Toys of the Eighties, Cabbage Patch Kids
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One of my babies! They were so hard to get at certain times my Dad actually bought this and 3 others off the black market. Yes, the black market.
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Remember the panic? They were cute in an ugly sort of way.
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The following are comments left about Cabbage Patch Kids from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Celeste - April 29, 2007 - Report this comment
I was kind of young to remember the frenzy that Cabbage Patch Kids brought around christmas time but my mother remembers the rush very well.
Courtney - May 04, 2007 - Report this comment
Oh yes. I had three of them - one of the regular ones that had red hair, one preemie, and one Koosa (the animal friends, mine was a cat).
Desiree - May 05, 2007 - Report this comment
I used to play with these all the time. My kom kept their birth certificates in a photo album for me. I had one that looked like a clown, Gaby (yellow pigtails), Ray (short brown hair and a light brown suit), Heidi, and several others that I can't remember their names.
Trevor - June 21, 2007 - Report this comment
I had one but I wanted it to be a guy not a girl so I cut all its hair off and named it Argus
noyobeezwax - July 12, 2007 - Report this comment
they were not cute in a ugly sort of way i heart cabbies they rock and smell good lol
Stacey - July 18, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have mine. Genevieve Stacey is the name she came with. My brother had a black one called Daryl but unfortunaley he got rid of it.
Leah - August 10, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have my first 2 I got when I was really little. My mom took a knife and cut open a hole so Misty my doll could have a pacifier this was before they came out with them. My mom said she saw it in the store a few months before Christmas and thought Id enjoy this little red haired doll. When Christmas came around and people were going crazy like when tickle me elmo came out, she was glad she bought it early. Ive started re-collecting all the dolls I ever wanted and furniture but my collection is in the early stages there is still so much out there I want to collect for just the CKP's. I hope you all enjoy the pics!
Heather - August 13, 2007 - Report this comment
we were too poor to afford one when they first came out, but when my older sister got her first real job a few years after the main craze, she used her very first paycheck to buy me one. The doll was named Noel on the tag and had brown hair and eyes and she was dressed all in yellow with little white shoes. She smelled sooooo good, a little like baby powder. I still have her! And two Koosas, a dog and a cat.
Frankie - August 18, 2007 - Report this comment
We were too poor to be able to afford a cabbage patch kid but I wanted one sooo badly! I ended up "babysitting" them at recess when a girl who had one wanted to play on the swings or whatever! :) I was finally able to get one from my grandma and a Koosa cat from my Grandpa. Thank God for grandparents!!
Gabbie - August 20, 2007 - Report this comment
I was 6 when I got my first one and I still have her which makes her about 23 years old. Her name is Nia. She's gone a bit bald and the stitching of her feet and hands has come off. I can't bear to chuck her though.
SL - August 28, 2007 - Report this comment
Wow, I had so many of these. I remember when they first came out and people were literally scrambling and FIGHTING to get one. It was in 1982 or 1984...can't remember exactly. I loved the way these dolls smelled and the cute names they had! Sometimes I would pick a certain doll based on it's name!
Kelly - August 30, 2007 - Report this comment
My sister and I each had one. I wasn't interested in most dolls but when she got one for her birthday, I had to have one too. Luckily my birthday is only 2 months after hers. LOL
Thomas Dickensheets - September 04, 2007 - Report this comment
They are Back!
candy - September 11, 2007 - Report this comment
my brother gave me his cabbage patch kid sammy when i was a little girl. He smelled like vanilla and i brought him everywhere with me. I still have him i am 23 now. His origional name is otto charlie i love him
Gemma - September 18, 2007 - Report this comment
I had a Cabbage patch doll back in the early 80`s probly about 1987ish i was 4 his real name was Adolf Bailey he was a boy with brown short curly hair and wore a blue and white tracksuit,for some reason my mom changed his name to Nathan Adam..god knows why teehee!! I havent got him anymore but have some old photos with him on for memories.
jayme - September 19, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have my cabbage patch doll. She had red hair and green eyes. I renamed her Tasha Marie. I am 30 years old and still have her. I also had the cabbage patch kid play pin that I have been trying to find on line but am haveing no luck finding.
Sparky - September 21, 2007 - Report this comment
Having turned 8 years old when the first CPK's came out, I of course begged my parents for one! They said that they were ugly, and wouldn't let me have one...even after I saved up my Christmas and Birthday money to buy my own. So, I never had one when the craze was going on. Shortly before my 16th birthday, in 1991, my mom and I were going around to some local antique stores, and I found a MIB CPK from 1983. So, I again started begging. Little did I know that I would get my wish, and that's when my collection first started. After I got married, I came across three CPK's in a thrift store, and that's when I really started collecting. Every week my husband and I would go to thrift stores in search of more CPK's for my collection. It soon grew to over 200, all dating between 1983 and 1987! My husband didn't like to go into my collection room, because he didn't like 400+ little eyes staring at him...LOL! I now have only about 15 or so Kids, as I sold most of my collection. I kept my most favorite ones, as I couldn't part with them all!
Brandi - October 03, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have my CPK I have 9 of them, I am 32 now, My very first one smelled like baby powder! She still kinda has a smell to her to this day!! I remember I wanted a premiee with a passafire and a bald head, My mom stood in line for her too one year for Christmas!! I am still trying to find one with my name on it, LOL
Megan - October 12, 2007 - Report this comment
I wanted one of these so bad X-Mas of 1984. I was so sure Santa was going to bring one for me...and he didn't and I was CRUSHED. I ended up getting my first the Christmas of 1985, her name was Tisha Clara. That was like the best Christmas ever. She went to the movies with me that night to see Back To The Future (Geez that was a long time ago). Years later my Mom told me her and my Dad stood in line forever to get me one that first Christmas and they were sold out everywhere.
Jenny - October 16, 2007 - Report this comment
I got my first one back in 1984. My family had no luck finding one in 1983. I still have her, and the other four kids I had as a child. I am now 32 and have collected them since the age of 24. I have atleast 75 of them. They are all MIB. Coleco is not the only factory that produced them. They were produced for the European, Japanese, and South African markets as well.
