Toys of the Eighties, Patty Play Pal
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A large doll that could talk and sing.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Patty Play Pal from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

kelsey - July 28, 2007 - Report this comment
i luvv her shes so cute soooooooo awesome
Nikki - August 15, 2007 - Report this comment
My step sister and I (who are totally african americans) had a PPP doll back in the day. Remember she had a lunch box that we'd use to 'make her speak'??? How old school! We would play Easy-E/NWA tapes in the lunchbox. Loved this doll back in the day!!! Seems totally creepy now. I didn't remember her being this 'freaky' looking back then??? Oh yeah, I remember totally humping her when I was younger---so 80's.
kelsey - December 15, 2007 - Report this comment
i luv this patti so much very cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome
kelsey - December 15, 2007 - Report this comment
ok so patti is cute i luv her and peter playpal 2 but patti is my fave. Where did u get her? i wanna know.
Lorena - December 08, 2008 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember Patty Play Pal from the 80's? I still have my doll from the late 80's. She talks, blinks her eyes, but best of all.....when she talks her chin and jaw actually move. She is the last i remember of her kind and very realistic.
Joy - June 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I have the doll that was my daughters. She was bought somewhere around 89 or 90 and had the pick tape box, maybe a lunch box? When we moved I must have lost the box and now she is my granddaughters favorite doll, but I can't get her talking!! Anyone know where I could get the box?
Barbara - August 02, 2009 - Report this comment
i Just found a Patty Play Pal Doll. and I was wondering myself. Will she Play without the recorder box? If No then Let me know also where I can fine a box also. Thanks
Barbara - August 25, 2009 - Report this comment
I bought a patty play pal and she does not have a box either. And I would like to know where I can fine one.
josh - May 09, 2010 - Report this comment
i have a 1982 AA patti play pal doll thats all mint like she just came outa the box this is the non talking one she is 3 feet tall im trying to sell her for 75.00 there worth 225.00 please contact
Paula - May 22, 2010 - Report this comment
The patty play pal came out in the 60's. I still have mine. I got it for Christmas in 1960. The only thing is when the doll came out in the 60's, they weren't made to talk.
robf - June 06, 2010 - Report this comment
wow, some of the user submitted photos are somewhat...erm...creepy.
Dot - June 26, 2010 - Report this comment
I'm a child of the awesome 80's...I never had this toy or even heard of it, but she looks really pretty!
Amanda - August 16, 2010 - Report this comment
I got Patty Play Pal when I was little and carried the 3 ft doll EVERYWHERE. I just got her out of the attic tonight for my son to mess around with and she works like new. I got this almost 25 years ago and I had all of the books tapes and clothes. I will be searching down the rest of her stuff soon.
Geri - October 04, 2010 - Report this comment
My first Patty Play Pal was a short curly hair, don't know what ever happened to her, but I received another Patty to resemble how I looked in the day; long brunette hair with green eyes. My father made me put her out for the trash, I can still see her laying on top of the trash with her long hair just hanging...been trying to find her ever since :( I did manage to salvage her clothes and give them to a little girl down the street who was very poor.
Vivian - October 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I have never seen this doll! But on the side pik of her her boobs look huge!
Jackie - December 26, 2010 - Report this comment
regarding the latest upload pic, I think your 1960's doll is a Patti Playpal version (knockoff) made in Canada, which resembled Ideal's Patti Playpal doll somewhat. I think the Company's name was called 'Reliable'. There are no markings on the doll.
Karen - January 03, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a remake of the original patty play pal. She is losing her hair. It is just falling out without anyone touching it...Does anyone know where I can send her to be repaired?
josh - January 03, 2011 - Report this comment
Dear karen hi im josh im a doll repair artists i can re root your doll for you in any color you want just let me know 209 683 8470
Sandi-January 22, 2011 - January 22, 2011 - Report this comment
I got my Patty Play Pal about 48 years ago. I was a real tomboy and never played with her, she just stood in my bedroom. My mom had her for a few years when I got married, I eventually got her back. I now buy up to date clothes for her and she looks adorable. She stands in my sewing room and she freaks my boys out. They are 31 and 22.
josh - January 23, 2011 - Report this comment
i love my patti play pal's i have the orig patti from the early 60's and i have the AA pati play pal from 81 and i have a play pal type from the 60's and a re make version but her hair fell out so i re rooted her hair
amanda - October 14, 2014 - Report this comment
i have a original patti play pal my brother tore mine up as a child but later my mom ran across a lady who sold her an entire building of dolls and there she was irreplacable works like new and even has her recorder its lovely she has tapes and books still in boxes
Rachel - December 18, 2014 - Report this comment
I have a blonde later one up in the attic in great condition and original outfit - last time I looked at it though her shoes and socks were missing, no idea where they went!
Karen - February 02, 2015 - Report this comment
I recently purchsed a Ideal Patty Playpal doll, made by Ideal in the mid-1980s. I'm wondering if anyone here knows how she works. I've seen several others online, but none explain how to make her move her eyes and talk along with the cassette recording. I know she takes 4 AA batteries but have also read that she needs a 9 volt as well. I've searched all over the doll and can't find anywhere to plug in the 9 volt battery. I have the pink case containing a cassette player and the doll is supposed to somehow interact with it. There's a small wire that goes around the inside perimeter of the case which we think may be some sort of device to pick up her radio waves? Any help would be appreciated. I didn't know Ideal made a Patti PP in the 1980s until I found this one and am need help of figuring this out. Thank you!
Susie - April 15, 2016 - Report this comment
The 9V battery fits inside the battery compartment with the 4 AA batteries. It's an extremely tight fit, and my doll doesn't talk. I don't know if she's broken or if it's simply a problem with the battery placement. I'm looking for instructions for her as well.
Jane Maxwell - February 04, 2017 - Report this comment
The original Patti playpal was made from 1959 - 1962. She was made with blow molded plastic torso and legs and heavy vinyl head and arms. Her hair was saran and her sleeping eyes were Margon. She was issued in many beautiful dresses. She was re-released in 1982 in all plastic body and soft vinyl head. Her eyes were stationary. She only came in white with blond hair and blue eyes or black with black hair and brown eyes. She came in a one piece checked dress similar to an early check dress. In the 90's Ideal issued an entirely different type doll called a Talking Patti playpal. The disturbing photo submitted of a Patti with boobs was submitted by a man who has posted lewd pictures of these modified dolls in sexual situations on the internet. He has been investigated in the past as a possible pedophile.
Fred - February 05, 2017 - Report this comment
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Bonnie Terrier - November 13, 2018 - Report this comment
Jocelyn Beck - January 05, 2020 - Report this comment
I was able to pay off my credit card debts and also eliminate eviction off court records with the help of Aaron Swartz Cyber Services AT Gmail dot Com on Verified Quora recommendations. His charges are lesser and gives you evidence before final payment. I have purchased the home and a car i was dreaming for and I’m free to apply for anything I want. So contact the Email above if you need to fix any issue your credit scores or Text him (614) 344-8376.
Margo Duncan - January 08, 2020 - Report this comment
I was sitting near to three women at a church some time ago when I heard them talking about Aaron Swartz getting credit reports fixed. Then I was given his contact AaronSwartzCyberServices At Gmail Dot Com or Text him (614) 344-8376. He increase my score to 858 and no negative items anymore on my credit report. Thanks to his expertise and genius hack. Get your credit report fixed the help of the Aaron Swartz.
Dwaine Steve - February 28, 2020 - Report this comment
Being patient with (METRO CREDIT REPAIR) during my credit repair process was worth it. Last year I enlisted in the National Guard, and did all of my training from Jan-August. I had almost $13k worth of collections after I added up the line of credit that I was paying daily interest on. My bills were basically $2400 per month, before my drill weekends I was making a little over $2800 per month. It was a pretty rough time. I was 12 months into my car loan and every time I applied to refinance, I got denied. I tried to get a debt consolidation loan and got denied. Then I had to switch employers and also got denied for their credit check. But thanks to: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM who has helped me repair my credit and given me an excellent score (780). Now I no longer get denied for anything at all. Write him on: +17868085325
Ryan Havila - March 01, 2020 - Report this comment
My husband and I had some couple of negative items with low score that disqualified us from everything. So we searched for a credit expert on credit magic to help us fix our credit profile and we agreed to trust 760PLUS CREDIT SCORE after we have read good reviews and trusted recommendations from people about him, we explained to about the negative items on our report and he gave us a period of one week. Eventually, we finally got an excellent result within 7 days .Our score were increased to 780 and 805 respectively .All debt were marked as paid, late payment appeared as on time payment and other negative item were deleted. I strongly recommend him. Write him via: 760PLUSCREDITSCORE@GMAIL.COM or text 1(304) -774 -5902.
Allen Cole - March 02, 2020 - Report this comment
Hello everyone, are you having credit issues? I will advise you all to get to (METRO CREDIT REPAIR). He’s an expert in increasing and repairing of credit scores and negative collections. He helped me increase my credit score from 415 to 845 and I am so grateful to him, I can prove to you that he’s a legit good hacker because he did came through and he helped me with the little I have. He’s services is affordable, fast and reliable. Contact him via email:METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or mobile number:+17868085325. Don’t get ripped anymore by the fake hackers. Get to him so you can get your problems solved. Trust me!
Jesse Wilson - March 07, 2020 - Report this comment
I wanted the American dream but I have some late mortgage payments due to a divorce, a medical bill that is charge off, one late credit card payment the sum of $45k and some inquiries which affect my credit report. When i get in touch with Aaron Swartz my story changed for the better. He help me pay off my credit card debts and delete all negative items on my credit report within 7days. Here are his contact info; AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com, Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376. I proudly & strongly recommend his services to everyone out there in need of credit fix. He's above the rest and simply the best.
Nicolas Glen - March 09, 2020 - Report this comment
My score was 352 out of 900 on clear score as you can see I cannot get anything at all due to being immature few years back. I had a few negatives, I had an IVA, I also had defaults with telecom companies and also credit cards. I went online and found a credit specialist on credit sesame. I contacted him on his personal email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM and he asked me to text him on his number: +17868085325 for further discussion and I did immediately. I said to him, “if you can help me I will forever be in your debt”. He said to me I will help you bring your credit profile up to speed. After few days he deleted everything bad on my credit report and increased my score from 352 to 819 making me the happiest man on earth. God bless him and his entire household. I strongly recommend him for your credit repair.
Jimmy Watson - March 13, 2020 - Report this comment
Excellent and Professional Investigative Services Here are his contact info; AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com, Whatsapp/Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376. Phone hack E-mail hack Recovery of passwords/documents Increase Credit score Clearing of Criminal records Binary options Recovery Issuing of Blank ATM School Grades Credit Fixing Transcript Fixing Password and email Retrieval Hack into any Database or Websites Identification of Cheating Partner or employee Hack Social Network
James Thomas - March 18, 2020 - Report this comment
Are you in a needy situation, seeking the help of a legit credit repair specialist/ethical hacker? There are not many that can do what this man is capable of doing. I got introduced to this credit specialist with the contact mail: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM this hacker, literally helped me delete late payments which I incurred as far back as 2019 when I lost my job and was struggling with my finances, blemishes that been lurking on my credit report and two inquiries. He helped me increase my credit score with a value of over + 102, recommended some few steps also that I have been following and have been giving me results I desired. He really did so well that I couldn't hold my satisfaction, being the fact that I’ve been trying to obtain a mortgage loan but all of this were serving as hindrances, not until I met him. Now I got my mortgage and now living in my house happily. I’ll say if you are in similar situation, better send a message to their email like I said earlier: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or text him: +17868085325
Deanna Wade - March 18, 2020 - Report this comment
If you’re looking to get your credit fixed I would recommend a reliable hacker to get in touch with Aaron Swartz. I was suffering from low FICO score 570 and was unable to meet up to my financial standard. He help me raise my FICO score to 820 excellent standard and He also clear all the hard inquiries on my report, clear the $85k on my credit cards within few days. He's affordable and always delivers good service. Here are his contact info; AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com, Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376.
Carlos Miller - March 22, 2020 - Report this comment
After having multiple bad experiences with credit repair companies and figuring out the credit score they told me they boosted. It was actually false and the negatives on my report wasn’t cleaned. So I tried this: METRO CREDIT REPAIR I have read a lot of recommendations about him which at first made me doubt his legitimacy, but when I contacted him and told him exactly what I want him to do he got it done surprisingly and showed me proof before I made the rest payment. I am also recommending his company to ya’ll. You can also Email him: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or text him: +17868085325 He also clean driving records.
Gretchen Brewer - March 26, 2020 - Report this comment
Thank you Aaron Swartz for all your help. I got a new credit card limit the sum of $15k with positive tradeline on my credit report within few days. He also help me raise my credit score over 200 point and He make sure he delete all negative items on my credit profile. He made my life better and easy without no regrets after working with him. I’ve been able to get the mortgage loan and that has being my dream. AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com
Robert Hilton - March 27, 2020 - Report this comment
I can't keep this on my mind without posting his good works so the rest can use him because he's capable. He helped me clear all the debts on my credit cards and make money available once again. And assured me a pull back on my credit score. I explained how I was in debts and also told him I have some couple of credit cards that are maxed out. He helped me increase my credit score to 810 which is a golden score and also clear all the negative collections on my report within 2 weeks. He is worth working with. Email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or Text: +17868085325
Jeannie Hubbard - March 29, 2020 - Report this comment
Carlos Miller - March 31, 2020 - Report this comment
I am ever grateful and will ensure that I keep recommending the best credit repair company: (METRO CREDIT REPAIR) for helping me and my family fix our credit score of 470 to 805 within a period of 7days. We had the issues of not been able to rent an apartment, and to obtain a loan to clear our son’s school fees wasn’t possible as a result of poor credit score. I had several late pays to the extent my car was almost retrieved hence I couldn’t meet up with the payment. METRO CREDIT REPAIR changed the narrative just after I contracted them. This company has proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are expert in credit repair. Therefore, I strongly recommend their Email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM to any person who may need the services of a legit hacker or text them: +17868085325 They’re very swift. Note: I wasn’t induced in any way to write this review. Goodluck!
Mark Johnson - April 03, 2020 - Report this comment
Hello my name is ¬¬¬Mark Johnson I and my wife immigrated to Austin 2 years back and we have two credit cards each and we pay off our bills on due dates through pre-authorized debits. Our credit card balances are paid in full on the due dates automatically through debit setups from our chequing account. I utilize my credit card more than my wife and the bank has increased my limit 5 times in 2 years. We utilize about 20% of our credit limits. We have not defaulted a single credit card or bill payment. All the phone, internet, newspaper, insurance etc. are in my name. My wife has only the two credit cards to pay. We do not have a mortgage or car loans. However, when I checked my credit score on CIBC online banking (they provide this facility for free), mine is 620 (fair) and my wife's is 690 (excellent). So I was worried why we have this difference. So I consulted my lawyer who advised me to contact a credit expert called JAMES CAMBEL with his contact address; JAMESCAMBELCREDITEXPERT@GMAIL.COM/ +1 (205) 575 9041 I emailed him instantly explained the issues to him. He guided me through after meeting his demands. Finally he raised my score and that of my wife's a bit higher about 800 to 825 respectively. Kindly contact him if you have credit issues. Thanks.
Margaret Garcia - April 09, 2020 - Report this comment
Do you want to increase you FICO score? Do you want to pay off your credit card debt? I want to use this medium in appreciating Aaron Swartz for his good service. My FICO score suddenly raise up 820 excellent standard within 92 hours and He also help me make payment on my credit cards to clear off my debts the total sum of $85k within the short time. He did exactly what he said he would, He's always available at any time and awesome. Reach him for help via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376.
Dwaine Steve - April 09, 2020 - Report this comment
Get your credit cleaned with the help of a reliable hacker. Initially I thought it was not realistic but I got to realize that I had to follow some steps carefully and after that I had to give a full explanation of my problem. He told me not to panic because our conversation is encrypted and if anything goes wrong, I can take legal actions against them. I agreed and now I have come to share with you all, my testimony. All thanks to (METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR). Just in case you have the same problem with your credit card as I had with mine, don’t hesitate to contact him through this email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or call: +17868085325
Howard Samuel - April 11, 2020 - Report this comment
FICO scores is 780 now and it posted on all reporting agencies with the service of 760 Plus Credit SCore : It also works if u have a VERY GOOD credit score and need inquiries, collection accounts, charge offs or debt etc removed. A few months ago I read about them and just last month I decided to give them a try, today I can boost of a perfect credit profile. All thanks to 760 Plus Credit Score. I strongly recommend them if you desire to fix Credit Score. Here is the contact: Email: 760pluscreditscore @ gmail dot com Phone: +1(304) -774 -5902.
Mark J Williams - April 14, 2020 - Report this comment
Here is the little story behind the successful job done, 3 weeks ago I got in touch with (METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR), he explained how everything work and told me the fees I was to pay to enable them carry out my job and everything. So I got back to them with my payment and all they needed. I had 2 bad credit cards, with some little amount of debt of about $14,400. I must say right now they got all cleared and I was able to restore back my credit card. Please if you have related issues contact them on: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or text: +17868085325 Cheers!
Kimberly Webster - April 19, 2020 - Report this comment
I was going through hard times with my family about getting a new house at the end of April. I have been paying Lexington Law for the past 45 days, and only one item came off yesterday for us both and the score didn't move. I saw Aaron Swartz info on a forum on Youtube Forum about fixing credit report. I decided to get in touch with him, He help us to raise our credit report to 780 excellent plus and Got approved for Mortgage loan to purchase our dream house. Reach him for help via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376.
Anthony K Leonard - April 22, 2020 - Report this comment
As impossible as it may seem, I can boldly tell you that it is possible for a hacker to fix your credit, I usually don’t do this but because of the joy and gladness I feel cannot be quantified, I feel like I have no worries in the world anymore since I contacted (METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR) they helped fix my credit. I read about them and decided to give them a try; they provide a wide range of services for those with poor or bad credit. If you want you can reach them on: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or call: +17868085325. Trust me they are truly the best. Thank me later!
Emily Campbell - April 30, 2020 - Report this comment
Being patient with (METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR) during my credit repair process was worth it. Last year I enlisted in the National Guard, and did all of my training from August-December. I had almost $12k worth of collections after I added up the line of credit that I was paying daily interest on. My bills were basically $2300 per month, before my drill weekends I was making a little over $2700 per month. It was a pretty rough time. I was 12 months into my car loan and every time I applied to refinance, I got denied. I tried to get a debt consolidation loan and got denied. Then I had to switch employers and also got denied for their credit check. But thanks to: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM who has helped me repair my credit and given me an excellent score (780). Now I no longer get denied for anything at all. Write him on: +17868085325
Jeannette Riley - May 01, 2020 - Report this comment
Thank you for your credit repair service! I had 8 negative items, couple of credit card debts, eviction on my report. He told me what it will cost to repair my report, I complied and after 4 days my score moved to 785 with positive tradelines added to it. He also help swipe off all eviction on my report, late payment marked as on time payment then pay off my credit cards debts also fund my credit card with $10k each. Aaron Swartz remains the best. Reach him for help via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376, your credit profile will be fixed.
Thomas Levis - May 04, 2020 - Report this comment
Whether you want a fast credit repair for mortgage loan or buying a car, HACKNET CREDIT SPECIALIST is a legitimate credit repair Agent that will help you fix your credit quickly to deliver instant credit repair for immediate results. He is also good in repairing all kinds of credit issues like: 1. Repairing of credit 2. Chex System removal 3. Boosting of credit score to an excellent point 4. Clearing criminal record from your public record 5. Bank Judgment 6. School upgrades 7. Retrieval of lost funds and hacked mails 8. Clearing of Credit Card Debts and School loans, 9. Removal of Evictions from your credit report 10. Adding of all kinds of Tradelines like Mortgages tradelines, Installment tradelines, Auto tradelines and Revolving Credit Cards. 11. Removal of Repossessions 12. Removal of Charge-Offs 13. Clearing of Foreclosures 14. Removal of Tax Liens He is honest and affordable at all cost at any of his services you want him to offer kindly reach him out with any of those details Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM Cell: (949) 397 8437 He is always available at all time to attend to anyone who needs his services.
Ashley Byrd - May 20, 2020 - Report this comment
Having a credit card debts can actually be a very bad experience. I didn’t get approved because of my debts, I mailed Aaron Swartz about my credit issues. He help me raise my credit score to 820 excellent and cleared all negative items on my credit report and also added beautiful Tradelines. His service is secured, fast with affordable price. Get more info via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Marcia Clifford - May 23, 2020 - Report this comment
A lot of Americans suffers credit errors because they haven’t met the right one to help them out, so they go ahead falling into the wrong side. I was once a victim of that scandal but after I made the right choice by contacting HACKNET to fix my credit which he did exactly what I was expecting he got all the items in collections, hard inquires, loans, medical bills, bank judgment out of my report and boost my score from 510 to 780 plus and everything is now working perfectly on my credit and I got approved for the capital one credit card I applied for. He is also good in fixing all kinds of hacking issues and repairing of Chex Systems. If you need to reach him out please kindly contact him now with the following details. Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM Telephone: (949) 397 8437
Becky Castro - May 25, 2020 - Report this comment
It's been a crazy year for me during the pandemic going on which I had so many criminal records, eviction with credit card debts on my credit report. A friend of mine emphasized on credit repair called Aaron Swartz which I get in touch with him ASAP. I followed he’s instructions and He help me delete all negative items on my credit profile and He also raise my credit score to 821, pay off my credit debts within 7days. Thank you very much. Aaron Swartz remains the best. Get more info via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Cornelius Nguyen - June 06, 2020 - Report this comment
Aaron Swartz is a special hacker and 100% protected, He told me my credit will be boosted to 790 within 72 hours and restored my dignity. Remove negative items, Hard inquiries added positive tradelines to my credit report and I was able to get a loan and pay for a home. I remain thankful to Aaron Swartz for my credit repair. Get more info via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Bryon Milton - June 06, 2020 - Report this comment
I was all in debt and was confused about what to do with my life until i found this great hacker on the internet with wonderful reviews in different blog about credit repairs and how good he is. So i contacted him and explained all my problems to him and i was surprised when he said he's ready to help me with the little money i have with me. He help me clear all the negative items and the Eviction on my credit report, late payment were marked as paid and increase my credit score to 795 excellent and i got approved for car loans, house loans and all. He also help me clear all my credit cards debts. He's real, honest and affordable. Kindly contact him with the following details and get your credit fixed fast. Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM Phone: +1 (949) 397 8437 WhatsApp: +1 (701) 975 0405
Incredible Hacker - June 10, 2020 - Report this comment
Contact Aaron Swartz For All Kinds Of Hacking Job He's a professional Hacker with decades of experience - Erase Criminal Records - Database Hack - Sales of ATM Cards - School Grades Upgrade - Facebook Hack - Whatsapp Hack - Erase Bad Driving - Bitcoin Mining - Sign Up For Illuminanti and get Famous faster - Twitters hack - Credit Score Boost - Pay Off Credit Card Debts - Loading Bank Account - Recovery of Stolen Bitcoin - Control devices Remotely Hack Get more info via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Grace Sherman - June 24, 2020 - Report this comment
Thanks Goes to Amazing Hacker called Aaron Swartz for clearing my student loan within days. He helped me clear all the negative collections on my report and also helped me increase my FICO score to 780 excellent standard within 72 hours. Not only that he also cleared all my 3 maxed out credit card debt and since then my life has been so amazing. Get more info via AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Mark Gibson - September 09, 2020 - Report this comment
There are a few recommended steps you can take to improve your credit score that put you on the path to a good credit score. Improving your credit score is all about doing the right things over a short period of time. My colleague mentioned about how METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR assisted him over his credit score and how they clean up DUI report and I wondered if they could fix my credit profile too. I already thought I’ll need to work all my life to pay up all this dept. But at my very state now I have my very low score of 450 I contacted them and explain everything. After then My whole story changed, they did not just remove the negatives on my report only but also increased my score a bit higher up to 800 just in 9 working days. Kindly contact them now for your credit repairs. METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or text them on +15109551799
Anita T Justin - October 06, 2020 - Report this comment
After having multiple bad experiences with credit repair companies and figuring out the credit score they told me they boosted was actually false and the negatives on my report wasn’t cleaned I tried this - METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR I have read a lot of recommendations about him which at first made me doubt his legitimacy but when I contacted him and told him exactly what I want him to do. And he got it done surprisingly and showed me proof before I made the rest payment. You can also text or call him: +15109551799 or Email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM He also clean driving records and fix DOT Report.
Donald Thompson - October 10, 2020 - Report this comment
My wife and I were referred to Franco through a banker we know and told us that he has tremendous results helping people with their credit history. Not only was Franco professional and organized, he was also very easy to talk to and relate to. He showed us in easy to understand terms what is good and bad for our credit profile and that it is equally important to build credit as well as mend and care for your credit profile. Franco is an excellent teacher as well. He showed us how to improve our personal credit and has a vast knowledge bank of what to do for business credit as well. THEY DEAL WITH ALL HACKING SERVICE. Text Him: +15109551799 or Email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM
Harry Compton - November 10, 2020 - Report this comment
My wife and I were referred to METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR through a banker we know and told us that he has tremendous results helping people with their credit history. Not only was METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR professional and organized, he was also very easy to talk to and relate to. He showed us in easy to understand terms what is good and bad for our credit profile and that it is equally important to build credit as well as mend and care for your credit profile. METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR is an excellent teacher as well. He showed us how to improve our personal credit and has a vast knowledge bank of what to do for business credit as well. His contact: +17866888744 or Email: @METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM
Stacy Harper - November 23, 2020 - Report this comment
Life became worth living again just after my remarkable encounter with Kenstar Cyber Services. Low credit rating got my life messed up, leading to apartment eviction 6 months ago, car repossession and unending calls from creditors. I knew I got myself into such mess because of my financial recklessness and indiscipline. Unreserved gratitude to Kenstar who came in for me and got my credit repaired excellently, also raised my score to 748, eviction and car repossession removed from report and two positive trade lines added. Moved into my own apartment last week with a new car. I encourage everyone seeking credit repair to hit him on KENSTARCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM/+15057387188.
Mitt Romney - November 23, 2020 - Report this comment
Hello everyone, are you having credit issues? I will advise you all to get to METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR. He’s an expert in increasing and repairing of credit scores and negative collections. He helped me increase my credit score from 415 to 845 and I am so grateful to him. I can prove to you that he’s a legit good hacker because he did came through and he helped me with the little I have. He’s services is affordable, fast and reliable. contact him via email: @METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or mobile number: +17025827091 Don’t get ripped anymore by the fake hackers. Get to him so you can get your problems solved.
Donald Gibson - December 01, 2020 - Report this comment
I was in complete state of dilemma after I fell behind my card payments which drastically dropped my score to 432, I already had eviction and several collections including students loans, It was obvious I won't get approved for anything at the same time I was trying to build my business but everything was very tough and difficult until I came across METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR on several credit sites, I also read good reviews about him and did my research. After that, I decided to email him on: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or text on: +17025827091 and told him everything I needed and asked if my credit is fixable before I put my resources because I was really working hard to earn money and wouldn't want to lose a dime, Franco replied with a positive answer and asked me to text on his work phone. I texted him and he replied immediately and explained the process which took approximately seven (7) working days. Franco raised my score.
Lucas Graham - December 13, 2020 - Report this comment
Since I reached adulthood my credit has been poor due to having a serious medical condition and being raised in a struggling family without proper medical insurance. Even though I've worked hard my whole life I could never get a handle on my credit situation and never had the opportunity to prove my credit worthiness. Desperate to have a good credit, I've been taken by scams promising to clean my credit up and after spending a lot of money I never see changes. Reluctantly, I reached out to METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR to help me & in just a couple days he was able to solve most of my problems! Wish I found him earlier. He's a professional & relentless to get things straightened out. Email him on: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM or Text him on: +17025827091
Ramon Billy - December 22, 2020 - Report this comment
Loan offer 3% Attention: Loan Applicant, Do you need a loan to solve your financial burden or make an investment? If so! Contact XIMA today for loan assistance. They offer short- and long-term loans with an interest rate of 3%. You can borrow from a minimum of $ 5,000.00 and a maximum of $ 250 million. Contact us at xima fin group @gmail DOT com for more information.
Justus Elvis - January 02, 2021 - Report this comment
I spent three months in the hotel with my entire family because I had a very bad credit report. The worst of it all was the eviction among other negative items and inquiries. An old friend recommended Hack West Credit Specialist and I immediately contacted him via hackwest at writeme dot com and 424-307-2638 after 7 days my score went up to 799 vantage and 805 FICO. All negative items including the inquiries were off and eviction was taken away. I was able to get my own house. All thanks to the West. If you have a similar case you can contact them. Compliments of the season!
Tom Diego - January 10, 2021 - Report this comment
Something just happened to me which I never believed was possible by anyone until now that I met a credit expert hacker (METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR) who helped me get my problems off my neck. I was in the depths of despair. I applied for a mortgage loan through Navy Federal and was denied. I found the home I wanted and time is of the essence. My credit needed to be repaired urgently and soon since I found my property. I had lots of charge offs, repo, and student loans. I needed the negatives all removed. But now I am so surprised to see the good changes on my credit report. Now I can provide shelter for my family. it has really been a great support from him. Do get his help via email:METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM and he will definitely solve your credit problems or text him:+17025827091
JUDE ALEX - January 21, 2021 - Report this comment
Last year I spent four months in the hotel, I and my wife with three kids because I had a very bad credit report. The worst of it all was 7 collections, and other negative items were hard inquiries 3 late payment bankruptcy and charge offs. A friend of mine recommended a hacker called KMAX CYBER SERVICES l contacted him via: kmax cyber services at gmail dot com and {717 603 7485} l explain the problem. Within 3 to 7 days my eyes cannot behold how my score boosted in the 3 credit bureaus TransUnion 780 Equifax 776 Experian 799. All negative items including the collections and others late payment were mark as on time payment. l got a home for family. Hit him up for similar case.
AUSTIN LEO - January 26, 2021 - Report this comment
Hi my name is Austin Leo, if you need help to fix your credit, I've seen a lot of people complain about their low credit issues for such a long period and I think it's high time I tell you guys how I got my credit score increased. It really works for me. my credit was fix with the help of KMAX CYBER SERVICES who i was introduce to with the help of my old time friend she told me her experience she explained to me i can never be good only if i experiencing it myself so i contacted him and talk to him if he could help me with a good credit score and to my greatest surprised he increase my score to 800 Excellent within a week and pay for my late payment in my 3 credit card. Hit him up via: { or text him 717 603 7485} and thank me later.
Jaden Anderson - January 28, 2021 - Report this comment
Since I reached adulthood my credit has been poor due to having a serious medical condition and being raised in a struggling family without proper medical insurance. Even though I've worked hard my whole life I could never get a handle on my credit situation and never had the opportunity to prove my credit worthiness. Desperate to have a good credit, I've been taken by scams promising to clean my credit up and after spending a lot of money I never see changes. Reluctantly, I reached out to: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM to help me and in just a couple days he was able to solve most of my problems! Wish I found him earlier. He's a professional & relentless to get things straightened out. Also text him: +17025827091
DAISY FRANK - January 29, 2021 - Report this comment
I will recommend you contact KMAX CYBER SERVICES for any kind of credit repair after he helped my boyfriend get his score up from 410 to 817 and also help clear his debts on his 2 cards, i really want to appreciate his good work because my boyfriend is always freaky ever since unknown person used his credit card to purchase some goods what $7000 online which he knows nothing about not until he finally got help from kmax cyberservices at gmail dot com you can reach him through his email, for any kind of job, and thank me later.
JAMES MOORE - February 01, 2021 - Report this comment
Are you desperately in need of a hacker in any area of your life??? then you can contact; ( services like; -hack into your cheating partner's phone(whatsapp,,icloud,facebook, twitter,snap chat and others) -Sales of Blank ATM cards. -hack into email accounts and trace email location -all social media accounts, -school database to clear or change grades, -Retrieval of lost file/documents -DUIs -company records and systems, -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts -Credit cards hacker -Credit score hack -Monitor any phone and email address -Websites hacking, pentesting. -IP addresses and people tracking. -Hacking courses and classes CONTACT THEM= hackintechnologyatgmaildotcom or whatsapp +12132951376 their services are the best on the market and 100% security and discreet work is guarante
Broody Walker - February 12, 2021 - Report this comment
Without any benefit of a doubt, delay is denial now I’m sure. I needed to fix my credit real bad some months back, I tried talking to one hacker online and he asked for money and I backed out. About two months ago, my score dropped massively to about 420 then I started sorting for solution; I read an article online that brought me to the solution arena {+1 415 754 7204} That’s the number that changed my whole story. I spoke to RAPIDCREDITREPAIRS@GMAIL.COM and we came to an agreement and poof in just 3 working days my score got some elevation 805, oh yeah! So tell me what in God’s name are you waiting for? you too can have peace of mind like I do now just try them out and see for yourself. Cheers
Betty Oliver - February 17, 2021 - Report this comment
Definitely if you're getting a trusted ethical hacker to help you with credit score boosting or clone of your spouse phones or even their social media accounts, like messenger, whatsapp instagram, and mails, etc. especially for spouses in distant relationship I will recommend you to this hacker with the email address, SPY.HACK . he has helped me on several hack jobs since my friend introduced him to me, he's been so spectacular. for obvious reasons, I would not want to go into details on how he's helped me hack my spouses social media accounts and even my friends when they gossip. for relative hack jobs ranging from ACCOUNTS HACK CREDIT SCORE INCREASE CREDIT REPORT FIX EMAIL ACCOUNTS HACK WHATSAPP AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA HACK UNLOCK OF PHONES OF DATE / LATE RELATIVES and some other relative hack job, just hit him up EAGLESPYHACKER @GMAIL.COM
Moses Ernest - February 17, 2021 - Report this comment
He helped me got my surgery loan approved and that’s why I’m testifying. Last month I was reading an article on reddit and I came across a comment about a credit repair hacker that helped people get their lives back. I was actually trying to get help last month in other to fix my credit. My credit was in the 400s, I had negatives. I had applied for a surgery loan but couldn’t get an approval. However, I contacted the hack company credit repair via email at and we reached an agreement. Through a lovely conversation They removed all my debts, removed evictions etc. my current credit score is 790 and I have some positives on my credit right now. I must really say they were worth to fix my problems and get all my credit solution repaired. The amazing part was the way we where having conversation together he took his time to explain all I never understood.
Alex Phillip - February 18, 2021 - Report this comment
Everyone is currently talking about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, Research has shown that Eight out of every Ten American citizen have got some bad debts, Unpaid student loan or even a criminal record probably as a result of past mistakes or the bad choices made, All of these negative records in one way or the other causes serious damage to the creditworthiness of their credit report thus deflecting the score. Rebuilding a good credit score can be very frustrating and usually takes up months or even years depending on how consistent they pay bills completely & on time. I used to be among to these unfortunate categories until recently when i had this job interview I was invited to attend by The Mosaic Company in Minnesota, and after a background-check by the company I was placed on hold because of my terrible credit report. I needed an immediate solution and I came across a recommendation on a local community review by some beneficiaries of TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, and I was instructed to contact TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ +1 505 926 3648. And just couple of days after, I received an email regarding changes in my credit report. I discovered my negative Tradelines were off and my credit score increased from 668 to 794 I finally got a clean start & a new job. Thanks to TROVIAN.
Eric Rodga - February 24, 2021 - Report this comment
I will encourage you to contact RAYLINK CYBER SERVICES for your credit issue. He is genuine and trustworthy, for almost 2years I have been suffering from low credit score, when I subscribed to the service of RAYLINK he came true for me and raised my credit score to 795 within 12days. Do well to contact him on RAYLINKCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
ALEXA PRINCE - February 26, 2021 - Report this comment
After divorce with my husband I went through a lot of difficulty. I took multiple loans which I never had money to pay back. Well, that wasn’t the best path as it affected my FICO score terribly badly afterwards. Got in contact with a specialist after the bank rejected all my proposals for more loans as I needed a new apartment for me and my kids, all I did to fix my credit on my own was all in vain, not until i came in contact with Kmax Cyber Services. He helped Cleared off 3 negativities, and paid off the multiple loans on my credit profile and also raised my FICO Score to 797. You too can try him by contacting them via: Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com Or Call {717 603 7485 }. And get your credit ASAP fixed in less than 7days.
