Toys of the Eighties, Napper
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He was a brown dog about 18 inches long and his name was Napper and he talked when you squeezed his tummy.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Napper from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Mel - December 04, 2007 - Report this comment
I wish I could find this toy! I loved my napper. I played with him, slept with him, and took him everywhere. My sister broke him when she threw him from the top bunk.
Jeannine - February 15, 2008 - Report this comment
I have a Napper the pup! I have been looking for a talking box for mine. He quick talking ages ago, I took the broken talker out, cleaned and restuffed him...he's the coolest! What a great toy that nobody's ever heard of...LOL! I'll post a picture, maybe other will remember him. I remember a few things he said "RUF RUF RUB MY TUMMY" "MY NAME IS NAPPER" Do you remember more?
Heather - February 18, 2008 - Report this comment
I am 35 years old and I have had my Napper since I was 5 or 6. He still talks!! He says: "My name is Napper" "I get so lonely" "You're so good to me!" "Ruff...Ruff-ruff-ruff!" "Ru-ru-rub my tummy!"
Steve - March 13, 2008 - Report this comment
I have a napper, he still lives in the bedroom with me and my wife. He mostly sits on my Laptop guarding it from the paws of our rather plump cat. I would love to here him talk again if someone with a talking napper could record him talking and email me the recordings it would make my day. You can email
Jo - January 13, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm looking for a Napper dog, can't find one anywhere, if anyone has any info let me know!!!
AJPixiegirl - February 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I was just thinking of my Napper and decided to look online to see about getting his voice fixed too. He used to say "My name is Napper", "I'm sleepy", "I get so lonely", "Rub rub rub my tummy", "Ruf ruf ruf ruf" and "You're so good to me". I'm pretty sure that is all he would say. Mine stopped working about 12 years ago.
Tim - March 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Does anyone want to sell thier napper? I had one sice I was a baby and when I was 16 my parents lost their house with everything inside (my napper too) and I would now like ot get one for my son and help me.
Tim - March 03, 2009 - Report this comment
email is tim at motoarmy dot com
jen - May 10, 2009 - Report this comment
i'm looking to buy on as well... i lost mine a few years ago when my parents lost their house too...i was sad for some time and have a baby now and want her to have one...please my email is clairemonet2008 at gmail dot com
WereDog - May 19, 2009 - Report this comment
One of my earliest toys. For the longest time I thought I'd imagined him until I finally saw one on Ebay. I had totally forgotten what he said until I read these memories.
Dana - May 27, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have my Napper Dog...and he still talks as well! He was my favorite when growing up, and I recently found him amongst other old toys. We are expecting a baby in July, so he sits perched on top of the dresser, waiting to be loved by another child. :) I wish I could post a picture of him...he's so cute and his voice is perfect!
Dana - May 27, 2009 - Report this comment
I figured out how to upload a pic to this site! Hopefully it will be posted above soon! Enjoy!
lisa - October 04, 2009 - Report this comment
i stil have my napper dog well my daughter as him now ..he no longer works ...she sleeps with him and takes him everywhere just like i use too..
Stephanie - October 09, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have my "Snapper". I always thought that's what he said and wasn't about to change his name when my older sister made fun of me. Mine still talks, but I won't let my husband squeeze him as his voice box is slowly wearing down. I love the fact that many of you are handing yours off to your children. I'm way too protective of him to allow anyone to get near him! My cousin apparently had one when I was little and I loved it. So for Christmas when I was 3 I got my own. I slept with him every night for at least 15 years of my life and even took him to college with me!
Steve - November 06, 2009 - Report this comment
My sister had one of these guys years ago. It stayed at my parents house up until a few years ago, and OUR kids played with it. I'm not sure if my Mom still has him or not...He was getting a little long in the tooth...He started mixing up his sentences. "My name sleepy" or "Ru-Ru name is Napper" I think he was possessed!!
