Toys of the Eighties, A.G. Bear
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In the late 1990's, a multi-year lobbying effort orchestrated by popular children's author, Cynthia Gurin, began. It included a well publicized Lost Bear search, complete with worldwide 'Have You Seen This Bear?' posters. The concerted efforts of AG's loyal fans finally resulted in an agreement to resume production of the original AG in a limited run edition. The remaining bears, along with the story CD, 'The Adventures of AG Bear', by Cynthia Gurin, are available on the official AG Bear website, at
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Stuffed teddy bear with a voice box that would record what you say, and repeat it back as mumbles and grunts. Example: "Talk to me stupid." Response..."Whah whah whah whahwhah."
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about A.G. Bear from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Adrienne - March 20, 2007 - Report this comment
I so had one of these. Back when cell phones were starting to get relatively mainstream, I used to take his voicebox out and talk to it in public like i was on the phone. Of course, I had to look stupid, but it was worth it. I totally felt cool.
Gemma - July 24, 2007 - Report this comment
I had the best AG bear ever - he was brown and i took him everywhere including a jumble sale where i put him down and some stupid woman sold him as jumble - my aunty got me another one but he was a white one and didnt make the same noise! I still miss him!
Johanna - January 20, 2008 - Report this comment
I really don't think this is the bear I had, but I am looking all over for the one I had and wondered if anyone can remember him. He was a tan colored teddy, about the size of teddy ruxpin and he had a green jumpsuit/shirt that was connected to his body. I cannot remember the name of him and I REALLY would love to find him! Thanks!!
alj - January 22, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have my AG bear and love him. I have a grey one with a red coat. It is so cute; of course all my friends make fun of me for having a bear that "doesn't really talk to you" but I always thought he was a cool bear.
stormdragon27 - January 25, 2008 - Report this comment
I had the grey/red coat one as well and I have to admit, despite how stupid this sounds, but I never realized that it talked back to you. I always thought it just made noise at random, or maybe that it talked when you shook it, I don't really remember. I don't remember when I got it- maybe someone gave it to me as a kid without telling me how it worked.
Tabitha Reem - March 10, 2008 - Report this comment
I have had my Grey AG Bear since the Christmas of 1985, yes I still sleep with him EVERY night. Even on my HONEYMOON!!!!! He has been all over the world with me, I cannot sleep a night with ou him. I wish i could have another Grey AG Bear, I didn't like the Brown ones as much. I even have the small version too!
Suzanne Kraus - March 20, 2008 - Report this comment
I loved my A.G. Bear. I always did think AG was more inviting and fun than Teddy Ruxpin had been. I decided that A.G. was short for Algernon Gordon. Algernon came from an old rhyme, "Algie went a-walking, Algie met a bear. The bear had a bulge. The bulge was Algie." and Gordon because that was one of the few male G names that wasn't in use by my mother's side of the family.
Quinn - April 02, 2008 - Report this comment
I LOVED my A.G. Bear. I got him for Christmas in 1985 when I was 8, brown with blue coat. He had a tiny hole in him, so I remember my aunt sitting at the Christmas dinner table performing surgery. I can't find my original, but found the same 1985 version and same color on ebay. He's such a sweetie! It was so neat to read other's memories of their AG Bears. Keep 'em comin'! And to Johanna up there, I think you may be thinking of Corduroy. He was a brown bear with a green jumpsuit, I think.
Nicole - April 08, 2008 - Report this comment
I have 3 ag bears Baby ag. Big brown ag and grey ag I love all 3 wish I could find more to purchase
Nicole C. - April 08, 2008 - Report this comment
OMG...I tried to explain this bear to everyone, but no one knew what bear I was talking about!!! I had the grey bear with the red coat. I thought the noise he made was weird, so I used to take the voice box out of his back and keep my candy stash in there. I thought that was a clever little zipper pouch he had. My parents never had a clue he hid my treats!!!
