Toys of the Eighties, ERTL Play Ground Kids
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Play kids were a range of dolls all 16cm in height; there were boy and girl dolls. They wore brightly colored clothes and all have soft bodies ending in hard plastic trainer/shoes. They have big eyes and gripping hands. Each doll has a name printed on its shoe(earlier dolls don't)and came with its own play ground accessory, such as 'Ricky with a tricycle'.

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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about ERTL Play Ground Kids from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Kara - August 14, 2007 - Report this comment
This is EXACTLY what I came here for. I could not for the life of me remember what they were called. The memories are flooding back
Nate - January 27, 2008 - Report this comment
im only 14 but having sisters that grew up in the 90s i remember some of these toys like these just being around my house. One time my friends mom when i was like 7 asked if she cud hav them cuz she cud remember them from when she was younger and my sister was like 14 to 15 so i thought she wouldnt care.Long story short, i was wrong. She was crushed and i didnt hav the heart to ask for them back, but months later in casual conversation i heard that my friend's mom had lost them and i was sooo pissed that i hurt my sister for all that. i wud give anything to find the exact same ones even ten years later now, i wud so buy them for her.
nate - January 27, 2008 - Report this comment
sorry "80s"
Jen - March 07, 2008 - Report this comment
WOW, I definitely had the one in the pink sweatshirt. I used to pretend she was Barbie's daughter! she always looked so awkward when I would set up Barbie family "photo shoots" because she was so floppy!
Christina - July 03, 2008 - Report this comment
I have 6 of these I dug out of my old toy chest. Are they worth anything? Where can I still buy more? Anyone know?
holly - July 06, 2008 - Report this comment
wow i forgot all about these! I had a ton of them
Angela - July 11, 2008 - Report this comment
where do you find them?????????????/
Lindsay - July 17, 2008 - Report this comment
I wish they still made these, so I could buy them for my niece. I had lots of them and they were my favorite toy. The only dolls out now are not very wholesome.
Ducky - July 22, 2008 - Report this comment
I had these too! To anyone who's desperate to buy these, someone's selling a bunch on Ebay right now...but for SUPER high prices ($50-$70 for individual dolls, playsets for $170+). They've all never been opened...which I guess is a bonus. But still, 50 bucks??
Sara - September 28, 2008 - Report this comment
I happened to come across a few for those interested, no ridiculous Ebay prices here:
Natalie - December 20, 2008 - Report this comment
Oh my... I was looking on this site for these very dolls and gave up before 'p'! I had one when I was very little, called her Kirsty, took her everywhere, told her everything, she was my favourite toy/person and then I lost her. I've been wanting to find her for about 10-12 years. Ohhh, it's so lovely. I'm such a big girl. I don't care. It's so lovely :)
Lexi - January 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I have the best childhood memories based on the playground kids. I had 8 of them and would constantly be taking them on some sort of adventures. I remember looking through a little catalogue every night, picking and choosing which one i wanted next. My parents searched everywhere to try and find them and we were so upset when we found out they were discontinued! Great memories!
Alyssa - January 17, 2009 - Report this comment
My playground kid (preschool kid) Abby was my absolute best friend for several years. She was loved well, a real velveteen rabbit. I set her within reach of my mother's vicious dog one day and Abby's cute little face was maimed. I have been desperately searching for a new preschool kid since, but can only find the playground kids. I would pay the outrageous amounts mentioned to have Abby's little face back. I still have my doll, whose face is covered to ease the pain, and get her out once in a while, for comfort's sake.
Natalie - January 23, 2009 - Report this comment
If anyone wants to see pictures, there's a MySpace with them. It's not been accessed for a while but there's pictures. It's not as good as buying but... I think we should start a petition to bring them back. What d'you think?
steph - January 23, 2009 - Report this comment
Like lots of others out there, i had searched my parents house high and low and am still at a loss as to what happened to my 2 that i had, I believe i had traci and krissy. I would give anything to have them again!! I saw the super expensive ones for sale on ebay that are still in original packages etc, but i dont want one like that i just want the dolls, just that too much to ask??? Does anyone know have a doll they want to sell for a reasonable price? I would love to have one of them again and have looked on the internet to find them but only found the collector ones still in box. If anyone has a doll [playground kids, not preschool kids or coca cola kids or farm kids] please let me know.
Kim Solgat - February 18, 2009 - Report this comment
Hi, I've been on a search for these dolls ever since my sister and I lost our collection in a fire. My mom called the company to try to replace them but by then they were dicontinued, we had just about all of them! These dolls are our most favorite memory from our childhood, we took them everywhere & played with them for hours on end. Our hearts were absolutely broken when they got destroyed, I don't think we ever really played dolls again after that. If anyone has any information or can help us track some down we would really appreciate it. Here is my matter how old this post is please contact me, my email won't change.