Anon - November 02, 2007 - Report this comment
I got my first one in 1984 when I was 4 - I won him (Lyle) for selling more Candles in Preschool than anyone else!!! Two years later, I got Joellen (she was from Holland, had a passport and everything). When I travelled to visit family across the country 2 years later, I brought her with, because she was such an "experienced" traveller!! I still have them both and the other 3 I collected later!!!
Sera - November 06, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have my two CPK's - my Kid and the preemie with the bald head and pacifier. My kid has blond short hair and blue eyes and came in a flowered shorts outfit. I was so traumatized because people would say she looked like a boy, so my mom put bows in her hair. I got her after the Christmas craze in the summer and mine was the only one she could get her hands on! At the Christmas craze in 1983, she had one that looked just like me with brown hair and brown eyes but some lady ripped it out of her hands when my mom was in line to pay for it! Nutty! I loved that smell they had. I actually just bought one today for my friend's daughter whose turning 3. She's adorable and has the cornsilk hair.
Kuerner - November 13, 2007 - Report this comment
I loved my cabbage patch doll and my parents got rid of it thinking I was to old for dolls. I so wish I had it now for my daughter. She has one for herself but they just aren't the same.
Amanda - November 19, 2007 - Report this comment
We had a lot of these. Still do, in fact.
Nicole Little - November 24, 2007 - Report this comment
I was 8 years old when I had the Cabbage Patch Kids minatures, a Cabbage Patch Kids storybook, and I was 9 years old when I had Cabbage Patch twins.
Michelle - November 29, 2007 - Report this comment
I have four, one original with the hard head, one water baby that was entirely water proof, one that was a baby and would burp, and one crimp and curl doll along with matching pony - I still have them and love them, will never get rid of them!
Katrina - December 18, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have all 3 Cabbage Patch Kids that I got. I got my first one when I was 1 (in early 1992). I have no idea what her real name was but I named her Alison. Later, I also gave her the middle name Alice. She wore pink-striped footy pajamas and was bald except for a little yellow tuft of hair on her head. When my brother was born (when I was 2), my parents got me Owen something--a baby boy. I changed his name to Nicholas and later gave him the middle name James (after my brother). He is bald and wears an airplane-decorated sleeper thing with no legs. When I was five, I saw a CPK at Toys R Us that I just HAD to have. So, for Christmas of 1995, my uncle and aunt gave it to me. I named her Nicole Katelyn--a reversal of my cousin's first and middle name. I still love my CPKs, and they show it. I lost the birth certificates over time, but I can still remember how important those little pieces of paper were.
Mandy - December 30, 2007 - Report this comment
I got my CPK for Christmas one year. Her name was Xora Mae, it took me a week to figure out how to pronounce it. My mom bought her for me because she was from Texas and thats where we were from.
Hannah - January 03, 2008 - Report this comment
I was only a year old when the Cabbage Patch Kids made their first debut, so I don't remember them then or the big rush to get out to get them. My uncle told me I got me my first one, even though I don't remember. We had a Cabbage Patch game for the Coleco, I had a Sippin Baby one, one dressed like a chick, and the bunk bed. I don't have the bunk bed anymore or the other stuff. But I do have a few of the newer dolls and books from a book sale.
Jayme - January 27, 2008 - Report this comment
I was born in 1981, I loved my cabbage patch kids, i had one that was a preemie with little diapers and a bald head, a couple others with big hair, one named beverly and the other jackelyn, isnt that funny that i remember their names, i also had the green and yellow playpen with the white netting , and a cpk horse as well, probably still have them at my parents house im sure...trucked them everywhere i went...cabbage patch kids rock!!!
Gayla - February 05, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have my daughter's(age 31) Cabbage Patch doll but we can't remember her name! She now wears the first pair of overalls my son wore when he was a newborn. Daughter has a daughter now...three months old. Last year I found a CPD with MY name on it......Gayla Sarah (not my middle name....but Gayla is hard to find anywhere anyway!) Sarah is son's girlfriends that works!
Amanda - February 16, 2008 - Report this comment
I have 5 first one I got when I was 8 years old. His name is Benjamin Arnold. Two others I got from friends but don't know their names. Is there anyway to find out??? Another 2 I got at thrift stores.
Miranda - March 03, 2008 - Report this comment
The first year they were available, my mother had to order one from the manufacturer because stores could not keep them in stock. So my first CPK doll came in an unmarked brown cardboard box (no fancy packaging like the ones on the toy store shelves), and we had no choice what race/sex the doll would be. We were just lucky to get one that was available. So, to my surprise, I got a boy with dark brown curly hair, and brown eyes wearing red sweats and blue and white sneakers, named Armstrong. He came with his "birth certificate" of authenticity, and I still have him to this day.
Miranda - March 03, 2008 - Report this comment
I also remember that my sister and I got the "newborn" babies CPK's for x-mas one year. By the following summer, the insides of their plastic heads were covered in green polka dots, that multiplied in number. It was mold. We could only figure it had something to do with the baby powder scent in the plastic. We both had to throw our dolls out.
Jen - March 06, 2008 - Report this comment
Haha, I wanted one so bad but my mom was never one to stand in line for hours.. Instead, she convinced my grandmother to MAKE one for me, and she really didn't look that bad!
