Food of the Eighties, PB but no Jelly
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A two pack candy bar that had peanut butter covered in chocolate. Like a Reese's Cup but a thinner layer of chocolate.
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Ted K. - October 12, 2011 - Report this comment
They originally came out in the late 70's. Yes, I remember them; they were made by Peter Paul, the same company that made Almond Joy & Mounds at the time. They were packaged the same way also (two pack).They were like a Reese's cup with a slight crispy crunch mixed in. I consumed many; they were awsome!
Charlie - March 03, 2014 - Report this comment
Definitely a food of the 70's. Came out in 1972 and I would almost guarantee did not make it to 1980. They were made by Peter Paul, the same company that makes Mounds and Almond Joy, and they were shaped in two pieces like that. They were two little peanut butter logs (with krispies) covered in chocolate.

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