Food of the Eighties, Keebler Opera Cremes Cookies
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These came in a pink bag. There were two flavors, one row of each: one was a chocolate sandwich cookie with vanilla lemon creme and the other was a vanilla cookie with vanilla lemon creme. These were so awesome! I wanted some so bad that I even emailed Keebler to ask if they had any plans to bring them back. The answer was no. These were my absolute favorite cookies.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Keebler Opera Cremes Cookies from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

BELINDA WILSON - June 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Renee Simon - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
I really miss eating those opera creme cookies. Nabisco's bring back some of their cookies from the past. Keebler you all should do the same.
Chet Jackson - July 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Best cookies ever. It would be foolish on Keebler"s part to not bring them back. The older generation was the one who bought them the most & we number in the millions now. Check the Social Security rolls
Miranda Reynolds - July 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I have been craving opera cremes for years now. What happen? Why did Keebler stop making them? Please bring them back!!
diddybop 103 - August 03, 2010 - Report this comment
They were like waiting on your 18th birthday.You're an adult and could eat as many snacks as you want too.I've did a stint in my bedroom on punishment for stealing out the cookie jar
Mary Banks - September 15, 2010 - Report this comment
My mom bought these opera creme cookies all the time untill she couldn't find them anymore. My brother's use to get in trouble for eating up moms cookies, they are soo soo GOOD! Please Please bring them back. Pretty in Pink PLEASE.
Regina - September 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember these from long before the eightys -- I crave them all the time. I really wish that they would be reissued - even if just for a short while - so that I could enjoy them once more... and introduce them to my offspring.
Terri - October 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Hi, My husband and I were talking about how good the Opera Cream cookies used to be and I started craving them. Please bring them back again. They would be well received. There is nothing like them on the market today that I have found. Thank You.
jay - October 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Opera Cremes were poor man's cocaine. I defy anyone to eat just one, not one bag, one cookie. No one cranks out a masterpiece like those elves did. Buckets and his Fudge stripes-meh, Sam and his peanutbutter cookies-#2 cookie, and the rest of those elves running around the tree factory...they can't crank out a couple bags of opera cremes? I mean, they bake the Girl Scouts cookies, intro operas as a new Girl Scout cookie, those kids would sell so many they would be going on trips to Hawaii. Now where are my Thin Mints(grasshoppers)!
Cindy - October 17, 2010 - Report this comment
If you are really interested in getting Keebler to make these delicious cookies again. Contact the company. There is a phone number and an address on their website. Personally I have been looking everywhere for them, I thought maybe it may have been a regional thing.
Lily - October 25, 2010 - Report this comment
I miss those cookies soooo much... there are no really good and big lemon creme cookies out there anymore... the only way I've been able to satisfy my fix is with the Murray Lemon Cremes... which are okay but no where near as awesome as the Opera Cremes... Oh how I miss you my favorite cookies!!! Bring them back PLEASE!!!!
Jennifer - October 31, 2010 - Report this comment
These were my favorite cookies too! The closest thing I have found are Lil' Dutch Maid Lemon Creme cookies that I found at Roses. They are vanilla with lemon creme.
Gary Underwood - November 02, 2010 - Report this comment
All time favs...........please give them another chance!!
Mike - November 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I can't agree more with the previously posted comments. These were my favorite cookie to. Not only did you get the lemon cream between the cookie but you also had a choice between the chocolate or vanilla cookie. These were delicious and enjoyed with a cold glass of milk. When I was a child I used to like separating the two cookie halves, licking the lemon cream and then pressing the lemon cream (that remained)through each of the holes. Oh, those childhood memories and how much they mean today. Please Keebler bring this cookie back. You had a great product and it would sell again with no problem.
SZA - November 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I've never heard of these, or can't place them to the name anyway. It seems like chocolate and lemon would be a really yucky pairing. But I guess not?
lilbit - November 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one that craved those cookies, I was on the website 2 years ago looking for those cookies. I even e-mailed the company asking where I could find them. Looks like I could not find them cause they were discontinued. Just talking about them I can still taste them.
Big Jim - November 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Yes this is my all time favorite cookie. I even tried to contact keebler to buy the rights and recipe and they will not sell. I offered them 5 million dollars. Crazy right? I also knew that there are Thousands of people who loves these cookies and the investment would have been worth it.
mm - December 05, 2010 - Report this comment
these were the greatest cookies and i still tell my wife about them every time we walk down the snack aisle
kay - December 13, 2010 - Report this comment
OMG!!! I absolutely loved this cookie!!! I joined the Army and would stock up when I came home!!! They eventually just dissappered... I thought I was just moving around the world too much! I still crave this cookie!!!!
L A Wall - December 23, 2010 - Report this comment
PLEASE bring back the Opera Creme cookies. They were my family's favorite!
Leonard - January 10, 2011 - Report this comment
Opera Cremes were also my favorite cookie growing up. My craving was so bad I kept a bag with me most of the time and would share only the chocolate cookies with my friends. I kept the vanilla ones which were my favorite for myself. Sometimes I'd buy the larger bag that contained 36 cookies--2 columns of chocolate and 1 column of vanilla. Sometimes I'd get really lucky and choose the bag with 2 columns of vanilla and 1 column of chocolate. Oh what a treat that was. I have never forgotten how much I loved those cookies many times searching for them in every city I've visited. They were my favorite!
Courtney - January 12, 2011 - Report this comment
Opera Cremes were the all time BEST cookie EVER!! Me, my mom & sisters were all addicted to them. They loved the chocolate & I loved the vanilla! I even remember the time they made a bag with only chocolate & my sisters went nuts! A bag never lasted a day in our home. Everytime I'm craving a cookie I think of these & reminded how great they were. We often tell stories to our kids & friends who never had a chance to try them about how great they were. I look for them everytime I visit a store for the first time & even in my hometown stores hoping I will catch them on the shelf for a limited time. I would buy all that my money would allow!!! Like the Girl Scout Cookie, I wish this cookie would be placed back on shelves in stores once or even twice a year to satisfy cravings. ( a win win situation) KEEBLER, if you wont bring Opera Cremes back into stores will you at least make them available to purchase online?
Dorothy - January 13, 2011 - Report this comment
My goodness!!! I had no idea that so many other people missed this Opera Creme cookie as I have for so many years. My sisters and I would always purchase a batch of Opera Creme cookies when going on a trip enough to last the whole trip. As we always purchase them weekly just to eat and enjoy. My next sister and I often talk about how good these Opera Cremes were and still wish for them and still wondered for year what happen to our favorite cookie. Why was the best cookie ever was taken off the shelves at the grocery store? There has not been another cookie so good as the Opera Cremes. Please bring them back. My sisters and I would really love it. Please, Please, Please. Do it for all of us. We all will be so happy and will keep the business going. Please atleast put them in the stores at twice a year.
Cindy - January 21, 2011 - Report this comment
I remember Opera Cremes when I was a little girl. My grandma would keep them in a glass jar with a metal lid. They were my favorite cookie. I sure would love to taste that creamy lemon filling again.
James Copler - January 22, 2011 - Report this comment
Everybody I ask loves Opera Cremes, PLEASE, PLEASE bring them back, you will make alot of people happy.
Cookie Monster - January 23, 2011 - Report this comment
yes please bring them back best cookie ever
Becky - January 25, 2011 - Report this comment
Please bring back the opera creme cookies. They were my all time favorite when I was a kid. PLease bring them back.
PATRICIA - February 01, 2011 - Report this comment
Erin - February 11, 2011 - Report this comment
I keep looking for these cookies as if, somehow, they will re-appear on the a dream. ): Why do they stop making the food items I love? I was thinking you could buy some lemon cream cookies at the store, remove the cookie part then take an oreo cookie, scrape that crap outta the middle and put the lemon stuff inside for an approximation of the same flavor?
Lisa - March 09, 2011 - Report this comment
Has anyone sent this blog to Keebler?? Maybe if they see all of us "fans" out there they will bring them back!
Hiawatha - March 27, 2011 - Report this comment
I happened to be thinking about those WONDERFUL cookies this morning and decided to search again. I was totally surprised to see how many people remember and love those cookies. PLEASE, Keebler, BRING THEM BACK. No other cookies compare to OPERA CREMES.
Larry - April 04, 2011 - Report this comment
I remember these cookies, Opera Cremes. Me & my twin brother took these cookies to school, when our mother would pack out lunch boxes..many moons ago. These were the best tasting cookies ever. We are now 46, and we still talk about those delicious cookies. We sure wish they would bring them back as a retro type cookie...they can even call it a blast from the past ! Such memories of our childhood & cookies...I can just taste them now. Keebler please bring them back !! Larry /North Carolina
J W - April 22, 2011 - Report this comment
These were the first cookies that I ever dunked in milk! HEY KEEBLER ELFS! GET BUSY AND START MAKING THEM AGAIN!!!!!!!! Profits are guaranteed to increase!!
JMH - May 17, 2011 - Report this comment
I could not agree more, i have craved these cookies for years and by habit still look for them in the cookie aisle of the store. PLEASE!! bring them back!Best cookie ever.
