays - October 13, 2018 - Report this comment
You know why they won't back you in big numbers, BoBo? Like the song my band, The O'Jays, once sang: "The back stabbers, They smile in your face, but all they want to do is take your place. THE BACK STABBERS." Ha ha ha
I, Heather The Totally Great ONE - October 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh, you poor little children and your lack of power play to get many hits on Dutch Mill's page during the baseball playoffs. Just goes to show GM Baby, never sent a boy to do a woman's job! Now let's get some hits on here!
Samantha - October 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Of course it takes a woman's touch; and I'll do the touching. These boys aren't Boys to Men. They are Boys to wimps. You go, girl.
Tango & Mace - October 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Mace to the face of all who hate Dutch Mill. Then again, don't know many that would not like these fine donuts. Dutch Mill
Diana - October 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Dunn Hill cigarettes and English Pound Cake was my thing back in college. Thought I was the Cat's Meow! But not just give this ol girl some of that Dutch Mill Pound Cake. Not many know they made the best Pound Cake around and in the area
Bo - October 15, 2018 - Report this comment
This is the season for dutch mill
Savyon - October 15, 2018 - Report this comment
Legally, Dutch Mill could trademark itself as the best of all time. Tis is what was said, before, almost a year ago, and we'll stand by said state
Micahel 9 - October 15, 2018 - Report this comment
Which Dutch Donut did I like the most? Grew up in New Jersey, eating Dunkin Donuts, so to me, the 'cake donut' is king. But my wife is from Alabama and they grew up on 'soft white glaze' as the main donut. It's a culture thing.
Roger 83 - October 15, 2018 - Report this comment
It's going down! Talked to BoBo couple days ago and he was crying because he lost all his friends. I told him, "don't worry, bro, you didn't have that many to begin with." Looks like the girls are taking over. Let's go girl power and Dutch Mill!
H80 - October 15, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill goes great with Boar's Head Hot Dogs. Casing hotdogs are t5he best
Lemar - October 16, 2018 - Report this comment
There will never be another Dutch Mill unless it is PimpSiFi and Dutch Mill comes back.
GM Mam! - October 16, 2018 - Report this comment
Looks as if [I, Heather] is getting a little too big for her britches. Not that girls wear britches. Good job, girl, but don't let it go to your pretty little head. The GM Man is going "Nuke-lar" as G.W. Bush would say. More people will be coming on her for The Fall Classic!
GM Man - October 16, 2018 - Report this comment
I went by GM Mam, because it sounds like "BAM!" And that's what I'll be doing with more promotions! And, for your info [I Heather the Little Girl] The MLB Playoffs started two weeks ago! You are a Joannie come lately! Ha ha ha
New England Assassin - October 16, 2018 - Report this comment
Came to wipe out the competition. Down with baked crap such as TastyKake. They are what happens when week old crap catches on fire in a dumpster. Dutch mill is King of the Worlds.
Pineapple Chunks - October 16, 2018 - Report this comment
Don't count me as one of the "Marathon Drones" I'm on here cause I'm just a plain old fan of Dutch's. Ya'll can go to the devil if you think you can count me in on some cult thing. Just kidding, your all OK, but just know I'm just a solo joe~!
Wes - October 16, 2018 - Report this comment
Not time to BS. Giving my honors in this important mission from the baked in the brain chain gang
House of Dootittle - October 17, 2018 - Report this comment
A bad day eating Dutch Mill is better than a good day eating that TastyCrap. Love Dutch the Donuts.
Bryher - October 17, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is life; TastyKake is death in a box
Jackie B - October 17, 2018 - Report this comment
Had these when I came down to New Jersey, but did you Dutch's ever deliver up to around Main? What's the furthest north you went?
I, Heather, The Queen of Pirate Girls - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh you poor little GM BoBo. You seem to be sad. But, like the old commercial goes, "Don't get sad, get mad, use heavy weight trash bags." And then put your sorrows in one. My dad is an old time baseball fan and was born in Milwaukee. And he says baseball playoffs don't start until there are four teams left. And that's being generous. He can to the North East as a boy, and rooting for the Metros from Queens because his Milwaukee team back then was from the National League, just like they are now. You probably don't even get it foolish boy. This girl knows sports. And Dutch Mill and how to get people on here.
Wes - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Calm down, Pirate Woman Heather. We'll have to wet you down with a hose. Did you hear what happened in Clearwater, Florida? The Police found a stolen van filled with doughnut and were allowed to keep them. Talk about a find! They gave them to the homeless, but got to eat some. My cousin's a cop and he calls doughnuts "power rings."
The Fridge - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
We didn't come looking for trouble, we just came to do the World Series Shuffle. Do you know I could eat two dozen Dutch Mill. P.S. This is not the real "Fridge," but I sure would eat like him if they came back, baby!
Michael M - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Best time of the year for fun and fun foods. There's Halloween and plenty of scares. But nothing is more frightening than the notion we are stuck with pitiful Tasty Cake and no more Dutch Mill.
Jose - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Lots of love to all Dutch Millers out there. I love these donuts and the people that make them.
Jack - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Had these at a little store in Ringwood
GM Boy - October 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes, Dear I, Heather, I am indeed a poor BoBo. Fore the deplorable Red Sox of Boston have captured the AL crown. Let's go whomever takes them on in the WS. Your dad is from Milwaukee? Does he drink as much as me. They are all "Brewers."
D. Kommit - October 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Used to sketch. Actually still do and loved these boxes. The food tasted as fine as it looked. Wish they had commercials on YOuTubes
Loomis - October 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is the one for me
Roger 83 - October 20, 2018 - Report this comment
Anyone ready for Game 7 of the NLCS? The Dodger & Brewers are knotted at 3 games a piece. Let's go and the winner takes the Dutch Mill Trophy!
Kimmy - October 20, 2018 - Report this comment
Was watching the movie with Leonardo called Titanic and thought about you all.
Thomas is Her - October 21, 2018 - Report this comment
Just got married!
Havj - October 21, 2018 - Report this comment
Kill me for loving Dutch's prize creation. Which witch will you be on Halloween Kimberly?
Prince Harry - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Never had Dutch Mill at Buckingham Palace in my days. But, older staff says that's because they have been defunct since the early 1990's. My father loathed them, but mother was quite fond.
GM Boy - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Think we've got some funny jokesters on this page. Price Harry is a little light headed from all the love making with his new bride! Know that 'I, Heather' knows the feeling! Let's Go Dodgers. Beat the scumbag Red Sox. Go Clayton Kershaw.
Willie - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Perhaps the best doughnut one could purchase in a super market. Right, "Cattle Market" Sue? We call it the super market in the North, but my wife's cousin says you should not say "market" unless it's cows.
Rose - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Bought for my boys when they were good. A very special treat. Dutch Mill had a quality that sadly has been lost in recent decades. Where has the pride gone?
Jamason - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
This is going to be one big party, Bo! And you owe me!
The Force Of One - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
There is a force, and it's coming. Eat Dutch Mill and vote Republican! All great things are worth fighting for. And Dutch Mill is all for keeping this Country great and not voting for Democrat trash
Hug - October 22, 2018 - Report this comment
Love is the answer. Let's all agree it's about good stuff and acting good.
I, Heather: No longer the "Pirate Queen" but just The Queen - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Like the Queen Bee, all you drones come to my beckoned call! Ha ha ha. But for real, I love you guys. Let's have a great fall, and see you next year. My dad and I are going to watch the World Series tonight. Root for the National League Team. They are The Dodgers. They used to play in Brooklyn. My dad will have a nice drink and I will have some home made muffins. This is a special time of the year. And you're right, BM Bo Bo Little Boy. That's most likely not the real Prince Harry. If so, I'd slap him upside his royal little head. Think about it.
Oh Henry - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh Henry, get's a hit everytime. And so did Dutch Mills. Report back with your fall dip, which you swear is a trip. When is comes to that brew.
Mayfield - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
You asked and I came through. These boys did make a great donuts. I always thought they were made in the lighthouse. Like those Keebler midgets and their crap cookies.
Big Ern - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
He's one for you dorks … How many donuts is the record for one sitting?
Prince Harry - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
In the name of my Grandmother, The Queen, I respectfully ask for you loyalty as my humble subjects. And no more remarks on my personage or title.
Howard - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
I like Dutch Mill
Samantha - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Probably get into trouble with my point of view. But I'll keep it clean all the same. I'm here and strong.
EffYew - October 23, 2018 - Report this comment
YAY! Looks like Boston gonna win the first game! So there yoo!
Roger 83 - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
You are correct Mr. EffYew. Boston will win. That will upset the idiot I know. But at least Dutch Mill is the all time winner!
GM Boy - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
OK, Heather, you're a Queen. We know that. And this Mr. Big EffYew gave your old lover the name, Maypo! As in, he's a first rate fool! But here's the real deal. It's World Series Time and it's time to enjoy. Even though jerks in Boston are happy at the moment. Nice city, just a jerk team. You know how I feel about baseball. Get the 1975 movie with Jack called, ONE FLEW OVER THE COCUKOO'S NEST. The scene where Jack is talking to Chief Bromden. They all want to watch the World Series and are even going crazy over the World Series. Dutch Mill and baseball, what is more American. I think Sir Dutch even made Halloween donuts.
Rifleman - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Don't mind a good donut, but I was a cruller man. You know, the long sweet stick, usually brown. Did Dutch Mill ever make one?
Johnson - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
You doesn't have to call me Johnson. Just call me when the box of Dutch Mill opens up!
Arnie's ARMY - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Like Arnold Palmer, Dutch Mill was a Classic. By the way, you of Dutch Mill land seem to have classic taste. Did anyone ever try Arnold Palmer's Ice Tee and Lemon Aide? It comes in a 16 oz. can and is the best drink on the market.
DonutHead EM - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Some quick responds.....GM Boyz-We did make a Halloween donut hole.....Rifleman-Never made a cruller but if you still want a "Long Sweet Stick" usually brown you're in the wrong part of town.....Johnson- Always preferred your full name of Ray Jay Johnson Junior but just JOHNSON will always prevail.........GM Boyz and I'aye Heather youz 2 guyz are amazing Dutch Mill scallywags, great work.....Where's DoughBoy1917/Mini Donut or even "Dutch" for that matter? Coming up on November 11th (11/11 - Veterans Day) which was always Doughboy1917's time to shine - just went back to a 10/24/2014 Doughboy entry and loved his historical sophistry. "Dutch" No Entry since February? Where are you?