Don - December 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I would give my first-born Son if I could find a Napper in decent shape that still talks! Actually, my son had one when he was a child. When I divorced his mother, I failed to take Napper with me! What a mistake!
Darren - December 21, 2009 - Report this comment
I wish I could find a Napper as well. Ours developed a little talking problem, he'd say stuff like... "Rub,Rub,Rub my I'm sleepy". I see others had this same issue. Still a great doll, and I specifically remember how realistic his nose was.
Maria - January 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm 34 years old, sitting on my sofa, and looking at my very well loved Napper perched on the arm of the chair across the room. I got him when I was five, on Christmas of 1980. There are no words to descibe how much I loved him! When I was seven I was positively crushed when he fell out of bed once too often and his voice box broke, but mom came to the rescue, opened him up, and fixed it. He has since had several "open back surgeries" and finally we just took the box out and stuffed him. He went to college with me every year during finals week! A few years ago I got into a fierce bidding war on ebay and got a brand new one for $70, just to hear his voice again. I love my Napper. Funny- everyone I've ever come across who had one hasn't just "liked" him, but adored him!
Alicia - April 02, 2010 - Report this comment
I got Napper for my 3rd birthday in 1981! I have always kept all of my stuffed animals, but when I moved recently I decided it was time to let them go. Seemed silly to keep 3 garbage bags full of stuffed animals, most of which I had forgotton I had. But I did keep a few that were always very special to me, and Napper was one of them! His voice box only works occasionally and he sounds like a record (remember those?!) on the wrong speed, but he's in good shape otherwise. I always thought I was silly for not being able to get rid of him, but apparently he has a lot of meaning to a lot of people! Yay Napper!
Patrick Wright - May 03, 2010 - Report this comment
i am in desperate need of a napper dog for my mother, i am adopted and my adopted mom always talks about how much she loved her napper dog until her brother destroyed it, mothers day is coming up and i really want to buy her one, i don't care the price. i am only 17 so i cant go to high in dollars. this is really important to me. if anybody knows how i can get one for my mom to show her how much i appreciate her that would be most appreciated, i have spent countless hours searching the internet but i cant find one please help me bring back my moms precious memories. thank you. if you can help email me at thank you so much for your help, Patrick Wright
Danette - June 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I have a Napper the dog who still talks. I just recently found him in my father's attic in a box. He was one of my absolute favorite toys as a child as well. I can't seem to find a value on him anywhere. Does anyone have any idea if he is worth anything????
roxanne - June 26, 2010 - Report this comment
danette, please contact me if you have the napper, i have a relative who this would be the bestest present in the whole world to get this
Kelley - August 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I have a Napper if anyone is interested in him! He works perfectly and has no holes or major defects. The tag is faded a bit and a little frayed but he is ready to be loved! contact me at to make an offer.
Amber - October 05, 2010 - Report this comment
As soon as I saw the picture I thought I was going to cry with joy. I literally said out loud, "Oh my god that's him". I would love to have another one. Mine was lost in a move. Clearly this toy meant a lot to many people. We need to reach out to the company and have more made. Perhaps they have a stash of weeee little Nappers in a warehouse somewhere wanting a home!!
Bobbie - October 15, 2010 - Report this comment
Looking for a pleace to buy Napper the talking dog. Please contact me at Thanks.
Amy - November 04, 2010 - Report this comment
I still have him..but he doesn't work. I used to rub his ears on my nose as I fell, what was so
Bridget - November 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I just got mine out of the basement for my kids. I took the phonograph thing out and am going to wash it. I think I might put him in a pillowcase so he doesn't get ruined. I'm going to put the phonograph back in him and sew him shut and give him to my son and daughter. Sigh....I love this guy.