Rachel - March 22, 2008 - Report this comment
That was like my first official child..mine was named Kirk Emery..I was so excited to get one..I think I still have it but it's dirty I used to put real food in it's It had a real long pacifier too.
megan - March 24, 2008 - Report this comment
I got my first cabbage patch kid about 3 years ago. Me and my sister where at rite-aid looking at toys cause a guy from our church gave us some money to buy something. When we saw them we fell in love with them and we used our money to buy them. Mine is Nichole Miya and my sisters is Katie Yasmin and we love them very much.
mel - April 05, 2008 - Report this comment
i can remember when this arrived it was reported on the news a reporter was standing a field of cabbages and the dolls were in the cabbages it was so funny LOL
megan - April 13, 2008 - Report this comment
after me and my sister got ours we loved them and we wanted more and more so now we have like about 20 or 30 each. we also go to the flea market and they sell the older ones there for only 3 dollars. i dont know how them people can give them away they are so adorable. me and my sister bot wanted twins but everytime we were at toys r us they didnt have them. so at a yard sale on day we saw an older set of twins and we got them and named them emma and grace. cabbage patch kids rule
megan - April 13, 2008 - Report this comment
look at the pictures the one with a whole bunch of cabbage patch kids laying on a bed with pillows those are all of me and my sisters. like?
megan - April 13, 2008 - Report this comment
all of my cabbage patch kids names are: charlotte,natalie,casandra,nichole,bethany,virginia,holly,haven,lindsey,ailin,lauryn,angeles,bridgette,destinijazmine,damaris,vincent,raegan,shayna,savanah,noelle,carley,lacey,diane,lexi,and i think thats about all of them. i have three asians which are lexi,raegan,and i think the other is jade or isis one of them.
Amy - April 23, 2008 - Report this comment
I need to find a certain CPK. If any of you guys know where to find one please email me. Im looking for a girl head mold #6 blue eyes, bean butt. i received her in 87 so i would assume shes 86 or 87. I will pay alot of money for her. i have pictures of her if you think you might have one or know where to get her. email me at
Ann - April 29, 2008 - Report this comment
I was born in '83 so I don't remember the CPK craze at all, but I do know that my mom worked some magic and got CPKs for my brother and I fairly close to the craze. My brother's first doll was named Lincoln Judd. We call him Sonny, and I've got him now. My first doll was named Tina and unfortunately she was given away. She was a #4 headmold with brown eyes and no hair. Oh yeah, she was a preemie (hence being bald). Don't worry; I definitely made up for losing her! My mom also managed to get twins, a boy and a girl, for my brother and I. My girl is named Helena Beth and the boy is named Simon Leland. Helena Beth is a #6 headmold with lemon color hair and blue eyes. She went through a LOT with me when I was a kid. She has had a hair cut (severely) and has "makeup" on. LOL. Simon is a #2 headmold with lemon hair and blue eyes. He's nearly mint. I have both CPKs now. I like to say that since I was born in 83, the year of the craze I AM a cabbage patch kid. lol. I am now a Cabbage Patch collector with over 100 'kids. My collection started with my original girl Helena and my brother's two. Then my cousin gave me two of her originals, and then I hit the garage sale circuit. Although my collection has much variety (I've got Soft Sculptures, Coleco Kids, Play Along Kids, Mattel Kids, and Hasbro Kids) most of my collection is Coleco Kids. I don't know, I guess the Colecos to me are just more magical because they were made in the 80s. By the way, as they say in Babyland General Hospital- Doll is a four letter word (they are 'kids).
megan - May 04, 2008 - Report this comment
me and my sister got soft sculptures not long ago and today at the flea market in glendale west virginia we got a cpk furskins we named him fuzzy the bear hes adorable
James - May 12, 2008 - Report this comment
I truly loved the Cabbage Patch dolls as a child, but as a hairstylist in training, I was freaked out by the bald spotsI found in my doll's pig tails!!
James - May 12, 2008 - Report this comment
I think that I had a Cabbage Patch that had some real doll hair instead of the yarn! I don't think I have her anymore, but I remember it being dressed in a beautiful baby blue dress with white lacey tights. I think it came with a comb and curlers too. If my memory is accurate I think her name was Toya Tiffany. She had the most beautiful raven curls which I probably destroyed with an actual curling iron!!
Tammie - May 21, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember my mum taking me to Hamleys, London, just before xmas 1984, I think that was when the craze hit the UK! I received a blonde girl, head mold #1 with pigtails that xmas! I took her everywhere with me, I was only eight. Then the following year I received a bald boy with a bit of hair and paci, head mold #4 for my birthday. I regret to say that I chopped the hair off my beautiful little girl! :( I still had her up until a couple of years ago when we were moving and she was in a bit of a mess so I decided it was time to let her go! My little bot ended up with all these spots on his head! Does anyone know what they are??
Ann - June 22, 2008 - Report this comment
Tammie, more than likely they are Cabbage Pox. It is a mold growing inside his head. There may be a way to remedy this, perhaps someone else knows?
Kayleea Harris - June 30, 2008 - Report this comment
I loved cabbage patch kid dolls!!!! I now have the chance to buy my own daughter a doll!! My best friend lost her doll in the 80's is there any chance of me getting a web site to create a new one for her? Could anyone help me
Jennifer - August 23, 2008 - Report this comment
I got my first Cabbage Patch when I was ten. Mom couldnt afford to get me one when they first came out. Mine is Dereck Brenden. Still have him.
Nanno - August 25, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have the two cabbage patch kids my mom could afford. Maribel April, and Joseph Nicholas. I was an only child, and those two dolls were my world.
ADA - August 27, 2008 - Report this comment
Does anyone else have one of the Little People? That's what CPK's were called in 1978 when they first came out and they were all plush including the head? My grandma bought one the year I was born and planned on giving it to me when I got older. Then she forgot where she put it.....I just received it now, 30 years later! I still have my Preemie (Lexie Bethanie) and my Spain World Traveler (Celicia Patty). I remember the craze in the early 80's when we all wanted them for Christmas and there were riots in the streets!!! Good Times!!!
Stephanie - September 09, 2008 - Report this comment
Omg I bought one WAYYYYY after the CPK's craze, i got it in 2003 in toys r us in nyc i had no idea they wer so popular. I just made my mom buy one cuz they looked cute!!! it was so funny they made me sign the adoption papers and stuff lol! I think the recent ones look wayy better than the old ones! and their clothes are cuter! and is it only MY doll or do all CBK smell like caramel or sumthing, after all these years mine still smells like caramel!!!!
