Food of the Eighties, New Coke
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Coke tried something new but got shut down. Basically tasted like Pepsi.
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The following are comments left about New Coke from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Vikki - November 26, 2014 - Report this comment
I am so glad they didn't keep the "new coke" and do away with the old. I didn't really care for it, but I love the original!
Eugol Dlareg - November 30, 2014 - Report this comment
New Coke... The Edsel of the 1980's.
L. Mycroft Ducaine - August 27, 2015 - Report this comment
It didn't really taste all that bad, but the mistake Coca-Cola made was the very idea of changing Coke in the first place. Of course, a few months later, when they brought the original Coke back, there were people who believed that was their plan all along, the entire purpose of New Coke was to create demand for the original product.
foodhistorybuff - October 14, 2016 - Report this comment
Newcoke became coke2 which was sold for a while. it sold ok but was eventually yanked
Rob Lambert - July 18, 2019 - Report this comment
From the prime time TV vault, an early New Coke commercial with Casey Kasem reading a promo script, as the old Coke bottle is shoved aside for the new one. This aired on "Mr. Belvedere" over ABC (5/10/85). One of the better family sitcoms of the 1980s, depicting the special relationship between employee Belvedere (Christopher Hewett) and employer George Owens (Bob Uecker) and family. While George and Belvedere often locked horns on issues, they developed a certain respect for each other over the series duration. Not just a housekeeper, Belvedere also helped in nurturing the three Owens kids, which George sometimes resented. Serious topics such as drunken driving, teen sex and AIDS served as episode fodder. George had a hidden jealousy of Belvedere's higher education, which prompted many arguments. Wife Marsha (Ilene Graff) was a law student. We lost Hewett 18 years ago. Uecker, now 84, still broadcasts Milwaukee Brewers (MLB) home games on radio.
Charlie - December 23, 2023 - Report this comment
Came out in 1985

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