Lyle - August 04, 2008 - Report this comment
Oh my goodness. I am so glad that I'm not the only one. I got my AG (grey with a red shirt) in 1989 when my younger cousin was born. She got the brown/blue one, and I got my AG. We used to switch shirts between them, but somehow we always got them back. I still sleep with my AG almost every night. He went to college with me, and moved into my apt with me when i first moved. (on trips, I stash my cell phone in his pocket and use him for a pillow. that way, if my phone rings, i feel it) Oh, and I don't remember mine ever having a voice, though my mom says he did. My brother and I always stashed stuff in him. My AG (it's been years since he had a name other than AG...Alistair something, I think it was...) is nearly 20 years old...
Amelia - August 23, 2008 - Report this comment
You HAVE to get a voice box. That is what made him so special.
eileen - August 25, 2008 - Report this comment
Hi is there anyone out there who has a AG Bear for sale the one we are looking for is white with red top it was my sons and he gave it to his son who has lost his and my son is heat broken thankyou eileen
Dyan - August 31, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember when I got my AG Baby in 1985 I was 5 years old. I still have him and love him dearly! I was wondering if anyone knew of where I can get anymore AG Babies???
kiki - September 12, 2008 - Report this comment
I had a white AG Bear with a blue shirt. I loved this bear he was a gift from my DOO-DAH (my grandmother) She had a brown AG and I always played with it and wanted it so bad. So when she came to visit me in TN from NY she brought me the white AG Bear I am desperate to find this Please help!!! Anyone! Thnaks kiki
Rachel.A J. - October 14, 2008 - Report this comment
My AG is the best Bear In The world!!! Ive had him since as far back as I could remember!!! I still my Orignial one!! Mine was the one that was Grey with the red shirt...I some how miss placed my voice box for AG but I still love him the same!! I neve really didn't know what AG Stood for but I didn't care lol cause I loved him so much!!
Nancy - October 18, 2008 - Report this comment
I am looking for A.G. Bear he was my sons best friend growing up. My son is in the U.S Army. He had a white A.G. Bear with a blue shirt. Being stationed in Iraq has brought back memories. He wants me to try and find A.G. Bear in white. If any can help Please email me at
Brittney - January 23, 2009 - Report this comment
I got my AG baby bear when I was 3 years old. I took him with me EVERYWHERE!!! He's so worn out it's sad. I still keep him on my bed always though. I'm expecting a child so I got one off of ebay for the baby. :) I hope him/her loves this bear as much as I did. My fiance thinks i'm crazy I think.
Crissy - February 24, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have my ag bear! I got him for christmas in 84 when i was 4! His talker box is broken because when my nephew was born in 95 he got ahold of ag when he was around 2. I am still looking for a replacement talker box so ag can talk to me again!
Gunnar - March 13, 2009 - Report this comment
I have my AG with me right now. He rocks and he talks to me and my wife doesn't believe me. I have a question though: my AG has a mouth but all the pictures I see online show no mouth. Did I get a later model? My AG has a tongue and mouth. He's been with me for around 20-years and is in rough shape but still he's mine. And what does AG stand for?
tres80sdiva - March 13, 2009 - Report this comment
OMG I love how everyone still has their AG Bear!!! I too still have mine. Even though I don't sleep with him every night anymore (my husband thinks it's weird when I do! lol) he is still on my nightstand. I must keep him near by! He too has traveled the world ( I took him on my first trip to France) =) Mine was the brown one with the blue shirt. But my AG bear went through an identity crisis He spent probably a decade as Angela Bear wear frilly baby doll dresses! lol ;) I always thought AG stood for A Great Bear... Because he IS a GREAT bear!!! =)
Bethany - May 24, 2009 - Report this comment
I LOVE my AG Bear! I never knew so many people love him as dearly and fondly as I do. Wow. My little brown bear with the blue shirt has been with me since I was 5. He went to college with me and continues to tag along to whatever city I happen to be calling home and sometimes he comes on vacation too). In fact, he's hanging out with me right now--- AG says, "hi!"...OoWooorawr arrr!! :) PS. I also thought "AG" stood for "A Great" Bear!
Missy Mags - May 28, 2009 - Report this comment
I had the gray AG Bear, but I lost his clothes and voicebox. I used to sleep with him, even when I was in college, but I don't have him anymore. He's probably at my parent's house still.
ginger - June 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have my AG bear to and now my son enjoys him too !