Kay - April 08, 2009 - Report this comment
Like you we loved these dolls when we were younger. We are now in the middle of sorting out our loft as the kids are now off to University so over the next few weeks I will be putting our playground kids on ebay (UK) if anyone is interested our seller name is EGAVASLAUP and we are not asking the extortionate prices as listed above.
Aaryana - May 04, 2009 - Report this comment
Oh my goodness! I have been searching for these forever! I couldn't remember what they're called, but the kids I work with love them. I brought my old ones, and all the little girls wanted one.
Amanda - May 05, 2009 - Report this comment
I LOVED these dolls!! After Christmas, when the lights and decorations were taken off the tree, we used to throw them into the Christmas tree and see where and How they'd land!! The were like monkeys with their agile bodies : ) I still have about 5 of them hanging from my shelf, all clinging to one another's hands
Danna - June 05, 2009 - Report this comment
hi there, i was wondering .. do you know were i can get the little doll called Kelly????
Kristen - August 19, 2009 - Report this comment
I had Traci and I lost her when I was little and I miss her! Does anyone know where I can get her? my email is Thanks :)
C. - September 03, 2009 - Report this comment
I had almost all of the Playground Kids including two of Toddler ones and I had one of the Playground sets that I got for Christmas. I remember writing a letter to the Ertl Company to try to get them to bring back the PGK's....obviously that didn't work. I wish I didn't lose 'em.
Shoandra - October 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Hello Everyone. It is so hard to find anything about Playground kids. I am selling all of mine on Ebay. I hope maybe they can go to a happy home, if one of you are interested in them. My ebay name is kissmered
Ansel - November 14, 2009 - Report this comment
Ricky was my favorite doll, absolute favorite. My sister had all the others but i had Kelly, Jill and Ricky and i took them everywhere with me as a kid. Ricky sits in my closet so every time i go in there i can see him. a little cheesy maybe for a 22 year old guy but that one doll defines my childhood.
Sam - December 11, 2009 - Report this comment
Hi all.. I have the whole collection including the coca cola dolls. If anyone is interested in buying these off me please let me know Thanks.
paige - December 30, 2009 - Report this comment
pleeeease some one get me onto these dolls. i have amy and becky and are still my favourite dolls of all time. please let me buy them off you! email me at
alma rivera - January 16, 2010 - Report this comment
Hello im looking for playground kids any of them if u have some for sale please let me know!! thanks,
Jen - January 27, 2010 - Report this comment
I LOVE these dolls! I played with them when I was little and now my daughter plays with them. If anyone has some for sale please email me
Jen - March 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Paige - I would love to buy them off you - email me
Anette - March 16, 2010 - Report this comment
These were the best!! I still have mine, I thought they were so unique i couldn't part with them. I have about 12 or so. And I even have the one boy doll they made with the little jersey. I had a lot of fun with those dolls. I had the little sister dolls and the big playground for all of them. GREAT TIMES
bepi1 - March 26, 2010 - Report this comment
If anyone has a Laura I'd love to purchase that from you.
Kat Greaney - March 27, 2010 - Report this comment
looking for any of the playground kids in any condition. will play good money and shipping costs via paypal. please email me with condition, price and location. a pic would be great too. thanks a bunch
Jennifer - June 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I have original playground Kids and will be sorting my loft out, anyone interested in buying any... Please email me and I'll let you know what I've got (as I can't remember) I am having a clear out, saving for my wedding.
Heather - August 11, 2010 - Report this comment
I have about 10-20 of these dolls along with 2 playgrounds, anyone who would be interested please send me an email.
Amy - August 12, 2010 - Report this comment
I have a ton of these dolls and their sets. All in mint condition. I honestly probably played with them once or twice as a kid and they ended up in a container for safe keeping. Smoke free home. If interested in buying from me, email me and I can send pictures.
Brittany - October 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Amy, i would be very interested in them. I still have one of mine from when i was little and now my daughter plays with it. I have been looking every where for them and i would love to have them.
Jessica - October 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I am searching for these dolls to buy too. I had most of them when I was young! I miss them and want to buy one for my sister for Christmas and we can reminisce! :)
ann - November 25, 2010 - Report this comment
I have been searching for these for years! Only I couldnt remember the name!! I looked on ebay and there are only a few available. And really pricey! I am 26 and these toys are my most memorable toys as a kid. I had probably 10-15 dolls and a whole playground set. One of my good friends and I played with these for hours everyday after school. I thought I was too cool for dolls in 5th grade and sold all of them :( I am looking to buy my set again. Please contact me at if you have any for sale.