Keven L - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Where have all the Cowboys gone? Where have all the great donuts gone?
Henny John - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Down with The National Felons League and up with MLB. Too many weird things, including the spelling of the word, "weird." We need more good old times and good old donuts.
Jon Wick - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
Had a nice cat and he and I ate donuts together.
Clark the bar - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
This is such a special time of the year. I hand out Clark Bars, but any candy is fine. I hand out the full size bars. Hate when people cheap out on Halloween.
Stephan 1977 - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
This is a story that will shock many. A family member in the U.S.A. sent these to me when I was 9-years of age. I was living near Hamburg, DE and I only had these when I visited with family in the U.S.A. My cousin wanted me to vote along with everyone here.
Rifleman - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
No, folks! No hidden meaning in my previous post! I literally like crullers. But, I can go for a good donut, too. I'm on the "right" part of town in the literal and figurative sense. With a name like "Rifleman" I have to be OK.
Cal - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
Nope, I have not forgotten
R White - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
The best times of my life took place back in the 80's and that time period. Not that things are bad now. In fact, these are the best of times by far. But, there were some good times back then. Dutch Mill was a part. That old white rock has faded since 1975, but the gardens live in my heart.
Steve - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
Can't remember why I stopped eating Dutch Donuts. These guys helped make me fat with love.
Jamason - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
Baseball1975 - October 25, 2018 - Report this comment
My mom got these as a treat. That's why I'm here to say these were special in a way that was topps! Did you guys collect baseball cards?
Dunkin Dan - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
This post will undoubtedly cause a major controversy on this page for Dutch. I grew up eating Dunkin Donuts and consuming their coffee. That's my brand of choice. That said, I did concede Dutch's had the best store purchased donuts I ever had. Please don't be made at me Kate.
L Landon & Tom from Kean - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Who knows when they stopped selling Dutch Mills in South Jersey. Grew up in Lakehurst and they sold them around me. Well, a little north, but still
Samantha - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Will have one donut today as I don't eat them a lot. This is Friday so I will have a treat. Anyone know which kind I should eat?
The Wise Old Owl - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Time will tell. Tell us the time. Dutch Mill will live since we have helped make them known to those who have not tasted the legend.
Mike - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
To tell the truth I did love Dutch Mill and never knew I'd miss it so much. Opps, did that sound "controversy?" Why does someone hide Dunkin donut effecsion? They are like Dutch Mill when it comes to plain donuts. But Dutch Mill was better. And Dunkin Donuts had like a ring thing on them. Remember? They were round and with a little bump.
GM Boy - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Thank you one and all! And you are correct, Sir Donut Head BM, I am and always was one great scallywag. And then there's Little Heather, a "Scally Hag!" Hey there! Just kidding, bet she's a hot little thang. For the record, "cruller rifle" is NOT one of my boys. Did anyone watch One Flew Over The Coccukoo's Next? Very good movie and reminds me of this time of year. Let's go out there and get this Dutch Mill Train going! Make Donuts Great Again. Go Trump, Go Dutch Mill!!!
Alister - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
No, I will not change my brand. Dutch Mill no matter where I worked. And I loved my employers. Had an issue with the young lady that young master went on to marry, but we sorted it out. It was a hard time during that great conflict.
Gadice - October 26, 2018 - Report this comment
No time for second rate donuts. Give me Dutch Mill. I've had these for years.
I, Heather the Pirate Girl - October 27, 2018 - Report this comment
GM Boy, GM Boy, you're nothing but my boy toy, if you were lucky! What a ball game last night. I'm actually going to watch the Jack movie from 1975 about crazy people.
Andy - October 27, 2018 - Report this comment
What would it do for me to reveal my true love for Dutch Mill. Just ask because I thought it was a true donut. Don't make them like this anymore.
Steve - October 27, 2018 - Report this comment
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a big man, but wish it could be Dutch Mill making me the big love.
Joey De - October 27, 2018 - Report this comment
All this talk about baseball. Actually a great game last night. Tonight it's scoreless after 5 complete. It's donut & Baseball for ya'll and it's Red Sox vs. Dodgers in Lose Angles.
EI - October 27, 2018 - Report this comment
Best page I've seen in a while. Dutch Mill people are into it
Buck S 95 - October 28, 2018 - Report this comment
As a baseball fan going back to the early 1970's I see the Dodgers of L.A. in quick a fix. But, they have their ace, Clayton Kershaw going for them and hopefully the Spirt of The Brooklyn Boys of Summer. I need me some Dutch Mill and some VERY HARD cider right now, if you know what I mean.
Eastman - October 28, 2018 - Report this comment
To those about to Dutch Mill … We salute you!
Mr Goodbar - October 28, 2018 - Report this comment
As a chocolate man, I liked Dutch Mill chocolate
Franklin - October 28, 2018 - Report this comment
Have to have a donut Hall of fame. Put the old fashioned in there.
GM Boy - October 28, 2018 - Report this comment
Glad you saw that great crazy movie from 1975, I Heather girl. It's still MLB playoffs. Let's hope for a little longer. I'm watching the game. That Clayton Kershaw guy is doing well but down by one run. We can do it.
I, Heather The Pirate Girl - October 28, 2018 - Report this comment
I believe your precious little baseball season is about to come to an end, GM Little Boy. SO sad. But, I've got my people in till the end of October because Halloween is one of my favorites. Will you all do me a favor. Watch John Carpenter's Halloween movie from 1978. It's the best! And, then watch the Halloween from this year, 2018. Jamie Lee Curtis is great in that one, too. It's about female empowerment. This is it, I guess for a long while. Let's all get together again at the start of Spring Training of next year. Thought you'd like that, GM Little Boy. Time to hibernate for winter people.
Garth of W - October 29, 2018 - Report this comment
You are the king of song, Reg. You have some wit about you. Donuts are the source to so much fun
Spitz'72 - October 29, 2018 - Report this comment
Notice the Shooting Stars in the upper left hand corner of the picture? Great picture by the way of an authentic Dutch Mill section of your store. This is what I've said before. The difference between a quality grocery store and a low grade establishment was whether or not they carried Dutch Mill products. GREAT PICTURE! Please put more on here.
Kahn - October 29, 2018 - Report this comment
This is the time to hale to Dutch Mill and all things SWEET
GM Boy - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Am scheduled to watch The Original HALLOWEEN. The first one came out 40-years-ago, and I was only a young thing, about the age of Michael Myers, but watched it back then. Will be interesting to see it again. AND, a young lady and I are going to watch the new one. Should be many scares and her grabbing me for security! Hey Now, as you one this page have said before. Will grab me some gourmet donuts for the movie tonight, or at least as close as I can find to Dutch Mill, even though nothing comes close. What time are you watching the movie tonight, I, Heather? I mean the first one from 1978? And, will you watch the new one again at the theatre? Happy Halloween to all!
Arnie's ARMY - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Great Halloween everyone! I wanted to give out 16 oz. cans of Arnold Palmer's Ice/Lemmon drink, but my wife said it would be the actions of a crazy person. What's the silliest thing you all gave out. Or wanted to give out?
Roger 83 - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Looks as if things are slowing down a bit. Feel like we should be hearing The Doors & Jim Morison singing, "This is the end, my only friend ... the end ..." And, Franklin, or Ben, what do you mean "old fashioned?" Dutch Mill did not make an old fashioned. Or do you mean the cake donut. And don't worry, Heather Pirate Queen, GM Bo Bo hasn't had a real date since the 90's!
Bobby Haart - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Bit of a twist to talk about Dutch Mill Doughnut on Halloween. Like talking about love on Valentines Day. I hated that day as a kid with a last name of "Heart" but now think it's serendipity
Bobby Heart - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh crap! Spelled my last name wrong! That's what you get when you're in your 40's and try out your new phone texting option while on a bouncy flight. I'm going to Italy! Will have some great deserts
DonutHead EM - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Arnie's Army I gave out a full box of DUTCH MILL DONUTS back in the 90's, once the word spread over the course of a couple years the amount of trick or treaters went from an average of 25/year to an average of over 200 per year.....probably the reason why Dutch had to sell:)...... Of Course it was GM Boyz who was the 100th entry for the month..a new monthly record I believe!!!! Thanx to all you Dutch Mill Dunkers and especially I' Aye' Heather and GM Boyzz
Michael Myers - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
I, Heather, The Pirate Queen - October 30, 2018 - Report this comment
Thank you so much Sir, King, Honorable Gentleman of Dutch Mill. Got a little mad at GM A@@Hole for talking about a "date," but I'll get through it. I've got one heck of a life.
Gene - October 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Got it. You guys really like these.
I, Heather - October 31, 2018 - Report this comment
You are all so very wonderful. GM DonutHead is awesome as is even GM Boy Toy. Perhaps we meet again in the spring when "The Boys Of Summer" come back. One of my favorite songs of the 80's. Good bye and God Bless. Sorry if I flew off the handle BoBoBOy. Maybe I should be in that movie with the CoCo Nest. ha ha ha ha
Arnie's ARMY - October 31, 2018 - Report this comment
That has to be the single best Halloween giver of all time DonutMan EN! Wish I was a kid back then and I knew where you lived. It would have been 201 boxes you'd give out.
GM Boy - October 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Thanks, Aye Heather The Pirate Queen. You are a true class act. I'll be going to that hot dog place every now and then. Even went the other day and wrote Dutch Mill messages on the bathroom walls. Are you coming back for opening day for MLB? Hope so. DonutHead EM is a man among men. What ever happened to that Dutch Guy, the head guy. Perhaps he is not longer among the living. Maybe he went to that great donut bakery in the sky. Then again, we have believed he dead before and he's always come back. I'll give out extra big candy bars and treats for Halloween. But still, I'm not DonutHead EM. You, sir, are truly a living legend. Let us know if you're coming back in the spring Aye Heather. Good bye to all you other Dutch Mill Dunkers. What a great name for our group.
I Heather - November 01, 2018 - Report this comment
The craziest thing I ever gave out was you know what! That's why my Dutch Mill needs that special cream. Sorry i suck so bad...or maybe so good?
Eastman - November 01, 2018 - Report this comment
To all those who did the Dutch Mill Dunk, we salute you. Had a great Halloween and wish you all did, too.
