Toys of the Eighties, Radio Control Cars
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Always around, suddenly they were wicked cheap and everywhere.
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The following are comments left about Radio Control Cars from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Always on the list - August 30, 2008 - Report this comment
Christmas list that is. They usually lasted about 3 days before breaking though. I had a van which was small and a 18"long Bronco like truck that could switch from 2 wheel to 4 wheel drive. It didn't work long but I kept the truck for years because it was so cool and I always thought I might get it running. Hmmm, a kids mind.
amanda-beth - April 07, 2009 - Report this comment
my dad had blue and red pick up truck type ones and we'd race them saturday after noon in church parking lot till i started goin to school then i didnt wanna race them no more i was girl after all anc they lasted till 2003 they then broke cuz they were ran into a tree by my lil bro and sis
robby - April 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember working for a week when i was in 7th grade and when i got my paycheck i remember going to toys r us and buying a radio controlled ferari testarosa and the light s flipped up... Man i played for hours and i used to spend a fortune on batteries... I think Nikko made it around 1988.. Then they had a labroghini also my friend had it i was so freaking jealous.. lol
Me - February 24, 2011 - Report this comment
We could never afford the vehicles that moved all directions. We had to settle for the ones that you had to back up to get it going the other direction.

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