SavageLettuce - September 11, 2008 - Report this comment
Isn't it funny how we all remember their first and middle names? These things were THE toy craze. I remember going to Toys R Us & they had an adoption center & everything. It was so exciting.
Jenny - September 25, 2008 - Report this comment
Ah, the Cabbage Patch mom had to fight for the first one I ever got (which I still have)...her name is Starr Carol...I had seven of them, and lost some when we moved, including my favorite red-haired girl, and my only boy one, Ernest Buck, lol. I still have three or four of them. I also lost the whole bag of clothes I had for them. Starr and I had matching flannel nightgowns, lol.
Amy - October 04, 2008 - Report this comment
I need to find a certain CPK. If any of you guys know where to find one please email me. Im looking for a girl head mold #6 blue eyes, bean butt. 86 is when she was made. I will pay alot of money for her. i have pictures of her if you think you might have one or know where to get her. email me at
Lynne - October 09, 2008 - Report this comment
Does anyone know what year the CP Astronaught kid came out? I have one and am curious as to it's age.
TarHeelErin - October 15, 2008 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember the mini Cabbage Patch Kids? I'm not sure if that's what they were actually called. They looked exactly like the regular sized dolls, but they were probably about 3 inches tall, were made of hard plastic, and had yarn pigtails. Their arms and legs were moveable, so you could stand them up or sit them down. I probably had a good dozen of them or so... Anyone remember???
SZA - October 15, 2008 - Report this comment
Yes, TarHeelErin, I remember these - I had a couple as a kid, too. They also had "display cases" for the dolls that you could hang on your wall, remember? They were kind of shaped like an arch and padded around the edge in gingham plaid - included some type of backround scene for you to display your mini Cabbage Patch doll.
amy - October 25, 2008 - Report this comment
TarHeel Erin, I remember the mini CPK dolls too. I had several as well and I think they first came out in about 1987 or so. I also had eleven of the regular CPKs, including one my Nana made for me named Suzy Q. I had several newborns preemie, and a cornsilk one. My mom's boss managed to get one for me for Christmas 1983 and my Nana had gotten one too so I actually got two! I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! I still have them, the carrier, and a bunch of clothes. Unfortunately, they have Cabbage Pox.
Louise - October 26, 2008 - Report this comment
i see Amy mentions cabbage pox. i am trying to get rid of some dots on the bald headed baby by the name of Boris! Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?
Grandpa Joe - October 30, 2008 - Report this comment
Sylvia - November 17, 2008 - Report this comment
OMG. I use to have one of thoses Cabbage patch kids. I had one when I was 4 and I took her everywhere with me. To the grocery store, Library, beach and even my backyard pool. and shower. I left with it every night and I brought to perschool with me everyday.
Tammie - November 21, 2008 - Report this comment
I now know what the spots are, they are called pox and the reason they are there is due to the baby powder that was put into their heads when they were made, to make them smell nice!!! I've just bought a couple of the 25th anniversary dolls and they smell of baby power too, so lets hope that they don't end up with these horrible looking spots!! You'd have thought that the Cabbage Patch people would have learnt from the first time aroung, wouldn't you??!!!
Robin - December 01, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have mine, her name is Elaine. Blonde headed with a side pony. I believe her original outfit was a light yellow jogging suit.
Rebecca - December 09, 2008 - Report this comment
I had so many. I use to play with them all the time. I had like 20 of them.
amy - December 11, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have mine and intend to let my daughter play with it when she gets old enough. I LOVED playing with her and changing her outfits. My doll had the brown yarn hair. My younger sister got one after me so hers had the silky hair that you could brush. I was a little jealous!
mary - December 12, 2008 - Report this comment
my daughter was born in 1983...when my son was born in 1985 we heard about the doll and wanted to get one for my daughter...we walked maybe about a mile in freezing cold weather to get one of these dolls...she keep it for a very long time until i gave it to my neice wrote all over the sister either threw it out or gave it to good will...the dolls name was daughter 25 now wants that doll back..she had red hair with ponytails on the sides...if anyone has that same doll and wants to sell please let me know....thats so much...
Mel - December 18, 2008 - Report this comment
I had three real Cabbage Patch kids and one knock-off. One of my real ones was an original (with the yarn hair). I had picked her out of a line-up of them at Kaybee Toys when I was 5. Her name was Melissa (like me) and she had red hair, a tooth, and green eyes. She didn't look like me but I wanted her. She wore a yellow dress. My second doll was a Corn Silk kid (it had "real" hair you could brush). She had brown hair and wore a gingham orange and brown outfit. My third was a baby who smelled like baby powder. She wore a peach colored jumper and had a little bonnet. These were great dolls if not a bit strange looking. I loved mine.
Jimmy - December 20, 2008 - Report this comment
Ihad 2softie kiddos from the 70's when i was little in the 70's,later i got kids with glasses , some talked, twins, ponies,another softie('84), a lovely little blonde girl in the mini dress with a satin heart sewn on and my favorite a brown haired boy blue eyes with a paci that im older i love the new ones too ecspecially the asian ones -probably because they look like me.
Laura - January 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have my cabbage patch kids from when i was little... They are about 25 years old now! wow! The first one I got my grandmother met a guy in some abandoned building somewhere to get it and her hair still smells like baby powder 25 years later! Those must be some good chemicals! Ohh Wilma Ida... Love her!
Laura - January 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I just remembered that I also had a cabbage patch kid tent that went over my bed.. It attached like a fitted sheet but had poles in it so it would stay up! That thing was cool!
jojo - January 29, 2009 - Report this comment
i got my first cabbage patch at a store called kersgies my brother worked at the store and acutally had to hide it for me to get it ! her name was sherry tessa my niece destroyed her :( bad girl lol (jk) but thats ok i still have my twins in thier original box i got those for xmas 85 i do believe i got my spain world travellor in a box and several other ones that i obtained over the period of 83-85 all the new ones are aweful !! did they put the powder in the world travellor dolls?