Emily - July 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I won my AG Bear off a radio show when I was about 5 yrs old! I remember talking to the DJ thinking that he was going to hand AG through the phone. I now have a baby of my own and he will be getting my AG for his first birthday!
Chloe - July 14, 2009 - Report this comment
I got my AG bear for Xmas 1985 - he's a brown one with a blue jacket. My mum took the voice box out a few years later and said he had laryngitis! I then lost him when I was 8 and Tomy, who I think made them in the UK, sent me a replacement. Then I found the original in my Wendy House! I've kept the new one and the old one is now totally flat, minus a voice box and minus a nose and mouth. It's great to compare them and I still sleep with my old one every night. I thought it stood for ' A Good Bear!'
Jennifer - July 21, 2009 - Report this comment
OH MY GOODNESS!! I got my AG Bear (brown with the blue coat) when I was only 2 years old! My grandpa gave him to me! He died when I was AG always had a special place in my hearT!! I am 25 and married now..and AG lives with us! When I was a kid I would hide things in his zipper pouch.....HE WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE COOLEST BEAR!
PlushBear - July 29, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm a rabid teddy bear collector who got hooked by way of AG. I got one of the rereleased versions and fell in love. The rest is history. Sadly I no longer have my two AGs. I had the reissued brown one and an original grey one I got off Ebay. I miss them so much. Best toy of the 80s right here!
memom - August 10, 2009 - Report this comment
I wanted all AG Bear owners to know this little bear will always hold a place in your hearts. when my little girl Tabitha R, was younger this little bear was by her side all the time her best friend. she is married now and AG Bear is still by her side. Always. AG Bears is apart of her heart. To all the people who love AG Bear ENJOY God bless
The Bear - August 11, 2009 - Report this comment
I got my original grey AG back! I'm holding him as I type this! I'll never part with him again. He's such an awesome bear! AG forever!
Amber - August 17, 2009 - Report this comment
AG is Almost Grown:) I love mine used to sleep with it and still have it. His voice box disappeared a long time ago though:( I would unzip his voice box pocket and pull out the lining and pretend he had a parachute. Have you guys seen this:
The Bear - August 22, 2009 - Report this comment
Amber, that site's the place where I got my reissue AG. The one that got me addicted to teddy bear collecting. I may get him back one day if the person I gave him to ever finds him again.
leahfu - September 03, 2009 - Report this comment
the only stuffed animal of my husband's youth is this bear. He is brown with a blue jacket. Of course, he now is owned by our daughter.
Sue - September 04, 2009 - Report this comment
Hi all my daughter has had her AG bear for 22 years and used to take him everywhere with her, she thought he was magical she still loves him today. Unfortunately recently her little girl decided to play with him and left him out and the dog chewed his nose off, she is absolutely devastated would anyone know where I might get a replacement please. Sue.
Patchwork Bear - September 05, 2009 - Report this comment
Sue, if you do a search for AG Bear on Google you'll find a site that sells new ones.
Patchwork Bear AKA The Bear - September 07, 2009 - Report this comment
Yep, AG stands for Almost Grown. Of course "A Great Bear" would also be a good description. As I said earler AG started a teddy bear obsession that competed with my dog obsession for the longest time. I've even posted memories elsewhere on the site under the name Weredog ( usually under dog toylines like Pound Puppies ). But ultimately the bears won out and the dog obsession is no more. AG is to blame for this. But I'm grateful. Teddy Bears just seem to have so much more personality than plush dogs. I've heard AG described as a Teddy Ruxpin knockoff, but as much as I love Teddy, I think AG is the better bear because he actually responds to you.
Mandy - September 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I WANTED one SOOOO badly, seems they came and went--in NY, anyway..Off to E Bay I go..