DreadheadMama - May 21, 2011 - Report this comment
seriously we need to star a letter writing campain. which in this day would i think be creating a blog that everybody that typed Keebler Opera Cremes would see and could add their signiture or something to so we could get thousands of "customers" present and send to Keebler. seriously. it could totally work. I'll look into it.
Lardena Kennedy - June 04, 2011 - Report this comment
I agree bring back the opera cremes you won't be sorry my whole family miss these cookies
ncj - June 21, 2011 - Report this comment
I e-mailed the company about all the love people still have for the Opera Cremes and how they should consider bringing them back, this is their response: Thank you for contacting us regarding Keebler® Classic Opera Creme Cookies. It's always great to hear from consumers who are trying to find our products because it lets us know how much you enjoy them. We are sorry to tell you that this product was discontinued. We understand that you enjoyed this product but unfortunately stores only want to stock the fastest moving products. If the stores start to discontinue an item, we find we cannot produce the smaller volumes the business demands. It is always difficult for us to make the decision to discontinue a product, as we know it is always someone's favorite. At this time, there are no plans to reintroduce it. We know that it will be hard to find a replacement, but we are always developing new products so we are sure that you will soon find another favorite! We suggest trying Keebler® Coconut Dreams™ cookies and are sending you a coupon to use towards the purchase . Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Please be assured that your wish to have this product back on store shelves has been shared with the appropriate department. We appreciate your interest and loyalty to our brands and trust that we will continue to meet your needs for many years to come. Ok, while I appreciate the gesture, how the heck can coconut cookies compare to fudge & vanilla Opera Cremes?!?!?!?!
Leeesa22 - June 22, 2011 - Report this comment
OMG I loved these cookies, the vanilla side was the best.
kathy - June 30, 2011 - Report this comment
please bring back the opera cream cookies they were the best,they also had some chocolate ones that had chocolate in the middle they were also great. instead the company comes out with the new cookies that nobody even eats it's sad they could have a new generations that would love eating them too.
DAWN - July 12, 2011 - Report this comment
I used to eat these cookies all the time they were the best
Daryl - July 13, 2011 - Report this comment
Those Opera Cremes were the absolute best cookies ever ever ever ever created. The chocalate and the vanilla cookies with the strong tart lemon creme in the middle. What a treat, especially with milk. Come on Keebler, bring them back. These is nothing like those on the market now nor ever been. And the people that loved them are now in their 40's 50's and 60's, and we can keep them on the shelves by buying them... You know what I mean.. Most companies just re-make something old and call it something new nowadays. Why not bring them back, and you can even call them something else, just bring back the lemon creme with choc / vanilla cookies... And I may even start back drinking milk again...
Lu - July 14, 2011 - Report this comment
I absolutely love Opera Creme cookies. My greatest memories are eating them with my grandparents. They are right up there with Oreos. Probably even better! Someone needs to bring these cookies back if Keebler isn't going to.
Paul M - July 18, 2011 - Report this comment
these were the best cookies ever...
Darin D - July 31, 2011 - Report this comment
I was shocked to see this blog! I thought I was all alone in my misery and grief. I haven't found a cookie that even comes close. Thanks for posting!
tom a - August 01, 2011 - Report this comment
Better than Oreos! Just had a craving for these 2 days ago, and found this blog! And @ncj, I'm with you...coconut cookies? What blockhead at Keebler thinks that is even similar?
Jewel Jessee - August 06, 2011 - Report this comment
I loved these cookies. I have looked for these for years. Why not bring them back ?I bought these every week. Best taking cookie I ever ate.
JAY - August 06, 2011 - Report this comment
I am so dissapointed to know that KEEBLER OPERA CREAME has been discontinued.I grew in the 80's eating these cookies and there is no other cookie on the market today, that would ever compare to Opera Creme. I have traveled many states in the past few years searching for these cookies. It is SOOOOO unfortunate to know tha Opera Creame is DICONTINUE, it is the best cookies ever made. I thought i was the only one that still remember and crave these cookies, but i now have discovered there are more people. Keebler please consider all of your comments that you have recieved. You will not regret bringing OPERA CREAME BACK.
Krista - August 08, 2011 - Report this comment
Please bring these cookies back Keebler. They are better than any other cookie you have on the market today. All the cookies are so boring because all you do is change the size of the cookie or make it soft or chewy. Keebler. you could make a ton of money if you brought this cookie back because no other company has one like it. BRING THEM BACK PLEASE.
Tim Bryant - August 25, 2011 - Report this comment
Keebler please!! As a child my brother and I loved Opera Creme!! Im almost sick to my stomach to know u know longer make them!! I understand a few blogs don't constitute re-making them but that was one cookie that I know if bought back kids and older adults would love!! I remember sucking the creme thru the holes of the cookie!! I was never a milk drinker, but 4 opera creme 2 chocolate and 2 vanilla with some orange juice was better than McDonalds to me!! Bring em back at least online for the true lovers!!
KAREN - August 26, 2011 - Report this comment
DARLINE - September 08, 2011 - Report this comment
Please bring my opera creme cookies - I miss the best cookie in the wolrd
Little Nay - September 17, 2011 - Report this comment
I cannot believe that there is such a following for these cookies. For the past year I have been telling my friends about these cookies I used to eat, almost by the bag when I was a kid. My grandpa would take me to the neighborhood market and buy them for me. With all the response, you would think Keebler would at least consider our plea to bring thme back!
Bill Shively - September 20, 2011 - Report this comment
Bring 'em back! The young kids of today have not had the opportunity to experience these tasty delights. They don't know what they're missing, do they? So,let them!
Carol - November 13, 2011 - Report this comment
OMG,I still talk about these cookies. My husband looks at me like I'm crazy when I tell him how I loved to push the lemon cream out of the holes with my tongue. I called Keebler a few years ago and they said the same thing; discontinued. They were my favorites. Nothing comes close.
sandyk - December 02, 2011 - Report this comment
I cant beleave this i thought i was the only one to miss these cookies soooo good wish thay woud bring tham back please!!
Jean - December 12, 2011 - Report this comment
Oh heavens yes i miss this cookie sooooooo much....Please Keebler Elves ..Bake them again !!!!!Before i die...i am 65 years old
becky - January 12, 2012 - Report this comment
I grew up eating these cookies. I wish they were still around so my grandkids could love them as much as I do.
Vanessa - January 20, 2012 - Report this comment
Those cookies were the best one was white with lemon cream the other chocolate with lemon cream delicious just bring them back just for test sales you will see how many people remembered them sales will rise believe me!
Jenn - January 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Oh My wish they would bring them wonderful , delicious absolutely delectable cookies back ... My grandmother watched me when i was growing up n her n i always went to the store together .. these cookies were my treat from her . Thats why keebler needs to bring them back it gives us great memories
Diana - March 15, 2012 - Report this comment
My husband and I spend many wonderful memories together,even before we were married, eating opera creme cookies with mint ice cream. It's been a long time but we find ourselves wishing and saying out loud, "Wish we had some opera creme cookies." Wish they would please bring them back......Come on PLEASE!!
Parbqt - March 18, 2012 - Report this comment
Mamaw and Papaw always got me one thing at the weekly grocery run. It could have been a book, a toy, a favorite food (Opera Creams). BY FAR my favorite was Opera Cream cookies sitting there on her countertop in that pink bag! YUM....I miss my grandparents AND Opera Cream cookies!!!!!
Shannon Brown - March 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Please Please Please bring these back, they were the best.
Heather Wright - March 28, 2012 - Report this comment
YES PLEASE bring them back. It seems like there are many people wanting them back. At least for a trial period. You will sell lots of them. PLEASE bring them back!!!!!!
Linda - April 11, 2012 - Report this comment
Of all the foods from years back, Opera Creams are what I miss most. There has never been another cookie like them. I wrote Keebler when I first had trouble finding them way back when but they never responded. I can't believe the crummy things that persist on the market --and come and go--that these can't be made in even limited editions for those of us who still crave them.
Rodney - April 16, 2012 - Report this comment
Opera Cream Cookies are (were) hands down the best cookie ever made. I have very fond memories of the tart, sweet taste of the Lemon flavor and the dusky taste of the chocolate ones. There now, I've worked myself up again. Please KEEBLER, for the love of everything righteous and fair, bring back my cookies. I am begging. I am a 57 year old man, so I realize my begging might come off as rather shameful, but I really want those cookies again.
Julie Horn - April 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Have had Opera Creams on my mind. They were my favorites and couldn't stop once I started eating them. I really miss them. Bring them back, Keebler!
kia goldsboro nc - April 22, 2012 - Report this comment
bring them back bring them back bring them back!!!
JANET STEWART - April 23, 2012 - Report this comment
CELESTINE DAVIS - May 06, 2012 - Report this comment
Kathy M. - May 07, 2012 - Report this comment
The best store-bought cookie EVER. I even asked Vermont Country Store to bring them back through Keebler. I agree, of all the foods I miss, this is Number 1.
Spencer Jones - May 22, 2012 - Report this comment
Sure wish Keebler would rethink their position. There are a lot of folks from the 80's that now have the income to enjoy these cookies. I miss em!!!!!