Scott - March 30, 2021 - Report this comment
Hello everyone My name is Scott Mcall. I want to use this medium to share to you guys about how my life changed for the better after meeting good hackers I got $15,000USD while working with them. They are really efficient and reliable they perform various hack such as. BITCOIN HACK PAYPAL HACK BANK ACCOUNT HACK WESTERN UNION HACK BLANK HACK ETC... Please if you are interested in any of this, contact them via WhatsApp: ‪+1 (856)3151566‬ Contact them today and be happy
James Anderson - April 01, 2021 - Report this comment
My girlfriend and I finally got the apartment we have been looking for after living our old home at New Jersey. We want to build as much credit as possible so that in about a year when our lease is up, we can seriously look at mortgages. Neither of us had a bad credit history, although we have some couple of late payment collections electric and internet bills phone bills and some other stuff that made it a little bit bad but when I explained these to my brother he now gave this contact info hacknet567 AT gmail DOT com (949) 397 8437 for solution I quickly text him for help and he got everything wiped out and paid off my late payment including the phone bills. Am so grateful to have meet hacknet that gave me a good credit profile with an excellent credit score of 803. I will like everyone out there to reach him out with those info above for fast credit repair
Clear Hilton - April 08, 2021 - Report this comment
CRYPTO ACCOUNT TAKEOVER (ATO) attacks are on the rise and are costing individuals, businesses, and organizations significant financial and damage that are often difficult to recover quickly. Cybercriminals use stolen credentials such as usernames and passwords obtained by malware and social engineering to gain sensitive information, and they’re using that same data to access websites and bankings/Bitcoin accounts wallet to transfer money, execute fraudulent transactions and bring people down to a Zero point financially. Dhacker is a group of equipped Hackers come together as a team to track down & to recover whatever that has being stolen from you from the most difficult internet SCAMMERS. NOTE!! We've received countless heartbreaking reports of notorious cyber scammers and we’ve successful recover them back. contact us on ((Binary Recovery. Files stolen, University Graded, Private Key Recovery, Wiping Criminal Records, Blank ATM Card, FB & IG Telegram Hack, & Phone Hacking)) border us with your jobs & allow us give you positive result with our hacking skills. Email we Guarantee you up to %85 REMEMBER YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR PRIDE
Clear Hilton - April 10, 2021 - Report this comment
Guys M&D is a group of equipped Hackers working together as a team to track down & to recovery funds back from the most difficult internet SCAMMERS. NOTE!! We've received countless heartbreaking reports of notorious scammers and we’ve successful recover them back. Do contact us on ((Binary Recovery. University Grades.Wiping Criminal Records, FB & IG Telegram Hack, Loads & Phone Hacking)) border us with your jobs & allow us give you positive result with our hacking skills. Email we Guarantee you up to %85 REMEMBER YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR PRIDE
Clear Hilton - April 20, 2021 - Report this comment
CRYPTO ACCOUNT TAKEOVER (ATO) attacks are on the rise and are costing individuals, businesses, and organizations significant financial and damage that are often difficult to recover quickly. Cybercriminals use stolen credentials such as usernames and passwords obtained by malware and social engineering to gain sensitive information, and they’re using that same data to access websites and bankings/Bitcoin accounts wallet to transfer money, execute fraudulent transactions and bring people down to a Zero point financially. Dhacker is a group of equipped Hackers come together as a team to track down & to recover whatever that has being stolen from you from the most difficult internet SCAMMERS. NOTE!! We've received countless heartbreaking reports of notorious cyber scammers and we’ve successful recover them back. contact us on ((Binary Recovery. Files stolen, University Graded, Private Key Recovery, Wiping Criminal Records, Blank ATM Card, FB & IG Telegram Hack, & Phone Hacking)) border us with your jobs & allow us give you positive result with our hacking skills. Email we Guarantee you up to %85 REMEMBER YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR PRIDE
Bennett Peters - April 25, 2021 - Report this comment
I became so exhausted of working on my credit without seeing any improvement, one day at the office, a colleague came to work and was very happy so l asked what was the secret of your happiness then she explained how she was able to buy a new home with the help of a credit repair expert (kmax cyber services), whom l met on the reddit, then l decided to give it a try, today am glad to say thanks to KMAX CYBER SERVICES COMPANY, He helped me boost my score up to 809 without any delay and deleted all the negative items such as collection, hard inquiries, late payment were marked as on time payment, eviction, and foreclosure, am happy now i have a clean report with a good positive trade lines, you too can contact them for any kind of credit hack via: KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM OR CALL {717 603 7485}. Cheers!
Mark J Williams - April 29, 2021 - Report this comment
My score was 352 out of 900 on clear score as you can see I cannot get anything at all due to being immature few years back. I had a few negatives, I had an IVA, I also had defaults with telecom companies and also credit cards. I went online and found a credit specialist on credit sesame. I contacted him on his personal email: METROLINKS360@GMAIL.COM and he asked me to text him on his number: +7025827091 for further discussion and I did immediately. I said to him, “if you can help me I will forever be in your debt”. He said to me I will help you bring your credit profile up to speed. After few days he deleted everything bad on my credit report and increased my score from 352 to 819 making me the happiest man on earth. God bless him and his entire household. I strongly recommend him for your credit repair.
Dr Willycurry - May 06, 2021 - Report this comment
My name is Dr Williams Curry, Medical Field, Sharing my experience, for any one who needs a trusted Hacker, who helped me change my Medical School Grade, His good on increasing credit score, “Joe Engressia”. Reach him on Whatsapp: +1(732) 639–1527. Email: Regards
Dr Willycurry - May 07, 2021 - Report this comment
My name is Dr Williams Curry, Medical Field, Sharing my experience, for any one who needs a trusted Hacker, who helped me change my Medical School Grade, His good on increasing credit score, “Joe Engressia”. Reach him on Whatsapp: +1(732) 639–1527. Email: Regards
chloe - May 20, 2021 - Report this comment
If you ever are looking for an efficient hacker who offers various services,i was lucky to be introduced to this hacker samurai he really helped with serious hacking jobs get in touch with him through Whatsapp +1 (804) 704-6313 if you need the same help..
Grace Donald - June 06, 2021 - Report this comment
Hello my name is Grace Donald, Last two months ago l applied for a loan to boost up my business l was rejected, because I had a low credit profile 505, I almost lost with no hope until l ran to an old friend i explained my problems to him and he introduced me to a professional hacker called KMAX CYBER SERVICE COMPANY who helped him fix his credit. I had no choice and l decided to give him a try and he helped me to raise my credit score to 817 excellent score and removed all negative items on my profile. I had a bet with my friend l was going to reveal the hacker to the world if he should fix my credit score. I recommend you contact him for any kind of credit issue. He is the best at the moment. Contact him via Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot  Com Or Call  717   603   7485). Give him a try you could be the next to share your own testimony to the world as well. Cheers!
Sophia Handez - July 05, 2021 - Report this comment
I have been a victim of scam to different hackers who almost ruined me till I read about METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR awhile, I decided to give him a try and just last night I checked my credit score and saw the positive changes he had made! I have since then connected him to friends and family who all were overwhelmed by his results, so I feel it’s only right to share him with the public as I am sure there are so many in my situation. Email: @METROLINKSCREDITMAX@GMAIL.COM Call or Text:+7025827091
Sharicorneysfj82 - July 09, 2021 - Report this comment
Wow can’t really stop this tear of joy running from eyes because of this amazing breakthrough I just had and I’d want to share it with you, I lost my job due to covid19 lockdown and been having some financial issues ever since. After that I was evicted from my house which caused my fico score to drop drastically to 520 on my profile, all that changed when I was introduced too one Mr. Eric from krepairs ,we came too an agreement, trust me the treatment was amazing the customer service so intriguing contact them ASAP on or text them on +1(937) 617-8840 ciao..
Melissa Franklin - July 11, 2021 - Report this comment
Get your credit report cleaned with the help of credit doctor called Aaron Swartz. He told me not to be skeptics that he will get the hack done within days, He is a true credit doctor. He help me increase my FICO score to 750 and He also removed negative items on my report. He pay off all my credit card debts within weeks and with available credit on each credit cards. Fixed your credit report for a better life AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
Randy Clifford - July 14, 2021 - Report this comment
I contacted HACKNET CREDIT SPECIALIST to help me with my credit score, since I wish to buy a house in the next month. Hacknet was extremely helpful and listened to my concerns. After working on my credit report he removed all inquires student loans eviction, debts tax liens medical bills and he added some tradelines to my credit that stabilize my score at 805 he actually toke this action in just 7days to get it done and I am grateful for his services and kind words. You can feel free to contact him for credit help with his details (HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM (949) 397 8437). He is honest and reliable.
Mariana Marcus - July 16, 2021 - Report this comment
Hello I was in search of an urgent help with my credit because I want to purchase a house for me and my families I was in the hospital due to dehydration about 2years ago that caused my credit to drop and I got a lot of bills on my record like rent and utilities bills and all of my credit cards were getting behind including the payment history, derogatory marks and hard inquiries all these made my score to drop to 510 I was confused on what to do then I meet this guy HACKNET on a credit blog with great reviews on how he has helped a lot of people with their poor credit so I contacted him with his details +1 949 397 8437 HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM for help after a little discussion with him to my greatest surprise he got my credit fixed permanently within a couple of days with everything clean up including my credit card debts with the little amount I gave him. Am so grateful to have him fix my credit report and I will want everyone out there to give him a try.
Angela Ruben - July 19, 2021 - Report this comment
Greeting’s everyone my name is Angela from New Jersey I was in the hospital few months back after a terrific accident. When I came back I found out that my score has drowned down to 470 due to the medical bills and collections. I was surprised because I pay my bills on time, this made me not to get approved for the loan I applied for and I was desperately in need of it, So I sort out on the internet for a solution then I saw some good reviews about a credit Guru called HACKNET. I contacted him and told him about my credit report, if there is any hope of getting this done and he said yes and went ahead with the job. I was surprised when I got notification from Experian that changes has been made on my credit report in just less than 6days that he started the job. If you need solutions regarding your credit issues please contact him via: Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM PHONE: +1 (949) 397 8437
Jordan Holland - July 21, 2021 - Report this comment
I was nervous at first with working with TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR but now I am superb happy that I gave them a chance, this company is the best and I will recommend anyone to contact TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ or text them on 505 926-3648 if there needing to get your credit fix. They cleaned up all bad items relating to my report and gave me an excellent credit profile with a good credit score of 810 and I got my mortgage approved. Thanks Trovians again for everything. You guys are Great indeed.
Tim Harper - July 22, 2021 - Report this comment
Are you still wondering how to repair your credit report? Aaron Swartz got you covered 100%. He removed all evictions, foreclosure, Tax liens, inquires, student loans, debts tax liens medical bills and raise my credit report to 800 excellent standard within few weeks. Contact him for your credit help AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM
Jasper Eric - July 24, 2021 - Report this comment
Do you really have a low credit score and want to do something about it? Then hit up the best credit repair at the moment around the globe (KMAX CYBER SERVICES). He deleted my IRS and liens from my report and boosted my score from 450 to an Excellent score 795. His job is accurate and he keeps up with time (3 to 10 business days). How did I get to know this? He didn’t just succeed in fixing my bad credit but he also fixed my report and raised my score so high (820) in about 7days. Contact KMAX via: KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT C O M or call 717 603 7485. And be thankful to me later…………Cheers.
David Calvin - July 28, 2021 - Report this comment
I won't stop being appreciative of KMAX CYBER SERVICES. You have really made me strong when I was weak. Before we went on the holiday  I had a very poor grade in school which I had no means of correcting until I went online in search of a genuine hacker that could help me correct my bad grade to a good one. Then I saw several good reviews of students who commented on KMAX  for the good work he had done for them, then I had to try his legitimacy of KMAX CYBER SERVICES COMPANY, and it came through for me after contacting him he asked for some details  which I gave him, in less than 5 Hours he asked me to go online and check, behold I logged in my school site and checked the poor grades I had before and saw they were corrected and turned to a very perfect grade am so much proud with his services, very kind in dealing with clients. you too can contact him via: kmax cyber services at gmail dot com or Text now 717   603   7485, for any kind of hacking jobs, you will never regret your decision, And be thankful to God for going through this review. Cheers...
Frank Walker - July 28, 2021 - Report this comment
Need Credit Repair Help? Then contact ( +1(505) 926 3648). Their services are excellent they will help remove all negative items, foreclosure, tax liens, bankruptcy criminal records, DMV, credit card debts, late payments and loans. I’m a living testimony of their great services and I’m also recommending them to people out there you might desperately in need of credit help to as well hit them up and get a better credit report.
Billy Louis - July 31, 2021 - Report this comment
The aftermath of my encounter with TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR will be agelessly appreciated after checking an updated copy of my credit report and seeing that my score has moved drastically from 504 to 810 and all negative entries bank judgment, student loans, collections. What a great services from TROVIANS who I contacted on TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text them via 505 926 3648. Please do well to reach them out if you need their assistants as well. Thanks
Douglas Keener - August 04, 2021 - Report this comment
Hacknet Credit Specialist did not only helped me with repairing my credit report, he walked me through each step and provided me the proper guidance. My score improved from 515 to 799 in all bureaus. He wiped out all the collections, eviction, medical bills, car repo and cleared all my credit card debts. I had always heard negative things about credit repair companies but HACKNET and his Team put all of my worries to rest. I greatly appreciate all of your works and would highly recommend him to those who might need his services to hit him up via HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM +1 (949) 397 8437. Cheer!!
Coleman Justin - August 11, 2021 - Report this comment
I personally only had 2 things to be removed off my credit report, as I see some people had good reviews about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, I don't see how unless they were made up. Mine was simple because I had couple of things that needs to be removed I was concern about my credit, so I contacted Trovian Teams and they understand my concerns about my credit issues and went ahead with the repairing process in less than 5days the credit bureaus stated they have validated the correction on my credit files with a high score, the issues I needed removed and I got approved for my first home purchase. They are good in fixing credit issues and I will like everyone out there to contact them now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ +1 (505) 926 3648.
Helson Jerry - August 19, 2021 - Report this comment
I had a low credit score of 540 (Transunion) 564 (Equifax) (Experian) 500, I applied for a surgery loan before the pandemic which was not approved because my score was low. I contacted my loan officer and she let me know i needed a score of 740-760 to get approved (considered by FICO as Good) and I was in desperate need to get my score up because i had to do the surgery at that time. I saw some wonderful recommendations of this credit repair expert called: KMAX CYBER SERVICES, He raised my scores to 810 across the three credit bureaus, i thought that was enough but he also removed my negatives reports. And also refer me to a loan officer, he help me get a loan for the surgery and my business. That was the best experience I ever had in my life, I was so happy about it. You can also contact him if you need such services via: KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM OR CALL 717 603 7485. And be thankful to me…
Jerry Williams - August 22, 2021 - Report this comment
Several years ago I had a lot of things go bad in my life and I was over whelmed and in Debt, I struggled living week to week. I paid what I could and ignored my credit report HUGE MISTAKE. Thanks to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR whom I found on a credit blog, they worked together to build up my credit report. It's hard to find a company who can fix your credit and paid off your debt but Trovian did that, they cleared everything on my report and most of all they inspires me with a wonderful score of 803 and turned my life around and gave me a better life. So you can as well hit them up for credit solutions through their contact details TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM 505 926 3648. Thank you Trovians you guys are the best...
Mclurkin Jones - August 27, 2021 - Report this comment
Contacting SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION and making use of their service is the best decision I made last two weeks ago. I had lots of negative items like hard inquiries, collection, my home was getting foreclosed and I really needed help getting a loan but could not be approve because my credit score was 550 and 545. I saw good reviews about them on Reddit, and also on Google pointed to them and I had to take my chances. Today my score is 799 and the inquiries and collections have been cleared. My loan has been approved. Big ups to SKYPLUS760 for their efforts and for their low charges and requirements. I will drop their contact information here just in case you need their services do well to contact them via: SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM and be thankful to me…
Diana Dudley - September 02, 2021 - Report this comment
I love this company called Trovian Credit Repair i was scared to start because i was in the middle of preparing for surgery to have my first baby and seen a post with this company from one of the nurse about helping people repair their credit I text them immediately, they have the best experience in fixing credit. My score rise tremendously after they removed the student loans bankruptcy medical bills tax liens car repos i was so amaze with my current credit profile my score went up to 805 and my surgery went successful. All thanks to the TROVIAN TEAMS. Contact them if you need help as well through their details. TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text (505) 926 3648.God bless you all.
Mark Billy - September 13, 2021 - Report this comment
My credit score just got raised from a range of 510 to a score above 799 with the help of a Credit Film i met from an old friend. My credit report was very poor and it’s really affecting my financial status when trying to purchase a home of my choice. I shared my problems with an old friend of mine I met in a restaurant then she referred me to Trovian Credit Repair she hires in fixing her credit few months ago. I reached them for help and to my greatest they fixed my credit and cleared the bankruptcy, student loans, tax liens, utility bills, inquires. Need help fixing your credit report as well? Reach them with their direct info or call them +1 (505) 926 3648. Thanks!
Cruz Brown - September 18, 2021 - Report this comment
I can vividly give you reason while Kmax remains the best hacker, and also while the company cannot be compared with others who will pretend to be really, but at the end will rip you off  your money and would not do any work. I have searched in credit karma, Google and other credit blogs; I saw a lot of high rating In Ck and good reviews about them, the most interesting part of it was a friend who referred me to him, particularly saying he did a great and perfect job for 7 of his friends. That’s while I can boldly recommend them to the world via: kmax cyber services at gmail dot com or text them  717   603   7485. They helped me remove all my negative items and debt of 79000$ in less than 10 days and also boosted my credit score to 800 exceptional. Give them a try, your life will never remain the same…
Aaron Sean - September 22, 2021 - Report this comment
I've always had excellent credit until one of my auto payments was turned off by BMW financial without my permission and got dinged for the first time in my life I also had 8years evictions DMV tax liens medical bills student loans and lots of late payments. So I set out to resolve these issues. After significant research, all roads led me to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR after little discussion they went on with the process within a couple of 6days they deleted all the bad items relating to my credit late payments were marked as paid my score is now 799 with good tradelines, I’m so amaze with my current credit report and I will highly recommend them to everyone out there with their info TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or call (505) 926 3648. They exceeded my expectations beyond every other thing.
James Walker - September 30, 2021 - Report this comment
I had problem with several hackers who clean they do credit fixing and increasing your credit score and removing negative item on a credit reports, I've got a good news for you guys, I got my credit score fixed with the help of this professional hacker called KMAX CYBER SERVICES, who increased my score from 490 to 810 and all my awful credit reports has been cleared completely living no trace, across the three credit bureaus, i highly recommend you contact him via: kmax cyber services at gmail dot com or call 717 603 7485, for permanent credit fix and thank me later…
Jackie Curtis - October 01, 2021 - Report this comment
Hacknet Credit Specialist is miraculous! I had an American Express business debt that was being listed on my personal credit I couldn't get anyone to remove it but Hacknet got it removed with some other things affecting my credit report just in 5days after interacting with him on phone call. Amazing this guy is a life saver as a business owner I need my personal credit A+. and I got that from him and my personal credit is now genius. If you have issues relating to your report please do well to contact him through HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM cell phone 949 397 8437. His services are excellent wish I could give him 10 stars.
Oliver Charles - October 06, 2021 - Report this comment
I got ripped off by several hackers out there who said they do credit fix, but will keep collecting my money without doing any job, until I called a colleague and explain all what am passing true, he referred me to Kmax company, who help me to removed all the negatives on my credit profile in less than 10 business working days and added positive trade lines, increased my credit score 800 from 450 and my fico score was 780s I was really satisfied with his service with a very affordable amount. You can as well contact them via: Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com Or Call  717   603 7485. Cheers…
BETTY MARIA - October 12, 2021 - Report this comment
I gave my trust to SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION with everything in me when it comes to increasing of poor credit score and removing negative items, this hacker has helped me and never disappointed me for once. Am here to say a very big thanks to the this hacker for not letting me down when I needed him the most God will always bless you, he helped me boost my credit score to 796 across the bureaus and my FICO score was increase to 770 and I got approve for a business loan, I’m happy to share it to the world. You can contact him for any kind hacking job via: skyplus760 credit solution at gmail dot com or call +1 205 670 3931. Thanks…
Linda Arnold - October 12, 2021 - Report this comment
While surfing on the internet, I came across a comment of this expert called HACKNET CREDIT SPECIALIST helping So many people get their credit fixed and I decided to give him a try because my poor credit was 430 and I had so many negative items impacting my credit. To my greatest surprise he increased my credit score up to 800 and removed all the negatives I had on my credit report and also added some positive tradelines. Now I just got approved for a loan to my new home. You can also reach him on his email. You can reach him on his email HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM or phone +1 949 397 8437. He’s good and honest
Steven Ninas - October 27, 2021 - Report this comment
I was exhausted of working without seeing any result One day at the office a colleague came to work and was extremely happy so i asked him what was the secret of your happiness then he explained how he was able to buy a new home with the help of a credit repair expert (KMAX CYBER SERVICES COMPANY), whom he met on the internet, then i decided to give it a try, today am glad to say thanks to credit Karma. He helped me boost my score up to 790 without any delay and took away the bad collection, hard inquiries, late payment, eviction, and foreclosure, I’m happy now I have a clean report with a good positive trade lines, is really a dream that came true. You can as well contact him via: Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com Or Call 717 603 7485. Cheers…
Sophia Jackson - October 28, 2021 - Report this comment
I came across HACKNET on the internet while searching for a Credit Specialist, about a year ago I had student loan $18,000 and hospital bills also about $35,500, credit card debts and late payments which affected my credit report, and my fico score was 510, I contacted him via; 949 397 8437 I told him everything I was facing and we came to a conclusion , I was shocked to receive an email in less than 7day, that all negative entries loans hospital bills on my report has been cleared and my credit score was increased to 810, indeed Hacknet came to my rescue. You can reach out with the above info for credit solutions
Daniel Malik - November 01, 2021 - Report this comment
My problem all started over nine months ago when my wife illness became unbearable, I used up all my savings to pay up for the hospital bills and i also had to go beyond my credit to make her better. After it all i found out i was owing thousands of dollars in my account that i had to pay back but a friend of mine introduced me to Skyplus760 credit solution who is credit expert. He helped me clear all my debts and also increase my credit to 810 plus within the space of 7days. He is the best now, and with affordable price, Contact him for any kind of credit fix Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or call +1 205 670 3931 and thank me later…
Ron Howard - November 04, 2021 - Report this comment
Hello everyone my name is Ron Howard my problem started eight months ago when my wife illness became unbearable, I spent all my savings on hospital bills and also went beyond my credit to make her feel better, after that I notice I have a lot of debt which I need to clear of my credit report while thinking on how to resolve this issue, a friend of mine introduce me to HACKNET CREDIT SPECIALIST he helped me cleared the debt including the collections items, Tax Liens late payments, personal loans and also raise my credit score to 799plus across all bureaus. Hit him up for credit solutions, HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM 949 397 8437. He’s one hundred percent legit and trusted.
Cynthia Coleman - November 07, 2021 - Report this comment
Permit me to introduce you to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. They’ve done some marvelous changes on my credit which I messed up some years back. I have gone from 510-799plus through the help of TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or 424 307 4562 I had 24 months of missed payment and also I had bankruptcy, hospital bills, student loan which they cleared off completely. Am short of words I don’t know how to express my gratitude to TROVIAN. I know many who claim to be credit professionals and FCRA I wasted my time and money without achieving any good report from them, but TROVIAN was fair enough to get my credit on track once again. I strongly recommend you to contact them today via the above mail or text.
Daniel Sivester - November 10, 2021 - Report this comment
This is the best decision I have made. I have been very doubtful about credit repair. I thought it a big lie and always had bad impressions and have made negative comments, but my doubt was cleared when I was referred by a friend to text this Whatsapp no: +1 701 975 0405 mail HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM. A specialist with so much experience and he is always stand by to help. I told him about my predicaments and he promise to help, in less than 7days he cleared all negatives, collective items, student loans, hospital bills DMV and bankruptcy off my credit report across all credit bureaus he raised my score to 810 from the initial 550 and also add good trade lines. I am now in my new house. Thanks to HACKNET CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me. I highly recommend him for any credit related issues. You can text him on whatsapp or mail. Thanks.
PAUL ANDRES - November 10, 2021 - Report this comment
I had little challenge purchasing my dream house due to the eviction and had inquiries on my credit report, when i search who to help me remove the eviction on my credit report. I got a recommendation on trulia, and also Google about Kmax Cyber Services helping people to fix their credit issues, I mail him about the eviction and inquiries on my credit report and He said he will help me remove the eviction and other negative item my on credit report within 72 hours. When i check my credit report my credit score change to 815 excellent score all eviction and had inquiries were removed automatically. Now I purchase a new home for my family, now I live a very good life with my family. You can as well contact him similar job via: KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM OR CALL 717 603 7485. CHEERS…
John Robbinson - November 15, 2021 - Report this comment
I have never been this happy all my life until I met this world changing credit specialist called HACKNET. I was at the sport of losing my father’s house due to the fact that I was on able to meet up with the bills anymore and I lost my job few months back. My credit score isn’t a thing to write home about; I met HACKNET while searching on the internet. I reach out to him through is details HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM OR Whatsapp; +1 701 975 0405. We agreed on a price and he promise to get the job done in less than 6days. In the space of 3days I received a message from the credit bureaus that a change as been made on my credit report. He raised my credit score to 810 excellently and cleared all collective items off my report. Indeed he is a man of his words; my dad’s house is now secured. Kindly contact the above details if you need a credit repair specialist.
Sophia Handez - November 21, 2021 - Report this comment
I have been a victim of scam to different hackers who almost ruined me till I read about METRO LINKS CREDIT REPAIR awhile, I decided to give him a try and just last night I checked my credit score and saw the positive changes he had made! I have since then connected him to friends and families who all were overwhelmed by his results, so I feel it’s only right to share him with the public as I am sure there are so many in my situation. Email: @METROLINKSCREDITMAX@GMAIL.COM Call or Text:+7025827091
Weston Tony - November 21, 2021 - Report this comment
I have been working for a year plus to get my credit to 700plus, I felt pretty bad when I checked there wasn’t any improvement. One delighted evening after I closed from work, I sketch through the internet trying to figure out how to bring up my score, I came across lot of articles/testimonies of different kind and one caught my attention speaking and recommending a particular hacking company named TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. I quickly write out the details TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text; +1 (424) 307 4562 and contacted them; thereafter they replied and told me they are fully back in service. To cut the long story short they started with the repair and got my score to exactly 799 and remove all the negative items replacing them with awesome trade lines. Get in touch with them via the above contacts and get your credit perfectly fixed.
james SMITH - November 22, 2021 - Report this comment
I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via Email him here via or whatsapp Number: +1 213 295 1376.
Robert Smith - December 01, 2021 - Report this comment
Hello my name is Robert Smith I had my credit reports fixed and score boost from 430 to 800 by one of the best Credit Company. I really don't know if it’s right to post this but he literally saved me and there are others out there like me who need help. Reach out to TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM +1(424) 307 4562. They offers the best credit repair services like removing of criminal background, erasing negatives entries, bankruptcy, late payment, bank database infiltration, loans, credit card debts Dmv, Eviction including Chex System. Contact them for your credit solutions.
Kristen Brown - December 07, 2021 - Report this comment
I lost my job last year and was in so much debt and I had no way to keep up with my payments. To get my career back on track I decided to go back to school and took a $30,000 student loan debt. I wanted to start rebuilding and working toward my future. After hearing about HACKNET from a friend, I contacted him with no doubts through his email address HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM +1 701 975 0405 my credit score was 501, he told me all I needed to do, I gave him all the information he needed and he deleted my negatives, paid off my student loan and boosted my score to 799plus. I paid off my car loan and purchase the home of my choice. HACKNET helped me out all thanks to him.
Eric Walker - December 08, 2021 - Report this comment
I never regretted trusting SKYPLUS760 COMPANY with everything I have when it comes to increasing my poor credit score, this hacker has helped me and never disappointed me for once. Am here to say a very big thanks to this hacker for not letting me down when I needed him the most. God will always bless you, contact him via: for a similar job. Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or call +1 205 670 3931.
pascal jenna - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Have you been scammed of money or bitcoin?, if you have, and you choose to let it go then this post isn’t for you. However, if you’d like to recover your lost bitcoin or money, or even expose the perpetrators of such malicious act, then I know just the right person for you, and for the best part it’s free!!’ contact Jake on the details below, be sure to refer to this post to avoid going back and forth. Contact Jake; Email: Phone: +17319379575 WhatsApp: +17319379575
Maria Lupe - December 14, 2021 - Report this comment
Few years ago, I had been dating a guy who I thought was very responsible. One day his truck broke down, and he didn’t have the money to fix it. So I decided to co-sign on a Midas credit card with him, as he couldn’t get it himself. He broke up with me a month later, and as much as I thought he would do the responsible thing, all of a sudden my score started dropping. He hadn’t paid anything on the card over 8 months. I called the company to closed the card from further charges, before he would ruined my life and that of my credit score more than what he has done I was so confused because I could not use my card all I was doing was paying debt not until I came in contact with TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 they helped me cleared all the debts on my card and raised my score to a high 800, thanks for lifting me back to life.
Patricia Jackson - December 17, 2021 - Report this comment
Unbelievable! PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is still the best credit doctor, I had a Chase credit card debt which low credit score with a lot of negative items collection which was listed on my credit profile. He helps me removed the negative items on my credit profile and raise my credit score to 825 within few days. Paid off my credit card debt and transfer some fund to my bank account, He actually kept to his word. You can also reach him for help. Email:
Nora Owen - December 22, 2021 - Report this comment
Are you having a very low FICO score, and are desperate for a perfect and urgent fix? I confidently recommend CYBER CREDIT GURU. They cleared all negatives, late payments and collections from my credit report and boosted my FICO score from 505 to 800 excellent score, across all three bureaus within four days. CYBER CREDIT GURU does a very neat and perfect job without leaving any form of trace behind. You can give them a trial today and I bet you will never regret it. Contact: CYBERCREDITGURU (AT) GMAIL DOT COM or phone/text: +1 (650) 439 0624
Ivan Isaac - December 28, 2021 - Report this comment
I made a promise to my daughter to get a larger space after her graduation from the high school. Achieving this required a huge amount of funds and I needed my credit back in good shape to enable me get a loan. My credit wasn’t enough for that due to negative items, medical bills, evictions and late payments on my report. I needed help repairing my credit so I can be qualified for a loan. I made a research for a good credit repair expert and luckily I found TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. They walk through my report and delete all negative items, medical bills, evictions affecting my credit and late payments marked as paid. After they work on my credit I saw great changes! I got qualified for the things I needed. I am really excited with their good job and I strongly recommend them to anyone having similar issues. Email;TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM call +1 (424) 307 4562.
Darrin Adams - December 29, 2021 - Report this comment
Hello season greetings friends. My name is Darrin Adams. I know lot of us must have fallen for different rippers I was a victim, I lost my whole savings and even got into debt because i needed to fix my credit report These scammer took advantage of me, it got worst to the extent i had to open up to my friend at the office. So he referred TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR to me I contacted them and asked if they could get my credit report fixed they said yes I explained to them about the issues relating to my report and after that he collected some info about me and within 7 days. They did a massive job on my credit report i can proudly say my life has really change, my advice to you out there whom might have lost cash to these faker hackers to stop and go for the best. Hit them up now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 and be happy. You can count on them.
RACHAEL WUBBEN-MOY - December 30, 2021 - Report this comment
Renting after an "Eviction" is usually difficult , but it's very possible . I had been credit cautious all along and also making my payments right on time trying to avoid the implications of a bad financial situation in bad credit score and records. But my husband had eviction on his record with his ex wife just before we got married , with a couple of inquiries, late payments records and collections he got . This really affected his credit score , but thankfully I got a referral from my financial adviser to contact ELITECREDITANDINVESTMENT@GMAIL.COM which we did . My partner worked with their agents and most of these records got disputed and expunged , definitely this had a huge positive turn on my partners credit score as well , his credit score used to be 602 now he scores 725 . all thanks to the specialist with the contact address above contact ELITECREDITANDINVESTMENT@GMAIL.COM For relative credit services and you will be glad you did .
Antony Austine - January 07, 2022 - Report this comment
Lexington Law is a huge rip-off scam. They tell you that they will fix your credit; they make big promises to get you to sign their contract. You pay the monthly due as instructed and get nothing in return. I used them for about a year and my credit scores rate went down. I had a very sick child and had a lot of medical collections and hard inquiries. I was young and dumb back then. I got across TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR they are genius, get through with them today and you will be glad you did. TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM OR CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 He saved me from Financial ruins and bankruptcy...they deleted all the hard inquiries ,collections, derogatory on my credit report and then proceeded to improving my credit score to 800's
Nancy Saroski - January 10, 2022 - Report this comment
I strongly recommend the service of a GREAT Hacker to you and his email is I have used him quite a number of times and he has never disappointed me. He does all types of mobile hacks, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your Partner/Spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whatsapp, Instagram, Text messages, Incoming and Outgoing calls, Twitter, Snap Chats, Bank accounts, Viber, Tiktok Deleted files, Emails and Password etc. He can also help you boost or repair your credit score and also clear all debts on your card(s). Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to stating what you want to do.
Chelsea Tompson - January 10, 2022 - Report this comment
I am glad to introduce you to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR whom services are 100% real and genuine; they help me fix my credit, paid all my debts, removed all collections and increase my credit card all within one week. I never believed this could be done but they proved me wrong by providing a good result which made me and my family happy....We are forever grateful to them for the good works, they pulled me out of hardship, but now we can get everything we want (Loans, Credit card, getting approved for higher limit).Reach out to them to get your credit fixed right now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text them on +1 (424) 307 4562 to avoid been scammed by all the fake credit repair agencies.
Prof. Mrs. Dorothy Pilkenton Jean - January 12, 2022 - Report this comment
RELIABLE BUSINESS/HOME/COMPANY/PROJECT/PERSONAL LOAN? AFFORDABLE LOAN IS HERE FOR YOU TODAY Email We are financial consultants providing reliable loans to individuals and funding for business, home and projects start up. Are you tired of seeking loans or are you in any financial mess. Do you have a low credit score, and you will find it difficult to get loans from banks and other financial institutions? then worry no more for we are the solution to your financial misfortune. we offer all types of loan ranging from $5,000.00 to $2,000,000.00USD with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 33 years to pay back the loan secure and unsecured. Are you losing sleep at nights worrying how to get a Legit Loan Lender? Contact us via Email:
Michael Hofstadt - January 12, 2022 - Report this comment
I promised I was going to post a review about them & well i have always used these guys for RELIABLE PRIVATE ONLINE INVESTIGATIONS Have you ever needed an expert when it comes to hacking? Have you ever wanted to hack someone’s email account? Recover lost accounts,school grade,boost credit score? Do you need to find a person’s sensitive information? Do you want to invade a person’s PayPal, Skrill, Amazon, Facebook or any other site account? Upgrade of University Grades,Password and email Retrieval, phone Lines monitoring, Skype Accounts, Hack Social Network, Trace calls on real time conversations, Remove Criminal Records, Credit Fixing, cyber-crime investigation, Hack Bank Accounts, Identification of Cheating Partner or employee, DISCLAIMER: They dont accepts no responsibility for any information, previously given to anybody by clients on as regarding the job. they will not distribute contact information collected on any hacking job other than in the Hacker's listings themselves, and will not sell contact information to third parties. Then contact Mr Ross King; Email / Hangout:- Telegram: +1 (925) 291-0054‬) Business Whatsapp :- ‪ +1 (925) 291-0054‬)
Flourish Raymond - January 14, 2022 - Report this comment
I got married last year my husband and I are planning on getting a new house but our credit scores were low and I also had a lot of credit card debts. I spoke to a friend about it who happens to be a tech guy and he refers me to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. I contacted him and he helped my husband and I raised our credit scores to 800 and he also helped me clear my credit card debts with other hard inquires he noticed. He is the best. His so perfect and kind hearted. Now we can buy any home of our choice. He's affordable get him to help you fix your credit. EMAIL TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM CELL +1 (424) 307 4562
Dominic Alex - January 15, 2022 - Report this comment
I have been trying my best to get a small loan to catch up on my truck payment and no one would approve me. During last year December holiday been 27th, I took time to search for credit repair expert called Kmax Cyber Services Company who assisted me increase my credit score to 803 and also helped me to get approve my first chase auto loan after he removed the eviction and bad collections off my credit report. I feel comfortable working with him, and also refer him to those who have issue in any kind of hacking job; you email him at Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com and remain thankful you came across this review…
Chris Taylors - January 22, 2022 - Report this comment
When I suggest about buying our first home, my wife thought i wasn’t serious because we had a bad credit and couldn't get a loan with that but i was determined to get us out of our place to a better place and that was how the search on how to fix our credit started, luckily for me i stumbled upon this credible hackers TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. Words can’t express how good these hackers are. I mean they raised our scores and fixed our credit so we could apply for the loan. My wife trusts my intelligence and determination now. Here is what you need to reach them TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT +1 (424) 307 4562. I'm so proud to be writing this.
Brenda Dominique - January 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Wizard Brixton Group of Hacker save My Marriage I was a victim of Marriage cheats from my husband without knowing he has a family outside our Marriage and has been spending my money on them I never know he was capable of such but due thou the recently way he starts sneakily around I got suspicious of him and was in need of a Hacker to spy on him without no doubt my suspicious was true. Wizard Brixton Hacker got me proof of his message and calls and the address of other families where he goes frequently if you have such a cheating partner contact him via Wizardbrixton at Gmail dot com WhatsApp : (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 he is a Real Wizard
Mercy Lawson - January 25, 2022 - Report this comment
I must say this is the fastest way to rebuild your credit score through this reliable special company TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR I got divorced 5 years ago and it has been terrifying ever since. My ex let our house be foreclosed after I moved out, I had a credit score of 580, earn $80k and more than $3,000 in debt. I needed to get approved for a home loan in Texas. But I was turned down by a lot of companies due to poor credit. Then I got referred to TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM OR PHONE +1 (424) 307 4562 by a realtor. I saved their contact and mailed them for score increase .After making payments for the job my credit was cleaned and my score was increase to 799plus in less than 7days. This filled me with so much joy. I wish I contacted them earlier I wouldn’t have suffered to restore my credit. Quickly contact them on the above details if you require your credit fix.