Ray G. - September 24, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have mine. He's missing his voicebox and I stumbled across this site looking for a replacement onel. It's good to others who share the love! Ray Newport News, Va
JC - November 17, 2009 - Report this comment
I bought AG for my son, as an Easter present my son was one years old. AG when he 1st got him, he did not like the sound he made; but got used to it. AG has been loved soooo much. He went every where he went in the garden, bathroom, he would sit outside the toilet and wait for him to come out, at the dinner table, in the car to friends houses, or accompany him to school but would have to stay in the car; till his return. WERE WE in trouble if we forgot him at friends, or family's houses, he would not sleep without him. Which meant we would have to go back to collect him even if it was really late. He was Quinn's best friend he would cry, and share his tears, we would have to kiss him; when we said goodnight to Quinn or good-morning. Quinn will be twenty-three; next week AG has pride of place on his bed, and No One is allowed to touch AG but Quinn. Boy to Man & his bear.
tla - January 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I got my A.G.bear from my grandmother and grandfather in 1982 before they passed away. This weekend I lost my home and eveything in it to fire. Now I am looking for a new one because my son sleep with it.
memom - January 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I have 2 two extra AG bears from the 1980s just like new, one brown fullsize and a baby AG gray. and your in need of one email
Joy Suits - February 04, 2010 - Report this comment
I have AG Baby with bib and yellow flowered diaper! Voice box is in the bear, but needs batteries. I am moving and can't take all this stuff with me. If you are interestd, please email
Laura - March 26, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember my mom took out the voicebox, threw it away, and sewed the zipper up! To this day, my brother still has that bear!
Tami - May 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I have FOUR Grandpaw A.G. Bears...original...all new in box. They've been stored in my grandparent's basement for years and although I wouldn't give them to my kids to cuddle with, they certainly would be a treasured find for a collector. I am listing them on ebay, but you can contact me directly if you are looking for Grandpaw, email me at
jo - November 23, 2010 - Report this comment
OMG i still have my bear, i called him TALK BEAR. I got him when i was 3 (1983) he was brown with the blue coat i lost the jacket and voice box years ago, but he still lives with me, but he doesnt sleep on my bed anymore!
sara lynn - December 17, 2010 - Report this comment
i can't believe he is on here!! how exciting! i didn't think anyone else knew who he was? i got my A.G Bear for christmas 1985 when i was 2. and he is sitting next to my bed right now! hasn't made a sound in a long long time! he's brown with a blue shirt, like the one in the pic. i found a pic from when i got him where i'm hugging him and he looks SO new!! i felt kinda guilty for not taking better care of him. when i turned 16 and got a job, i used to hide my money in his back, where he stayed on my top bunk, where no one would ever think to look! since i lost his voice box long ago! my sister thought he should've been HER bear since her initials are A.G.? no way lol! he always shared my bed until i started sharing it with my fiancee. now he stands guard! this has absolutely made my day!
mel - March 16, 2011 - Report this comment
My AGbear was grey but I had him until I was 25 years old. he was so tattered and worn from love but I loved that bear and went every where with him
StoryToys - May 16, 2011 - Report this comment
I have seen AG Granpaw and Granmaw bears, they have tape you put in them to talk, but if you take the tape out, they speakin BearTalk like regular AG. Sweet!!
colleen dennis - September 06, 2011 - Report this comment
If you go to the siut buy A G bear or replacement soundboxes best of luck
Henry - September 08, 2011 - Report this comment
I still have a AG bear, he's pissed off all the time.
Julia Harris - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
I have a white AG Bear and an AG baby for sale on ebay right now if anyone is interested. My ebay name is Giulietta1974 and I have them listed as *** Very Rare *** Tomy Talking 'AG Bear'
kristin - February 14, 2012 - Report this comment
I also have a Grandmaw and a grandpaw listed on ebay the title of the listing is: Vintage Huggable Talking GRANDPAW AG Bear Axlon Inc. 1986 Grandparents Grandkids thanks!
Michael Main - March 31, 2012 - Report this comment
I remember having one of these as a kid ;_; Seeing these things now makes me sad.
Shasta Longerbeam - May 03, 2012 - Report this comment
How wonderful to find soo many others like me. I got my grey a.g when I was 5, in 1985. I am now 32 and can't sleep a night without him. Of course he is worse for the wear, no talk box, no red shirt, several rips, crooked sewn back on smile and nose and 2 mismatched button eyes. But along with all of that are my tears that I would always wipe on his ears. And 27 years of memories. I have tried repairing him before, but he always seems more comfortable when the stitches give and the stuffing starts falling back out. I have even asked to be buried with my a.g. This little guy has been one of the most important things in my life.