Michelle C - Charlotte, NC - June 01, 2012 - Report this comment
I have also been craving these cookies. I wish Keebler would bring back the cookies even it is for a limited time. I think I would buy them all. They can at least release the receipe so that we all can try to find a cookie chef that can try to match the taste.
Cheryl B. - June 06, 2012 - Report this comment
LOL! I was just telling my husband (while eating his favorite cookie, the coconut chocolate drops), about Opera creams! I loved dunking them in a cup of coffee or hot chocolate! oh yum! Why in the world would they discontinue such a good thing? Please bring them back!
Tricia - June 19, 2012 - Report this comment
TONDA - June 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Mfout - June 27, 2012 - Report this comment
I have to listen to my husband harp about Opera Creme cookies every time we go to the grocery store together. It would make him so happy to one day see that pink package on the cookie shelf. I admit, the lemon filling was excellent! It's a unique cookie irreplaceable by any company other than Keebler. come on elves- don't you have a say so? Voice your opinions!
Ronnie - June 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Opera Creme Cookies, the absolute best, man I would die for a bag of those cookies right about now!
EDIE - June 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Cindee - July 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Hao,ve searched high and low, everywhere I go, but no, no OPERA CREAMS! It is torture. Loved those as a child and as an adult with a glass of milk. Time to bring them back to life and make a lot of people very, very happy (Will make money for you, too :)
Roselyn - July 18, 2012 - Report this comment
Wow I thought I was the only one that loved those cookies I did a search for them too , from grocery store to grocery store and internet Im a real cookie monster We need these back , what is the problem , you lost the recipe or what !!! come on!!!!
SANDRA - July 24, 2012 - Report this comment
I love these cookies, my dad and I used to go down to the Pooles grocery in the town where i live and get these all the time. It was our thing . That is one of my fondest memories of my dad sharing those cookies with him (He has passed away now and having those cookies would be a great walk down memory lane). When my husband started dating around the time they discontinued them 93' and he went to all the grocery stores in our area and bought them all for me. That is how much I love these cookies. Murray lemon cookies are the closest thing I have found to them. I used to break them apart lick the center out and then poke the yellow in the holes out with my tongue. I would eat one chocolate and then one vanilla ( I could eat the whole bag in one sitting). I am really craving these cookies now!!!!
David Robinson - August 04, 2012 - Report this comment
In this day and age where we have so few and little pleasures..Keebler needs to bring these as well ads the fudge creme cookies back! Not only will you regain your fan base again but you will have a newer generation to follow...BRING BACK THOSE COOKIES!!! US GENERATION X'ers WANT THEM BACK!!!
Antionette - August 13, 2012 - Report this comment
Please bring those OPERA CREAMS and FUDGE CREME cookies back for a limited time.Those were the best cookies simply my favorites. I will stock up on them.
Catherine - August 17, 2012 - Report this comment
Dwaine - August 18, 2012 - Report this comment
Opera creams were ahead of their time. Please bring them back. Test them in the Cincinnati Ohio area. You will see that there is a market for them
January - August 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Just like everybody else who has commented these were part of our growing up. Please bring them back to Kentucky. You would make so much off of this cookie. Not a cookies now to even compare opera cream to. :):):):):):):):). Please
Marlene - September 10, 2012 - Report this comment
Please bring back the Opera Cream cookies. I have been searching for them recently and remembered how great they were. Everyone wants them back!
Cory - September 16, 2012 - Report this comment
When will Keebler listen ? I mean the buying public wants this item and they won't make them? Come n Keebler. Give them to us!
Paul - September 18, 2012 - Report this comment
I have been searching the all over looking for the opera creams. Keebler please bring them back. You can start with a seasonal promotion in NC
Donna - September 27, 2012 - Report this comment
Bring Bk my cookies, only one I loved, I haven't had one since Dec. 1995. With all these post looks like you would bring them bk.
Donna - September 28, 2012 - Report this comment
This is the response I received Donna, Thank you for contacting us regarding Keebler® Opera Creme® cookies. It's always great to hear from consumers who are trying to find our products because it lets us know how much you enjoy them. We understand you and others online enjoyed this product but unfortunately stores only want to stock the fastest moving products. If the stores start to discontinue an item, we find we cannot produce the smaller volumes the business demands. It is always difficult for us to make the decision to discontinue a product, as we know it is always someone's favorite. At this time, there are no plans to reintroduce it. We know it will be hard to find a replacement, but we are always developing new products so we are sure you will soon find another favorite! We suggest trying Austin® Lemon OHs!® cookies. Please be assured that your wish to have this product back on store shelves has been shared with the appropriate department. We appreciate your interest and loyalty to our brands and trust we will continue to meet your needs for many years to come. Sincerely, Danny C. Consumer Specialist
Beverly - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
Panera Bread makes Christmas Tree cookies (shaped like a tree and decorated like a Christmas tree) at Christmas time for about $2.30. I promise you, they taste exactly like the Keebler vanilla opera cookies.
Alfred Anderson - January 03, 2013 - Report this comment
This is going to sound made up but it is a true story. I haven't thought about these cookies in a long time, but I awoke this morning having dremped that I was telling someone about these opera creme cookies. At the time I could not even remember the name, but the there really has not been a sandwich cookie ever made that I know of that good. So I decicded to google the subject and to my suprise I found this blog. I remember my Grandmother always keeping a bag of them, and I could only get a couple. If they produced these cookies again, I would buy a good supply and probably would eat a whole pack before I stoped! I really hope someone from Kebler reads these posts.
John Brode - January 08, 2013 - Report this comment
I always knew Opera Creme Cookies as "Grandma's Cookies." When I was a little kid, we would visit her and she always had a cookie jar with those cookies in it. She would put a piece of sandwich bread in the cookie jar with them and the moisture in the bread would transfer to the cookies and make them just a little bit soft. They were the best store bought cookies ever made.
Barb - January 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Boo Hoo! I knew Keebler had sold the opera creme cookie years ago. They probably left the USA with their Swiss Crackers that are now sold in Canada under a company named Christie. Went to Canada just to purchase these. So what country is the opera creme cookie residing in? Actually I just came here looking for an image of them because my family thinks I am crazy! I am about these cookies. Only one I would buy on "treat" day.
Betty - February 02, 2013 - Report this comment
I would carefully lift the top offmof a cookie somthenlittle bumps of icing that went intomthenholes on the top would still be there. Then imwould lick the icing off the other side. Sometimes we would do that to several cookies and put the filling into a spoon and lick it. We NEVER just bit right into the cookie. We would savor every portion of it til gone!
phyllis lusk - February 08, 2013 - Report this comment
Angela - February 09, 2013 - Report this comment
After the chocolate chip cookies my mother made and baked,Opera Cremes were her favorites. Needless to say my sisters and brothers loved them too. After all of these years they are still talked about in our households. Sometimes we use to slowly twist them apart and lick the creme and then eat the cookie. Oh Man they were delicious. All these years and we still talk about the taste of the Opera Creme. If we are lucky enough to have them brought back, please let them taste the same.
Dee - February 13, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember sneeking them to my great grandmother whenno one else would let her have them its was always our little secret. I crave the taste til this day. Best cookies ever and so many good memories come with them. Please bring them back
Janice Brown - February 14, 2013 - Report this comment
Please, Please bring back the opera cream cookies. Those were the best cookies on the market and I miss them. I can't find any cookies that even come close to those delicious cookies. Please consider bringing them back or for a limited time at least.
Judy Nichols - February 14, 2013 - Report this comment
I received Opera Creme Cookies as a Valentine's Day gift in 1992. With sincere, upmost respect - PLEASE bring them back. No other cookie tastes as good!
Susie - February 26, 2013 - Report this comment
OMG I think about Opera Cremes everytime I am in the cookie aisle at the grocery. I don't half believe that stores didn't order them cause they seemed to fly off the shelf when they were available. If they don't want to make them they should sell the recipe and rights to someone who will. All we want is a classic and some of our past back. If Coca-Cola can do it I would surely think Keebler could too. They need to drop some of those yucky new concoctions they keep trying to force on everyone. I always see plenty of those left on the shelf.
Susan - March 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Opera Cremes were my all time favorite cookies. They were my husband's also. He liked the chocolate cookies with lemon creme centers and I liked the vanilla cookies with the lemon creme centers. It made sharing so much fun and we each got our favorites. Please consider bringing them back. They were awesome...
Rosaline Sleet - March 01, 2013 - Report this comment
OMG!! It would be absolutely great if these cookies were brought back. My favorite cookie EVER!! I had to have these cookies in my house at all Opera Creme Cookies!!
Cory Heart - March 01, 2013 - Report this comment
Didn't these guys have the commercial witth some opera? Do you remember that, or is it just me. These were GREAT cookies. I'd drive with my sunglasses at night to buy a box.
Brenda - March 03, 2013 - Report this comment
I too haves loved these cookies since I was a child. I don't understand why your company won't reintroduce these cookies. You have several potential buyers of this product. Your answer was that the stores only order the fastest moving products. Why don't you tell the show the stores these comments or do a contest like m&m did when they allowed the public to choose the color. You tell us what we as customers need to do to get you all to at least bring this cookie back for a short time. My a back by popular demand. Advertise this on tv,newspapers, radio, etc. Give the public what they want bring back opera creme!!!from the comments I have read just on this page there wouldn't be a pack left on the shelf. We will be glad, more than glad to do what ever we need to do to get this cookie back on the shelf. Your sales would go up tremendously. We promise. Just long enough for us to experience that taste once more. You owe the public that much. Don,t you?