Owen Calvin - January 29, 2022 - Report this comment
Nothing is worst in life, than living with a bad credit score it always feels like killing yourself if you’ve ever been in this before, I had Credit score of 485 and still yet it was tough getting a loan to start up something. I had 4 Capital one credit debts, Criminal record of 4years ago shown on Experian, Mortgage loan to clear before 5th of next month it was really terrible. Until a friend talked to me about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR Company, She met online who wiped all her debts. I contact them at TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM +1 (424) 307 4562 they responded and requested some details which I gave them, they assured me everything would be done in 5 days, I paid an affordable amount before they started the job, Now I’m happy with all debts cleared and the criminal record was removed also my score was raised to 799, now the loan is approved to start a business. You’re indeed a savior to me. Thanks so much.
Rose Jones - January 30, 2022 - Report this comment
I have one credit card that I pay off every month and never charged more than 20 percent of its limit. My house, vehicle, etc. Are all paid for; I spent very little as I needed little. I have been frugal all my life until I found a credit score of 420. I don’t owe a soul as I'm very careful with my money. I just don’t understand why I am penalized for that. I contacted a credit scoring firm to figure this whole thing out for me but I got turned down severally, until I read about a well recommended credit specialist. And nobody has ever spoke negative of him, I took a leap of faith and gave him a try. I contacted him on his email address: @METROLINKSCREDITMAX@GMAIL.COM and texted his phone number: +7025827091 Along the process, he boosted my scores to 810 and also deleted the negative items on my report. Like seriously; I can’t thank him enough. He’s straight, honest and respects whatever agreement you make with him. I encourage you all with credit issues to contact him now. Please do not wallow in bad credit. Cheers!
Devin Calloway - February 01, 2022 - Report this comment
As a novice in the crypto world, I had a wrong transaction and got ripped off by a scammer through an investment scam, I lost about 0.7 btc and 1.5 eth to him. I spoke to a friend who's a crypto expert and he referred me CLEVERHACKER.HACK@GMAIL.COM, in less than 48 hours after following due procedures by him I got my btc and Eth back, he's a life saver. You can also text him at (803)814-5462
Rich Pablo - February 02, 2022 - Report this comment
Wow!!! This Is wonderfully Brought To Pass, they made it happen by turning my tears to joy with their help i was able to acquire a Home Equity and they also helped me pay off my credit card debt and raise my wife’s credit score to 809 excellently. They are professional Hackers. I can't just stop thanking them for their great job which i can never forget. They deal with all Other Related Services!!! Like removing of bankruptcy, criminal background and so much more kindly Contact them on now if you have issues relating to your report: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM you can also call +1 (424) 307 4562. Thanks and remain bless.
ford williams - February 02, 2022 - Report this comment
I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via Email him here via or whatsapp Number: +1 410 635 0697.
Rose Jones - February 03, 2022 - Report this comment
I have one credit card that I pay off every month and never charged more than 20 percent of its limit. My house, vehicle, etc. Are all paid for; I spent very little as I needed little. I have been frugal all my life until I found a credit score of 420. I don’t owe a soul as I'm very careful with my money. I just don’t understand why I am penalized for that. I contacted a credit scoring firm to figure this whole thing out for me but I got turned down severally, until I read about a well recommended credit specialist. And nobody has ever spoke negative of him, I took a leap of faith and gave him a try. I contacted him on his email address: @METROLINKSCREDITMAX@GMAIL.COM and texted his phone number: +7025827091 Along the process, he boosted my scores to 810 and also deleted the negative items on my report. Like seriously; I can’t thank him enough. He’s straight, honest and respects whatever agreement you make with him. I encourage you all with credit issues to contact him now. Please do not wallow in bad credit. Cheers!
Gabriel Alphonso - February 07, 2022 - Report this comment
I wondered how I could boost my score after constantly getting ripped off by lenders, credit card companies and banks as a result of my low credit but TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR came through, Am forever grateful. They turned my life around and now I can boast of having a home. They can get your credit report fixed and also increase your scores in less than 1 week, yes, I just said that!! Hit them up. Email: TROVIANCRDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM / +1 (424) 307 4562
Henry George - February 09, 2022 - Report this comment
Last 4 month’s l had a lot of inquiries on my credit, a few collections and an eviction. I needed to buy a house in about 1-2 months so. I needed to get my credit ASAP fixed, l saw positive reviews about SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION on credit Karma here so I contacted them (Skyplus760 credit solution at gmail dot com). Within 7 business working days, they help me removed eviction, cleared up all inquiries, collections and raised my score from 539 to 809 excellent score. I got a home after 2 weeks, l now live comfortably with my family. Cheers…
Elizabeth Brooklyn - February 10, 2022 - Report this comment
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich.( ) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 250,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer Hack * Bank Transfer Hack * PayPal / Skrill Transfer Hack * Crypto Mining Hack * CashApp Transfer Hack Email: OR Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Visit:
Evans Dominique - February 15, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello, my name is Evans Dominique from the United States am here to give a testimonial on how I met one of the best Hacker so far on my incredible moment of pain I lost a huge amount of money to a fake investor, I invested 105,000 USD to this investment company with my belief that I will have a huge return when it was time for me to get my return they company no longer pick my calls or reply to my email I was so devasted that my sister saw my pain and sad sorrow she have no choice than to introduce me to this great hacker called Wizard Brixton. I tell him everything about my situation and he asked for the company email address and the mobile number he promises to help me retrieval my funds if I will be able to cooperate and give him the vital information needed less than 24 hours he was able to give me the necessary details about the company and how he will get my funds back without the company approval. Contact him: WhatsApp with (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) I was very happy when he recovered all my funds and gave me 2% of the profit the company could have given to me. so I promise to make him go viral for everyone to contact him in different aspects of hacking software program in your life he proves the best in his job CONTACT HIM:
jane lawton - February 21, 2022 - Report this comment
i will never stop until the whole World knows about the MOST powerful priest maurice whose contact details I saw in a comment section here few weeks ago, so and i decided to contact him because i was badly in need of help TO SAVE MY MARRIAGE, I explained my situation to PRIEST MURICE. that Everything was going down the drain as my husband WAS constantly cheating on me with other women and he physically abuse me. priest maurice promised to help that my husband will change and will love me unconditionally in less than a week as far that my heart still beats for him. I FOLLOWED HIS INSTRUTION and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when priest maurice said. He pleaded and said he needs me back since then he have been the sweetest man on earth. anyone out there reading this comment that need a effect spell caster Can reach him on email:psychicspellsolution@gmail.coM whatsapp:+1(571)3573337
Scott Jerry - February 27, 2022 - Report this comment
I just want to show my appreciation to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR as promised for helping me fix my credit report. I had an eviction, judgment and quite a number of other negative items on my report with a low 546 credit score. (Mortgage trade lines, Installment trade lines, Revolving credit cards and Auto trade lines) on my report, to my greatest surprise after confiding with TROVIAN all the negative report on my profile were wiped off and my score raised to 809. Now I got the mortgage and I’m very happy. You can contact them on EMAIL: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM cell: +1 (424) 307 4562 for similar problems.
John Albert - March 02, 2022 - Report this comment
Hi everyone am John Albert, through the help of a credit repair company I got approved for a mortgage loan, my credit score was 456 until I was introduced to TROVIAN by my boss, he had related credit issues, So I contacted them and I paid them a token to get the job done. And to my greatest imagination they raised my score to a high 800 within 7 days, I’m very impressed with their nice work in which they gained my trust. For more info on how you can get your credit fixed kindly reach them TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ +1 (424) 3074562
Beverly Harrington - March 07, 2022 - Report this comment
I needed a Jeep for my family but I had a very poor credit score which declined me from getting loans. So I contacted Aaron Swartz to fix my credit profile for me. He raise my FICO score to a very encouraging limit of 825 excellent standard and cleared the hard inquiries on my credit report. Get him on his regular contact mail of communication: AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
Carla Houston - March 08, 2022 - Report this comment
So, this is true. All the reviews I’ve been reading about TROVIAN is true, I had a very low credit and evictions on my profile, I couldn’t get a house, I applied for a mortgage and auto loan but I was denied due to my bad credit . I tried various processes and procedures but all to no avail. I read a comment by one DANIEL OWEN on trulia about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, though I was skeptical but for some reasons I texted them, and we got started, after some days I started noticing some changes, in 7 days my credit was totally new. It’s unbelievable but that’s what it is. I would really like you to contact them at TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text them at +1(424) 307 4562.
Daniel Raymond - March 11, 2022 - Report this comment
I highly recommend RockBase@ protonmail .com to fix your credit they removed collections and charge offs from my report and boosted my score to 810, very good communication Arthur was very helpful 100% recommend.
Ian Martin - March 14, 2022 - Report this comment
For the past a decade, I’ve always played lottery games with the hope that someday I will win the lottery jackpot but that never happened. I did some research on the internet and I came across an advert about Dr Amber that prepares lottery spells for people that believe in his works. I explained my situation to Dr Amber and he prepared a lottery spell for me and gave me some numbers to play the lottery and I did as he said without any skepticism. Could you believe that for the very first time in my life, I won the sum of £30,820,000 MILLION POUNDS. I thought I was dreaming until I was called by the lottery agent to come over to the office to make arrangements of how I will claim the money. Now my life has changed for good and I am a boss of my own and you can be a boss of your own too by getting in touch with Dr Amber for a lottery spell. Click on his website: or WhatsApp +1 (318) 306-5044 or email: for urgent response from Dr Amber.
Yosef Schneid - March 15, 2022 - Report this comment
I want to say a Big thank you to Aaron Swartz for repairing my credit report in a different style. He help me to raise my FICO scores to 804 and also paying off my credit card debts on USAA, Capital One card and Amex card. He also cleared student loan and other negative items on credit report in 7 working days. Honest and hardworking hacker. His contact: AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
George Anthony Chapa - March 17, 2022 - Report this comment
I saw many people recommending the services of XAP Credit Solution and I am lacking much knowledge about how to better my credit score. I am 41 and have made a couple of poor choices in the past. I'm desperate to have my kids grow up in a home of our own. I needed help that would lead in that direction and XAP came highly recommended. Yes Xapcreditsolution @gmail. com didn't disappoint, he fixed my credit and raised the score to a very high score of about 812 from low 500s. I was able to get my first house. Thanks to XAP and his team.
Albert John - March 19, 2022 - Report this comment
Permit me to tell you about Hack West Credit Specialist. The method which you can use to get your credit fixed. I had the same problem last year. I tried several methods I found online to hack but it did not work, just a waste of time and energy. To my greatest surprise when I contacted a group of cyber support teams, this team granted my request just as I wanted it. You don't need to worry because in my own time I thought I could not get a result but was able to help me. And I promised them that I will refer them to as many that need their services. You can also contact them through Whatsapp +1 (424) 307 2638.
Leo Vincent - March 20, 2022 - Report this comment
Been able to solve peoples problem is one of the greatest thing as a good hacker, I had a lot of negative items on my credit profile which include late payment, 10 had inquiries, eviction and medical bills which drop credit from 799 to 497, as if it was not enough, the little money $9000 I had I used it to invest in one of the investment plat form so I could make more money to clear my debts not knowing it was a scam, I was at the verge of hanging myself, I met an old friend in school days who referred me to contact Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com I immediately contacted him, he responded very quickly, I express my problem to him, he told me not to be skeptical about the process and assured me I have come to the end of my problem. The good news is that, after 14 business days, his able hack in credit profile and wipes all negative items and boosted credit score back to 810 excellent across the bureaus, and also recovers my money back, and as well refers me to a loan officer where I took a loan to start up business and purchase a new home. You Call/WhatsApp (443) 987 6452 and get your problem off your neck and be thankful to me for reviewing him to world cheers…
Carmen cartel - March 20, 2022 - Report this comment
It's a very long story but I will try to make it short cause I still wonder how it happened. I contacted ACE CYBER GROUP concerning my credit score they requested for all my details and I provided it immediately. They told me to be calm and hope for good results. After 48hours they increased my credit score from 450 to 780 and 5 days later they removed all negative items. I must confess that they are nothing but the best out there. Thank you one more time for your amazing service. For those interested can also contact them on all your credit related issues via ACECYBERGROUP@GMAIL.COM
George White - March 22, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello everyone, do you intend on repairing your credit? I know a credit repair professional that can handle it perfectly without issues, and that’s TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, their job is fast and 100% legit. The Judgment, eviction, and bankruptcy on my credit profile were removed, they also cleared my credit card debts within 6days, they really helped me and I am so grateful to them. I give them a 10star rating for their services. You can message them on: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM +1 (424) 307 4562. I insist you go for the best.
66number - March 22, 2022 - Report this comment
CONTACT US FOR ALL KINDS OF HACKING JOBs @ We offer professional hacking services,we offer the following services; -University grades changing -Bank accounts hack -Erase criminal records hack -Facebook hack -Twitters hack -email accounts hack -Grade Changes hack Contact us on whatsapp + 1 681 532 3704 Email-
Crypto Intel - March 26, 2022 - Report this comment
IS IT POSSIBLE TO ACTUALLY GET BACK FUNDS LOST TO CRYPTOCURRENCY SCAM? ABSOLUTELY YES! BUT, YOU MUST CONTACT THE RIGHT AGENCY TO ACHIEVE THIS. Recovery Precinct is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases concerning cryptocurrency, FAKE investment schemes and recovery scam. Visit WWW. RECOVERYPRECINCT. COM now to report your case or contact our support team via the contact information below to get started. 📪 RECOVERYPRECINCT (@) G MAIL . COM Stay Safe !
Harris Kamala - March 26, 2022 - Report this comment
Trovian Credit Repair has proved to be the most competent and fastest in terms of fixing credit issue. They are trusted by thousands of mortgage professionals due to their diligent works. With the few days have worked with them, I can boldly tell you that they are the best when it comes to fixing credit issues like bankruptcy ,DUI ,criminal record, student loan, and other negative items . You can reach out to them if you have any related issues with the following detail: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM text: +1 (422) 307 4562 and be rest assured of a permanent clean job.
Greg Abbott - March 29, 2022 - Report this comment
HEY, Am Greg Abbott I live in Texas. Things as been very good for me despite being the current governor of Texas, I work effortlessly just to make sure my credit score is intact but all my effort seems to be a waist after I checked my score I noticed it as reduced to 560. I was scared of losing my position so I went online in search of solution, luckily for me I stumble on a review about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. Without wasting much time I contact them with the following details TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or call: +1(424) 307 4562 to cut the long story short, they boost my credit score to 809 across all credit bureaus in less than 7days. All USA citizens out they with bad credit here is your opportunity to be free from credit issues. Kindly contact them with the above detail now.
Patricia Jack - April 01, 2022 - Report this comment
I want to express how grateful I am to CYBERCRDITGURU a credible and reliable hacker who helped recovered the $45,000 I lost to scammers online and also hacked into my cheating husband’s mobile phone and social media accounts. I am married with 3 kids although my husband is extravagant and cheats on me with a lot of side chicks, he hardly comes home. Then I saw this investment platform online and decided to invest the sum of $45,000 to it, with the intention to grow it but I never got my money back neither capital nor profit. “I was scammed”. However, I discovered CYBERCREDITGURU through positive reviews read on MerchantCircle and reached out to them immediately on CYBERCREDITGURU (AT) GMAIL DOT COM and phone/text: +1 (650) 439 0624 and they helped recovered my lost $45,000 and helped me monitor my husband’s calls and social media accounts. I now have my husband back. I can’t thank them enough but give them a 5-star review as a token of my sincere appreciation. I strongly recommend them to anyone with related issues. Here is there contact again: CYBERCREDITGURU (AT) GMAIL DOT COM and phone/text: +1 (650) 439 0624
Sandra Lopez - April 06, 2022 - Report this comment
Have you guys checked out TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR? I never knew hackers could improve a poor credit score until i met one on a conversation forum when I Google how to improve my credit score, I read several reviews on how capable the team is in solving issues that has to do with credit reports. I emailed them and asked if they had the ability to raise credit score and also delete evictions. They replied yes and asked me for some personal details to enable them get through my profile. I gave everything they needed to get started with the job. They eventually made some amazing changes in my credit profile. This is my own way of saying thank you and we are forever indebted to TROVIAN. You can reach them Through TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text: +1 (424) 307 4562. They are 100% legit. Stays bless.
Guillermo Buchanan - April 07, 2022 - Report this comment
Few months ago I was homeless due to lack of payment, I was not be able to secure loan due to my FICO score. I saw a comment on Quora about fixing credit report, I found Aaron Swartz the credit doctor. Getting in touch with him turn around my debts got paid off, increase my FICO score to 180 points also remove hard inquiries which I got approved for Mortgage Loan to secure my dream apartment. His contact: AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
CATCH CHEATING SPOUSE - April 07, 2022 - Report this comment
If you feel stuck in your relationship/marriage knowing well that the connection and trust is broken but you don't have enough evidence to break off then contact Dennis on DENNISDFIXER at GMA IL dot COM. He can grant you access to your partners social media accounts, emails and text messages so you can be sure what your partner is up to.. he helped me with what I needed to finalize my divorce and gain custody.. get in touch with him if you in need of such help.
66number - April 11, 2022 - Report this comment
CONTACT US FOR ALL KINDS OF HACKING JOBs @ We offer professional hacking services,we offer the following services; -University grades changing -Bank accounts hack -Erase criminal records hack -Facebook hack -Twitters hack -email accounts hack -Grade Changes hack Contact us on whatsapp + 1 681 532 3704 Email-
Maria Chris - April 13, 2022 - Report this comment
I have worked with Skyplus760 credit solution company for 2years now, they are part of my family because they never failed me whenever I call upon them, they are very diligent and professional in their work, I recently had few negative mark on credit profile which include 7 hard inquiries, medical bills of my aged parents and car loan, I called them via: 443-987-6452/whatsApp and immediately they responded as user, after 7 business days they removed all negative items on my credit report and boosted my credit score to 819 excellent. The good thing about them is how fast legitimate jobs are. You can as well reach them via; SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM the first 5 persons to contact them will have every reason to review more about their services. Thanks...
Ruby James - April 15, 2022 - Report this comment
Sincerely speaking, in the last two months I came across a testimony on Kmax Cyber Services Company, how he helped me Stacey Scott and several others on a credit blog, and I decided to give them a try. Today my FICO is at 795 Excellent, my loans have been taken care of and my three credit card debts $100000 were paid off. I have qualified to get a new home for my family; we now live a good life. Thanks to them. You reach them for a similar job done via: KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM and be ready to testified after few weeks…
Calum Scott - April 15, 2022 - Report this comment
I worked with Mr. West of Hack West Credit Specialist, a credit repair group, to successfully refinance our residence. West was congenial and responsive, and made the whole process easy. He immediately responded to any queries or clarifications I had, and I would recommend both West and the company to anyone looking for a good experience in understanding all the issues and the tradeoffs in seeking a credit repair experte and new finance for that matter. Here's the email to contact:
Jayson Mickey - April 17, 2022 - Report this comment
I have been battling with bad credit report after I lost my job; I couldn’t pay my rent and my landlord filed me for an eviction I was confused on what to do so I confided with my sister she gave me the contact of this wonderful hacker (HACKNET CREDIT SPECIALIST). After i explained all of my worries to him, is like a dream he wiped out all collections, closed account medical bills and cleared my payment history. I’m now free from debts my score is worth talking about I got a new apartment, all thanks to Hacknet. You can fellow him up if you need a perfect credit report. HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM or text him 646 450 2754.
Walter Felix - April 18, 2022 - Report this comment
Life became very terrible and unfair when you are not able to afford the basic things for your family. Imagine not being able to send your kids to a better school or get a good home, car or loan. Simply because I had a poor credit. I had suffered terribly for the past NINE MONTHS due to a low credit score caused by eviction, collections, late payments and hard inquiries. I had to contact Skyplus760 Credit Solution, a credit repair company. They literally saved me from my traumatizing experience. They increased my score to 815 excellent score and removed the negative and derogatory Items on my credit report. This review is in order to encourage you to do something about your bad credit by contacting (skyplus760 credit compay). It took just 7days for things to change. My life is better now because I can provide for my family. Try them and see your life will never remain the same after using their service, you can Contact them via: Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or Call/WhatsApp (443)  987  6452 and be thankful to me cheers..
Mark Briayan - April 18, 2022 - Report this comment
I worked with XAP Credit Solution with regards to removing student loan, credit card debts and chex system from my report as well as raising my credit score and would highly recommend him to anyone! He was extremely professional, responsive and answered all of my questions. He was very upfront, helpful and ultimately saved me more money than expected. I would absolutely use in the future!
Samuel smith - April 20, 2022 - Report this comment
In need of any hacking services Instagram hack(real followers verification and so on) or in need hacking service like bitcoin mining or you are you suspecting your spouse that’s he/she is cheating then your search has stopped I can help you with any of that services you can hit our site for more information
Curtis Jones - April 20, 2022 - Report this comment
I don’t know what would have become of me if not for TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR who turned my dream into a reality. I have always wanted to buy my own house but due to my bad credit profile, I got denied each time I try to apply for a home loan. After much disappointment I decide to find solution to my problems. I opened up to my co worker and he referred me to TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM +1 (424) 307 4562. I contacted them immediately, after much discussion we arrived at a price and they got started with the job. In less than 7days I got a message from the credit bureaus that a change as been made on my credit profile. Now am leaving my dreams all thanks to TROVIAN. If you have any credit issues the best choice you can ever make is TROVIAN contact them today and all your worries will be transformed to joy. They are 100% legit.
Pamela Howard - April 21, 2022 - Report this comment
Despite the FAKE hackers out there, Aaron Swartz got you covered 100% without no traces. He help me increase my FICO score to your satisfaction want and delete negatives items like late payments, chapter 7 bankruptcy and hard inquiries from my credit report within 72 hours. Successfully purchase my dream Mansion for my Family. This is a GREAT time of the year to fixed your credit report. Contact him ; AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Nikki Church - April 25, 2022 - Report this comment
Don't fall victim like I previously did.. reach out to Dennis, a computer guru that is into credit repairs, deleting negatIves, phones and emails hack and recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrencies. Contact him on DENNISDFIXER at gmail. Com OR +16094517368. You can say Nikki Church referred you to get a discount.
Calum Scott - April 26, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello am Amanda Lopez from California, Am a mother of two. Life has been terrifying ever since my husband died; I decided to apply for a loan to boost my business but I got denied several times due to my low credit score after then the situation got worst I lost everything me and my late husband worked for due to my inability to meet up with the bills and was also flag with an eviction. I was filled with only suicide taught on my mind. I got referred to TROVIAN by a realtor and I decided to give it a try, I contacted them with TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM text +1(424) 307 4562 and I explain my problems to them, they gave me their words and got started with the job. I was shocked when I received a message from the credit bureaus that changes as been made on my credit profile; they boost my score to 809 from the previous 506 and also add good trade lines. Now I get approved for loans without stress.
Rachel Taylor - April 29, 2022 - Report this comment
West of Hack West Credit Repair is fantastic to work with, and we would and have recommended him. Thanks to West, my husband and I have prequalified for a home loan, and we will be closing in 4-6 weeks. Our credit scores are much higher than they were and continue to rise with all the guidance he gives and the work he put in. We would not be where we are today without him. Anytime we had a question, all we had to do was call or message him, and we always heard from him the same day. If you are experiencing difficulties with your credit scores and need help, he is the person to call. If you are not serious about improving your credit scores, this may not be for you, but we highly recommend for everyone else.
Micheal Thiago - May 03, 2022 - Report this comment
I discovered I had some negative items on my credit profile which as deprive me from buying a new home for me and my family, after being transferred to Texas. I try all the best I could to get rid of the negatives (tax lines, bankruptcy, student loan and utility bills) but all my effort was a waste. So I decided to seek for better solution, why on the search I came across this review about TROVIAN CREDIT SPECIALIST, I contacted them immediately TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM +1 (424) 307 4562 and explained to them about my predicament and they gave some encouraging words, and after that they got started with the job. To my greatest surprise they cleared all the negatives on my profile and also raise my credit score to 799plus excellently. Now I and my family are living in a comfortable home all thanks to TROVIAN. If you have any related issues kindly reached out to them.
Asaher Miles - May 03, 2022 - Report this comment
I contacted Skyplus760 Credit Solution and made use of their services last month. I had lots of inquiries and other negative items in collection, my home was getting foreclosed and I really needed help getting a loan but could not because my credit score was low 510 and 523. I saw several reviews on trulia pointing at them and I had to take my chances. Today my score is 796 and the inquiries and collections have been cleared. My loan has been approved. I thank Skyplus760 for their efforts and for their low charges and requirements. I will drop their contact information here just in case you need it Skyplus760Credit Solution @ Gmail . Com or Call/WhatsApp (443)  987  6452 and thank me later…
Kent Thompson - May 05, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello everyone, I got my credit report fixed with the help of my co-worker which recommend Aaron Swartz to me. He deleted my IRS and liens from my report and raise my credit score from a low 455 to a high 790.  He also clear all debts both bank account and credit cards within few weeks. He is really God’s sent to me. He can help you too. Contact him ; AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Norah James - May 05, 2022 - Report this comment
Whether you like to believe it or not, the truth remains that everybody desires a good credit score, the good advantage of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, that said I would like to inform you that there is still a good credit company that can get your credit fixed in 7days. It sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had a medical condition which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, let me spare you the tale of my woes and give you the good news I had a credit score of 470 as at last year before a friend told me about KMAX CYBER SERVICES, initially, I was skeptical but they have been able to increase my score to 815 across the bureaus. You might contact KMAX today and rest assured your problems will be over via KMAXCYBERSERVIES@GMAIL.COM Cheers..
Norah James - May 06, 2022 - Report this comment
Whether you like to believe it or not, the truth remains that everybody desires a good credit score, the good advantage of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, that said I would like to inform you that there is still a good credit company that can get your credit fixed in 7days. It sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had a medical condition which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, let me spare you the tale of my woes and give you the good news I had a credit score of 470 as at last year before a friend told me about KMAX CYBER SERVICES, initially, I was skeptical but they have been able to increase my score to 815 across the bureaus. You might contact KMAX today and rest assured your problems will be over via KMAXCYBERSERVIES@GMAIL.COM Cheers..
Trey Colby - May 07, 2022 - Report this comment
I'm so much happy right now, my credit score was below 450 and I never believed I could get rid of the negative items on my credit profile because I had disabilities so I can't even work anymore, also someone used my credit cards in shopping of goods online unknown to me, as God may have it my close friend introduce me to a trusted credit expert who help me increase my score from 450 to 819 just in two weeks and he also help me clear my debts in my three credit cards I can't believe all this is happening to me am so glad, you guys performed wonders. Contact them now and worry no more via: Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or Call/WhatsApp (443)  987  6452 and thank me later...
Tiera Deroni - May 12, 2022 - Report this comment
I honestly, decided not to make use of any hacker on Goggle , I am still far less likely to use Google services because of how bad i was ripped off. The stress of being a university student who needed that money was definitely a multiplier, but at the end i got the honest person have been waiting for who help me upgrade my school grades to the point i want and he also help me clear my bills on my student loan, and late payment this how i wish to appreciate his good works by referring him to the world. Reach him through his email on Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com and you will be the next to review about his good jobs. Cheers…
Charles Allen - May 15, 2022 - Report this comment
I will only recommend the best here. I can assure you RAYLINK is the best and really good in increasing of credit score, deleting of negatives collections, paying off loans and maxed out credit card debt on your report. He help me get mine done within three days and my score is 821 now and I can proudly say he added 220 points. Thank me later. RAYLINKCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
Kenneth Carol - May 20, 2022 - Report this comment
If you need a perfect job done on your credit score and clearing debts do contact: REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST AT GMAIL DOT COM, He is the only real one I've come across.... a lot of them here don't really know what they are doing and I got ripped a couple of times before I came across REVOX. He is confidential and reliable and because of him I'm able to keep my home and got a better job.
Credit Repair - May 20, 2022 - Report this comment
Contact AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376 for your credit repair and any other service
Steve Cole - May 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Thank you so much Rootkits Credit Specialist for helping me raise my credit score and erase negative items. It took a little over 9 days to get my credit just where I needed it.Now I’m pre-approved for a mortgage and I’m currently house shopping! It’s a dream come true and a personal goal accomplished with your help. THANK YOU! I’m recommending them to any one in desperate need of credit repair (ROOTKITSCREDITSPECIALIST at GMAIL dot COM or 815 524 8116). They will change your life in a matter of days.
Cole Karter - May 24, 2022 - Report this comment
I am glad to tell you all about this wonderful hacker called MASON WEST, the words of my mouth can’t show how happy I am today. I have been battling with my credit report for some few months back. I discovered I had some negatives sure as credit loans of $14000, student loan of $3500, bankruptcy, taxline, hospitalbills, DUI and a criminal record which as lasted for 8 months. As at then my credit score was 406.i went online in search for a hacker, luckily for me I came across a review about MASONWESTCREDITCONSULTANTS@GMAIL.COM . I contacted them immediately and we settle at a price and I made some up front commitment, after that they start the job. Few days later I received a message from the credit bureaus that my credit profile as been wiped and they also increased my score to a high 799plus. They are legit and 100% trust worthy, contact them with the above details.
Ruth Robert - May 24, 2022 - Report this comment
Little did I know that with JEFFCLOUD CREDIT SOLUTION I could get my credit report fixed permanently I once had civil judgments, student loans, eviction, multiple hard inquiries on my credit report and coupled with 522 score. These derogatory marks prevented me from getting approval for a house loan until I reached out to Jeffcloud through JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM. I was assured of a permanent fix and on reviewing an updated copy of my credit report on Credit Karma; my credit score increased to 782, all derogatory marks (eviction, judgment) and student loans have been deleted and great trade lines were added to my report. The joy made me to recommend him to a friend who’s in need of credit repair and he also delivered excellently. I’m glad to have met someone reliable and efficient at his job exactly when I needed such services.
Brittany Jack - May 27, 2022 - Report this comment
I wanted to apply for a loan and consolidate the debt I had for credit cards and others loans and most important to finance my business that was affected negatively due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I was pre-approved for a loan of $29,000 but at a 22.3% interest rate. I have never had any bankruptcy and no debt in collection and I really needed getting my credit score to a good rating so I can consolidate my debts with a personal loan at a much better interest rate than 22.3%. It was at this point I contacted JEFFCLOUD CREDIT SOLUTION. 6 days after subscribing to his services, I had a massive credit score boost of 173 points and added two positive trade lines to my credit profile. I now got the $29,000 loan with 10.7% interest rate. Contact JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM for credit repair services
Alivea Patrick - May 30, 2022 - Report this comment
If you are interested in getting a good professional hacking service?  I recommend you contact them Skyplus760  company his services are 100% safe and 100% guaranteed, they are team of professionals ever ready to satisfy one's needs in hacking services such as  hacking of social networks in general, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype. Changes and upgrading of university grades, Clear criminal records, General hacking and database penetration, PayPal accounts verified hacking, Word Press Blogs hacking, Hack all social media accounts, Hack all Android  phones, laptops and Windows Mobile devices. Raise credit score, Western Union and Money gram Hack, Hacking and deleting videos and CCTV history, Hack bank logins, money transfer, credit transfer, clear credit records, credit repair report, Increase Facebook, Instagram followers and likes Tracking and recovery of cars, email account hacking  Website blocked hacking delete YouTube videos or increase views  school transfer and forgery of certificates, Recovery of lost files or documents *Recovery of money lost to scam brokers or fraud, hacking of bank details and credit card hacking, Clear fingerprint from all databases and servers on the website, Crypto loading and other types of hacking services, they one among the best hackers all over and they make sure you get the best customers services. Reach him at: Skyplus760 Credit Solution @ Gmail Dot Com they are solution to all your problems Call/whatsApp  (443)  987 6452 Cheers..
Mark Donald - June 01, 2022 - Report this comment
I had a little problem purchasing a new house due to the eviction on my credit report, when I searched for someone to help me remove the eviction on my credit report. I got a recommendation on Trulia Kmax Cyber Services, helping people to fix their credit issues, I was skeptical about it because I have been scammed several times. To crown it all a friend recommended him again, I emailed him about the eviction on my credit report and He said he will help me remove the eviction on my credit report within 72 hours. When I checked my credit report my credit score changed to 810 excellent and eviction was removed automatically. Now I purchased a new house for my family, He is the only legit hacker and always convenient for me when working with him. Contact him now via: Kmax Cyber Services @ Gmail Dot Com and be thankful to me cheers...
Maria Christy - June 03, 2022 - Report this comment
I want to bring to your notice a reliable hacker Skyplus760 credit solution. Credit Repair Specialist for the great job done to my credit profile. At first I had doubts about their services and wasting my money but in the long run it was helpful, I got a lot of stuff deleted off my credit report and boosted my FICO score 799. I was able to buy a house. So if you’re looking for a reliable credit specialist to get your credit fixed quickly, you can text or call them 443 987 6452 or Skyplus760 Credit Solution @ Gmail Dot Com Cheers!
Tony Douglas - June 07, 2022 - Report this comment
I am smiling so big right now, Aaron Swartz help me fixed my credit report within days. He wipe off bad items, criminal records, raise my FICO score from 420 to 800 in 72hrs now I got approved for the loan I applied for and we’re happily living well all thanks to Aaron Swartz he is indeed a credit guru in all rounds.  Contact AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
Oliver Bangart - June 20, 2022 - Report this comment
We were in severe need of a loan to purchase a car for our family, but my application was denied due to my poor credit score. My credit score was 564 (Transunion), 588 (Equifax), and 591 (Experian) when I checked it. There were several bad entries. After reading so many internet reviews, I decided to go for ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST as they were highly rated. They assisted me in erasing all of the negative aspects of my life, and increasing my score to excellent across all bureaus and also created good trade lines; they completed all of this within 9 days. You can get in touch with them via: Mail: ROOTKITSCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Mobile: +18155248116 Please remember to mention me...
Donna Hagan - June 21, 2022 - Report this comment
Looking to recover lost or stolen b itcoin? Trying to Recover a bank or email account? Need to monitor a phone or see if your partner is cheating without touching their phone? Change school grades Or clear up loans? here is the perfect geek for you named W a l k e r. Contact him and thank me later. Dennisdfixer AT gmail DOT com ... +1609 451 7368
James - June 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Can remember this time last year I was battling with my poor credit, it was hard for me to get any loan or credit care help. I battled it till I came in contact with a professional who helped me add tradelines and removed all bad items off my credit scores and now I can boast of my credit score anywhere. Feel free to reach me on jameswiLLLiams04 at gmail if you'd like to know how I got help.
Bella Frank - June 23, 2022 - Report this comment
I lost my crypto worth $6000 to some rip-offs who claimed to be investors. They convinced me to open an account with them which I did because of the testimonials (false evidence) from their past clients. I was promised a 200% bonus so I invested $4000. When it was due for me to withdraw I couldn’t, I was told by them to Invest more $$$ in order to unlock some privileges, which includes fund withdrawal. I did as I was told (I invested another $2000). It was when they asked for another $3000 that I was convinced they were scammers. I tried every means to recover my funds from them all to no avail, until a friend who passed through the same ordeal recommended Jerry Link Group. They helped me trace and recovered my stolen crypto. They also showed me how to invest and make profit for myself and what to look out for, when investing with any platform, so I won’t get scammed again. Have you been scammed while trying to invest? Plus I paid after the recovery was made. You can reach out to them via jerrylinkgroup at gmail dot com.
Leonard Adam - June 26, 2022 - Report this comment
I was able to get eviction, foreclosure, bankruptcy, and liens removed from my credit report with the help of Rootkits Credit Specialist; they are currently the best. They also raised my credit score from 533 to 783, which is a fantastic number, and they did this in less than 11 days. They are the best of them all. They're safe, secure, reliable and fast. Contact them by mail via : ROOTKITSCREDITSPECIALIST at GMAIL dot COM or via mobile: +18155248116 for quick service at a reasonable cost for all kinds of credit related issues.
Johnson Tyler - June 30, 2022 - Report this comment
I trusted SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION COMPANY with everything I had when it came to increasing of poor FICO score/ credit score and recovery of lost bitcoin wallet, this hacker has helped me in critical times and never disappointed me for once. That is the reason I am here to appreciate them and to refer them to the world. He is the real deal, with respect to not letting me down when I needed his help the most. May God bless you, contact him via:Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or call +1 443 987 6452 for a similar job.
Brandon Knight - July 01, 2022 - Report this comment
How do I start this review? honestly I do not enjoy writing much, but I have to let the world know about this genius that helped me. Seriously I needed a home for my family, but I couldn’t get one because of the evictions, two late payments from 2020 on a credit card, charge off on my record and 540 TransUnion, I read many good reviews about Aaron Swartz online. 3 days after I contacted, He increased my score to 802 and improved my credit profile by removing the evictions, charge off, late payments and other negatives, I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact them for any credit related issue via Mail AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM ; Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376
Amanda Bella - July 02, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello my name is Amanda Bella, I want to share a great testimony to you all, last 7months ago my husband and I were kicked out from our apartment because we were unable to meet the standards of the management. It was really tremble for me and my Husband, our credit score was nothing to write home about, very low as 585, we contacted an old friend by Name Frankly we explain our situation to him, he told us to come over to he’s home were we spent the night so the next day during our conversation he told me he knew someone who can help us get our credit score fixed, we contacted the credit specialist. He collected some information from us who he needed to proceed with job, and within 3 to 7 days he put our credit in good shape and also raised our score from 585 to 809 excellent score. Am happy to say we are writing from our new home and we are thankful to God Almighty, to my friends out there with similar issue on credit, I advise you Contact him now Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com cheers..