Alanna - February 06, 2009 - Report this comment
My sister and I both had girl Cabbage Patch Kids, mine with black hair and hers I think was blond. I remember the day I stopped playing with her, though. When I was taking a bath, I decided to bathe her too and wash her hair... in the middle of doing this, a dead bee came out of her body!! XD I screamed and jumped up in horror at the sight of it floating around in my bathwater. I don't know why or how it got in there in the first place, but oh man I never touched that doll again.
Katie - February 09, 2009 - Report this comment
I wasn't born for the first craze of cabbage patch dolls, but my sister, who's three years older was, and my aunt got into the madness to get her a doll for christmas. Later on we had a double birthday party and we both received our own "Birthday kids" dolls. For whatever reason I don't remember mine's name but my sister's doll's name was Erma. I've been looking everywhere to find pictures or info on the other cpk dolls we both received for Christmas one year. They were called the "Sippin Kids." Kelsey's had a bib with a giraffe, a pink bottle of milk, and auburn hair (named Sonia). Mine was a brunette named Beatrice :) with a dog bib and a purple bottle of orange juice. You would squeeze them and they burped. Something tells me I lost accessories for mine because my sister treated her dolls better...still frustrates me today, lol.
jenfen - February 13, 2009 - Report this comment
My mom bought me one in '84 cause it was the year I was born. She waited till I was 3 to give it to me. I still have her. She's been REALLY loved and it shows, but I still have the yellow outfit she came in. I've lost the shoes and sweater since then and her bow came out very early on. But her birth certificate is around here somewhere and amazingly she still has the cabbage patch tag that they sewed into the side of her.
Sara Lynn - March 19, 2009 - Report this comment
I had a premie cabbage patch baby, my sister had regular size one, I always thought mine was so special. His name was my kids play with him.
Amber Leigh - March 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I have one Country and I just got my daugther her frist and i am tring to find her Reg No. so i can let my daugther adopt her and CPK is like copyright 1977- 1982 go to find this out
Jaci - April 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I was born in 1980 so I was 5 when the CPK craze hit. I got a blond girl in a pink dress named Lanie Anne Sandy. She went EVERYWHERE with me! A few years later, my mom bought me a preemie with the white outfit and funny ears. It was stolen the very next day! I decided, at some point, that Lanie needed eyeglasses (like the cartoon CPK). I drew them with sharpie. Well, my dad tried to remove it and her eyes came off too. I only had about 8 CPK's total, but Lanie was always my favorite.
Lori C. - April 26, 2009 - Report this comment
I was lucky enough to have a birthday RIGHT when Cabbage Patch's were the craze. I got one. I still have it in it's original clothes. My mom hunts at Flea markets, and she used to come across originals in their box's all the time. She couldn't resist buying them....and now I have a closet full of them! Don't really want them...but don't have the heart to part with them.
Audreycat - May 05, 2009 - Report this comment
I had one called Morton Amos and my sister had one called Gerald Marcus...we still have them. They had faces only a mother could love!
Andrea - May 12, 2009 - Report this comment
I had one cabbage patch kids doll. It was a girl named Elizabeth and she had a yellow dress and brown pigtails. I also had the Cabbage Patch Kids book entitled- Cabbage Patch Kids To the Rescue.
LEANNA - May 20, 2009 - Report this comment
Braelyn - July 26, 2009 - Report this comment
I was born in 1993, and I have 3 cabbage patch kids. The first one I ever had was back in 1997, but I ended up losing her somehow. I got another one in December 2004, and he was white, had blue eyes, a tuft of auburn hair, and he burped when you squeezed him. My mom's friend got him from a thrift store, and he had no clothes or birth certificate. We didn't even know if he was a boy or a girl at the time. My mom just called him Junior just to be safe. I wasn't satisfied with that name, so I experimented with different names like William, Jake, Thomas, and even Angus, because I thought he looked like Angus T. Jones. I eventually named him Maxwell, and bought him a blue and white stripped outfit from Walmart. He even has a little care bear that I got in a happy meal, and his name is "Boo Boo Bear." My other 2 are named Miles and Amber. Miles is a dark-brown complected boy with a black afro, and he has on a red and blue soccer uniform with a big soccer ball on the shirt. He also has blue thick, soft plastic shoes, and a blue baseball cap. Amber is white, but she has more of a tan complexion. Her hair is a sandy color, and it is thick. She is a "birthday kid", and she came with a dress that had "Happy B-day" written all over it. I got her from a thrift store too, and she had no papers. If you push on her stomach, air comes out of her mouth.
Annie Suzanne - July 27, 2009 - Report this comment
When I was a little girl my mom bought me about 2 or 3 a year. Always one for my birthday and usually 2 for christmas. I am now 34 and still love these dolls. Unfortunately , we had a house fire when I was 12 and all my beautiful collection burned up. I can still remember all the melted doll heads when we went back to see the house. Luckily, they were the only lives lost. After the fire my mom bought me a couple more but to me they will never be able to fill the space of the ones I lost. Kind of sounds silly but when I was young these dolls were my most cherished posession. I was their little mommy. A few years back me and my mom were at a local Walmart store looking at the dolls for my daughter. I could not beleive it when I saw a cabbage patch doll with my name. Not only my first name, but my middle name as well. To this day my mom swears that they made her for me...the little girl who lost all of her beautiful dolls!! Did I also mention that she had blonde hair and blue eyes like me. The doll did not have my same B-day, she has my brothers exact date-May 13th. Just thougt I would share that neat story.
Gel - August 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I don't know why people would have riots over a doll. I've seen videos of these riots and it's just crazy to see how savage like these people become to get a toy for their kids!