Carmen - December 12, 2010 - Report this comment
We always called them 'Bendy Dolls', and my siblings and I loved them to death! The Bendy Dolls did everything with us! They rode Breyer horses and were part of Barbie's family. We tied them on strings and threw them out the window so that they could go bungee jumping. They bounced on the trampoline. Back in the days of manual-roll-up car windows, we closed the windows so that their shoes were on the inside of the car and their bodies flopped around on the outside as we drove down the road! (We were always careful to hang onto their shoes so that we wouldn't lose them!) Laura and Melissa were are especial favorites. We loved our later Bendy Dolls, too. However, Laura and Melissa are about a half inch taller than the rest! Bendy Dolls are the best toys ever!
Jenna - December 19, 2010 - Report this comment
I have 4 playground kids. I have Laura, kelly, Emily, and Melissa and all with there toys. Laura came with a playset (I have that too). I loved playing with them! I wish they still made them! My daughter loves to play with them so if anyone has any they would like to sell PLEASE let me know! THANX
Beverley - December 19, 2010 - Report this comment
EBAY currently has Playground kids up for auction or sale. Take a look at ebay. The price range varies.
Beverley - December 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Carmen..... I do believe the Coca cola kids, also made by ERTL (looks just like playground kids). have a doll named Carmen. Take a look at ebay or google it. Just a FYI fun fact.
Soccer8sem - December 28, 2010 - Report this comment
Hi, I use to play with these dolls when I was a kid we had so many and gave them away once we were to old for them. I recently had a daughter and would love to find them if any one is selling them please e-mail me at
Amy - January 03, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a set of PlayGround Kids for sale (including playsets). Please contact me for more info/pictures.
Dee - February 05, 2011 - Report this comment
I had these as a young girl, I LOVED them!! My father threw them away when I got too old to play with them. I now have a young daughter who I think would love them just as much as I did....I SO wish they still sold them. I am SO interested in buying them for my daughter, but I would like to buy the playground set as well. If anyone knows where I con find them PLEASE post and let me know. Thanks in advance!
Courtney - March 26, 2011 - Report this comment
I used to play with these dolls for hours when i was younger! I have many great memories. After seeing all of the comments above, I've decided to sell some of mine. You can see the details here: I hope to hear from you soon!
Heather - March 28, 2011 - Report this comment Here is becky on ebay for 67 bucks.
Robin - May 22, 2011 - Report this comment
have a ton of these, probably around 20. Email me at if you're interested.
Nina - June 15, 2011 - Report this comment
I also used to play with these dolls when i was younger. I saved them all and have about 10 of them, although all of the playset toys that they came with are mostly broken, the dolls are in decent-good condition. I am saving them for my daugther when she is old enough to play with them. I loved them so much! i don't understand why Mattel or another company can't reproduce these dolls? they are sweet, innocent, age appropriate, and cuddly and soft.
Caroline - July 23, 2011 - Report this comment
My daughter loved these she took them everywhere, always had them on holiday, she would make freinds so easily, as all the other girls would want to play with the dolls! why don't they make them any more, they were the best, and most remembered toy of her childhood! as I now have a grandchild I would like to buy some more, even one would be nice! email address
Melissa - August 23, 2011 - Report this comment
I had almost all of these fun little dolls and the toys to go with if anyone knows where I can buy them for my little girls I would be really thankful. You can email me at Thank you so much
Chelsea - November 09, 2011 - Report this comment
I have 6 of these, plus their playground toys & the pizza shop. I am looking to sell them either individually or as a big set. They are obviously not in their original boxes, as I have definitely spent hours playing with them. So I'm not asking super high prices, but as there is a high demand out there, I'm not going to sell them for super cheap either. If anybody is interested and has an offer to make, my email address is
Kristie - January 29, 2012 - Report this comment
Would love to get my hands on these dolls from my childhood - if you have them, my email address has been the same for ages -, please contact me! NIB NOT necessary. Just think it'd be really cool to have them on hand for my kids. Willing to trade some vintage fisher price toys, vintage care bears or vintage strawberry shortcake, as well as vintage cabbage patch (have the vintage cabbage patch pack-and-play) too!
Nicole - May 06, 2012 - Report this comment
I had four of the dolls when I was growing up.. I'm 30 now. I had the "playground" and I believe that was it. Every few years I Google it to see if it's still around, but after reading this site, I'm realizing they're gone. Sad though because as another poster stated, the dolls that are around now in the stores are rather in poor taste.