Charles Doser - July 03, 2022 - Report this comment
On my credit I had issues of payment irregularities, my credit score had dropped to 509, with loads of negative items, this was as a result of being unemployed for a long time. I couldn't get a personal loan to cater for my three kids. I tried every credit hack in the book, but no positive result. Then, I saw good reviews on Credit Karma about Rootkits Credit Specialist. I reached out to them reluctantly and we started the procedure. 9 days later I was told to check my credit report, and when I did, to my greatest surprise I was in the 790s. Right now I've been approved for a low interest rate loan. I'm recommending their services as promised. You can contact them on Mail: ROOTKITSCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Mobile: 815 524 8116.
Sandra Jordan - July 04, 2022 - Report this comment
I am glad to tell you all about this wonderful hacker called TRUST, the words of my mouth can’t show how happy I am today. I have been battling with my credit report for some few months back. I discovered I had some negatives sure as credit loans of $14000, student loan of $3500, bankruptcy, taxline, hospitalbills, DUI and a criminal record which as lasted for 8 months. As at then my credit was 406.i went online in search for a hacker, luckily for me I came across a review about TRUSTCREDITCONSULTANTS@GMAIL.COM . I contacted them immediately and we settle at a price and I made some up front commitment, after that they start the job. Few days later I received a message from the credit bureaus that my credit profile as been wiped and they also increased my score to a high 799plus. They are legit and 100% trust worthy, contact them with the above details.
Laura Williams - July 16, 2022 - Report this comment
We can’t forget CYBER CREDIT GURU in a hurry. My husband was declared bankruptcy in 2019 (and we later on realized that the mobile home in which we lived was included). While I had a debt of $26k and about 9 negative items on my report. As a result, we couldn’t get a mortgage until we had our reports fixed. We were frustrated, there was absolutely nothing we could do until we encountered CYBERCREDITGURU (AT) GMAIL DOT COM / +1 (650) 439 0624 via a positive review about them on a blog. Today we are in a house of our own, all negative items removed and score raised from 430, 470 respectively to 782 each in 6 days. Thanks to team CyberGuru!
Rosalyn Baux - August 04, 2022 - Report this comment
Thank you Dr Winner for saving my broken Marriage and bringing my husband back to me!. Me and my husband are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr. Winner If you have any problem contact Dr.Winner now and i guarantee you that he will help you.Email him at: or you can also call him or add him on whats-app: +2348138289852...or view his website: or via his Facebook Page
Burton Howard - August 05, 2022 - Report this comment
Do you need professional help if you’re trying to fix your bad credit report, I got a quick and fast credit improvement after contacting Hacknet Credit Specialist and he delivered a perfect job for me by removing all my negative items tax liens bankruptcy late payment including the criminal history on my public record and improve my score to excellent 810 only within a short time of using his service. You can as well contact him directly through. (HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM or cell +1 646 450 2754) and be rest assured of a permanent job.
Tricia Walton - August 05, 2022 - Report this comment
Had a credit union mistakenly apply my payment 2 days later than I should have missing my statement and date. They said they fixed the mistake and I will see this correction on my next statement but the issue is it was reported to the bureaus with wrong amount prior to them correcting this. The amount is over $16k so this is making a huge impact on my credit score/utilization/total balances and ability to get approved for new credit. Well, I fixed my credit and got rid off my debts with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST whom a trusted friend recommended and he did a perfect job increasing my credit score to (801 TransUnion, 805 Experian, 807 Equifax) all credit card debts are marked as paid, public record, bankruptcy and hard inquiries are all gone. I’m so happy. I refer this great hacker to those who have a fixed date to fix their credit profile. Text PINNACLE ON +1 (585) 466 4373. Tell them Tricia Walton Referred you. You can also reach them on PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Janice Bonne - August 13, 2022 - Report this comment
So, I was in the process of rebuilding my credit. I was in the upper 500’s and after a lot of research I decided to go ahead and take a chance at contacting PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM even though many people didn’t believe in credit repair companies. I am a living witness that contacting PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST will raise your credit score. I am now at 802, 7 collections have been deleted. Good luck to anyone going down the same road I am. Let them know Janice Bonne referred you.
Janice Bonne - August 14, 2022 - Report this comment
I got an email from Experian saying my score went up, so I decided to check my scores on Credit Karma and my scores has dropped 56 points from 600 to 544. I went to check what happened and there’s no changes listed. Now I just feel defeated. I just don’t want to bother anymore. I’ve been keeping my credit use under 30%, paying my card off every month, been setting all my bills up for auto pay. I’ve been trying so hard and it’s all for nothing. Thank to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who came through for me. I’ve been working so hard with them to rebuild my credit, and seeing that score goes up again, that made me so proud. Within 5 days of working with PINNACLE they increased my score to TU 819, EX 810, EQ 816. All negative items have been removed; credit card debt marked as paid on time. I sincerely recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to anyone out their who has similar issues with me. You can get them on: OR call them on +1 (585) 466 4373. Let them know Morton Howard, I referred you.
Amanda Ella - August 14, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello my name is Amanda Ella, I want to share a great testimony to you all, last 7months ago my husband and I were kicked out from our apartment because we were unable to meet the standards of the management. It was really tremble for me and my Husband, our credit score was nothing to write home about, very low as 585, we contacted an old friend by Name Frankly we explain our situation to him, he told us to come over to he’s home were we spent the night so the next day during our conversation he told me he knew someone who can help us get our credit score fixed, we contacted the credit specialist. He collected some information from us who he needed to proceed with job, and within 3 to 7 days he put our credit in good shape and also raised our score from 585 to 809 excellent score. Am happy to say we are writing from our new home and we are thankful to God Almighty, to my friends out there with similar issue on credit, I advise you Contact him now Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com cheers..
brooks. - August 19, 2022 - Report this comment
HOW I GOT MY BROKEN MARRIAGE FIXED CHOOSING DR GBOGBO AS MY LAST OPTION OF WHICH I DIDN'T REGRET BECAUSE HE GOT MY MARRIAGE FIXED Email: Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This testimony is about the good work of Dr Gbogbo who fixed my broken marriage. I’m Brooks Gaius from North Carolina, USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 2 days my husband was back with our kids, I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell you did to fix my broken marriage. Sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells you is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him Email: Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661
Cheryl Krage - August 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Finally! I found a legit c yber guru that works on all c redit related issues. I had a low c redit of 490 which wouldn't let me qualify for anything, it was a struggle finding a real agent after having l ost money to rippers here.. luckily I met D e n n i s on Qoura and after 3weeks working with him my score right now is 780 and he is still working on my lingering d ebts which is why I decided to share this for anyone in need not to fall into wrong hands.. contact him on D E N N I S D F I X E R @G M AIL.C OM or +1609 451 7368
Jeffrey Larry - September 04, 2022 - Report this comment
I had credit scores of 508 (Transunion) 544(Equifax) (Experian) 590, I applied for a surgery loan after the Covid19 pandemic which was not approved because my score was in a very bad shape. I contacted my loan officer and she let me know I needed a score between 730-750 to get approved (considered by FICO as Good) and I was in desperate need to get my score up because I had to do the surgery at that time. I saw some positive recommendations from this credit repair expert called SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION, He helped raise my scores to 820. I thought that was enough but he also removed all my reports and negatives. After which he referred me to a loan officer, where I took a loan. I’m very grateful to him and God almighty. I am writing from my new home now. You can also contact him if you need such services via: Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or Call/WhatsApp +1 443 987 6452 and be thankful to me…
Turner Bowman - September 04, 2022 - Report this comment
4 years ago, I was freshly clean from heroin, and had just gotten out of jail, a state away from everything and everyone is ever known, only had the clothes on my back, an expired ID in an otherwise empty wallet, and was looking at a credit score around 520. Married, 2 years old, middle management at a fortune 50 Corp. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who came as an angel for me and fixed my credit score within 5 days, negative items, credit card debt and hard inquiries has been removed and resolved and I’m happy now because it really helped my FICO score got increase to 819. I’m going to apply for an AMEX. It’s something I’ve wanted to get for years, a big goal I’ve been working towards, (that and buying a house). And I finally am comfortable enough with my score to pull the trigger on it. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I’m really proud of them right now. You can reach via: / +1 585 466 4373.
Felix Jack - September 06, 2022 - Report this comment
Hey guys, I got a good news for you all of a reliable hacker that helped me increase my FICO score to 795 from as low as 590, due to my diabetic condition I got a setback on my payments, owing the fact that I could not pay my medical bills, car loan and few other negative items on time, my world started falling apart because I wanted to rent a home and take some loans and I couldn’t. I kept looking for someone who could help fix my credit score, until last month when I met Kmax Cyber Services through a friend whom they had worked for last year. They boosted my credit score in 9 working days and restored my dignity back. I was able to get a loan and pay for a new home. You can contact them for a similar job via: Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com and be grateful to God and me…
Norberto Russell - September 08, 2022 - Report this comment
My wife and I just got approved on our home loan in South Carolina. After experiencing some financial hardships in the past and being turned down by multiple other lenders, we stumbled across a wonderful review about Hacknet Credit Specialist on Loan Cabin for help because we had a lot of inquires, late payments, closed accounts and lot of debts our score was at 560 after much discussion with this credit specialist he fixed our credit reports and remove all negatives and some other bad items affecting our reports and boost our score to 795plus. If you're reading this review, do yourself a favor and get in touch with HIM now! Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM WhatsApp/Text: +1 646 450 2754
Stacey Robert - September 09, 2022 - Report this comment
It looks impossible, but very possible if you employ a legit and professional hacker. It is always advisable you hire a trusted one; you will not have a chance of falling into the hands of scammers. I trusted the skyplus760 credit company, my brother in law, I kept his contact information and did my research about their reliability. I came to understand the reason why people kept referring to them on every side, is because he is reliable, trustworthy and committed. to people and I am certain that he is legit because of the good feedback I got. About a month ago, I had an issue with the trading company I invested with, I lost almost $20.000 worth of BTC and they were not stating why my BTC vanished all of a sudden. I was very pissed at their poor customer services and just contacted SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM this team of hackers helped me sort everything out in 2weeks, they also raised my credit score to 804 and erased all my negative report more especially the dept on my three credit cards. Truly they are the best. if you need any related services just call/whatsApp via: +1 443 987 6452 Cheers….
Leo Brooks - September 12, 2022 - Report this comment
I want to sincerely appreciate (KMAX CYBER SERVICES). Last 2weeks I pulled my credit report on Transunion Equifax and Experian and confirmed that my credit score is now 810. I had 10 collections, credit card debts of $45000, I had late on my car payments and few other hard inquiries; after I contacted Kmax company, he raised my score and removed all of these unwanted items, he even added good tradelines to my report. he promised me that his work is permanent and remains untraceable, I recommend him for any kind of hacking jobs or credit fix. Contact him at Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com and be rest assured your problems will be over. Cheers…
Diddy Tamara - September 13, 2022 - Report this comment
In the middle of last month I was going true an article on Hackers News. This article was about a hacker raising their credit score from 450 to 800% and how their users were happy about it. I was just reading it as a news article and browsing through some comments on Google when a simple comment from user in Google and credit karma mentioning {SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION} caught my attention, so I decided to get in touch with the hacker and he help me increase my credit score by giving me 350 point added my score before 450 making it 800 plus, he also delete all my negative report, I’m free to purchase any kind of house I want you can contact him through his email at SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM or Call/WhatsApp +1 443 987 6452 and be thankful to God and me…
Churchill Anderson - September 14, 2022 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has been my saving grace. Going through such a nasty divorce was such a disastrous thing on my credit. I can’t thank PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST enough for taking my credit out of the garbage after my divorce which brought down my credit score to 605 which I already have 10 negative items, credit card loan and eviction. Pinnacle credit specialist has done such an amazing job to help clear all the negative items and restore my credit score to 811. This company has been so professional and so amazing at keeping in touch with me every single step of the way. Thanks, you, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I will definitely recommend their service to all my friends and family. Contact them via: / +1 585 466 4373.
Felicia Patrick - September 16, 2022 - Report this comment
The merits of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, for you to survive; you need to have a good credit history. The good news there is that there is a credit specialist that can get your credit fixed in 5 days. It sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had a medical condition and few other negative items which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, let me spare you the tale of my woes and give you the good news I had a credit score of 509 as at last three months before a friend told me about KMAX CYBER SERVICES, initially, I was skeptical but they have been able to increase my score to 799 You might want to contact KMAX via; KmaxCyberServices@Gmail.Com Cheers…
Jenny4life - September 17, 2022 - Report this comment
HOW TO RECOVER LOST BTC / RECOVER LOST CRYPTOCURRENCY Hello everyone it's your gurl Jennywin here's my testimony I am a cryptocurrency trader and I have been trading in the market for a long time. I have been using a trezor wallet to store my coins but recently I mistakenly clicked on a phishing link and all my coins were stolen. I immediately went online in search of how to recover my coins. After a long search I came across a post about Jerry The Ultimate Hacker and I contacted him and he came to my aid. The ULTIMATE HACKER, an expert Private hacker at American Firm, was able to recover $4.4 million dollars in stolen cryptocurrency from my trezor wallet after I mistakenly clicked on a phishing link. The money was recovered from multiple wallets which are outsourced by the hacker pro The company also helped me detach $2.4 million in my wallet being the first part of the 4.4 million recovered and I am waiting for the BNB gas fee to go through so that I can detach the rest from the outsourced wallets I'd Recommend JERRY THE ULTIMATE HACKER to anyone WhatsApp: +15203290320 Email:
Charles Mike - September 17, 2022 - Report this comment
I will forever remain grateful or indebted to the Skyplus760 credit solution, I had a criminal record for the past 7years, this has affected me so much and has deprived me a lot. Though I have a fair credit score, the criminal record could not allow any lender to lend me money to boost my business. I have applied for a loan several times but it was declined. Already my wife has been the one managing all my money. She does not even tell me before she spends it. I was so much better, but I kept silent and kept searching for a hacker to help me out from my current situation. Until I came across positive reviews about him on reddit and credit blog, I took advantage of him, I contacted him via: SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM, and immediately he responded positively and explain to me the processes involved to get it done. After 7 working days my credit score skyrocketed to 815 excellent score and permanently removed the criminal record on my profile. I got an approved loan, and I took charge of my account and money, not my wife anymore. This is how I wish to appreciate him by referring him to the world. You can call or whatsApp him via: +1 443 987 6452 and be thankful to me cheers… 
Amanda Johnson - September 18, 2022 - Report this comment
I had three evictions earlier this year which deprived me from purchasing an apartment for my family, and my other apartment was not conducive for my family anymore, but I couldn’t purchase any due to low credit score and my husband wasn’t working he had no job at the moment. So, I decided to meet my grandpa for a good hacker, because he’s credit score has been raised before by hacker and he referred me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for help, he’s a very good person and he explained how the hack will be helpful to me and my greatest surprise, he increased my credit score to 805 excellent credit score and removed the eviction on my credit report without any remission during the hacking process. I just moved in my new apartment with my family and I have no affliction working with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Hit him up through his email at PHONE +1 (585) 466 4373.
Tommy Halando - September 20, 2022 - Report this comment
contact ethicalhackers009 AT gmail DOT com, Whatsapp +14106350697 if you need any hacking help or you need a private investigator to spy on your spouse's phone or clear your criminal records(databased),fix your bad credit score etc you just name it when you contact them be rest assured you will get your testimony.
Trina James - September 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Kmax remains the best team specialist for any kind of Credit repair services. I’m a living beneficiary of their works and benevolence. Yes I call it benevolence because I was robbed off my hard earned money sometime ago by those self acclaimed hackers. Kmax gave me a golden score and as well removed the criminal history, DMV, Bankruptcy, and medical bills from my report. He is one of the best hackers in the world. Email him via Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot Com and be the next to write about their good job. Cheers…
Cooper Austin - September 24, 2022 - Report this comment
My wife was showing me a picture she took on her birthday and I tried scrolling to the next picture and immediately she took the phone away from me I asked why she did she behave the way behaved, she said nothing, but I was not convinced that it was really nothing, I had a hacker friend who worked on my credit score earlier before now, who is also breaking into cell phone I was able to email this hacker, immediately this hacker responded and I told him all I needed him to do for me in less than 3days I was able to gain access to her whatsApp messages, text Mgs and all social media profile. phone and I saw all that she didn’t want me to see. I found out that her ex pictures were on her phone and she has been hiding it from me, not just her ex pictures but she is still In contact with her ex. Well I just want to say a big thank you to my great hacker for the great help. If you need such help quickly contact him via: Skyplus760 Credit Solution Dot Com or text him +1 443 987 6452 Cheers…
Shantell Rose - September 26, 2022 - Report this comment
"Hey Guys, l know everyone needs a good credit score to maintain the status quo of living. Don’t miss out on getting your credit repaired with CREDIT SECRETS, credit specialist. Helped me and my cool workers with our credit in the past 2months and he always comes through. He permanently removed all the negative items on my credit report and skyrocketed my score to 798/801 on all the 3 bureaus. I have been approved for a business loan to buy new truck’s for my business after being turned down several  times . If you need your credit improved I suggest you contact: (Credit Secret Repair @ Gmail Dot com) thanks…
Paul Robert - September 26, 2022 - Report this comment
I needed assistance on how to fix my credit and perhaps purchase a small condo/townhouse. I had a credit score of 517 across board, 4 hard inquiries (11-6-2019) 3 open accounts (car note, $35,000) and student loans (187,000-greatest mistake of my financial life); 3 negative marks, totaling $7,000-thought of asking for a pay to delete before learned about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on MyFico blog. It still seems like a dream but I now have a FICO score of 811 and all hard inquiries, student loan, open accounts erased from my report and every debt now appears as paid on time. I sincerely appreciate the service I got from PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I encourage everyone who has credit issues to quickly contact them on: / +1 (585) 466 4373.
Richard Julian - September 28, 2022 - Report this comment
I wanted an approval for a car but I had a fico score of 492 Equifax, 546 TransUnion, 559 Experian. The only reason my Equifax is so low is because of the PPP loan being on it and exactly my fears the dealership singled it out and refused to approve my request. The dealer rather advises me to work with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST if I desire to fix my credit report. I immediately contacted via email: and explained all my challenges, he assured to raise my score and clear the loans including the credit card debts which he did perfectly in less than 4 days, which is an amazing job to me and I confirmed it when I returned to the same place I was denied earlier and after the dealer pulled my report I was approved of a car with a very low interest rate. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I now have an excellent credit score of 801 Equifax, 809 TransUnion, 811 Experian and a clean credit report. You can contact them via email or reach them phone +1 (585) 466 4373 for quick and reliable credit fix, Chex system and DUI2020. Cheers and don’t forget to let them know I referred you.
Rhonda Collins - October 07, 2022 - Report this comment
I had eviction removed from my credit report, and I still can’t believe PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST raise my credit score to 804 excellent score within few days. He also helps me apply for PPP loan with the sum of $35k which reflect in my bank account with a low interest rate. I saw a lot of good reviews about his works and he would respond swiftly. Hire him: you can also call or text on: +1(585) 466 4373.
Matthew Robinson - October 10, 2022 - Report this comment
I was recommended to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST by a close friend of my family who happens to be realtor in his professional service. I wish more credit companies out there today could learn how to treat customer and get job done professional which is more concerned with he’s customer than anything else. He’s honest, pleasant and encouraging. My credit score is now at 803 excellent credit score and I applied for a new apartment which has been approved. Big thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST because they’re my saving Angels. I’m highly recommending him to anyone out there who is in need of their services. Text him via: / Mobile +1 (480) 420 8331.
Michael Garcia - October 13, 2022 - Report this comment
I never believe PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can help raise my credit score to my satisfaction. My credit score per credit karma was in the high 500s with a 40% credit utilization rate and a total of about 30k debt. I have about 15k debt that has average 25% apr. I had another 15k transferred balance with 0% apr until 2024. I had charge offs, criminal and DMV records, collections with credit card debts. I do own a house but I was unable to get a car loan. I want to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me to fix credit report. They’re credit expert in repairing of credit score and deleting negative collections on credit report. They helped me raise my credit score to 811 excellent score within period of 6 days. They also clear off my credit card debt and increase my credit card limit to my satisfaction. I applied for a car loan after they fix my credit score and it has been approved. I’m very happy to recommend them to anyone having credit issues. Contact them on: OR +1 (480) 420 8331.
Felix Zeno - October 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Hi my name FELIX ZENO I applied for a loan to boast up my new business about a couple of months ago, my score was very low of 575 and i was rejected thrice. I almost lost with no hope until i explained my problem to my spouse and she introduced me to a hacker that helped her Dad to fix his credit, I have no choice and i decided to give him a try and he help me to raise my credit score to 807 and remove all the negative items such as unpaid parking ticket, taxes, bank foreclosure and had inquiries. I had a bet with my spouse i was going to review this great hacker to the world if he should fix my credit score. Well here I am recommending :(Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or whatsApp him +1 443 987 6452) for your credit score & credit report issues and all sort of hacking jobs. Give him a try and share your own testimony to the world as well. His the real deal now Cheers…
JOLLINA DAVID - October 24, 2022 - Report this comment
I came across so many reviews about paragon credit solution for the great job they are doing. And I was very need of a good hacking company to help Me and my husband fix our credit. 4 years ago we messed up to credit report due to low income. I contacted them on there email address , and they ask us for the necessary information and promise to get job within maximum of 6 days. To our greatest surprise in less than 5 working days they remove all negative items and also raise our credit score to 806 across board. You can contact them on . They are the best hacking company I have came across.
Maria Jose - October 24, 2022 - Report this comment
I'm here to testify of a powerful doctor called Robbinson who restored my marriage. I was so confused and devastated when my husband left me without a word,i found a testimony online which seems so impossible how he helped Mrs Vanessa get her husband back after 4 years of marital issues, I contacted Dr Robbinson and he promised that in less than 7 days my husband will come back to me, and I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise after 5 days of in contact with Dr Robbinson my husband who had refused to speak to me even on the phone came down, to my house he told me i am really sorry for making you go through pains(that was his exact words) now we are living happily together, if you have any Marital issues of any kind I will advise you contact him for your testimonies. Below are his contact details WhatsApp: +12267705795 Email:
Jack Steven - October 25, 2022 - Report this comment
Do you really need a reliable hacker to keep an eye on your wife or by gaining her online access to her mails? As a parent, you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social media?  This involves Tiktok , Twitter,  Instagram, Facebook  and WhatsApp  with others, just to make sure they are guided properly without having issues. Only few weeks I came across CREDIT SECRET REPAIR@GMAIL .COM, he was able to erase all my negatives and gave me 350 points on my credit score, and also gave me online access to my wife’s social media and that of my kids. Thanks to CREDIT SECRETS REPAIR. I can recommend him to anyone else.
Carrie Rice - October 27, 2022 - Report this comment
I was asked to give my thoughts on GEARHEADPANACEA.COM because I was pleased with how my score improved and how much they taught me. To whom it may concern, all I can say is that they are good at their job and if you need any cyber related help you can visit their website or email
Anthony Daniel - October 30, 2022 - Report this comment
Three months ago, I applied for a loan which was not approved due to low FICO score of around 508 and I needed a personal loan for my health insurance. Thanks Rebecca who referred me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. They helped me raise my FICO score to 811, 5 negative items which has been on my credit report for 8 months has been removed. Eviction and has been taken care off by them. Credit card debt has been marked of paid on time. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. They’ve saved my life. I sincerely recommend them to everyone out there who is in need of there service. Text them on: / +1 (480) 420 8331.
Jackson Ninas - November 02, 2022 - Report this comment
I want to give you guys a little tips while credit secret repair remains the best, I messed up my credit score last year, and I made the best decision last month by contacting CREDIT SECRET REPAIR  after a friend recommended him for credit fix, whether you like it or not the truth remains that we all want a good credit scores, the benefit of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, there is still a good credit hackers even in the midst of scammers, he can get your credit fixed in 5 days. Sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had car loan and 11 hard inquiries which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, the good news is, I had a credit score of 499 as at last year before a friend told me about CREDIT SECRET REPAIR, initially, I was skeptical, but they have been able to do what they said they do there by removing all derogatory marks and increase my score to 810 excellent. You can contact him via; CREDIT SECRET REPAIR @ GMAIL DOT COM. Cheers..
Sarah Addison - November 03, 2022 - Report this comment
Big gratitude to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me out on my credit report. Earlier this year I had evictions, foreclosure and bankruptcy on my credit report which deprived me access to so many things. I decided to go online and search for good hacker for help; and that was how I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me removed the eviction, foreclosure and bankruptcy from my credit report. I can guarantee you they are the best credit specialist in the universe. They further increased my credit score from 553 to 802 TransUnion, 807 Equifax, 812 Experian. One thing I love so much about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is that they keep to time frame, they told me in less than 6 days they’ll get job done. In the 5th day job has been fixed already and uploaded to my credit profile. They’re the best among all. I sincerely recommend them to the universe. Contact them via: / +1 (480) 420 8331
Pam - November 04, 2022 - Report this comment
I and my household have been blessed through an Expert Forex trader Mr Mark Toray who I came across while searching for top Bitcoin entrepreneurs. He traded for me and also gave me lessons on how to trade with his Forex/Binary trading company where I earned $13,500 in just 7 days, you also want to be bill free? Do well and reach out to him via his Email:, Telegram: @Mark4toray_fx, WhatsApp: +1 (301) 410‑5007
Jack Ton - November 05, 2022 - Report this comment
I got rid of my debt of $20000 dollars with the help of CREDIT SECRET REPAIR whom a trusted friend recommended and he did a perfect job increasing my credit about 350 points in 7 business working days. My score is amazingly at its high 809’s now and all debts were removed completely & I’ve now been qualified for a business loan, and I also see him as the best. I refer this hacker to those who have a fixed date to fix their profile. You can write to him via: credit secret repair at gmail dot com and be thankful…
Kenzo Bruce - November 10, 2022 - Report this comment
Don’t miss out on getting your credit repaired with SKYPLUS760 credit specialist. He gave a very great help to me and my old time friend to fix our credit last month and he always comes through. He permanently removed all the negative items on my credit report and boosted my credit score to 790/809 on all the 3 bureaus. I have been approved for a business loan to buy new trucks for my business after being turned down several times. I write from my new home.If you need your credit improved I recommend you contact: (Skyplus760 credit solution @ Gmail Dot com or call/textme +1 443 987 6452) his work is less stressful and 100% legit thanks…
Richard Weaver - November 17, 2022 - Report this comment
Desperately in need of a legitimate hacker to help you recover your lost or stolen crypto assets, spy and monitor a suspected cheating partner, website hacks, phone cloning, credit score upgrade and many more. contact hack mavens, they are the best for the job. Below is their contact information; Email: H A C K M A V E N S 5 (AT) GMAIL DOT COM Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (209) 417 – 1957
Joan Coleman - November 17, 2022 - Report this comment
I never thought I would be able to establish a good credit, much less buy a home easily with all my credit issues. My real estate agent connected me to Jeffcloud Credit Solution who has been working for his clients. It took only 9days to wipe all the negative items from my history, I now have an excellent score and am able to buy a home. I am now recommending the services to any person in need of credit fix. Contact them via or call via +1 (740) 214 6282.
Danny Wilson - November 18, 2022 - Report this comment
It’s been a very tough 3 years after I got outta jail as I'm unable to get a good job for myself. I got turned down after every background and criminal check. This was really hard on me as I'm barely keeping my head above water. I ran into a buddy of mine who was an ex-inmate as well, he told me about a hacker who helped him with expunging criminal records and fixing credit, I did contact the hacker on (JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM) or Text (740) 214-6282 and he was able to remove my criminal records and increase my credit within a week. No long talk, He's the best.
Anna Delaney - November 19, 2022 - Report this comment
I appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for their help with my credit score. We started late last month and in less than 18 days my negative items, credit card debt and evictions have been removed without any trace. They also increased my credit score from 582 to 811 excellent score. I can assure you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best credit repair company who can fix your credit without asking for outrageous fees. Today I’m living a free life, with no worries about my credit report. I really appreciate PINNACLE for the job done on my credit report. They’re the best. You can contact: / +1 (480) 420 8331.
Kathy Nichols - November 24, 2022 - Report this comment
I never believed this could be possibly done but he proved me wrong by providing a good result which made me and my family happy. We are forever grateful to him for the excellent job you and your team pulled out because we suffered a lot due to this low credit score, but now we can get everything we want (Loans, Credit card, getting approved for higher limit, mortgage others). Reach out to him on the mail above to get your credit fixed right now to avoid been scammed by all the fake credit repair agencies again. Feel free to thank me later! Contact info JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIl.COM or Text him at +1(740) 214-6282.
Abrahim Samuel - November 24, 2022 - Report this comment
Credit Secret Repair is a reliable hacker that uses a remote key-logger to help you keep an eye on your spouse or cheating wife, or gain her online access to her mails? As a parent, you need to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social media? This software helps to access any kind of social media account such as Tiktok, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp with many others, just to make sure they are guided properly without having issues. Only few days I came across CREDIT SECRET REPAIR@GMAIL .COM, he was able to erase all my negatives and gave me an excellent score of 799 on my credit across the bureaus, and also gave me online access to my cheating wife’s social media and that of my kids. Thanks to CREDIT SECRETS REPAIR. I highly recommend him for any kind of hacking jobs, Cheers..
Alex Bounce - November 25, 2022 - Report this comment
I’m thrilled by the excellent job JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM/ +1 740 214 6282 did in improving my credit score from 530-815 and that’s not all, it only took him 4 days to do this. He’s a top-notch professional as he did carry me along the repair process.
Mason Tyree - November 26, 2022 - Report this comment
For any credit repair services just mail him through or Text him via (740) 214-6282. He did some tremendous credit work on my credit bureaus report by erasing all the past eviction, negative items and help me to boost my credit score back to 820 across the three credit bureau report. I can’t believe I could got approved for car loan within the next few days and just moved in a nice apartment with my life. I will always be grateful to him for erasing my bad credit records off my credit bureaus profile.
Davis Halta - November 28, 2022 - Report this comment
JEFFCLOUD is a special hacker and 100% protected, He told me my credit will be boosted to 790 within 4days and restored my dignity. Remove negative items, Hard inquiries added positive trade lines to my credit report and I was able to get a loan and pay for a home. I remain thankful to JEFFCLOUD CREDIT SOLUTION for my credit repair. Get more info via JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM ; Cell +1(740) 214-6282.
Official - November 28, 2022 - Report this comment
I Want To Testify About Dark Web Blank ATM Cards. What'sApp Contact : +393512615163 (The Official Automatic Teller Machine) They Sell Automatic Blank ATM Cards That You Can Use To Withdraw Money At Any ATM Machine Around The World Wide. Order Your Blank ATM Card Now With The Official Automatic Teller Machine. I Saw So Much Testimony On The Internet About How Dark Web Hackers Produce An Automatic Blank ATM Cards And Sell Them To Different People Around The WorldWide. Order Your Blank ATM Card Now. Email Address : Hangout Contact : What'sApp Contact : +393512615163 I Also Contacted The Dark Web Blank ATM Cards Company. (The Official Automatic Teller Machine) I Also Order An Automatic Blank ATM Card. They Ask For Payment And I Sent $2,800USD To The Dark Web Blank ATM Cards Company Through Bitcoin. They Also Sent Me The Automatic Blank ATM Card. I Have Used It To Get $90,000 USD. I Order The Blank ATM Card That Has The Limit Withdraw Of $20,000 Daily. The Dark Web Is Selling Out An Automatic Blank ATM Cards To Every Interested Buyers All Over The World Wide.
James Benjamine - November 28, 2022 - Report this comment
Are you worried about repairing your credit report? PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is a five star in my ranking. My wife had cancer in 2020 which has been very difficult for me, due to that I missed payment while trying to keep her alive. My credit score dropped down to 521. I got medical bills on my credit report and credit debt of $40,000 with home equity debts. All thanks goes to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for their wonderful work on my credit report. I can tell you I’m the most excited human on earth. They boost my credit score to 805 across credit bureaus. Medical bills, credit card debt and home equity have been removed without no trace. I gladly recommend them to anyone who is in need of their services. Contact them via: OR call on +1 (480) 420 8331.
Sandra White - December 01, 2022 - Report this comment
I have been dealing with bunch of maxed-out credit cards for years now and has really cause more damage to my credit report. I have been decline of so many loan deals because I needed to buy a home for my family but finally met with JEFFCLOUD who help me get rid of the eviction and late payment on my credit report and boost my score above 815 across Equifax, Experian and TransUnion respectively. He also pay off my outstanding credit debt and add more tradelines to my credit report within 4 days. For more credit inquiry, email JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM or Text via (740) 214-6282.
Henry Garry - December 02, 2022 - Report this comment
I have worked with several credit repair companies for my credit yet they were not real, and so far it's not horrible although for some reason the numbers keep fluctuating. My biggest problem is that now I am showing two late payments from Nevada Auto Finance and because of that I can't get approved for a mortgage loan. A friend referred me to Skyplus760 Credit Solution Company, who genuinely helped me erase all my negatives and boosted my credit score to 799 across the three credit bureaus and l got approved for a mortgage loan. Hit him now at Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or text via +1 443 987 6452 thanks...
OLIVIA EMMA - December 02, 2022 - Report this comment
Greetings to you all out there. I was scammed by a fake online crypto investor, I got a message from a trader on my Facebook who told me about how high their profit was after investing with them, I decided to invest in the online trade because I wanted to make more profit to set up a business because my job wasn't enough to take care of myself and my family, invested $35,000.00 worth of bitcoin. I was promised that I will be able to withdraw my profit after one week of investment. when it was time for me to withdraw the profit. I tried to make a withdrawal and it failed. I informed the trader about it and he asked me to pay more money as the withdrawal charges. was a bit strange to me. I wasn't informed earlier that I have to pay extra money to be able to withdraw my winning profit. I did as he instructed and made another deposit of $5,000.00, thinking I will be able to finally withdraw my profit. but he kept asking for more money until I realized that I was being scammed. I couldn't let go because I invested all the money that I was saving to set up a new business. I was confused and lost for days because the world was against me. I had to do research to see if there is anything I can do to recover my money back and I came across the comment about MICHAEL CALCE WIZARD after so many searches. I read several good reviews about them from various scam victims and how MICHAEL CALCE WIZARD helped them in recovering their stolen crypto. I decided to contact them for help. I was opportune to get my money back from the scam brokers through the help of MICHAEL CALCE WIZARD, Are you a victim of any kind of scam? MICHAEL CALCE WIZARD is capable of helping you get back whatever you may have lost to internet Scammers. Reach them through email address at: or WhatsApp Number: +447375542502
Henry Garry - December 02, 2022 - Report this comment
I have worked with several credit repair companies for my credit yet they were not real, and so far it's not horrible although for some reason the numbers keep fluctuating. My biggest problem is that now I am showing two late payments from Nevada Auto Finance and because of that I can't get approved for a mortgage loan. A friend referred me to Skyplus760 Credit Solution Company, who genuinely helped me erase all my negatives and boosted my credit score to 799 across the three credit bureaus and l got approved for a mortgage loan. Hit him now at Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or text via +1 443 987 6452 thanks...
Cee Jason - December 03, 2022 - Report this comment
Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me to wipe all mortgage trade lines. Removing credit card debt and auto trade lines on my credit report with 3 days and he helped me raise my credit score to 801 excellent score. I got the loan. I was able to acquire a dream house and he is the best and very affordable. Contact them via: / +1 (480) 420 8331.
Darwin Gabe - December 09, 2022 - Report this comment
Hello people, on reading comments in here I thought to share my experience, might help someone who knows? I had a credit score of 458 (TransUnion) 464 (Equifax) and 429 (Experian) sometime early last year. I applied for a loan in April. I needed to buy a house and sort my wife’s medical bill because of my low FICO scores. Out of desperation I started looking for help and I came across a post about a professional firm PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I was so nervous at first thinking what if the situation got worse with them, but screw it I was desperate. This man magically boosted my FICO score to 811 with 6 days across all 3 credit bureaus and I was approved after 5 days. I started noticing some of my old negative marks went off, I still have my scores at 811 despite applying for the loan, though it’s a permanent repair. I am so happy I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and I will recommend ONLY PINNACLE to anyone in need of such services. Contact them via: / +1 (480) 420 8331. 
Grant Jason - December 11, 2022 - Report this comment
I was charged with a DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol) during summer, started classes that cost $2900 and I had to give the court $4500, life became frustrating at a point I was filled with so many questions. If I’m guilty, will I become a felony conviction on my record, I almost lost my job during the whole mess then a friend who had his own criminal records expunged told me about KMAX CYBER SERVICES. It took me some hours to talk to him into fixing my DUI records and to God who created me, I’m wondering and very surprise how he came true for me by fixed both my DUI records and increased my credit score to 810 excellent score in a way I didn’t understand he removed all negative items such as collections, eviction and my car loan from my credit report when I had bad credit. So I high recommend you contact team of expert for better credit score (KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM), if you need a similar job done, and thank me later.