DonutHead EM - November 01, 2018 - Report this comment
Nice I'Aye Heather - Real Nice, way to class up the beginning of a new month.... Sounds like you got my box of Donuts licked-- I mean beat --I mean - Gheezz....I would think the line at your house would be around the block!
Ben - November 02, 2018 - Report this comment
The bottom line is this was just a great donut. Had it all
Jazzy Jeff - November 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was like improvisation in my style of tunes. There's an overall plan, but you just make it happen at the moment.
Kat - November 07, 2018 - Report this comment
Simple pleasures like Dutch Mills makes life more fun
Doughboy1917 @ "Mini Doughnut" A.K.A. Jane - November 11, 2018 - Report this comment
Dad is very happy and alert on this day; 100-years-ago to the day that WWI officially came to an end. It was of course A.D. signed on the 11th hour. But as dad says, it gets better. Did you all know the final shot was fired by a cannon by the U.S. Field Artillery Regiment? And the shot was fired from a cannon called "Jane." Dad jokes that why I was married, but that was actually my mom's name. Still, that might have played something in that name. Also, the 11th Field Artillery Regiment is stationed in the small area of the city of Douglas, Chochise County, Arizona. This small city/country boarder Mexico, which dad says is the source of anther invasion. You put the pieces together on that one. Are those Dems compassionate, or just looking to import votes? Dad made me put that in because, as he says, there's always aonther war to right. Did you also know the Armistice was signed in Ferdinand Foch's railway car. He was the big shot France Dude who was actually a popinjay. Nobody knows that word anymore. In any case, for extra points, can anyone tell us what happened to said railway car in later years. Some President Trump should do to any landmark belonging to a terrorist that would plan anything against the U.S.A. Sorry, once again, dad made me say that. Goodbye to all. And one last point. Dad says we should take all these Antifa punks, put them in a plane and sent them to the front lines of the Talban and/or any other terrorists in the middle east if they want to fight somebody. What think you guys of that one. Good Bless The United States of America!!!
Jane - November 11, 2018 - Report this comment
Kind of took the lead from dad. We gave our humble input and just wanted to give one last bit of input. This great Nation is, or rather could be lost if we don't come together. It's NOT about black & white, rich or poor, this generation or that generation. It's about whether we have Nation with borders, rules and regulation or not. This will be my dad's last and my last input because this page should not be about silly and stupid posts. We, those who love Freedom MUST stand together. Good Bye And God Bless
Doughboy1917 @ "Mini Doughnut" A.K.A, Jane - November 12, 2018 - Report this comment
Can't believe I'm using an "A.K.A." like some other silly people on this page, but please let's all make a pledge not to be sill on this day. Veterans Day, also called Armistice Day and even Rememberance Day was first honored on November 11th 1954 when Dad was fighting for his Nation in Korea. There are over 2 million Korean Vets still alive. There are well over 5 million Viet Nam Vets out there. Those boys really got a "bumb wrap" as Dad would say. Joan Fonda is a "Blanking Blank," according to Dad and one would have a hard time arguing with that. Believe it or not, according to the National WWII Museum as of 2014 there were about a million vets from WWII (The Big One) as Archie Bunker would say. Don't know why they don't have an update on that number, but these men are dying at the rate of 555 a day. That's one every three minutes.
Doughboy1917 @ "Mini Doughnut" A.K.A. Jane - November 12, 2018 - Report this comment
And, as Fred Sandford would say, "Look out Elizabeth, here comes the Big One!" An American Doughboy actually made it to February 27th, 2011. He was 110 when he passed, not doubt got to Heaven an hour before the devil even knew he was dead. That man was Corporal Frank Buckles and he served with the 1st Fort Riley Detachment. His past kin included Revolutionary War and Civil War vets. TODAY, GO OUT THERE AND BUY A LUNCH FOR A VET, OR, AT THE VERY LEAST SHAKE THEIR HANDS AND THANK THEM! God Bless Our Vets and God Bless America!
Ron - November 20, 2018 - Report this comment
I liked Dutch Mill very much. After my mom passed my dad bought these for my little brother and me because he couldn't bake
Derek - December 05, 2018 - Report this comment
Great donut. The 80's were great
Pineapple Chunks - December 10, 2018 - Report this comment
Chunks of love to all the year round fans of Dutch Mill Donuts! Peace, love and good will toward all that made and purchased the best donuts in the U.S.A.
Reagan Again! - December 12, 2018 - Report this comment
Was just cruising 1980's trivia when I stumbled on this page. Can't believe the wealth of 1980's information. Even have Dutch Donuts! Remember these guys from my days as a beach bum in New Jersey. Great 1980's information! THANK YOU!
Josh - December 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill under the tree is for me
DonutHead EM - December 31, 2018 - Report this comment
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! to all you DM Dunkers.. Let's hope the memories of not only Dutch Mill but also this page continue to shower our lives in 2019:)
The Chief - December 31, 2018 - Report this comment
Can't believe where the years have gone. Seems like yesterday was 35 years ago and yet just that, yesterday. Where have you gone 1985, 1986 and that entire wonderful decade? But at least Native Dreams are alive in all of us. Happy New Years to all of Dutch Mill Nation.
DonutHead EM - January 04, 2019 - Report this comment
Great to hear from you MINI Donut and God Bless "The DoughBoy" who's still kicking and taking names. An absolute pleasure to read you and your Dad's sophistry and patriotism to which we need much more of. Sounds like the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree Jane.
Randy S - January 17, 2019 - Report this comment
Great new year for me as I can't believe I found this silly web page! Actually, this might be a blessing as I think I found a place where people are as out there as I
Jay Box - January 23, 2019 - Report this comment
High Ho to this fabulous brand of doughnut
Big Joe - February 05, 2019 - Report this comment
A top astronomer at Harvard believes that a spaceship from another planet may be among us. What's Dutch Mill's official stand on this idea?
DonutHead EM - February 06, 2019 - Report this comment
We've known that quite some time Big Joe, it even said that on the SHOOTIN' STARS box regarding their origin....."For a Taste that's Outta this World". Also, if you read back several years on this page (May 20, 2015 & Oct. 27 2015) you'll find out that if a PlAIN Donut is placed into Barnegat Bay or Packanack Lake they morph into Alien Pods.....Perhaps Dutch was one of those alien pods for it is he who mastered the taste - after all no human has ever equaled or even come close to matching Dutch Mill's flavor.......speaking of "Dutch" WHERE ARE YOU? .....returned to the Cosmos?
The Dopher - February 25, 2019 - Report this comment
As a Royal person this was the doughnut of Kings
Frisch - February 28, 2019 - Report this comment
Can't wait to get back to making my own donuts with the help of ghosts from the past. My Uncle ran a Dunkin' Donuts back in Wayne, N.J. in the 1980's. And, he wasn't even someone from "abroad" if you know what I mean. I remember Dutch's Donuts and they were the best of the super market blend. But I liked eating donuts right out of the "fryer." Boy did my tong hurt! LOL But that was some fine gourmet stuff. And with the coffee, I was on Cloud 9 from outer space! LOVE
Johnny S - March 06, 2019 - Report this comment
This doughnut line was around when I used to work my summer jobs in college and played ball. I was a catcher and never caught a better doughnut than Dutch's. Liked the plane, but they were all great!
Ro & Bo - March 11, 2019 - Report this comment
Two times the fun, two times the taste, two time the quality. Why not go Dutch Mill or GO HOME
Green Mountain Come Back - March 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Where are many? It's coming to baseball season, is it not? I love Dutch Mill and my friends. Where are you Heather?
Green Mountain Boy - March 19, 2019 - Report this comment
WHERE ARE YOU GUYS, and Sweet Heather?! Looks like you don't send a girl to do a man's job! LOL ha ha ha Well I guess I'll get the "ball rolling" on The Spring Baseball come backer. Now only if I can find friends. Dutch Mill is still remembered> LOVe
Big Joe - March 27, 2019 - Report this comment
Thank you for the backstory on how D.M. Donuts is involved with E.T.! Knew something had to be going on. Why the baseball connection?
Jack LaLane - March 28, 2019 - Report this comment
Can't believe you nutz are up to it again. Good for you. As a fitness guy, or the spirit of, I believe it's A OK to have a Dutch Mill or two. TastyFake is garbage. That stuff will kill you. Good for you baseball nutz. Gold & baseball are low on the hierarchy of sports fitness but they are still cool, as I've said before you nutz.
Alan A - March 30, 2019 - Report this comment
Hello all, sad news in the world of donuts. Our beloved Dutch passed away, surrounded by family on March 1, 2019 in Ringwood, New Jersey. He was laid to rest Tuesday, of the following week at McCraken Funeral Home in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Was told by a close friend whose sister worked for a friend at Dutch Mill Donuts in 1985. Rest in peace sweet donut price. We shall be missed but never forgotten.
nino - April 04, 2019 - Report this comment
dutch mill
The Wise Old Owl - April 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die. Therefore Dutch will always be with us. Time will tell. Tell us the time.
The Butcher - April 10, 2019 - Report this comment
Like the man in "Gangs of New York" this is a night for America!
Green Mountain "Mourning" - April 11, 2019 - Report this comment
Please know it's hard to hear the news about John! He was a great man and, quite frankly" don't know yet whether to believe this, or not. Next you'll say that when you listen to The Beatles and play the record backwords you'll hear: "I buried John." We will miss you, but have hope. Called that funeral home in Elizabeth and they said they couldn't give out any information. Not let's get this gong people. I've sent out many a request and we need more people on. Come on Heather. We need you girl!
Not Heather - April 13, 2019 - Report this comment
Even if I was, is this for real?
Brother of Yar - April 18, 2019 - Report this comment
Is this all for real, or is there going to be one of these famous come backs? Dutch Mill deserves better. Brother of Yar
The Show - April 21, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is The MLB of doughnuts. And Happy Easter to all and to all a great year. I miss these doughnuts and wish them back. Let's get some more action on here!
Heather The Pirate Girl - April 26, 2019 - Report this comment
Heather The Real Pirate Girl! I'm back diaper boys!! You really made a mess of things Green Mountain pee pee pants. Now let us get a real rally going. Usually only do this for The Mid Summer Classic, The All Star Game to you do do heads and World Series but I can see you need a woman's help. CRAP!!! Just took a break to refresh my coffee and what's this about Sir Dutch??? I scrolled and saw the Obit. Please give an update! Don't want to have fun if we lost Sir Dutch. I'm going on the web to find out what we know.