Hallie - December 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Oh, you guys are all making me lonesome for my Napper! He's living in my parents' portable building right now because I couldn't take all my VERY LOVED stuffed animals with me when I went to college. Now, I've graduated, but there is no way I can fit all of them in this little house with me and I don't think it would be fair to play favorites. I would feel like a rotten heel if I did that. One thing I was amazed about about my Napper is that my little sister broke him--so I thought, because his voice box started saying mixed up sentences and eventually, it wouldn't talk at all. I was like that for about 15 years. Then, one day, out of the blue, when I was straightening up my bedroom, I saw Napper on the floor and I picked him up and hugged him. And, lo and behold, he spoke to me for the first time in 15 years! I love that dog so much!
Bill - December 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I recently found my Napper!! He was my first stuffed animal, I received him as my very first Christmas present. My sister also broke the voice box by throwing him down. My mom tried to get a replacement in back in 85, but they weren't available. I guess I shouldn't be so amazed at how many of you loved your Napper too.
Bobbie Carpenter - January 02, 2011 - Report this comment
Who can tell me the maker of Napper and when he was released for sale? I am trying to find a Napper to replace one that my son used to have. Please help..
divina quin - January 04, 2011 - Report this comment
I also used to have a very much loved Napper! He also broke when I threw him up too high in the playground and didn't catch him! Sob! That photo really made me smile - thanks for sharing! If anyone does know where to get another, would love to find out!
Jackie O. - January 07, 2011 - Report this comment
I just listed a NAPPER TALKING DOG on ebay lastnight. It is in great condition and still talks!!! The listing is for 7 days. Please take a look if interested in purchasing one. Just type "NAPPER DOG" into the seach link on top of ebay page. I forwarded the link to anyone on this sight who left an email in their posting. Hope this helps :)
Wendy - April 04, 2011 - Report this comment
I have had my Napper dog since I was 2. I'm 31 now. He still talks. He says: My Name is Napper, You're So Good To Me, Ruff Ruff, Rub My Tummy, and I Get So Lonley. The talking box makes a grrring sound and I keep expecting it to die.....been waiting 15 years. LOL.
Laurie Morris - April 05, 2011 - Report this comment
He also said "my name is Napper" & my favorite "you're so good to me"
Delaine - May 01, 2011 - Report this comment
My daughter is apparently traumatized by the fact that the ONE stuffed animal that she loved the MOST is the only one I did not seem to save for her. The beloved NAPPER!! If anyone has a working one for sale, I would love to be able to untraumatize her by finding her a new "Napper" Thank you,
Jessica Z. - May 28, 2011 - Report this comment
Do they have new, unopened or remanufactured talking boxes available anywhere? Mine still talks, but sometimes he mixes up his sentences like some of you have reported. He still says all the prases though! After he speaks he the box inside makes a loud winding down noise that sounds a little like applause. I'm 32 and have had him since birth. I'm surprised he still talks. Especially since I've stepped on him by accident several times...If anyone has ever replaced or repaired the talking box, please let me know how to do it or where to find a new one! There is nothing listed on ebay. I'm thinking about writing to Mattel.
Jennifer - June 05, 2011 - Report this comment
Hi! I have a Napper Dog who still talk and is in great condition! If interested, please contact me at
Bethany - July 18, 2011 - Report this comment
I LOVE my Napper! I'm 33 and he was the first stuffed animal I ever remember having. Mine still talks, but he gets some lines mixed up on occassion, and sometimes his voice cuts off before he finishes what he's saying. My favorite thing he says has always been "You're so good to me!" When I was a teenager, I showed him to my family pet and she did NOT like that he talked. I came home from school the next day and found him out of his cradle, with teeth marks in his nose, and torn tail, and cuts on the under side of one of his ears. Thankfully, she didn't do any more damage than that. My 18 month old son loves him now. I wish I could find one for him!
Ryan Moore - July 29, 2011 - Report this comment
Jessica Z, I have tried to find replacement parts and have even re-manufactured some of my own parts to fix the dog. (Mine was smashed to bits) If you open the dog up and the pieces are still together a local watchmaker can fix the dog. Trust me, it will take a watch maker. Mine unforunately could not be fixed.