Retronut - October 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I didn't like dolls when they first came out. I thought they were pretty ugly and really didn't understand the nation's infatuation with them. Eventually I got two of them and didn't even have to spend a dime for them. The first I got was a little Preemie wearing a blue potato sack type dress that tied at the end. The second was a clown with yellow hair that my mom won at her church's autumn festival.
claire - November 09, 2009 - Report this comment
My nan bought me my first cabbage patch kid i was about 5 years old still have her she was my pride and joy. Still sits on my draws in spare room. She was named tanya stephie and still has the dummy original clothes and birth certificate and still wont let any kids play with her lol x
Rosie - December 29, 2009 - Report this comment
My Grandma picked Becky, my 1984 CPD, for my first Christmas. She looked just like I did when I ! I wasn't allowed to play with her until I was 6. Oh, how I waited for that birthday! She was one of my comfort dollies. She's a great, huggable doll. I still have her today!
Jazz - January 10, 2010 - Report this comment
I was never into these as a kid. A friend of mine got one for Christmas and her older sister had told her they were evil so when she opened it on Christmas morning, she screamed and threw it across the room!
James - January 12, 2010 - Report this comment
I just found my old Cabbage Patch Preemie doll at my grandmother's house. I remember being soooo mad on Christmas when I took her little hat of to find a bald head with one little patch of hair at the top. Then someone told me she was a preemie like my baby cousin was at the time, and told me that she needed extra care because she was so small, and made me feel bad!!
Cionn - January 25, 2010 - Report this comment
I have three of them. One with yarn hair, a preemie, and Cornsilk hair.
Jennifer - January 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I had two of them. I remember I got one from Santa Clause and one from my grandmother one year for Christmas. I remember I had a bad flu that year and as badly as I wanted to play with them...the powder smell made me sick. Once I was well, I loved the smell.
georgia - January 31, 2010 - Report this comment
i have three cabbige patch dolls they are all girls though i still play with them now i love them to bit they sleep on my bed with me still
georgia - January 31, 2010 - Report this comment
i had such a frenzy of getting a cabbige patch they are my favioute doll in the whole world i have three they are could lilly,rose,daisy i have just realised they are all flowers duhhhhh how dumb one of them was named after my baby sister that was born in november she is beautiful
Jady - February 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember this crazy fad, it was so ridiculous, they became a status symbol. I had 13 when I was about 9.
Lola - May 28, 2010 - Report this comment
I have a cabbage patch kid her name is Lola #2.
Sandy - June 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Ok so i'm 30 years old and have mine since i am about 5.. i have about ten that were mine all dirty and loved up..LOL I also have 74 in the box from through out the years that my mom never opened for me and then i started buying them as i got older., I do have a 18 months old so MAYBE she will play with them in a few years .. i will see..
Heather - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I love the 80's and websites like this one!! I found a Couple great sites to buy old 80's Toys its most of there toys are used but where else can I get some of this stuff Awesome!
Kara - September 25, 2010 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember the Cabbage Patch Kids backpacks with their face on them? Mine was pink and I think the girl had brown hair. I've been trying to find my daughter one since mine is long gone.
Dannii - October 16, 2010 - Report this comment
i have the cabbage patch kids tent that goes on your bed as to the comments from laura. i am 31 now and me and my sister had cabbage patch ones and my brothers transformers. i have 2 boys now and it is funny that i recently set it up for them to have a look
Elizabeth Martinez - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
My long time friends and I worked at a company packing the Cabbage Patch Kids... we worked there all summer of 1984..We had so much fun the summer..I could never forget it..that summer 14 of us climbed into my girlfriends father's car..and when he started.. 'IT BARELY MOVED'!!!!! hahahahahahaha.. by the time summer finished WE HATED THOSE DOLLS!!! hahahaha just seeing them brings back such cool memories.
barbara - October 21, 2010 - Report this comment
I have a bunch of cabbage patch heads if anyone is interested...lay661 and you find me at yahoo I bought my sone one in 1984..he loved it..a blonde headed boy...he named Jeffery...I'm glad he had the chance to experience the ''doll'' stage...He is a wonderful Dad now If you want a head let me know ... ($) of course,
Jenn - November 10, 2010 - Report this comment
I had a cabbage patch kid when I was little, her name was Sandra Alice, and she had brown pigtails. I loved her! :-)
rose - November 13, 2010 - Report this comment
i have one named CAROL her hair could change colours i loved her i kept on wanting more and more with my name but i guess ill have to wait till next year. carol though was blonde she was butiful i love having her!!!I LOVE CABBAGE PATCH KIDS! it would be cool if i was born from a cabbage !lol!
kathryn France - December 09, 2010 - Report this comment
i love cabbage patch kid i got one off of ebay for $8.00 and i named her Loann she is my fav
Tbob - December 23, 2010 - Report this comment
I got the astronaut. My mom thought it was a boy. Once I took off the space helmet, we both realized that it was a girl. I went from very excited to ready to chuck it out the window. I cut off the pony tails and changed the name from Harriet to Roger.
Angie - January 05, 2011 - Report this comment
I just got my forth one for Christmas and you can see a picture of it as well as a whole bunch of my other eighties items at my blog.
Cat - February 07, 2011 - Report this comment
I got my first from a thrift store I had to fight to prove he was a boy I named him tommy and later changed his name when I got a little girl I called the casey and lacey. Did anyone have the hand crank baby doll swing I just want to know when it came out
Me - February 24, 2011 - Report this comment
My sister had one of these hideous things. I guess the pride of ownership went to her head. She had three of her own(kids) in real
Renee - February 27, 2011 - Report this comment
I had a boy and a girl! My boy's name was Rex Nigel. He was bald with blue eyes and one tooth. And my girl's name was Rebecca Dinah. She was a red head with braided pigtails and green eyes!
kathy - March 01, 2011 - Report this comment
i remember wanting a cabbage patch kid for christmas so bad when i was like in 3rd was the only thing i asked for from santa claus. people were knocking other people over, pushing, and fighting for these dolls. i knew i wouldn't get one. my dad knew someone that worked at toys r us and he managed to get my sister and i one for christmas. i still have mine with all original clothes on. i didn't want to mess her up, so she always just sat on my bed. i still have her in excellent condition! her butt is dated 1979. she now lives in my curio cabinet. that was my favor christmas.