Loomisville - April 27, 2019 - Report this comment
This is insasnity. All these comments and not one of you got a pciture of the square box
Matt the Bat - April 29, 2019 - Report this comment
As a total glove man, I loved Dutch Mill. And, yes, Lommisville, there should be more pictures of Dutch Mill on here.
DUTCH - April 29, 2019 - Report this comment
Hello All. The rumors of my demise are truly exaggerated! I'm alive! Or should I say I'm reborn; On June 23rd, 2018 I got a double lung transplant. They said I only had two weeks to live when the lungs became available (God bless the poor donor.) I have been on the mend ever since and feel great now! Oh I also got back surgery in January, which set me back a bit, but I'm doing great. Sorry I haven't logged in in a long time but I've been very busy recuperating and chasing around eight grandchildren! My wife got an email from my old friend DonutHead EM, Dutch Mill's Plant Manager Extraordinaire, enquiring about the rumors I had died. Boy was I glad to call him back and straighten that out! Well I won't be so long between entries. Dutch lives! God bless.
DonutHead EM - April 30, 2019 - Report this comment
Heather The Grateful! - May 03, 2019 - Report this comment
Oh dear Sir Duke of Dutchness, how great you are still here. We love you, so, and wish you well for many years to come!
TN The South - May 04, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch lives ... as do our hearts & dreams. Thank God for donuts, America and all those who wake up every day and do the right thing. Lord knows there should not be a shortage of good Souls!
Green Mountain Man - May 04, 2019 - Report this comment
WHEWWWW!!! Is right Sir Manager Extraordinaire! Let's all thank our lucky stars we all still have time left. Enjoy the good times. Life is GOOD
Joe F - May 05, 2019 - Report this comment
We LUV U Dutch! Great to have you back!
Clark the bar - May 06, 2019 - Report this comment
Down on my knees saying a prayer for Dutch and the whole Dutch Mill Gang. You are all wonderful people and gave the world so much joy.
Jackie B - May 06, 2019 - Report this comment
Had these when I came down from Main. Like "Hawkeye" from M*A*S*H I am from Main. And like him I like good times. Dutch Mill did that for ME! God Bless You Dutch. So glad you are still with us.
Eric - May 07, 2019 - Report this comment
I'll sign the "Get Well Card" for The Dutcher. Great man, great doughnuts, great times
Buck S 95 - May 07, 2019 - Report this comment
The Dodgers are looking good this year. Speaking of which, DUTCH is The Clayton Kershaw of donut men; and men in general.
Johnson - May 07, 2019 - Report this comment
You doesn't have to call me Johnson. But call me anytime to wish a hardy hello and best wishes to The Duke of Donuts, Mr. Dutch. In 1984, Reese said he went back in time to meet Sara Connor because it was, "A chance to meet the legend." The was the movie The Terminator. Around that time there was an actor by the name of John Holms that they called, "The Legend." Well, sorry Sara and John but the only real legend is the one and only Dutch. End of story. Glad to have you back, sir. And you doesn't have to call me Johnson
Poet Johnny Fever - May 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch is well, let us all yell. When it comes to gourmet treats, that's what he'd sell. His products were tops; with that pretty blue box. That windmill was chill, his workers, a thrill. All's good since Dutch is well. And crummy old Tastykake can since go to hell.
Christian C - May 09, 2019 - Report this comment
This is nice and family is important
Green Mountain Man - May 10, 2019 - Report this comment
By the way, great to have you back, Heather you Pirate chick. U R Da Woman! So glad DonutHead, Sir Dutch and all you cool cats R back.
Heather The Pirate Girl is BACK - May 12, 2019 - Report this comment
Yes, GMM, I am the woman. And you are the man. The man for our time. But still, you are not close to, who the Johnson calls, The Duke of Dutch. Good one. Donut Head, you and all these other poor bakery fools must thank our Luck Shooting Stars for our Hero to still be here. Knew he was feeling very under the weather, but he obviously is still with us poor sorts hear on earth. Will everyone be back for the All Star break for baseball?
Mayfield - May 14, 2019 - Report this comment
Once again, I come through. Funny you people talk about the lighthouse on the box When I was a kid, I thought they were made in a lighthouse. Like the Keebler small men
The Storm - May 15, 2019 - Report this comment
Danny Ville two years ago, great game!
Green Mountain ManBoy - May 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Yo Heather the Pirate Chick, so you ain't coming back till All Star break in baseball? So it ain't so Jo-sephine. Get it? So great the whole gang is back together. We should pull a bank job.
Denise - May 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Spoke with our little Pirate cute thing and she said she'd be Hosta La Vista till whenever over the summer time. This is a special day for me, May 16th, as I've been a good girl for two days! Back in 1986, I first had a Dutch Mill donut. The best is all of Jersey. I have that year right, correct? They were around in 1986. I know it was that year
Ric Flair - May 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Whoooo! I got sick today friends so pray for me. I was the man back in 80's! Whoooo!
Green Mountain Man - May 17, 2019 - Report this comment
So Heather the Pirate wench has a media relations person?! Love it. Only Pirate Gal could pull that off. Well, her and Sir Dutch, The Duke of Donuts. And what's up with the Ric Flair comments. Hope you're not busting Nature Boy and you are a real fan. He did get into medical trouble. Get well Ric. We got Dutch back, now let's keep you around, too. You are both what made the 80's so great. You guys and Ronald Reagan, great music, MTV, wine coolers for the chicks and all that stuff. Guess I'll talk to all again on the flip side. That being in July or whenever Pirate Girl decides to keep this party up for another round. Anyone else ready to party? How's DonutHead BM doing? Is he still in good health? We need our Dutch Mill family to Keep on Truckin' Well, that's actually a 70's thing, but who's counting?
ol' bro - May 17, 2019 - Report this comment
Eh g, it's been a while. Miss the old days and times up north. who would have thunk new hapshire & Vermont would have spounded so many good times. I remember those early/late times eating those things you brought up n those blue box things. when r we gong to hang agian
Robin - May 20, 2019 - Report this comment
The perfect donut that came about at the right time. The nineteen eighties were made for dutch mill. Those were great times. Great job everyone on this page. I will be back
Dutch - May 22, 2019 - Report this comment
Thank you, thank you, thank you Heather, TM, Green Mt. Man, Joe, Clark, Jackie, Eric, Johnson, Johnny Fever, and so many others and of course DonutHead EM, for all the kind comments, well wishes and prayers, which I felt as a wind at my back! I'm trying to get more pictures on but they don't take. I wrote to our wonderful blog hoster but to no avail yet. Hey Green Mt. Man, I know Keep on Truckin' Mama, I was there when rock was born. I still bang it out on my old Martin guitar, and also in church choir. Still got the chops, thank God. Enjoy the Spring all!
Ken - May 23, 2019 - Report this comment
Great times with those donuts of greatness
Green Mountian Man - May 28, 2019 - Report this comment
You are the man, Sir Dutch of Dough. You and your old Martin should be in the R&R HOL. Where are you Heather. Or, should I be asking for your Public Relations person? Guess I'll be back when it turns into our next mission. Hope you all had a great Memorial Day. Better yet, hope all showed respect for those who paid the ultimate price. God Bless you all. DonutHead EM and where are you Doughman1917? Pictures of many more would be great, but tech-wise many have a hard time with that. But the host does do a great job bringing us all together! See you all in October.
Denise - May 30, 2019 - Report this comment
YES- I am the PR Person for Heather! Any problem with that? And our next session is NOT in October, but in July around the time of the baseball thing star break!
Green Mountain Man - June 04, 2019 - Report this comment
Whoa! Look at you, Denise. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the web. Everyone having a nice summer? I am and hope Sir Dutch of Dough, DonutHead BM doouhman17' and all you masters of the mix pot are, too. Where are all you old timers? Be good, be well and be happy.
DonutMan EM - June 06, 2019 - Report this comment
It was 75 years ago today that our commander in chief Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower upon hearing of a 12 hour break in the weather uttered those immortal words "OK, Let's Go". Once those words were spoken from the Southwick House on the southern coast of England the most intricately planned amphibious invasion force ever was let loose. Of the 150,000 allied forces 4,414 would not return home of which 2,499 were Americans. With that sacrifice however, the tide was turned and the Third Reich's days were numbered along with the ultimate demise of fascism. This is a day to remember all those men that embarked on that crusade on that day 75 years ago and honor the very, very few that are still with us.
The daughter of a fallen man - June 06, 2019 - Report this comment
Thank you all, such as Doughnut Man for remembering the Souls that paid the ultimate price. Brings tears to my eyes. Go out, ask someone if they know what took place June 6, 1944
Heather The Pirate Girl - June 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Way to go Donut Man and all you fans of America! Brave men indeed. I like that post. I let Denise go as my unofficial spokes person. She didn't want me to come back and give thanks to the boys of 44. And, today is National Donut Day. That's what I was told.
Felix - June 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Have not been here for a while. Had a phone call. And now I believe. This is so cool God Bless America.
Green Mountian Man - June 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Well said, DonutMan, and Woman of Fallen Man! You 2, Heather and Felix! No jokes on this weekend. Fore if not for them, we could not talk freely. AND, when in doubt, just go to youtube and look up D-day, or better yet, and old dusty book about WWII. And, for the record, we still have men like that today! That's why the Good 'Ol USA is, was & always will be the best!
Carel - June 09, 2019 - Report this comment
great stuff. you guys rock
Jonatghan - June 18, 2019 - Report this comment
We want to live and let live in a world of Dutch Donuts. Can we have that
House of Dootittle - June 25, 2019 - Report this comment
A bad day of eating Dutch Mill is better than a great day of eating TastyCrap. I'll say this again. Hope ya'll be doing great. Luv Dutch the Donuts.
Erin - June 29, 2019 - Report this comment
here for u. let's make it happen
Jack Lalane - July 01, 2019 - Report this comment
Work out and it's OK to take in Dutch Mill products. I'm back so don't beg me anymore! joke Fun to be here. Will also sent one out for July 4th. That All-Star bar is coming up, isn't it?
