Toys of the Eighties, Action Max
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Action Max
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From Worlds of Wonder, this was a VHS vcr based shooter-style video game that came out around 1987. It had a control box that hooked to the vcr, a handheld gun unit and a red score light. I think it came out right before the Nintendo but I'm not sure it may have come out to compete w/ the NES. Didn't last that long- was more of a one X-Mas faddy type game. Ours didn't work with our circa 1970's color TV so we had to return it :(
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Action Max from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Jacob Branch - January 08, 2008 - Report this comment
my dad bought me one never could get it to work right
Richard - December 18, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember having two VHS videos for this system. One was an F-14 Top Gun style game where you shot at enemy fighters. The second one was an underwater mercenary-type game.
Angie - January 14, 2009 - Report this comment
I owned an action max when I was a little girl. My boyfriend and I collect different things from our childhood and I am proud to say that I am now the owner of 2 of these systems and one has never been used. Pops Ghostly is by far my favorite. All of the games worked on timing, it's awesome.
robbrina (aka robbi) - February 17, 2009 - Report this comment
I had an action max. I still have the Pops ghostly tape that came with it. Me & my friend used to laugh at how corny the ghosts were on there.
lisa - August 23, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember getting one of these for chirstmas right after it came out, it worked for about a month and the light thing went out and it never worked again.

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