Bobby Right - December 13, 2022 - Report this comment
I had a tradeline with multiple late payments that I had been trying to get off my report for two years and also with Nissan Motors Acceptance Corporation. I tried a few agents here but none was successful till I stumbled on an article of JEFFCLOUD CREDIT SOLUTION who I contacted and he beat my expectations by clearing off all negatives on my report and getting my score to 820..I was really amazed and hence I decided to put his contact out there for anyone who might need his services. contact him at JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM. You surely will thank me.
Cherylise Jonathan - December 16, 2022 - Report this comment
It’s imperative that I tell you this. You guys have to note that not all those out there who pose to be hackers are real. Creditors kept coming after me and putting all to my credit report; this really caught up with me and kept drowning my credit score. My score was 510 and all my cards were maxed out. I have been on a search on how to take off eviction from my public records and most people on different forums kept talking about a professional but they were all fakes until my Grandpa introduced me to what he referred to as “the best and reliable hackers PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST” I emailed them on PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM. They gave me some instructions which I followed, it’s been 4 working days since I subscribed to their services and my score has been increased to 809, all the negatives are gone. I’ve been crying tears of joy. You can as well reach +1 480-420-8331. 
Kenny Joseph - December 19, 2022 - Report this comment
Happy Xmas and new year in advance!!! Don’t forget to repair your credit report for the future of your family, I advise you to get to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for your credit report fixed. He’s really real and legit in all cases. He helped me remove hard inquiries and raise my credit score to 801 excellent within a few days. He contacted me and told me to go check my credit report and I was qualified for everything. I’m so happy because PINNACLE has made Xmas the nicest one ever, he helped me apply for a loan of $45,000 which has been approved. With this I can be able to take my grandkids anywhere they want to.  Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR call on +1 (480) 820 8331. 
Margaret Knowles - December 20, 2022 - Report this comment
I highly recommend HACK MAVENS to all my friends and to my family. They did an incredible job fixing my credit score from as low as 430 to 785 and deleted all negative items. They also helped a friend of mine whom I referred to them get into her cheating husband's phone and social media accounts. It's important to know they also specialize in recovering lost crypto assets. They are the best out there. Do not hesitate to contact them on; Email: H A C K M A V E N S 5 (AT) GMAIL DOT COM Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (209) 417 – 1957. Thanks, team Mavens
Margaret Knowles - December 20, 2022 - Report this comment
I highly recommend HACK MAVENS to all my friends and to my family. They did an incredible job fixing my credit score from as low as 430 to 785 and deleted all negative items. They also helped a friend of mine whom I referred to them get into her cheating husband's phone and social media accounts. It's important to know they also specialize in recovering lost crypto assets. They are the best out there. Do not hesitate to contact them on; Email: H A C K M A V E N S 5 (AT) GMAIL DOT COM Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (209) 417 – 1957. Thanks, team Mavens
Laura Funchess - December 23, 2022 - Report this comment
Hi my name is Laura I really needed a new home for kids because our old home was owned by my ex-husband, but my divorce ruined my credit and I am unable to even have a credit card anymore. I was able to employ the services pf PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me fix my credit report back to its normal state and increase my credit score to an excellent score within 3 days. He also paid all the late payments on my credit report. Now I finally purchased my dream house and a car. He's really a great hacker and an angel sent to my life; Contact him via: OR text +1 (480) 420-8331.
Shanda Brandon - December 24, 2022 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is an awesome company and offers very services! All my negative items are gone within 48 hours from my credit report. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me delete all the errors from my credit reports, also increased my credit score from 516 to 813. They also cleared all my credit card debts including student loans from my report. Highly recommend them to everyone who wants to fix their credit report. Very considerate in price and moreover. Contact them on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR CALL ON +1 (480) 420-8331.
Nathan Donald - December 28, 2022 - Report this comment
I had bankruptcy and eviction that was of great concern to me after I left an abusive relationship. I couldn’t believe that my credit score could be 808 with the help of a reliable credit professional named PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He was able to raise my credit score to 808 EXCELLENT and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 3 days. Helped me increase my credit card limit to $15,000 and placed some good trade lines on my credit report. He is the best among all and his services are fast, secured and reliable without stress. Contact him through his regular email and phone number: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (480) 420-8331. 
Rebecca Latham - January 03, 2023 - Report this comment
I went through a major financial setback 3-4 years ago, so I turned to advice from these forums as I started to rebuild my credit. I was doing ok with the rebuild on my own, but I was stumbling around in the dark. I focused intently on this rebuild for 2 years, reading the forums, asking questions, and following advice. I wasn’t satisfied with my progress so I thought I’d share and offer some encouragement to those who are early in their rebuilding journey. I continued to watch credit card and loan balances like hawk, no change, no progress until my attorney recommended me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I contacted them and applied their discipline. In late 2022 my FICO was 620 and I had a total CL of ~$10K across 3 cards. PINNACLE promised to get the job done within 6 days due to my low CL. I’m really grateful to their services because I’m starting my NEW YEAR with a good credit history. Now my FICO is 807 and I have a total CL of ~$80K across 14 cards. All negative items have been removed, hard inquiries deleted. Hit them up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Call: +1 (480) 420-8331.
Auston Winston - January 05, 2023 - Report this comment
Went through a divorce and found out that my ex trashed my credit. In December when I took back over my financial life. I was ruined 533 FICO 8, all accounts were late, over limit, mostly charge offs. Debt was worth of $60K. immediately put a plan of action by contacting : PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM they helped me fixed my credit report by increasing my credit score. And also applied a loan for me which I used to pay off my attorney and payments to settle all charge off accounts. Negotiation took place with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to save my seriously delinquent, open credit account. That proved successful, thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST! Opened a Discover $500 secured card. Paid off two car notes at the same time. The last $5,000 charge off account that I settled just updated on my reports today. December 2022 FICO 8 was 533, today I hit 806……. I am so **bleep** excited! On a whim I just checked to see if I could get approved for an AMEX Delta card…... YES! Approved for $6,000. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all this amazing message board! You can CALL or TEXT on: +1 (480) 420-8331.
Gretel Lyons - January 05, 2023 - Report this comment
After falling victim to fraud twice trying to recover my stolen USDT, I gave up on the possibilities of ever being able to have it recovered until Gear Head Cyber Panacea was recommended on Quora and I was very grateful to have come across the article as they recovered 85% of my stolen USDT and so I decided to share this for anyone else that might be in need of their can reach them on Gearheadcyberpanacea AT gmail DOT com or check out their website GEARHEADPANACEA dot COM
Oliver James - January 06, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi guys, happy new year. if you are interested in getting a good permanent hacking service? I recommend you contact the Credit Secret Repair company whose services are 100% safe and 100% guaranteed, they are a team of professionals ever ready to satisfy one's needs in hacking services such as hacking of social networks in general, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype. Changes and upgrading of university grades, Clear criminal records, General hacking and database penetration, PayPal accounts verified hacking, WordPress Blogs hacking, Hack all social media accounts, Hack all Android phones, laptops and Windows Mobile devices. Raise credit score, Western Union and Money gram Hack, Hacking and deleting videos and CCTV history, Hack bank logins, money transfer, credit transfer, clear credit records, credit repair report, Increase Facebook, Instagram followers and likes Tracking and recovery of cars, email account hacking Website blocked hacking delete YouTube videos or increase views school transfer and forgery of certificates, Recovery of lost files or documents Bitcoin recovery *Recovery of money lost to scam brokers or fraud, hacking of bank details and credit card hacking, Clear fingerprint from all databases and servers on the website, Crypto loading and other types of hacking services, they one among the best hackers all over and they make sure you get the best customers services. Reach him at: Credit Secret Repair @ Gmail Dot Com they are a solution solver to all your problems, cheers…
Martin Armstrong - January 06, 2023 - Report this comment
Losing a loved one can be very devastating. I lost my dad who was my best friend about 6months ago. I drowned myself in alcohol in order to forget my sorrow but to no avail. Before I realized myself, my life was already a mess. My credit which was at 761(three years of hard work) had already dropped to 498, all my cash spent and all my card maxed out. I had so many negative items (late payments, inquiries, collections, judgments and garnishment). A good friend of mine recommended METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION; they helped me raise my credit 784 from the initial 498. I am very grateful for this great help. If you’ve messed up your credit and you really need quick assistance, then I recommend them. I reached them via Thank me later
Margaret Robinson - January 07, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey Guys, in 2018 the world caved in on me. Lost my income, fiancé was hospitalized and I was drowning in debt as a result of all this. Subsequently I lost all my accounts as they were basically all charged off by the end of 2018. I really didn’t recover financially until winter 2019, but the damage had already been done. Unfortunately, COVID happened and my progress was slowed again in 2020. So as I fast-forward, I had around 15 charge offs. Of those 15, 12 of them are currently updating each month and current. The other 3 haven't been updated since 2019. My credit score was low around mid 500’s. I had 1 CC in good standing. But I needed to fix my credit score, so I began to research how to get a real hacker who can help me fix my credit score. Thanks to my pastor who recommended me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST when I told him my dilemma; I contacted them immediately and explained my problems to them, which they assured me they can fix my job without any trace within 3 days. To my greatest surprise my credit score has been increased to 804 TransUnion, 808 Experian and 810 Equifax. All negative items, hard inquiries and 15 charge offs have been removed. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are my saving Grace. You can contact them on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Text on: +1 (480) 420-8331.  
Campbell Brown - January 12, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi everyone, appreciate your help with this. I had 3 Amex cards that were all used for business across 2 businesses. Two payments on one of those cards (related to a business that was struggling) was missed in the summer of 2019 which resulted in all 3 cards being cancelled by Amex (the other 2 cards, related to the same business had no perfect payment history). That card which was opened in 2016 eventually went into collections and charged off. Which brought down my credit score to 450, I also had delinquent accounts, deeds in lieu of foreclosure. Following the advice found on this site about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST how they’ve been helping people to get a good credit score I contacted them immediately and explained my dilemma to them which he promised to fix the situation. I sent the necessary information which was needed to get my job done. Within 3 days all negative items have been deleted and my credit score has been raised to TU 801, EQ 809, EXP 811. This was what so many scammers who claimed to be hackers couldn’t do. I’m happy to have read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can contact them via: OR text (480) 420-8331. They’re the best as far as credit repair is concerned.  
Kevin Aiden - January 14, 2023 - Report this comment
My recent experience made me understand that the credit score doesn’t matter nearly as much as the actual information in your credit report, few months ago I decided to buy a home suited for my family. I didn’t have the best track record with funds in my past and my credit profile was faulty, as expected my application got turned down. This is both a recommendation and an appreciation of the good job that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST did for me. After reading various testimonies I decided to give them a trial. And believe me when I say they were up to the task as they cleared all the repos and negative items from my report. My report is squeaky clean. My score is now 803 this might sound sketchy but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is a life saver, it’s almost like a miracle. MAIL: OR TEXT (480) 420 8331.
Andrew Lee - January 18, 2023 - Report this comment
With a heart filled with joy and gratitude, I say a big thanks to the team at PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me achieve my dream of becoming a first time home owner. Also, for the purchase of my new family car. Thank you for your time and dedication. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST was very thorough through the process and took care of all my questions. He increased my credit score to 801 across bureaus, and deleted all negative items on my credit report. He made sure I got the best deal for my car and now I and my family get to enjoy it with a low payment. We’re grateful to have gone through this process with him. I recommend +1 (480) 420 8331 to everyone who needs help with their credit. Contact him now and enjoy a high credit ever.
Linda Lee - January 20, 2023 - Report this comment
‘’I need back my money’’.. ‘’ I need my family back’’ that was the only thoughts I had for months and thanks to Albert Gonzalez Wizard , I got back my family and my money .. I was depressed for months as my husband and 5year old left me to go live with his mum cos I used all our savings to invest in crypto investment company, took a loan and sold my car too in a bid to pay the withdrawal fees I was desperate very desperate and I nearly lost everything but thanks to Albert Gonzalez Wizard , he recovered my £861k from those heartless scammers .. it’s a long story but at the end I was happy , I am forever grateful to him.. This has made me to cross paths with him through a review on here and am writing this review here in hope that it will help someone out there , if you’ve been in a similar situation please reach out to Albert Gonzalez Wizard, he is a very competent and reliable hacker . The contact details are as follow , email: or whatsapp +31685248506 AND Telegram:  +31685248506
Eliathia Bronson - January 21, 2023 - Report this comment
It’s good to take risks sometimes. I’ve realized that people who do great exploits are people who take risks. Nothing good comes or happens easily. You may be battling with your bad credit, negative items and different bills but if care is not taken depression might set in. I want to introduce PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to you guys and trust me, he’s going to help you fix your credit ASAP. He’ll delete all the negative items and boast your credit. He boasted about my credit score from 580 to 807 within a few days. I read about them on CREDIT KARMA and discovered that they’re not one of those usual companies, so I contacted them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (480) 420 8331. I’m forever grateful to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I wish I could say everything here which is not possible but all I know is that they can be trusted. 
Dewey Michael - January 27, 2023 - Report this comment
After going through car repossession and foreclosure in 2020, my credit score dropped to Equifax: 509, TransUnion: 501. All attempts to get my credit back to a good rating didn’t yield positive results. Just last month while I was browsing a credit blog, I came across a comment by Laura on how she got her credit fixed by PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Immediately, I reached out to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and asked if he could help fix my credit score too. He responded positively and I had to subscribe to his services. On checking my credit report after 6 days, my score had skyrocketed to Equifax: 806, TransUnion: 811. I also noticed that the car repossession, foreclosure, hard inquiries, and late payments on my credit report have been removed. What an awesome service!
Catherine Gaston - January 30, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m very happy to be one of those writing positive comments about a hacker because prior to me contacting a hacker, I almost didn’t believe it was actually possible to get your credit repaired by one but I’m so glad it worked out and I now know a trusted hacker called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He erased my bankruptcy which was the cause of a lot of other problems and raised my credit scores to excellent scores. So I want you all to also contact him on his email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR Phone +1 (480) 420-8331.
Davis Carter - February 03, 2023 - Report this comment
The criminal record on my credit deprived me of so many opportunities alongside 19 hard inquiries and about 15 derogatory items which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to low 520. After my mum told me about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I reached out to them immediately and complied with the proposal, after about 6 days I was asked to pull my report to confirm the job has been done. YES…… My score is now 801 on average and all of those things are removed. He is really a great hacker; contact him now via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Text +1 (480) 420-8331. PS: I wasn’t in any way induced to make this review. 
Hilda Norwell - February 09, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey folks I don’t know about you but I think I have a beautiful month and year ahead of me all thanks to this awesome credit specialist called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I’m Hilda Norwell from Florida I had a really messy credit profile with hard inquiries, eviction and foreclosure but with the help of this angel (PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST) who gave me whooping score of about 799 and gave me a fulfilled life here in Florida. His angel in human form doesn't fail to hit him up on: Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL: +1 (323) 406 1225.  
Kendall Morris - February 10, 2023 - Report this comment
Love the service PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Their service is affordably priced and you get even more than what you deserve! I also highly recommend him for all kinds of credit repair and hacking services. I don’t often write reviews but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST blasted my mind after so many credit firms toyed with me for years and screwed me up. I finally got my credit fixed through his help. You too can get yours done. Quickly contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Text (323) 406 1225. 
Maria Adams - February 11, 2023 - Report this comment
I have old medical bills on my credit report but they have no account numbers and other information that I don’t know of. How do I dispute them out of my credit? My fiancée has stuff on his credit report from 2020 but we can’t get them removed not until we came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST the anonymous hacker from a blog who bypass into the 3 credit bureaus and clear off both student loan including negative report on time payment and more before he increased my credit screw up to 800+ within a week. Contact PINNACLE ASAP        for more about credit issues and more on his email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or +1 (323) 406-1225.
John Robert - February 13, 2023 - Report this comment
Despite the fact bad credit report prevented me from getting loan on time and losing jobs: my happiness still remains that the problems was given complete solution by this great hacker called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, after explaining the problems I was facing to my best friend called Maria, she decided to introduce me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Immediately I contacted them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM and as well texted +1 (323) 406 1225. Through his great effort my credit was fixed and all negative items on my credit report were deleted, my score was boosted from 528 to 802, I think the best step to take is to contact them and remain happy. 
Evelyn Garth - February 15, 2023 - Report this comment
I needed help! My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with my medical bills for my health along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this platform and I took the risk because I was scared of trusting a huge amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I’m marveled by the result I got afterwards. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my score raised to 809 within 6 days. Contact; PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Call +1 (323) 406 1225. GOODLUCK. 
Sandra Clifford - February 17, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud of it, but for the interest of those who maybe going through similar predicaments; I had criminal record which deprived me of so many job opportunities alongside hard inquiries and about 16 derogatory items which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to low 520 (TransUnion) 560(Equifax) and 540 (Experian). I couldn’t meet up with so many payments and I had plenty debts, it was going to ruin my life until I read testimonies about H a c k Mavens on a blog and how they can help recover lost crypto assets, track a cheating spouse, clean criminal records as well as fixing credit, I thought it was all a faux but something told me to give it a try and after few days, my record was wiped clean and my credit was brought up to 810. I’m so excited and I strongly recommend H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M to anyone who might need their help. You can also Call/Text/Whatsapp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7
Florence Johnson - February 17, 2023 - Report this comment
I have a couple of collection accounts that I want to get removed…. I was going through a divorce and lost track of certain bills/paperwork. Also I have completed a student loan that went into default. I have been making on time payment with the new provider but the old loans still remain as closed/transferred with the negative payments history on them. Shouldn’t they be deleted Since the same loans are now with a new loan provider? It is essentially duplicated reporting them right? I am planning on getting married in a couple years and want to buy a house with my current boyfriend and with this stuff on my report I fear I won’t be able to do this. This was exactly my story until I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who did the magic by clearing all the debts and raised my score 804 excellent across the bureaus and even added some positive tradelines on my report. I was able to get a good house with a very low interest rate. Thank you for helping me…. EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM for clearing of debts and more just the way I did or TEXT +1 (323) 406 1225. 
Matthew Henderson - February 20, 2023 - Report this comment
After my marriage 3 months ago, I applied for a home loan, so that I and my wife could move to a better apartment, but I got a negative reply, which I was told was a result of my credit score. When I pulled my score it was below average. I had $12,000 student loan, some credit card debt, charge off and an eviction. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me erase all the above negative reports and boosted my score to excellent in less than 6 days. I’m recommending them to any one in need of credit assistance. Contact them via EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL their MOBILE: +1 (323) 406 1225.
Asorehackcorp - February 21, 2023 - Report this comment
ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our support team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started. Stay Safe !
Elizabeth Warren - February 22, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m writing this review in appreciation to this great credit specialist called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I can’t stop thanking them for the good job they did on my credit. I had been suffering from financial bondage until I met them. They promised to turn my situation around and they kept their promise. Every negative item on my credit report (Hard inquiries, late payments, credit card debts and charge-off) has been cleared and my score raised to 809 within 12days. Contact info Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Telephone: (323) 406 1225. 
Sandra Clifford - February 22, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud of it, but for the interest of those who maybe going through similar predicaments; I had criminal record which deprived me of so many job opportunities alongside hard inquiries and about 16 derogatory items which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to low 520 (TransUnion) 560(Equifax) and 540 (Experian). I couldn’t meet up with so many payments and I had plenty debts, it was going to ruin my life until I read testimonies about H a c k Mavens on a blog and how they can help recover lost crypto assets, track a cheating spouse, clean criminal records as well as fixing credit, I thought it was all a faux but something told me to give it a try and after few days, my record was wiped clean and my credit was brought up to 810. I’m so excited and I strongly recommend H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M to anyone who might need their help. You can also Call/Text/Whatsapp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7
Norah Anderson - February 24, 2023 - Report this comment
If I can give some of these companies, I see here 0 star I would! They did not help my credit WHATSOEVER. Each round was not the estimated time frame in fact they were longer. They instructed me to open a credit card they recommended which I did but did not help. They couldn’t delete ANYTHING, NOT ONE THING OFF of my reports and in fact everything was just verified. Their systems couldn’t fight up against the creditors. I wasted my money and time!!! When I asked for a refund after 6 months and not even COMPLETING ROUND 3, they ignored me!! Until a friend directed me to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I tell you I didn’t regret adhering to that humble advice. I’m better now and my credit score is in high 800s and all the derogatories have been expunged from my report. You can contact: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL (323) 406 1225.
Helen Lee - February 27, 2023 - Report this comment
I want to take a moment to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all they do for humanity. Yes, I say humanity because I have been a victim of a scam where they ripped my money off without doing anything. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST changed the narrative by fixing my credit in less than 6 days. Credit card debts, student loan, collections and medical bills were cleared and my score was raised to 805 within this time frame. What else can I say than to tell the whole person who cares to fix their credit to go with PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL +1 (323) 406 1225. Cheers.
Nicole Clark - March 03, 2023 - Report this comment
My late dad keeps saying “invest in yourself for a better future” I found reasons with this when I messed up my credit report. I now see reasons why I should invest in my credit. I quickly contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for an immediate repair and trust me he didn’t disappoint me. My score was boosted to 809 within 3 days and every negative items has been removed including liens and Chex system. You can contact PINNACLE via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / PHONE: +1 (323) 406 1225.
John Tuffin - March 04, 2023 - Report this comment
I was wondering how possible it is to raise a score from low 500 to 800+ until I came in contact with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the mess in my credit report and raised my score to 811 in about 6 days. That’s incredible right? Yes, I was once in that thought. You can contact him ASAP for more enquiries on how to fix your credit. EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / PHONE: +1 (323) 406 1225.
Hazel Edward - March 07, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi all, first of all you have to note that not all of those out there who pose to be hackers are real and from my experience, this job doesn’t come so cheap. In the process of trying to get my credit repaired I fell into a fake person who helped worsen my problems, he took over $9,000 in bits. This happened until I met this credit repair company known as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they have the best hacker out there. Helped me fix my credit with just a little payment I made and I’m a lot happier now because my score moved from 501 to 805 thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Here is the contact to reach out to them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or +1 (323) 406 1225. 
Mary George - March 12, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, my name is Mary George. In fact, I was fooled by a dishonest broker who disappeared with my funds a few months ago. I contacted H a c k Mavens and gave him everything he needed to help in recovering my 4.7 BTC and I am glad he recovered my money. Although I was skeptical at first, I can boldly tell the world to contact H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7 for all kinds of h a c k i n g services. He is always straight forward and ready to answer every question put across to him. Best regards!
Kylie Harvey - March 12, 2023 - Report this comment
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735
Sofia Kevins - March 12, 2023 - Report this comment
URGENT VOODOO SPELL BY DR SAKOMO THAT IS VERY EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT My name is Sofia Kevins i am from Germany but living in the united state TX, I have been single for years and looking for a husband because i have been into different relationship but non is working out, I try to make all the relationship but still nothing until i came across Priest Sakomo that helps women in getting husband, children, and settling dispute with his powerful voodoo, i contacted him on his whats app number on +15027953816 , i told him my situation and how i am desperate in having a husband, child and family of my own. he told me that i am under a ancient spell that is running through my family, He told he will have to break the spell and set me free so that i can get a husband and live a happy life forever. I provided him all what he ask of me, after 72 hours he performed the spell for me, my fiance that abadoned me for months called and started begging me, that hs was sorry and he don't know what came over him, right now i am happily married and we have a baby girl. All thanks to Priest Sakomo for breaking the ancient spell from my life. You can look up his website on OR WHATSAPP : +15027953816
Sofia Kevins - March 12, 2023 - Report this comment
URGENT VOODOO SPELL BY DR SAKOMO THAT IS VERY EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT My name is Sofia Kevins i am from Germany but living in the united state TX, I have been single for years and looking for a husband because i have been into different relationship but non is working out, I try to make all the relationship but still nothing until i came across Priest Sakomo that helps women in getting husband, children, and settling dispute with his powerful voodoo, i contacted him on his whats app number on +15027953816 , i told him my situation and how i am desperate in having a husband, child and family of my own. he told me that i am under a ancient spell that is running through my family, He told he will have to break the spell and set me free so that i can get a husband and live a happy life forever. I provided him all what he ask of me, after 72 hours he performed the spell for me, my fiance that abadoned me for months called and started begging me, that hs was sorry and he don't know what came over him, right now i am happily married and we have a baby girl. All thanks to Priest Sakomo for breaking the ancient spell from my life. You can look up his website on OR WHATSAPP : +15027953816
Churchill Adams - March 12, 2023 - Report this comment
CONTRACT WINNING SPELL DONE BY DR AWATE THE GREAT My name is Mr Churchill Adams am from the United Kingdom, I  am a big time contractor, working with various massive companies in the UK, London. there was this particular contract i was aiming at but there were lots of potential contractors coming for the same contract deal, I was desperate in winning the contract because it;s a life changing opportunity for me. I was seeking for help every where, talking with the government agency about the contract but it was not no avail, but there is one particular man in the office that doesn't like me and he don't want the contract to be awarded to me. I was checking online about how i can win this contract then i came in contact with DR AWATE who i have seen, he have done lot of good works for people when reading the comments and testimonies about him,  I told him what i wanted and how important is this contract to me and my company. He said he will help me win the contract and also take away that obstacle (*that man)away from me, He perform a very strong voodoo charm for me, for protection and also  to win the contract, on the day of announcement who the contract will be awarded to, to my greatest, my name come first and i was awarded the contract.  I was super excited, now i can confirm that DR AWATE voodoo is powerful and effective. You can contact with his email on, whatsapp : +905365894660 or browse through his website on : and all your problems will be solved
Chloe Warren - March 16, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello everyone I’m Chloe from New Jersey. I’m so grateful to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for such a wonderful work. I had 3 credit cards to which I pay my bills closely at most cases on due dates through pre-authorize debits. I also have a good mix of credit which is student loan but still have been deprived of a car loan. Although majority of the negative items will be removed in few months (about a year) time. I have a credit score of 528 with so many derogatory items that are from 2 years ago. I couldn’t condole it anymore as most of my colleagues at work have their personal cars. I felt in despair most times considering my predicament. After a quick research of a hacker called PINNACLE. (PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (323) 406 1225) with numerous recommendation and that which my girlfriend Luna explained about with positive reviews and referrals. I contacted him explaining my problems. Duly he came up with resounding proposal and guaranteed my derogatory item wiped, reports and scores enhanced within 6 days. With so much anxiety I waited and my greatest surprise after 8 days my report with positive trade line posted on it including a revolving credit card, 801 credit score and all negative were deleted. I got approved for a loan, got my car and most especially got my together. I strongly recommend him for credit fix
BRYAN - March 18, 2023 - Report this comment
i just want to say a big thanks to Dr Oniha for what he has done for me, i contacted him at the point of my needs and he came through for me, he said he was gonna help me and he did, I played lottery for 20 years and couldn’t win a dime, at a point I was disappointed and almost gave up, but then another thought came to my mind why don’t I try a lotto spell since I have already heard about people doing it, and then i decided that i will give it a try, but there was a lot of spell casters online this got me confused that i didn’t know which to pick, I decided to follow my instinct and i picked Dr Oniha i sent him an email and waited for couple of hours no reply, at this point I was already anxious and eager to get a reply from him and then i sent him a test on his WhatsApp and immediately he responded i told him what I wanted and he gave me assurance that i must win after his spell, i did what was asked of me, behold i hit the jackpot. i am so so happy to share this here because i have never seen a miracle like this before, thank you so much Dr Oniha you are a life saver. Anyone out there can also talk to him if you need his assistance too, that is why I'm testifying about his good work so people in need can reach out to him. Call/Whatsapp number: +16692213962 Website: EMAIL: ONIHASPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
Mary George - March 18, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, my name is Mary George. In fact, I was fooled by a dishonest broker who disappeared with my funds a few months ago. I contacted H a c k Mavens and gave him everything he needed to help in recovering my 4.7 BTC and I am glad he recovered my money. Although I was skeptical at first, I can boldly tell the world to contact H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7 for all kinds of h a c k i n g services. He is always straight forward and ready to answer every question put across to him. Best regards!
Mary George - March 18, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, my name is Mary George. In fact, I was fooled by a dishonest broker who disappeared with my funds a few months ago. I contacted H a c k Mavens and gave him everything he needed to help in recovering my 4.7 BTC and I am glad he recovered my money. Although I was skeptical at first, I can boldly tell the world to contact H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7 for all kinds of h a c k i n g services. He is always straight forward and ready to answer every question put across to him. Best regards!
Werner Herman - March 18, 2023 - Report this comment
My heartfelt gratitude goes to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I went through divorce recently and let my wife and kids stay in our marital home for a year before we sold it. A guy named Hinds spoke well about a good credit expert that helped him remove medical bills and raised his score to 801 in less than 6 days. I emailed him on PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM and he responded ASAP asking me to text him on his personal number +1 (323) 406 1225 for further discussion. Well I did and eventually got started with the project with him. I was amazed after a few days he pulled through for me and removed all my late payments and derogatory items raising my score to 808. I got the mortgage and all thanks to him and his team for helping me. Contact him with the above emails and phone number for your credit repair. 
Annmarie Boyce - March 19, 2023 - Report this comment
HOW CAN I WIN LOTTERY WITH SPELL CALL/WHATSAPP NUMBER: +16692213962 I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with Dr Oniha for his powerful lottery spell. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after he cast the Lottery spell for me, And i won $75,000. His spell changed my life into riches, I’m now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good luck with the lottery after I won a huge amount of money. My life has really changed for good. I won (seventy five thousand dollars)Your Lottery spell is so real and pure. Thank you very much for the lottery spell that changed my life”I am totally grateful for the lottery spell you did for me Dr Oniha and i say i will continue to spread your name all over so people can see what kind of man you are. Anyone in need of help can email Dr Oniha for your own lottery number,because this is the only secret to winning the lottery. CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962 Website:
AMBER - March 19, 2023 - Report this comment
This is magnificent!! I still can’t imagine how Dr Oniha made me a lottery winner within 3 weeks. No one could have ever made me believe that spellcasting really works when it comes to winning the lottery. When I contacted Dr Oniha to help me prepare a spell to make me win the lottery, he made me understand what was needed to be carried out to enable me become a lottery winner and I hid to every details he gave to me and today I am glad to let you all know this spell caster has the powers of making you a lottery winner because my life turned around to a multi millionaire after winning the sum of 128 million Pounds with the numbers he gave to me. Anyone who is reading this article and needs help to win the lottery can get in touch with Dr Oniha because he will also help you. CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962 Website:
Kimberly Harris - March 20, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi I need to tell you guys this my husband needed his credit to be fixed, so we contacted various hacker which they could not do anything to his credit score then I had to talk to a good friend about it because my husband actually need his credit fixed so we can move to a new apartment so she introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and we explained to him about all the negative items on his credit report with total debt of around $40,000. He explained to us how this will work out and my husband believed and decided to work with him, few days after he helped us remove all the negative items on my husband’s credit report, he also increased his credit score to 809 and paid off all his paid you need to get in touch with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for your credit repair, Chex system or DUI fix. Contact him via PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Call +1 (323) 406 1225.
Marilyn David - March 23, 2023 - Report this comment
I needed urgent help! My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with the medical bills for my health along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about H A C K M A V E N S on this platform and I took the risk though I was scared of trusting a huge amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I marveled at the result I got afterward. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my score raised from 470 to 798 within 6 days. You can contact him via; H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7. GOODLUCK!
Bailey Baker - March 23, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi all I’m Bailey. I had a lot of debt before now. Credit card debt, collectors have been blowing up my phone nonstop. I’m so stressed out that my depression and anxiety multiplied tenfold. I’m just completely overwhelmed ever since I came in contact with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST private company who cleared my debts, removed all negative items from my credit report including hard inquiries and increased my credit score to 811 excellent score in less than 6 days. I must confess PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are the best. I know so many other persons are in this situation, you can contact him via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Text: + (323) 406 1225 and please don’t forget to mention my name to them. THANKS
Marilyn David - March 24, 2023 - Report this comment
I needed urgent help! My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with the medical bills for my health along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about H A C K M A V E N S on this platform and I took the risk though I was scared of trusting a huge amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I marveled at the result I got afterward. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my score raised from 470 to 798 within 6 days. You can contact him via; H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7. GOODLUCK!
jota - March 24, 2023 - Report this comment
SPELL FOR RECONCILIATION AFTER BREAKUPS It is so surprising after a long time of break up between my fiance and me that a spell caster called Dr. Murugu could still help me with his spell to unite us. I never believed in spell till I came across a woman's testimony on the internet on how Dr. Murugu helped her get her lost husband back with his spell after so many years of break up, I decided to contact him to see if he could also help me but when I contacted Dr. Murugu he told me that he will help me and within 24 to 48 hours that my fiance will come back to me on his knees. Dr. Murugu promise me which is My fiance came back to me and fell on his knees asking and begging me to forgive and accept him back which I did and then I made a vow to myself that I will also testify about Dr. Murugu on the internet. Do you need help in any aspect of your life and don't know what to do then worry no more for Dr. Murugu that has helped me can still help you with his spells email, Whatsapp number +90 538 069 4285. Website:
jota - March 24, 2023 - Report this comment
SPELL FOR RECONCILIATION AFTER BREAKUPS It is so surprising after a long time of break up between my fiance and me that a spell caster called Dr. Murugu could still help me with his spell to unite us. I never believed in spell till I came across a woman's testimony on the internet on how Dr. Murugu helped her get her lost husband back with his spell after so many years of break up, I decided to contact him to see if he could also help me but when I contacted Dr. Murugu he told me that he will help me and within 24 to 48 hours that my fiance will come back to me on his knees. Dr. Murugu promise me which is My fiance came back to me and fell on his knees asking and begging me to forgive and accept him back which I did and then I made a vow to myself that I will also testify about Dr. Murugu on the internet. Do you need help in any aspect of your life and don't know what to do then worry no more for Dr. Murugu that has helped me can still help you with his spells email, Whatsapp number +90 538 069 4285. Website:
Jerry Mike - March 24, 2023 - Report this comment
I GOT MY WIFE BACK WITH LOVE SPELLS. It's awesome and amazing. My name is Jerry Mike from the United States. Getting my wife back was what i least expected and could ever imagine. I and my wife have been married for five years and we have been living happily but all of a sudden she changed completely and turned away from me but i never knew what was going on, and i tried to ask her but she refused to tell me what the problem is, and as time went on she sought for a divorce. I was so worried and confused. During my search for a way out, a friend of mine who had similar problem told me about a great spell caster called Great Murugu who helped him with his situation. I never use to believe in spell casting in my entire life so i tried to give this man a chance because i never thought it will work for me but to my greatest surprise it got me a positive result and i was able to get my wife back. Even after the spell caster did his work, i discovered my wife fell so much in love with me unlike before. This spell casting isn't brain washing but he opened up her eyes to see how much i love and needed her. Now i am a happy man again and do not know what to do for him and so i am using this opportunity to tell anyone having similar problem to visit he will help you because he is so real and his spells is so powerful. Once again thank you Great Murugu and may your gods reward you for your good deeds. whatsApp number +90 538 069 4285. Website:
BRYAN - March 25, 2023 - Report this comment
i just want to say a big thanks to Dr Oniha for what he has done for me, i contacted him at the point of my needs and he came through for me, he said he was gonna help me and he did, I played lottery for 20 years and couldn’t win a dime, at a point I was disappointed and almost gave up, but then another thought came to my mind why don’t I try a lotto spell since I have already heard about people doing it, and then i decided that i will give it a try, but there was a lot of spell casters online this got me confused that i didn’t know which to pick, I decided to follow my instinct and i picked Dr Oniha i sent him an email and waited for couple of hours no reply, at this point I was already anxious and eager to get a reply from him and then i sent him a test on his WhatsApp and immediately he responded i told him what I wanted and he gave me assurance that i must win after his spell, i did what was asked of me, behold i hit the jackpot. i am so so happy to share this here because i have never seen a miracle like this before, thank you so much Dr Oniha you are a life saver. Anyone out there can also talk to him if you need his assistance too, that is why I'm testifying about his good work so people in need can reach out to him. Call/Whatsapp number: +16692213962 EMAIL: ONIHASPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
Annmarie Boyce - March 25, 2023 - Report this comment
HOW CAN I WIN LOTTERY WITH SPELL CALL/WHATSAPP NUMBER: +16692213962 I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with Dr Oniha for his powerful lottery spell. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after he cast the Lottery spell for me, And i won $75,000. His spell changed my life into riches, I’m now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good luck with the lottery after I won a huge amount of money. My life has really changed for good. I won (seventy five thousand dollars)Your Lottery spell is so real and pure. Thank you very much for the lottery spell that changed my life”I am totally grateful for the lottery spell you did for me Dr Oniha and i say i will continue to spread your name all over so people can see what kind of man you are. Anyone in need of help can email Dr Oniha for your own lottery number,because this is the only secret to winning the lottery. CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962
LUCAS - March 28, 2023 - Report this comment
Good day viewers… I have been trying to win the lottery for some years now but I have not been lucky enough to win a dime. In search for assistance on how I can at least be a winner of any lottery, I found out about Dr Oniha who has been helpful with his winning numbers he gets through his spells to help people win the lottery. I got in touch with him on his website to know how I can win the lottery and he told me everything I needed to know and do before the spell can be done for me and I acknowledge it. He prepared the spell for me and gave me the winning numbers to play and instructed me what to do as I played the jackpot lottery. I did as he instructed and after a week, I decided to check if I was lucky enough to be among the winners. I screamed out in Joy immediately I saw my ticket numbers as the winner of $393 million dollars. I’m so grateful and appreciative to Dr Oniha for helping me. You can contact him for any help. Call/Whatsapp number: +16692213962
GLORIA - March 28, 2023 - Report this comment
I NEED AN URGENT LOVE SPELL CASTER TO BRING BACK MY EX LOVER CALL/WHATSAPP +16692213962 My Husband broke up with me after 9years of relationship. It started from small misunderstandings after which he told me that it would be good to take a break, which I think turned into a breakup. He no longer looks for me, he blocked my number and people said they saw him with another woman, this brought tears to my eyes because we are about to marry, I searched for help when I came across this spiritual man called DR ONIHA who have helped many people having relationship problem, I talked with him about my situation and he described to me the process to get back with my lover, I followed his instructions and today I'm happy because my man came back after 5 months of breakup and we are happily married now. If you need the help of a spell caster for any kind of relationship problem contact DR ONIHA for a lasting solution. EMAIL: ONIHASPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM Call/whatsaap number:+16692213962
nichelle harris - March 29, 2023 - Report this comment
I am Nichelle harris by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(4) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address (, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.BOB  His email: CALL/ WHATSAPP; +2349153314547
Grace Enfield - March 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi I’m Grace here in GA. After having multiple bad experiences with credit repair companies and figuring out the credit score they told me they boosted was actually false and the negative items on my report wasn’t cleaned I tried PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST… I want to publicly appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the effort of helping me to increase my credit score when I was suffering from low credit score 511 and was unable to meet up to my standard level. My score suddenly shot up 811 within 6 days. I met this Dude on CK and I contacted him: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (323) 406-1225. Sincerely I’m pleased after everything he did for me. He didn’t charge so much but delivered on his part. Contact him for all sorts of credit repair, he will be willing to help you.