Baseball1975 - July 02, 2019 - Report this comment
Bryce Harper is again playing a little below his tide level. But will pick it up. YES, I'm back for this posting for all star salutes. But I'll also come back on the actual 4th of July. See if players are still wearing red, white & blue socks.
Moss from JFK E - July 02, 2019 - Report this comment
Times were great and will be again. These doughnuts made so many so happy They had chocolate on chocolate That was power in a piece of baked glory
Heather The Pirate Girl - July 03, 2019 - Report this comment
Hey, hey, hey, as Fat Albert would say back in the day. Let's get this party started right. Glad to see "the ball is rolling." Get it? Where are you men of Mice & Men? My girls are on board, well all but one worthless little Who#*
Roe - July 05, 2019 - Report this comment
Where'd you all go. THought this was the big one. I'm here bro man. YOu have a good 4th? Did you spend all day looking at The Trumpter's big show
Embargo - July 05, 2019 - Report this comment
Hey, Dutch, there's a Reddit for Dutch Mill Donuts where you can post pictures. Not many posts on there, but it would be nice to see some pictures from the good ol' days of Dutch Mill Donuts!
Heather THe Pirate Girl - July 06, 2019 - Report this comment
This will begin Sunday, July 7th, 2019. The game is afoot! My ducks are in a row … are you boys chicken?
Melissa Ringwood - July 06, 2019 - Report this comment
Had some loser boyfriends like Dave, but still wish to be a good girl and support a great doughnut. Loved these and had them often. But you know that
Saul Good - July 06, 2019 - Report this comment
Still wishing they put a box of Dutch Mill Donuts in the show, Better Call Saul
Kelly - July 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill time in London.
Green Mountain Man - July 07, 2019 - Report this comment
You did it again, girl! BUT, Now a man takes over, baby! I've got my boys taking over. Ha ha ha You see the Cincinnati Reds players wearing their retro cut off jerseys. Thought you'd like that Pirate Heather. Heard the soccer girls won their game. Had my niece over, but talked her out of watching it because of anti American B.S. Dutch and his boys never took a dump on America; which is why we love them so much. That and the fact they made the best donuts of all time.
Jimmy S - July 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Donuts vs. Baseball. I'll say it's a tie. I'm going for The National League. My bud E is going for the American League boys. I say Nationals win 5-3. We were playing by the two tree by the side of the house when we made this bet.
Johnny Cobra - July 07, 2019 - Report this comment
What's she mean, "The game is a foot?" Why not a fist? The way of the first. Dutch Mill was there in 1979 when I loved that sort of thing.
The Night Hawk - July 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Beam me up to this fun and we'll all have some great donuts. This was a time when they were made great. Miss them and wish you all great 80' memories. Those were good times
Sam & Cat - July 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Whoo, whoo! Back in the saddle again. And I actually agree with Green Mountain bugger. Those "ladies" are a shame and deserve no credit. WE HEARD DONUTS. Let's go out there and win Dutch Mills
Jackie - July 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Love me some Dutch Mill! Come get some of that big love.
Heather The Pirate Girl - July 08, 2019 - Report this comment
The Game is "A Fist," so Green Mountain little boy's friend can be happy. Assume it's one of yours! ha ha I'm with you boy on the U.S. Women's Soccer Team. Very low class and too many camera hogs. Miss the old days of sports. And YES I looked up those men in their cut offs. The Red Men are hot like Dutch Mill donuts out of the oven! Go Dutch Mill. You are all so great! Dutch and his little Donut Head are America!!!
James G - July 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Just ate an Entenmann's plain donut. Or, tried to eat on. Yuckkk! Say they're made in Horsham, PA. More like Horse Sh*&. Only thing worse is that garbage from Tasky Cake. What happened to real donuts?!
Trey - July 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Watching this home runner thing on TV and thinking about the old days. Dutch's was the best
Claud76 - July 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Simply a stellar treat is Dutch Millz. Home Runs tonight, but no Dutch Millz in my tummy. The big man from the Mets, Alazno, won! Glad he did it and not that other guy.
Germatic Sheimer - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
Came on before for a friend and did it again! Cool page and cool info on this donut. Why does everyone here like baseball. What about soccer. They are not all camera hogs like that Magen dummy.
Kyle R 8e4 - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
You crazy nuts are at it again. But I am here, so what's that say about me. Sometimes I really miss the old times. If only to go back for a week. What would you give. Just to take it all in. And, yes, there'd be a big old box of Dutch Mill. Don't get me stated on which box. I'd hit them all. I miss so many that are gone. Oh to go back if only for one week. But I guess that's Heaven. And when it comes to Dutch Mill. Heaven in a box. See you all next year. Hey, I'm gonna make today the good old times. You good Souls do the same, for me and everyone else that would like to go back, if only for a day
Celmentine's {H} - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
So Sweet and so Heartland like to see fellow Friends of the Dough. When we came from such a great place, there's nothing wrong with harkening back. So long as we embrace the present and future.
Sneakers - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
My cat would eat donuts! True story. He liked plain ones.
Green Mountain Man - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
FANTASTIC! What posts as of late. Hate to admit it Pirate Girl, but are Kyle & Celmentine yours? Impressive. My friends aren't that deep. Then again … they are my friends. Is Imbargo one of your, too? What do they mean "Rabbit" web page for Dutch Mill? Is that for real? You watching the All-Star Game tonight? Anyone watching?
Heather The Pirate Queen - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
Not my friend Green Mountain Pansy. Although, I do have a smart crowd. Well, sometimes. I think it's called Reddit. Some smart person said that. How hot was That Met that won the home run show?!
April - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
Nothing on this end would suggest I act silly. Dutch Mill has more than one serious person
American Woman - July 09, 2019 - Report this comment
What is it with you Dutch Mill people? This whole site is supposed to be about the joys and memories of the 1980's and food. But you constantly use it to tear people down. Shame on you. The Women's soccer team have every right to celebrate their win! You didn't seem to mind when the New England Patriots celebrated their Super Bowl win with "camera grabbing" chugging beer at their parade. Even Gronk damaged the trophy with his antics! So knock it off will ya? These athletes worked as hard as any other athletes to win...for America. Thank you! Oh and by the way,I see the American League is up as of this moment!
Carlton - July 10, 2019 - Report this comment
Since 1978, this happy camp has been eating Dutch Mill. What a donut.
Dick York & 60's, 70's TV - July 10, 2019 - Report this comment
Glad to see some are asking for relatively civil behavior. Dutch Mill is my pill and thrill. Let's come on and talk 80's stuff people and not bicker
kd - July 10, 2019 - Report this comment
Great game last night. American Woman was right, The AL was up and then won. Not a baseball fan, but followed because it's the in thing I guess. Bring Dutch Mills back.
Garcia - July 10, 2019 - Report this comment
Keep telling you fools, this stuff was the best!
James G - July 11, 2019 - Report this comment
Are you fans of the power ring with me? Did Dutch Mill have the best plain donuts, or what?
Dunkin Dan - July 11, 2019 - Report this comment
This is the person, me, Dunkin Dan, also called "Dandy Dan," that is about to unload the controversy truck. I grew up eating Dunkin Donuts and drinking rivers of Dunkin Donut Coffee. BUT, I will say Dutch made the best store bought donuts. We need them back on super market shelves.
Green Moutain Man - July 11, 2019 - Report this comment
Funny, just one MLB game on tonight. My girl is watching. This was a fun run.
Jumpin' Joe - July 12, 2019 - Report this comment
Sorry I'm late kids, some of us gotta travel to make our payrolls. You know where that comes from. See you in donuts land.
W.C. - July 12, 2019 - Report this comment
Went at least a week without a drink or Dutch Mill. Worst week I ever had.
Nate - July 13, 2019 - Report this comment
As always, a $ shot and a day late. Still love you all. Next time text me SOONER!
Heather The Pireate Queen - July 14, 2019 - Report this comment
Won't be back till October I won't. How's you lowly seaman like this run? Please, reviews …
Green 40 - July 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Still a great donut even though they are gone
Steve - July 19, 2019 - Report this comment
You did a GREAT job Heather! The best and that's coming from the big man. Keep it up.
Green Mountain Man - July 19, 2019 - Report this comment
This stream really came to a quick end! Sad, but we shall live again. Real quick, is it just me or is anyone else happy about the 50th anniversary of the first man on the moon? Let's have a quick one people. This is what makes this page so great! Neil Armstrong should have brought Dutch Mill up there with him. But they weren't around back then in 1969. But, Dutch Mill did have treats paying respect to the space program.
Heather the Pirate Woman - July 20, 2019 - Report this comment
Was a great event! And yes I'm in. Wasn't born then, but yet I miss those times. In 1969 we put a man on the moon. 50 years later, half the country can't decide on whether we're allow to use the word man.
Lukie - July 22, 2019 - Report this comment
:Ya'll did great. Now give me a donut! Love Dutch Mill
Cincy - August 01, 2019 - Report this comment
Trump 2020. And bring back Dutch Mill. Make Doughnuts great again.
Hellio - August 06, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill
Pineapple Victory E - August 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Has been some time since I have come to this page. Some things are great, others are not so great. But who am I to say. I'm my own person the don't need "a cause" to come back. I love Dutch Mill and love the great memories. And, yes, I will "sign on" if you have another fund raiser. I like games, including target shooting. Let's all work together to bring back Dutch Mill!
Mike - August 14, 2019 - Report this comment
I'm with you Apple E man. Anytime is the right time. I'm the guy that likes Dunkin' donuts and will back those who do. No rush with mad comments. I like Dutch Mill plain better!
Appalacian Jack - August 26, 2019 - Report this comment
Long time no talk! So this is what it's about? Do remember you bringing doughnuts of some sort. Good stuff, but my brain was laced with resin. What's a game. What were those uniforms about? Sorry I was late. Room 486 for sure. Always bring your A game with those dames. LOL
Green Mountain Man - August 29, 2019 - Report this comment
He's back! For those out there who don't know, which is all, Room 486 is where we got stood up! Thank goodness there was Dutch Mill. Where's the WM Gang?
Appalacian Jack - September 01, 2019 - Report this comment
It's on, let me know!
Arnie's ARMY - September 04, 2019 - Report this comment
Been a while since "The Army" was here. Was thinking about Halloween and YES will be giving out my 16 oz./ drinks. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Some nut even gave out whole boxes of Miller's Donuts I believe. Looks like I'm not the only one that is crazy!
