Toys of the Eighties, Flower Kids
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These dolls were similar to the cabbage patch kids. They had a soft body with hard faces and yarn hair. They are made to sit down all the time.
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The following are comments left about Flower Kids from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Mandy - May 13, 2007 - Report this comment
I don't know if anyone besides me remembers these, but my mom thought cabbage patch kids were too ugly for me to play with so she bought me one of these instead. I was pretty pissed off when I figured out it was a fake cabbage patch!
GenGen - July 13, 2007 - Report this comment
Yep, I had one of these. I remember naming her Nicole. :-)
S. B. - November 08, 2007 - Report this comment
Yes, I had one too. Little Loosinda (that's how I spelt it) went everywhere with me. She had woolen auburn hair with yellow ribbons in two pigtails with loopy fringe, white and blue top with blue trousers and a little motive on the top. So cute! Wish they'd market them again because they were so great. Mum and Dad couldn't buy me a Cabbage Patch here because they were too expensive, where the Flower Kid was a cheaper alternative. It was $12 compared to hundreds of dollars for a CPD in Australia.
RB - February 25, 2008 - Report this comment
My mom as well bought this as an alternative to the Cabbage patch because of the expense. My mom has been gone sometime now but I still have my doll she was my favorite doll ever. Wish I could find some orginal still in box. So much prettier than Cabbage Patch!
Jennifer - August 23, 2008 - Report this comment
My sister and I had one of these. Our neighbor had the on e in the pic ture . I wanted her but was told it would g et mixed up with the neighbors. I ended up with one a yellow top and b rown overals. and myssiter had one in white sweater and blue sweater pan ts with born hair. mine had blond hair. i still gopt her in the garage b ut her head fell off her body.
Rita - October 24, 2008 - Report this comment
My mom bought me one. It was cheaper then the Cabbage Patch.
Rachel - December 27, 2008 - Report this comment
OmG my mom got me one, and I always knew it was a real CPK. I think she got it at a drug store like Osco. I hate their unremovable shoes.
Karmen - January 15, 2009 - Report this comment
I had one....I named him Tommy, and was upset too because he was a fake CPK....but I am sad now because I no longer have him.
DH - March 01, 2009 - Report this comment
If anyone has the Flower Kids doll pictured above with the blonde hair and pink dress (looks like it is new), and is interested in selling, please email me at Thanks! I am dying to get her for my daughter.
Christine - October 12, 2009 - Report this comment
My sister had the one in the picture. I never knew what it was until now.
michelle - January 26, 2010 - Report this comment
i also had one of these dolls, my mom bought it for me when i was 13 and i had it up until i was 20 and then i some how lost it. i am now 41 and just had a baby girl who is 5 months and i would like to get her one. i dont know where to find them. Mine had brown hair. if anyone knows where i can find one please email me @ thanks
jaime - May 20, 2010 - Report this comment
i always wanted a cabbage patch kid but they were "too expensive" 4 my parents mum bought me a flower kid exactly like the one pictured above..i hated it..mum swears she bought me a cabbage patch- i'll have to show her this site!!! now ive bought my 4 yr old daughter lots of cpkids & all the other toys i missed out on.. i love u zoe xxx
Tracie - August 16, 2010 - Report this comment
I just cleaned out my Mom and Dad's house with my remaining toys and I found this doll and another one (12in with light brown hair and a pink pant outfit) in their original boxes. I asked for a CP but got these instead. I hated them but couldn't part with them cause my Mom got them for me.
LynneeMay - January 31, 2011 - Report this comment
I loved this doll so much!! I was two when my mom got it for me... she got this instead of the Cabbage Patch doll because all of the Cabbage Patch dolls were frowning, not smiling. My Kathy always has such a sweet smile :) Just found one in perfect condition at a thrift store!! I think I will let my two year old play with the new one and protect my dear Kathy from her depredations :)
Brenda - April 10, 2011 - Report this comment
I still have the one that I got as a child. The cabbage patch kid was to expensive at the time.
