Clothes of the Eighties, Index W

The clothes in this section are not STRICTLY 80s only clothes. We have clothes that were widely available for purchase DURING the 80s. This section was recently redesigned, so if you have any problems please let ChuckyG know.

There are 1100 pages about clothes in this section. Select an index page to see the list of pages available.

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ImgsMsgsToy Name
waffle jumpers
1Watch Guards
watch ring
The Waver look
3Wearing a sweater tied around your neck
Wedding dress/leather jacket
3White Boots
White boots with fringe
29White, braided sailor bracelets
3White Collared-Shirts
14White Jazz Shoes
White shirts with long colored sleeves and iron-ons
1White Shirt with Large Neon-Color Face & Hair
3Wicker Pickers
3Wide belts
Wide whale cords
3Wild Pair High Heel Pumps
15Wimzee's shoes
2Wire Bracelets
Worthy basketball sneakers
3Wrangler or Tough Skins jeans
2Wrap Around Belts
Wrap Arounds
5Wrestling Shoes

There are 1100 pages about clothes in this section. Select an index page to see the list of pages available.

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