Heather the FAME MONSTER - September 14, 2019 - Report this comment
OK, you losers want a true story?! My friend from High School, that I actually hated back then, moved to L.A. and knew this Felicity Huffman chick that is going to jail. Anyway, she told me she was the single most entitled and horrible person she ever met! How funny is that? Love Dutch Mill and never thought I'd be back before the big October, which I invented. How R U Green Mountain Snot?
Green Mountain Man - September 30, 2019 - Report this comment
We doing the Major League Baseball playoff games thing again? Looks like we've got some spoiled sports out there, Heather. I might bail this time around.
Heather Pirate Love - October 03, 2019 - Report this comment
Didn't think anyone was back. With my luck it's Green Bugger Boy. That said, I feel ya. It's just us. I'm on the fence. Just not our season for now
Pineapple Victory E - October 12, 2019 - Report this comment
Looks like a fading fad. Good while it lasted. Had a great day; life is great!
Green Mountain Man - October 13, 2019 - Report this comment
You know what, I'm turning this frown upside down! Let's getting it going men! I mean "men" because you don't send a girl to do a man's job. My boy's will be up and ready in less than 49 hours. Why, because when the chips are down, you can count on the Green Mountain Gang! LOVE YOU DUTCH MILL and leading the vayward
Loomis - October 15, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill is the one for me. Jumped the gun, GM kid! Can I give it away, our new plan?
GM Man - October 15, 2019 - Report this comment
You jumped the gun, Lou. But being premature is something the ladies always said about you! BURN! But seriously, bro, we are going our first phase the fist home team run scored for tonight's Astro game vs. the Yanks. But glad you came aboard, we owe it to men like DonutHeadBowlMovement and Dutch who is not doing well. Heard he went back to the hospital
The wise old owl - October 15, 2019 - Report this comment
It is the way to come back. Dutch Mill
baby shark - October 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Steve lives around D.C. and he is going to The Nats WS game! Dutch Mill will be sold
Neil E - October 17, 2019 - Report this comment
Since the first time I had them, I was with you guys! How long's
S Luyc - October 20, 2019 - Report this comment
Mystery is at the point of fun! Let's see where it goes from here. Your call
Eastman - October 21, 2019 - Report this comment
Loved AC/DC from The 80's. That's why I always say, to hybrid the two: For those about to dunk, we salute you! Get it, dunk the donut?
eririn - October 24, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill for all and baseball is on
Mr. Goodbar - October 28, 2019 - Report this comment
The best candy bar I think. Back and wish more were. I'm giving out some big Mr. Goodbar's for Halloween I always like Dutch Mill chocolate
Arnie's ARMY - October 30, 2019 - Report this comment
Came on last year for and found out it was EM Donuthead that handed out Dutch Mill! So cool
eddie eagle - November 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill made me think about the 80's. Great times with great friends
Gaat - November 13, 2019 - Report this comment
What's up with your post? You guys serious. Should have told me two weeks ago. I'll be here when You guys get the foursome together. I'm at about a 9
Green Mountain Man - December 17, 2019 - Report this comment
Hey everyone, and by that I mean maybe even one. Looks as if our time has run out. Great donuts & people, but all good things come to an end. Hate to say this, but TastyCrud won.
Jackie Maine - January 07, 2020 - Report this comment
Does anyone know what happened with these doughnuts? They were really good and came in a pretty blue box
EffYew - January 09, 2020 - Report this comment
They just went away...almost like they never existed...or if they made them up!
Green - January 24, 2020 - Report this comment
Just when you thought they were out, they came back. MORE COW BELL. I'm from New Jersey and went to school up north. New England. It's real. And, the part of you that can't sleep at night, knows it. Just kidding … you actually run a great page.
Albert Y - April 07, 2020 - Report this comment
Checked for Corona beer with this virus and they didn't have it. Then checked on Dutch Mill Doughnuts as they were my household's favorite. So glad someone still remembers. These were really good. Sad to see them go.
Rich K - April 21, 2020 - Report this comment
Worked for Entenmann's many many years. The Dutch Mill donuts were covered with dust most of the time. If so good why not bring them back/
Rolando - May 07, 2020 - Report this comment
Coming from Cuba we my family and I had many images of what U.S.A. would be like. One of our first experiences was Dutch Doughnuts. They were a taste of America from Germany!
Walter K - May 14, 2020 - Report this comment
Being from Detroit my family thought there was some relation to Dutch Girl Donuts on Woodward just south of Seven Mile. Go to youtube and put in, "Dutch Girl Donuts, A Detroit Gem"
Floridawalt - June 04, 2020 - Report this comment
Hey, DonutHead EM! What's up? The tools at tasty should have sold us the business!We'd still be at it!
Michael K - June 18, 2020 - Report this comment
I used to buy these donuts at Alberts in the Bronx when I first moved to NYC in 1993. I have NEVER found a better donut ever or anywhere. The only one that ever came close were Stoumers donuts from Brooklyn in the 60s and 70s (yes I am old). Who remembers those?
Clutch Pitcher - July 13, 2020 - Report this comment
Best doughnut of all time! And, Yes, Sloumers were great, too. So is TastyKake dead? Then again, they always were as far as quality was concerned.
Bruce Dinkinson - August 12, 2020 - Report this comment
I got ah fever … and the only prescription is more Dutch Mill Donuts. I gotta have more Dutch Mill Donuts, baby!!
Brave York - August 19, 2020 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts would lead me to fight in a big battle. Fore they were Legends in the Bakery
Heather The Pirate Girl IS BACK - August 25, 2020 - Report this comment
Don't ask me what took place over the last year. A "friend" got into pills real bad. And I'm not talking about Fintstone's vitimins. Was just reading posts from the past, like the one about Shooting Stars. They are in Lake Something or whatever and now in Carl Segan's place. Miss you Green Mountain boy. You missed your shot. Watched a baseball game but the Oakland A's have BLM on the mound. NO THANKS. Don't need a Marxist ground that does not really care about people. Love and missed you all!
Randell - September 02, 2020 - Report this comment
Thinking about eating a donut. Wish Dutch Mills were still here
Heather The Pirate Girl - September 30, 2020 - Report this comment
A little sad, where'd everyone go? It's like the Pink Floyd song, "Hello, hello, hello... is anyone out there?" Guess this page has go the way of the horse and buggy. Good bye old friends. Stinks, Taksykake won
SD - October 04, 2020 - Report this comment
I thought they were bought by Entenmann's, who then took them off the market for cutting into their doughnut biz. Tastykake's is just Pennsylvania. Dutch Mill was New Jersey/New York. When you can't compete with an upstart you buy them out. You can force them by not letting them get distribution.
SD - October 04, 2020 - Report this comment
It just occurred to me, because Entenmann's now does seasonal apple cider donuts, and I think it was Dutch Mill that pioneered them. They weren't whole-food donuts, but "whole milk" donuts, as they were labeled, and so, made you feel you could be virtuous anyway. Entenmann's is mostly down the tubes since Bimbo's took over.
James - October 25, 2020 - Report this comment
Dutch mill farms cinnamon were the best donuts ever. They were not airy like krispy kreme or artificial like entenmanns. They were more natural. B. Tastycake make america great again. Bring back the dutch
Johnny of the shot - November 05, 2020 - Report this comment
Loved doing shots of hard cider in my frat. Loved all these dooughnutz! Bring them BACK!
Robert B. - November 05, 2020 - Report this comment
I loved those donuts, especially the plain. I wish they were still available.
Stan W - November 20, 2020 - Report this comment
Boy oh boy what great doughnuts. The plain were fantastic. But this company really didn't make a bad food product.
Green Gree - November 23, 2020 - Report this comment
This company was a big deal in the 80's and will make a comeback, my pal Chris said he thinks they will come back in summer. Just in time for Shore play
Hammer - November 26, 2020 - Report this comment
Life was once fair, or so we believed. It's not. Been knocked cold only to wake up with a head that felt like it got run over by a truck. It's my joke and I know the moonlight better than I knew my own parents. Dutch Mill plane donuts were there for me with a pot of black coffee. May contact some informants here. Who would look. Nobody cares about poor Hammer, but don't feel sorry for me. Thanksgiving is just another night on the job, with the night air keeping me awake
Trump Donut Card - January 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Some play the Trump Card. Some the doughnut card. I PLAY BOTH! Best doughnuts of all time. the 80's rule. God Bless Donald J Trump and America
Jophan - January 19, 2021 - Report this comment
Just have to add my 2¢ and agree that DM donuts were the best packaged ones I ever ate and I wish they were still around. It’s so frustrating when mass market products disappear and there's no way to replace them, or when they hang around, but their makers debase and cheapen them, as has happened with Drakes Cakes, Tootsie Rolls, and Kraft Caramels. At least DM donuts was spared that ignominy.
Trump Card of Love - January 19, 2021 - Report this comment
Left a post under Trump Donut Card. Now this. Donald Trump, as of this moment is still President of the United States. God Bless this wonderful leader.
Donutman EM - August 04, 2021 - Report this comment
We will never surrender..whatever the cost may be. DM Donuts live on alongside heather, gm boys,doughboy 1917 and Dutch. Let's get this going full steam like a tastykake thru your colon.
Dutch - August 16, 2021 - Report this comment
Donutman EM, you are incorrigible. I must say I do love the biscotti. Anyway, I'm happy to report to you all that now, three years after my double lung transplant, I'm still goin' strong. I've had a lot of lucky breaks in my life, and also a lot of struggle, but founding Dutch Mill was my best lucky break. I'm proud, and I am humbled you guys still remember. Thanks
GM Boy - November 18, 2021 - Report this comment
GM Boy is back, baby! What was the wrap singer artist guy from the 80's that said, "Let's get this party started right!" Think a Flavor Favoring" person. What are you Heather the Pirate girl?! And what about you other studs and stud-ettes? I noticed you left a message for me, Pirate Girl. It was back in September 30th, 2020. Sorry I missed you, girl. And many other, too. Donut Head BM, AND The Legend, Sir Dutch! Oh, boy, let's get this back. I'm gonna get everyone I know to send out messages. DUTCH MILL SHALL NEVER DIE! We will fight on the oceans, we shall fight in the bakeries, well shall fight in the super market check out lines. WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER indeed
Rittenhouse Ruogh House - November 27, 2021 - Report this comment
Went to school with GM kid. He and I were roomates. The dick head was my friend and he and I did not speak for around 17 years. Just broke up with my wife. SUCKS He said come on here to talk. Good luck with that
Karen S - November 28, 2021 - Report this comment
Thought you said wait till 11/28 to start this campaign of yours?! Is Rittenhouse who I think it is. Has to be. His name is Kyle and as always, he's breaking the rules! Sorry about you and Deb. Guess I'll do my part. These were great doughnuts. "GM Boys" brought them up to school all the time. And what's up, why the silly name. That's not what we called you back then.