Onik - March 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Almost three years asking for Opera Cream and they (Nabisco)don't do anything..... What's wrong with them ? Reinvent the market for a new generation People WE WANT OPERA CREAM BACK!!!
Jennifer - April 02, 2013 - Report this comment
Another avid fan of the opera creme!!!
Darlene - April 23, 2013 - Report this comment
These were my absolute favorite cookies. And since then i have never been able to find another cookie that is better. BRING BACK OPERA CREME COOKIES!!!!!!!
Brenda McQueen - May 03, 2013 - Report this comment
Oh man, I'm with all these people. I loved these and would give a lot to have them bring them back!!! Come on Keebler - you want to make money? Bring back these cookies!!!
Angie - May 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Maybe the media could help us out. They played a role in saving the twinkies didn't they?
Sandra - May 07, 2013 - Report this comment
Opera Creams were the best. I want them back too!
keith - May 08, 2013 - Report this comment
those were the only cookies my mom ever's ashame that Keebler doesn't care what the customers think!!
william - May 09, 2013 - Report this comment
they were the best with milk yes bring them back or at least share the recipe
TheRule - May 27, 2013 - Report this comment
I miss my ol' fattening treats! When they were discontinued, I wrote Keebler a sorrowful letter but they responded "No". So, alas, here we are years later with still no Opera Creams. What purpose is there in life now? I've been wondering around aimless ever since.
Keri Carroll - May 30, 2013 - Report this comment
I, too, miss the Opera Creams. They were my favorite store bought cookie. I use to take them apart and lick the icing off and never forgot to get the icing out of the small holes. Loved the icing. I understand that they won't bring them back, but with so many wanting them back you would think they would at least consider it.
Sheri - June 04, 2013 - Report this comment
Oreo came out a few months ago with a lemon cream cookie that is golden on the outside. Buy them, unscrew it and add a chocolate cookie without the side with the cream, try an oreo original, or other brand of chocolate sandwich cookie. I am going to try this.
cookie lover in Cincinnati - June 09, 2013 - Report this comment
Opera creme cookies were the best and they should brought back!!
wallace - July 25, 2013 - Report this comment
what about buttercup butter cookies? they were the best. I also love d the opera cremes too.please do a retro line of cookies .
Shannon - July 26, 2013 - Report this comment
Come on folks let keep appealing to them to bring back the Opera cookies. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Jill Cincinnati oh area - July 30, 2013 - Report this comment
So many times I have thought about Keebler's delicious Opera Creme cookies. My mouth begins to water and I can hardly stand the thought of not being able to purchase them -anywhere! Since you won't be making them any more, please give the recipe so I can make them at home! I doubt they would taste the same, but I can try. Loved them soooo much. Nothing out there today like the Opera Creme cookies.
Joanna Peele - August 24, 2013 - Report this comment
Remembering these cookies from my childhood in the 80's. These were my whole family's favorite cookies. I miss them so much! Opera Creme Cookies are the best cookies of all time!
Ronald Simms - August 27, 2013 - Report this comment
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who misses Opera Cremes. Keebler really needs to bring these cookies back
brent houston - September 26, 2013 - Report this comment
I'm a 54year old cookie lover my favorite was Keebler's Opera CREAME,Plese put this delicious tasting cookie back on our grociesstore shelves.
Alicia Jones - October 06, 2013 - Report this comment
I also grew up loving Opera Creme cookies. I would eat the chocolate ones and my mother would eat the vanilla ones. Everytime I to a grocery I hope to see them or anything similar. But there never is. One day maybe you'll bring them back. (HINT HINT)
Anthony Martin - October 07, 2013 - Report this comment
Im in the grocery business and you don't know how many people have ask about opera creme cookies through the years. I myself like this cookie too. Do you and us a favor , bring it back.
Michelle worley - October 14, 2013 - Report this comment
I really loved the opera creme cookies when I was growing up and would love to have them again please bring them back.
Cathey hooper - October 21, 2013 - Report this comment
My favorite cookie. Maybe you could bring it back with a new name; something that would catch the eye of today's mothers.
Vickie Cavender - October 31, 2013 - Report this comment
PLEASE, PLEASE, Please bring back the best cookie ever...the opera creme cookie!!!! Also would love to see the fudge cookie with fudge creme in the middle brought back also. These were my two favorite cookies!!! I haven't found another Keebler cookie that I like since these were discontinued! Make me a Keebler fan again and bring them back!!!!!!
Faye Smith - November 10, 2013 - Report this comment
Sandra Hardin - December 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Come on Keebler! Isn't it what the customer wants? Clearly, we want the opera cookies to come back. What else can we do to get you to make them for us again?
Betsy - January 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Please bring them back, I haven't eaten them since I was a kid and loved them. Missed them for years now!!!
Linda - January 15, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember this cookie. Instead of a wedding cake when me and my husband got married we decieded on opera cream cookies instead. Please bring them back . What happened to pleasing your coustmers?
Narleski Partee - January 23, 2014 - Report this comment
I had forgot about the opera creme. We had them as kids. I remember my mother giving us opera creme when were able to have a cookie. My siblings and I had a tough time deciding on the vanilla or the chocolate. They were awesome. Please bring them back. Nothing is the same anymore. I do like the coconut chocate drop as well. the oprea creme should be again and on every shelf. Every child needs to experience the taste of the great cookie.
Charlie - January 24, 2014 - Report this comment
It seems like everybody remembers them but there isn't much info on the internet at all!
shona pearson - January 28, 2014 - Report this comment
Who makes the decisions to stop making something. Its obviously not what the people wanted. Please bring back the opera cream cookies.
Charles and Teresa Gilbert - January 28, 2014 - Report this comment
Bring back opera creme cookies, they were all time favorites of so many people!
Robert M - January 31, 2014 - Report this comment
These were my favorite cookies. After years still searching for a replacement to no avail. Why not do special orders for those of us who love and miss this great cookie. after years
konnie - February 08, 2014 - Report this comment
I loved the opera cookies. I used to just eat the chocolate row and give the vanilla to my brother because I loved chocolate. Then I one day tried the vanilla and realized the vanilla was even better tasting than the chocolate, sorry to say I never shared with my brother again. Recently bought golden oreo with lemon creme thinking it would taste like opera cookies. Not even close. Please. Please bring back.
unc92sax - February 17, 2014 - Report this comment
Here's my vote to bring back the Opera Cremes. Makes my mouth water just thinking of them. Brings back memories of sitting in front of the TC, watching the Friday night lineup, with a glass of milk and those cookies. Heaven-on-Earth.
brenda30907 - February 17, 2014 - Report this comment
Please bring back my favorite cookies. I really miss movie night with a tall glass of milk and my opera crème cookies.
bliss377 - February 21, 2014 - Report this comment
for a while i thought i was imagining that I had these delicious cookies, I was in the military and left the country for 6 yrs and when I came back i could not find them. I wish also that they would bring them back, I loved them.
Mary - March 08, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember eating these cookies I loved eating these cookies.The vanilla ones were my favorite.
Ronnie - March 19, 2014 - Report this comment
Surprised when I saw all these comments about the cookie my wife and I were discussing today. Our family loved those things and were wondering what happened to them. It would be great to see them back on the grocery shelf.
Claudia Stowers - March 28, 2014 - Report this comment
My favorite, please them back!
KAYLYN - April 06, 2014 - Report this comment
Meredith - April 13, 2014 - Report this comment
Please bring back opera creams. Dont ignore our cries and pleas to buy your products we actually love.
Deana - April 14, 2014 - Report this comment
please bring back opera creme
Damajah - April 15, 2014 - Report this comment
Opera Creams were my all time favorite, and I didn't know they were discontinued. Necco Wafers are pretty hard to find now too.
Robin - May 27, 2014 - Report this comment
I was a little kid in the late '60s and my gramps always had Opera Cremes in Princeton NC. They were such a treat in that pink bag. The little holes made the filling push through into little tasty niblets. I would pay high dollar to get a bag of those again!!!
terry - May 28, 2014 - Report this comment
Bring back the opera cremes!!!!23
April - June 05, 2014 - Report this comment
These were my favorite cookies as a kid. Please bring them back. I miss them so much! !
Laurett - June 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Totally agree, no cookie has ever surpassed the Opera Cremes. I would eat a few from the dark side and conclude the darks were the best. After eating a few of the lights, I decided they were the best. Back and forth I would go till the bag was empty. Never could decide which color was the best.
Laurett - July 04, 2014 - Report this comment
Update - I sent an e mail to the parent company of Keebler and asked them to work with Cracker Barrel to bring back the Opera Cremes since Cracker Barrel sells the older and not forgotten snack foods.
Debbie Sears - July 12, 2014 - Report this comment
Such fond memories of eating them with my grandmother as a child and on to adulthood. I've missed them for years! Please bring them back to Cincinnati. Nothing can replace them.