Kara - August 10, 2011 - Report this comment
I used to have Napper as a child and he was my favorite toy. The voice box started going so my parents sent him back to Matel but unfortunately they couldn't fix him. I hung onto him a while after that but eventually threw him out. I wish I would have kept him. I have a daughter now and would love to have one for her. If anyone has one in good condition they are willing to sell, email me at:
RoboDog - August 11, 2011 - Report this comment
Oh man! For the longest time I thought I just imagined this dog! I had a Napper when I was really little. He was such an awesome toy! One of the best I ever had. I also remember there being a lion and a lamb like this. I had the lion but my parents could never find the lamb. Niether lion or lamb could match the greatness that was Napper though.
Jennifer - August 17, 2011 - Report this comment
My beloved Napper.....I would love to hear his voice again! I am looking for a Napper dog in working condition....not to replace mine, but as a gift for my son. If you have a Napper dog that you are interested in selling....please contact me He needs to be in good working condition. Thanks!
Katrinas Toys - October 22, 2011 - Report this comment
Hello. I have just added a napper in excellent condition to my toy store. Find me on eBay - user id katrinastoys
Steve - November 18, 2011 - Report this comment
Our children had a Napper when they we very small. He made it through all their childhoods in very good condition. Unfortunately, he lost his voice. My wife removed his "talker" put in some fresh stuffing and sowed him back up. Now my grandson has him and sleeps with him in his crib. Love this dog.
lindab - November 22, 2011 - Report this comment
does anyone know of any one willing to sell their napper dog or where i could find one?
Ryan - December 30, 2011 - Report this comment
Someone asked about who made Napper and when. Mattel - 1978 I still have mine and yes, he still talks! There was one on ebay a couple of years ago new in the box that went for @$150 if I remember correctly. Should've bought him.
Nigel - January 29, 2012 - Report this comment
I just posted a Napper for sale on is adorable, I wish I could keep him, but I know he will find a good home.
William - March 17, 2012 - Report this comment
I just found my Napper today. I got it for Christmas in 1978. It was my favorite toy ever. My brother and I both had one but he messed his up early on. I didn't realize that my mother kept them all these years. I am 42 now and am so happy to have Napper living at my house. My wife and daughter have had a blast tonight watching me carry on with this dog like I was 8 years old again.
William - March 18, 2012 - Report this comment
I have another Napper that no longer talks if anyone is interested. I wont just give it away. Anyone interested in making me an offer email me at Please put Napper in the subject line so I wont delete it as spam!!
Tina - July 03, 2012 - Report this comment
I have a official 1978 Mattel Napper Dog in mint condition and he still works.
Tina - July 03, 2012 - Report this comment If anyone is interested
Amber - August 05, 2012 - Report this comment
If anyone has a Napper they want to sell please contact me at thank you
Patrick - August 12, 2012 - Report this comment
I have a Napper dog I will sell. He still works but his nose fell off years ago. Other than that he he is great. Feel free to contact me at
Chandra DePriest - November 20, 2012 - Report this comment
I am looking to by a napper dog that still works... I loved this toy and would love to have another one. Sadly my napper got lost while moving around from base to base. I haven't thought of him in a long time... until looking for toys for my 8 month old daughter. Any leads would be greatly apprecated.
Jaye - January 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Oh wow! I'm home sick (snuggling my Napper I got when I was 5 - I am 40 now and still have him, although he doesn't work and is a bit worse for wear). I wanted him so bad, and my parents made me wait almost a year till my bday. I went tearing thru Toys-r-us and he was the last one left. I have never let him go. I'd love to get one for my son, but I see its not going to be so easy. I didn't realize he was so sought after!