Roy of Joy - December 01, 2021 - Report this comment
Got some early Soooners I thought Dec 1 was the first day of this so called comeback! These donuts are great! I've got all of the 5th floor on board
Dutch - March 05, 2022 - Report this comment
Hi Good Donut Lovers. Dutch here. (Still here.) I haven't been on in a while. Looks like few have. But one thing for sure - we love good donuts. I'm going to dig up the recipe and make a batch one of these days - see if I've still got it. Meanwhile, ugh, I fell on the ice and broke my pelvis, but I'm on the mend. Nothin's gonna break my stride. Love you all. Cheers EM. - Dutch
Grandson of Owner - October 18, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello, This is kind of funny but my grandpa was the owner of dutch mill donuts. My grandpa says he's very happy that people still love his products. He loves happily on a lake in upstate new york with a lot of grandkids to annoy him all the time.
Grandson of Owner maybe???????????/ - October 18, 2022 - Report this comment
not on lake yet still in very nice house with creaky floors. and random doors lots of random doors
Erich L. Ruehs - November 03, 2022 - Report this comment
This old Soul worked for you people back in circa 1985. My friend Jim got me the job through Ed. Is this page for real? Remember Dutch. Weird guy, but eccentric. Which is code for "COOL" How the heck did this page become so popular?
Eric Stewart - November 05, 2022 - Report this comment
Kabuke - January 13, 2023 - Report this comment
This use to be a nice page Dutch Mill Donuts once saved me In New York City
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - January 17, 2023 - Report this comment
This is Heather The Pirate Girl! How you been good folks of Dutch Mill Fandom? How you been Green Mountain Little Boy. Laugh Out Loud. Hate to day it, but miss you. Anyone think we will ever get this back again? So happy Mr. Dutch Owner is doing well with much love around him. How did Dutch Mill Donuts save you in New York City, Kabuke? What the heck, GM Boy. Let's hang some time. We can meet anywhere within 7-12 miles of the old Dutch Mill Factory. Go For It
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - January 17, 2023 - Report this comment
I know it will be you Green Mountain Man when you tell me the name of the hot dog place near the old Dutch Mill. Trollers will not get it. Perhaps it starts with the letter "G" Sorry I called you Green Mountain Little Boy. I hope you can make it back. Did you ever see the movie "Shawshank Redemption" Hope is a good thing. Perhaps the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
Belinda Carlisle BFF - February 08, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey crew-crew, This is Heather's friend since end of 2nd grade and best friend since beginning of 3rd grade. She always called me Belinda Carisle bcause I look and sing like her. Where are you people. Heather is my friend and I told her I'd get thinkgs going. So Mr. Dutch and you other people better get your ship in order LOL I'll have people here in March
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - February 15, 2023 - Report this comment
Thanks, girlfriend! Hey out there in TV Land. Belinda (The Go-Go Girl) and I are reaching out to someone named FredFlicks on the internet. FredFlicks is on the YouTube He does 70's & 80's stuff like commercials and old pieces like that. Remember in 80's TV the Saturday morning info briefs like, "In the News." Anyway, pick a date in March boys 'n girls for when we can make a big comeback
Heather The Pirate Gild made a Boo bo0 - February 15, 2023 - Report this comment
Me make boo-boo The cool video guy on The YouTube that makes 80's comeback videos is called: FredFlix He's going to do stuff to talk about Dutch Mill Donuts
Rittenhouse Ruogh House - May 07, 2023 - Report this comment
Went golfing with my old pal, BM Boy this weekend. He and I went to a nice course in Nevada. Would not believe what they charge for one round. And "entertainment" that follows! GM Boy does not know I came on here. But I will tell him next week. Or maybe latter today. Sorry Heather Pirate wench. What you ladies were trying to do was cool. BTW we still go to that hotdog place. Texas Wieners
Cece - July 26, 2023 - Report this comment
My grandpa John was the owner if Dutch mill donuts he has all sorts of Dutch mill items we still visit the building as now other companies are manufacturing there
GM Boy - August 16, 2023 - Report this comment
GM Boy is back, baby! Again. Good for you Cece for keeping Dutch Mill items. Hope Grandpa John is fine and dandy. He's a great man. I thought about getting my boys back together and putting more great antidotes on this page. And don't think I forgot about you Rittenhouse! Don't talk about the "evening" life in Vegas, baby! LOL But let's meet up at that hot dog place. Last time I was there, someone wrote "Long live Dutch Mill" on the men's room wall. Thought that was a kick. Don't know about the female bathroom. Ha ha ha. I leave that up to you Pirate Girl Heather. Would really like to see you sometime. Let's get this party started up again. Love All you Dutch Mill people. LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Michael R. - October 30, 2023 - Report this comment
I only came here because I was looking at the back cover of an Inspectah Deck CD and there’s a picture showing a box of Dutch Mill Donuts. I grew up in the 90s and never saw these donuts, maybe they weren’t in my area. Or maybe I did have them and just don’t remember. I’m just intrigued by 90s product packaging and wanted to find out more about these donuts. Can’t really find much info other than this page. You guys rule, thanks. Hope these donuts come back sometime.
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - November 22, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi to you my little GM Boy! We are truly star crossed lovers. LOL Hi to all our old friends and new ones. Nice of you to join us Saint Michael R. Good of you to come in as well, Sir Cece. BUT HI TO YOU GM BOY! I will go to the hotdog place and put something on the men's room bathroom wall. My friend Adam is a gay and he will do it for me. He wants me to go out an mingle. Happy Thanksgiving to all. To you especially to you GM boy. And let's get more messages on this page. I'll get at least a baker's dozen before Christmas. Can you keep up with me, GM Little Boy. And I just don't mean in the bedroom! Hahahaha You wish. hahhaa But Adam thinks I need it bad. He's a bad boy when it comes to habbits. Can't believe we are almost back. And we will get you some action, too, Rittenhouse. I bet you don't get much "rough house" anymore LOL LOVE TO ALL
GM Boy - December 02, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi Pirate Girl. You should have asked, "O GM Boy, O GM Boy, where forefore art thou GM Boy" How did it take this long? Don't ditch me again. Or, maybe it was me. Hello to all you Dutch Mill fans. Let's get more people on here. Are you new Michael R.? I'm going to the hotdog place today. Can you get somebody to go into the men's room, Heather? DID NOT MEAN THAT AS A PERV! Wanted to leave a note. Maybe get a friend that's a man. Or, if you have a boyfriend, that's cool, too. I'd like to get more folks on here like the old days. Can you believe it's December. Did somebody tell me on this page, or did I hear it somewhere else that there is a great Christmas page on The YouTube listed under, "K Mart Christmas Music 1974." Anyway, I've really missed all of you. Don't usually talk like this. Guess I'm getting old and sentimetal.
GM Boy - December 02, 2023 - Report this comment
Go to The YouTube and put in, "Kmart In Store Christmas Music. Vintage 1974. Hours of relaxation." Notice I copy almost to the word how long my messages are, Heather you Pirate Lady? I'm also repeating a message just like you did on February 15. Hope that doesn't give me stalker characteristics! hahaha
Heather The New Pirate Girl - December 09, 2023 - Report this comment
I am hear, GM Boy, I am hear! I have a friend, Bruce. We've been best friends since 3rd grade when he let me fix his hair like Mic Jager from his girl days. Bruce has a husband and we are still friends. He put something on the bathroom wall! When is the last time we were this close to texting eachother on this page?
GM Boy - December 21, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey Pirate Girl, went to our hotdog place and did not see anything on the wall. Maybe they cleaned it or something. But good to hear from you. Merry Christmas!
Heather The New Pirate Girl - December 29, 2023 - Report this comment
My friend Bruce was afraid to use real graffiti so he used a post it note and put that on the men's room wall. What a dumb dumb! I said use a marker, but he didn't want to pollute. We will try again. What are you fine Dutch Mill Donuts club members doing for New Year's?
Heather The New Pirate Girl - January 01, 2024 - Report this comment
Happy New Year 2024! Let's get more people to not just come on Dutch Mill Donuts, but all these terrific pages for Foods in The 80's! I want to get three more friends to make statements. And happy New Year's GM Boy!
GM Boy - January 01, 2024 - Report this comment
HAPPY NEW YEAR'S TO ALL! Especially one particular young Pirate Lady. And I agree ... Let's get more of our Dutch Mill Gang back. Think you're right, Heather Pirate Girl. WAIT, jut hole on ..........Cannot believe we talked on the same day! Don't know what else I was gonna say. Holy Dutch Mill crumbs. Don't even know what to say. Let's DO THIS! Cannot believe your friend put a posting note up instead of good old fashioned Sharpie marks. That cracks me up. Oh yeah ..... other pages on this inthe80's are cool, as well. Hope ALL are well in this new year of 2024!
Rittenhouse Ruough House - January 02, 2024 - Report this comment
It's been a while. On June 9, 2023 I thought about taking my own life. But a friend took me to his son's baseball game. I went to my car, an $80,000 Audi and pulled out a 45 caliber revolver and heard a ball hit the hood of my car. I went back in and my friend's son was smiling. The sign I took was live life. I am glad I have my friend GM Boy and I'm glad this silliness is still going on. Now I have cancer and I don't care. Well, I care, but I'm not affraid.
Belinda Carlisle BFF - January 06, 2024 - Report this comment
Heather told me to say how much we like this donut page. But more worried about Mr. Ritthouse. Are you gonna be alright? We all have struggles. I lost my brother. He was also lost. Wish he was here. Hang in there.
GM Boy - January 08, 2024 - Report this comment
Somebody better come out and say something! P.S. LOVE DUTCH MILL DONUTS!
Heather The Pirate Gild made a Boo bo0 - January 11, 2024 - Report this comment
Did I make a Boo-Boo? You mean I should say something?!