Linwood - July 15, 2014 - Report this comment
i was distres to learn you have no plans to bring them back they were my all time favorite..They bring up fond memories from my child hood.... I would certinly buy them now if you would them.....waiting with money in hand....
Peacechild - July 17, 2014 - Report this comment
The last time I looked on the Internet for these I found absolutely nothing about them. I felt so alone, it's good to know they were not forgotten. Bring them back please.
cherylPryor - July 25, 2014 - Report this comment
Keebler please bring back the opera creams u would be so proud of how well they sell they could make y richer than u already is u would not be disappointed u promise u some many millions of people want those cookies again give it a try u would be so sorry that u didt do it sooner
Mary Meadows - July 27, 2014 - Report this comment
My children were raised on Opera Cream cookies. Bought a package every week. Favorite of the whole family. Wish they would bring them back. Would like to introduce m grandkids.
DEborrah Williams - July 28, 2014 - Report this comment
This cookie should have never been stopped being made. I used to crave for this cookie when I was a teenager. Please make again. The store that sold them in our neighborhood is no longer there. This cookie was part of my childhood. I can still taste the taste in my mind. Please make it again.
Regina J - July 30, 2014 - Report this comment
I'm so glad to see I'm not alone in missing those delectable Opera Creams! I,too, still look for them in the Keebler aisle. Recently, while looking for them yet again,to no avail,I discovered the Lemon Creme Oreo.While it's not an Opera Cream, it causes the taste buds to teeter on the sweet edge of recollecting half of the Opera Cream experience. Try some!See what you think.
Ashley - August 04, 2014 - Report this comment
Why on earth would they not bring them back? I'm sure they would sell a whole lot better than most of that junk out there.
trj1217 - August 07, 2014 - Report this comment
OMG! No other cookie comes close! They should at least do a trial run!
Dee - August 20, 2014 - Report this comment
I agree no other cookie can come close. I just bought preps with lemon center kinda close bit nothing like the real deal
JoAnne - September 01, 2014 - Report this comment
They were my all time favorite sandwich cookie. Keebler, please bring them back!
Minirob - September 10, 2014 - Report this comment
These were the GREATEST cookie ever. It not only reminds me of a wonderful childhood. But it reminds me of a great taste that has NEVER been duplicated! Even if you bring them back for a limited time, I pray that you will consider bringing them back! Thanks for your time and considerations!
babygirl - September 15, 2014 - Report this comment
Alicia Jones - September 24, 2014 - Report this comment
BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mila - October 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Omg!!! I just emailed Keebler / Kellogs about bringing them back!!!!! I loved them:-)
Heather G - October 13, 2014 - Report this comment
We tried lemon creme oreos tonight. Blech! Icing too soft & sweet and the cookie part is nothing like an Opera Creme. I will email Keebler with my request to bring them back. Seems like if we bombarded them with our pleas, they would consider putting them back on the market - if only for a limited time.
Clark B - October 31, 2014 - Report this comment
I wish they would bring them back!!! They are the best cookie ever!!!!!
Clint - November 02, 2014 - Report this comment
Kroger grocery chain has a generic cookie packed like the old opera creamin a store brand lable
Jennifer - November 14, 2014 - Report this comment
I have been craving these cookies for soo long. Come on Keebler, maybe the stores would give them more shelf space now!! You said that's why they were DC'd..Please give them a try again.
peggy - November 29, 2014 - Report this comment
I been looking for these cookies for so long they are my favorite cookie.please bring opera crème back,they are the best vanilla and chocolate lemon crème cookie.remember your customer come first and we want these cookie back on self in grocery stores soon.please bring back.
Geney - December 03, 2014 - Report this comment
Now is the perfect time to satisfy our craving for Opera Cremes!! Burger King, after successfully bringing back Chicken Fries,is bringing back the "Yumbo" sandwich after a 40 year hiatus - - - "Customers have been asking about the Yumbo for years, and Burger King decided it was time to bring the sandwich back," said Eric ##########, chief marketing officer for North America. "It got to the point where it's one of those things we can no longer ignore," he said. WHY NOT OPERA CREMES!!!!
Anthony Little - December 07, 2014 - Report this comment
It 3:42 in the morning and guess what I am thinking about among other things it's Opera Creams. As a kid it was five of us kid in the house. We could only get mother to buy one bag at a time. So there were many fights at our house over who ate the opera creams. We really loved those cookies. Back the we could only afford to get one bag at a time. Now that I am an adult i could buy a box at a time. Please bring back the Opera Creams and the coconut chocolate drop too! Opera Cream Opera Cream Opera Cream
irish - December 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Bring the opera cremes back!!please!! Thank you!!
Pat - February 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Please bring back the opera cream cookie. I love these cookies. I can't find any cookie that compares to my favorite OPERA CREAM. Love love them. Please bring them back.
Cherie - February 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Okay OPERA CREAM fans, try the lemon Oreos! Nothing to help with the chocolate cookies but a great lemon cream cookie option!
Cindy - February 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Please bring back the OPERA CREAM cookies. Can't take much more of craving them all the time. Miss them so much! PLEASE!!!!!
Miss Bee - February 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Oh I loved them too! I'm thrilled to even find a picture.
Sweetie - February 23, 2015 - Report this comment
Keebler please bring back the opera crime cookies, they were an all time favorite of mine.
Jane - March 01, 2015 - Report this comment
My husband talks about these cookies all the time. I have never had them, but I can assure you that if you bring them back, they WILL be purchased. I do remember your Fudge Sandwich Cookies and Frosted Oatmeal cookies. I KNOW they would be big hits, too. Please rethink not bringing them back. I agree with the other post -- the fans of these cookies are now the largest population group. WE WANT COOKIES!!!! YOUR COOKIES!!!
Jerry - March 04, 2015 - Report this comment
Please bring back the opera cream cookies!
Harriet - March 24, 2015 - Report this comment
I want them back!! Please please bring them back!! I have been searching everywhere for them!!!
Miss.Shanda - April 17, 2015 - Report this comment
Please bring back Opera Creams. They would definetly give Oreos a run for the money. I have sat here and read all the comments going back to 2010 about these cookies. Keebler should do it. I would buy them, even if it was for a limited time. Them cookies was the bomb! I can remember going over my grandparents and they would have them and I would open te cupboard and I would get so excited!!!. Please Keebler do it, u won't regret it.
James - April 18, 2015 - Report this comment
I want them back!! Please please bring them back!! best cookie ever
Gladys - April 21, 2015 - Report this comment
Keebler- please bring them back!!!!
clare - May 20, 2015 - Report this comment
My daughter and I love vanilla cream cookies. I was trying to remember the ones my mom use to buy because they were so good. i believe they were from the keebler Classic Collection. The fudge one was delicious too...great shape, thick and both the vanilla and fudge had gret flavor. I would love to see these cookies back in the grocery stores. They were hearty and delicious!
Patrick - May 22, 2015 - Report this comment
My favorite cookie as a kid was the Keebler Opera Creme cookies and still is to this day. It was also my father's favorite. As a kid, both my sister and I were willing to incur the wrath of "DAD" by eating his favorite cookie. Every other imitation "lemon creme" cookie made today pales in comparison to Keebler Opera Creme cookies. Today's cookies taste so artificial in comparison. I would love to see Keebler Opera Creme cookies brought back, and if not permanently, Keebler could occasionally produce the original recipe. "If you build it, they will come".
Colette - May 27, 2015 - Report this comment
If you build it, I will eat it!!!!
Larry - June 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Although we were poor, my Mom always found a way to include Opera Cremes in the groceries each week. To this day I still haven't decided which flavor (chocolate or vanilla) I like the best. No other cookie even comes close to the taste of Opera Cremes. They were in a class by themselves. I'm 68 years old and rarely eat sweets anymore but if they brought these back I'd be standing in line for my share.
Elizabeth Tabor - June 08, 2015 - Report this comment
Please please bring back the opera crime cookies
SZA - June 08, 2015 - Report this comment
I see that Oreo is now making a lemon twist cookie with the chocolate Oreo wafers and lemon creme in the middle. Maybe close enough?
LCH - June 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Do you know what I discovered that tastes exactly like them? "Mother's English Tea Sandwich Cookies." When I found them last week, I thought I'd hit the jackpot.:)
LWO - June 16, 2015 - Report this comment
I vote also for the Opera Creme cookies to be brought back.
fay - June 23, 2015 - Report this comment
I have been looking for this cookie everywhere in all kind of stores. Finally decided to see if I could find it on the internet. To my dismay I now find the Opera cream has been discontinued. Please bring back.
Julie - June 23, 2015 - Report this comment
Please bring Opera Creams back!!!!
Sana - July 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Omg those cookies are fab! xD
Bill - July 03, 2015 - Report this comment
How can a company refuse to produce a product so well liked? I am 64 years old, and I remember my first opera cookie. I was around 2 or 3,and remember nothing else about that day but the taste of that chocolate cookie.God Bless all you opera cream lovers and your fond and warm memories.