Desiree - May 18, 2012 - Report this comment
I loved these dolls and used to have all of them as a kid and actually preferred them over barbies. If anyone has any for sale please let me know I would live to get some for my daughter. I should have never given my childhood toys away after I out grew them. I really kick myself now and regret it.
Pam - October 20, 2012 - Report this comment
my daughter has several of these plus the playground equipment, merry go round and the pizza shoppe all in very good condition and is thinking of selling them
Ames - November 05, 2012 - Report this comment
I have quite a few of these dolls and their playground items and am thinking of putting them on eBay to sell
Laura - December 06, 2012 - Report this comment
I love these dolls! I really would love to collect them all for my daughters, if anyone has any in great condition they would like to sell and willing to post to Australia, I'm desperate to buy!!! please email me at Thanks! X
Danielle - December 29, 2012 - Report this comment
I absolutely love these dolls! I still have my original 3, Katie, Becky, and the last one whose name I don't remember. She has a yellow sweater, pink skirt, purple stockings, with light brown hair (I remember renaming her Brittany when I was like 4 or 5). They are currently residing in both of my daughters' dollhouse :)I do wish I still had their playground equipment though. I remember these dolls meant the world to me. I took them everywhere I went and did everything with them too. I loved them much more than my Barbies! I wish they still made them, not only so I could buy more for my girls, but so I could only play with them as well. I've always thought my originals needed more friends. God, here I am 25 years old and still playing with them. That just tells you special they are to me. I even wish my girls could've opened their own PGK on Christmas. Have any of you noticed that there isn't a lot of variety in the toys they sell nowadays? I bought nothing but Barbie's and Monster High for my two 7 year olds, and both those dolls dress like whores! I'm glad I lived when I did, and whined and screamed in the store for my mom to buy me my playground kids! Now that I know how rare they are, I'll treasure them even more!
jessie - May 12, 2013 - Report this comment
Hi, I'm selling Carrie on eBay (uk) at the moment if anyone is interested. Just search for 'playground kid doll' and the listing should come up :-)
Calli - June 11, 2013 - Report this comment
Hi everyone, I have 11 dolls with all the playground equipment and 4 of the big playgrounds. Everything is in excellent condition. I was going to put them on ebay but I wanted to give the people here first dibs because I would love for them to go to a good home with someone who will really appreciate them. They were a huge part of my childhood and I would love for a new child to get as much joy out of them as I did. If I don't hear anything within a few weeks I will put them on ebay, but if anyone is interested please email me and make me an offer. I haven't decided on a price yet. Thanks!!
samantha - June 24, 2013 - Report this comment
Bethany - September 20, 2013 - Report this comment
Hi everyone! I have 6 of the playground kids for sale, and 2 of the big playgrounds. The playgrounds are broken, so they are going to be FREE with the purchase of the dolls :) Please email me for more details and for pictures! They won't last long!!
Joce - January 04, 2014 - Report this comment
My sister and I had two each when we were kids, but have somehow over time lost them. I have spend countless hours searching my parents house for these beloved dolls. If anyone is selling any please let me know, I have been on ebay but the prices are too high. I would love for my daughter to be able to build her own memories playing with the playground kids, as I did with my sister years ago. please email
Allison - January 09, 2014 - Report this comment
OMG!!! My sister had one of these dolls... Traci I believe, she called her Polly...she was insanely obsessed with Polly... she colored her entire face blue once, and we tried everything to turn her back to normal, but she always had a blue hue, she tied her legs into a pretty tight knot for about two years, and also had her hair in a tight pony tail on the top of her head for two years, and she may have lived outside for a year or so... The next time I am at my parents I am going to have to search for "polly"... We never really knew what the name was of this doll... This has really taken me back!
Carmen - April 03, 2014 - Report this comment
@ Danielle: It sounds like the name of your third Playground Kid is Amy. Just in case you were wondering!
Carys - December 10, 2014 - Report this comment
I would be interested in buying any of these dolls but particularly Abby (preschool). She was my favourite and my brother hid her in the woods one day and we never found her again... Brothers are mean! They were great fun and not trashy like today's dolls so I'd love my little girl to have them.
Kirsten - December 17, 2014 - Report this comment
If anyone knows where to find any of these except for the ridiculous prices on Ebay, let me know!!
Heather - January 13, 2015 - Report this comment
I am looking to buy these dolls in the box. I am fine with Ebay prices! I need Jill, Laura, Lindsey, Tanya, and Molly. My email is Please put "Playground Kid" in the subject line in case it goes to spam, I will know what to look for. Thank you!