Andrea - March 14, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a CPK from the mid 80's But thats over 25 yrs and I still have the little guy But He's naked and the tag has been cut off cause mom didn'tlike me eatting it when i was little. And for his name it's Nigel and i beleive he was adopted one. can any one help me find more information about my little guy.
Zoma - April 19, 2011 - Report this comment
I grew up in the Uk, and Cabbage Patch Kids were really popular when they first came out, but this was nothing compared to the obsession that American kids had with them. I went to an American school for a while, during 5th grade, and the girls brought them to school every day, some in carry cots, some in back packs, and there was a special area just for the dolls to sit during classes. There was one girl who was completely in love with hers and talked about it like it was a real child. Scarily, she looked remarkably like her Cabbage Patch Kid, so who knows.....I never got given one, my mother thought they were hideous (I was like "So? You don't have to play with it yourself), but I am thinking of buying one now, just for me. Also, TIP # 1 for Cabbage Pox/mould spots on Cabbage Patch Kids Heads: Try rubbing it with some neat Clove oil on a soft cloth in the affected area, and leave for a few days.
mimitchi33 - July 18, 2011 - Report this comment
My mom still has her original Cabbage Patch from when they came out. My mom was in either middle school or high school, and her mom worked at a toy store which sold Cabbage Patch Kids at the height of the craze. She was able to get one, though, but I have no idea have.
Thomas - July 19, 2011 - Report this comment
When the original Cabbage Patch came out. The Toys R Us had lay away plan. They where hard to find.
Lucy - July 27, 2011 - Report this comment
I still have my cabbage patch kid he is called Manny Glen came with a pacifier and has a bald head, although he hasn't got his original clothes and pacifier is missing lol, My husband bought me a new new Cabbage patch kid a couple of years ago when they brought out the Limited edition 25 year anniversary edition dolls, I have not taken this one out of the box although i'm finding it very hard lol and she is called Melody Georgina.
Taji Clark - September 13, 2011 - Report this comment
Tiffany - November 23, 2011 - Report this comment
My Grandmother sent my mum one of the first Cabbage Patch dolls created in 76, they were first called Little People and I believe are rather valuable. Unfortunalty for easier postage my Grandmother removed her from her box and tossed it away!!!! She also sent the magazine which had a whole write up about Xavier Roberts so thats kept with the doll, who has never been played with and has her birth cert and other papers, so if only we had the box would be worth a bit! I myself had four Cabbage Patches. The first I opened up and saw her name and it was the same as my Nanas, Hazel! The last one is from 90 or 91 a boy with red hair called Freddy who I was too old to be interested in so he became my 3 year old sons cabbage patch, I found his birth Cert not long ago and what a coincidence to find that my son birthday and Freddys are the same - 15 May. Also in 1989 when we took a trip to the States we stopped at babyland General Hospital where I got to name a cabbage right out of the patch. Named her after me, Tiffany Rebecca, my dad went and asked how much she was and fresh out of the patch they were $100!! So we didnt get her :( Hope shes been well looked after by some lucky person!!!!
Jan Griffiths - January 07, 2012 - Report this comment
Back in '83 I worked for Motorola. Near Christmastime, two other ladies I worked with wanted CPK for their daughters, but didn't have the time to go to Toys R Us and stand in line for them, so they gave me the money and a "finder's fee" to get them for them. They gave me the gender, hair and eye color they wanted. I had a friend that worked as an assistant manager at Toys R Us, and she put aside the ones I needed. When I picked them up, other people that were waiting were mad that I just went in and got the dolls without having to wait. Downside of this is that I didn't get a doll for myself. I was sorry that I didn't, but made that Christmas very happy for two co-worker's little girls.
Ashley - January 11, 2012 - Report this comment
I got my first was around one in 1989-1990 my mother bought her because she looked like me she was african american, had two dimples and once piece of hair in the middle of her head and she was bald around the sides she had a white dress with cherries all on it. We moved and I lost her and now im looking everywhere for one that looks like her and I am having no luck and I cant remember her name on top of that!I loved that doll does anyone possibly have any clues?
Jessica - February 02, 2012 - Report this comment
I have cabbage patch kids doll that I got from people Iknow , I also have another one but its a newborn baby they are great dolls I wanna try to get a blonde hair blue eyed one. I love these dolls
Chrystina - July 12, 2012 - Report this comment
I still have 1 till this day/
geminiangel76 - August 13, 2012 - Report this comment
I have a glow surprise cabby that was made in 2007 still in her box, but I also found one I picked up at a garage sale and would like to know if anyone knows anything about her. She has red hair in 2 pig tails, small tooth and blue eyes. She came in a peach overalls and her head says '78,83, o.a.a.,inc. Then a #37 but her butt tag says 78-82 and she is a coleco, signed by x.r from 85 I believe. Can someone help me? Why the different dates and her hair is more orange than 'red'. Help! Email@ thanks!
Mary - August 21, 2012 - Report this comment
Bought my daughters first doll in the late 80's. She remembers it well. I had put him in storage for safe keeping for when she got older for her kids, her dad threw him out. She is to have her first child soon and I wanted to surprise her with him. Can't remember if he had a vinyl face or cloth then. Know that he was bald with blue eyes and had a mouth was open a little for a bottle or pacifier. His name was Caleb. Would love to surprise her with a new one, but need some info, can anyone help me. Called company and they aren't any help. e-mail me please if you have info on what type of doll this was at the time and what type of head did he have. ...Thanks!
Natalie - October 27, 2012 - Report this comment
these dolls are so cute.
Kimberly - February 07, 2013 - Report this comment
I am looking for a doll that does have the face of a CPD but her body was of a larger size and her arms and legs were part plastic and part cloth. I thought she was called a Sunshine Doll. But she had red yarn hair and I am desperately looking for a doll that looks like this If you can help me please email me at I would appreicate any help.