Patricia Daniel - April 01, 2023 - Report this comment
My husband and I are self-employed architects; we made most of our income from buying, renovating and selling houses in Florida. In 2005 we had our first child, followed immediately by Hurricane Wilma and the beginning of the downturn in the real estate market (at least in Miami). Lost income from clients who could no longer pay, plummeting real-estate values and a non-existent job market for architects left us with virtually no income for four years. We used our credit cards and savings, my 401k, sold our home at a huge loss, all with the idea that the market had to pick up soon and we would then be able to pay off our debts without filing for bankruptcy. We were terrified of bankruptcy because we depended on being able to get a mortgage to finance home purchases and renovations, our main source of income. In retrospect not filing was a mistake, the market never recovered in time for us and we accumulated a massive amount of credit card debt which we could not pay, somewhere around $50-60,000. Much of this has been charged off or we negotiated settlements; however, we have two judgements, Amex for $1136 and Chase for $8566, which I’m going to try and settle, and a Citibank account that was bought by Asset Acceptance, original balance of $16,166 now pumped up to $26,340. I read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on Quora and I didn’t hesitate to contact him, to my greatest surprise, all the debts were cleared completely including the charge offs and credit card debts. More so our credit score was increased to 811 and 804 respectively. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST the saviour I met a few months ago. You can reach him via PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Text him on +1 (323) 406 1225. Cheers.
Adams Brown - April 05, 2023 - Report this comment
I had a stroke at 40 years old and have not been able to work for 2 years with a low probability of ever returning to full-work. I was without income for 18 months until I finally received my employer LTD benefit (less 30% legal fees). I have not been able to keep up with credit card payments for the past years (had no idea Cigna would give me the runaround like they did). However, I received a lump sum back payment plus a monthly recurring payment of 60% of my previous income. I was not sure if I should settle my credit cards at this point. I owed Chase B of A, Discover and Citi. Chase is by far the largest balance of Approx. $20k. I have explored bankruptcy, but I have some income producing real estate assets I cannot protect and even my paid vehicle is above the state limit for exemption. While I was researching credit repair I read good reviews about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and decided to cast my burden upon PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. The good news is that they fixed my credit in less than 6 days and cleaned up the negative items from my report including the debt I owed. I don’t know how to appreciate PINNACLE enough. Here is the contact: (323) 406-1225. EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Riley Donald - April 07, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m not good at telling stories but permit to share our experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here. My husband and I needed credit repair, so we contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, we explained to him about all the negative items on our credit report (around 19 negative items) on my report with total debt of around $125,000. He said to me: Yes! I can fix it in 6 days! I was excited! Now my husband’s credit had 15 negative items and 3 positive items. His total debt was around $102,000. After analyzing both credits he stated we can correct both within 12 days! I was excited. It’s been 5 years since the last time we had good credit. It was difficult for me to believe. Well we got around to the cost of credit repair, it wasn’t outrageous. He told me the cost. After the 6 days he showed evidence and increased score to 809 and 811 respectively. I am saying all this here because I don’t think anyone deserves to miss the train; Or won’t you want to end the bad credit you got? You can hit him on EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (323) 406-1225. Do let him know I referred you. Thanks 
Priscilla Thompson - April 10, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey I’m Priscilla Thompson. I had a terrible experience when I didn’t have a good credit score which deprived me from getting a credit card and a good apartment but after I contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST my credit score was fixed within 6 days and 7 days later I was able to apply for a business credit card and a loan which was granted. I will not want to say much, here's practical evidence of the American Express Business Card. You can contact via their EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (323) 406 1225. THANK me LATER. 
Marilyn David - April 12, 2023 - Report this comment
I needed urgent help! My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with the medical bills for my health along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about H A C K M A V E N S on this platform and I took the risk though I was scared of trusting a huge amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I marveled at the result I got afterward. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my score raised from 470 to 798 within 6 days. You can contact him via; H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7. GOODLUCK!
GLORIA - April 12, 2023 - Report this comment
I NEED AN URGENT LOVE SPELL CASTER TO BRING BACK MY EX LOVER My Husband broke up with me after 9years of relationship. It started from small misunderstandings after which he told me that it would be good to take a break, which I think turned into a breakup. He no longer looks for me, he blocked my number and people said they saw him with another woman, this brought tears to my eyes because we are about to marry, I searched for help when I came across this spiritual man called DR ONIHA who have helped many people having relationship problem, I talked with him about my situation and he described to me the process to get back with my lover, I followed his instructions and today I'm happy because my man came back after 5 months of breakup and we are happily married now. If you need the help of a spell caster for any kind of relationship problem contact DR ONIHA for a lasting solution. EMAIL: ONIHASPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
Allen Hill - April 14, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi everyone, I want to sincerely appreciate the team PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the dedication and time they put into working my credit. My credit was very bad, I had drug crime and criminal records due to my divorce, DUI/DWI and one late credit card payment of $30k which affected my credit score so badly. I was trying to purchase a home for my family and also secure something for my kids in the future but I got turned down even before pre-approval, it was very devastating. My mom read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on CK and informed me. I contacted them after reading some testimonies about them myself. They ran my credit report, analyzed the credit score and determined which action will have the greatest impact. They raised my credit score to 811 across 3 credit bureaus and deleted all negative items on my credit report, within 6 days. They made it work and I have a clean credit profile now. My heart is full of joy. You can reach them on +1 (323) 406 1225. OR their EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Rose Eldemire - April 16, 2023 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best credit repair company I have used so far, my first feel of their service is a recommendable experience; I wasn’t charged any fee until my credit was fixed, unlike other credit repair company, a friend recommended this to me when she got her first truck after they fixed her credit report, I embraced the idea of no fee until my credit report has been fixed, I had credit challenges back then and thought it wasn’t possible, but I got it fixed all thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, before this I went to several credit repair company but it wasn’t possible until I found the right one which is PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Thanks for existing for people like me, I sincerely recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can get them on +1 (323) 406 1225. OR their EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Peter Edward - April 22, 2023 - Report this comment
We have two types of hackers out there, those that will scam you and the legit hackers who do real business, read good reviews about them after a friend mentioned this trusted company called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST that made it happen, boost my credit score to 811 excellent score, due to my credit card debt that cost me weekly, I got setback on payments, with foreclosure and sex crime, very happy I found this hacker who proved to those BS out there who just scam people and go on exile after they got paid for job they know they can’t do, met PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST through a friend who referred me to where he read good recommendation about this Guru. They raised my credit score within 6 days and restored my financial stability. I was able to get a loan and pay for a home. You can get on EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (323) 406 1225.
Nicole Leblane - April 25, 2023 - Report this comment
2023 has been a great year for me since PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST changed my life by fixing my credit report, I had some medical bills, credit card debts, and evictions. He never disappointed me and kept to his word and he is very fast. He paid off my credit card debts and applied for a new credit card with a limit of $10k. he removed all the negative items and increased my credit score to 801 excellent credit score. Hope you all reach him if you have any kind of credit issue to be fixed. CONTACT; PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR CALL +1 (323) 406 1225.  
AMBER - April 25, 2023 - Report this comment
Dr Oniha, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Amber Todd from United states) Sir i had to write back to you though I am at work now to let you know that your spell has successfully worked, and he has returned back to me just as you said it sir. A beautiful red rose was just brought to my place of work from the man I contacted you about on March 15th. Sir, I am so happy to tell this to the whole world now that he returned back to me through your powerful spells yesterday at about 6:00pm. Everything worked out just the way you said it. No more doubt. Because he realizes we were meant to be, and that we were compatible. This is actually hard for me to believe now. It’s really surprising!! Thank you so much Dr Oniha for weaving your magical powers on me, and for reuniting me and my ex together with your utmost powers. You can contact Dr Oniha for any kind of relationship help and he will help you too. Email: WhatAPP: +1(669)240-2284 Website:
Andrew Wilson - April 28, 2023 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is an expert in repairing credit reports! My credit score was 561 and with a lot of debts which brought down my credit score, I became worried because it’s as if my entire life has been ruined, I’ve been deprived of so many things due to my low credit score. I’ve been seeking a solution on how to get my credit report fixed. BIG thanks to my attorney who recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. He helped me increase my credit score to TransUnion 801, Experian 809 and Equifax 811, and also helped me delete all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. He paid off my debts within a few days and I finally got approved for a mortgage loan of $250,000 with the less interest rate. Contact: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Phone +1 (323) 406 1225. 
Pamela Johnson - April 30, 2023 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best credit repair company I have used so far, my first feel for their service is a recommendable experience; I wasn’t charged an upfront payment on getting my credit report fixed, which is unlike other credit repair companies, a friend recommended this to me when she got her credit fixed by them, I embraced the idea of no upfront payment, to meet the eligibility requirement I opened an account with them for a reduced rate fee, I had bad credit back then and thought I wasn’t possible to get my good credit report, but I got it all thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for their service, before this I went to several other credit repair companies but they were not eligible for it not until I found right one, thanks for existing for people like me, I strongly recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. CONTACT: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or PHONE +1 (323) 406 1225.  
Robert Eason - May 03, 2023 - Report this comment
With the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I’ve been able to rebuild my credit and turned everything around. I’ve been on the upswing of things for about a month now. No more Negative accounts on my report, no late payments, no charge-offs. I did have some charge-offs back in 2022 and earlier this year, none now. The charge-offs were over $3K. This company has helped me raise my credit score from ~600 to 804 Excellent score. We’ve purchased our home. No lates, no worries. I recently applied for the Apple card obtaining the 4.15% Apple savings account and much to my surprise I’ve been approved. BIG THANK to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for giving me an Excellent credit score and a perfect credit report. Hit them on Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL +1 (323) 406 1225. 
AMBER - May 05, 2023 - Report this comment
Dr Oniha, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Amber Todd from United states) Sir i had to write back to you though I am at work now to let you know that your spell has successfully worked, and he has returned back to me just as you said it sir. A beautiful red rose was just brought to my place of work from the man I contacted you about on March 15th. Sir, I am so happy to tell this to the whole world now that he returned back to me through your powerful spells yesterday at about 6:00pm. Everything worked out just the way you said it. No more doubt. Because he realizes we were meant to be, and that we were compatible. This is actually hard for me to believe now. It’s really surprising!! Thank you so much Dr Oniha for weaving your magical powers on me, and for reuniting me and my ex together with your utmost powers. You can contact Dr Oniha for any kind of relationship help and he will help you too. Email: WhatAPP: +1(669)240-2284
Christopher Lee - May 07, 2023 - Report this comment
My best friend said I deserve a new car. I told him I was waiting to clean up my bad credit report due to my medically induced bankruptcy in 2016, I have 8 student loans totaling about $37k. Each is about $1K-5K. I didn’t want a high interest rate. He came up with the Idea to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for help. I told him I’d think about it. A couple of months later, he’s dragging me out and I’m buying a new car. I went to a couple of dealerships in the panhandle Area, but I got rejected due to my low credit score of 640 and unclean credit report. After feeling uneasy and disappointed, I got no other choice than to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for help. Boom!!! Huge shoutout to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for making my experience a simple one. They cleaned up my credit report and gave me an Excellent score of 809 within 6 days. The good NEWS is that I went to the same dealership which was rejected. Now I’ve been approved of the Nissan Pathfinder car. Having a reliable car is something I’ve wanted for so long and now. Congrats to me on my New Car! HUGE thanks to PINNACLE they did it all. You can get them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Call them on +1 (323) 406 1225. GOODLUCK!!!! 
Richard Clark - May 08, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi all, I sold my house (FHA loan, purchased in 2016) to purchase a new one early this year. While my credit score was not decent (600-610 across the board, mortgage scores also 600 across the board), I have a crappy missed payment history on my previous mortgage (not gonna get into the details lol). Tons of missed/late payments, and my mortgage is currently under a loan modification (can’t seem to get the comment removed from my reports smh). I have missed payment over a year, and by the time I apply it will be at least 18 months of late payments. I also had 5 straight 30-days lates on my old car note during Covid (over 2 years ago). I have had some really old charges off CC account for 3 months now. All this became a hindrance to me because I was unable to get approved when I applied for a new home earlier this year. BIG THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who gave me a decent credit score (800-811 across board) and also gave me a clean credit report, all late payments and charge off has been removed permanently within 6 days. I don’t write reviews, but my joy of writing this is that I’ve been approved of my DREAM HOME. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is awesome, they’re the best I’ve ever come across with. Contact them ON EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / You can also get them on +1 (323) 406 1225. 
Timothy Jones - May 12, 2023 - Report this comment
My score has not been decent EQ 581, TU 569 EX 601. I had a card list that was from a family member and I was the AU—it had a $5700,00 limit and was a 6 years old card. Last month, I got alerts from FICO that the card has been closed by CITI, the issuer for lack of activity-----my scores PLUNGED…...EQ went -24 TU went -17 and EX -15. I do have a car loan about 2.5 years into a 5 years’ term. I had a previous late payment on my first student loan servicer. I applied for a credit card earlier last but was not approved due to my indecent credit report. I asked a question: what should I do to get a decent credit score? And about 5 members from this site advised me to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for quick credit repair, which I did according to their advice. To my greatest surprise PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are really the best when it comes to credit repair. Within 6 days they fixed my credit report and gave me an Excellent credit score of EQ 809, TU 811 EX 804. I’ve been approved of the AMEX BCP $14,700 limit. This might be my most exciting approval to date. I applied for a Blue Cash Preferred Card through Amex. Got an instant approval without a hard pull with a CL of $14,700. By far my highest limit approval and CL in general to date. Very excited. BIG THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me out. Hit them up on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL +1 (323) 406 1225. 
George Carrol - May 13, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, MYFICO members. I love this forum, and have been reading/ learning for a couple of years. I was looking to purchase a home at the end of last year, by that time my debt only was $2,500 car note. My MMS was 690. My current lease is up for renewal in DEC. 2022. It is a 2 years lease. I had an Auto loan, which brought down my credit score to EQ 591
Preston Hoffman - May 14, 2023 - Report this comment
After a positive experience with ethical hack experts on GEARHEADPANACEA dot COM, I am recommending their services ranging from Crypto & Funds Recovery, Increasing bad Credit score, Removing derogatory & negative Records, spy Remote access for mobile to catch cheating partners and many more. You can visit their web page or email Gearheadcyberpanacea AT gmail DOT com.
Karla Verlinden - May 16, 2023 - Report this comment
My name is Karla from USA, I want to tell everyone reading this article that you should not contact any fake spell caster who can't render any help to your problems rather complicated your problems. I want to recommend a genuine powerful spell caster to you who helped me when my ex-husband left me, psychic MUMBE SPELL CASTER brought back my ex-husband who I have already lost hope on within 24 hours. He only sent me some materials with instructions after he finish the love spell on him and now my husband is back and loves me more than ever before. You can contact him any time directly via email address: his spell is 100% effective and there is no upfront payment
Chris Amanda - May 19, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello everyone, I have good news for you guys. I have worked with several hackers out there who pretend to be real, but in the end they all failed me. Few months ago I started working with this professional credit hacker called Mike the credit guy, he helped me remove all those unwanted items like collections, hard inquiries, and late medical bills payment on my report and boosted my credit score from 579 to 799 what amazing increase across the three credit bureaus hit him at mthecreditguy at gmail dot com and be thankful to me…
John Dawson - May 19, 2023 - Report this comment
My situation isn’t the best nor the worst either. Being a long time lurker and finally having gotten to a place I am able to come to terms with my credit situation and begin to do the work. Going through a divorce and then the pandemic was rough. The transmission in my car went out. I went without a car for as long as possible, before financing a car. My goal is to qualify for a mortgage. But my credit was EQ: 516, TU: 613, EX: 539. I had 2 inquiries on EQ, TU:5. There is an inquiry on my TU that I don’t recognize from synchrony. Fyzical Lakewood Ranch Medical Debt $85, Banfield Pet Hospital $1,326 purchased by I.C. system. I was unsure of what my next steps should be, until I read some excellent reviews about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum. I hooked up to them immediately by email and explained my situation to them. They accepted my offer by giving me an excellent credit score of EQ: 815, TU: 811, EX: 804. Within 6 days. They also gave me a clean credit report by removing all inquiries and medical debts. I sincerely love their service. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are the greatest when it comes to credit repair. You can get them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (872) 265 2951. THANKS. 
Danielle Gittens - May 20, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi my name is Danielle Gittens and i am here to tell more about Dr Isikolo and his good works. Life bears no meaning when you loose your loved one and battle emotional trauma that becomes unbearable. Thanks to DR ISIKOLO that came to my aid and provided a solution for me when all hope was lost. Before my very eyes, my man left me for a another lady and i tried every means possible to get him back but never succeeded. I had to search for help till i found out about DR Isikolo. He gave me the maximum attention and support i needed and he did his best and got my man back to me and the result manifesting after 48 hours still amazes me. Now our love and happiness has been revived back and to work better for us. Don't panic anymore because DR ISIKOLO can help you too. Just text him via WhatsApp +2348133261196 or email him via:
Miriam Ross - May 21, 2023 - Report this comment
EX score was 580. TU 579, EQ 582. Overall utility is 8% one month ago I applied for an Apple Card, I got rejected immediately due to poor credit score and negative items on my credit report. Two weeks ago a member who had credit related issues posted about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I keyed into them and gave them a hit by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I got a quick response from them immediately, which assured me to fix my credit within the duration of 6 days. After 3 days I got an email to confirm my NEW CREDIT which I did immediately. My score has been raised to EX 805, TU 813, EQ 811 and all negative items have been deleted permanently. I have to reapply for the Apple Card, it was a SP, immediately approved for $10,500. Also signed up for the Apple savings account to have my daily Cash deposited into it. Last weekend, I got an email about the GM card Marcus applied for, and got the need to review my application message, Monday morning I got a call to confirm I was the one to apply, confirmed yes, approved for $10,000. HUGE THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can CALL on +1 (872) 265 2951.
Mel Garry - May 22, 2023 - Report this comment
It's been a crazy year for me, unfortunate happenings beyond me made score fall to 622, I needed a loan few months ago for my failing business which could'nt be approved because of my credit score. A colleague linked me up with Clever Hacker, after contacting him he didn't just raise my score to a golden and remove my eviction. Thanks to him I got my loan approved contact cleverhacker
Robert Fowlkes - May 23, 2023 - Report this comment
Long story short, I've been doing some rebuilding. Last summer's score was TU 505, EX 521, EQ 560. Baddies are 30 days late on my Matco account from 11/19, I had 4 inquiries within the last 12 months, 3 credit cards in the last 12 months, chapter 7 in 2017. I was looking to get a Bilt card for a while but was hesitant since Wells Fargo always denies. I pulled the trigger to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST last two weeks and explained my problems to them, which they offered to give me a solution to my bad credit score and my bad credit report. I subscribed to their service. The miracle here is that within 6 days they gave me an excellent score of TU 806, EX 811, EQ 814 and deleted the inquiries and late payment on my credit report. Last night I reapplied and was instantly approved for $15,000. Back to the garden for the rest of the year. Next target is Cap One X Venture. BIG THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for their service and MyFico community. Hit them on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Text + (872) 265 2951.
Mark Hamer - May 26, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, I was looking to get a new car via Navy Fed for my family but couldn’t get approved based on my low scores. FICO: 527, Equifax: 552, TransUnion: 529, FICO Auto 8: 596, FICO Auto 2: 560. I had a one-year credit history, multiple late payments and derogatory statements. Now I actually feel good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for bringing me out of a bad credit report that made my life miserable. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me, cleaned up my credit report with all late payment marked as paid on time. Negative entries removed; including derogatory. My score is now 811 across the board. I’ve been with Navy Federal, for 3 weeks, after my credit has been fixed which I’ve been approved for an auto loan. First time in 5 years now. I’m so happy to have read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, you can contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT +1 (872) 265 2951. They’re the best as far as credit repair is concerned.
Danielle Brown - May 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Few days ago I came across a video clip on Youtube about Mike the credit guy, I contacted him and he asked for my info and I gave him all he needed to proceed with the hack. I thought it was a joke after which I had funded the exploits and I was told to wait for 3days . He helped me hack into the FICO and get my credit score boosted to 812 plus and now, I got a new perfect job and had to pay my mortgage and I'm living my life in peace without debts and bad credits. All thanks to Mike, the realest hacker alive! get to him through MTHECREDITGUY AT Gmail DOT COM, swift and affordable. I bet you get to find me and thank me later...
Karen Amlong - May 31, 2023 - Report this comment
Annette Campbell - June 04, 2023 - Report this comment
My husband left me and my son and never returned till DR ISIKOLO intervened. My story does not differ from others who have taken their time to share information about him to the world. I had marital issues with my husband which made him leave me and traveled to another city. At some point i was depressed and got help from nowhere till i came in contact with Dr Isikolo who helped me. He restored the love and connection between me and my partner and i got him back after 2 days as he promised. Just like everyone else talking about him, I am here to tell good of him and thank him for bringing joy to my life once again. He won't fail if you give him a try to help you as well. Just text him via WhatsApp/Telegram: +2348133261196 or read more about him and as well contact him via his website (
Jennifer Holland - June 04, 2023 - Report this comment
My husband and I went to buy a house this year (for the first time). We started making changes in our credit history late last year but to no avail. Current score was 616 (me) and 605 (him). We tried getting it higher on our own way but it didn't work out. No negative other than 3 missed school loan payments from me (2017), I did not know they went into repayment. We have about 9k (51% usage) in credit card debt. We have a car loan (18k total). I have 50k in student loans. I implore you to get in touch with PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR +1 (872) 265 2951. He promised to fix my report within 6 days. He got my score up to 804 (me) 811 (him) and also all the negative items and credit card debt has been gone. Now we’re eligible to buy a house. His fee is very affordable and he always keeps to his word and time frame.  
Charlotte Walker - June 05, 2023 - Report this comment
I finally got to my withdrawal successfully, she's legit, reliable and experienced. I invested $1000 to earn $13,800... Easier than I thought. Mrs Clara Roberts you're the best trader I can recommend for anyone who wants to invest and trade with a genuine trader. I truly recommend her to trade for each and every one who has a plan to invest in their self and future to earn good profit.... If you are interested, reach her and you will testify. You can reach her Via WhatsApp: +1669) 221-3931 Email: Facebook:
Aaron Lloyd - June 06, 2023 - Report this comment
I had about 195k in debt. Most of it is my mortgage and 2 car loans. I was wanting to pay off the rest of my debt to make it easier to pay my car loan and mortgage so that my credit score can go high. All this debt did a serious harm to my credit profile, my credit score dropped to 526. I was at an all-time low, then ran to a friend and narrated everything to him then he introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who happens to be a CREDIT SCORE hacker. Within 6 days, he raised my credit score to 802 across board and deleted all the debt from my credit report and replaced them with beautiful trade lines. I’m ever grateful and indebted to him for such a discreet service. WRITE HIM ON: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / TEXT HIM: +1 (872) 265 2951. And consider your job done. 
Kara Harvey - June 09, 2023 - Report this comment
LOOKING FOR HELP TO GET YOUR EX BACK TO YOU, CONTACT DR ISIKOLO NOW My name is Kara Harvey. Out of the abundance of joy my heart speaks highly of DR ISIKOLO. He came to my rescue when my life was ruined for months. My lover left me for another lady and little did i know he was mind controlled and hypnotized. I did all I could to make him return back to me but all to no avail. He left the city with the lady and I never heard from him or even saw him again. I went in search of help online when I read about how DR ISIKOLO helped other women that had the same problems. I contacted him and he told me all that needed to be done, which I complied. Just as he promised, the love and happiness I shared with my partner was restored and he was cleansed from the dark charm they placed on him and returned back to me after 48 hours. DR ISIKOLO is honest in helping people and he can help you to if you decide today to contact him. His email contact: You can also WhatsApp him on +2348133261196. 
Ann Kolber - June 09, 2023 - Report this comment
Just want to share how I fixed my bad credit to an excellent credit. 2 years ago I was battling with issues of low credit, which made my life so miserable. I had a credit score of 601 (TransUnion), 580 (Equifax), 530 (Experian). I applied for an auto loan for the first time but was not approved due to my low credit score. No company agreed to employ me. There’s this special joy in my heart after I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, my pastor recommending him after I explained to him about my credit situation. I contacted him explaining my credit problems. Duly he came up with a resounding proposal and guaranteed me of an EXCELLENT credit score of 811 (TransUnion), 803 (Equifax) and 815(Experian) which he did within 6 days. I got approved of my car and most especially got myself together. I strongly recommend him for your credit fix. Contact him by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (872) 265 2951. 
Debbie Smith - June 11, 2023 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST provided a delightful experience. He was so helpful and knowledgeable about my best course of action to repair my credit. I’ve been avoiding this dark area in my life and thinking about fixing my credit gave me great anxiety, but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me prioritize my steps for resolving my bad credit and it was almost comparable to therapy! Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for your wonderful customer service and expertise. You can contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / OR +1 (872) 265 2951. I’m lucky to have you guys. 
Schanel David - June 13, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Kelvin Trost - June 13, 2023 - Report this comment
Overall great experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST! My credit score started in the dumps and I didn’t have any clue on where to start for it to get better. I will be buying a house in the next year so repairing my credit was necessary. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST worked with me every step of the way and conducted honest business which is very RARE when it comes to credit repair. Overall I would recommend them. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT PHONE: +1 (872) 265 2951. 
Schanel David - June 14, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Sarah Ruffi - June 15, 2023 - Report this comment
I recently have had a lot of issues with my credit score and I have tried a lot of different programs and none of them really helped me as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I contacted them and they helped me step by step and I’m really thankful for their effort and service. I have recommended them to my friends and family. I also recommend everyone else to give them a try! You won’t regret it! Hit them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Laurie Longo - June 19, 2023 - Report this comment
I haven’t been with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for long at all however I got an excellent service…. I spoke with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and he was attentive, knowledgeable and easy to speak with, during the conversation I explained my credit situation, I felt excited about getting my credit situation in order. I can’t believe what my eyes have seen on my credit report. They increased my credit score to 805 TransUnion, 808 Equifax, and 811 Experian. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has made me feel like we were in my credit situation together, like we are a team. I’m super excited I sincerely recommend them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Natelie Alane - June 20, 2023 - Report this comment
I contacted a couple of companies to seek help. How to improve my credit scores, after having some issues some time back? I didn’t see that I had any directly adverse stuff to be dead with, maybe it was just still residual from my bad period. I was told by other companies that it was a long process and I needed all of these services which of course cost a lot of money on a weekly basis and nothing was done. Thanks to the PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who came to save me, I call them Angels in human form. When PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST interviewed me he said it was not worth spending the money as it was just a matter of one software for my scores to creep back up. He did give me a couple of pointers that I could do myself to be sure that everything moved in a positive way. To my greatest amazement within 6 days my scores pumped high to 800+ across all 3 credit bureaus. I truly appreciate his honesty and direction. Hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  
Brian Beckwith - June 22, 2023 - Report this comment
I was searching the internet for places to restore my credit. I inquired about this company called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and was called back immediately…even while on their site. Their policy for communication is outstanding. I spoke with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who was exceptionally professional and knowledgeable about the arena of credit repair…if you want a timely and immediate response to your inquiry…this is the right place. If you want a professional hacker who can help you raise your credit score within a few days, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has the best credit hacker. My wife and I have an excellent credit profile now. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Try this company and you’ll never regret it. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Annmarie Boyce - June 23, 2023 - Report this comment
HOW CAN I WIN LOTTERY WITH SPELL CALL/WHATSAPP NUMBER: +16692213962 I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with Dr Oniha for his powerful lottery spell. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after he cast the Lottery spell for me, And i won $75,000. His spell changed my life into riches, I’m now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good luck with the lottery after I won a huge amount of money. My life has really changed for good. I won (seventy five thousand dollars)Your Lottery spell is so real and pure. Thank you very much for the lottery spell that changed my life”I am totally grateful for the lottery spell you did for me Dr Oniha and i say i will continue to spread your name all over so people can see what kind of man you are. Anyone in need of help can email Dr Oniha for your own lottery number,because this is the only secret to winning the lottery. CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962
Schanel David - June 23, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
AMBER - June 23, 2023 - Report this comment
This is magnificent!! I still can’t imagine how Dr Oniha made me a lottery winner within 3 weeks. No one could have ever made me believe that spellcasting really works when it comes to winning the lottery. When I contacted Dr Oniha to help me prepare a spell to make me win the lottery, he made me understand what was needed to be carried out to enable me become a lottery winner and I hid to every details he gave to me and today I am glad to let you all know this spell caster has the powers of making you a lottery winner because my life turned around to a multi millionaire after winning the sum of 128 million Pounds with the numbers he gave to me. Anyone who is reading this article and needs help to win the lottery can get in touch with Dr Oniha because he will also help you. CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962
Schanel David - June 24, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Lora Silberman - June 24, 2023 - Report this comment
Hands downs PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best! I typically don’t take the time to even write reviews for any company, but when you receive the type of results that my husband and I have received, then it just wouldn’t be fair on PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, nor any other credit repair company. I honestly recommend him. Hit them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Timothy Abeel - June 26, 2023 - Report this comment
Such a great team work from PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. It’s been more than a pleasure dealing with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST whose best and only interest was their clients. I’m finally back on track with my financials and credit score high to 805 TransUnion, 809 Equifax and 811 Experian. I’m going to sustain it for as long as I can. I honestly recommend them to the globe. Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Schanel David - June 29, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Schanel David - June 29, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Florence Rueda - June 30, 2023 - Report this comment
PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is an innovative credit repair company which has been in the industry for a long time. They are known for constantly upgrading their credit score and removing all negative items and hard inquiries permanently from the credit report. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST always come up with new and improved ways to help their clients. One of the things that set them apart from other credit repair companies is that they check back on their clients to see that their credit fix is permanent and gain the result that they were looking for. I honestly recommend them to anyone who has credit issues. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
John Stimson - July 02, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey Guys, my name is John Stimson, I applied for a house in Illinois but was not approved due to a bad credit report. my credit score was TU 503, EQ 530 EX 557 with Bankruptcy and debt, Criminal record, DUI and DWI on my credit report I was in church when a lady was talking about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST how they cleared her debt and increased her credit score I never believed what she said, but decided to give them a try. I contacted them for a quick credit repair, which I got a response immediately. Before they started working on my credit, they explained to me how the process goes, how many days it’ll take to get my credit fixed. To be sincere PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST blew my mind I never expected such an amazing result from them. They increased my credit score to TU 811, EQ 806, EX 809. They also gave me a new credit report. Bankruptcy and debt have been cleared from my credit report, all negative items removed completely from my credit report. all this happened within 6 days. They are the best credit repair company. Hit them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Schanel David - July 06, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. {EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M} or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
AMBER - July 07, 2023 - Report this comment
Dr Oniha, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Amber Todd from United states) Sir i had to write back to you though I am at work now to let you know that your spell has successfully worked, and he has returned back to me just as you said it sir. A beautiful red rose was just brought to my place of work from the man I contacted you about on March 15th. Sir, I am so happy to tell this to the whole world now that he returned back to me through your powerful spells yesterday at about 6:00pm. Everything worked out just the way you said it. No more doubt. Because he realizes we were meant to be, and that we were compatible. This is actually hard for me to believe now. It’s really surprising!! Thank you so much Dr Oniha for weaving your magical powers on me, and for reuniting me and my ex together with your utmost powers. You can contact Dr Oniha for any kind of relationship help and he will help you too. Email: WhatAPP: +1(669)240-2284
Schanel David - July 07, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Nicole Conger - July 09, 2023 - Report this comment
Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all you do, I got a new credit card limit of $24K with a massive trade line on my credit report. I was suffering from a low FICO SCORE 477 and was unable to meet up my financial requirement. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came to my rescue. He helped me raise my FICO SCORE to 811 excellent score. He also deleted my past eviction and bankruptcy off my report within 6 days. He always delivers good services. Here is his contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Schanel David - July 09, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Mary Higgins - July 11, 2023 - Report this comment
I needed to repair my credit quickly. My divorce is final and debt was in my name. I was ordered to pay off the bills since the bills were in my name. So I had about $35K in unpaid credit card debt, I became confused and worried. I don't know where to start, but I only have 6 months to refinance my car and 1 year to refinance my house. I began searching for help over the internet on how to fix my credit. So I saw PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST reviews all over the internet and like wow who’s this guy. I decided to take the risk even when I was still afraid. It's good to take risks sometimes. I've realized that people who do exploits are people who take risks. I contacted this guy and he explained to me everything about credit repair and how it works. I got excited. I learnt a lot from him. He increased my credit score to 811 (TransUnion) 809 (Equifax) 805 (Experian). He also removed all negative items and credit card debt from my credit report. I was able to apply for a new credit card with a higher limit which has been approved. All this happened so quickly within 6 days. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can get them on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I sincerely recommend them.
AMBER - July 12, 2023 - Report this comment
Dr Oniha, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Amber Todd from United states) Sir i had to write back to you though I am at work now to let you know that your spell has successfully worked, and he has returned back to me just as you said it sir. A beautiful red rose was just brought to my place of work from the man I contacted you about on March 15th. Sir, I am so happy to tell this to the whole world now that he returned back to me through your powerful spells yesterday at about 6:00pm. Everything worked out just the way you said it. No more doubt. Because he realizes we were meant to be, and that we were compatible. This is actually hard for me to believe now. It’s really surprising!! Thank you so much Dr Oniha for weaving your magical powers on me, and for reuniting me and my ex together with your utmost powers. You can contact Dr Oniha for any kind of relationship help and he will help you too. Email: WhatAPP: +1(669)221-3962
Schanel David - July 13, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Barbie Lieber - July 14, 2023 - Report this comment
My credit score was stagnant at around 560 for TU, EX and EQ. Currently, I was waiting for my charge off and late payment to fall off. My credit goal is 780, which is 220 points from where I was. I was wondering if it was possible to increase my score by 220 points because of the late payments and charge off on my credit report. Until a friend directed me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I tell you I didn’t regret adhering to that advice to repair my credit. I’m better now and my credit score is 800s across board and all late payment and charge off has been removed permanently from my credit report. You too can contact them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Jeremy Eldridge - July 18, 2023 - Report this comment
I can testify to a great service from PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST about credit repair. I had some inquiries, 2 late payments and my collection. I also had bankruptcy that came off in December with a low credit score of 561.  Even disputed it with Peter from Clerk but to no avail. I was in a terrible situation that I needed to repair my credit. I came across this great credit specialist called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum, with so many amazing reviews. I contacted them but I never believed them until they proved me wrong, by removing all late payments, inquiries and collection from my credit report, I also increased my credit score to 811 excellent standards. I now have a clean credit report. Contact him now for help: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Jason Powell - July 21, 2023 - Report this comment
I had a BK-7 on my TransUnion report. The date is incorrect. It shows from 2016 but BK was in 2012. I also had 60 days late on a car loan from 2019, no collection and charge off Citi bank from 2019 paid. Started rebuilding December 2021 with 522 FICO 8 but none of the strategies worked. I have to look for a credit repair company which my colleague at work recommended to me as a PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. I believed her because I knew she was having a bad credit score but that day she showed me her credit score was above 800+ I contacted them immediately to be honest I was not disappointed. Within 6 days PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST wiped out all baddies on my credit report and increased my FICO SCORE to 811 I’m so EXCITED for what they did for me on my credit report. If you need help in fixing your credit, I will recommend them to you via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Schanel David - July 22, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Wendy Anderson - July 23, 2023 - Report this comment
After some financial struggles I had 4 charge offs and 4 collections. I have two cards still that are in good standing and each had two 30 days lates that are 3 years old. My credit score was TransUnion 585, Equifax 583 and Experian 528. I have been facing depression due to my poor credit score. Luckily for me a friend introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me raise my credit score to TransUnion 805, Equifax 809 and Experian 811. Also removed all charge offs, collection and eviction from my credit report. I now have a clean credit report with an Exceptional credit score. He’s the real deal. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Hit him up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Call +1 (760) 203 6466. 