Jamie P - March 12, 2015 - Report this comment
There are some on ebay now that are better priced than the other original prices - just saw a ricky and carrie for $80 in the box - better than some of the hundreds i've seen
Bethany - March 18, 2015 - Report this comment
I have 2 or 3 dolls for sale, and some of the playground equipment, including the pizza shop! Please email me if interested!
Zoe - June 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Is anyone selling any of them at the moment at all? My email is I'd love some more of these for my daughter as I'm loving playing them with her. There was a shop in a holiday town that sold them. We were always on holiday for my birthday and I used to get money for my birthday and we'd go to the shop and I would spend it in playground kids. I wish I'd have kept them as as nice as it is having the same ones I'd have loved to actually still have mine. Also is anyone any good with identification of them? There's a few we have and I don't know their names.
Stephanie - November 29, 2015 - Report this comment
Hi! I played with playground kids dolls when I Was younger and I am looking to purchase any so my little girls can play with them. Especially Laura and Molly but really any of them! Please e-mail me at Thank you :)
Lisa - February 03, 2016 - Report this comment
Just had my 29 year old daughter ask me what the dolls were that she used to play with. These were it...most of them on Ebay are outrageously priced but I did find Lisa for 55.00 I just bought it for her for her birthday, SURPRISE!
Bridgette - February 29, 2016 - Report this comment
I have playground kids Megan , Teeter rockin totter for sale brand new in box never opened in mint condition , email me at
Brite - July 18, 2016 - Report this comment
I remember these dolls growing up I have the playground kids doll named Becky. I am wanting to get a few more to pass down to my daughter one day when she get a bit older. I am looking for the dolls listed: Birthday girl Megan Roll n skater Krissy Rock star Becky Tanya Emily Amanda message me for email if you have them. be sure to send me photos of the dolls here: thank you.
Joe Christner - December 07, 2016 - Report this comment
I have 6 dolls and some misc playground equipment for sale. Dolls played with but in boxes For more info and photos email
Ruby - September 05, 2017 - Report this comment
I even remember the day I bought my doll! It was 1993 and I was about 3 years old. I thought I got all the dolls which were on the cover of the box. But it was just Laura with the brown hair and the pink trousers :) I had her for years and I didn't know the name of the brand. Today I finally found out by searching on 'playground doll'. And tadaaa I finally found it :) I remembered she had a slide again, but I couldn't remember she used to wear a blue dress up on her pink shirt. I imediatelly told my mom, she remembered the moment we bought her too :) but unfortunately she threw Laura away :( I think I want her back and finally have her playground friends too :) but now I find out they're very rare.. good old times :) Greetings from the Netherlands
Carys - November 21, 2017 - Report this comment
Hello, anyone selling any? Please email My daughters love my old ones and I'd love to add to the collection. Thanks!
Linda - November 28, 2017 - Report this comment
Hi everyone, When my daughter was little we found Megan (playground doll) in a charity shop in Australia, near our home. In 2013 our house burnt down and we lost her. My daughter, now 17 would like to replace her for Christmas. Up until yesterday when I went looking for one online, I had no idea that they were rare dolls. I spent hours trying to find one like her and eventually found your site and others that had pictures of her. Sad that they're not around now. We would love to replace her.
Christine Bowden - January 02, 2018 - Report this comment
I just dug out my sets and my 6 year old is in love. If anyone is selling any sets please email me :) thank you!!!!
Jade Wilson - January 22, 2018 - Report this comment
I’m trying to track down anyone with a Ricky or Laura doll. They don’t have to be in mint condition, I have searched everywhere for them. My partner lost them when she was a child and id really like to try and find them for her. Any help is appreciated! Please email
Lauren - April 14, 2018 - Report this comment
Was searching for a complete list of Ertl Playground kid dolls with their names and came across this platform. I have upwards around 70 dolls that I am looking to re-home as I have many doubles. Jade, I do have a Laura. Linda, I do have an extra Megan. If anyone would like to purchase any, please email me at: I will say that I am not looking to give them away, as I would like to recover at least what I paid plus shipping. These dolls greatly amplified my childhood. Mine nurtured my sense of adventure and imagination. Krissy went EVERYWHERE with me as a kid. Cheers everyone! Warmly, Lauren
Carla - October 30, 2020 - Report this comment
Anyone have nay they are selling? My 5 year old twins are obsessed with my old ones and i would love to get them some new (old) ones for christmas. Im willing to pay! Thanks!

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