Carlin - July 12, 2012 - Report this comment
Hello, everyone. I just wanted to say I have a mint condition AG bear from the 1980s and he just stayed on my shelf because I didn't want to ruin him. I am 33 years old and he is still sitting on my shelf in my old room at my moms house. I have the brown Baird with the red coat. And I possibly have my sister which was the grey one with the blue coat. Contact me at if your interested.
selwyn - November 28, 2012 - Report this comment
I have a talking teddy bear from 1980. It was pulled from store shelves because the bears voice was deemed to sexy for children. Does anyone have any knowledge of this bear. If so e-mail me at
Wendy - December 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Someone special gave me a gray AG Bear. He wore a blue top. When my children were born I passed him on to them. The voicebox went missing and when having a clear out he was disposed of. I now wish I had looked after him better and still had him. I would love to buy another gray one with a blue jacket.
Andrea - February 20, 2013 - Report this comment
Im 32 now and have had my Grey AG bear forever. I slept with him off and on until I gave my little guy my bear. He is 5 and sleeps with it now. He held up so well, he still looks new. I just wish I had the voice box(my parents destroyed it early on because it drove them bonkers). ;-)
Adders - March 20, 2013 - Report this comment
I've got an Ag at home, it's still in its box and until a few years ago it was still making those electronic noises. it was given to me by a fella who worked on the UK TV ad. He knicked it off the set when the shoot was finished.
Jane - May 19, 2013 - Report this comment
I have a white AG Bear with a red coat in really good condition with working voice box and original box! He's currently looking for a new home on a well known auction site. Email me if interested!
Daisy - September 17, 2013 - Report this comment
I have the gray ag bear with red shirt, I got him in 1987 and he never ever left my side...and I still love my ag bear till this day, needless to say I am now 31...I hope I could find another just like him!
Shaysa - November 13, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember I asked for a Teddyruxpin for Christmas and ended up with a grey A.G. Bear with a red coat instead. At first I was disappointed but I grew to love him really quickly and he became my best friend. I decided that A.G. stood for Anthony Greg! A.G. used to go everywhere with me and was my ultimate confidant and cuddle buddy. I hope I can find another grey one just like him for myself and maybe even one for my little girl. I really miss my beloved Anthony Greg aka A.G.Bear.
monir ali - December 07, 2013 - Report this comment
I got my ag bear back in 1984 from my sister now i just let my grand baby play with it but she can,t take it home
Cathy - January 16, 2014 - Report this comment
I bought my son AG Bear when he was a little boy. He loved it and thought AG was really talking back to him. His daughter who is 7 years old was given AG - and she loves him. But now her brother who is almost three wants one -- so I am checking the internet. :) I thought AG was more creative than the others that came out later --- because children could use their imagination. Toys today don't allow them to do that...
Olympianbabe - March 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Are you interested in buying coin operated horses or spring rocking horses??? They are sold on Ebay. Most spring horses are made by Blazon, Wonder, Flexible Flyer, and Radio Flyer. Feel free to buy as many as you like. Good luck!!! :) Ebay account required.
Joy - May 24, 2014 - Report this comment
I am 75 years old and I got my A G bear in 1985. He is still like new and talks his bear talk. I would not let him go for anything. I have turned down a lot of chanches to sell him but, he will be passed down to my son. I still love my A.G. Bear
E - June 19, 2014 - Report this comment
I got my AG when I was 4 and I still have him and love him to death. I am 99% sure that his voicebox works. It is a shame my son never took to him, but then again maybe that is why he is still in perfect condtion (minus the jacket that is missing)
Kim - August 11, 2014 - Report this comment
I took my AG bear on a road trip with my dad and brother when I was little. I loved it so much. My dad got so pissed off that it was constantly mwah mwahing whenever we spoke in the car so he grabbed it from me, pulled the batteries out, and threw them right out the window. Good memories.