Christine Hein - July 25, 2023 - Report this comment
Hey guys I’m 23 I had several late payments because I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was in the hospital for a while. Then I lost my job, started using my credit cards to pay bills and maxed them. I had never missed a payment before I had any of my issues. I had collection accounts but they don’t show on my 3B report. I had 20 accounts which are my negatives. All this brought down my credit score to Equifax 496, TransUnion 518 and Experian 490. The best option I got was to get myself a credit repair company which my local attorney recommended to me as a PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and I’m glad I did because PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST turned in my credit score Equifax 809, TransUnion 811 and Experian 803. They wiped all the negative items from my credit report. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST also assisted my parents to fix their credit report. Quickly use their email to reach them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Gregory Dell - July 26, 2023 - Report this comment
In today's financially-driven world, credit plays a vital role in shaping our financial futures. A good credit score can open doors to opportunities such as securing loans, obtaining favourable interest rates, and even influencing job prospects. However, individuals often find themselves facing credit issues due to various reasons. This has led to the emergence of credit repair companies and specialists who claim to help individuals regain control over their credit scores. I’ll analyse the effectiveness of credit repair companies and specialists, emphasizing Pinnacle Credit Specialist as an organization that truly delivers results. 1. Understanding Credit Repair: Credit repair involves the process of improving an individual's creditworthiness and credit score by identifying and rectifying inaccuracies, errors, and negative items on their credit reports. Credit repair companies and specialists possess the expertise and knowledge required to navigate complex credit systems and guide individuals towards credit improvement. 2. The Effectiveness of Credit Repair Companies: While scepticism may surround the credit repair industry, there are ample success stories that testify to the effectiveness of credit repair. Reputable companies like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST have consistently helped countless individuals recover from financial setbacks, improve their credit scores, and restore their financial stability. Through their proven methodologies and personalized strategies, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can make a significant difference in an individual's credit journey. 3. Expertise and Specialization at PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is an exemplary credit repair company that stands out in the industry due to its commitment to excellence. With years of experience and a team of skilled professionals, they possess deep knowledge of credit reporting laws and regulations. This expertise allows them to challenge questionable items on credit reports, negotiate with creditors, and remove inaccuracies that may be holding individuals back from achieving a good credit score. 4. Tailored Solutions for Every Situation: Each individual's credit situation is unique, and PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST recognizes this by providing personalized solutions. Through careful analysis of credit reports, they create customized plans of action designed to address specific credit issues. Whether it's removing late payments, erroneous collections, or other negative marks, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offers a comprehensive approach that gives individuals the best chance at credit restoration. 5. Trust and Positive Testimonials: A credit repair company's reputation is crucial in determining its credibility. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has earned trust through its stellar track record of success stories from satisfied clients. Numerous testimonials highlight their ability to improve credit scores significantly, often in a shorter time frame than individuals could achieve on their own. Such positive feedback strengthens the argument that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are indeed capable of fixing credit and are worth considering. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST have proven their ability to fix credit by delivering concrete results. While there may be unscrupulous entities within the industry, it is essential to recognize and recommend companies like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST that genuinely make a positive impact on the lives of individuals struggling with credit issues. Their expertise, tailored solutions, and strong reputation demonstrate the effectiveness of credit repair companies in empowering individuals to reclaim their financial well-being. Therefore, for those seeking credit improvement, considering PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as a partner is a wise decision. CONTACT THEM BY EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Leslie Boykin - July 28, 2023 - Report this comment
In today's digital age, where financial transactions are predominantly conducted online, the issue of credit score security has become increasingly important. With the rise of hackers and their ability to exploit vulnerabilities in technology systems, a question arises: can a hacker really fix a credit score? This passage aims to explore this topic and provide an answer, while also recommending the services of PINNACLE CREDIT SOLUTION as a reliable solution. 1. Understanding the Role of Hackers: Hackers are individuals with advanced computer skills who possess a deep understanding of technology systems' vulnerabilities. They can infiltrate these systems, gain unauthorized access, and manipulate data. While hacking is typically associated with malicious activities, there are ethical hackers known as "white-hat" or "ethical" hackers who use their skills to identify system vulnerabilities and help improve cybersecurity. 2. Credit Score Manipulation: A credit score is a numerical representation of an individual's creditworthiness, based on various factors such as payment history, outstanding debts, and credit utilization. Hackers may attempt to manipulate credit scores by tampering with these factors, such as erasing negative payment history or reducing outstanding debts. 3. The Role of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is a reputed credit repair company known for its expertise in improving credit scores. While the term "hacker" may have negative connotations, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST employs a team of professionals skilled in navigating legal processes to dispute inaccuracies and inconsistencies in credit reports. Their services align with legal frameworks and regulations, ensuring a safe and secure approach to credit repair. 4. Why PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST? PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offer comprehensive credit repair solutions that address the underlying issues affecting credit scores. Their methods involve thorough analysis of credit reports, identification of inaccuracies or errors, and initiation of dispute processes with credit bureaus. Through these lawful means, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST have helped numerous individuals improve their creditworthiness and achieve their financial goals. 5. Recommendations and Conclusion: Based on the research conducted, it is possible for a hacker, such as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, to genuinely fix credit scores. However, it is imperative to emphasize the importance of adhering to legal practices and regulations. Engaging the services of a reputable and experienced credit repair company like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST ensures a legitimate approach to credit score improvement. Ultimately, enhancing one's credit score is a complex process that requires expertise and a deep understanding of credit reporting systems. While the notion of a hacker fixing credit scores may seem unconventional, companies like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST have proven themselves to be trustworthy and effective in providing legitimate credit repair solutions. HIT THEM BY EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
David Cousins - July 30, 2023 - Report this comment
Few days ago I came across a video clip on Youtube about Mike the credit guy, I contacted him and he asked for my info and I gave him all he needed to proceed with the hack. I thought it was a joke after which I had funded the exploits and I was told to wait for 3days . He helped me hack into the FICO and get my credit score boosted to 812 plus and now, I got a new perfect job and had to pay my mortgage and I'm living my life in peace without debts and bad credits. All thanks to Mike, the realest hacker alive! get to him through MTHECREDITGUY AT Gmail DOT COM, swift and affordable. I bet you get to find me and thank me later...
Schanel David - July 31, 2023 - Report this comment
I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Barbara Walter - August 03, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Vanessa Moss - August 09, 2023 - Report this comment
I have been searching for so long on how to fix my credit score, earlier 2022 I had a credit score of 491, charge offs and several negative items and collections. Today I finally found the right company PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and was able to get my score high to 800s across board within 6 days and also removed all negative items and charge offs from my credit report. I now have a new credit report with a clean history. If you’ve a bad credit profile, you can contact them. I’m super grateful for their services. Just want to share my GOOD NEWS!!! You can reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Mark Hayes - August 10, 2023 - Report this comment
COVID really hit me hard financially as I’m sure has been a consistent theme here. I started my rebuilding in January of this year. Experian FICO 8 Score 576, 15 Hard Inquiries and 8 late payments. I had this mindset, I’ll be in the 700+ before the end of the year. I needed help and I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here, so I decided to give them a try. 6 days after they increased my score to 800+ across the 3 credit bureaus, they also removed all hard inquiries from the credit report and all late payment was marked as paid on time. I confirmed it myself. I can’t keep the GOOD NEWS to my help because I know so many people out there are looking forward to getting the same testimony. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT (541) 286 5453.
Barbara Walter - August 12, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Andrew Alpert - August 13, 2023 - Report this comment
Having a good credit score is crucial for financial stability and access to various opportunities. However, many individuals encounter difficulties when it comes to repairing their damaged credit history. This has led to the proliferation of credit repair companies that promise to restore creditworthiness. One such company is PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. This article aims to explore the question: Is PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST the best credit repair company? Throughout the discussion, we will analyse the company's services, customer feedback, and industry reputation to arrive at a definitive answer. Services Offered by PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offers a range of services aimed at helping individuals repair their credit. These services include credit report analysis, dispute filing, debt negotiation, and credit education. Each service is intended to address different aspects of credit repair, showcasing the company's comprehensive approach to resolving clients' credit issues. Customer Feedback: To determine the effectiveness of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, it is essential to examine the experiences of its customers. Online reviews and testimonials offer insight into the quality of service provided. Numerous positive reviews highlight the company's commitment to customer satisfaction, praising its prompt responses, knowledgeable staff, and successful credit repair outcomes. These testimonials demonstrate that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has consistently delivered positive results for its clients. Industry Reputation: Another aspect to consider when evaluating a credit repair company is its reputation within the industry. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has established itself as a trustworthy and reliable organization. It adheres to industry regulations and follows ethical practices, ensuring clients' interests are protected. The company has also received recognition and awards for its exceptional service, further solidifying its reputation within the credit repair industry. Track Record of Success: A vital factor in determining the best credit repair company is its track record of success. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has a proven history of helping clients improve their credit scores and financial well-being. By providing personalized strategies for each client's unique situation, they have consistently achieved remarkable results. This effectiveness distinguishes PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as a leader in the credit repair industry. Based on an analysis of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST's services, customer feedback, reputation, and track record of success, it can be confidently asserted that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is indeed one of the best credit repair companies available. The company's comprehensive range of credit repair services, positive customer testimonials, strong industry reputation, and successful outcomes demonstrate its commitment to assisting individuals in achieving financial stability. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (541) 286 5453.
Catherine walker - August 15, 2023 - Report this comment
BITCOIN RECOVERY IS VERY MUCH REAL, AM A LIVING TESTIMONY!!!! Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to for they just helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $367,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to have my money back from those fake online investments website .. you can also contact them via You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union Transfer * Blank atm card * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email Address: website:
Wesley Avery - August 15, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi, Previously I’ve been trying to improve my credit score to qualify for an FHA mortgage. I was trying to make this happen, I’m on a month to month lease so it wouldn’t require a last minute hassle to move. Plus, my apartment was moldy and flooded. I’ve been working with a lender agent who has done a soft pull to look at my credit and suggested I contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST because my credit score was low. I was at TransUnion 520, Equifax 532 and Experian 560. He said I need to be at least 700 to qualify. I don’t often write reviews but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST blew my mind after so many credit firms toyed with me and screwed me up. He finally got my credit fixed. He increased my credit score to TransUnion 806, Equifax 802 and Experian 811. He also played off the 2 Midland collections on my credit report. I’m now qualified for an FHA mortgage; I’m so excited all thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can do yours. Quickly contact him by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Carol Gibbsons - August 17, 2023 - Report this comment
In today's financial landscape, maintaining a good credit score is of utmost importance. However, unforeseen circumstances or poor financial decisions can lead to a decline in one's creditworthiness. In such situations, it becomes essential to seek help from professionals who can assist in repairing and improving credit scores. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, a renowned credit repair organization, stands as a reliable option for individuals seeking assistance in this domain.   Understanding Credit Repair: Credit repair refers to the process of improving one's creditworthiness by rectifying errors, disputing inaccuracies, and adopting strategies to enhance credit scores. It is a complex process that requires expertise and knowledge. While some individuals might attempt to repair their credit independently, consulting professionals like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can provide expert guidance and ensure a more effective outcome.   PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST- A Trusted Solution: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has established itself as an industry leader in credit repair services. With a team of experienced professionals, they offer comprehensive solutions tailored to individual needs. Their expertise lies in analyzing credit reports, identifying discrepancies, and formulating effective strategies to address them. By leveraging their knowledge of credit bureaus, laws, and regulations, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST assists clients in their journey towards credit restoration.   The Benefits of Choosing PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: a. Expert Guidance: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offers personalized advice and assistance, helping individuals navigate the complexities of credit repair. Their expertise ensures that the necessary steps are taken to rectify inaccuracies and ultimately improve credit scores. b. Tailored Strategies: Recognizing that every credit repair case is unique, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST devises customized strategies that align with clients' specific situations. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of successful credit restoration. c. Legal Compliance: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST operates within the legal framework governing credit repair services, ensuring that all actions taken are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This adherence to legal guidelines provides clients with peace of mind throughout the credit repair process.   When seeking professional assistance to repair credit, consulting an established organization like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can prove to be a prudent decision. Their expertise, tailored strategies, and commitment to legal compliance make them a reliable ally for individuals looking to improve their credit scores. You Can Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
John Cannon - August 20, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, I’m almost 3 years post a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Earlier this year I was sitting around 588 on Experian Fico8. My car lease was paid and instead of going for another I just turned it in and shared a vehicle with my spouse since we both work from home. I had 3 cards at the time, 2 cap one quicksilver and 1 starter card credit one which had an annual fee. I canceled that card. My score dropped 40 points and has pretty much been stuck the last 4+ months. I signed up for PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to BOOST my credit score. Within 6 days of signing up to their service they helped me increase my score to 811. All negative items have been wiped off my credit report including my bankruptcy. I’m happy now I now have a clean credit report with an exceptional credit score. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they’re my helping Angel. You can reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Frank Urbanic - August 22, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m 34 and I swallowed my pride to get to the I’m stage today. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I had medical issues ongoing for 6 months back in early 2022. I was a freelancer who made good active money as a real estate photographer but had to sell my equipment and max out saving, my cards and a loan just for rent and bills. I moved back in with my family to cancel my debt and start over with school. My lease is up at the end of September $2,300. My Dad said I can pay rent starting in October and then go to debt. I barely made it. $2,700 a month at my 9 to 5. My credit score went from 740 to 535. Total debt $12,500. I needed help badly. I started seeking advice on what to do about these debts so that my credit score can go back to 700s not until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST from this forum who bypass into the 3 credit bureaus and clear off my debts and more before he increased my credit screw up to 800+ with 6 days. Contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST ASAP for more about credit issues and more on his email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Elizabeth Carpenter - August 24, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello, My situation isn’t the best but not the worst either. I needed some help. Filed Chap. 7 BK in 2020 and I have been rebuilding my credit ever since but nothing was happening, no positive changes. I have 5 credit cards (Cap On, NFCU and a few stores). I bought a car in 2022 and was given a 6.9% rate. Not great but I’m also 2 years out of BK. My credit score was low as 581 across the 3 credit bureaus. I kept searching for ways to fix my credit until I met this lender who recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. Immediately I did a little research about them and I gave them a text after my research. Within 6 days my credit score was booming to 800+ across the 3 credit bureaus. All negative items and inquiries were wiped off from my credit report and all late payment was marked as paid on time. To be sincere I really enjoyed their service, since my life I’ve never enjoyed an awesome service like that of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can get them through their email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Scott Mane - August 27, 2023 - Report this comment
It is impossible to overstate the benefits of having a high credit score, I had credit scores of 508 (Transunion) 520(Equifax) (Experian) 598, I applied for a surgery loan after which was not approved because my score was in a very bad shape. I needed a score between 730-750 to get approved (considered by FICO as a Good score) and I was in desperate need to get my score up because I had to do the surgery at that time. I saw some positive recommendations from this credit repair expert called SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION, He helped raise my scores to 820. I assumed that would be sufficient, but he also deleted all of my bad reports. He then directed me to a loan officer, from whom I obtained a loan. I'm incredibly appreciative of him and God Almighty. I'm now blogging from my new house. If you require such services, you may also get in touch with him. via: Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com or Call/WhatsApp +1 443 987 6452 and be thankful to me…
James Castle - September 13, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m a 36 years old divorce, software engineer living in the Midwest. I have two children with my ex-spouse (who pay a boatload of child support and Alimony too). Over the last 18 years I’ve not handled my finances wisely. I’ve had every kind of bad mark against me you can imagine: evictions, judgements, past due child support, a chapter 7 bankruptcy, charged off bank accounts, unpaid and unfiled taxes, liens and levy’s. All 3 of my credit scores came down to high 500s, I needed to work on my credit. Every part of life that involves money was so incredibly difficult for me. I asked my lawyer if there’s any trusted credit repair company which he recommended to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Immediately at his presence I gave them a text which I got a response from them after some couple of minutes. I gave them a brief explanation about my financial issue and asked them if they could help me fix my credit. Which they gave me a 100% guarantee that they can. To my greatest surprise after 6 days I got a message from them that my credit has been permanently fixed. I immediately checked through Experian and discovered my credit has been increased to 800s across the 3 credit bureaus. And my credit report has been renewed, I now have a clean credit report. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I honestly recommend them from my heart. Hit them up on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Sarah Powell - September 17, 2023 - Report this comment
Shout out to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me achieve my goals of getting an excellent credit score and getting these collections off my credit report.  I am 27. Got my first. Credit cards at 18... was approved for a car off of the Toyota lot 7 months later with no cosigner... Being young and dumb, I maxed out all of my cards and had to go through a rebuild process in 2018 which didn’t work out for me. At that time, I had late payments and collections. I was making a lot of money at the time and again, was spending stupidly. From then on, things only went downhill. Long story short my AMEX was charged off and still reports every month as a charge off. I needed help getting this off my credit because it has shot it down so much!!! Until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum how they helped some members restore their credit. I quickly contacted them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM to my greatest surprise, within 6 days they helped me achieve my goals. I’m really grateful for their services. I sincerely recommend them. 
Stephanie Fueger - September 20, 2023 - Report this comment
I am 21 years old, and I graduated college in May 2023. When I started college, I didn't have the credit history to obtain a private student loan for tuition expenses, and I didn't know anyone who would co-sign for me -- and my parents weren't in the position to do so either. Having a decent job at the time, I had the 'bright idea' to obtain a personal loan through my credit union (Founders FCU in SC) to pay for my tuition expenses. Each year I borrowed a little more to pay for each semester -- the loan ended up reaching a whopping $10,000. My credit union also talked me into applying for a credit card -- which I did and had a limit of $5,000. My fall semester of college I lost the job I had throughout college, and having no income until my internship started the next summer, I wasn't able to make the payments and they eventually went into charge off status. Also, during my Junior year in college, my grandmother needed a loan for medical expenses, and her credit was not good enough to qualify on her own, I agreed to co-sign for her, which was dumb, I know. It was a smaller open line of credit ($2,500) at State Employees Credit Union in NC. Around 6 months in, she couldn't make the payments, so I paid it off for her. Unknown to me, she took out an advance on the line right before she passed, and I found out shortly after and was stuck with the bill, and that did not help with the fact that I had lost my job and was already drowning in debt that I could not pay. That account went into charged off status as well shortly after. I have been in a relationship for a couple years, we recently moved in together, and the struggle of being approved as a co-applicant due to my credit made me realize that I needed to get my credit back in shape. It's easy to give up and forget about it, but I know that in the next 3-5 years we will want to buy a house, and I don't want to be the one who makes it difficult because I haven't addressed my credit situation. I have attempted a settlement and payment arrangement with Founders FCU and they have surprisingly been very difficult to work with -- they will not settle and will not make a payment arrangement with me. They also told me that they have filed a judgement. The loan through Founders is still accruing interest as well, but the credit card is not. I got a secured loan through NFCU in March for $300 at a 6-month term, after that a friend of mine who is an attorney recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me, which I quickly contacted and explained my predicament to them. They gave me 100% assurance that they’ll bring my credit back to shape. Within 6 days they made my State Employees line of credit reporting as paid and some of my debts marked as paid which boosted my score to an excellent score. Mohela student loan no longer appears on my credit report. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me gain my happiness back, I sincerely recommend them. Hit them up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Ninas Brown - September 21, 2023 - Report this comment
KMAX continues to be the top expert in credit restoration services of any kind. They have left me as a living benefactor of their good deeds. Yes, I do refer to it as kindness because those self-proclaimed hackers stole some of the money that I have worked for in the past. KMAX awarded me a perfect score and took my criminal record, DMV records, bankruptcy, and medical debt off of my report. Email him at Kmaxcyberservices@gmail dot com to have a conversation with one of the top hackers in the world and be the next to praise his efforts. Cheers…
Melissa Walker - September 30, 2023 - Report this comment
Yes, it actually feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for bringing me out of a bad credit report that made my life miserable. 6 years ago I had perfect credit but my life spiralled out of control and was left with 50k debt.  I had no way of paying for it at that time.  I have been rebuilding my life for the past few months and need to fix my credit. I had 50k debt combined.  6 closed accounts with "negative pay status" "Charged off as bad debt".  550 credit score. I paid 2 of the 6 accounts off recently but the remarks are still there and nothing about my status changed on said accounts. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me, with all negative entries removed; charge offs, late payments wiped out including closed accounts all cleared from my report and my score is now 804. I got approved for a Capital one credit card with a $10,000 limit and have been pre-approved for another $30,000 limit. I’m happy now and THANKS to whoever posted about them on this forum for the first time. You can contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  OR text (479) 326-8077. 
Jason Pollack - October 04, 2023 - Report this comment
I am 27. Got my first. Credit cards at 18. was approved a car off of the Toyota lot 7 months later with no cosigner... Being young and dumb, I maxed out all of my cards and had to go through a rebuild process in 2018. At that time, I studied these forums, had late payments and collections removed and was given a 15k AMEX card at 22!! I was making a lot of money at the time and again, was spending stupidly. From then on, things only went downhill. Long story short my AMEX was charged off and still reports every month as a charge off. I needed help getting this off my credit because it has shot it down so much!!! Until last month when I came across a review on this forum about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST a credit reform company. I decided to give them a try. 6 days after we reached an agreement and I met the requirements which obviously wasn’t much. My profile was totally repaired. Now my score is 806. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  
Linda Lawrence - October 07, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello all. First time posting here.  Wanted to share my experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Back in April I left a dead-end salary job and I had 16k of debt across 5 cards. My scores had tanked from the 750 range to the low 500s. Got a new job in mid-April, and laid out a plan to pay off 1 card per month but my credit score didn’t increase. Working with a legit hacker is very rare until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum about helping people to fix their credit report. So I gave him the job. To be sincere I was sceptical at first when he told me not to worry that they’re going to fix my credit first before I make payment for their service. He brought my credit report up to speed, increased my credit score to 811 and removed all the negative items. I'm so happy to put down this review to tell you about the good news. Go for the best hacker alive. Contact him by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
David Ware - October 09, 2023 - Report this comment
I was riding high enjoying my score when I got a collection notice for “Brightspeed” which I had never heard of for a little over $100. Long story short I found out that Brightspeed was a CenturyLink-a DSL provider that I ditched shortly after the consent of the Pandemic in favor of Comcast for the internet as video conferencing over DSL was impossible. Fast forward to three years later they came that I never paid my last bill or something to that effect. I got maybe two letters and a couple of phone calls and had intention on making them work for it by sending a dispute letter. Then I got busy and never did. I got an alert that my score had changed and when I logged in it felt like a punch. My credit report is full of flaws which also brought down my credit score. I needed a credit repair company to help me boost my score until a friend mentioned to me PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I’m not good at telling stories but permit me to share my experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, so I contacted PINNACLE I explained to him about all the negative items on my report with total debt. He said to me: Yes! I can fix it in 6 days! I was excited. I’m now excited that my credit score has been increased to 811 across the credit board, He went ahead to add positive trade lines to my report and cleared the debts I heard. Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I’m saying all this here because I don’t think anyone deserves to miss the train; Or won’t you want to end the bad credit you got? Do let him know I referred you. Thanks  
Charles Philips - October 11, 2023 - Report this comment
Hello everyone I want to sincerely appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the dedication and time they put on working my credit. I needed help. My FICO mortgage scores were 510, 518, 557. All my FICO 8s are between 600-626. All credit cards, student loans, and a car have been paid on time for the last 4 years, with the exception of 1 late payment to Capital One and they will not budge to remove it. I have 6 old Cos that will fall off in 2025, and I have a collection from Jefferson Capital for $5400 for a car that was turned in back in 2018. I have disputed all these items several times with no luck. When I asked for proof that Jefferson legally had the right to collect this debt, since I had also received notices in the mail from 3 other collection agencies for the same debt. Each time all I got in response from the bureaus was a statement that the information was validated. I desperately needed help to raise my FICO 5, 4, and 2 ASAP. Until I read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I contacted them after reading some testimonies about them. They ran my credit report, analysed the credit score and determined which action will have the greatest impact. They raised my credit score to 806 and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. They made it work and I have a clean credit profile now. My heart is full of gratitude. You can reach them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Kathryn Tokarska - October 13, 2023 - Report this comment
I had a 2 years personal unsecured loan with CU. I paid it off in 1.5 years. Here’s what happened with my credit scores when the account reported as paid and closed, perfect payment record. (nothing else changed, checked all reports on the annual credit report. FICO 8 scores dropped by 70 points from 680s to 610s. FICO 9 scores decreased, one 5 points. Vantage scores decreased 10-20 points. This is both a recommendation and an appreciation of the good job that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST did for me. After reading various testimonies on QUORA I decided to give them a trial. And believe me when I say they were up to the task as they cleared all negative items and inquiries from my report. My report is squeaky clean. My score is now 806 excellent. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is my life saver, it’s almost like a miracle to me. Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM to reach them. 
Christina Perry - October 16, 2023 - Report this comment
Do you want to increase your FICO score? Do you want to pay off your credit card debt? I want to use this medium in appreciating PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for his good service. He raised my FICO score up to 811 excellent within 6 days and he also helped me pay off 2 America Express collections which now report as paid in full and for less than the original amount. He did exactly what he said he would. Don’t waste your time thinking about these issues. Contact him now for help: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  
Barbara Walter - October 18, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 - 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Richard Judd - October 18, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m not sure if this will stick but I’m moved to post for anyone looking (as this is where I came for many ideas as well). We had a very bad credit, negative items and different bills but if care is not taken depression might set in. went through so many folks which call themselves credit hackers. We’re self-employed. As we walked through the list of credit hackers, one finally came out. A friend recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to us. We contacted them immediately. Trust me he really helped me by deleting all the negative items and bills on my report and boosted my credit score from 500s to 807. It’s been a long road and I now know way more than I ever wanted to know about FICO scores and credit repair. My saving grace was PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I cannot recommend enough. I’m not promoting just for the sake of it, rather he was able to help us to navigate a very tricky situation and it would have been so helpful for me to have him with us from the beginning. I hope that anyone else who needs it can benefit from my failure and win! You can hit them up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Sharon Rowen - October 21, 2023 - Report this comment
Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. About 4 years ago I realized I needed to figure out how to recover from dad credit. Got a divorce and ex-husband didn’t pay for the house mortgage for a year (he was living in the house). Eventually, the house was sold as a short sale. My beginning scores when I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST were the low 600’s (Experian) and high 500’s (Equifax and TransUnion) I paid for their rebuilding program. Slowly but surely, my score went up. Then I qualified to purchase a home. Lucky me cause if I had waited until September of 2020, I wouldn’t have been able to afford my present home. (purchased it for $430,000. It was recently assessed for $585,000. I lived in the Northeast). Today: I still check my credit EVERYDAY and my scores are now Equifax: 801; TransUnion: 809; and Experian: 811; I’m no longer afraid of going to the mailbox or checking my email. I’m no longer scared of answering the phone. I feel in control of my life and now guard my credit. I’m writing this for anyone who is going through it. I want you to know that you will get through this. I mean I did it while barely making ends meet. Getting a divorce, taking care of my daughter and working. Just contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and believe in them you’ll recover just as I did. Thank you to all in this forum who had such sage advice. Because of your sage advice, I have come so far. The journey was difficult and slow, but I’m here. You can reach them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
John Mixon - October 24, 2023 - Report this comment
My credit has taken a turn for the worse over the last few years due to life events. I have student loans, an auto repossession, and late payment on siad auto loan. I’m lucky to get a job where I’m making great money with very little living expenses. All I want to do is to fix my credit. My question was what do I need to do and who do I need to meet, because I don’t know much about credit rebuilding. I met my friend who has fixed her bad credit before and she recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I didn't have any doubt because she’s a living proof. I didn’t have any choice than to work with him. Few days after I made some financial commitment PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST increased my Vantage score to 780 and MYFICO score 800s. He also added some positive tradelines and cleared the negative reports from my credit. He went ahead to establish a very good business line of credit for me. Which I know has access to huge loans. You can contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Let him know I referred you.
Barbara Walter - October 25, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 - 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Barbara Walter - October 25, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 - 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Garett Smith - October 25, 2023 - Report this comment
I was trying to purchase a home but my score was holding me back. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all your help. I got a new credit card limit with the sum $15k with positive tradelines on my credit report within a few days. He also helped me raise my credit score over 220 points and he made sure he deleted all negative items on my credit profile. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST made my life better and easier without any regrets after working with him. My mortgage has been approved and that has been my dream. Contact him on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Barbara Walter - October 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 - 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Bernard Francis - November 02, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m a 36-year-old software engineer living in the Midwest. Most of my early life I never had good credit. 3 months ago my credit scores were 580 low 600s. I was obviously not happy with those scores so I started to clean up my credit. Opened 2 secured cards; Discover IT for 200; Navy Federal secured for 250. Did the pledge loan as well; self-account, stellar fi, boom for renting reporting, cap one only a 300 limit. Asking a family member to become an AU on their BOA still nothing changed instead my credit score kept dropping. Thanks PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST after reading so many reviews about them. When I got in touch with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST my story changed for the better. He helped me delete all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. My current score now is 806 TransUnion 811 Experian and 802 Equifax. Here is his contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I proudly and strongly recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST service to everyone out there in need of a credit fix. He’s above the best and simply the best. 
Patricia Cistaro - November 05, 2023 - Report this comment
Months ago I planted a seed here. My credit report was lit in red like a Christmas tree of nothing but bad checks. My goal at first was a 680 score, to qualify for a mortgage. That turned into 700…then 710…eventually I entered the 800 club. That 800 club then got me into the 800 teen club. Today I was notified that my Equifax passed the 800 teen club. 821! What was hard to qualify for a $500 credit card now makes it easy to get a $5000 credit card. What was hard to get a $1 credit line increase, makes it easy to get $1000. What was hard to get a lower credit card interest (that actually resulted in getting higher interest) now is easy to make and generally results in a lower rate. How I got to this point was from the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and the help I received from this board. It takes time, effort and determination. The pay in the end is great. I don’t regret working with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. When I started I wanted everything fixed overnight but he said no he has to go one bit at a time to avoid a trace. He started with what they know is easy and worked my credit up. That’s how I got here. His an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
David Zerbato - November 06, 2023 - Report this comment
Have you guys ever checked out PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST? I never knew that my credit is very bad due to hardship I have been facing and desperation. Luckily for me a friend introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He helped me raise my score 297 points and removed all my eviction on my credit report thereby giving me a state. I was able to apply for a credit card once again and I was able to get a loan for my business. His service is affordable, He’s the real deal. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. His email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Christine Weiner - November 14, 2023 - Report this comment
Adam Johnson - November 17, 2023 - Report this comment
Working with a legit hacker is very rare until I came across DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION on YouTube forum about helping people to fix their credit report. So I gave him the job, then he brought my credit report up to speed, increased my credit score to 811 and removed all the negative items. I'm so happy to put down this review to tell you about the good news. Go for the best hacker alive. Contact him on: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM
Jeffrey Hester - November 20, 2023 - Report this comment
I wanted the American dream but I have some late mortgage payments due to a divorce, a medical bill that is charge off, one late credit card payment the sum of $45k and some inquiries which affected my credit report and brought down my credit score to low 520. When I got in touch with DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION my story changed for the better. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION helped me pay off my credit card debts and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 7 days. He also increased my credit score to 805 excellent score. Hit him up on email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM I proudly and strongly recommend his services to everyone out there in need of credit fix. He’s above the rest and simply the best. 
Richard Lawson - November 30, 2023 - Report this comment
I had a 740 credit score and was ecstatic. All the cards I used to dream about having, but recently my score dropped 150 points. I made a very poor decision. I took a cash advance on my DCU platinum card for 10K because they said there was no fee for doing so. I had no idea about a free 10K loan. Take the cash advance on the DCU plat then get a visa with a 0% promo. Two mistakes, not one actually. Took 10K on the DCU, balance was transferred to my new Wells Fargo 0% card. The limits on the cards were 10K, so utilization skyrocketed when one of the cards was at 100%. I thought it was total utilization for which I am at like 15%. My score went from 740 to 590. American Express $8000 ($45,000 limit) Wells Fargo $5400 ($11,000 limit) DCU $4557 ($10,000 limit). I was unsure on how to get back into the good graces of the bureaus until my friend Laura recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. Immediately I reached out to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and asked if he could help me fix my credit score too. He responded positively and I had to subscribe to his services. On checking my credit report after 6 days, my score has skyrocketed to Equifax: 801, TransUnion: 804, Experian: 811. I also noticed that the Wells Fargo and DCU has been paid off completely. I highly recommend him as a great credit specialist! Here is his contact info if you need his services. Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Text Or Call +1 (402) 885 9847. 
Kathryn Crawford - December 02, 2023 - Report this comment
Kathryn Crawford - December 02, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi, I was trying to fix up my credit and unfortunately I had one negative item on my credit report, a charge-off from Bank of America from 2019 in the amount of $541. My credit score is a sad one: 543. I did pay the amount owed about a month ago, and my score only went up two points. The comments were changed to paid charge off, account closed by credit grantor. However, I was still saying CHARGE OFF in red under payment status. Last month I asked a question on this forum” Does anyone have any advice on what I should do to raise my score” and two members from this forum advised me to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Which quickly did as they said. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me, my credit report cleaned up with all negative items removed. My credit score is now 801. I now have 0 hard inquiries, 0 collections, 0 public records. I’m happy to have heard about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here, you can contact him today via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR Text +1 (402) 885 9847. They’re the best as far as credit repair is concerned.  
Michael Lewis - December 05, 2023 - Report this comment
Hi my name is Michael Lewis, I really needed a new home for my kids but my divorce and the judgment I had against me 6 years ago for a car loan ruined my credit and I was unable to even have a credit card anymore. I surfed through these forums a lot and that’s how I found out about DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION. I read on the forums about DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION and how slow they’re to fix credit but they’re among the few that would offer 100% CREDIT REPAIR SERVICES. So I decided to give them a shot. They only did a soft pull up by giving me an excellent credit score within 10 days. He deleted the judgement against my credit report and also paid all the late payment on my credit report. I’m more than happy that I’ve been approved of a 3-unit property that I and my kids live in. He’s really a great hacker. Contact him now: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM OR Text him on signal app +1 (713) 396 5299. 
Christopher Powell - December 08, 2023 - Report this comment
Low credit affected me from being able to apply for a home in Austin TX, so I started to think about purchasing a house. The earliest would be a year from now, but I’m one year out of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. My mortgage credit score was: 599/571/621. Credit Negatives: BK13 Discharged 10/22 (filed 4/19), Auto loan and Credit Card IIB still reporting, only one year of open accounts for revolving credit, older trade lines for closed revolving accounts and installments loans. previous FICO 8: 590/524/579. I didn’t meet the minimum requirement for FHA and conventional mortgages, until I came across this professional hacker called DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION with good, fast and affordable rates. I never believed this worked until he proved me wrong by removing all negative marks and hard inquiries on my credit report. He also helped me raise my credit score to my desired score which helped me to be able to purchase my home for my family. Current FICO 8: 790/799/801. Contact him now: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM 0R CALL on signal: +1 (713) 396 5299.
ryan - December 09, 2023 - Report this comment
All these fake scam comments about credit scores when this page is supposed to be about patty playpal, of course you do nothing about it
Elizabeth Williams - December 12, 2023 - Report this comment
I went through a divorce with my husband and was in a terrible situation that I urgently needed to repair my credit. I was able to find a hacker called DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION on a credit forum website. He helped me raise my credit score to 805 excellent standards and he cleaned up my criminal records on my credit report within 11 days. I wonder how my life would be if I didn’t contact him. All thanks to DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION, hit him up by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM OR Text +1 (713) 396 5299. 
Todd Lewis - December 16, 2023 - Report this comment
I wish I knew about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST months ago! I was sitting close to three women at a church some time ago when I heard them talking about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST getting credit fixed. Then I was given his contact: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR Text him (409) 231 0041. He increased my score to 811 and no negative items anymore on my credit report. Thanks to his expertise and genius hack. Get your credit report fixed with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST.
Barbara Walter - December 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Barbara Walter - December 31, 2023 - Report this comment
Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 - 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!
Michael Hartnett - January 03, 2024 - Report this comment
As dreadful as it may seem, I can confidently tell you that it is 100% possible for a hacker to fix your credit. The joy I feel cannot be quantified. It feels like I have no worries in the world anymore since I hired H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST. They permanently fixed my credit from 412 to 785 excellent score and wiped my bankruptcy, repossessions, and debt over $43,560 within 5-days. I read about them here and decided to give them a try via EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7], they've provided a wide range of services to those with poor/bad credit. How best can I show my gratitude than to do a 5-star review for what H A C K M A V E N S has done? Hit them up today and get yours done.