Linda L Brown - January 19, 2013 - Report this comment
If you have a Napper please let me know . lindab411@
LeeAnn Carroll - February 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Oh my gosh! I can't believe my pup is so popular! These stories brought tears to my eyes. And they all sound so familiar lol. I also call my doggie 'Snapper' cause i thought that was his name. I'm 35 and that's how long I've had him. I got him for my first Christmas. He hasn't talked since I was a teen. My dad operated on him when his box stopped working. His nose was chewed off by one of our real dogs growing up. I gave him to my daughter and she kept asking what he looked and sounded like. That's what made me look on the net but i didn't expect to find an anything. I thought he was just some random brown stuffed animal. I'm very pleased to see how wrong i was. Long live Napper! Lol:D
Marian - April 06, 2013 - Report this comment
Would love to buy a Napper Dog if anyone has one for sale...
Monica - April 29, 2013 - Report this comment
I have him, he's old and worn 😢 and his voice box is broken
Carol - June 17, 2013 - Report this comment
Napper was such a great little toy. Wish they still made 'em like this. I still have mine, he's old and worn but mostly still talks.
Natalia - April 06, 2014 - Report this comment
cute for a small child
Iris smith - June 28, 2014 - Report this comment
I have a 1978 vintage hug n talk napper dog in good condition for sale if anyone is interested. He doesn't have any tears or nothing missing . Serious inquiries only. Contact me by my email: or my cell number is 1(229)848 2274. If no answer leave a message and I'll get back in touch with u as soon as possible. Thanks
Mat - October 23, 2014 - Report this comment
Sitting with my Napper now, he travels all over the world with me. He looks like a right mess and can't talk anymore but I will always take him with me. I will try and upload a photo of him if its possible!
Tammy - November 18, 2014 - Report this comment
I love this thread! I'm 37 and don't remember a time when I didn't have Snapper. Yes, mine is Snapper. I had no idea his name was really Snapper until reading these stories! He stopped talking about 10 years ago, but still has a place of honor in my bedroom. My parents still tell me stories of the times they spent pressing Snapper because I wouldn't go to sleep until Snapper said he was sleepy.
nathan - December 21, 2014 - Report this comment
Their one on ebay now can't see paying 340.00
Jamie - December 07, 2016 - Report this comment
This thread is hilarious! I had Napper too and loved him. He also said "I'm Napper wanna play?" on top of the rest listed above. Does anyone have a working Napper they want to sell? Please message me at
Erik - January 05, 2017 - Report this comment
My wife got a Napper in 1982 when she was 2 and just brought it home with her after we visited her parents this Christmas. I hadn't had one myself, but my wife adores him. He certainly is a cute lil feller, and he still talks!
Carol - June 21, 2017 - Report this comment
So much love for our friend Napper! Does anyone know about the making of this great toy?
Gidget - August 25, 2017 - Report this comment
I love my Napper so much! And he still talks! Will never give him up......
Jodie - October 29, 2017 - Report this comment
I am looking for a voicebox for my Napper as he has stopped talking. Or perhaps someone knows how it can be repaired. Please email me at
alicia - December 11, 2019 - Report this comment
i also have my napper! he was my best friend from age 4 thru my whole childhood. i did a search to try and find a way to get his little voice box fixed too, as so many others here have done. i miss hearing him talk! - January 14, 2020 - Report this comment
I am in search of a Napper dog. Please email me with a price.
Christy Worlton - July 15, 2020 - Report this comment
I'm looking for a Napper with working sound. I don't have much but if anyone is selling one like that in decent condition I will pay $125. if so please.
Lisa - November 12, 2021 - Report this comment
I still have my napper dog working order would love to know how much he’s worth
Aaron Springer - March 18, 2025 - Report this comment
I had two of these. One, my mother bought for me when we were going cross-country in 1979 or 1980, the other I found at a thrift store years later. The first lost its voice box due to me sliding down a slide with him into a mud puddle when I was about seven. The other came with a broken box. My mother did "surgery" on both to remove the box and replace it with additional stuffing. She finished the surgery by adding belly buttons, a flat brown button in a complimentary brown. Sadly, my ex-wife kept both, and they have been lost to time.

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