GM Boy - January 13, 2024 - Report this comment
Not you Pirate Girl! Somebody else made a "booboo." And he'll be right to come on and tell us. Thank you everyone for concern. But, it's someone else that needs to fess up.
Rittenhouse Ruough House - January 17, 2024 - Report this comment
Hey Hi Hi. Somebody is mad that they have a Audi R8 Quattro. What's that all about. Yeah, a joke about blowing brains out. WHen I was done & out GM Boy helped me. JOKE He bought my Audi R8 Quattro Coupe for about $8,000 lest than what it is worth. So it is his, Heather Pirate thing. Are you impressed?! It's his car now.
Belinda - January 17, 2024 - Report this comment
So, I don't exactly get it. And that's alright. Heather and I talked about this and a little confused, taken back and maybe a bit angry. Not at you GM Boy, but your compatriot seems a little askew. Very lost in the translation.
GM - January 18, 2024 - Report this comment
Sometimes when you try to help someone, you get burned. Not going to mention names or assign any fault. But, do wish to say sorry Heather and Belinda. You do not deserve to be in the middle of non-sense. I will say "someone" asked me, begged me, to buy their nice German Sports car. They said it was worth close to $89,000. BUT would let it go for $76,000 cash. Well, the dummy I am let this "friend" have $80,000 cash because I felt bad. AND, the estimate of close to 90 grand is something he NEVER would have gotten. End of story. NOW, let us get back to the best donuts of all time. WE LOVE DUTCH MILL DONUTS. I am personally going to send out more emails telling folks about the best donuts of the 80's. Rock on girls and once again I am sorry. 1980's and Dutch Mill!
Heather The New Pirate Girl - January 19, 2024 - Report this comment
Totally cool, GM! All's good. Sorry good people act a little out of it sometimes. Been there myself. I'm a spiritual person and will pray. You are correct, sir. Let's talk about the great donuts called Dutch Mills! Happy Weekend All Dutch Mill. And where are you Mr. Dutch the inventor? We Love you, sir!
GM - January 20, 2024 - Report this comment
Thank you
Heather The New Pirate Girl - January 22, 2024 - Report this comment
Can you go back to "GM Boy" now? LOL Always liked January. Figure Skating and all. Love how the sun reflects off the snow. And love Dutch Mill Donuts and all that follow the way of the circular treat!
GM Boy - January 23, 2024 - Report this comment
These are the best treats ever. Or rather they were. Hats off to Dutch Mill and the men & women that worked so hard to bring them to a grateful public. Remember the famous Pink Floyd line, "By the way, which one's Pink." I like, by the way, "Which one's Dutch?" How is the old boy. We will always be your humble servants of the dough. I will leave messages on the bathroom walls of that hot dog place we know of down the road. My sister and I go one a month since we'd go there as young ones with our mom & dad.
Belinda Carlisle BFF - January 27, 2024 - Report this comment
I'm in! Who-Ray! Let's Go Dutch Mill!
Mr. Greg & The Cookies - January 28, 2024 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was made in a store in New Jersey, I believe. And one could purchase them in supermarkets. Buy local & support local. Fine doughnuts.
Heather The Pirate Gild made a Boo bo0 - January 29, 2024 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill was made in New Jersey, Mr. G! Welcome aboard!
Belinda Carlisle BFF - February 01, 2024 - Report this comment
Cool Brez and awesome. LOVE is what it's all about!
GM Boy - February 01, 2024 - Report this comment
Hey there, Heather & Belinda. Feel like a hippie saying this, but Love is the answer. Forgive and go on and spread the love. Did something I believe we might have been talking about. Went on another page on Went of the page for the pasta product, UFO It's a pasta that "came from outer space!" How cool is that?
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - February 05, 2024 - Report this comment
Love is The Answer. To all issues and addictions. That entire searching other pages on this site is a great idea. I'm gonna surprise all of you and pick something that meant a lot to me aside from Dutch Mill Donuts. P.S. when will be another hot dog meeting place. Or, should say, attempt. Belinda and I are going to write something in both bathrooms on the walls of the stalls. Yes, that does sound so "junior high" but what the hey. Oh boy, this is going to be a fun deal. What are you up to GM Boy and all other Dutch Mill fans of the dough.
Belinda Carlisle BFF - February 07, 2024 - Report this comment
Hey GM Boy, does Heather like Jawbusters? Just wondering. You Dutch Mill People are the trip.
GM Boy - February 08, 2024 - Report this comment
I get it. That is so funny. Nice post, pirate girl. I'm going to pick out a product. Let's Go Dutch Mill People
Belinda Carlisle BFF - February 11, 2024 - Report this comment
Hey everyone, That is cool to look up other products on here. Hanging with The Pirate B-atch today for this football thing. Hey, GM Boy, Heather and I were looking up that car you have. That thing is a motor monster. You still have it. My brother is a car guy and he said you don't see them a lot. I'm also gonna find my own "side product" on here. Think this super game is stupid, and don't like this singer girl or her dumb boyfriend. Hope they lose.
GM Boy - February 12, 2024 - Report this comment
Agree ... not a Super Bowl. More like a Stupid Bowl. No big deal about the car. It's a Audi R8 Quattro. I'm something of a car guy. Have a few others. Just fun to drive around sometimes. Hope all it well. Have to go out to Vegas for a business thing. Be back a week from today. GO DUTCH MILL DONUTS! Want to go to the hog dog place on Monday, Feb. 19th and leave a "note."
St. Paul Mall - February 12, 2024 - Report this comment
Can anyone tell me if these donuts are ever coming back? Was actually looking for them about five years ago. When did they stop selling them?
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - February 21, 2024 - Report this comment
Hey GM Boy, Are you going to sing me the song, "Baby you can ride my car?!" ha ha ha Gonna go to that hot dog place and leave a note. It's nice out there soon and I like the cold and snow. But spring time is nice, too.
Belinda Carlisle BFF - February 22, 2024 - Report this comment
Had a very big day. Can we tell them, Heather?
GM Boy - February 24, 2024 - Report this comment
Do tell, do tell. I'm out today for a nice drive. I'm like Rocky in Rocky IV when he's driving his car and seeing himself like Apollo Creed falling down. Maybe even a "hot dog" visit. Got an idea, ring ring ring goes the skull. We get more people to get on inthe80s web page. Let's bring this back. SO WHAT IS YOUR SURPRISE???
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - February 27, 2024 - Report this comment
Will tell you, but not till March 16, 2024 which is a Saturday. It will be something that can compete with something you have. Dutch Mill is The Force!
GM Boy - March 26, 2024 - Report this comment
Hello all friends of the donut hole. Dutch Mill will come back. You all still out there. Look at me, I took some time off. Went away for a spell. Miss you all.
Robert W - June 12, 2024 - Report this comment
Was guessing these wonderful baked goods were no longer around. Just sad it's true. Can't remember which ones I miss the most. They were all very good. Even had pound cake I believe. But, it is also great that I am not alone. Funny how many people remember quality. Maybe they will come back some day.
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - December 18, 2024 - Report this comment
You've got to make a comeback on your comeback GM Boy! LOL I'm coming back with friends before Christmas.
Bruce Dickenson - January 02, 2025 - Report this comment
I got a fever. And the only prescription is more Dutch Mill Donuts
GM Boy - January 21, 2025 - Report this comment
Was that last message you, Heather Makes Pirate Reboot? Happy New Year. Let's get back on task. LOVE TO ALL. How are you doing Dutch The Owner; former owner? Heard you had health issues. How about your possie? Heather, have a new hotdog place to meet. It's around the Ringwood, NJ area. Bet you can't guess.
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - January 28, 2025 - Report this comment
Doing well, thank you. Oh my goodness. I had a good friend in Ringwood I have not talked to in years. Believe I know the hot dog place. Texas Hot Dogs, right? You go there? Hope Dutch is doing well. And all his people.
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - February 21, 2025 - Report this comment
GM Boy, you got your ears on, as the truck drivers said on CB Radio back in the day. I think the classic Texas Weiner place you are thinking about is NOT in Ringwood, but on 1138 Ringwood Ave which is in Wanaque, NJ. That town is also called Haskell and it's a little down the road from Ringwood. How's that for a good guess. LOL Some other post talked about Opera Cookies and I miss them, too. Wonder how all our other Dutch Mill friends are doing? Miss you all.
GM Boy - March 07, 2025 - Report this comment
Yes Heather you crazy pirate girl! That would sound cool to take a new meeting location. Assuming you'd like to meet with a crazy mountain boy like me. I think I know that place near Ringwood. The Lantern is what it goes by. Actually will go there and try to leave a sign. Miss all our Dutch Mill friends. What do you say we bring this page back by the end of spring and beginning of summer? We have got to get this going again. What's up with these Opera Cookies. I think I'll look into them, too.
GM Boy - March 07, 2025 - Report this comment
OK, I'm an idiot. It is The Lantern for sure! I thought you were talking about something else. Anyway, you are correct.
Heather The New Pirate Girl - March 14, 2025 - Report this comment
Never say never when it comes to junk food. I eat quite a good diet and quite healthy. But, I will tackle a good Texas Weiner at times. This is a great little hotdog joint. But, still wish DUTCH MILL DONUTS was here. My best guy friend and his boyfriend will stop by The Lantern this weekend. Maybe we'll leave a not on the bathroom wall. Grafitti is something I do not condon but for the DUTCH MILL DONUT crowd, I will be like a regular vandal. Ha ha
Cool Sammy - March 19, 2025 - Report this comment
Dutch Mill Donuts were such an iconic part of the 80s/90s. If these treats were on the shelf, it was a sign of a class store.
DonutMan EM - March 27, 2025 - Report this comment
WHEW, Shiver me timbers ! Ate a Tastysludge donut 4 years ago and just recovered from a 4 year bowel movement. Thought it was Davey Jones locker fur sure. Great to see the Coxswain mateys GM Boy and Heather the pirate still steering our beloved Dutch Mill Man of war. See those scallywags Bruce Dickinson and Belinda C still on board. Focus on the horizon GM Boy and Heather and may you have fair winds and following seas for our journey. For our journey is not to find Dutch Mill....but is Dutch Mill..GM Boy/Heather the Pirate/Doughboy 1917 and everyone on this page is as much Dutch Mill as Dutch, myself or the Donuts themselves. As long as this page lives DUTCH MILL LIVES.

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