Suzanne - November 04, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a mint condition Flower Patch Doll taht I'm planning on selling. It's a girl with light brown hair in a ponytail, wearing a blue & white dress. As I said, she's in MINT condition, but no box. Email me at
Eleni - November 06, 2011 - Report this comment
Hi, If anyone has the flower patch doll that looks like the one above and is interested in selling her, please e-mail me @ :)
Tyffani - November 30, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a Flower Kids doll that I am looking to sell. It has blonde pigtails and is wearing a yellow dress with a blue plaid shirt underneath. If anyone is interested they can email me at
Amanda - December 12, 2011 - Report this comment
I never wanted a Cabbage Patch Kid - I thought they looked ugly and still do. I got my parents to buy me this doll - and then got outfits for her to wear. I still have her. Though she is a little worn but I still have to and never plan to give her up.
april - March 19, 2012 - Report this comment
I had one who wore pink coveralls, but was supposed to be a boy so I named him Richard.I got him one year for Christmas. All of my girl cousin got one. I kept him for years. I had to sew his arms on a couple of times. I recently found out my brother cleaned my mother garage and threw his away I was very upset.
Mimi - July 16, 2012 - Report this comment
I just feel sick. I bought my grand daughter one of these Flower Kids and today she decided to draw all over her face and shoes with an ink pen. She is 5 and old enough to know better. Oh well, I tried to get her something 'special'.
Traci - August 19, 2012 - Report this comment
I got one for christmas when I was 15 months old. Anyway she had brown hair and was nam3ed Dolly. I even used her hands when teething. I am now amost 28 yrs old and still have her. She was always a smal doll. However, I have only been able to find blonde hared ones. R the brown haired dolls more rare also, my doll was never made to sit up but she was a flower kid. Anybody know why
Karen - September 20, 2012 - Report this comment
Growing up, my parents didn't have a lot of money so they got some toys at the local Goodwill and managed to buy a huge flower kid doll with blond hair and blue eyes in a vintage like apron dress. She was about 25 inches tall. Unfortunately, the doll was left in homeland - and had gotten too old that my grandmother threw it away. To tell you the truth, I think the flower kid dolls are much easier on the eyes compared to the ever ugly cabbage patch kids dolls - good thing my mom felt the same way a long time ago that she never got me a CPK doll =) If you're currently looking for a flower kid - my best bet is on EBAY, Bonanza, and even Etsy. (Tried looking for my original one on these sites). Luckily - I found it - but it didn't have its original dress. and if you're even lucky - try looking at vintage shops.
Natalie - September 26, 2012 - Report this comment
I had one too... brown hair, freckles, plue trousers and white top. I called her Cabby as I was desperate for a Cabbage Patch kid and santa brought me a flower kid instead. My mum also thought that cabbage patch kids were ugly so I got Cabby.
missy - January 27, 2013 - Report this comment
I have two brand new never out of the box .I have the little girl with blonde hair brown eyes, with a pink dress. I have the boy with brown hair brown eyes, with jean jumpsuit and brown checker shirt with matching hat. I am getting ready to post on ebay but found this sight and thought I would see if anyone was interested first. My email is we just have no room as we are havin
Jamie - October 28, 2013 - Report this comment
I had two flower kids. My parents could not afford Cabbage Patch Kids. My brother had two boy Flower Kids. I had found some of these dolls on ebay to replace the ones that were destroyed in our house fire. I also had a smaller flower Kids with no hair.
Belinda - June 08, 2014 - Report this comment
The kids wouldn't let me play because I didn't have a real cabbage patch kid. I saved all my pocket money and could only afford Rose Iris Smith (that's what I called her). Loved her so much she was my best and only friend. I still can't throw her out and I'm 38.
Traci - August 24, 2014 - Report this comment
I had one from the time I was 15 months old and I will be 30 next month. Growing up my family took 3 elderly ladies to church and of course my doll came with me everywhere. Those ladies we took to church always called her Louise. So in naming her as a child, I called her Dolly Louise. Yes I still have her and she still sits on my bed except my 17 yr old cat uses her as a pillow. Crawls up right beside her but is very gentle and doesn't damage "Dolly" at all.
David - September 13, 2014 - Report this comment
I still have my "boy" one. I bought a perfect condition one just like it from ebay and another boy a little different but almost similar.. I got a good reprt card in Kindergarten I believe and they took me to a store to but a toy and I picked out this boy doll. I named him "Oscar the Johnny" for some weird reason lol. At the time, I thought it was the coolest damn name!!!! lol
Kate - September 17, 2014 - Report this comment
I have a Flower kid for sale. A girl.