Dave - July 07, 2015 - Report this comment
Thought I was the only one to miss these babies! Question ... have any of your guys ever listened to opera when eating these?
jan - July 08, 2015 - Report this comment
I forgot these existed, and they were indeed one of my very favorite cookies growing up! they are foolish not to consider bringing them back for both a new audience and all of us who loved them. BTW....Does ANYONE remember a delicious cookie made by either Keebler or Nabisco, soft malty dough (like a chocolate chip dough without chips), raisins, with soft white glaze? they were almost a little salty. They were NOT an oatmeal cookie, and were shaped and sized like a soft baked chocolate chip cookie but again, only malty dough, sweet raisins, soft white glaze. The most delicious cookie ever. I can only find a handful of people who remember them (probably discontinued by the 80s) but they were fabulous.
Pamela - July 12, 2015 - Report this comment
Oreo has recently brought out a new cookie made with chocolate outside and lemon in the middle. It brought back memories of the opero creme cookies. I LOVED those cookies, and wish you would bring them back. PLEASE!!!!
Rose - July 25, 2015 - Report this comment
I LOVED these cookies!!! My absolute favorite! Please bring them back!!!
Phyl - August 03, 2015 - Report this comment
Please Keebler, bring back the Opera Creme cookie. There is really nothing like it anywhere. It is a craving you can not satisfy. Please...please bring them back.
MSA - August 05, 2015 - Report this comment
No harm in company making a trial run to check market demand. I go to grocery and cookie isle is shrinking. If you do not like some form of chocolate chip or oreo's your options are very limited.
Frankie - August 15, 2015 - Report this comment
These were my favorite cookies. Only makes good business sense to put out a product people want to buy. What's the problem Keebler?
MARTY - August 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Lea - September 23, 2015 - Report this comment
If they can bring back Hydrox then they can bring back Opera Cremes...please!
Tonya - November 09, 2015 - Report this comment
these were the best cookies!!I have been thinking about them a lot but realizing they had been discontinued.I live in a small town from where I lived as a child and thought maybe they just didn't carry them around children and grandchildren have never had the enjoyment of having these cookies #sad!I on the other hand am sent straight back to my childhood just thinking about them!!PLEASE THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT BRINGING THEM BACK!!!
Maurice - November 30, 2015 - Report this comment
Yessss! Those Opera Cream Cookies were absolutely the world's best!!!!! You can change the name, the bag, the color of the bag, just give us those great cookies once again!
CORNELL - December 06, 2015 - Report this comment
I REALLY MISS THE COOKIE.wITH ALL THE COMMENTS AND I'M SURE THERE ARE THOUSANDS MORE,YOU SHOULD CONSIDER BRING IT BACK IF ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME FOR LOYAL CUSTOMERS.I don't care for many of the others you product.Chocolate Chip (ORG) IS THE ONLY ONE BUY.You could even make Operas better by making all Chocolates and vanilla sides with white creme.
Cleveland - December 07, 2015 - Report this comment
All the previous commenters have never lied. Those Opera Cookies were the Best!
Nig Nard - December 22, 2015 - Report this comment
As you can see, you will have "plenty" of buyers if you bring these cookies back! I tell the new generation that these were THE BEST COOKIES "IN THE WORLD!" Why don't you just bring them back for a limited time just to see how many customers and support you will have.
Sandy McCoy - January 13, 2016 - Report this comment
I really miss the Keebler opera crèmes. I also loved the hydrox cookies and I was able to get them off of amazon and they are really good. I was looking for opera crèmes on amazon and then found out they had been discontinued. please bring them back even if it is a trial run to see how many customers would buy them. They were the BEST COOKIES.
Alicia J - February 15, 2016 - Report this comment
There is no other cookies on the market with the taste of Opera Cremes. I know, I look every time I go down a cookie aisle. I'm 56 years old. My mother bought them when I was a child. She ate the vanilla ones and I ate the chocolate. When I stated buying them myself; I would make half vanilla and half chocolate. My 38 year son grew up on them as well. Why can't they be brought back?? There is a demand for them on the website. There is no cookie on the market right now like them. Couldn't you bring them back in a limited edition to see what the public would say about it??
Robbie - March 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Opera Cremes were my favorite cookies, especially the chocolate ones. Years ago I noticed that they were disappearing from stores. I finally ran into someone stocking the cookie shelf in a store in Nags Head. He told me that they had been discontinued. Bummer! I would shop at any grocery store that carried them or even by mail. I would like to see them come back. In the meantime, I guess that I will just have to eat Oreos or Subway cookies. I liked the chocolate fudge sandwich cookies too. I haven't seen them for a while either.
Charlie France - April 06, 2016 - Report this comment
I quit buying Keebler products because I e-maled the company and ask why they didnt bring the opera cremes back and they said stores only wanted fast selling products !! what about the coustmer now if you want me back bring back the opera cremes and a lot of other cousmers feel the same way !! think of us for once insted of the big stores !! you would be a better company if you do this !!
Edie - May 14, 2016 - Report this comment
Please bring them back!!!!! They were the absolute best cookie ever made!! If nothing else, bring them back at Easter or Chridtmas or ANY holiday....the masses will buy them! I personally, will buy every pack I can find and pray they last until the next season comes around. Keebler, you need to listen to your customers. There's money to be made by bringing back the Opera Creme Sandwich Cookies.
Dalma - June 06, 2016 - Report this comment
The closest I've had to the Opera Cream are the Lemon Oreos. The taste is very similar to the vanilla/lemon ones and they even smell like them. But nothing like the chocolate/lemon combination. Those were my all time favorite cookies.
Yvonne - June 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Your stock prices will rise real quick when you bring Opera Cream cookies back. Please and thank you.
Robin - July 26, 2016 - Report this comment
Need to contact grocery stores and pitch the great idea of putting these cookies back on the shelf space again!!! I miss these cookies and they are my favorite!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
debra - October 05, 2016 - Report this comment
I love these cookies also. I used to buy a bag every week. I love love love them. I wish they would bring them back.
Diana - October 10, 2016 - Report this comment
I want to join all these other people. They were the bomb diggity. I have never found a cookie that could win my heart like the opera cream!!!
JEANNIE - October 12, 2016 - Report this comment
I am with everyone else. Those were some of the best cookies. I would buy a bag at least three time a month. Please bring them back!
baby k - October 28, 2016 - Report this comment
i wish these come back out asap
KJ - November 04, 2016 - Report this comment
The best cookie EVER!!! Please bring them back!!!!
JCraig - November 07, 2016 - Report this comment
I love Keebler Opera Cookies! They are the best cookies ever made. I would buy them every week if I could. Judging from the comments, there are many people feeling the way I feel. Please bring back the Opera Cookies.
Lolita wiley - November 29, 2016 - Report this comment
I loved the Keebler Opera Cookies!! They were soooooo good. Please bring them back.
Linda - January 11, 2017 - Report this comment
OPERA CREME cookies were the ABSOLUTE BEST COOKIES EVER !!! As you can see from everyone's comments, these cookies are truly loved by everybody ... so, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, BRING THEM BACK ... WE LOVE 'EM SOOOOOOOO MUCH !!!
Loretta - February 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Ditto the above comments. I can still see the package and would alternate eating the vanilla and the chocolate. Loved them in the fifties and know my taste buds would welcome them again.
Betty-March 7, 2017 - March 08, 2017 - Report this comment
The Opera Cream cookies were the best cookies you could buy and since they don't make them anymore I hardly eat cookies. Bring them back please. I always loved those Opera Cream cookies.
Jim (Mr. Pete) - March 10, 2017 - Report this comment
How could I not comment? This is the best Cookie!!!! I read most of these postings, but no one ever mentioned eating the most wonderful cookie in the whole world with a good ole cup of coffee......and no one mentioned eating them on the Blue Ridge Parkway in either Virginia or North Carolina. What a way to enjoy a vacation with the family. We all understand that the Keebler Company is in business to make money, but what about also making your dedicated customers happy, too? Come on and give Keebler Opera Cookies one more try. I PROMISE THAT I WILL DO MY PART.....
Tyrone - March 15, 2017 - March 15, 2017 - Report this comment
WOW! I thought I was the number one fan of Opera Crème cookies. Growing up in the 60's in North Carolina, I could eat Opera Cremes for breakfast , lunch and dinner. No comparison to the cookies out there today. If they bring them back they have to taste like they did back in the day or it's not worth it. I would definitely be willing to pay a premium for that taste.
Phyllis - May 08, 2017 - Report this comment
For heaven's sake! Please bring back opera creamed! I still glance up hoping to see them. They are the best cookie ever made. That subtle lemon flavor was the best. Please Keebler, bring them back. Nothing else can compare
Jack - May 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Sweet Phyllis is right. Please bring back these Cookies that commerate Opea. Nothing else compares.
Dee - June 28, 2017 - Report this comment
these cookies were the best EVER!!! I just had the lemon Oreos and it made me think of them. I had to google 1980's cookies and I found this page. Ha. Gotta bring these babies back.
Steve - June 30, 2017 - Report this comment
The best sandwich cookie by far.....Please bring them back! Sandwich cookies still sell.....but none compare to OC's Oreo has made so many types of Oreos..none as good ..when is Keebler gonna get back in the game!
