Toys of the Eighties, Mangalords
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Manglord in all his glory.
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Mangalords came out around the time of Dungeons and Dragons toys. They were squishy action figures that you could rip apart and put back together again. An accessory of the line was a tank/pit that you filled with soapy water and lowered the figures into. Once the figures (that had been ripped apart) were dipped into the soapy water, the "wounds" would "heal" and you could not tell they figure had been ripped apart. There were about 5 figurees in the line. Each one came with an egg kind of thing to keep them in because if you let them sit out they got easily dirty (Hair, Dirt, ect..)
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Mangalords from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

martin potter - February 21, 2008 - Report this comment
I have been looking for confirmation about these toys forever!!! no one ever believes me. thank god someone else remembers. no only if I could find one for sale.
Jeremy - March 10, 2008 - Report this comment
The toy line was actually called Manglor. They were really cool. I remember seeing them around '83 or so and wanted the main guy (swamp-thing looking alien manglor). My mom thought it was disgusting though and wouldn't buy it. LOL
Jamie - August 08, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember this toy. I too am looking for one also. The commercial was also pretty cool (they harmonized the name Manglor through the whole commercial!)
Rob - November 13, 2008 - Report this comment
I had one of these figures when I was young and it was a pretty cool toy. I wish somebody had a picture of one of them. I had the swamp guy that jeremy spoke of in his comment. I remember I left him out too long and he did dry up, and the toy also loved to attract cat hair. Somebody has to have a pic of this toy!!
Mario - January 01, 2009 - Report this comment
My neighbor had a manglor figure It was the teredactyl. I have been looking everwhere for one. Anyone know where to find one?
KitKat - February 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I had the purple t-rex/dragon because they were out of the green man. When I tore him apart my uncle almost gave me a lickin' because he thought I was breaking my toys fresh outta the box. Come to think of it I don't remember it sticking back together that easily. Can someone put my mind at ease and let me know if the t-rex was one of the ones you could tear apart or not??
Jonathan - March 25, 2009 - Report this comment
Yes! My good friend had one and I remember playing with it. They disappeared quickly and I never owned one, but it was cool (until it was covered in hair/dirt). I do remember it working well at first when we played with it. Also, you could pull off the head and an arm and make the head grow off the arm stump, or the hand come out of the neck, etc. Fun times.
TJ - April 20, 2009 - Report this comment
I knew they exsisted! I had the green man. I can still remember the way he smelled. It was a strange scent, but I really liked the smell. I remember ripping his arm off, but I don't remember it sticking back on that well. Maybe I didn't use the warm soapy water though. I would love to see one of these again.
WereDog - May 24, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember the commercials. Manglors are made of the strangest stuff on earth. You can stretch them, squeeeeeeeeze them, pull them apart. And they always go back together. The commercial may have been exaggerating slightly. I remember seeing a consumer reports show that had kids on that said the Manglors were a ripoff because they didn't come together so well after being torn.
23 - August 30, 2009 - Report this comment
I had the green/purple man and the bubbling volcanic mountain with the iron maiden. The mountain was very cool you put the figure in the iron maiden and pumped the tongue of the gargoyle on the front and the figure would rise covered in clear slime(not soapy water as said above). I waited a long time before ripping the figure apart at one of the arms and it never looked right after that. I also don't remember the soapy water fixing it. I still have the volcanic mountain. Maybe I should post pictures sometime.
Dice - February 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Yes! After all these years I was begining to think I'd just imagined the comercial. I remeber them tearing the green guy apart and I think the volcano was in the same commercial. Would love to see one of these.
edgevf - April 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I have looked for info about this for a long time glad to see other people remember them. By any chance does anyone remember a spider man figure with a clear forearm that you could squeeze to shoot a web like substance that was made in the early to mid 80's
Raven - October 08, 2010 - Report this comment
Look up Manglor Toy commercial on youtube and you will find the original ad
prime optimus (primus) - December 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Had one of these as a child as well, glad i found this page cause no one i know remembers them so i thought i was going crazy. I remember its smell as well but dont remember the soapy water trick, the one i had was a pit you lowered him into and it was full of the 80's famous green slime.
Maybe - April 01, 2016 - Report this comment
I too remember the green slime tank.
Duston - October 19, 2016 - Report this comment
I had the T-rex looking Mangalor and I will never forget that fateful Christmas morning of opening up the egg and getting the critter out and stretching him and then tearing off his arm and trying to stick it back, only to have it fall to the floor. Dad was furious, then he read the instructions with me. Nope.. I did just what the instructions said. We tried water, we tried soapy water, then we used rubber cement that repaired it. So I had an injured squishy and stretchy T-Rex that smelled funny until it dried up and started crumbling apart.
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Itsynibbles - May 10, 2019 - Report this comment
I got one of these for christmas around 1983? I recall pulling him apart and my sister telling me i could put him back together again. I never understood about the soapy water thing and I was never able to put him back together again. Was fun for about 10 seconds.. :(
Charles De Mar - June 12, 2022 - Report this comment
Yes! Thank you for this page. As others here have said, I felt like the only one who remembered these. I had the green guy and enjoyed many hours of pulling him apart and putting him back together, until I eventually lost him. This is one of the 80s toys I’d most like to play with again if I could.

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