Emma - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
Did any one ever have a no of the passport dolls, I had 1 as a kid it looked like a cabbage patch kid but only had a sort of rubber looking and feeling legs and arm and a small pass port attached round it's arm ?
linnybug - April 16, 2013 - Report this comment
I love all the pics, and still have my dolls, and some little figurine cabbage patch kids..and I too would never get rid of them!.Thanks for the pic of the cabbage patch game, brings back so many memories- I totally forgot about that one!
Rain Cloud - June 04, 2013 - Report this comment
I have a Cabbage Patch Kids bed tent for sale, if anyone is interested. $50 WITH POLES! No tears, rips, stains! email me at if you are interested! It will also be up on
Sunny - July 08, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember the commercials for these started airing in the late spring/early summer (I think 1983) but I never saw them until the following fall. My mother and I were in Toys R Us when an employee opened a box with about 12 of them. All of a sudden there was a mob surrounding them. Between us my mother and I managed to get our hands on four of them. I held two and my mom held two while I studied them all deciding which one I wanted. There was another lady hovering nearby waiting for me to choose so she could have one. I finally chose one with blond curls and the other lady pounced on the remaining three. She probably turned around and sold them for a hundred bucks a pop, but I was happy with my new doll :) Eventually I had about six of them.
CabbagePatchTent4Sale - August 15, 2013 - Report this comment Cabbage Patch Kids Bed Tent. $50 with poles.
posterazzi - March 08, 2014 - Report this comment
Gigantic Collection of 1980s Cabbage Patch Mini Figures Appx 700 pieces: 291 Micro Rubber CP Figures 275 PVC Jointed Mini CP & Koosa Figures 14 CP Banks 10 Misc CP Pieces 100 pieces added---not pictured View 19 JPGs: $1500---for the entire collection. posterazzi at hotmail dot com
Olympianbabe - March 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Are you interested in buying coin operated horses or spring rocking horses??? They are sold on Ebay. Most spring horses are made by Blazon, Wonder, Flexible Flyer, and Radio Flyer. Feel free to buy as many as you like. Good luck!!! :) Ebay account required.
Jonanthan - April 05, 2014 - Report this comment
My sisterss had One and creeps me out
leeanne - June 26, 2014 - Report this comment
i have the one in the photo on here the baby with a tuff of yellow hair her name is rebecca ann,also have a dark one with brown hair her name is sybol mabel unfortunately no birth certificates they both still in their original clothes will take photo some time and post them i got them when i was really young now nearly 32
mary - November 15, 2014 - Report this comment
i bought my daughters first cabbage patch doll in 1985 i remember my daughter was 2 and my son was a baby..we walked literally miles to get one in the worst weather...gave it to my neice a few years back and now my daughter who is in her early 30's wants it back and my sister threw it had red pigtails green eyes and a green and white checkered dress...she really misses that doll...going crazy trying to find the same one....
Cidalia - June 15, 2015 - Report this comment
Crazy how many people had, not only a Cabbage Patch Kid, but multiples. I remember them. I wanted one, but we couldn't afford it.
Jennifer - July 01, 2015 - Report this comment
I have a cabbage patch kid I have no idea what happened to her birth certificate I don't even know what it looked like anyway my cpk, Tina is what I call her since I got her (which I can't remember), I don't know her second name she has a honey colored blonde hair which both sides are in tripple plaits and have a butterfly in them (pink n blue) she has a short fringe, she has a pink flowery shirt and trousers with light pink socks and dark pink shoes with a bow on them she also has blue eyes and smells of sweet vanilla! Anyone know who she is? Like how old is she? Her real name? And when did she come out to stores? Plz reply if you know who my little Tina is....
Heather - November 16, 2015 - Report this comment
I had one names Mabel Lilly or Mabel Lillian when I was about 6 or 7. She ended up in a tote in a garage after I moved out, and over tje years got full of mildew and mold. My mom tried to clean her up for my Daughter she is there but I think she threw her away when she couldn't get it clean. I've tried searching the name but still haven't found the doll. Now my daughter is 7 and wants a CPK! Would you buy new that's lreally expensive or vintage but been in box???
leilajh - April 05, 2016 - Report this comment
The CPK memories.... priceless! To see my kids faces as christmas when they opened the cabbage patch was worth the time spent hunting and standing in lines. Guess I made the effort because I remember the disappointment when I was a child not getting a barbie for Christmas. It was expensive and too much money ($5 for the ponytail barbie in a box). I would go into the toy store just to look at her.
Anna I Zsikych - August 02, 2016 - Report this comment
I am looking for a cabbage patch kids dolls
Heather - August 19, 2016 - Report this comment
My sister and I both got one in about '87. I was born in 82 and I remember our mom didn't want to fight the crowd at our small town department store. Mine was #5 head mold, blonde curly hair, blue eyes, dimples and a tooth sticking out. I don't remember is original outfit but his name was christopher Michael. I wish I still had him because that's my husband's name and no believes that that was his name. I've found replicas of the doll on eBay but none have the adoption paper or that name. I wish you could order replacement adoption papers. Lol. My sister had the girl with long red pigtails, green eyes and freckles.
samsgrammie - September 05, 2016 - Report this comment
Did any of the cabbage patch dolls have moveable eyes and a corduroy soft body? I have one here of my kids and it has no tag but looks like a cabbage patch.
Catherine Connor - November 16, 2016 - Report this comment
Have 2 CPK that were my mother's. Both in boxes that are a bit tattered. Girl has red hair pig tails, blue eyes, green & white checked gingham 2-piece outfit,& white shoes, mom received her in 1984. The boy has darker skin, brown curly hair, a knitted white winter hat that has ear flaps, brown eyes, a 2-piece dark blue corderoy pant suit, & white shoes. 1984 is printed on a painted red ribbon on the box. Still trying to locate birth certificates, names. Trying to research value.
Winona - June 13, 2019 - Report this comment
My daughter Amber was born in 1984 and received a Cabbage Patch doll as a gift. Low and behold when we opened her up, her name was Amber and she was blonde just like my Amber! I am now looking for her as we must have given her away. I think her middle name might have been Rose but I can’t be sure. Please email me if you have one you would be willing to sell.

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