Toys of the Eighties, Clyde's Car Crusher
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My CLYDE'S CAR CRUSHER. A reminder of when times were simpler, fun & exciting.
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A machine that would crush tin foil cars that you would form out of foil using their molds. It crushed them into little squares. Just like the real thing.
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The following are comments left about Clyde's Car Crusher from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Dee - May 08, 2007 - Report this comment
My son (now 34) had Clyde's Car Crusher when little & we had a blast with it; any notion on how to find one? We've been searching for years! Found a "hot wheels" car crusher on eBay, but nothing like Clyde's. We'll never give up!
VirSat - October 17, 2007 - Report this comment
I had this playset and I absolutely loved it. It was great fun putting the tin foil cars into the machine and getting the little square out. It wasn't the the sort of toy that made you want to grow up to work in a junk yard but something about it was addictive, entertaining and fun for a child.
neal - November 02, 2007 - Report this comment
We found our sons letter to santa from 26 years ago.We thought it to be cute to fill his list again and give him his lettr.
jimpster - November 04, 2007 - Report this comment
I wanted this toy badly circa 1980 when i was 5-It was hard to find then and practically nonexistent 26 years later.does anyone have information and pictures of this awesome toy? i have been checking ebay for a few years,but to no avail.
Elliott - February 28, 2008 - Report this comment
I will never forget the christmas of 1980. I wanted Clydes car crusher SO bad. I had been over my aunts house and went into the basement and found a bunch of boxes covered with a blanket. It turns out...when I pulled the blanket up, my christams toys to be were there. On the top of the heap was Clydes car crusher. I was so happy to have gotten what I asked for. It was one of my favorite toys. To this day I collect all the toys I had when I was a young kid. It brings me back to my childhood everyday. Even at 35, I still play with some of the stuff. How I wish I could go back in time!
Jason - July 11, 2008 - Report this comment
I had this as a child and played with it hours on end. Somewhere along the way it got lost and i missed it dearly. A couple years ago when i hit my 30's for whatever reason i wanted it again so my kids could enjoy what i had once before. There were some on Ebay but they were going for $2-300. Then lo and behold my buddy was like dude i have that in my parents basement do you want it i was like YEAHHHHHH. Now it is sitting on a shelf safe and sound and i pull it out everyonce in awhile to relive the fun of my youth :)
Chris - December 25, 2008 - Report this comment
I had one when i as 8. the best christmas present ever. even at a young age i learned so much how molds worked. I loved it so...
Scott - January 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I had Clyde's when I was a kid and have been looking to find one again for nostalgia's sake. I don't remember if it came with magic markers or not but I remember using them to color the tin foil cars and put rust spots and stuff on them before sticking them in the crane and crankin em through the crusher!
robby - April 16, 2009 - Report this comment
i owned a clyde's car crusher.. why am i remembering it being called the amazing car crusher? i had it for many years and when my parents moved 5 years ago it went in the garbage =( MAn do i regret that....
Tim - April 25, 2009 - Report this comment
I had gotten a Clyde's Car Crusher for Christmas when I was a kid and I remember that it came with this huge sheet of stickers that looked like dials and arrows and caution signs. My father placed them all on for me, but I was so excited to play with this thing that it seemed like an eternity for him to do this! I soon went through all of the sheets of foil that came with it and my mother got me a roll of regular foil to use in the molds. The red and black markers that came with the set smelled so strong that I had to use them near a window or outside. That was my favorite toy as a kid! Wish I still had it, but my brother's dog had gotten a hold of it and chewed it up. :(
grimlock1972 - May 30, 2009 - Report this comment
I actually had this toy as a child. It was my absolute favorite of all my toys. The years have so quickly passed and the toy was lost forever. I had a cousin find one for me on Ebay, about 8 years ago. I paid about $35 for it. It's in the original box and has everything but the markers. I guess the markers have long since dried up. It doesn't matter because you can use any ordinary markers. (permanent) I may sell it one of these days when I need the money. Anyone may contact me if interested (
sydvishus805 - November 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Clyde's car crusher!!! WOW talk about childhood joy!!!! this had to be one of the greatest toys ever invented. Mold cars color them all pretty then crash'em and CRUSH'EM!!!! YEAH!!!! ohhhhh the memories... :)
Eric Smith - January 16, 2011 - Report this comment
Was at my parent's house today and they were cleaning out the basement. I looked over in the far corner and there still in the box was my Clyde's Car Crusher. Dad said "take it home" and here it is tonight and I'm getting ready to play with it again with my little boy. What fun!!
Chris Knight - April 19, 2011 - Report this comment
Man....I had this as a child and absolutely loved it!! I used to spend a lot of time making the cars and giving them really elaborate paintjobs. Don't know what ever became of it though...I better look next time I'm at my folks place ;)
Dee - July 05, 2011 - Report this comment
Four years later & I'm still looking for it. I'm very pleased that some of you have found yours! Doesn't anyone out there have one they don't want to store anymore? Would love to hear from you!
Ritch Lesueur - October 14, 2011 - Report this comment
I never had one as a child but I had a friend who did. I remember everytime I was at his house, this would be the toy i grabed. It was the coolest toy. I remembered how much fun it was turning that little crank and watch those cars made of tin foil getting crushed in slow motion. I was at ToysRus the other day looking for a car related toy for my son. Someting like a Hotwheels car garage or parking deck. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Clyde's Car Crusher! I left ToysRus right away and got on the computer hopeing to find one on ebay. Like many of you guys, I'm sitting in the same boat. Oh what fun my son and I could have if I can find one.
Trock859 - November 20, 2012 - Report this comment
I found my Clydes Crusher in Moms attic a few months ago. My son loves it and thinks it is as great as I did when I was seven. I just have the crusher and molds, but what else do you really need? Another really cool thing is it says made in the USA. Won't find that on toys much anymore.
John Knarr - March 26, 2014 - Report this comment
I loved that damn toy! Like my Legos it went away some how without me knowing. I keep looking!!!!
Olympianbabe - March 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Are you interested in buying coin operated horses or spring rocking horses??? They are sold on Ebay. Most spring horses are made by Blazon, Wonder, Flexible Flyer, and Radio Flyer. Feel free to buy as many as you like. Good luck!!! :) Ebay account required.
Joel - August 14, 2014 - Report this comment
I still have mine down stairs in the craw space get it back togeter for monster trucks toys to flat them
Ying - December 17, 2014 - Report this comment
I am selling one of these on ebay. If you win the auction (or if you "buy it now") you can select overnight shipping and get it by Christmas!
Jj - August 25, 2016 - Report this comment
One on eBay. Ends Aug 31, 2016
Rob Lambert - March 14, 2018 - Report this comment
From the Saturday morning cartoon vault, A TV spot for this Remco toy. Came with four body molds, four with wheels, to tow trucks, markers and a Clyde's patch. This aired on "Mighty Mouse/Heckle & Jeckle Hour" over CBS (9/27/80). Yes, the combined strike by the Writers and Screen Actor Guilds affected cartoon production, so kids had to suffer with reruns such as Filmation's un-funny remake of Mighty Mouse and the talking magpies. Mighty never threw a punch, Heckle & Jeckle were all talk and little action.
Rob Lambert - March 15, 2018 - Report this comment
A follow-up. In original box, Clyde;s Car Crusher needed lots of assembly, and ten sheets of foil were included. On the TV side, the "Mighty Mouse" show with this commercial also had a new (and no funnier) cartoon segment, Quackula, a vampire duck who slept in an egg-shaped coffin. A nearsighted, paranoid bear lived in the castle with him. Mercifully, CBS cancelled the show in 1981.

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