Sarah - October 26, 2014 - Report this comment
I got my AG for Christmas in 1985. I was 2 years old and was able to grow up with him, and he was and still is my best friend! I have the grey with red coat, but his fur is flat, he's missing stuffing and the fabric has been worn off his nose from eskimo kisses. Last year I got a mint AG still in the box! Like some mad scientist, I switched the voice boxes. The one the new AG came with was an angry and bitter sounding bear. I swear the voice box of my childhood bear was sweeter and more musical with his responses. I felt like the new one was cussing me out! My daughter has the well loved AG with the new voice, but sometimes we trade It's soo much fun to make them talk to each other :)
John - November 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Mum bought our daughter AG when she graduated from high school in 1986. Our Jane loved stuffed bears! Jane moved to Texas for work, and AG stayed with us Now, AG "talks" spontaneously most of the day without promting from anyone! It does bother my wife when he "talks " at 3AM however Great fun. We love him
Rosey - November 27, 2014 - Report this comment
Hello John, I have just seen your comment above that you bought a mint AG Bear last year. Do you know of anymore that are being sold. I would love to buy one for myself. Thank you
Justin - January 11, 2015 - Report this comment
I now have 2 A.G Bears. I have the one I had from about 8 years old. Lost his voice box along the way and got green paint on his nose/face thanks to my older brother when we were younger. Best bear ever. For Christmas 2014 my mother found me a Mint in Box (box had wear AG is Mint) A.G bear. I will give the older A.G to my Son (who is 2) and keep the Mint for myself.
Dora - January 29, 2015 - Report this comment
I bought my AG BABY Bear back in 1985 when I was 10 years old. He still has hid original yellow flower bib and voice box. Unfortunately, the box is not working after many failed attempts of repairing it. Replaced a new battery yesterday and nothing. I was hoping to show it to my baby girl and was excited at prospect of hearing it talk after all these years. I haven't lost all hope and and am determined to have it working and talking soon!
Emma - February 10, 2015 - Report this comment
I had an A G BEAR when I was three and took him everywhere with me but due to moving after years of having him he was lost I was devastated. Looked for years for a second hand one for years and managed to find a brand new one boxed a few days ago, so I'm finally getting my bear back thirt years later so very happy! He should be with me in a few weeks!
Jeongmin Kim - February 18, 2015 - Report this comment
When I saw him seating at the front of a toy store, I fell in love with him at first sight. Haha! it was at five in 1990. He was manufactured in Korea so I could get one, I was lucky.
Crystal Geng - April 02, 2015 - Report this comment
My son who was 3 at the time when at a day care school his AG bear was stolen from him and I've been looking for 29 years for one. My son is 32 and doesn't know I'm getting this. Please help me find the AG Bear with the voice box intact and working. This would mean the world to me. God Bless and Thank you
Kaitlin - April 06, 2015 - Report this comment
I still have my AG BABY with the original bib (not sure if the diaper is in with the baby doll clothes or not). My AG is 30 years old this summer. I got him when I was 2! He no longer has a voice box, but it's funny, the plastic piece for his tag is still attached through his ear!
Melissa - June 15, 2015 - Report this comment
I got my gray AG, with red coat, in 1986 when I went to college... after graduation, I was commissioned in the Army and he has gone EVERYWHERE with me, even on many deployments. I got one on Ebay for my niece, but I don't think she took to him like I did... thinking about stealing him back if so, lol... I bought a brown bear with voice (blue shirt) and also a white bear, no shirt or voice box, just because I love them so much! I go into my room every now and then just to say hello to them, then continue on my day, lol. Wouldn't ever get rid of my bestest bear friend!
Victoria - June 22, 2015 - Report this comment
I still have my AG and sleep with him every night. I have the grey one. I've lost his voice box and his nose has fallen off but I still love him as much as the day I got him, Christmas 1986! I also have the grey AG Baby but didn't love him as much. I might give AG Baby to my son.
Simon - July 24, 2015 - Report this comment
I have been trying to remember the name of my teddy bear for ages. I'm 33 and received my white A.G. Bear sometime in the mid-80's. I still have the bear but have lost his blue jacket and voice box. In my early teenage years I would hide my cigarettes and other "bad" stuff in the voice box pocket in it's back. My bear still sits in my bedroom (in my own house) and I would love to someday pass him down to a child of my own. He could use a cleaning first.