Kyle - July 04, 2017 - Report this comment
Awesome you guys put a picture of these up they are so think with memories
Elaine - August 19, 2017 - Report this comment
Please bring the opera creme cookies back now!!!!!
Bobby Jo - September 02, 2017 - Report this comment
Hey, the new Lemon Oreos taste exactly like the classic vanilla/lemon Opera Cremes. So half the battle right there! Maybe buy a mess of regular Oreos and Lemon Oreos and carefully scrape out the white from the regulars, splice on the lemon, and maybe we can Frankencookie a little of that old goodness back.
Sharon - September 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Please remake these cookies. I have been looking for them everywhere. I loved them more than any cookie ever.
Tracy - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
Opera Cream cookies were the best. My sister and I both liked them. They were my favorite. Yes, please bring them back!!!!
Janet - November 06, 2017 - Report this comment
I *adored* Opera Creams. When I was a kid, they were a real treat. By the time I was grown up, they were gone, so I never got to buy as many as I wanted. I used to like taking them apart and putting them together so one half was lemon and the other half chocolate. Here's the best substitute I've found: DARE (a cookie company out of Canada, but avail. in the U.S.) makes both Fudge Creams and Lemon Creams. Take apart one cookie of each. Put a chocolate top on the lemon cream bottom. Put a lemon top on the chocolate cream bottom. Dare's lemon cream is way better than lemon oreos. Dare's chocolate cookie is almost exactly like the opera cream chocolate cookie was. I agree with the comment that Keebler should partner with the Girl Scouts on this one -- I would buy dozens of Girl Scout opera creams.
Suzy Q - November 22, 2017 - Report this comment
I miss Opera Cremes like crazy! Especially the chocolate ones! It looks like Oreo experimented with a Lemon Twist Oreo (Chocolate cookie) back in 2015 but they don't seem to have made it. I made a petition at Let's bring 'em back for real!!! Sign it and share it please! Let's do this!!! Sign the Petition
CARYL - November 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Dare cookies ARE available in the US. I get mine at big/odd lots and at the grocery, and those bread thrift stores.
CHADF - December 06, 2017 - Report this comment
Come on Keebler! Bring back Chocolate Fudge Sandwich Cookies and Opera Cremes! To be honest with you your new cookies are terrible. I never buy them. If you would bring back the classics they would definitely sell. These are the only two cookies I will buy from you. Until then it's other brands for me.
Brenda Moody - January 18, 2018 - Report this comment
I recently lost my only child and he always loved your Opera Crème cookies. I hope you can see it in ya'll heart to start manufacturing these wonderful delicious cookies. He also love all your other cookies, but, those was his favorite. PLEASE RECONSIDER. OK A GRATEFUL GRIEVING MOTHER.
LindaP - January 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Add my family to the long list of folks who loved the Keebler Opera Cream cookies. We searched for them for years. It's hard to believe the Keebler Co. will not bring back these delicious cookies.
Robert A. - February 06, 2018 - Report this comment
Best cookie on the planet! Bring them BACK!! PLEEEAASE!!
james phillips - February 08, 2018 - Report this comment
you hear every one BEGGING,AND PLEADING,and I am doing the same.Please, Please, Please,Bring them BACK. EVERY ONE IS ASKING. WHY WANT THEY BRING THEM BACK..
MANDY - February 09, 2018 - Report this comment
I was talking about the opera creme cookies yesterday.I was athe the doctor wanting to know why they want bring them back.Because the generation of today will loose there mine when they get to eat an poera creme cookie.So please make a wish come true for me and everyone else thats begging for the famousm of all times!!!!!!!
Barb D. - March 07, 2018 - Report this comment
They and I wonder why they quit making them were my favorite cookies to I do wish they bring them back or love those cookies. I miss those cookies so much last month when I went to the store I was looking for them to see if they brought them back but they wasn't there I really miss them I like the vanilla once the best please bring those cookies back Keebler please bring those cookies back as soon as possible they are the best cookies.
Jim C - March 26, 2018 - Report this comment
Best Cookies ever made, me and my wife loved them.
Laura - April 12, 2018 - Report this comment
For those of you that were fans of the Opera Cremes. Please try the Lance Nekot Lemon Cremes. They will not disappoint.
Jcase - May 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Keebler has shut me down as well. My pleas have always been answered with an emphatic “no way” when I’ve inquired about whether these will ever make a comeback. Just based on the volume of these comments, I have to believe there is an audience for these cookies. Consider that everyone who’s written here got here by actively googling these things and probably only 1/10th of the people who got here actually left a comment. These would sell again. Bring them out once a year in limited runs like the monster cereals... anything...
Carrie - May 29, 2018 - Report this comment
Ok Keebler so you're ignoring our request for the Opera Cremes....your loss....Oreo has a lemon cookie that taste just like the vanilla ones, now if they would just duplicate the chocolate ones.
Gary M - July 04, 2018 - Report this comment
You are so right, Carrie. Great post. And why to go to the boss, Jcase. Thanks for that advice Laura. Jim C also has a point about how good they are since both he and his wife like
iruyle - August 06, 2018 - Report this comment
I stumble back on this page every couple of years. Always amazes me that there is no traction to get the Elves' ovens fired up on these again. many folks who loved these never search for them and of those that do, most will not find this page. I'll further wager that of those that find it, most 3 out of 4 wont comment. So, I bet each comment here is worth 90-100 actual consumers who would buy these on sight. For those of you near an Ingles store, their store brand (Laura Lynn) of lemon cookies is almost indistinguishable from the vanilla Opera Creme cookies.
Reggie H - September 01, 2018 - Report this comment
It’s amazing how many folks loved and still LOVE Opera Creme cookies. My Mom did not buy them because they were expensive with four kids and a bad would not have lasted 2 hours. My aunt would buy them because she only had one kids. I would eat them at her house and savor them. If they are not in a class by themselves, it won’t take long to cause the roll. I remember pushing the Creme thru the holes with my tongue and no other cookie would take as long to eat as these. Keebler, put the elves to work and bring these back as a SPECIAL EDITION cookie for a holiday.
Bernie - October 15, 2018 - Report this comment
Please bring back the Opera Cremes. This is my all time favorite cookie. There has never been another cookie that even comes close.
Devorah - October 27, 2018 - Report this comment
I like many others love those cookies also and I contacted the company and they said no comeback....Maybe that is a good thing cause I would be addicted. I thought I was the only one
J Wallace - November 25, 2018 - Report this comment
Let’s keep calling the company asking for the cookies. Maybe we can get AARP to help us.
Bette - December 04, 2018 - Report this comment
Yes, by all means bring back the Opera Cremes
Gary P - December 06, 2018 - Report this comment
Man I loved them. Don’t know why Keebler quit making them. They have worst cookies they could have got rid of.
Sunshine1970 - December 28, 2018 - Report this comment
Maybe Ellen could get them to bring back the opera creme cookies.
Joy C - January 04, 2019 - Report this comment
The opera cookies were the BEST! Please, please start making them again. There are no other cookies like them.
Charlotte - February 06, 2019 - Report this comment
I contacted Keebler a year or so ago regarding making Opera Creme cookies again. I think I even pleaded with them! They responded by telling me that there is not a market for them anymore. Have they seen this website??????
DEE - February 18, 2019 - Report this comment
Ms Linda - March 23, 2019 - Report this comment
I wish you would please bring these cookies back if only for a limited edition period of time . my husband and I loved these things. I've tried finding them on line everywhere. And that is the exact kind of bag they use to come in. these cookies had a flavor like no other. Please bring them back to us
Kathy - May 11, 2019 - Report this comment
I love these cookies. Wish they would bring them back. And the chocolate fudge cookies.
Derrick - May 19, 2019 - Report this comment
I have contacted you guys last week I even contacted Strahan & Sara to ask you guys to bring them back. My parents are in their mid 50's and still ask about these cookies. I remember eating them as a boy and it's just a taste that you coukd never forget. I would even be a spokesmen for the cookies. Bring them back for one year and if you guys don't make at least 50 million in revenue I will work a full year for free. #BRINGTHEMBACK
FranB - June 28, 2019 - Report this comment
My Mother worked on Saturdays and she always left us money for Opera Cremes. They were the best!!! BRING BACK OPERA CREMES!!!! The Fudge cookies were great also.
Dee - September 12, 2019 - Report this comment
PLEASE PLEASE bring back opera creme i am sure you can find a store to carry them in their store and i am sure they would not last long in the store
pam - September 12, 2019 - Report this comment
Deborah O’Donnell - November 08, 2019 - Report this comment
Obviously these cookies were the best it’s been 30 years and I still think of them! My all time favorite cookie especially the chocolate with lemon cream. I’ve never tasted anything so distinct. I’m still saying it bring them back !
LOUISE - January 10, 2020 - Report this comment
T Love - January 13, 2020 - Report this comment
You would make this world a better place to bring these cookies back. My dear grandfather would buy me Opera Cream cookies every weekend. My auntie Alice worked and retired from Keebler I recall when she would bring home all the broken cookies and I was the happiest kid.