Sue - March 14, 2015 - Report this comment
I got Linsey (as spelled it how it sounded) for my sixth birthday at the end of August, 1984. By Christmas I'd "loved" her so much she was falling apart. I woke up during the night on Christmas Eve and reached for her, but a box fell from my bed instead. I turned on the light to discover Linsey was gone and a Cabbage Patch doll in a box was there in her place. I freaked out as on a six year old with attachment issues will. Fortunately, Santa learned from his mistake and, the next Christmas I got a new Linsey. Though I never think of the fact my doll is a replacement, the original had white shoes and the new one has brown. She's had both of her arms sewn back on, both of her thumbs and what would be her pinkie fingers stitched up, and her left leg is a bit floppy. I'll be 37 in August and I'll have had Linsey for 30 years at Christmas. She is my most cherished possession.
Judy - September 19, 2015 - Report this comment
I bought mine for myself when I was 15. She has Brown/red hair and floral yellow dress with matching bloomers. I also thought cabbage patch kids were butt ugly and fell in love with my flower kid. I named her Kelysha Marie. I still have her and I am now 46. My 17 year old daughter has her sitting on her bed (in a black and purple goth dress I made). Original dress and pants still in good condition packed away. I will never part with her. We both love her to bits.
Laurie Collins - April 23, 2017 - Report this comment
Just found a brand new in box, flower kid boy with blond hair and a blue two piece outfit with a dog on cute, willing to
Sheila - June 30, 2017 - Report this comment
I was always always a revel child rhis is why i wanted that doll bedides it was prettier than the CPK. I had a CPK but since everyone had a CPK I loved to carry along this FK. Thats what i remember and I had the blond one with pink dress. What I cant remember is who bought it for me, my mom or my grandma. I gave it away because my mom use to make me give my toys to the poor but now i am trying to get my toys back looking in thrift stores and goodwills and I found her new in her box!đź’–
Lesli - May 20, 2018 - Report this comment
I have found a 1983 flower kids twins boy and girl still tied in the box! if anyone wants to purchase email me at
Kat - August 28, 2018 - Report this comment
I still have my Jilly, but one day when I was at school my mum went to a “doll hospital” and got new hair put on her and omg I was mortified!! I got her for my first birthday so she’s 28 this year :) I wish I could get her original hair back though :(
Brandi Snyder - October 18, 2018 - Report this comment
I sm desperately seeking the original outfit for my Rosie. Pink dress, not tennis racket one but the one with a bow and flower. If you ever see one please contact me. I_,am_a,
Roxanne - November 03, 2018 - Report this comment
I had a whole family of these, down to the baldie babies. I gave them to my neighbor's granddaughter when we moved 4 years ago. She loved them, walks them in the carriage I found and restored for her.
Lynn - August 03, 2019 - Report this comment
I have 2 vintage flower kids dolls, in their original boxes, never taken out for sale if anyone is interested. The boxes do show a little age to them but the dolls are in great condition. Let me know if your interested by emailing me at
Sandra - November 26, 2019 - Report this comment
I am 44 years old and last year moved to Portugal for good and found my long last friend, my flower kid. Still in perfect condition, no box. Just missing the hat. I renamed him as I had no idea what his original name would have been and he is my treasure. I remember receiving him from my grandfather in South Africa and then sending him overseas, when I was 9, he was the last doll I ever received from him as he passed away soon afterwards and all these thirty something years my granny hid him for me one day... finally that day arrived last year. I adore him
Shay - April 12, 2022 - Report this comment
A church mother in the church we attended bought and gave a flower kid doll to my daughter when she was about 6 years old the doll had yellow hair and blue eyes with freckles on her face, Some how after my daughter graduated college the doll went missing, She is unique and special you see one day when my daughter was about 10 yrs old I washed the doll in the washing mashine and dried her in the dryer so her face became a little misshaped I was able to fix it so I thought until my daughter came home and looked at the doll and said to me "something is different about Daisy her face doesn't look right. So if you run across a doll with a slightly misshaped face that will be Daisy, Please email me at and let me know. Her family is looking for her.
Vivian - February 02, 2025 - Report this comment
My dad worked in the manufacturer company Blue box. I am so glad that so many of you share memories with Flower kids doll. I have to tell him.

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