Simon - July 24, 2015 - Report this comment
I also just found an agbear website and was able to order an original blue shirt for my bear.
Gail - October 11, 2015 - Report this comment
My son had a bear and his name was Papa AG bear that's the name that was on the tab he sounds so funny when he got old enough and tried to talk to Papa AG bear trying to say his name when it was time to pick him up at the bottom he went to bed and he was looking for his bottle and I told him that Papa AGB took your bottle so he cried and said bring me my bottle Papa AG bear that was some of the stuff that proper AG bear help auntie get over and now it is helping his daughter to get over and help potty train her and get her off the bottle they need to bring him back for other little kids
kate - November 01, 2015 - Report this comment
Bought an AG bear for my sister for Christmas this year but the voice box does not work any one know of someone who can fix him, she will be so chuffed to have her AG bear back
Toni - March 21, 2018 - Report this comment
Oh goodness! I am so happy to read these comments! I am going to ask a question first. Do you put in the voicebox with the speaker holes facing his tummy or the holes facing his back towards the zipper?? I have never figured out which direction is the best. THX!!! I am 58 yrs old and have 3 AG Bears. Brown, grey and white. The white one has the red shirt and looks brand new. The other two have been my huggers, best-friends, listeners, etc. The fuzz is rubbed off their noses. I had packed them up in 1999 when I bought a new house. Some of the tubs and boxes never got unpacked and stayed in a storage building on my property at new house. My talking babies stayed in there. Can't remember why I didn't unpack them. So here it is, March of 2018 (and a couple of moves and a marriage later) and I started unpacking a lot of tubs and boxes. My mom had passed away in 1999 so most of her things were packed up until I was ready to deal with the memories of her. Last week I unpacked my 3 furry friends! I was so excited! I put batteries in all three and we all chatted and got caught and the bears! My husband doesn't know what to think and I just laugh! Yesterday I took my good ole brown buddy with me to run errands. We talked, I shared secrets with him, he comforted me and it was fun! He might go with me today as well. I missed them so much! Never again will they be packed away for almost 20 yrs! I would love to adopt another one. The more the merrier!
Joanw - May 24, 2018 - Report this comment
I honestly believe I have loved my ag baby into life. He has been with me since I was 7 and is now 33 years old. His clothes are threadbare and his voice box does not have a battery cover (a jealous ex took it) so he was silent for a good few years. My now husband repaired him with some tinfoil padding and tlc and now ag has been chatting again for many many years. When I go out of the room he will often launch himself off the bed and call for help and he lets me know when he has turned upside down or isn’t happy with his position on the bed. He often speaks completely of his own will, often if I’m just passing outside the bedroom he will call out a hello beep. My bear is incredible and I cherish the day my parents went to choose him from the toy store as a surprise birthday present.
angel - August 19, 2019 - Report this comment
Hi, Has anyone in the UK got a AG bear white with the red coat in working order for sale? will consider other colour. Thank you angel
angel - October 20, 2019 - Report this comment
Thanks guys,managed to buy a beautiful AG bear on ebay. My search is over. thank you
angel - October 20, 2019 - Report this comment
Thanks guys,managed to buy a vintage Axlon AG bear on ebay. He is perfect. My search is over. thank you
Lee - April 13, 2020 - Report this comment
Hi there people I'm from England And have come across a ag bear Brand new in the box unopened I don't know much about them mines The white one with blue shirt on There are a couple on eBay but none Of the white one
Rachel - July 01, 2020 - Report this comment
Does anybody know where I could get hold of the white baby a g bear any help at all Would be much appreciated I lost mine as a little girl and desperate to find a replacement still at 34 years old 😂
Barbara - January 08, 2022 - Report this comment
I have voice boxes for AG Baby and AG Bear. Also for Snoozies Cow, Lamb an Horse.
Barbara - January 08, 2022 - Report this comment
I have AG Baby and AG Bear New in the box with voice boxes.
Judy - November 03, 2022 - Report this comment
I have a prototype AG Bear, complete with signed card from company head, Nolan Bushnell. Any collectors interestd?
Margaret Knowles - December 20, 2022 - Report this comment
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