Brandi - January 15, 2020 - Report this comment
I love these cookies. My dad used to buy them religiously and we’d share em and watch cartoons on Saturdays 😊 I was telling my kids about the greatest cookie ever over thanksgiving break!! Please please please bring em back
RJ - February 08, 2020 - Report this comment
kmarshall - February 15, 2020 - Report this comment
Please bring back Opera Cream cookies! Best cookie ever!
Bo Edwards - April 10, 2020 - Report this comment
Please please please bring these cookies back I loved these cookies, the lemon taste cookies were the best ever made I would be a happy camper for the rest of my life. Would be a loyal customer
Jean O - May 02, 2020 - Report this comment
These cookies were my whole family’s favorite. There’s no other cookie that comes close to being as delicious. Please bring them back!!!!
Phyllis - June 04, 2020 - Report this comment
Opera Creme cookies are my all-time favorite cookies!! I am 56yrs old and still want those cookies! Everyday after school I ate one each. It would turn any bad day into a great one! Please bring them back. We all need great days to look forward to! Please Keebler!
Joanne - June 28, 2020 - Report this comment
Please bring back the Keebler Opera Creme Cookies.XXXOOO
Mary Beth - June 30, 2020 - Report this comment
I Remember one night my new boyfriend at the time, (later my husband and father of my three sons) patiently driving all over town in search of my favorite cookie...... Keebler Opera Creams. Please bring them back. Best cookie ever!!
Gh0st - July 02, 2020 - Report this comment
Why.. just why.. have these cookies not made a return?!
Cindy - August 03, 2020 - Report this comment
I just want the opera creams again. Please
John Reid - August 09, 2020 - Report this comment
Judging from this list of Opera Cream Lovers, the ELVES need to get busy baking. I look forward to the day that this generation is introduced to these FABULOUS cookies. I’m still searching for an imitation because there is nothing like the REAL thing. LETS Go!!! ELVES 👍
Charles - September 03, 2020 - Report this comment
Ditto...Ditto...Ditto. I thought I was the only insane person craving and wondering why they went away. They did have a primo price BUT WELL WORTH IT! BRING’EM BACK!👀
Sharon - September 16, 2020 - Report this comment
Keebler Opera Cream were my very favorite. I wish that you could bring them back. I just don't buy packaged cookies anymore. There is no other cookie that can compare to the opera cream. Please reconsider bringing them back. They may be a bigger hit now. I miss them so much!
Lynn - September 23, 2020 - Report this comment
Will you please bring back the opera cream cookies? Look at all the comments! It’s obvious people want them back!! Those were the only cookies I ate! They were addictive! Bring them back please?
Susan - October 14, 2020 - Report this comment
My mother was the best baker ever. These were the only store bought cookies she would eat. I looked for them the other day and was heartbroken to learn they aren’t made anymore. Please bring them back!
Audrey - October 16, 2020 - Report this comment
I loved those cookies and just got online only to find out they don't make them anymore. WOW!
Phil - November 08, 2020 - Report this comment
Mom worked at Kroger and regularly brought these home. I chose the vanilla and left the chocolate for my sister and parents. Another great cookie was Pitter Patter. Wish some small bakery would buy these recipes and start selling both of these brands!
John T Sprankell - November 22, 2020 - Report this comment
I was single till I was 38 and I ate the Opera Creme's every week I would eat 3 vanilla & 2 Choc one day and then 3 Choc & 2 vanilla the next every morning with a small glass of grape juice and I have been thinking about them again for the past month wishing that you would once again make them......couldn't you surprise an 81 yaer old and make his day !!!!!!
evilbeth - March 21, 2021 - Report this comment
For those of us who loves these--I have a scoop for you. Now at Easter time, Kit Kat has mini Kit Kats in Lemon Crisp--they are the standard wafers with milk chocolate between with lemon white chocolate over--AND THEY TASTE JUST LIKE OPERA CREMES! I am serious! Try them!
Connie Browne - April 12, 2021 - Report this comment
I can’t believe a Keebler rep suggested that we all try to find a “new favorite”, even suggesting some kind of coconut thing. That’s ridiculous. That’s nothing like the Opera Creme and it’s a disgrace that you would even suggest it!! Boo on you!! I found some chocolate cookies and some lemon cookies on Amazon that are almost exactly the same as the Opera Creme if you use a knife to scrape off all of the icing and switch chocolate to the lemon and lemon to the chocolate. The brand name is Dare. They also make maple creme sandwich cookies that are very good. It’s worth the work! I’m showing Keebler that I don’t mind taking my business elsewhere. 😡
Abigail - April 21, 2021 - Report this comment
I loved these cookies!
Gladys Gray - May 14, 2021 - Report this comment
I bought these every week at Kroger’s. I don’t understand why they haven’t brought them back. No other cookie can compare with any of the 3 flavors Keebler produced.
Sylvia - October 21, 2021 - Report this comment
Please bring the Opera Cookies back the cookies in the store today cannot compare.
Wanda - January 21, 2022 - Report this comment
I loved those Opera Cream cookies Ijust was wondering what happened to them I still be looking for them in stores never knew why they stopped making them best cookies ever made if they came back would they taste the same thank you Keebler for the best cookies ever I’m 65 now and I’ve asked about them and know one remembers but me I guess🥰
Kathy - March 28, 2022 - Report this comment
Like everyone else these were my favorite cookies. When my son was a toddler he would call them “Mommy cookies”. I’m not sure when they discontinued them but there is a huge new market of young people who would probably love them along with us oldies BRING BACK OPERA COOKIES
Joe - May 27, 2022 - Report this comment
Baby Boomers were fortunate to have tasted Opera Cremes and having done so formed a loyalty to a product. Seems as if even Girl Scout cookies have adapted the "here today,gone tomorrow" standard for products. As result there is no longer the passion for GS cookies. Now, particularly now a cookie as was the Opera Creme, that pleased adult palate would appeal and please the adult population to the extent it be hard to keep them on the store shelves. 2022 is a year of almost everything increasing in cost. People tend to spend for quality favorites more so that substituting.Bring back the Opera Creme!!!!!!!!
Linda - November 07, 2022 - Report this comment
Please bring back opera creme cookies. Please they were soon delicious 😋 you can't just eat 2 and have a Cold glass of milk .
Sherri - November 07, 2022 - Report this comment
Keebler Opera Creams we’re the best cookies, bar none. My mother and I could literally eat the whole package in one sitting. I can assure Keebler that if they were to bring it back as a “seasonal” or “promotional” item, it wouldn’t take long for them to realize that the product needs to be back into regular production again. Keebler, your customers wouldn’t let you down when it comes to those Opera Creams. I wonder if all the Opera Cream cookie lovers were to boycott all the current Keebler products, if that would help bring them back? I think it would be worth a try.
Shannon - April 27, 2023 - Report this comment
Undoubtedly the best cookie ever made. My now deceased mother bought these and kept them hidden for me and her to enjoy! Keebler should rerun these in a test market if they feel this won’t sell! I think if we collectively make a push for this cookie we might possibly get the company to put this back on the market! Hey… it’s worth a try!!!
Trevis Law - May 23, 2023 - Report this comment
I remember these cookies as a child when I was growing up. I am now 51 years of age and still crave these cookies. There are a lot of things that are no longer available like Pizzerias chips and Brach's creme filled candy. I would love it if these were put back in to circulation.
Edna - May 26, 2023 - Report this comment
No way!I thought I was the only one. Please bring Opera cookies back!
Linda - September 07, 2023 - Report this comment
I actually CRAVE the taste of these cookies. I've never found anything to even come close to that perfect match of kidding. Mr. Elf, whip up a batch of these and BRING THEM BACK before I die from the craving!
jtb - September 24, 2023 - Report this comment
I am 71 and Opera Crème cookies are/were my favorite cookie ever. I once called the company and asked if they had a bag left on a shelf that I could have😂 I was driving my car with an open bag on the armrest and my son grabbed the bag & he and my daughter laughed so hard. They started eating the cookies. Sooo improper but very funny. No cookies like Opera Cookies.
Corey T. - September 28, 2023 - Report this comment
Please bring these back. The best sandwich cookie I've ever eaten.
Pat Greene - October 12, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m 88 yrs old and I still look for Opera Crème cookies to return to my grocer’s shelves. Never tasted a single cookie that would even begin to taste like Opera Cremes. Why would you ever have stopped production of such a favorite??
E W G - October 15, 2023 - Report this comment
I love Opera cream cookies. I tried to contact keebler when I was deployed. I could have these opera cream cookies to share with my soldiers. Keebler did not have the decency to reply. I am now a retired military member. Keebler, please bring back the opera cream cookies.
Greg - February 19, 2025 - Report this comment
I am another Opera Cream cookie lover!Please bring them back. THEY WERE THE BEST!
Heather Makes Pirate Girl Re-boot! - February 21, 2025 - Report this comment
Greg is so right, yo. Opera Cream cokkies were so delicsh. Do you also miss Dutch Mill donuts, Greg? You have good taste
Tony - March 02, 2025 - Report this comment
I have searched for years for these Opera Cream cookies. The only consolation is that I have found others that share my mystery. I suggest that we send a petition to Keebler with the hope that they might change their minds and bring them back.R

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