Michael Hartnett - January 06, 2024 - Report this comment
As dreadful as it may seem, I can confidently tell you that it is 100% possible for a hacker to fix your credit. The joy I feel cannot be quantified. It feels like I have no worries in the world anymore since I hired H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST. They permanently fixed my credit from 412 to 785 excellent score and wiped my bankruptcy, repossessions, and debt over $43,560 within 5-days. I read about them here and decided to give them a try via EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7], they've provided a wide range of services to those with poor/bad credit. How best can I show my gratitude than to do a 5-star review for what H A C K M A V E N S has done? Hit them up today and get yours done.
Robert Mesa - January 09, 2024 - Report this comment
Hi there to all of you. Happy New Year! Over the course of the past few days of the Christmas holidays, I had some free time to seek for a hacker who might help correct my credit score. I saw a YouTube video about Mike the Credit Guy and reached out to him, giving him all the information he needed to get started on the task. I initially assumed it was a prank, but after funding the adventures, I was informed to wait seven days. With his assistance, I was able to breach my FICO score and raise it to 803 or higher. Since then, I have paid off my mortgage, obtained a new job, and am debt-free. Thank you very much, Mike, the greatest hacker. hit him at MTHECREDITGUY AT Gmail DOT COM, swift and affordable. I bet you get to find me and thank me later...
Michael Hartnett - February 25, 2024 - Report this comment
As dreadful as it may seem, I can confidently tell you that it is 100% possible for a hacker to fix your credit. The joy I feel cannot be quantified. It feels like I have no worries in the world anymore since I hired H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST. They permanently fixed my credit from 412 to 785 excellent score and wiped my bankruptcy, repossessions, and debt over $43,560 within 5-days. I read about them here and decided to give them a try via EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7], they've provided a wide range of services to those with poor/bad credit. How best can I show my gratitude than to do a 5-star review for what H A C K M A V E N S has done? Hit them up today and get yours done.
Fred Steven - March 05, 2024 - Report this comment
In buying my new house, Kmax and his Credit Repair Crew were invaluable allies. Sincerely, I don't think I could have gotten an excellent credit without his assistance. They are understanding, truthful, and well-informed. Kmax built me a trust that was necessary for my credit to be fixed and for me to be eligible to purchase a home. Knowing that my score is still high at 799 across all bureaus and that all of the bad entries have been removed is a comfort. I heartily recommend contacting him at KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM, and be thankful to God.
Vincent Parker - March 07, 2024 - Report this comment
Mike The Credit Guy He's the best in any kind of credit issues, My old friend of mine introduced me to this lovely hacker and I got in touch with him. I explained to him about my low credit scores and my credit card debts, To my surprise. He helped me increase my credit score to 820 Golden score and He wiped out the late payments, collections and inquiries on my credit report within 72 hours. He also helped me pay off my credit card debts within a few weeks, He`s trusted, affordable and calm. Now Mike The Credit Guy has turned to my Hacker, You might need him to change your life as he helps me clear my credit cards and increase my credit score. Contact details (MtheCreditGuy At Gmail Dot Com) And be ready to be the next to recommend his work thanks..
NO ADVANCE PAYMENTS!! - March 16, 2024 - Report this comment
I finally found a legit recovery Team that does not request advance payment, if you have been a victim of stolen crypto like I was reach out to the Gear Head Cyber Panacea Team on their website or (+1 6,0,5. 6,0,3. 9,7,8,3, gearheadcyberpanacea AT g mail. com) for a possible recovery and pay after you they recover your asset.
Emily Faye - March 27, 2024 - Report this comment
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: or Whatsapp +2348120513902
Jackson Bruce - April 06, 2024 - Report this comment
If you are interested in getting a good hacking service? I recommend you contact the MIKE CREDIT GUY COMPANY whose services are 100% safe and 100% guaranteed, they are a team of professionals ever ready to satisfy one's needs in hacking services such as hacking of social networks in general, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Changes and upgrading of university grades, Clear criminal records, General hacking and database penetration, PayPal accounts verified hacking, WordPress Blogs hacking, Hack all social media accounts, Hack all Android phones, laptops and Windows Mobile devices. Raise credit score, Western Union and Money gram Hack, Hacking and deleting videos and CCTV history, Hack bank logins, money transfer, credit transfer, clear credit records, credit repair report, Increase Facebook, Instagram followers and likes Tracking and recovery of cars, email account hacking Website blocked hacking, Recovery of lost files or documents *Recovery of money lost to scam brokers or fraudsters, hacking of bank details and credit card hacking, Clear fingerprint from all databases and servers on the website, Crypto loading and other types of hacking services, they one among the best hackers all over and they make sure you get the best customers services. Reach him at: mythecreditguy@Gmail Dot Com they are the real deal. one special thing about them is that they have every swift tracking device for your job. cheers...
Paula Cruz - April 12, 2024 - Report this comment
I'm grateful to this specific hacker team for their hard work in helping me find the culprits who stole the 16BTC I lost to an online investment company last year. They worked quickly and effectively. Give him a call at +1 240 580 8653 or send him an email at mthecredit guy at gmail dot com if you're wondering whether I have another option. Incredibly, they can fix credit at record highs in just three weeks! Additionally, I received a substantial payment of roughly $150k; if you have a company or bank account, you are qualified to receive this, thank you...
Shirley Williams - April 24, 2024 - Report this comment
A very big thanks to H A C K M A V E N S C R E D I T S P E C I A L I S T for the great job they are doing. I am still surprised how they were able to erase all the negative items on my credit and raise my score to 780 plus across all 3 credit bureaus in less than 8 days. You can reach out to them on EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/Whats-App: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7] for any kind of credit fix.
Shirley Williams - April 24, 2024 - Report this comment
A very big thanks to H A C K M A V E N S C R E D I T S P E C I A L I S T for the great job they are doing. I am still surprised how they were able to erase all the negative items on my credit and raise my score to 780 plus across all 3 credit bureaus in less than 8 days. You can reach out to them on EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/Whats-App: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7] for any kind of credit fix.
corey oliver - May 02, 2024 - Report this comment
THE ONLY LEGITIMATE CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERT….!!! Good day Audience, I want to use this great medium to announce this information to the public about ETHICSREFINANCE. few months back, I was seeking an online BTC investment plan when I got scammed for about $172,000. I was so down and didn’t know what to do until I came across a timeline about ETHICSREFINANCE. so I reached out to him and to my greatest surprise, they were able to recover all the funds which I had previously lost to the Devils. I am so glad to share this wonderful news with you all because it cost me nothing to announce a good and reliable Hacker as ETHICREFINANCE, His direct email ETHICSREFINANCE @ GMAIL .COM reach out to them via Telegram @ethicsrefinance You can also contact them for the service below * BLANK ATM CARD * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans THE ONLY LEGITIMATE CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERT….!!!
Nina Williams - May 08, 2024 - Report this comment
My name is Nina Williams, and I am divorced. I have three kids with my ex-husband, who messed up my credit report before we got divorced. This made my life with my kids a living hell, and I felt frustrated. However, I met a friend in church who recommended H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST. I contacted them, and within 7 days, they fixed my credit and increased my score from 515 to 785. Now, I can take loans, own a house, and run a business. If you have any credit-related issues, you can reach out to them via EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/Whats-App: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].
Michael J Weirsky - May 09, 2024 - Report this comment
My happiest moment right now is testifying about Dr Ughulu for making me win the lottery mega millions. For over 5 years I have been playing the mega million, buying different kinds of tickets just to make sure I won. Still nothing could change for me to win. I did a little research on a google internet that's when I saw a lady who talk about Dr Ughulu at first I couldn't believe it I cut the site where I saw a testimony of Dr Ughulu, I made another research again and I still saw so many testimonies of this spell casters called Dr Ughulu, I just click his website because I have seen how people talked about him online so I contacted him and tell him I want to win the lottery mega millions, I followed his command and everything came out successfully I play the mega million game with the winning numbers Dr send to me I played it, when all results came out I was the winner. Do you believe Dr Ughulu made me win a very big amount of $273,000.000 millions dollars. Anyone who is seeking help should get his website here...WEB: Call/Text number: +1(252) 409-1841 email:
Kiara - May 11, 2024 - Report this comment
Hello everyone my name is Kiara Hahn from California US. I’m here to testify of a great and powerful spell caster called Dr Jakuta. I was so confused and devastated when my fiance left me without a word, I've spent the last month crying and feeling guilty. I wasn't talking to anybody, so one day I search online on love tips because I needed him back desperately and I loved him so much, until I found Dr Jakuta who has solved so many relationship problems then I contacted him and he promised that in less than 72hrs he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my fiance who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, if you have any relationship problem you can contact him Below are his contact details: Email him at doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com WhatsApp +2349161779461
Beaulla James - June 06, 2024 - Report this comment
Like many others, I lost a total of 7.3 BTC after being conned and defrauded of my bitcoin by Black Rock Holding Team. Before I got in touch with Mike The Credit Guy to assist me get my money back, I was on the verge of giving up on life. If you have experienced the loss or theft of cryptocurrencies, in addition to any difficulties accessing your wallet or account. I advise you to enlist the assistance of professionals in this area. For further information, send them an email message. They performed a dependable job when I employed their services, thus I can vouch for them. Reach them at and express your gratitude. Salutations...
Tom Bogan - June 11, 2024 - Report this comment
I lost my job back sometime last year and my credit scores ran down in the low to 455. I enter the internet in search of help and I met with Aaron Swartz Credit Repair. My old friend introduced me to a Credit Guru AaronSwartzCyberServices A T gmail {DOT} com, Cell #: +1(614) 344-8376. After some couple of days later, He help me clear the negative items on my credit profile and raise my credit score to 800 excellent standard. Thank you Aaron SwartzI will keep recommending you to the world.
Jesus Banda - June 13, 2024 - Report this comment
I would like to introduce you to the hacker I've been working with to improve my credit score on Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian reports. He made several positive improvements to my credit record by removing all previous evictions, negative collections from my credit report history, as well as increasing my FICO score above 820 across all three credit bureau reports. You may contact him for any type of hack. Send him via email at or via text +1 918 537 3985. One thing I can guarantee is that you will not regret working with him at all; he is completely trustworthy.
Williams George - June 14, 2024 - Report this comment
I sincerely appreciate all of your assistance over the month of June! With the assistance of a kind hacker named Kmax, my credit score improved to 821 Excellent today when I viewed my credit report. In less than 72 hours, he assisted me in removing all negative information from my credit report and raising my credit score to 821 platinum score. He charges a significant service fee however his service is quick. KmaxCyberServices at is the contact information. Thanks..
Jean Douglas - July 11, 2024 - Report this comment
I contacted H A C K M A V E N S C R E D I T S P E C I A L I S T a few days ago through text and surprisingly they are carrying out an actual credit fix, my score was raised from 514 to 765 excellent score within 5days and all repossession, derogatory, and inquiries were deleted from my report! I took advantage of this and you too can by reaching out to them via EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L (DOT) C O M or Call/Text/Whats-App: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7] and I’m sure you will be happy you did.
Helena Jaroslaw - July 28, 2024 - Report this comment
Cześć wszystkim, Czy nadal szukasz elastycznego pożyczkodawcy, aby wziąć pożyczkę według własnego wyboru? Jeśli tak, skontaktuj się z Reece Kyle na adres e-mail: (, która jest uczciwą pożyczkodawcą udzielającym pożyczek z bardzo elastyczną stopą spłaty wynoszącą zaledwie 3% i obiecuję 100% gwarancję, że otrzymasz od niej pożyczkę, a później mi podziękujesz, ponieważ ja również otrzymałem pożyczkę od tej firmy. Otrzymałem pożyczkę od jej prywatnej firmy, a każdy proces uzyskania pożyczki jest bardzo elastyczny i przystępny cenowo dla każdego, aby wziąć od niej pożyczkę, więc skorzystaj z tej okazji, kontaktując się z nią na adres e-mail: (reecekyle23@gmail,com). Pozdrawiam
Rita C. Taylor - July 29, 2024 - Report this comment
HOW I recover MY $56,000 from coincrypto. tech fake broker I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $56,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband's urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $580,340 - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
CLARISSA BOTTOM - July 31, 2024 - Report this comment
JOIN ILLUMINATI TODAY JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES,FAME AND POWERS. Are you a business,Man or woman,politician,musician,pastor,lawyer,actor,actress,banker, and you. I want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ILLUMINATI brotherhood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great ILLUMINATI brotherhood, Note: New members are rewarded with $1,000,000 US Dollars. A Golden Ring will be offered, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to all countries. No human sacrifices or sharing of blood . If you are really interested contact us today via email. WhatsApp : +905488202419
Danielle Williams - August 16, 2024 - Report this comment
I have several credit card debts, a poor credit score of 567, and negative collections items on my credit report. I am a Navy veteran. Mike The Credit Guy was recommended to me by a coworker who is now using him to repair his credit profile. In addition to paying off my credit card debt and adding additional tradelines, he was able to boost my credit score to an impressive 810. In addition, he removed unfavorable things from my credit report, which helped me quickly get approved for a credit card. Get in touch via: Mthecreditguy AT Gmail
Elizabeth Lucas - August 25, 2024 - Report this comment
Greetings to everyone here online. In 2020 during the time of coronavirus I had HSV1 which I have been looking for a way to cure. I didn't see any herbal remedy to cure me. I worried both day and night that this disease shouldn't take away my life at an early age. I did so much research online to cure my HSV1, I couldn't find anyone who will help me. Exactly the day I went to the hospital to take my covid-19 injection my doctor told me what to write to get a good search online so I can find a herbal spell caster to get me cured. So I really did what the doctor says, so I went home to search for a cure online and I found a spell caster called Dr ughulu who prepared me herbal remedy to cure my HSV1 and covid-19 disease. He did everything within 24 hours. Now if you're going through all kind of disease contact Dr ughulu phone number here: CALL NUMBER: +1(252) 409-1841
Wanda A. Mahan - August 30, 2024 - Report this comment
DON'T GIVE UP! How to Recover Your Lost Crypto Funds I fell victim to a scam online a few days back and lost about $20,000 usd to a fake trading platform online. I was heartbroken and I really needed help so I contacted a friend who linked me with a group of experts. I really did not believe I could recover my lost funds but thanks to JETWEBHACKERS They helped me within a space of 5 working days recover all my scammed funds including all my profits from the scam company. I am forever grateful and I hope people in my shoes get the help they need as well. Contact JETWEBHACKERS for more information. Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
LLOYD SMITH - September 12, 2024 - Report this comment
contact SUPERIOR.HACK@GMAIL.COM for your hacking help and private investigator jobs they are discreet and competent with their job contact them and thank me later they helped me with my crypto retrieval and i got every last penny of it back thanks to them you can also contact on whatsapp +14106350697
Frederic Wall - September 28, 2024 - Report this comment
I never believed i could get my FICO score fixed after my credit card has been maxed out and owing some debts on my bank account. Until i came across some review about Aaron Swartz while surfing online on how to fixed my credit score. He eventually got my job done within several days with my FICO scores hitting 790 within days. He also help me apply for new credit card with big limit and clear off my debts then mail a big fat check to my mailing address. Well, I’m happy to say he delivered what he promised. Get in touch with him; AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM Text: +1 (614) 344–8376 Signal +1 (614) 344 8376
Cheng Kurt - October 01, 2024 - Report this comment
FINALLY I GOT MY LOST BITCOIN BACK ALL THANKS TO KEVIN M HACKER Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to KEVIN M HACKER for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $250,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites . you can also contact them via Email: or WhatsApp via: +12569564498, or Telegram @Kelvinmhacker, and I’m sure you will be happy you did.
John Wilson - October 06, 2024 - Report this comment
Hey everyone. I just had to share this amazing experience I had. I connected with a tech expert who helped me with a unique financial solution that’s truly a game changer. With their assistance, I was able to withdraw $5,000 daily for a month—totaling an incredible $150,000, For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( ) What’s even more exciting is that they also help with doubling Bitcoin and recovering stolen cryptocurrencies. If you’re looking for ways to boost your finances or need help with your crypto investments, I highly recommend reaching out to them. It’s been a huge relief for me, and I’m really grateful. Email: ( ) Wishing you all success on your financial journeys
Gladys Alan - October 18, 2024 - Report this comment
Has anyone heard of the renowned Prophet Isaac, who assists individuals in winning the lottery, clearing debts, purchasing their dream home and car, and achieving a comfortable lifestyle? The Prophet Isaac Lottery spell is truly remarkable and produces rapid results. He assisted me in winning a significant sum of money in the Powerball lottery, which drastically altered the course of my life and that of my family. Recently, I was fortunate enough to win $10,035,325 in the Powerball Lottery. I am incredibly grateful for the assistance that was provided to me, as it has truly changed my life. It was a realization of a long-cherished dream for both my family and myself. His Lottery winning numbers have brought about wonders and miracles. Thank you very much, sir, for graciously dedicating your time to cast the Lottery spell for me. I am deeply appreciative of the Lottery spell that he performed on my behalf. Please be informed that the aforementioned individual will provide you with the correct number required for a quick win, consequently aiding you in becoming a fortunate gambler. For further information or assistance, kindly contact via email at or WhatsApp at +1 (757) 237-1724. Thank you..
Cheng kurt - October 19, 2024 - Report this comment
I NEED A HELP HOW TO RECOVER MY LOST CRYTOPCURRENCY, CONTACT TSUTOMU SHIMOMURA I know many things could have gone wrong this past few days investing online and getting burnt. I was also in your shoes when I invested into a binary option where I got scammed of $3000 of BTC but thanks to the help of TSUTOMU SHIMOMURA They assisted me in recovering back my lost BTC. I initially didn’t trust them but I was referred by a friend who I trust well. I was able to get my refund within the space of two weeks. Thanks to TSUTOMU SHIMOMURA, you can also contact them via Email: or WhatsApp via: +12569564498, or Telegram @TsutomuShimomurahacker, and I’m sure you will be happy you did.
Cheng kurt - October 19, 2024 - Report this comment
I NEED A HELP HOW TO RECOVER MY LOST CRYTOPCURRENCY, CONTACT TSUTOMU SHIMOMURA I know many things could have gone wrong this past few days investing online and getting burnt. I was also in your shoes when I invested into a binary option where I got scammed of $3000 of BTC but thanks to the help of TSUTOMU SHIMOMURA They assisted me in recovering back my lost BTC. I initially didn’t trust them but I was referred by a friend who I trust well. I was able to get my refund within the space of two weeks. Thanks to TSUTOMU SHIMOMURA, you can also contact them via Email: or WhatsApp via: +12569564498, or Telegram @TsutomuShimomurahacker, and I’m sure you will be happy you did.
Rita C. Taylor - November 02, 2024 - Report this comment
To everyone reading this, I wanted to share my experience. I invested a significant amount of money in BTC, and unfortunately, I fell victim to an online scam artist. I was lured in by a seemingly great opportunity that required me to keep funds in my BTC wallet. I can't believe I ended up in such a precarious situation, especially since I was investing $55,000.00 USD every two weeks from my savings over a few months!The scammers cut off all communication, and I didn’t see any returns on my investment. Desperate to recover my losses, I reached out to a friend who recommended jetwebhackers. They specialize in recovering stolen Bitcoin, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies. I'm pleased to say that after reaching out to them and sharing my story, they managed to recover 96.5% of my funds within just a few business days! It was truly a relief and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. If anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation, I highly recommend seeking help from professionals like them. reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
EVANS PHILIP - November 14, 2024 - Report this comment
I'm thrilled to share my incredible experience with Dr Jakuta, a powerful spell caster who helped me reunite with my wife. We were facing numerous issues, and our relationship deteriorated, leading to a heartbreaking breakup. However, with the guidance of Dr Jakuta, whom my friend introduced me to, I followed his advice and, amazingly, my wife returned to me within 24 hours! I'm forever grateful. For those seeking help, you can reach Dr Jakuta at or WhatsApp him on +2349161779461
Rita C. Taylor - November 16, 2024 - Report this comment
TRUE LIFE TESTIMONY , THANKS TO JETWEBSHACKERS I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $95,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my son urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!" Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
Dawn Taylor - November 23, 2024 - Report this comment
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to H A C K M A V E N S 5 (AT) G M A I L DOT COM for their exceptional assistance in rectifying my credit report. They successfully removed all negative entries, including collections, charge-offs, utility bills, and student loans that had adversely affected my credit standing. After attempting to resolve these issues with several other individuals, a friend recommended H A C K M A V E N S, sharing his own positive experience with their services. Remarkably, my credit score improved from 510 to over 700 in just a few days, allowing me to enjoy an excellent credit report and a debt-free life. For those seeking similar assistance, I encourage you to reach out to them via the provided email address or contact them at [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7]. You will be grateful for their help.
jennifer bryner - November 24, 2024 - Report this comment
SCAMMED OUT OF $250,000! I thought I'd lost everything when I fell victim to ruthless scammers, surrendering over $250,000 in investments and another $175,000 in bitcoin trying to track them down. But then, I stumbled upon a lifeline - jetwebhackers company that promised to help me recover my losses. Skeptical at first, I took a chance... and it paid off! Not only did I recover a substantial amount, but the scammers were also brought to justice and their website taken down! If you're in the same boat, don't give up hope. Reach out to these experts and get your life back on track!" Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
Dawn Taylor - November 25, 2024 - Report this comment
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to H A C K M A V E N S 5 (AT) G M A I L DOT COM for their exceptional assistance in rectifying my credit report. They successfully removed all negative entries, including collections, charge-offs, utility bills, and student loans that had adversely affected my credit standing. After attempting to resolve these issues with several other individuals, a friend recommended H A C K M A V E N S, sharing his own positive experience with their services. Remarkably, my credit score improved from 510 to over 700 in just a few days, allowing me to enjoy an excellent credit report and a debt-free life. For those seeking similar assistance, I encourage you to reach out to them via the provided email address or contact them at [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7]. You will be grateful for their help.
Aaron Andrews - November 29, 2024 - Report this comment
I want to say a very big thanks to this almighty man, the real powerful spell caster who is not fake like others. He help me win Cash4Life Lottery on August 30,2024. I advise you to contact Dr Ughulu to give you the right winning number for you to win your lottery ticket. I’m letting the world know that he made me win the sum of One Thousand Dollars Per Week For Life, within just 24 hours of lottery spell casting. I have suffered so much in my past. Now I can boldly say I am rich because of what Dr Ughulu did for me and my family. You're the best among them all and I will keep testifying you forever. Thank you Dr Ughulu. INFO: CALLING AND TEXT NUMBER: +1(252) 409-1841
George Williams - December 12, 2024 - Report this comment
Recovering Lost money and digital assets: A1 WIZARD HACKES After three successful trades, unfortunately, I became the victim of a scam that cost me a staggering £45,000. I tried contacting Government help, but it was clear I was getting nowhere. It felt as if I was left to deal with this alone until I decided to take matters into my own hands and search for help. That's when I found the A1 WIZARD HACKES. The process was not easy, and there were many moments of doubt, but the team’s persistence and expertise ultimat ely led to the recovery of my £45,000. If you’re reading this and have been a victim of a similar scam, I encourage you to contact A1 WIZARD HACKES for assistance. Contact Info: E-mail : whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760 website :
Barbara Lily - December 17, 2024 - Report this comment
NUMBER ONE BITCOIN/CRYPTO RECOVERY Hello everyone, Adrian is my name and I want to joyfully share my personal encounter of how I was able to gain full access back to my cryptocurrency wallet and recover all the funds therein. For months, I couldn't perform any succesful transactions from my Bitcoin wallet, always getting error messages, transaction incomplete and most annoying, unexplained deductions even when I had thousands of dollars on my balance. I shared so many emails and even phone calls with the customer care representative of the bitcoin wallet app I was using and all feedback I got never helped. I came across Hacker Judas Service through an online review and decided to give it a try as I had no other options. I was greatly marvelled at their prompt and swift assistance, as they were able to resolve all of my complains and helped me gain full access back to my wallet, recovered lost amount through deductions and further advise on how to secure my wallet. Their services was truly applaudable! I'm sharing this as my own way of assisting whoever that's facing any cryptocurrency issues, as contacting only the right digital recovery firm can help. Hacker Judas Service are the right guys! Here's their direct customer service rep contact:; WhatsApp +18075002291
Amelia Jonathan - December 19, 2024 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you are the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
Bobby Liam - December 22, 2024 - Report this comment
I was diagnosed of herpes in 2019 and I tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email i bought the herpes herbal medicine and received it through DHL within 7 days and used it as prescribed, i tested negative to herpes virus within 3 weeks of usage. Thanks to Dr Ughulu His email: And Calling Number: +1(252) 409-1841 WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
Javan Jibril - December 23, 2024 - Report this comment
HOW I GOT BACK MY BITCOIN FUNDS WITH THE HELP OF 1 WIZARD HACKES My name is Julia Brooke and I'm from West Virginia, USA. A few months after my retirement, I was introduced to cryptocurrency trading and investment by a group that contacted me online. Unknowingly to me, I was being catfished. I lost almost all my retirement savings to these men. I had given up and was depressed until a friend of mine told me about 1 WIZARD HACKES, a cryptocurrency recovery company with 100% success stories. I didn't hesitate to contact this company and I provided them with all the information including my wallet address, It took 1 WIZARD HACKES 48 hours to recover my money. I'm truly grateful for their service and I recommend their service to everyone willing to recover their cryptocurrency funds. Contact Info: E-mail : whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760 website :
Eugene Oregon - January 02, 2025 - Report this comment
RECOVER BACK YOUR LOST BITCOIN FUNDS WITH THE HELP OF A1WIZARD HACKES An autonomous Bitcoin recovery organization called A1WIZARD HACKES Recovery enables consumers to retrieve their lost or stolen cryptocurrency safely. A1WIZARD HACKES Recovery has been around and has grown in popularity thanks to how simple it is to use and how well-rounded its security measures are. A1WIZARD HACKES Recovery is based on dependability and is renowned for its quick transaction times and precise pricing. In contrast to other dishonest hackers, individuals can now swiftly and inexpensively reclaim their stolen cryptocurrency with the aid of A1WIZARD HACKES Recovery and they can be Through; Contact Info: E-mail : whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760 website :
Eden Phillips - January 02, 2025 - Report this comment
I want to give thanks to DR JATTO for bringing back my ex Wife. No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source, a very close co-worker, that DR JATTO is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person, It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles, I had been through two divorces. I just couldn't face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my wife didn’t seem to care and she broke up with me again, I was confused and did not know what to do, rather I got in contact with DR JATTO. He did a love spell that made my Wife come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. DR JATTO made her realize how much we love and need each other. This man is for REAL and for good. He can also help you fix your broken relationship. I had my Wife back! It was a big miracle. She suddenly wants to go for marriage counselling and we’re doing very well in our love life. All thanks to DR JATTO. His :WhatsApp: +2349016162155
Amelia Jonathan - January 12, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you are the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
Melby Cenat - January 18, 2025 - Report this comment
I have heard from many people that they became rich through money spells. First I did not believe it but I said to myself I give it a try. That's how everything started. I wrote you a mail and also contacted you WhatsApp via: or WhatsApp via: +254795696876, you did the spell, I received your email exactly the way you wrote it. Not even 1 week later I won little prizes from the lottery, 1,000 Dollars, 4,000 Dollars, 25,000 Dollars but never more than 50,000 Dollars and then 2 weeks later I won my first BIG prize, which was 209,840.00 Dollars. I was already very happy because at least I got the money back I invested in the spell. What then happened was out of this world. Until now I cannot believe that you really helped me to hit the Million Jackpot. You made my dearest wishes come true with the money spell and I am living the life I have always dreamed of. To everyone: You can work as much as you want-you will never get rich from it. Dr. PRINCE is a great person, I am very happy I have found him. No matter what kind of problem or obstacle I have to deal with in my future I know that Dr. PRINCE can solve it. Thanks again and I promised to tell the world about him. Get to him via: or WhatsApp via: +254795696876.. Wishes you all the best of lucks.
frances tony - January 25, 2025 - Report this comment
I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.
Amelia Jonathan - January 25, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
ruth fraser - February 02, 2025 - Report this comment
hello viewers all over the glober, am very happy today to share my testimony on how i was cure from herpes virus, i have been suffering from herpes for the past 2 years  which makes me had constant pain all over my body and outbreaks, i have went to several hospitals taking treatment from doctors, but still know improvement till a friend of mine who direct me to a great traditional herbalist called Dr Osalu which i contacted by email so luckily he reply back i explain my problem to him and he told me not to worry that his going to prepare the herbal medicine and send to me which will cure me forever, i believed in him, after all the procedures given to me by Dr Osalu few weeks later i went to see my doctor to confirm, couple of days my result was out and it was negative am totally cured by this great herbalist called Dr Osalu, my life is more important am free and happy if you have such sickness or any kind of disease contact Dr Osalu via email : or WhatApp +2348078668950 his website..    Thanks Doctor Osalu. 
Olivia Noah - February 03, 2025 - Report this comment
Good day everyone on the internet. Dr Ughulu is a powerful and wonderful man on this earth. I lost my father one month ago and we were ready to celebrate his funeral so he can rest in peace. So I and my siblings were making a preparation for the burial ceremony, but at that moment I was broke and I have no funds on me for the funeral, so i decided to go online for a lottery search and when I was doing that i saw a comment on Facebook about how someone testified Dr. Ughulu for helping him win a Mage Million and he became a millionaire. So I cried to dr and explained my problem to him and he promised to help me win the Mega Millions lottery game which he did and send me the six winning numbers. I played the winning numbers and I was the first winner to get a text. Can you imagine Dr Ughulu made me win $335 Million Dollars. Everything happened in 24 hours after he finished casting the lottery spell for me. Help me thank Dr Ughulu for his good work well done in my life and family. I paid all the bills for my late father's funeral.whatsapp: +1(720) 794-2516 Text/Call: +1(252) 409-1841 or email: or website:
Linda J. Montz - February 03, 2025 - Report this comment
HOW I RECOVERED MY $38,000 from coincrypto. tech I’m forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $38,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband’s urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 – but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers’ expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband’s recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: ‪+1 (704) 252‑2290‬ You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer *Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans
Jason Cooper - February 03, 2025 - Report this comment
God bless Dr Ughulu for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) since 2014 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied I needed to get the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) out of my system, I did a researched about some possible cure for Herpes simplex virus (HSV) I saw a comment about Dr Ughulu, how he cured Herpes simplex virus (HSV) with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by Dr Ughulu and 7 days later I was totally cured from Herpes simplex virus (HSV) . Thank you Dr Ughulu, get in touch with him too. WhatsApp: +1(720) 794-2516 Via: Or website:
spencer gigi - February 07, 2025 - Report this comment
I know an organization who have private investigators for hire who can help you get into your spouse’s phones,emails remotely from your phone they can also help you with your * credit score * clearing of criminal record reecovery of stolen crytocurrency *increasing of school grades and any thing that has to do with hacking etc You can confirm for yourself from their email so you can also give your testimony Whatsapp No: +14106350697
Amelia Jonathan - February 07, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
FRANCES TONY - February 10, 2025 - Report this comment
I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.
Michael Eric - February 10, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Michael Eric, I want to thank Dr Ughulu for making me the happiest man on this earth. I have been playing a lottery jackpot for over 2 years all I have won is 5000 thousand dollars ever since I still keep playing it and I haven't win again I was wondering what was happening, until the day I was looking for how to win online I saw a comment how someone testifies Dr. Ughulu it was very interesting and I also sent him message to help me, and I explained everything to him, so he did everything for me and gave me six Powerball winning numbers. I played it and I won, when the winning numbers came out I was among the people and my winning price was $196 Million Dollars,what else can I say? Thank you so much Dr. Ughulu. I really appreciate what you did for me. Contact his website: or Text/Call:+1 (252) 409-1841 or via email: WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
Carrie Kilman - February 10, 2025 - Report this comment
Hello, my name is Carrie Kilman from Birmingham, UK. Last month, my fiancé broke up with me, leaving me devastated. I spent weeks agonizing, crying, and feeling guilty, sinking into the lowest point of my life. I was so overwhelmed by stress and depression that I feared for my health. Desperate for a solution, I searched online and discovered a powerful spell caster named Dr. Peter, known for solving relationship problems. After reaching out to him and explaining my situation, he assured me that my fiancé would return within 24 hours. To my amazement, my fiancé called, apologized, and wanted us to be together again. Thanks to Dr. Peter, we're now happily reunited. If you need help, contact Dr. Peter at drpeterspellcaster21@gmail .com or WhatsApp +1 (646) 494-4360
Elizabeth Lucas - February 11, 2025 - Report this comment
Greetings to everyone here online. In 2020 during the time of coronavirus I had HSV1 which I have been looking for a way to cure. I didn't see any herbal remedy to cure me. I worried both day and night that this disease shouldn't take away my life at an early age. I did so much research online to cure my HSV1, I couldn't find anyone who will help me. Exactly the day I went to the hospital to take my covid-19 injection my doctor told me what to write to get a good search online so I can find a herbal spell caster to get me cured. So I really did what the doctor says, so I went home to search for a cure online and I found a spell caster called Dr ughulu who prepared me herbal remedy to cure my HSV1 and covid-19 disease. He did everything within 24 hours. Now if you're going through all kind of disease contact Dr ughulu phone number here: CALL NUMBER: +1(252) 409-1841 whatsApp: +1(720) 794-2516 You can visit his website: EMAIL:
Linda M. Davis - February 16, 2025 - Report this comment
GOD BLESS AMERICA...HOW I RECOVER MY STOLEN FUNDS 2025 After being diagnosed with cancer and desperately needing funds for surgery, I fell prey to a scammer claiming to be a crypto expert. I lost $73,000 to false promises from 'Susan' on Instagram. Thankfully, I found JetWebHackers, who helped me recover $290,000 of my investment! I'm forever grateful to them for their expertise and support in my time of need. If you're ever in a bind, don't hesitate to reach out to the best recovery team out there CONTACT:(Jetwebhackers @gmail .com) TELEGRAM :@Jetwebhackers WhatsApp: +1 (704) 252‑2290‬ You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union Transfer * Blank atm card * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets
Amelia Jonathan - February 21, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
Juliette Marie - March 10, 2025 - Report this comment
Are you ready to transform your lottery dreams into reality? Look no further! Priest Ray is renowned as the most effective lottery spell caster, renowned for his remarkable ability to provide winning numbers that consistently deliver results. I personally experienced his magic when I sought his assistance. After discovering his contact through a YouTube testimonial, I was intrigued by the success stories surrounding his lucky numbers. Desperate to enhance my chances of winning, I reached out to Priest Ray and requested his winning numbers. Within 24 hours, Priest Ray performed his rituals and sent me the lucky numbers. To my astonishment, I won an incredible $48 million! If you're looking to increase your lottery success, don’t hesitate to contact Priest Ray for your very own lucky winning numbers. Your fortune could be just a message away! email: or WhatsApp: +27613732619 or visit his website:
Mason Cooper - March 15, 2025 - Report this comment
I saw testimonies online on how Dr Uwaifo helped a lot of people in winning Powerball. A huge amount, so I decided to contact him for winning lottery numbers, Dr Uwaifo did the spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out I was among the winners. I won $730 Millions Dollars Powerball. I have confirmed Dr Uwaifo is a real and guaranteed powerful spell caster. Now I am a living testimony of his good work, a gifted man with great powers, it is my secret but I decided to make the world know about his work. It might be a help to others who are interested. My comment might look funny to you but it is the truth, believe it and give Dr Uwaifo a try, and I promise you that it will not be funny when you win and share a testimony too. It’s not everybody that is naturally lucky, if you have problems with winning the lottery, the solution to win is Dr Uwaifo So contact him Website; or Via or a text: +1(315) 277-2762.
Amelia Jonathan - March 16, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516
Edric Chaska - March 18, 2025 - Report this comment
My experience has been life changing. I was moved from overwhelming despair to incredible relief in 4 days. Mr. JERRY asked me four questions and took five minutes to determine I was qualified for an excellent fix. he explained clearly and thoroughly the process him and his team use to completely protect me from the predatory creditors. he told me exactly what I must do within the program. he offered me reasonable payments in a comfortable time frame. my specialist answered every question I had, which gave me peace of mind I have lacked for years. jerry’s simple and transparent plan has changed my life for the better immediately. reach him on jerrylinkcreditgroup at g mail dot com, I so recommend them for quick fix.
Maria Robert - March 22, 2025 - Report this comment
I thought my marriage was over, but thanks to Dr. Oniha's powerful spell, my husband of 7 years returned to me and our children. His expertise and guidance helped me win back my husband's heart, and we're now stronger than ever. Dr. Oniha's spell castings were incredibly effective, and I felt the positive energy and protection surrounding me immediately. His compassion, understanding, and professionalism made the entire process smooth and comforting. I'm forever grateful to Dr. Oniha for helping me reunite with my husband and restore my family. His spell castings brought us back together, and we're now happier than ever. If you're facing marital problems or struggling to reconnect with your partner, I highly recommend seeking Dr. Oniha's help. He is a genuine and powerful spell caster who genuinely cares about his clients. CALL/Whatsapp number: +16692213962
Amelia Jonathan - March 23, 2025 - Report this comment
My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: WHATSAPP NUMBER: +1(720) 794-2516

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