Food of the Eighties, Riunite (Wine)
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Was a sweet wine, came in a sleek designed bottle. I remember 2 flavors, ed and white. It was aimed to appeal at the more sophisticated types at half the price. The slogan went, "Riunite on ice, that's nice."
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Riunite (Wine) from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

ACJ - January 31, 2008 - Report this comment
"Riunite on ice, Riunite so nice, Riunite, Riunite!!" Growing up in the (Southern Baptist) Bible belt, it was what "wild" and "religiously lax" adults enjoyed, just like "Steak and Ale" restaurants. Evil alcohol!
Space Cowgirl - July 08, 2008 - Report this comment
They still make this stuff. My dad started buying it for me when I was 12. I love the red.
Joemama - May 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I seem to remember the jingle going: "Riunite and it Feels so Good!" to the tune of Reunited by Peaches and Herb.
Otto von Bizmark 1915 - April 05, 2013 - Report this comment
Ahch, Du Leiber! This stuff was classic back in the late '70s and mid '80s. Of course I was in my late 90s by then. But Joemama is so right! I can still hear that song in my head. Cool, Space Cowgirl. My dad didn't buy this for me, per se, but we could always drink his bee when we were around 12, or so. Know what you mean ACJ! Where I live there are Baptist and they like to party, too. Just don't bring just one camping with you though. You need two to keep an eye on each other. If there's just one, he'll drink all your beer! Or Riunite. Love, The Ghost of Otto von Bizmark. Ser Gut
Charlie - April 02, 2022 - Report this comment
Space Cowgirl, your dad started getting you drunk at 12??? I think we can all guess what happened next!

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